View Full Version : Police Station XIII

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2007-05-29, 10:53 PM

The Fourth Empire no longer controls this building. It is currently under the control of the Temporary Police.

The contents of this spoiler describe how things used to work.
Inside the building there are many people at various desks. They all have something in common, a badge. This badge certifies that they are members of a squad developed and devoted to doing just one thing, stopping crime. They are the Town Police.

As you walk into the foyer you can see a large doorway on the right in what you're sure is an outside wall. Looking through it you can see a set of metal stairs leading down to some more cells. A sign above the doorway says Cell Block Extension. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17677) A sign over the front desk reads "Amulets of Trueseeing in Operation. Please leave Lies and Illusions at the door." Behind and to one side of the desk in Captain office.

I will update this as often as I can, but please remember that it may not be current.

The Rules:
If anyone (even a citizen) gets evidence on a crime, and are able to track down the criminal, then they can arrest him. The suspect will be in jail for a period of time according to the crime, after which the criminal will be released back into town. Due to rights for a speedy trial, the criminal will be held at max for 48 hours in the station if we can't settle it in court.
When arresting, one must first ask the criminal to come quietly, and then if they do not they may subdue them, using lethal force at their discretion. Criminals wanted for murder, battery, or assault should expect lethal force to be used against them.

{table="head"]The Crime|The Punishment|Other
Murder|36 hours|No bail, resurrection fine, one week parole and weapon restriction.
Battery|24+ hours|2,000gp bail and healing fine, one week parole and 3 day weapon restriction
Assault|18 hours|1,000gp bail, 3 day parole and weapon restriction
Resisting Arrest|6 hours|no bail, 3 day parole and weapon restriction
Kidnapping|24 hours|2,000gp +(500 * days kidnapped) as fine, week parole.
Poisoning|24 hours|2,000gp, week parole, healing expenses
Torture|48 hours|No bail, 500 to 3,000 fine and week parole
Theft/Robbery|12 to 24 hours|500 bail + gold equal to stolen items
Vandalism|12 hours|Pay for repairs, one day of community service
Forgery|6 hours|500gp
Desecration|6 hours |500gp, one day of community service to temple
Jay walking|No hours|50gp
Disturbing the Peace|6 hours|150gp
Bar Brawls|6 hours|300gp plus paying for your share of the damages
Streaking|6 hours|150gp
Contempt of Court|6 hours|No bail
Trespassing|6 hours|100gp[/table]

Parole and Weapon Restriction
Parole is served simply by being scryed on by the police for the duration of your parole. Weapon restriction is accomplished by wearing a bracelet provided by the OmniShop. This bracelet prevents you from using any aggressive magic or drawing weapons ((Aggressive magic includes harmful or unlawful uses of any magic)) The bracelet also prevents you from attempting to harm or remove the bracelet directly or indirectly. These weapon restricting bracelets are made of adamantine and are unable to be taken off normally by anyone other than a police officer.

Internal Discipline
Officers who are discovered to be neglectful or willfully derelict in their duty will be subject to disciplinary action. Infractions last for 1 month, and on officer who commits two infractions within a month will have his/her badge taken away, his/her powers as an officer revoked, and be asked to leave the force.
To Report A Crime - CHANGES! MAKE NOTE!
Please LINK to the thread where the crime was committed. We play this as real time, so if you enter the building after the crime, all you can do is collect evidence/statements to prove the crime. Anyone may collect evidence and report crimes.

To report a crime, fill out a report in the following manner.
1. Use quote tags to separate the report from the rest of your post.
2. Write out an in-character report, providing links to the appropriate threads. Please post links in "messy" format, rather than "pretty" format.
3. Merely posting that your character fills out a report is not sufficient. If I find that someone has done this without actually taking the time to write up a report, no report will be considered to have been filed, and any criminals you may have brought in will be released by the fairies. Furthermore, repeated failure to properly file a report may result in infractions being given out (see the Internal Discipline section, above).

((To Link,
1. Copy the address line http://www.giantitp (http://www.giantitp/)...
2. Paste in the post
3. Place the [*url*] tag in front and [*/url*] at the end of the address.
4. Remove the * from the tags above.))
The Police Force- Current Officers and Joining the force

Joining the Force
To join the police force, either find the Captain or a Senior Officer of the appropriate department (see below) to swear you in. A police officer will receive weekly pay of 100gp, weapons (of your choice), weapon repair, and riot gear, a desk at the station, and room and board in the station barracks should they want to.
Senior Officers receive pay of 150gp each week, have authority over all normal officers, may deputize citizens and swear in new officers, and handle police station political matters should the captain be off duty.
Captains recieve pay of 200gp each week and have authority over all officers, may deputize citizens and swear in new officers, and handle police station political matters.

The force is divided into two departments, the Patrol and the Wardens.
The Patrol consist of those who are paid for detective work, town patrol duty, and a quick response team to back up citizens in reported fights.
The Wardens are made up of the people who jail and guard criminals, take care of legal and diplomatic matters, and scry on those people serving parole.
Each department has a separate Captain and a Senior Officer.

The badges given to the police act as badges of Trueseeing, and allow the police officer to contact any other badge-wearer with telepathy. They can either be pinned on, or aligned with the body's magnetic field to simply hold onto the wearer.
To be sworn in, you must first pass an alignment test. We accept no officers with Chaotic or Evil alignments. Once this test has been passed, the potential officer must answer the following questions in the affirmative:
Do you swear to uphold the law in this town?

Do you promise to obey the rules of the police as noted on page 1 of the police station thread?

Do you swear to the best of your ability to track and record crimes as well as apprehend and arrest criminals?

Our motto:

Officers of the Force

Warden Officers
{table="head"]Name and Rank|Description|Infractions
Captain Narfang (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=593)|Diversity at the police force just took another step in the right direction.|
Officer Rell (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=16646)|Looking for a second chance.|
Officer Domren (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=8842)|Yes he does have a flaming sword.|
Officer Therun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=20626)|[witty bit pending]|
Officer Morbius (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=22343)|[can't think of anything right now]|[/table]Patrol Officers
{table="head"]Name and Rank|Description|Infractions
Captain Aerin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=11054)|The fiery red head is back.|
Detective Al the Mutt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=12087)|With a nose that knows, he's taking a bite out of crime.|
Officer Silas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=11427)|A mysterious man whose hands turn into weapons. Think he's unarmed? Think again!|2 infractions (04-29-07)
Officer Matt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=1474)|Look out Fus, your nemesis is sworn in and ready for you.|
Officer Shogun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=21599)|Coming Later|
Officer Moon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=20723)|The reason all criminals need protection from arrows.|
Officer Tasha (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=12841)|Laughs in the face of crime.|
Officer Maph'tey (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=19351)|Protecting innocents, upholding the law, and setting people on fire.|
Officer The Pigeon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=19560)|The police's eye in the sky|
Officer Atok (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=22033)|Making arrests as entertaining as possible|
Officer Chazz (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=6522)|He may be blind, but he can still make you see reason|
[/table]Citzen Helpers{table]Chuckles (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=19612)|This P.I. for hire will have you saying,'Who's laughing now?'[/table]Officers who have not posted in the station within a month will be removed from duty unless good reason is given for their absence before or after said absence occurs.

The Station:
Fairies Krista and Feorwyn are about the station to help take statements, open cells to release prisoners after time is served, and make fresh pots of coffee for waiting persons. Please use as you feel necessary. Feorwyn - She is pretty darn surly for a lady. Krista -she just wants to get the work done and is always running around hecticly. They feed you when you are in prision. So shut the shock up.
The station has been enchanted in the same manner as Trog's, so it may not be destroyed.

All cells in the station and the cell block are made of reinforced adamantine and enchanted to block all use of magic and psionics inside them. The cell doors are barred and have force in between them. Also an anit-agression feild is in them. You cannot attack anyone or anything while in the cell. Including yourself. Please don't try.
Whether the officer who jails you posts it or not, it is assumed that the faeries take all your equipment and store it in a security locker. It is also assumed that the door is locked when you are put in. Also you are fed.

Cell 1- Namesake, Darkblade
Cell 2- Kung-fu guy (05/08, 1AM GMT, 2 assault charges = 36 hours)
Cell 3- Currently Empty
Cell 4- Currently Empty
Cell 5: Currently Empty
Cell 6: Currently Empty
Cells 7-60: Currently Empty

Bed 1: Currently Empty
Bed 2: Currently Empty
Bed 3: Currently Empty
Bed 5: Currently Empty

This is for temporary storage of bodies until resurrection or burial can be arranged
Current Occupants - Woman killed by the Geomancer's character

Current Cases
{table]Megaman (assault)|http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2489882&highlight=Megaman#post2489882
Drake Darrow (conspiracy, murder, torture, asault, kidnapping)|No link available
Unknown Ghost (possession, murder)|http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2423031&postcount=491
All KNAVES members (Assaualt murder, blowing up the station)|http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39278 [/table]

2007-05-30, 06:16 AM
(I'd assumed they were fairly distracted.. They flew up to the door. Also, what would you do if you saw acid shooting the wall just ahead of you? Right. Also, can they see the soldiers, because Katriana's a fairly good healer and Rishtak is more than a little reckless.)

2007-05-30, 09:59 AM
(Nah, think the voice was sent up by phones)

Mitharion reachs the couple's position, shouting.

Miss Katriana, mister Rishtak? #1500 here, I believe it would be more than apropriate for you to leave this building now.

(btw, repeating the question. Where are #999 to #996?)

2007-05-30, 11:06 AM
The soldier who shot at the pigeon keeps his weapon leveled at the bird, suspicious of it. "We are the Fourth Empire. We have come to assume our rightful place as the masters of the world. Surrender now or face our might."

The Pigeon un-freezes, and leans his head on one shoulder, completely oblivious of what's happened over the past few days, and having miraculously survived the multiple massive explosions and fight scenes.

Are you Bad? Normally people who shoot at me are bad, but normally people inside that station are not bad.

The damaged hand dangles to one side, just touching the floor.

2007-05-30, 03:25 PM
The soldiers, curious, point these objects out to Hans, who senses the magic about them and picks them up, holding them in his hands and studying them.
Rell is dumped into a cell, and as they are antimagic, the white light trying to heal him dissipates. Hans realizes that the wooden door is fragile and seems to be just a fragile carved trinket with minor teleportation power, while the watch is much more valuable - it is anti-antimagic, or it cancels antimagic in an area that the user chooses.

There's also a seemingly power-dead amulet around Rell's neck. This could be because he's dead, or because he's in an antimagic cell.

2007-05-30, 03:57 PM
(If those are two of the other golems, then they're guarding what I actually bought them to guard.) a.k.a. the copper dragon egg
We came here to help. We enjoy freedom, but these are allies of K.N.A.V.E.S., and we disagree with them on several issues. Such as the death penalty. Which they enforce upon jaywalkers.
I'm just here because Katriana's here, and I don't want to go berserk from boredom in Trog's again.

2007-05-30, 04:54 PM
((Yes, it's the golems, just making sure))

I understand your point of view, but you should consider that, no matter the fact that the grey jury left, the Fourth Empire still outnumbers you, and I'm pretty sure we could come to an agreement.

He nods a bit.

I believe mister Hans must be angered at K.N.A.V.E.S. to, after that incident with the explosion, or at least. He's not wishing any help fron them.

((btw, what's a jaywalker?))

2007-05-30, 06:22 PM
((Jaywalking is crossing the street where there's not a crosswalk. The KNAVES impose the death penalty on any and all lawbreakers, no matter how small the offense.

Bookboy, I'm just confused as to what the acid's going to do given that the Station is indestructible. There are also many, many soldiers around the area, not all of whom are distracted.))

"We are not Bad. We are the rightful masters of the world. We have come to take control of this area. The former occupants of this building refused to submit to our rule. Some of them are dead. Some, we have imprisoned."

Hans takes the magic items and places them in a drawer of the desk in the Chief's Office.

2007-05-30, 06:30 PM
((Note to self: Lay siege to K.N.A.V.E.S.))

2007-05-30, 06:34 PM
((Laying siege to KNAVES will fail. That is one battle you cannot win. Consider the fact that KNAVES has a god among them.))

2007-05-30, 07:03 PM
((consider the fact that I have limitless stocks of overpowered constructs, among with a few abominations [Anaxim] and destroyed the Grey Jury, consider also, that I have no real motive to end [or allow the end of] the Fourth empire, so I can just let theyr ZoC reach you, and make gods useless.

Consider also, the fact that i was joking.))

2007-05-30, 07:10 PM
((Yeah, I thought you were joking. And the castle flies now, anyway, so it would just turn into us not being able to land and staying up there until you went away. Very sad, sad stalemate.))

2007-05-30, 07:28 PM
((Not really, I have colossus and Flying Artillery Golems, not to count the forementioned Anaxim [four, plus my Second in command].

My castle can't fly and isen't uterly indestructible, but it restores itself fastly, and the defense measures are to be relevated [Anihilation Blasters].

But, I'm just another evil guy arround, not really a defender of justice and goody goodyness, I would even set up a gate for you, sell some golems at discount, that sort of thing.))

Renegade Paladin
2007-05-31, 02:09 AM
((Laying siege to KNAVES will fail. That is one battle you cannot win. Consider the fact that KNAVES has a god among them.))
[ That doesn't matter in the slightest, not in this town.]

2007-05-31, 11:16 AM
If you are not Bad, can I help? I want to help people, and stop Bad Stuff...

2007-05-31, 05:25 PM
Observing that the bird is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, the soldier lowers his shotgun and approaches.

"Hmm. I apologize now for shooting at you. We can see about you joining us... in the meantime, would you like treatment for that wound?"

In his office, Hans begins forming a ward against teleporting into or out of the Station.

The Geomancer
2007-05-31, 08:25 PM
((I'm fairly certain that an assault on KNAVES would fail as well. Sure Gods don't count for much, but what about an army of soldiers who are so fanatical that they would kill themselves at a word from their commander. And the part of KNAVES that isn't Czar will be there too. *Hint:That was a joke*))

2007-05-31, 08:41 PM
(J Muller, what would you do if you saw acid flying into the wall right in front of you, coming from an unknown source?)
We have no intention of leaving.

2007-05-31, 09:12 PM
((The Battle with K.N.A.V.E.S. is up to necropaladin now, it would sure be fun, I just hope i'm not forced to bring the big weapons too soon.

And, ya, you have soldiers who are willing to die for your cause, mines are willing to kill and don't really care to die, since most of then aren't really alive))

Miss Katriana, mister Rishtak, please folow me, you stand no real chance. Being a martyr is a honorable thing, but not when it comes out of folish acts. It is not the time for you to defy the Fourth Empire.

The golem nods a bit.

As a proof, look at this. Mitharion grabs a small piece of metal that is stuck at his... skin? whatever it is. This bullet was strong enought to pierce my outer shell, it could do serious damage to your flesh composed bodyes.

Not to consider the fact that you are outnumbered, and that they know of your trick.

2007-05-31, 10:05 PM
((So, wait, are they invisible?:smallconfused: ))

2007-05-31, 10:11 PM
((The big weapons? You think KNAVES doesn't have big weapons? FOOL! BOW BEFORE THE 40FT DIAMON CANNON OF DOOM! And for once I might actually be the one in control of it...

And KNAVES has:
Shadow troops
The Jury (Creations...lots and lots of creations)
And a group of constantly respawning skeleton troops.
And NINJAS a special branch of the shadow soldiers. *Gives mega-deluxe super awesome evil grin.*))

2007-05-31, 10:40 PM
(The Big weapons:

Four Anaxim, and not the random ones in the Epic Velvel Handbook, these fellas got progression.

Colossus, I wont bother to count them.

Maxinus, a maxed out Anaxim.

Umbral Blots, you know, touch and begone.

Some homebrewed constructs that no random NPC can destroy, made of liquid metal, I love, to homebrew constructs, I was working on a set of rules for improvements, will post it when my pc comes back.

Artillery Golems, I give the order for then to stomp, and it will probably turn into a earthquake.

The Nullblaster defensive/offensive artillery, you know,they hit and you are beyond god's help.

The castle, it actually BITES, among other things.

The nearby forest, I'm a freaking druid man. (k, thats not a big weapon)

The Cloak of many planes, the original name was the Cloak of Infinite Planes, let's call in some dudes that wouldn't like evil organizations, like Solars.

The Epic Spellcasting. Do I have to draw?

I'm not listing the rest. I have a pet shop filled with god doesn't know what.

And I know (ooc, of course) the structure of K.N.A.V.E.S.

So lat's see...

Fanatics, just kill em, pretty sure they can't even surpass my DRs =P
Shadow troops, probably just kill em to.
The Jury, ANIHILATE em.
Devils, to the nine hells with them (Banish)
Respawning Skeletons, bleh anything that revives so much can't really be that strong.
NINJAS, ... These may be a problem, but hey, would you fight inside your enemy? With the walls attacking, the floor trying to eat you and the ceiling trying to smash you?
PCs, these are the problem.

Ok Gnrlshrimp, let's stop with the armamentist run because it's silly. I am with Necro, it will be a permanent stalemate.))

2007-05-31, 10:45 PM
((You want big cannons? The FE have something codenamed the "Dora." And that's all I'll reveal about it at this time.))

2007-05-31, 10:47 PM
Silas wonders if Rell noticed he tried forcing him to drink healing potions.

2007-05-31, 10:50 PM
((Oh yeah, that's right. Silas is still here...))

2007-05-31, 10:54 PM
((Yeah, which is why it would actually be fun to have a war between the two forces and I doubt it would be a stalemate since I didn't even bother to include any of the PCs in that list. But yeah, lets stop the madness...Even if it is fun.))

2007-05-31, 11:45 PM
Idis and Rafael appear in the station.
Unfortunately, she lacks the scrying capabilities of Aesa, and therefore had no idea that it was in the hands of a crazy military group.
Uh... huh...

2007-05-31, 11:46 PM
And there's that other problem of not having Rafael...

2007-05-31, 11:48 PM
Idis suddenly wonders why she came, and realizes it is because she assumed something went the way it went.
Darn reality, deciding you are wrong.
She decides to explore anyways, poking around the inside of the police station, then hits some dead time.

2007-05-31, 11:54 PM
Some soldiers see Idris poking around inside, make a mental note to have the guards at the front door written up for incompetence, and approach her.

"Excuse me. What are you doing here?" One of them asks.

2007-06-01, 12:13 AM
Well, I was going to have someone arrested, but then I noticed that the police were in cells.

2007-06-01, 12:18 AM
Silas gives up on Rell until something can actually be said and sits at his desk.

2007-06-01, 06:08 AM
((So, wait, are they invisible?:smallconfused: ))

(This is to startle guys around the corner that wouldn't be able to see them yet! Unless the walls are transparent?)

2007-06-01, 03:53 PM
Silas wonders if Rell noticed he tried forcing him to drink healing potions.
((I did notice, and I responded in the old thread: Rell is dead, and healing potions have no effect. Now he's in an anitmagic cell, and no longer magically healing, and potions will still have no effect.

Bookboy, J Muller said that there are cameras in use. The soldiers know who's on the other side of the wall, assuming they can all communicate somehow.))

2007-06-01, 04:29 PM
An old woman walks into the station. Is this the bakery?

2007-06-01, 05:34 PM
((So, are they spraying acid at the wall across from them then? Sorry, I thought they just walked in, walked up to a wall and started to spray acid at it for no apparent reason.))

One of the soldiers responds to the old woman in an annoyed tone. "No, it is not. If you require directions, I suggest you ask the guards outside." They could actually be doing something useful, then... He thinks.

2007-06-01, 08:36 PM
Silas' player points out that, thanks to forum's cookies doing whatever it is their doing, he no longer is easily able to read up on what was missed during days of his absence. He sits at his desk and plots his next move.

The Geomancer
2007-06-01, 08:43 PM
((Hint: The whole place has been captured and is hostile to cops. Sitting at is desk isn't the most inconspicuous place to be. Unless he managed to convince passing Fourth Empire members that they have entered a time portal to before the police station was captured. That'd be awesome.))

2007-06-03, 09:31 PM
((I did notice, and I responded in the old thread: Rell is dead, and healing potions have no effect. Now he's in an anitmagic cell, and no longer magically healing, and potions will still have no effect.

((Didn't Rell cancel out all the antimagic feilds in the station?))

2007-06-03, 10:04 PM
((No, he has an item that would, but it's not active and it's not in the cell.))

The soldiers essentially ignore Silas.

2007-06-05, 12:19 PM
((Didn't Rell cancel out all the antimagic feilds in the station?))
((Right, he did get that little trinket from Gent, but unfortunately his watch was stolen by Hans. So Rell's just gonna sit in his cell, dead and waiting. :smallfrown: ))

2007-06-05, 08:28 PM
((Yeah, sorry, I'll get things sorted out soon.))

Finally, one of the soldiers decides to take notice of Silas. Unfortunately, the soldier in question does not recognize him.

"Excuse me, sir, but this area is under martial law. Would you please leave the premises?"

2007-06-05, 08:33 PM
Morbius dissapears from his cell with a lightning crack.


((He's been in there a loooooong time.))

2007-06-05, 10:37 PM
Morbius dissapears from his cell with a lightning crack.


((He's been in there a loooooong time.))


Also, my apologies for the long imprisonment.))

2007-06-06, 06:06 AM
((Yeah, sorry, I'll get things sorted out soon.))

Finally, one of the soldiers decides to take notice of Silas. Unfortunately, the soldier in question does not recognize him.

"Excuse me, sir, but this area is under martial law. Would you please leave the premises?"

Silas rolls his eyes. "I'm not going through this crap again. No."

2007-06-06, 08:27 PM
At this point, one of the soldiers in the Station recognizes Silas. Immediately swapping out the clip in his assault rifle with a specialized one, he sounds the alarm. The FE soldiers quickly attempt to surround Silas, weapons ready.

2007-06-07, 10:57 AM
Observing that the bird is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, the soldier lowers his shotgun and approaches.

"Hmm. I apologize now for shooting at you. We can see about you joining us... in the meantime, would you like treatment for that wound?"

The Pigeon, not realising that he isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, hops lopsidedly towards the soldier.

Umm... yes thank you. My wing is being hurt a bit, but I don't know what's broken wrong with this hand...

His damaged hand twitches slightly.

2007-06-07, 07:04 PM
The soldier slings his shotgun behind his back. "Yes, sorry about that. It doesn't look too serious, though. We have a medical station set up nearby the entrance to the Station. I'll see if I can't arrange for someone there to take a look at you. They won't have veterinary training, but the head medic there can use healing magic. Perhaps he could help you?"

2007-06-07, 10:23 PM
"You're kidding me. Right?"

2007-06-07, 10:46 PM
A bloodied Drow runs into the building, sccreaming "HEELP! They're trying to kill me!" He looks around for anyone who might be useful, if only for a shield.

2007-06-07, 10:52 PM
7 thugs follow her in, followed by a man with a bow. The bow vanishes, and the man grabs Raril.
We have to get out of here. Everyone here will try to kill us both if I help you.

2007-06-07, 10:54 PM
Alerted to the issue, Hans steps out of his office.

"No, we are not. You are quite lucky that I do not simply kill you now."

Some soldiers near the door respond to the Drow.

"Calm down. Who is chasing you? Are they nearby? Did this happen within our zone of control?"


Some soldiers near the door raise their guns at the newcomers.

"Halt! Do not move or we will shoot."

2007-06-07, 10:56 PM
(Actually, Shadowbow is at attack on sight with you guys for mass assault on the ZoC.)

2007-06-07, 10:56 PM
Silas yawns. "I've heard this one before. Bored me then, too."

2007-06-07, 10:56 PM
Raril draws a pair of icy shortswords and attacks anyone who moves against them. "Fine, this is your town, lead the way"

(guys with guns? then he definately does NOT draw a weapon)

2007-06-07, 10:59 PM
((Ah, that's that one? Anyway, they're demanding that they freeze. If they don't, well, then they shoot.

EDIT: Artemis--the old Town Police were recently attacked and thrown out of the Station by some Space Nazis, the Fourth Empire. They are now in control of the Station and an area a mile around it, and have imposed martial law for the time being. The guys with guns are FE soldiers.))

Hans shrugs. "I see your attitude has not changed. Not at all surprising, to be frank."

Making a hand motion and speaking in the ancient Germanic language he uses for his spells, he attempts to encase Silas in ice. Very cold ice. Liquid nitrogen cold ice.

2007-06-07, 10:59 PM
Shadowbow leads them as far away as possible, using several movement related ranger spells to help.

(Back to the Streets, if the guards don't catch us.)

2007-06-07, 11:01 PM
Raril follows Shadowbow as quickly as possible.

2007-06-07, 11:01 PM
Since they moved, the soldiers open fire, shooting at the thugs first. The spells help them get away quickly, but outside more soldiers begin to fire.

2007-06-07, 11:02 PM
Luckily, the spells have them moving at around 20mph.

2007-06-07, 11:06 PM
Despite the flying bullets and the soldiers chasing him, Raril still manages to grin and shout "Whoohoo!" as they speed down the street.

2007-06-07, 11:08 PM
The soldiers can only watch and fire ineffectively as the group speeds away like Olympic sprinters.

2007-06-07, 11:09 PM
They used a LOT of movement spells.

2007-06-07, 11:24 PM
((Movement Spells don't stack))

2007-06-07, 11:31 PM
((Movement Spells don't stack))

((Shh. It's the Town, not the Arena.))

2007-06-08, 10:15 AM
The Pigeon hops after the soldier, but turns around when he hears the gunshots.

Why are they shooting at towards those people?

2007-06-08, 09:31 PM
"They are enemies of ours. The man with the bow has killed our soldiers in the past."

2007-06-08, 10:27 PM
The Necromancer sneaks into the Police station and starts looking around for valuables, as well as anything of value anywhere else in the ZoC.

((Is there anything here and is he detected?))

2007-06-08, 10:29 PM
An invisible Drow follows the necromancer, and joins in the search, doing his best to stay undetected.

2007-06-08, 10:31 PM
Rishtak and Katriana awaken from dead time, round a corner and see Osnagard. Rishtak speaks up.
Are you with or against the Fourth Empire?

(For looks, their the second and third sigatars. Artemis is the first.)

2007-06-08, 10:31 PM
((erm... now I guess we have to wait untill J tells us if we've found anything or been found))

The necromancer moves over to what looks to be a safe.
Wincing as he's seen, he turns to them "Are you?"

2007-06-08, 10:33 PM
We're against them. I saw Shadowbow here a while ago. Did he get out safely?

2007-06-08, 10:34 PM
Raril throws his voice to some point above Rishtak and Katriana's heads, saying. "Yeah, he got out."

2007-06-08, 10:36 PM
"This one does not know 'Shadowbow', where do the keep the gold?", Osnagard draws his dagger secretly... just in case.

2007-06-08, 10:39 PM
Good, I was afraid he might not have made it, since powerful people lose much strength here. My name is Katriana.
I'm Riahtak, and if your friend wouldn't mind showing himself, I'd be very glad. Otherwise, I'll find him.
Rishtak prepares to cast Dispell Magic.

2007-06-08, 10:42 PM
A rather annoyed looking Drow appears standing next to Osnagard. "Well that wasn't very polite."

((gah, you only prepared the spell))

"I'd prefer not to be seen in such a dangerous place, If you don't mind." His voice now comess from where he's actually standing, next to Osnagard.

2007-06-08, 10:43 PM
Very well, have it your way.
Any problems with that safe?

2007-06-08, 10:47 PM
((Gah. Didn't notice this what with the massive attack on the ZoC...))

While most of the soldiers, as well as Hans, are occupied with the deadtimed Silas, some see the intruders when they enter, though they do not spot the invisible Drow.

"Halt! Identify yourselves."

2007-06-08, 10:48 PM
Two spirits close around Osnagard and Raril, acting as sheilds against magic.
"So what do you want?", Osnagard finally asks.

A third spirit enters teh safe and opens the lock mechanism from within the door.

"None at all"

2007-06-08, 10:52 PM
Raril, the invisible Drow, throws his voice behind the soldiers, changing the pitch slightly to imitate quite a few different people.

Hey, don't worry about them!

Yeah we're going for your power supply

And your armory!

And we're going to free all the prisoners!

The voices seem to move farther down the hallways behind them.

2007-06-08, 10:52 PM
(Who's he asking? Incase you didn't notice, were kind of about to come under attack!)
Katriana takes a deep breath, while Riahtak speaks with the guards, as well as gets within ten feet of them.
You see, we're lost. And your screwed.
At that moment, Katriana breathes out, and out comes a stream of acid, fired straight at a guard. Rishtak speaks three words, and his chain erupts with elemental activity as he strikes at the nearest three guards.

2007-06-08, 10:53 PM
((Beautiful touch))

2007-06-08, 10:54 PM
((There is no safe. They don't keep gold here.))

Several soldiers fall to the attack, but a few more begin to return fire with their assault rifles.

2007-06-08, 10:56 PM
Rishtak attempts to disarm the guards through causing they're arms a lot of pain. Katriana starts running up walls (literally) and firing arrows, with more acid once every 6-24 seconds.

2007-06-08, 10:57 PM
((Any valuables whatsoever... anywhere in the ZoC?))

"Screw this", Osnagard puts the dagger away and pulls out his Bastard sword and Tower sheild, then slams one soldier with the sheild whilst slashing at another with the sword.

2007-06-08, 10:58 PM
Raril falls to the floor and throws his voice behind the guards again, this time it's deep and powerful sounding

You Really Shouldn't worry about those weaklings!

2007-06-08, 11:06 PM
((They don't keep their valuables there... try the secret moon base, if you're suicidal enough.))

More soldiers start to fall, some distracted by the voices. However, reinforcements arrive from elsewhere in the Station, firing on the group with their assault rifles.

2007-06-08, 11:09 PM
((This isn't suicidal already?))

The horrible voice echoes through the room

Are you afraid of the dark? MWAHAHAHA!

Raril then fills the room with darkness.

2007-06-08, 11:10 PM
Hans detaches his attention from the deadtimed Silas long enough to attempt to magically dispell the darkness.

2007-06-08, 11:11 PM
Suddenly red veins appear underneith the fireing guards.. they enter under the skin and suck the fluids for the guards bodies... the blood golem that just entered the fray grows larger as the guards wither and die.

Across the room a fire golem sends out a wave of fire, trying to burn the guards nearest to it

In the middle is Osnagard laughing maniacally, trying to decide if this is fun, or if he's disapointed that there is no loot.

2007-06-08, 11:15 PM
A Drow appears laying on the floor, his invisibility dispelled."Who turned on the lights?"

2007-06-08, 11:28 PM
(Just how many soldiers do you guys have?!?!)

Katriana pulls Raril up onto the ceiling with her. Raril should have no problem standing completely upside-down. Rishtak continues doing what he was, as does Katriana.

2007-06-08, 11:30 PM
((Lots. Rule 1 of disposable, low-quality NPCs: "There's always more where those came from."))

The soldiers continue to ((*cough*)) fire at the group, several of them dying due to various attacks.

2007-06-08, 11:31 PM
"Thanks, friend." Raril adjusts himself to his new perspective, then draws his heavy crossbow and starts taking out soldiers one by one.

2007-06-08, 11:34 PM
(If we don't mention the attacks, it's because low-level people have a habit of missing.)
Katriana takes a hit, but simply heals herself. Rishtak is hit three times, but his glee of combat allows him to ignore it.

2007-06-08, 11:35 PM
deciding that he's had enough of this Osnagard takes out the largest of his seven bells. This bell has the power to rip the soul out of anyone who hears it. With a single ring the various insects fall to their doom, a second and small animals grow cold and stiff, a third and the young and the elderly begin to fall victim.

Osnagard rings the bell enough times so that the gaurds *should* all be killed, be the PC's (who are much stronger) *should* be merely in pain at each ring.

((If this doesn't work I'm pulling out, it's nearly 2 am for me))

Edit: ((I agree watch any science fiction movie, the nameless weak guards couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, not untill someone declairs they love someoneelse, then that person is shot to ribbons))

2007-06-08, 11:39 PM
Realizing he's taking more damage than he's giving, Raril puts away the crossbow and draws a pair of wicked looking daggers. He drops down from the ceiling, doing a flashy little flip to right himself, and starts attacking the soldiers who are attacking the others. Every soldier he stabs in the back grows oddly pale as they die, while Raril's wounds heal more with every hit.

2007-06-08, 11:40 PM
(Everyone, please read the ZoC thread. I thnk I've outdone myself now.)

2007-06-08, 11:41 PM
(( I did, and you have, very nice))

2007-06-08, 11:42 PM
Mitharion, or #1500 gets out of dead time and go after the couple.

I just hope I am not forced to use of force in order to get them out of here... The Fourth Empire has to many soldiers for mere humans to take on.

(Attention. Big, pissed of CR 40 construct heading your way.

About your edit Osnagard, true, and lol)

2007-06-08, 11:42 PM
((Yes, Bravo *applauds*))

2007-06-08, 11:49 PM
((Well, yes, the basic FE soldiers do have a bit of a stormtrooper effect going on, but it's still polite to mention that they miss.))

Most of the soldiers in the room die, and Hans is struck by the pain. He shrugs it off, however, and decides to concentrate his attention on the group now. He fires bolts of magical energy towards them from his left hand, drawing his longsword with his right.

2007-06-08, 11:49 PM
Raril stops cutting through the soldiers long enough to shout to Osnagard. "Hey! I thought we were going to steal something? I mean, I don't mind stabbing a poor shmoe in the back, but usually there's a greater purpose behind it."

2007-06-08, 11:54 PM
"Doesn't seem to be anything here... except teh armour and weapons from the bodies." As soon as that light bulb clicked the Spirits begin gathering and transporting said goods away.

Both golems move to face Hans. The fire golem going for the more direct "punch him" approach, while the blood golem, which has shaped both hands into battle axes, goes for a different "cut him" approach.

"If we want out, now's probably the last chance."

2007-06-08, 11:57 PM
Hans faces both the golems, taking a step back and attempting to magically freeze the fire golem while he tries to parry the blood golem's slashes with his magical longsword.

2007-06-08, 11:58 PM
"That's just what I was thinking." He casts invisibility and dissappears.

2007-06-09, 12:01 AM
Mitharion follows the noise, he activates a 50 feet radius Antimagic Field centered on him as he aproaches, in order to negate hostilities.

Why people can't just hear what I have to say...

2007-06-09, 12:02 AM
The spirits stop what they are doing and create a vortex through which Osnagard leaps (if he's not held back for some reason) The Blood golem's axe connects with Hans' longsword as it too jumps backwards through the portal The fire golem, upon being hit with the freeze severs it's own hand to prevent the rest of it;s body from freezing. The had promply reforms as it also retreats through the protal. The void remains open long enough for Raril to follow ((if you want to)) then closes with a deafining *Crack*

2007-06-09, 12:06 AM
((you know what? I think I'll stick around, curiosity is getting the better of me:smallbiggrin:)

The Drow reappears at the antimagic field washes over him. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He throws his hands in the air in frustration.

2007-06-09, 12:11 AM
Hans turns to the Drow, his longsword at the ready.

"Greetings. I suggest you surrender now, before I decide to kill you."

2007-06-09, 12:12 AM
Mitharion reaches the battlefield, his antimagic field nulifing any spells and supernatural habilities arround (Unless people have a certain FR feat that is freaking broken). He stomps the ground, making the floor quake a bit, and beggins.

My duty now is to end these hostilities. I will make use of force if needed, and be sure this field does NOT negate my own skills.

He protudes one of his nullblades again showing it to the group as a warning.

2007-06-09, 12:16 AM
Raril shrugs and sheathes his daggers. "You know, that doesn't sound unreasonable."

2007-06-09, 12:21 AM
Hans lowers his longsword, too busy to go against the golem at this point.

"These constant attacks are beginning to try my patience. I suggest that in order to avoid situations like this in the future, you stay away from this area, or at the very least make no further attacks on my troops." He says to Raril.

2007-06-09, 12:26 AM
"Not a problem, I wasn't even planning to attack them originally. Nah, I was going to rob you all blind, for shooting at me earlier, but there's nothing here worth stealing." He narrows his eyes at Hans. "In fact, if you hadn't dispelled my invisibility, I wouldn't have attacked anyone."

2007-06-09, 12:28 AM
((It's not dispelled just supressed, it's an antimagic field, you get out of it's range and the invisibility is back))

2007-06-09, 12:34 AM
(oh? That's good to know, but Hans dispelled magic earlier, taking out his original invisibility)

Raril grins at Hans "Let's try not to attack each other in the future. Then tips his hat and (if no one stops him) walks out of the building, his invisibility restoring when he steps out of the antimagic field.

2007-06-09, 06:16 AM
The Pigeon leans his head to one side.

Why did he want to be killing you?

The Pigeon is slighty confused as to why anyone would want to kill these 'good' guys.

2007-06-09, 09:22 AM
Rishtak strikes out against Hans, while Katriana falls to the floor, still firing arrows.

(Falls to the floor: From the ceiling)

2007-06-09, 01:27 PM
Katriana's arrows strike Hans but simply lodge in his armor without dealing significant damage. He narrowly dodges Rishtak's blow, the ((chain-thingy?)) whistling past him.

He raises his left hand, attempting to magically disarm Rishtak by calling his weapon to him.

The soldier responds to the pigeon. "We're not quite sure. He may be attempting to resist our claims to this land."

2007-06-09, 01:38 PM
(Yeah, it's a chain. And the magic won't work. Locked gauntlets.)

Rishtak laughs as he speaks another word and strikes again. Katriana fires another blast of acid at Hans.

(The spell Rishtak is channeling is shocking grasp. The fire, ice, and electricity from before are still there, because they're part of the chain's magic.)

2007-06-09, 01:56 PM
The acid hits Hans' armor, the magic breastplate resisting its attempts to harm him.

This time Hans reaches out a hand when Rishtak strikes. Attempting to grab the chain with his arm and yank Rishtak towards him, he lunges forward, the point of his sword aiming for Rishtak's chest.

2007-06-09, 01:58 PM
(The chain is spiked and flowing with electricity...)

2007-06-09, 03:37 PM
((Yes, well, that's what medics are for. He can take the pain.))

2007-06-09, 03:41 PM
Hans' sword bounces off Rishtak's armor, but cuts his arm. being only a small cut, Rishtak swings again. Katriana attempts to buffet Hans' with her wings, jumping behind him and flapping hard.

2007-06-09, 04:00 PM
Blown forwards, Hans struggles to maintain his footing. As a result, he is hit by Rishtak's swing, the weapon impacting his side but not penetrating his armor. The magical effects on the weapon are stopped by his armor as well. He raises his bleeding left arm and fires a bolt of magical energy at Rishtak.

2007-06-09, 04:17 PM
(What about the chain's inherent fire and ice? It's a flaming, cold, and shocking spiked chain. The shocking grasp was purely to make it hurt more:smallsmile:. Also, for the first page on when the Police parts are restored, you might want to add "or when the Fourth Empire is defeated." That will probably happen first.)

Rishtak reels back from the magic, while Katriana, still flapping, pulls out a morningstar and attempts to hit Hans' in the back.

2007-06-09, 04:21 PM
((Ah, right. I'll go edit that one...))

Hans is hit by the morningstar, but his powerful armor means he doesn't take much damage from it.

He steps away from the two, casting bolts of magical energy at both of them this time.

2007-06-09, 04:26 PM
Katriana sheilds them with her wings, and shoots another blast of acid. Then she puts her hand on Rishtak's head and he springs up, charging Hans.

(Just how tough is this guy! Also, note that this acid is the same kind shot by copper dragons.)

2007-06-09, 04:45 PM
((~ECL 18. He's the field commander of the FE as well as their best magic-user. He could go up against Zykon in a fight and... well, he'd lose by a bit, but he'd put up a tough fight. And that's without the plot armor provided to Zykon's opponents.

Though, wait--how old of a copper dragon?))

The acid hits Hans' faceplate this time, but his magic resistance combined with the faceplate means that his eyes only water.

Hans sticks out his sword, aiming to wrap Rishtak's weapon around it.

((Deadtime, sorry.))

2007-06-09, 04:50 PM
Rishtak utilizes Hans' mistake, and attempts to disarm him. Katriana keeps shooting acid.

(I'm not sure on the age. Whatever age deals9d6, but she legal here. It's a Dragon Shaman class ability for level 18, and she's 19. As is Rishtak, with 10 Duskblade and 9 Fighter.)

2007-06-09, 10:24 PM
Mitharion undeadtimes, so his Antimagic is active again, what menas that nothing magical or supernatural works (That includes magic weapons, dragon breath, magic, spell-like habilities and anything that isent resumed to hack&slash&bash).

Great. As alwais no one listen to me. If that's the case i will make you listen!

The golem lets loose a terrible screech, similar to a Wail of the Banshee but designed to stun, not to kill.

(and yes, the field dows not affect his magi and supernatural powers, blame the colossus for this habilitie)

2007-06-09, 11:21 PM
Osnagard sneaks up to the police station and waits outside.

2007-06-09, 11:24 PM
((I cast an invisibility spell on you in the street thread))

Raril follows, invisible, and whispers to Osnagard. "I'm thinking bright pink, perhaps with little purple flowers?"

2007-06-09, 11:26 PM
Rishtak keeps smacking Hans, and Katriana keeps shooting acid.

(Supernatural abilities aren't effected by antimagic fields, sucker! Unless this things presence can stop a dragon from using it's breath weapon, it can't stop Katriana.)

2007-06-09, 11:28 PM
Osnagard motions with his wand and the entire police station turns a very viberant shade of pink, with small purple flowers and lime green stars.

2007-06-09, 11:29 PM
(Antimagic golem is within the area!)

2007-06-09, 11:30 PM
((50' radius, how big is the police station))

The spell doesn't affect an area around the golem 50' in radius

2007-06-09, 11:32 PM
(He never gave a radius...)

2007-06-09, 11:33 PM
Mitharion follows the noise, he activates a 50 feet radius Antimagic Field centered on him as he aproaches, in order to negate hostilities.

Why people can't just hear what I have to say...

((yup, he did :D ))

2007-06-09, 11:34 PM
((50 feet isn't very far, it shouldn't stretch outside the building.))

Raril mumbles a few arcane words and presses his hand against the side of the building, painting it bright pink with tiny pastel purple flowers. The flowers form a pattern, spelling out Raril Was Here

2007-06-09, 11:40 PM
((not unless it's only one room wide :D, but I meant that the whole floor interior walls, roof, everything turns purple except a 50' radius circle around the antimagic.))

2007-06-09, 11:43 PM
((I doubt the spell would stretch to the inside, we've just given the place a new coat of paint.))

Raril looks up at his handiwork. "That should teach them not to shoot at people"

2007-06-09, 11:45 PM
"Well now This One thinks It should finnish what was started." Osnagard begins to walk into the police station's front door but sudden slams up against some very hard deadtime.

((night all))

2007-06-09, 11:49 PM

Raril takes another look at the building and decides the flowery writing needs to be bigger.

Raril Was Here

He then walks off to Trog's Tavern for a celebratory drink.

2007-06-10, 01:07 AM
((You people should read more.


See, supernatural habilites are supressed to, and dragon breath is supernatural, so. At least inside that field we don't have to wonder how it must be for Rishtak to kiss a girl with acidic saliva. And I am waiting for your "save or no save", in rules you should be dealing with a Will DC 30 at least, ya, I know rules are only in the arena, but I'm kind of a rule adict))

2007-06-10, 09:03 AM
The Pigeon somehow manages a shrug, and follows the soldier to the healing place.

2007-06-10, 12:06 PM
(It's a class ability, not a racial. She controls it. Believe me, I'm still ticked that Dragon Shamans can't become Dragon Disciples.)

2007-06-10, 02:06 PM
As the battle in the ZoC rages, artillery shells begin falling near the police station, kicking up massive sprays of debris.

2007-06-10, 02:15 PM
(Bookboy, doesn't matter if it's racial or class feature, if it's "Su", it is negated.

@LordVader, no debris. The Police Station is uterlly indestructible, trust me I used faaar stronger things on smaler and didn't work.

And someone plz remember to make a save for the Stunning Screech)

2007-06-10, 02:19 PM
((It's hitting the ground nearby, not the station))
Shells continue to fall in an attempt to demoralize the FE soldiers located around the station.

2007-06-10, 02:55 PM
(@Draken: That's crap. And no response means they weren't paying enough attention to need a save.)

2007-06-10, 02:59 PM
The rain of shells stops. It can be heard continuing somewhere in the massive battle raging in the ZoC.

2007-06-10, 05:56 PM
The recently sold automatons (of which SOME I'm sure are in the police station) receive a command. One of them stops what it's doing and starts looking for the sheild/anti epic generator.

2007-06-10, 05:57 PM
The shells stop completely, and the entire battle deadtimes.

2007-06-10, 06:02 PM
((Sorry for the long deadtime. Back now.

Also, sorry Bookboy--didn't know they were that powerful.))

Some soldiers run outside the Station to take part in the battle outside. This includes the soldier who was talking to the pigeon.

"We are under attack... I must leave for now. Stay near the medic station, though they will be overwhelmed with wounded soon."

Hans lowers his longsword and glances towards the door.

"If we are quite done here, I believe I have other matters to attend to..."

((None of the automatons are at the Station. They're up on the moon base being reverse-engineered, studied, reprogrammed, and reequipped. The part of the base they're in is dug in under a significant amount of solid rock.))

2007-06-10, 06:04 PM
The automaton continues looking for the sheild/anti-epic generator. It seems tense, which is strange, seeing as it can't give expressions.

2007-06-10, 06:05 PM
((thehothead, see my edit.))

2007-06-10, 06:09 PM
((I see. You might want to make a moon base thread now, because they're GOING to react to that.))

2007-06-10, 06:14 PM
((This moon base, is it a moon in the Town system? Just checking, for future reference))

2007-06-10, 06:17 PM
((I think so. Seeing as castle luna (my house) is on it, and they appear to be in the same place.))

2007-06-10, 06:17 PM
A very pissed of construct disables his nullblades. After doing so, he lts loose another Stunning Howl, this time with such a piercing noise that it should slightly damage nerve tissue.

(It's a destrachan now, if you ignore he will begin bashing people arround, his job is to make his targets remain safe, his master never said the words "councious" or "unharmed")

2007-06-10, 06:18 PM
((So then, hypothetically, it would be vulnerable to a naval attack?:smallbiggrin: ))

2007-06-10, 06:19 PM
((Yes, it is on the local moon. But it's heavily dug in and protected by the FE space navy as well as various defensive guns.

I'll go make the thread now.))

2007-06-10, 06:21 PM
((Well, I'm sure it will be vulnerable to having a large rock fired out of a cannon, swung around the earth, then crash down with the force of around 50 nukes, thanks to the near lack of atmosphere.))

2007-06-10, 06:36 PM
((Well, I'm sure it will be vulnerable to having a large rock fired out of a cannon, swung around the earth, then crash down with the force of around 50 nukes, thanks to the near lack of atmosphere.))

((That's a fine ally, the place isn't even ready and he's already planning it's destruction))

2007-06-10, 06:37 PM
((And I'm sure that said rock will be vulnerable to being shot down...))

2007-06-10, 06:39 PM
((Shooting it down will really result in several smaller rocks. Additionally, I'll probably luanch several of said rocks.))

2007-06-10, 07:40 PM
We aren't done yet!
Rishtak keeps beating on Hans, and Katriana steps up with her morningstar. And they keep ignoring the golem.

(Note: Both of the have 19levels in d10 HD classes, also getting full BAB, and both having at least an 18 STR.)

2007-06-10, 08:03 PM
Hans takes damage from the attacks but continues to fight them.

((Gah, deadtime. Sorry for the crappy post.))

2007-06-10, 08:26 PM
(Draken, you do realize that Hans is the leader of the Fourth Empire, right?)
Katriana has an idea.
Beloved, the thing that is keeping the Towns greatest heroes from using their powers must be nearby! Hold him off while I find and destroy it.
Rishtak nods, and focuses on backing Hans into a corner and keeping him there, still swing the chain hard. Katriana uses her wings to speed her trip to Hans' control room.
Rishtak yells to the golem
You handle anyone that tries to interfere! I've got this guy!

2007-06-10, 08:48 PM
(Actually he's not, he's just the leader of this invasion force.

And the golem got orders to protect any possible costumers, Draken doesn't care if he sells soldiers to good or bad people.

But for the looks of the rest the FE is nearly done, so I will change tactics.)

The golem stops screeching for a moment, and his light eyes seen to dim as he receives a telephatic message of his master.

Mitharion... Give up that and just cut Hans dow, you are not going to succed in disabling any of then with that ZoC hindering you.

Yes, His Lord.

The golem's eyes light up again and he mutters to the couple.

His lord changed his orders... So now...

Mitharion protudes his Nullblades, and seeyng that Rishtak can probably handle Hans, he turns to deal with any other FE soldier that comes by.

Would you prefer to use your magic habilities? That would enable him to use his too.

(Bah, I know when a battle is lost, and I will change tactics if the battle is lost.)

2007-06-10, 08:53 PM
(You do realize that Hans isn't causing the ZoC, and Katriana ran off to destroy the thing that is? The best way you can help is by holding off any FE guards that try and stop her. Rishtak can take this guy. Hans is dealing with someone one level higher than him, but I gave the ZoC levels, and outside of it, Rishtak is 20 in both. So once the ZoC is gone, Hans is screwed.)

2007-06-10, 09:12 PM
(Edited, damn you, I read things,ok:smalltongue:)

2007-06-10, 10:08 PM
Osnagard awakens from deadtime, turns and leaves.. heading for... well he hasn't decided yet.

2007-06-10, 10:34 PM
(Draken, you do realize that Hans is the leader of the Fourth Empire, right?)

((I don't have time to make an actual post, but he's not. He's just the field commander.))

2007-06-10, 10:37 PM
(I think he's the leader now that the moon base got smashed by a cheese wheel the size of Asia.)

2007-06-10, 11:10 PM
Which isn't MY problem, seeing as MY moon base is in the other hemisphere.

2007-06-11, 07:44 AM
A massive explosion and several smaller, but still huge, flare up around the Station. The whine of another salvo of shells can be heard.

2007-06-11, 02:28 PM
The massive rush of automata is now at the police station. They simply wave any defenses, attempting to barge their way inside.

2007-06-11, 02:30 PM
((Five-minute ceasefire for them to surrender. Stand down until J Muller can make a call on surrendering))

2007-06-11, 02:32 PM
Realizing the attempt to force a surrender, the automatons back off, though they completely circle the building.

2007-06-11, 04:33 PM
PirateMonk appears next to the Spear, but seems to be frozen.

2007-06-11, 05:51 PM
Realizing the situation, Hans begins to swear in German. Anyone who can understand him would pick up muttered words here and there about dogs and their mother's liver.

He turns and runs back towards the Chief's Office, cape billowing behind him.

2007-06-11, 06:07 PM
Still observing the ceasefire, 47 Leman Russes and a Baneblade roar up and point their turrets at the Station. Flights of Lightnings, Marauders and Thunderbolts circle overhead, waiting.

2007-06-11, 06:09 PM
The FE troops have been pushed back to the steps of the Station. They observe the ceasefire nervously.

2007-06-11, 06:11 PM
*Broadcast from Baneblade*
FE Commander! You have five minutes to surrender and spare the lives of your troops!

2007-06-11, 06:15 PM
*Broadcast from the Demon*
Listen to the man, he knows what he's talkin' about.

2007-06-11, 06:18 PM
((I'm waiting for Bookboy to get back so his characters can respond.))

2007-06-11, 06:33 PM
((He's the commander?:smallconfused: ))

2007-06-11, 06:37 PM
((Some of his characters are in the Station. Hans just turned and ran towards the Chief's Office. Naturally, they will want to do something about this. But he's not on right now.))

2007-06-11, 06:45 PM
((What about the chief's ruling on a surrender? He has to be able to see what's going on))

2007-06-11, 07:01 PM
Realizing the situation, Hans begins to swear in German. Anyone who can understand him would pick up muttered words here and there about dogs and their mother's liver.

He turns and runs back towards the Chief's Office, cape billowing behind him.

((He does see the situation. This is what he's doing.))

2007-06-11, 07:02 PM
((He's el Chief? Got it. We are deadtimed, for all intents and purposes, until you give word on surrender.))

2007-06-11, 08:15 PM
(Sorry, it's my dad's B-day. Katriana's moving faster than Hans because she's flying.)
Rishtak, seeing Hans try to make a run for it, moves to interecept, swinging his chain in a circle, so it blocks the hallway. Katriana reaches the Chief's office, attempts to knock the frozen PM out of the way, and begins trying to break the spear, or destroy it in some way, including acid breath.

2007-06-11, 08:20 PM
((Door is closed and locked.))

Hans lets loose a full blast of magical energy towards Rishtak, attempting to incapacitate him or otherwise get him out of his way.

2007-06-11, 08:22 PM
(He can't, seeing as how Rishtak stayed within fifty feet of the golem with the antimagic field, and Hans is between him and the golem.)

Katriana blows a hole through the door with acid.

2007-06-11, 08:29 PM
((Oh, yeah. Sorry.))

The door, like the rest of the Station, is indestructible. So the acid does nothing.

Hans attempts to force his way past Rishtak.

2007-06-11, 08:30 PM
(What exactly is it that makes it indestructable?)

2007-06-11, 08:32 PM
((The entire building is built out of Plotonium.))

2007-06-11, 08:33 PM
(Stupid indestructable doors...)

Rishtak's chain should make contact with Hans, and it should hurt enough to cause him to recoil, especially since Rishtak threw in a surprise dagger stab.
Katriana sends out a mental signal to a man she met in the streets. Artemis appears, and gets to work on the lock.

(In here, Artemis is a level 19 ninja.)

2007-06-11, 08:37 PM
Hans' lieutenants teleport in from outside, appearing just outside the Chief's Office. They attack Artemis and Katriana with their magic longswords.

Being especially determined at this point, Hans ignores the pain from his wounds and tries to rush past to where he'll be outside the antimagic zone.

2007-06-11, 08:42 PM
People inside the station distinctly hear someone yelling. Surrender or die! Stop stalling!

2007-06-11, 08:42 PM
(What's the word on the lock?)
Riahtak backs up so that he is just outside of the antimagic, and his chain bursts with elemental life once again. He keeps swinging, and has no difficulty since Hans has neglected to injure him.
Katriana fires acid at one lieutenants, and triple smashes the other with her morningstar.

2007-06-11, 08:46 PM
Mitharion deactivates his antimagic field and follows Rishtak, intending to attack hans with his weapons. At the same time he stretches out his cannons to shoot hails of magic missiles on any FE soldier that aproaches.

2007-06-11, 08:48 PM
(No! That antimagic was the only thing giving Rishtak an advantage! Hans can use his spells now!)

2007-06-11, 08:50 PM
The lock is complex, but Artemis should be making good progress on it.

Heavily injured, Hans continues to determinedly make his way out of the antimagic field.

The lieutenants are obviously not as powerful as Hans. One of them is hit by the acid and damaged, and the other takes a beating from the morningstar. They continue to attack, however, and they both shoot a blast of fire at Katriana.


Hans and the lieutenants, sensing the disappearance of the antimagic field, immediately teleport themselves into the Chief's Office.

2007-06-11, 08:51 PM
Ok, forget it! ALL UNITS CHARGE!All of the Imperial Guard and Blackout Raider units charge forward, firing like crazy into any openings in the building.

2007-06-11, 08:52 PM
People inside now hear a much less discreet
punctuated by a flight of Lightnings roaring low over the police station, who promptly begin strafing.
I am resuming command.
The baneblade and all 47 Leman Russes fire at the FE soldiers.
All the automatons charge as well.

2007-06-11, 08:54 PM
(Artemis should be done by now! He's the guildmaster for the thieves!)

(The lieutenants never were in the field...)

Artemis teleports as well, and so does Rishtak (Dimension Door), then Rishtak resumes beating up Hans while Artemis unlocks the door and lets Katriana in. Artemis then draws his kukris and teleports next to the Spear grabbing it. Katriana continues beating the lieutenants.

2007-06-11, 08:56 PM
((See my edit.))

Artemis makes it through just in time to see Hans and the lieutenants all grab hold of the Spear, glow with magical energy, and teleport out, along with all the remaining FE soldiers in the area.

((...And deadtime.))

2007-06-11, 08:57 PM
Soldiers sweep the building. No sign of any FE troops.

Soldier: Area secure! No sign of the Spear!


2007-06-11, 08:58 PM
Val walks into the station too late, he looks around wondering where everyone went.

2007-06-11, 09:00 PM
An invisible voice can be heard. "What happened? Is there still no gold here?"

2007-06-11, 09:01 PM
(Actually, J Muller needs to see my edit, which was in response to his edit, wich wuld stop them from leaving so easily.)

2007-06-11, 09:02 PM
Post an event that the Police Station can return to business as usual.
How did the FE grunts teleport?
Alert J Muller to this.

2007-06-11, 09:04 PM
((Hans and the lieutenants teleported them out when they left with the spear. There's a heck of a lot of dead bodies and smashed vehicles, though.

Okay, deadtime for real now.))

2007-06-11, 09:05 PM
Frustrated that there is, once again, nothing valuable in the building, Raril paints the walls a lovely shade of sea-foam green with tiny powder blue seashells.

2007-06-11, 09:05 PM
But Artemis was next to the spear, in a position to stop them. You need to check that.

2007-06-11, 09:08 PM
This is fan-flippin'-tastic. The enemy commander gets away, we lose the spear, and we have no way of knowing where they jumped.

2007-06-11, 09:08 PM
"On the bright side you re-took the ZoC."

2007-06-11, 09:09 PM
Your right. My men and the Imperial Guard that participated in the fighting are heroes now!

2007-06-11, 09:09 PM
((They may not have gotten away))
Yeah, it's not like they'd jump to the moon base....Waaaiiiit a second...
((We need to stop until J Muller realizes Artemis was next to the spear when they tried to grab it))

2007-06-11, 09:13 PM
Raril reappears, leaning against a wall in the hallway. "Yes, it's very heroic to steamroll your enemies. But it is the victors who write the histories. Shall I compose something to commemorate this moment?"

2007-06-11, 09:15 PM
Sure, go 'head. Make something like Charge of the Light Brigade, only not a poem, and it indicates success.

2007-06-11, 09:19 PM
"Perhaps a hiku?"

2007-06-11, 09:20 PM
(People, J Muller needs to realize that Artemis could very easily have stopped Hans. Until then, this thread is on hold.)

2007-06-11, 09:23 PM
"Ah there's a thought! " The drow thinks for a moment and recites:

Fiery death comes,
Strong armies stand together,
The Fouth Empire ends

"What do you think?"

((ok, until then..))

"To the Tavern!"

2007-06-11, 09:24 PM
Nice. :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-11, 09:27 PM
"very well done"

Also to the tavern.

2007-06-11, 09:29 PM
Nukular falls into dead-time.

2007-06-11, 09:31 PM
(read what bookboy say, the battle may not be over.

And deactivating the antimagic field proved to be very good... For future plot interest, of course)

Mitharion stay still, waiting for some kind of timeshift event that he thinks will happen in no time.

2007-06-11, 09:44 PM
Jarus also prepares for an eerie feeling of deja-vu.
((They'll probably still run, but without the spear. In that case, I'm helping Nukular seize it))

2007-06-11, 09:46 PM
(Hello, my people are trying to DESTROY it.)

2007-06-11, 09:47 PM
((Well, mine are going to try to SEIZE it. Woot conflicting opinions))

2007-06-11, 09:49 PM
(My people are already there, and you have a deal with the guild.)

2007-06-11, 09:51 PM
((To ignore crimes, right? If you are in the act of destroying it, I won't attack you, but I will attempt to seize it if the opportunity presents itself. I have a feeling Nukular will grab it anyways, though))

2007-06-11, 09:53 PM
(Try finding it. You'll notice that I never mentioned where the headquarters is.)

2007-06-11, 09:55 PM
((Why would I want to find the Theives Guild? Did I ever say I wanted to? I was talking about the Spear))

2007-06-11, 09:56 PM
(Where do you think they'd take it to be destroyed? We have a member that can make a flamethrower out of a few water bottles. And it works.)

2007-06-11, 09:57 PM
((Ah, I thought you were going to destroy it here. Like I said, if it's in your possession, I'm not gonna attack you for it))

2007-06-11, 10:10 PM
((Bookboy and I have been corresponding via PM, and I think it's still the case that Hans and the lieutenants escaped to the moon base. If Bookboy wants Artemis to get taken along, he can go ahead and send him off to his death. Since, you know, even if he did manage to get away from the several hundred thousand very pissed-off FE, he'd be in space. Though I suppose he could hitch a ride with a BR ship, if there are any left once the FE send them packing...))

2007-06-11, 10:37 PM
Rishtak curses and teleports the couple to the guildhall.

2007-06-12, 10:14 AM
The Pigeon, unable to get treatment for his wounds due to the departure of anyone who might be staffing the medical treatment station, limps towards an open space.

2007-06-12, 10:22 AM
Nukular comes out of dead time and decides to check around the station. He sees the pigeon. Hmm...

2007-06-12, 10:29 AM
The Pigeon, after about a fortnight's worth of one post a page, has several gunshot wounds, and one of his hands is missing a few fingers. He starts moving towards the streets, not noticing Nukular.

2007-06-12, 10:31 AM
Nukular, being bored, and seeing the mangled pigeon, decides to walk over to it. Hey, pigeon. You need any help? Nukular's helmet has a built-in universal translator for these emergencies.

2007-06-12, 10:41 AM
The Pigeon looks up at Nekular.

A bit. It is hurting a little.

He speaks perfect common. Except for the bad grammar. But his accent is spot-on.

2007-06-12, 10:45 AM

A medic rushes over, a Grunt in blue armor.

Medic: Sir?

Nukular points at the pigeon. Take him to the med station in Sector 3.

Medic: :smallconfused: Ok, sir, if you say so.

The medic takes the pigeon to the aforementioned med station.

2007-06-12, 10:51 AM
The Pigeon looks around in amazement as he's carried to the med station.

What happened to the other people?

2007-06-12, 10:53 AM
Nukular should hear a the telepathic voice of Shadowbow
The spear is at the moon base. Be ready to give myself and my team cover fire.