View Full Version : Oath of the crown - a few questions

2015-11-11, 09:20 AM
Hey guys this Friday I'm going to a cabin with my friends for a weekend of nonstop dnd ! Anyway I just picked up my SCAG copy yesterday and I'm gonna change oath from devotion to crown. I'm playing a 5th level paladin btw.

So a question - looking at the "champions challenge" channel divinity option, it never mentiones it requires an action, nor a bonus action or a reaction. I looked through all other channel divinity in both PHB and SCAG and they all specify if it's an action or not, and if not a requirement to use it ( war cleric can only use guided strike when making an attack fx) so is it just a 'free' action?

- it doesn't mention a visual effect either, do my enemies know that they are under the effect in any way ?
I'd love some feedback before I leave on Friday, cheers.

2015-11-12, 02:23 AM
Presumably it requires an action. Most Channel Divinities do, if I remember right!

As for your second question, it requires a save, right? Forcing a save probably alerts the enemy that something is up.

2015-11-12, 02:55 AM
Yeah that's the thing though, every other channel divinity option specifies what kind of action (I've checked through every single cleric and paladin channel, arcane domain included) it requires. Even the other crown channel option 'turn the tide' states it requires a bonus action - so it doesn't feel like a typo, nor does it feel like we can assume that channel divinity requires an action unless stated otherwise. As it's always stated what kind of action.

Yup requires a save, so I guess it's either dms fiat or an arcana/religion skill check from the monsters to figure out exactly what's up ?

2015-11-12, 10:28 AM
A lot of the abilities in SCAG don't follow the format of other abilities in 5e.

So take it as it is worded or change it. Whatever works best for you.

2015-11-12, 11:46 AM
I dont have the SCAG yet. Can you give me the jist of the ability?

2015-11-12, 11:53 AM
Yeah - creatures within x feet of you make a will save if they fail they can't willingly move more than x feet away from you.

No action described

Orbis Orboros
2015-11-12, 12:22 PM
Presumably it requires an action. Most Channel Divinities do, if I remember right!

If I remember right, Oath of Vengeance is a Bonus Action, and the Death Cleric's is something you use when you hit a creature with a melee attack.

2015-11-12, 12:25 PM
for your first question if it doesnt say it requires an action then it doesn't imho

for your second question, regardless of visual effect enemies def. know they're under the effect of it. it's essentially a taunt. if they didn't know they were being effected by it whats to stop them from just walking away? it wouldn't make sense that way.

either just reason that the power of your god makes you so imposing that enemies just simply cant ignore you or give it whatever flavor you want

my 2c

2015-11-12, 12:48 PM
if they didn't know they were being effected by it whats to stop them from just walking away?

I don't think they're effected by it. In fact, I'd say they would have been effected long before it affects them. In effect, the effect of the ability cannot possibly effect them, though it can certainly affect them. It's entirely possible it could effectively affect their affect.

2015-11-12, 12:50 PM
Yup requires a save, so I guess it's either dms fiat or an arcana/religion skill check from the monsters to figure out exactly what's up ?

I guess it's up to the DM, but logically if an enemy can't move away from you, it should realize that it can't move away from you. Unless it's an idiot.

2015-11-12, 02:46 PM
I don't think they're effected by it. In fact, I'd say they would have been effected long before it affects them. In effect, the effect of the ability cannot possibly effect them, though it can certainly affect them. It's entirely possible it could effectively affect their affect.

cool story bro you're good at words and pointing out other ppls mistakes.

must be a great skill to have at parties