View Full Version : [Library] The Traveler's Hub

2007-05-30, 08:19 AM
Creator notes: As English is not my first language (nor I think I've mastered it) I hope everything will be understandable, and if someone wants to correct me is warmly welcome :smalltongue:

The Traveler's Hub is the library of the Sages of the Planes, a semi-secret covenant of experts in geography and travels, explorers and sages.
Inside this extra-dimensional space is collected most of the knowledge of the covenant's travels, from exploration chronicles to treatise on ecologies, geography and landmarks, all registered, handled and guarded by a mysterious creature called The Last Librarian,

The Hub is a gift to the covenant from the renowed Planewalker Archmage Canius of Sigil and the Fharlanghn proxy Arathius, two of the most important figures in the covenant's history.
They created this place after the loss of the former library during a fire burned down most of the covenant's knowledge.
To save the future archives from the same fate, they created and extra dimensional space, warding it against fires, parasitic insects and dampness that can ruin the collected texts.

The hub is composed by three different rooms placed in an extradimensional space:
1- Entrance & waiting room:
This small room is the entrance to the Traveler's hub.

2- The Study Room:
This place is where texts borrowed from the sanctum is studied and consulted.
It is a warm room with workbenches and chairs for various sizes, some armchairs and sofas and a cabinet with writing tools.
There's also a bookcase full of dictionaries and vocabularies of the most important languages.
A grand fireplace dominate the room, with a vivid fire inside shielded with a variant wall of force spell that allows warmth.
It's in this room that most of the visitor will study the texts borrowed, and where meetings of the covenant are held.
In a corner of the room there's a counter where the last librarian usually stay guarding the room and waiting for questions and requests from visitors. Behind this counter is the small corridor to the Sanctum entrance

3- The Library Sanctum:
This huge spherical room is where all the books, tomes and scripts are stored.
It is accessible by a door from the studyroom.
The room is affected by a permanent levitate effect, and fire, water and living beings are barred.
Only the last librarian (or a well thought polymorphed character or similar magic) are allowed by the magical wards in the room.

2007-05-30, 08:22 AM
The Last Librarian:
(Image is from "Mirrormask" (http://imdb.com/title/tt0366780/) movie)

2007-05-30, 08:23 AM
Known Texts in the Hub: