View Full Version : Metakirbs Home

2007-05-30, 09:38 AM
Up in the mountains there is a large cave, going back about 40 metres into the rock, inside the cave Metakirb has made a home, or rather his idea of one, It consists of a bed, a forge, a training area and not much more, Light is provided by a small hole at the top of the cave

The cave is guarded by his dragons Kalessin and, when he returns, Drakkon

2007-05-30, 10:21 AM
Metakirb Begins training in the small training area he set up

2007-05-30, 04:43 PM
*A ninja jumps down in front of metakirb*

2007-05-31, 04:39 AM
What are you doing in my home?

He readies his sword arm

2007-05-31, 06:08 AM
"I have come to kill you!" *He draws his sword and attacks*

2007-05-31, 06:09 AM
Metakirb Blocks with ease

I have no time for this, I have important matter to attend to

His eyes shift over to the bed, Serra still lies there, slightly in pain

This should be over soon

He slashes for the ninja's legs

2007-05-31, 06:59 AM
*The ninja jumps high into the air and throws 2 ninja stars Serra and three at metakerb*

2007-05-31, 07:03 AM
Metakirb Ignores the shurikens heading for him and blocks the ones heading for serra

Stay away from her, she's sick!

He pulls out a few dagger and throws them at the ninja then flies above the ninja and attempts to slam his sword between the ninja's shoulder and neck

2007-05-31, 02:06 PM
*He throws a few ninja stars to knock the daggers away, then the blocks the sword attack. He jumps over Metakirbs head and attempts to stab Serra in the heart.*

Fualkner Asiniti
2007-05-31, 04:18 PM
An old man in a red and black cloak jumps nimbly into the cave. He quickly figures out who is attacking who. He blends into the shadows in the corner of the room, and waits for the assassin to slip up.

2007-06-01, 02:36 AM
((does nobody note the dragon outside the cave?))

Metakirb starts to beat his wings at amazing speed and attempts to ram the ninja, if he hits, the ninja slams into the wall, if he misses he takes the blow meant for serra

Who sent you?

2007-06-01, 06:04 AM
(even though the attack is very fast the ninja is a professional, and as learned to dodge very fast things.)

* He jumps out of the way*

2007-06-01, 06:06 AM
Metakirb turns to fly back, stopping about 2 foot away from the ninja he asks again

who sent you?

2007-06-01, 06:08 AM
"Oh, please. Do you think I would tell you?"

*He throws five ninja stars at metkerb and then attacks him with his sword*

2007-06-01, 06:10 AM
Metakirb blocks the shurikens but the sword hits its target, chipping some of the dragon scales off his armour

oh come on i just re-tempered this thing...

He fients a slash for the legs then slashes at the ninja's chest

2007-06-01, 06:23 AM
*He dodges the leg attack,, but gets stabbed in the stomach. He falls onto the floor bleeding*

2007-06-01, 06:25 AM
Metakirb points his sword at the ninjas face

now tell me who you work for

2007-06-01, 06:30 AM
"I was sent by Brother ti-" Just then an arrow hits him in the neck, killing him.

2007-06-01, 06:32 AM
Metakirb looks around for where the arrow come from, finding nothing he begins to morph, standing where metakirb was is now a sleek, fully grown raptor dragon of about 4'0" in height, He begins to find a scent of the arrow

2007-06-01, 06:38 AM
*A sent will bring him to an elf with a bow running down the mountain*

(See you at that thread)

2007-06-01, 06:38 AM
He runs out after the scent, as he passes he tells kalessin to go inside to guard serra


a few moments later kalessin emerges, dumps the ninjas corpse and returns to the cave

2007-06-02, 09:37 AM
Metakirb Flies back to his home, he enters, thanks kalessin for what he has done and begins to repair his armor

2007-06-02, 09:40 AM
*a man that was hiding out side the cave walks in and tapes Metacurb on the shoulder*

2007-06-02, 09:43 AM
Metakirb turns

does nobody notice the dragon outside?

2007-06-02, 09:47 AM
Yep! He was cute! says the man

2007-06-02, 09:50 AM
umm... okay... so i guess you aren't hre to kill me

2007-06-02, 09:52 AM
No! Ter-ence say por-tec girl! The man is 6ft 8in and does not look very smart

2007-06-02, 09:54 AM
tell him thanks for his concern but i can handle it

He smiles

besides Terran would probaly kill me if i trusted anyone else

2007-06-02, 09:55 AM
theres no probably about it

Terran appears near metakirb

it's a definate

2007-06-02, 09:56 AM
Terran, theres someone who's been looking for you, Kemros, he keeps saying i should remember him but i don't

He shrugs and goes over to Serra, still sleeping

2007-06-02, 09:58 AM
Who Ter-en? Mong Say Ter-enc!

2007-06-02, 10:00 AM
I'm Terran, Terran bloodrage, and the girl is my sister, Serra Bloodrage, since i have other matters to attend to, Metakirb is looking after Serra

2007-06-03, 01:32 PM
Metakirb shifts around a bit

why does that energy trace seem familiar

He goes over to Serra

I'll be back, don't worry, terrans here for now

He flies out

2007-06-03, 02:16 PM
*The blue box reapears*
*Who walks out carrying Metakirb and places him down*
There we go

2007-06-03, 02:19 PM
Terran walks up to him

Meta, is he gonna be alright? and try keep your box quiet, Serra's sleeping, and i don't want her to see him in this condition

2007-06-03, 02:20 PM
No problem
*Walks over to the Tardis*
Quite down girl.
*To Terran*
You don't know anyone called Corolox do you?

2007-06-03, 02:21 PM
Terrans eyes shift slightly

Him? He didn't mentioned me did he?

2007-06-03, 02:23 PM
No he didn't

2007-06-03, 02:24 PM
Good, Sentra's managed to keep my involvement secret, as for metakirb, what happened to him, A dracorions armor doesn't melt easily

((back in a few mins))

2007-06-03, 02:26 PM
Ooh he did mention someone called Sentra, as for him he got fire balled.

2007-06-03, 02:30 PM
Who do it tu dwaga man?

*The man points to metacurb*

2007-06-03, 02:37 PM
His name is Coronox, refers to himself as flammalox, i think metas probly gonna be more worried about his armor than those wounds, a Dracorions armor is made by the dracorion that wears it, made out of a mineral designed to adapt to the wearers shape, even growth, as for flammalox, i think it'd be best not trying to take him on, if hes stronger than before he'd roast you like a chicken

2007-06-03, 02:38 PM
Metakirb stirs

who... what... where...

He falls unconcious again

2007-06-03, 02:39 PM
I not Twickin!

2007-06-03, 02:39 PM
*The Tardis starts to flash*
Look I've got to go but if you ever need my help press this
*Hands over a remote*

2007-06-03, 02:42 PM
((who got given the remote?))

I never said you were but this guy can burn hotter than a sun last time, and he's stronger than then, so don't try to fight him

Serra begins to stir


Serra, go back to sleep, he's fine, he's just tired


2007-06-06, 10:25 AM
Metakirb starts to wake up

woah... i've been asleep for a while...

He gets up and stretches his wings

2007-06-07, 09:24 AM
Metakirbs wings twitch

how can he be so close, he shouldn't have any idea that i'm here...

2007-06-07, 01:37 PM
Metakirb relaxes a bit

guess he doesn't know where i am after all

2007-06-07, 03:09 PM
Metakirb feels a large heat from behind him


how'd you...

the dragon gave it away

now theres a flaw im gonna need to improve on

don't trouble yourself about it, you won't get the chance, now come quietly and i won't hurt that girlfriend of yours

Metakirb goes red

s..she's not my...

Don't try and fool me, i know your Dracorion laws, and how you feel about her

The two head out of the cave, Metakirb calls Kalessin off attacking coronox and tells him to wait inside

well you forgot one very important thing

And that is?

Metakirb turns and slashes him across the face, then he flaps his wings and beecomes airborne

i can fly, you can't

Coronox begins to form a pair of flame wings

dammit, well come and get me then

The two fly off

2007-06-08, 03:06 PM
Metakirb reappears in the cave


He runs to the entrance but as he gets there a blue shield covers the entrance

Dammit sentra...

2007-06-11, 09:35 AM
The shield flickers and dies

finally, i guess sentra won

No, i won

Coronox, still in the fire dragon form, grabs metakirb

what did you do to him?!

oh he's alive, dont worry, but not for long, as soon as ive gathered up the other two it wont be long...

He flies off

2007-06-11, 11:01 AM
Terran appears

Meta, i came to...

He sees the melted stone where coronox stood


He goes over to Serra

you okay serra?

She wakes up slowly

I think so... i don't feel bad anymore

good, we gotta go, coronox took meta

2007-06-11, 11:05 AM
Komos, are you sure that the chaos dragon is around here?

Positive, scans indicate exact location to a 99% accuracy

yeah yeah

The two are outside the cave

2007-06-11, 11:07 AM
chaos dragon... are they looking for kalessin?

He goes to the mouth of the cave

who are you? and what do you seek chaos dragons for?

2007-06-11, 11:10 AM
Who are we? i should be asking who are you! Komos.

A beam of light scans Terran

subject identified as a dracorion, a race of half dragons, this one is probably the most powerful, due to experimentations performed on him

a half dragon... Then to answer your question, I am Mia Mitrantha, I seek out chaos dragons that killed my family, and one of them is in there!

2007-06-11, 11:16 AM
Kalessin wouldn't have done anything like that! besides Meta wouldn't let him

2007-06-11, 11:24 AM
Let me see the dragon, the ones i seek were all burnt by a marking fire, if it's the one i want we'll be certain about it

2007-06-11, 11:27 AM

He heads inside, muttering quietly to himself

what am i thinking... she's a human... i just won't think about it...

He finds kalessin

come on, someone wants to ssee you

The dragon pulls back a bit

(dracorion) don't worry, i won't let anything happen

The dragon follows terran cautiosly

2007-06-11, 11:29 AM
Mia looks at the dragon, shes about to give up looking when she notices something under his left wing

Ah, ha, here, the marker burn. i'm afraid this dragon is one of the ones who killed my family!

She jumps off it and draws a dragonbane arrow

time to pay!

2007-06-11, 11:31 AM
Terran moves in the way and draws his sword

you release that arrow and you wont even see it hit the floor

Serra walks out the cave

whats going on?

Serra, take kalessin away

2007-06-11, 11:32 AM
Mia smiles

so you'd draw your sword against a girl?

2007-06-11, 11:33 AM
Terran falters

i... i...

He jumps back onto kalessin

(dracorion) Move kalessin!

They fly off

2007-06-11, 11:37 AM
Mia fires several arrows after them, none of them hit

Komos, track him

Attempting to launch tracker dart

A small dart fires from him, it misses

not enough time remaining

dammit, was he... no, i doubt it...

they walk off

2007-06-20, 01:57 PM
Sentra jumps up, he places metakirb on the bed and jumps off

2007-06-20, 02:40 PM
The phazon sinks into him, suddenly his wings expand, and he begins glowing a faint blue, Then his sword morphs into a more curved shape and phazon can be seen all over it, his eyes are covered with the blue glow of phazon

I... I... ARGH!!!!!!!

He flies out the cave

2007-06-20, 04:29 PM
Metakirb flies in, grasps his head again, and falls unconcious on the floor of the cave

2007-06-21, 06:18 AM
He wakes up, and grasps his head in pain again, then the phazon glow around him intensifies and he flies off

2007-07-05, 03:56 PM
Metakirb and Drakkon both land outside the cave, metakirb runs in, followed by drakkon

[dracorion]and you're sure of this

[dracorion]positive, it's definately the egg you told me to look for

[dracorion]i hope so, maybe if it is i can leave here soon, and find her...

[dracorion]and what about serra?

[dracorion]thats differant...

[dracorion]how so? you promised her remember?

[dracorion]actually that was my parents... the royal choice, i don't mind her but... it's just...

she feels strongly for you ya know

[dracorion]does she?

[dracorion]you can't tell? she worries about you all the time, from what i've heard from kalessin, news reached her of what happened to you, she's been worred sick about you... though she's happy now that she knows you're alright


[dracorion]you feel the same for her don't you, don't deny it, remember when she was sick?

[dracorion]that was... anyway, the egg

Metakirb walks into the main area of his cave, and an unusualy small dragon egg lies in the middle of the room on a small bed

[dracorion]yeah, thats it, thanks drakkon

He picks up the egg, wraps it with his wing, making sue the grip is firm and walks back down the mountain to the town

2007-07-06, 11:36 AM
Drakkon and Kalessin, who are watching metakirb via a dragonsblood stone he keeps with him, begin talking

[draconic]whats he gotten himself into now...

[draconic]maybe it's for the best, i mean, he had no choice about serra...

[draconic]but she wasn't forced was she, and how will she feel?

[draconic]oh, right, this is trouble... maybe if we can find martini...

[draconic]martini can't understand us, though he could talk to meta about it

[draconic]we shouldn't interfere for now, hows that egg doing by the way?



They go back to watching Metakirb

2007-07-08, 05:05 AM
Metakirb lands in his cave, covered in cuts, and bleeding badly

well... i think.... that went.... well...

He collapses where he stands

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-08, 05:15 AM
After walking a few miles away from the tower, Kaius finds a small cave with two dragons guarding the outside. He hears what sounds like someone in pain.

"Hey, are you ok in there?" He attempts to walk in but the Dragons block the entrance. "If you let me in i'll try and help!"

2007-07-08, 05:18 AM
Kalessin and Drakkon look at Kaius, then turn to each other

[Dracorion]Well? we know he fights for the town, and our Master has helped him...

[Dracorion]But we have no orders concering his entrance, we shouldn't...

[Dracorion]Look, i'm not letting Meta die!

Kalessin moves away

[Dracorion]Alright but if anything happens Kalessin it's on your head...

Drakkon lets him pass aswell

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-08, 05:21 AM
Entering the cave, Kaius realises the desperate situation he has come into.

"Look, you need help and fast. I can't do healing magic so please come back to the tower." He remembers the dragons. "you can bring one of them if you want. Bringing two would leave your cave unprotected."

2007-07-08, 05:23 AM
He smiles

i've... had worse...

He then falls unconcious

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-08, 05:27 AM
Kaius pulls Metakirb up slowly picks him up leading the way out the cave. Seeing the dragons, he says:

"Come if you must."

2007-07-08, 05:29 AM
The Dragons, not understanding common look at each other

[Draconic]Kalessin, follow, see where he takes Meta..

[Draconic]got it.

Kalessin begins to follow

2007-07-19, 05:01 PM
BM teleports in, noticing Meta's nowhere to be seen she looks at kalessin and drakkon

[dracorion]Drakkon, where's meta?

[dracorion]no idea, probably off with martini or someone

[dracorion]he's with who i think

[dracorion]great, know when he'd be back? i need his help with a summoning, Yiazmat...


[dracorion]Estran, thats not a good name to mention around us, i'm gonna hafta ask you to leave before drakkon... goes beserk...

[dracorion]if ya see meta, tell me

She teleports out

2007-08-15, 03:30 PM
Metakirb is lieing on the bed, sweating, his temperature is much higher than average, even for being part fire dragon, Kalessin and Drakkon rush around gathering things and mixing them, while serraleth Lies nearby, half asleep

2007-08-15, 03:32 PM
Estran teleports in.
I'll let you do the talking.
Shade will also stop her from giving him away.

2007-08-15, 03:45 PM
((sorry about the wait, my comp crashed on me))


[dracorion] Kalessin, whats wrong with him?

[dracorion] Virus, a very dangerous one, we're making the cure now, but he'll be stuck here for a while


don't you dare do anything!

2007-08-15, 03:48 PM
It won't hurt him.
As Meta has a virus, Shade siezes his chance. Estran walks over and sits down next to him. The virus in Metakirb should start dying. And being replaced by Chimera.

2007-08-15, 03:51 PM
The Dracorlan Virus is too strongly rooted in Metakirbs nervous system to be removed by another virus, the chimera still enters him, but the dracorlan virus quickly attempts to remove it

2007-08-15, 03:54 PM
It will fail, as Chimera is both inteligent and magical.

2007-08-15, 03:55 PM
The dracorlan virus realises it cannot affect chimera, and so leavs it alone, providing it does not try to affect the it, as the dracorlan virus is also magical, created by mighty "anti-dracomancers"

2007-08-15, 03:58 PM
(By "inteligent" I mean literally. It's as smart your average wizard.)

The Chimera starts using its true power, which involves controling the nuclie of cells. Namely, in this case, the cells of other viruses.

(Effectively mind control on cells.)

Estran teleports out.

2007-08-15, 04:01 PM
((meh, the dracorlan virus was designed to kill off anything inside a dracorion body, it can use the dragon blood flowing through metakirb to increase it's potency, but for now i'll let it go))

Metakirb continues his virused sleepingness

2007-09-04, 06:34 AM
Edsern walks in, probably with Kyumu.


2007-09-04, 06:38 AM
Kyumu walks in after him, Drakkon wakes up as they enter

[dracorion] You... dracorion girl... you aren't serra... so there are more?

[dracorion] well, theres me, and one of the kings old servants drakkon

[dracorion] You know my name?

[dracorion]and saw you hatch... My brother raised you well.

[dracorion] i thought there was something familiar about you...

[dracorion]i'm sorry drakkon but he's... trapped in the pyren realm with pyrolox...

[dracorion] poor serraleth... too young to remember him...

2007-09-04, 02:20 PM
Edsern joins them, using a little darkness power as a translator.
We meet at last, noble dragon. I am Edsern, once Conflalox, once Darklox, once Shadelox.

(Whatever he says comes out in the native tongue of the listener.)

2007-09-04, 02:54 PM
[dracorion] noble dragon? you mistake me, i am a greater fire dragon, nothing noble about me other than my master...

The baby gold dragon wakes up, It walks over to Edsern and nudges him

2007-09-04, 02:59 PM
All dragons are noble. Some more than others. Perhaps not in places where they are more common, but places like here, where there are few, their majesty is unmatched, on the ground or in the sky.
Edsern strokes the gold dragon.

2007-09-04, 03:02 PM

[dracorion] even so, among dragons i am not noble, A terrible setback for my master... but... i know he will come out alright

Kalessin Twitches in his sleep, but stays asleep

[dracorion] i wish i could share your enthusiasm...

She turns to Edsern

i think Serraleth likes you

2007-09-04, 03:06 PM
Well, in my eyes, all dragon are noble. If not in body, than in heart. In their ability to be free and still do what is right.
He turns to Kal.
Serraleth... A marvelous name.
He continues stroking the tiny dragon.

(He's always admired dragons, and didn't really see them until he was Shadelox.)

2007-09-04, 03:08 PM
I don't know where my brother got the name from... but... maybe you could look after him for a while? i'll have my hands full with these two.

2007-09-04, 03:28 PM
She stretches

if you want, you can look after Serraleth for a while, but for now... i need to stretch my wings

She walks out and begins circling the mountains

2007-09-04, 03:29 PM
Very well. Enjoy yourself.
He continues stroking Serraleth.

2007-09-04, 03:36 PM
Serraleth purrs happily

2007-09-05, 03:16 PM
Serraleth nudges Edsern, then wanders towards the mouth of the cave

2007-09-05, 03:28 PM
Edsern follows it.

(Boy or girl? I'm changing to pronouns.)

2007-09-05, 03:30 PM
((boy, i think he tumbled down the mountain ^^))

2007-09-06, 02:37 PM
Metakirb climbs to the cave, he walks in and collapses on the bed, right wing membrane torn, and his left wing torn off

2007-09-06, 02:40 PM
Edsern comes up, holding Serraleth. That took a while. He sees Meta, and drops Serra, gasping loud enough that the dragons should here it.

2007-09-06, 02:44 PM
[dracorion] hmm?

Drakkon wakes up, looking tired, then he notices meta

[dracorion] Meta!

Kalessin wakes

[dracorion] i think he'll be okay... he needs some time to rest... and heal up...


Serraleth runs up to meta and starts nudging him

2007-09-06, 02:47 PM
I can regenerate his strength, but not fix his body. I may be able to close the wounds and prevent any more bloodlose. After that, I'll need to get Estran's help to save him.
Edsern calls on the Benevolent Darkness once again, the same he used to heal Kyumu, but nothing happens.
What the! Why won't it work?
He tries again, and again it fails.
Damn. You two do what you can to save him, I'll find Estran!

2007-09-06, 02:51 PM
Serraleth sniffs metakirb and snarls, but being a small dragon he probably isn't heard, and so runs up to kalessin and drakkon

[dracorion] can't you seal the wounds with some fire?

[dracorion] i could... but we'd likely burn more than we'd need to... i suppose i could try

Drakkon blows small amounts of fire onto any bleeding cuts and slashes, they seal up.

((i hate two month differance release dates... i mean... how can it take two months to get a shipment of one game from america to england?! gah... i want metroid prime 3....))

2007-09-06, 02:55 PM
Edsern runs out, running through his mind for ideas. He tries to shadow jump, but simply hits a rock outside.
What's happening to me?
He runs down the mountains on foot.

2007-09-06, 02:57 PM
((i've been wondering this for a long time but keep forgetting to ask, how old is Edsern?))


Serraleth curls up next to metakirb

2007-09-06, 02:59 PM
(About the same age as Estran. It would fit as to why he was intimidated by Coronox, and how he knew her.)

2007-09-06, 03:00 PM
((i thought that might be it))

2007-09-06, 03:12 PM
Edsern is teleported by Estran, hopefully she came with him.

2007-09-06, 03:14 PM
She teleports in after him, then she see's meta

oh no...

She runs over to him


His wing membrane heals, his left arm fixes, but his left wing doesn't regrow

his wing should regrow on it's own... i think he tore it off once because it was too weak...

2007-09-06, 03:16 PM
Edsern tries to heal Meta again, but again nothing happens. He collapses, wondering what is happening to him.

2007-09-06, 03:21 PM
Estran walks over to him

you okay? you aren't overexerting yourself are you?

2007-09-06, 07:01 PM
No, I just can't do it anymore. My shadow powers are gone. I can't heal, I can't shadow jump, I can't do anything anymore.

2007-09-07, 04:50 AM
Estran goes to give him a hug

come on, you aren't useless... if you hadn't have found him he could have died.

2007-09-07, 05:59 AM
Thank you. But I just don't get it. Why aren't my powers working?
He hugs her back.

2007-09-07, 06:00 AM
maybe you just need a break from them or something...

2007-09-07, 06:10 AM


2007-09-07, 06:11 AM
so... is there anything you want to do? or anywhere you want to go? i think drakkon can handle meta

2007-09-07, 06:13 AM
Not really. I need some time alone to think. Maybe I'll figure out what's happened to me.

2007-09-07, 06:15 AM

She glances at meta

you think he'll be okay?

2007-09-07, 06:16 AM
It'll probably take a while, but he'll recover. I still remember from when I was Shadelox, he just wouldn't drop.
He starts to head into the woods.

(Wow, his character went a lot farther than I expected.)

2007-09-07, 06:19 AM

She smiles

yeah. he'll be okay

She gives Edsern a kiss and begins to head out

2007-09-07, 01:40 PM
Metas wing begins growing back, he wakes up, coughing

2007-09-09, 11:40 AM
Meta gets up, his wing fully regrown, and most cuts healed, he walks out the cave and flies off

2007-09-19, 07:06 AM
Metakirb walks in, inside he removes his breastplate for the first time in years

none of them healed...

He looks at his back, covered in cuts and scars from the corolox war

recognise that one?

He points to one with his wing

i caused it... of course i remember it... it was a few weeks ago... pyren realm...



dracorlon, a young dracorion wearing full armor, you couldn't see any of him, looked like just another dracorion, during your first attack, you slashed him across the back, almost severing his spine...

mmm i remember that boy...

that was me... i made a stupid mistake, and decided to try and fight you alone

hm... why are you boring me with this?

don't know... don't know... just thought i'd point out that you almost killed me then, you could have saved yourself alot of trouble...

well i didn't kill you


hm... i don't know... consider yourself lucky...


He puts his breastplate back on


2007-09-23, 07:25 AM
Metakirb lands outside, he walks in, looking stronger than usual

come on... you want to finish this?


2007-09-23, 01:41 PM
*The Tardis rematerialises and out steps Who*
Hello anyone home?

2007-09-23, 01:46 PM
Metakirb looks at the tardis

no! not now not now...

yes now...

Estran walks out

2007-09-23, 01:48 PM
[telepathicaly] Is something wrong?

2007-09-23, 01:50 PM
As who tries to contact him telepathically, he will hear some kind of fiery feedback

Dammit, get out... ARGH

His form shifts, becoming more a mix of metakirb and pyrolox

no... no... please...


Metakirbs sword becomes a fiery masamune-esque blade

2007-09-23, 01:52 PM
Ouch! Well that wasn't nice. What ever you are, leave Metakirb now!

2007-09-23, 01:54 PM
i won't be leaving my host for some time, Mindflayer... but i must thank you for bringing her to me...

He points the blade at Estran

2007-09-23, 01:55 PM
*Draws a large sword emblazoned with strange symbols*
I'm going to give you one chance, why are you here?!

2007-09-23, 01:59 PM
you've forgotten me? I am Pyrolox

no... how did you?

2007-09-23, 02:01 PM
That's it!
*Points the sword at metakirb, which starts glowing blue and fires a bolt of blue energy*
Leave now!

2007-09-23, 02:03 PM
no... i'm not quite done draining this dracorion of his life essence...

2007-09-23, 02:04 PM
You will not hurt any of my friends!
*Charges forward*

2007-09-23, 02:05 PM
go ahead... stirke me and you strike him...

2007-09-23, 02:06 PM
Yes, but when your gone I can fix him
*Slashes at metakirb*

2007-09-23, 02:08 PM
if i leave anything when i go...

He brings up the fire blade, and slashes down at who with it

2007-09-23, 02:09 PM
*Who parrys with his sword which begins to glow again, speeding up Who's movements*
I have lost to many people in the past I will not let it happen again!

2007-09-23, 02:10 PM
then accept your death...

A large fire pillar begins rising under who, several others rise around him aswell

2007-09-23, 02:12 PM
*Who slams his sword into the ground causing a massive glowing blue chasm to open underneath metakirb*
Into the void with you!

2007-09-23, 02:13 PM
He flaps Metakirbs wings

Was there any thought behind that?

2007-09-23, 02:14 PM
*Who points his sword and tentacles at metakirb firing a blast of blue energy and a mind blast respectevly*
Get out of him now!

2007-09-23, 02:16 PM
Alright... if you want...

Metakirbs body suddenly falls, down into the chasm, Pyrolox takes physical form, carrying a small globe

i have what i need...

He jets out the cave

2007-09-23, 02:18 PM
*Whos tentacle point at metakirb as he is levitated out of the chasm*
I saved him

2007-09-23, 02:20 PM

Estran runs over to him

meta... are you okay?

there is no response

2007-09-23, 02:22 PM
No..not now...anytime but now.
*Who deadtimes and is suckedback into the Tardis which disappears*

2007-09-23, 02:25 PM
oh no... please... someone... help...

she begins to cry

please... i need help... Edsern...

2007-09-23, 02:27 PM
A man covered in burns and firey slahses approaches the home. He stops outside, and drops a note. He then hides himself in a crevice.

2007-09-23, 02:29 PM
Kalessin and Drakkon fly back from a hunt, and notice the letter, Kalessin brings it in and notices Meta

[dracorion]oh no...

[dracorion]again? dammit... i think meta should get health insurance...

Kalessin drops the note to Estran

2007-09-23, 02:31 PM
I warned you.



(omg, even with filler I need filler.)

2007-09-23, 02:33 PM

She cries even more

i know... i shouldn't have... but i got curious... and... i'm so sorry... please... i need help...

2007-09-23, 02:44 PM
The man returns, and speaks with a raspy voice.
Respect the warnings given, and you will be happy.
He begins walking away.

2007-09-23, 02:55 PM
huh? who...

[dracorion] kalessin, drakkon, watch meta...

She runs out, attempting to follow the man

2007-09-23, 02:56 PM
The man is shrouded in a dark cloak. Unfortunately, that makes him fairly visible during the day.

2007-09-23, 02:58 PM
i wonder who that was...

She walks back in, looking pretty upset still.

where are you Edsern?

2007-09-23, 03:00 PM
A note appears.

Where you look last
Is where you should look first.


2007-09-23, 03:02 PM
huh? aww... i've never been good at riddles...

She starts wondering about it as she moves metakirb over to the bed and starts checking whats wrong with him

2007-09-23, 03:11 PM
Eventually she'll probably piece it together to mean this:

The last place you look is the most obvious once you've looked there.

(He's basicly saying: "Right in front of you.")

2007-09-23, 03:17 PM
She understands it at last


all she see's is a dragon

((yay literals ^^))

2007-09-23, 03:22 PM
The hand of thinking literal people are annoying smacks her.

2007-09-23, 03:24 PM
They'd frazzle thier hand on a shock barrier

guh... i don't think i'll ever entirely understand it...

((sorry... i'm having a dense moment... that... and it's absolutely roasting in this room...))

2007-09-23, 03:26 PM
(He was speaking figuratively. He was the one in the cloak, whom was right in front of her recently.)

Immunity to magic rocks.

2007-09-23, 03:30 PM
huh... why would he...

She lokos at Meta

it's my fault isn't it...

She doesn't appear to be talking to anyone who can be seen

you warned me, and i ignored it... it's all my fault isn't it...

She sighs

why did this have to happen... why couldn't pyro just have not... been... created...

An idea strikes

Of course! Who has a time machine! why don't we just go back and stop him from forming...

Then she realises what that would end up meaning

i wouldn't have ever left coros... never met Edsern...

2007-09-23, 03:31 PM
(Yeah she would have. He was on Coros, only he was just really scared of Coronox. Where is he, anyways?)

2007-09-23, 03:33 PM
((wandering around the town... and i don't think she would have, because she'd have had no reason to fight the corolox, wouldn't have become a mage, and wouldn't have made it to the town, but the corolox would still have followed sentra to the town and tried to invade it... but that's justy my view ^^))

2007-09-23, 03:35 PM
(Yes, but Edsern followed Coronox to Coronus, which is when he became a Corolox.So if it weren't for Coronox going to Coronus, He never would have become Shadelox, and would have never left Coros.)

2007-09-23, 03:37 PM
((well... um... would he have ever built up the courage?))

2007-09-23, 03:38 PM
(Undetermined. Maybe, but first he would have talked to Coronox. That was the only thing he was afraid of. Hells, he left the only place he'd been for his whole life to talk to Coronox alone.)

2007-09-23, 03:40 PM
((dammit, ya got me beat there...))

what should i do... i want to go look for him but i know i should look after meta...

2007-09-23, 03:51 PM
(Could you post Coronox somewhere? I have a little meeting planned.)

2007-09-23, 03:53 PM
((i would but i have to go, the season finale of Dexters on tonight in... 1 minute, i'll put him somewhere tomorrow. deadtime))

2007-09-24, 02:26 PM
Coronox eventually manages to climb to the cave

y'know how hard it is to find you?

Estran runs up to him

hey, what're you doing here

Delivering a message: I'm Alright. he said you'd know who it is

Can you watch Meta for me

sure... i owe him some repayment anyway, where're you going?

To find him...

She runs out

2007-09-25, 02:55 PM
Metakirb floats in, flies into his body, and stretches

whoah... incorporeality is wierd...

they got you back then

yeah, i'm goin' back down

alright, i'll see you some other time then...

Coronox heads down the mountain, Meta flies back in the direction he came from

2007-09-27, 02:43 PM
Metakirb lands, looking exhausted

finally... it was a long trip, but i got what i needed...

He walks over to the forge area, and begins strengthening his armor and sword with Dracorloth ore

your secret's out pyro...

2007-09-27, 03:49 PM
Edsern comes up the mountain, Fenrir and Oblivion still ready.
I've got bad news and semi-good news.

2007-09-27, 03:50 PM
The cave is filled with alot of smoke

Start with the bad news, don't mind the smoke, just reforging my armor

2007-09-27, 03:51 PM
Freak cyborg thing that's dedicated to killing things has appeared. Doesn't really look like something from around here.

2007-09-27, 03:53 PM
huh... it still runnin lose or? anyway, semi-good news? then i've got some news you'll love.


2007-09-27, 03:54 PM
Pyrolox got sucked into a hole in the time-space continum. Wasn't sure if you saw that from the orb.

2007-09-27, 03:55 PM
yeah, saw that, now, the good news, i found out how he keeps surviving, he has the equivilant of a phylactery, a two pronged attack on both at once will take care of him

((and gone))

2007-09-27, 03:58 PM
I'll take the main part. I've developed a lot of fire resistence from all these burns. And Ultimatum End will work its magic all over again. We'd better strike soon, or he'll recover from my attack.. He might be recovring, but he's not getting back to full power for a really long time.

2007-09-28, 05:44 AM
sounds good... Aw geez... i hate this part...

He remvoes his armor from the forge and lays his arm blade on it


2007-09-28, 06:03 AM
Well, I'll get started looking.
Edsern jumps down to the streets.

2007-09-28, 06:05 AM
don't get yourself killed

He starts reforging his sword

2007-09-29, 07:58 AM
He finishes reforging

Perfect, compleely Dracorloth ore...

He flies out, and starts looking for pyrolox

2007-09-30, 03:13 PM
Metakirb lands inside, as he does his sword arm reverts to a normal arm, as does his claw arm

[dracorion] Drakkon, Take the Dragon fang, i don't need it anymore...

He flies off

2007-10-01, 03:06 PM
Metakirb lands, he yawns, though it's more of a roar...

it's nice having both hands free...

He looks around, he looks at the bed, then at a large pile of gold and other treasures...

give in to the dragon inside!

ah....what the heck...

He heads over to the treasure, and falls asleep on it

((and now i feel like i've given Dragon slayers and treasure hunters an open door...))

2007-10-03, 08:43 AM
Kyumu lands near the cave Entrance


He stirs


oh, you're there

She heads over

[Dracorion]So, you've killed him?

[dracorion] close enough...

[dracorion] So he's still alive?! and you're sitting here while that murderer is still out there?!

[dracorion] Sorry, we thought we had him, but... he keeps too many of those Phylactery equivalents...

[dracorion] So find them, destroy them all, and kill him for good!

[dracorion] What's with you?! he won't return here for a long time... Why not just enjoy what time we have... There's still four of us... the Dracorion Empire will be restored...

[dracorion] foolish brother...

She heads out

[dracorion] Kyu... i'm sorry...

2007-10-04, 03:42 PM
Meta wakes up with a yawn

sleeping on treasure is... unusual to say the least...


[dracorion] Morning Serraleth...

[dracorion] nice name...



hey, haven't seen you in a while...

yeah, Kyu told us everything...

aww geez... let me guess... Terran agrees with her

Surprisingly he doesn't, he agrees with you, don't forget, you two are like brothers...


and sometime... Hopefully soon You will be brothers


She smiles

well... you have promised

Me?! if i remember right my parents decided, i will... but when we're both ready...


oh, serra...


i... i like your dracorion form...

thanks, well... seeya around...

She runs up, kisses him on the cheek and runs out

geez... she sure is enthusiastic...


Serraleth nudges him

hm? oh... alright...

He picks the dragon up and starts stroking it

2007-10-10, 07:55 AM
Metakirb looks around


terran? where are ya?

He appears infront of him

here, i came to say bye, and take good care of Serra...

what are you on about?

just promise me that you'll never let anything happen to her

Alright, i promise, but, where are you leaving to?

you know me... i don't stay in one place for long, i'm just moving on...

alright, see you some time

Terran begins walking out

it's time i finished him off ffor all dracorions...

He heads out, and flies off

Stay safe brother...

2007-10-25, 08:39 AM
Metakirb lets out a roar, the phazon flowing through him unusually active

what... is going on with this stuff...what... is going on with this stuff...