View Full Version : Dawn of Civilization (IC)

2015-11-12, 03:01 PM
Setting out from the northeastern mountains, your company hikes their way through the last dregs of winter, arriving in the lush forests of the Unexplored Zone just as spring is thinking about starting. With the thin layer of snow melting away, you make your way a few miles into the forest before night falls. As has become customary for the night, tents are pitched close together in a rough circle wherever there's room, and the more alert and sleepless among them start taking watches in shifts.

Which PCs are likely to take watch shifts, and do they have anything they wish to do other than keep watch (explore a bit, practice magic, make conversation with their fellow watchmen?

2015-11-12, 03:23 PM
Kirk can take watch and practice his magic. He's trained in Perception so we hopefully won't be attacked by goblins or something while people are asleep and not woken by an alarm.

"Men, who here knows how to fletch arrows? We might need some for hunting game, and there's not much more we can do while keeping watch."

2015-11-12, 04:27 PM
Goultess snores loudly on the ground, curled up on a bedroll.

2015-11-12, 05:11 PM
Paulson, one of the younger elven scouts, speaks up: "I know how to fletch. Should prolly start teaching people, since we'll run short on arrows before too much longer." Glancing around, he added "Ain't like we're short on materials though, huh? Nothing but trees all the way to the horizon, even from up in the mountains."

A couple other night guards are waved over, and soon the four of you are making progress at increasing your arrow supplies...although perhaps at the expense of your real duties.

If you like, you can make an Intelligence: Fletching check to see what progress you make during your shift in manufacturing new arrows.

2015-11-12, 05:42 PM
"Which is good." Kirk replied before preparing to fletch. "The forests should also provide an ample supply of meat for us to actually use these arrows on as well."


2015-11-12, 07:43 PM
Sitting beside the fire, Galinnar enters a trance as all elves do. Beside him where his wolf, Opal, should be is empty space. He had sent Opal out to patrol for a few hours while he tranced with instructions to return immediately if he spots a threat.

Galinnar's trance is uncomfortable, if anyone took the time to spare a glance at the elf. Perhaps it was because it's the first time he had ever guided a group this large or perhaps... there's something else disturbing his mind.

2015-11-12, 08:13 PM
In a tent on the most eastern part of the camp resides Lathanator, currently writing in a journal. His armor lays on the ground next to him, along with his shield and mace, as he lies in a bedroll. Light seems to emenate from the top of his tent without any visible source.

(The following is all in celestial. There aren't any spoilers in it, so I'm not going to spoiler tag it, just remember that your characters don't know what he writes.)

Day 15- 6th of Frostfade

Well, we've finally made it outside of the safezone. I wish I could honestly say that I was nothing but happy about this, but more than a small part of me is terrified about what lies ahead. I take some small comfort, at least, that the sun will continue to rise every day on this side of the mountains just as it did over on the other side. Even in these wilds, there will always be another dawn. I still remember watching the sunrise from the mountains. If only there were words that adequately described the huge orb of light emerging up from the trees in the morning. I shall leave that task for more gifted writers than I.

In regards to more practical concerns, I have nothing to report at the moment. All our supplies are holding up better than expected. I only hope our luck continues as we venture further into the unknown. It is my duty to be hopeful about the days ahead... but I must also be cautious. Finding such a balance is easier said than done.


Lathanator waves out the light he conjured with magic as he puts away his journal and begins to fall asleep.

Frostfade is the month currently, in case you couldn't tell. As the name implies, it's when the snow and cold weather starts to go away. If you have some other plan for months, or if they haven't been invented yet, just let me know Vecna.

Also, the light in his tent is from the light cantrip.

2015-11-12, 10:10 PM
Ellstryd Brightmantle, the Dwarven loremaster, likewise takes the time to record the day's events in her journal. Before settling in, she'd compared her cartographic notes to those of the Elf, Galinnar; now that they were in uncharted territory, accurate maps were critical.

Once her journal entry is complete, she casts sending, a wondrous spell that allows brief communication at any distance. Her 25-word report, directed at the leader of her clan back home, is perfunctory, but maintaining that line of communication could be important in the months ahead.

The rest of the group seems eager to get some shut-eye, so she refrains from setting up her drum and regaling the crowd with a tale of Dwarven valor. The Dwarves accompanying her would have appreciated it, but with unknown dangers in the wild, perhaps it was for the best not to make too much noise just yet.

Even with the need for rest to regain her spells, she is happy to take a watch.


2015-11-13, 05:40 AM
Meanwhile, Mira Fenwyrm stalks restlessly around the darkness at the edges of the camp silently daring any monsters in this forest to show themselves. Between her natural darkvision and the telepathic senses granted to her by the crystal helm of her forefathers, she expects to easily get the drop on any would-be intruders. That said, she is unwilling to go out of earshot in case the caravan needs warned of whatever she finds out here.

The Helm of Telepathy, among its many functions, allows the detection of any intelligent creature with a language within 30 feet.

2015-11-13, 07:44 PM
Meanwhile, Mira Fenwyrm stalks restlessly around the darkness at the edges of the camp silently daring any monsters in this forest to show themselves. Between her natural darkvision and the telepathic senses granted to her by the crystal helm of her forefathers, she expects to easily get the drop on any would-be intruders. That said, she is unwilling to go out of earshot in case the caravan needs warned of whatever she finds out here.

A Wolf steps out of some underbrush and glares at Mira, fangs bared.

"Hold, Opal." Galinnar says as he steps in from behind Mira. At the sound of Galinnar's voice, the wolf calms, draws near and sniffs Galinnar's hand which he then used to pet Opal's head.

Opal was larger than your normal wolf but not as large as a Dire Wolf, his height on four paws easily reaching the hips as he trotted towards the elf.

"Please forgive her. She tends to be irritable without rest." Galinnar says to Mira as he offers a sincere bow of his head as an apology. He kneels in order to bring his head level to the wolf, and whispering in Elvish, in a soft voice, the wolf leaves their company, heading to the camp to rest.

Turning to Mira he says, "Perhaps you would like to rest as well? I have already tranced and am willing to take watch for you."

2015-11-13, 09:03 PM
Mira hefts her hammer, but the sudden susurration of unfamiliar elven thoughts and the gentle voice of her traveling companion behind her stays her hand from any violence.

Inclining her head politely toward Galinnar she rumbles contemplatively, "Yes, I suppose I must be satisfied with the watch as it stands - you spotted me out in these woods, after all. And t'would be good to seek out my bedroll. Farewell and fine hunting to you, friend."

With a cheerful wave, she ambles back to camp, amiably grousing to herself about great chomping beasts trying to spook her and half-audible musings on labradorescence and naming schemes.

2015-11-15, 04:35 PM
The various night shifts prove uneventful; some beasts are heard rustling around in the woods, but nothing close by enough to be a problem. Come morning, the entire company begins packing things up between hastily-eaten bites of breakfast. Meanwhile, Lathanator receives the first dire warning of the entire trip: Weal And Woe await the company ahead...

With the sun beginning its climb into the eastern sky, and forest all the way to the northern, eastern, and southern horizons (with mountains looming behind you to the west), what direction will you end up going in?

Don't feel limited by the existing cardinal directions; I'm gonna have a Google Sheet up soon serving as the map, although it'll be a very vague "lay of the land" map, rather than a combat map (combat will mostly be Theatre of the Mind).

2015-11-15, 04:58 PM
Mira elects to climb the largest nearby tree at the first crack of dawn, hoping to get above the canopy and locate some landmarks. Perhaps there will be a river to follow, or a clearing to camp in come dusk?

(([roll0] and I have a climber's kit and rope if necessary.))

2015-11-15, 05:20 PM
It was less visible during the twilight and night yesterday, but with the sun dawning in the east, a sizable plume of smoke is rising perhaps three, maybe four miles southeast of your current position. You haven't heard of anybody else trying to leave the safe zone in large enough groups to warrant that kind of smoke, which means...forest fire? Or lots of bonfires?

2015-11-15, 05:22 PM
Galinnar silently but gladly takes point, pulling a bit ahead from the group just enough to still hear them if anything happens. Oftentimes he would become unseen from the group, straying left and right from the path. He had done this multiple times when he lead other parties and whenever he winked out of their site, it always worried them but he always is nearby. Galinnar preferred to move ahead before the group has a chance to disturb what tracks he might find.

As we move, I'm trying to track any nasties out there that might eat us and the caravan. I'm generally looking for signs of danger and where they are headed so we can avoid them.

I suppose that calls for a Survival Check, with advantage for Favored Terrain?
[roll1] Advantage from Favored Terrain

2015-11-15, 05:23 PM
Goultess yawns loudly, then sits up from her bedroll. Do we get to punch people today? she asks no one in particular.

2015-11-15, 05:26 PM
The tracks and trails you notice are mostly of nocturnal animals, and they're far enough from the camp site that they were likely scared off by the great numbers your group possesses; there might be more much further from the group, but that's all that's nearby at the moment. You notice that there's a nice large area covered in poison oak; even if the group intends to go that way, it might be best to go around it, else people will no doubt get mighty itchy in an hour or so.

2015-11-15, 05:27 PM
"Would a lion or ogre count as 'people'?" Kirk asked Goultess as he prepared his belongings for the day's journey.

2015-11-15, 05:28 PM
Good enough for me! she says, leaping to her feet and readying herself for the day of travel. How're you doing today, Kirk?

2015-11-15, 05:32 PM
"I could be better." Kirk shrugged a bit and cracked a few bones in his neck and back. "I could be worse though, so it's no problem."

2015-11-15, 06:29 PM
Well, lemme know if you need any help, she says. Always happy to help a friend.

2015-11-15, 10:44 PM
Meanwhile, Lathanator receives the first dire warning of the entire trip: Weal And Woe await the company ahead...

Before the group sets out for the day, Lathanator reminds the civilians that things will be more dangerous from here on out, and to never wander away from the group. No sense in getting everyone into a panic over what might be nothing more than an angry bear. However, he does let the rest of the party (other PCs) know that there is likely to be danger ahead, but to keep it to themselves to avoid a panic, which could wind up making a bad situation worse.

2015-11-16, 09:23 AM
Mira remarks that she thinks she has found the woe: "Fires up ahead. Southeast, maybe an hour and a half out through all of these miserable trees. More likely a forest fire than a camp, but I suggest that the lot of us go scout it out while the rest of the caravan moves more northerly, away from the flames."

2015-11-16, 10:23 AM
"Aye, but if it be a forest fire, what of it? We're not likely able t' contain it," points out Ellstryd. "An' if'n it's not a natural fire, steerin' clear seems like a more prudent course, aye?"

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-16, 10:56 AM
"Well, our dwarven friend does have a point." Kirk reasoned as he looked to Lathanator. "Though if it is not natural, then it may be worth investigating. Does anyone here have the ability to communicate with birds? Perhaps an overhead view would provide us with the information we require."

The former gladiator looked towards the Southeast, seeing if he could estimate the size of the fire from his position.

Investigation: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]

2015-11-16, 11:24 AM
"Well now, there's a good idea!" exclaims Ellstryd. She seems pleased that the others are interested in investigating, despite her earlier reservations. "Me spell lasts only a short time, nae long enough fer a bird tae make it out an' back, but I could ask 'em if they've seen any strange creatures in that direction. I'll jus' need a bit ta cast it."

Barring objections, Ellstryd will cast speak with animals as a ritual while the caravan packs up. She will then find a tree with birds chittering away and see if any of them have been to the southeast and seen the source of the fire -- or any non-animal creatures nearby.

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-16, 02:29 PM
"It poses a danger, I'll grant. Fire free from the forge always do, and that which makes it more so. But if it is due to some unnatural source, can we safely settle in this region ignorant of it?" She counts off the possibilities on her fingers, "Monsters in the shape of men suggest strong walls and a standing militia. Flame spitting beasts would need us to track down the liar. A volcano would require building on high land. A mad sorcerer or a rogue bit of elemental fire would need stamped out. But without knowing what has set the flame, we can do nothing to guard against it. We can naught but wait to be burned."

2015-11-16, 02:30 PM
So what you're saying is find the source of the fire and punch it. Got it, Goultess says.Unless it's a volcano.

2015-11-16, 02:47 PM
"Well now, there's a good idea!" exclaims Ellstryd. She seems pleased that the others are interested in investigating, despite her earlier reservations. "Me spell lasts only a short time, nae long enough fer a bird tae make it out an' back, but I could ask 'em if they've seen any strange creatures in that direction. I'll jus' need a bit ta cast it."

Barring objections, Ellstryd will cast speak with animals as a ritual while the caravan packs up. She will then find a tree with birds chittering away and see if any of them have been to the southeast and seen the source of the fire -- or any non-animal creatures nearby.

Ellstryd Brightmantle

Lathantor considers all the options put before him for a moment before making his decision. "It can't hurt for us to know too much before we make our decision. Ellstryd, you do that, let us know what you find out as soon as you can. If anyone has any additional way of obtaining information remotely, now's the time to speak up. If that's all, we wait here until we have some greater idea of what we're dealing with. I want there to be watchers constantly observing the smoke until then."

2015-11-16, 05:19 PM
"I agree with Mira, a forest fire could be devastating and we don't know if it will grow any more. As a Ranger, I can't wilfully turn my back on it." Galinnar slinks up to the group.

Holding up a small bag to his side, he pulls it open to reveal a number of small hairy balls like yarn. "Ellstryd, I may be able to provide you an animal for you to speak with." At this, he picks one, he's had this bag for a long time but he never really figured out what color ball was needed to produce a specific animal. He had tried using the same-colored ball in a row but it didn't seem to give him consistent results. At this point, he just stopped trying and didn't even look as he pulled a small white-grayish furball from the bag.

Dropping it to the ground next to him, the ball grew in size and as it landed, it transformed into a White-gray Giant Boar. Kneeling down to pet the beast, Galinnar whispers in soft Elvish. "Welcome to this world friend, can you please go to the site of the fire and come back here?" he points the Boar to the fire's general direction and it takes off at full charge.

Standing up, Galinnar couldn't help but worry for his new friend.

[roll0] I'll edit my post to reflect the kind of animal after I roll.

2015-11-16, 06:08 PM
After spending several minutes trying to get a straight answer out of the birds, you finally manage to figure out what the issue is: apparently, there's a tribe of monstrous humanoids, big looming ones, that live out in that direction in hill-based caves. There's maybe a dozen of them, but the birds can't really tell the differences between humanoids of roughly the same size well enough to determine what they actually are. They seemed taller than you, though, and fatter, if that helps.

Your best guess, given their vague descriptions is possibly full Orcs (which are usually found much further south), Ogres (which rarely travel in groups), small giants (unlikely, given their relative size compared to you, but a possibility), Bugbears (for being vaguely similar), or some mix of the four.

2015-11-16, 08:11 PM
Ellstryd reports back. "Aye, th' birds've seen some monsters out that direction, intelligent two-leggers like us but bigger. Hard ta say if'n they set the fires or not, but it seems likelier'n not. Apparently it's bein' a small tribe, though -- only a dozen or so."

She ponders a bit. "It'd be interestin' ta check 'em out -- I'm curious what th' fire be about. An' who knows? They may be friendly, aye? But a small tribe o' a dozen probably ain't much danger t' us either way."

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-16, 09:04 PM
Ellstryd reports back. "Aye, th' birds've seen some monsters out that direction, intelligent two-leggers like us but bigger. Hard ta say if'n they set the fires or not, but it seems likelier'n not. Apparently it's bein' a small tribe, though -- only a dozen or so."

She ponders a bit. "It'd be interestin' ta check 'em out -- I'm curious what th' fire be about. An' who knows? They may be friendly, aye? But a small tribe o' a dozen probably ain't much danger t' us either way."

"What folly do these humanoids hope to achieve by burning the forest? If they are indeed behind it, they are no friend of mine." Galinnar says calmly even as Opal beside him growls and bares her fangs.

"At any rate, that sort of description sounds like Orcs but there's only one way to be sure."

waiting for whether the Boar comes back or else Galinnar will volunteer to lead a scouting team. We won't engage.

2015-11-16, 10:43 PM
Wait-so we have an enemy? YES! Goultess crows. Beating time!

2015-11-16, 11:12 PM
"I don't think a tribe of any sorts would burn down a forest." Kirk sat down and began to think. "Perhaps it was an accident? Maybe they're in trouble? An initial good act of forging alliances would serve well once we establish a settlement."

2015-11-16, 11:50 PM
"I don't think a tribe of any sorts would burn down a forest." Kirk sat down and began to think. "Perhaps it was an accident? Maybe they're in trouble? An initial good act of forging alliances would serve well once we establish a settlement."

"I concur. We should attempt some sort of diplomacy first. Even if they're orcs, they can at least potentially be reasoned with. If negotiation fails..." He turns to face Goultess,"well, I hired you for a reason. Still, it would be preferable to forge an alliance, or at least some sort of agreement where both of our groups choose to leave the other alone."

2015-11-16, 11:52 PM
Alright, fine, she says, pouting a little. But if there are any tests of strength or combat... I'm your woman for that.

You know, I'd never agree to it diplomacy if it wasn't for all the people, she continues. I know you guys could handle it if I ticked them off. But them? All them? They'd be in danger. And I don't want that.

2015-11-17, 02:26 AM
Galinnar steps forward. "Take me as well. If they do turn out to be Orcs, I know their kind and their ways, I know how to hunt them and I also know their language, so I can perhaps be of some use in diplomacy." Beside him, Opal's fur bristles in excitement.

2015-11-17, 07:49 AM
"Ye be knowin' Orc-speak?" Ellstryd says with wonder. "I'd be havin' ya learn me a few choice insults sometime! Anyhaps, I'd best go along as well. If'n they ain't Orcs, we'll need me spells ta unnerstand 'em."

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-17, 08:35 AM
"Ye be knowin' Orc-speak?" Ellstryd says with wonder. "I'd be havin' ya learn me a few choice insults sometime! Anyhaps, I'd best go along as well. If'n they ain't Orcs, we'll need me spells ta unnerstand 'em."

"Try Lulgijak-Ishi." Galinnar says in his best possible Orcish. The words were hard and gutteral, a stark comparison to his soft Elvish native tongue. Any Orc or Half-orc would have scoffed at his attempt at the language if they had heard him right now but Galinnar always seemed to be the one scoffing whenever he used it to provoke his enemies. "That always gets them riled up." he added.

And it was mostly true, perhaps the soft Elvish accent forming the words were an added insult. Or perhaps that "by knowing their language and they ignorant of ours, we demonstrate our superiority", his mentor, Solonor, the Guardian once said, and perhaps the Orcs, deep inside their thick skulls and black hearts, know this, and hate the fact that he could speak their language.

"Lulgijak-Ishi" Galinnar couldn't help repeating.

2015-11-17, 11:14 AM
"I know Orc myself as well." Kirk stood up to face the Elf. "The crowd loved it, so I became a bit more adept at speaking the language, improving grammar, diction, phraseology, and the like. Depending on how friendly the Orcs are, assuming that whatever group is down there are actually Orcs, shouting them down or perhaps entertaining them could prove useful as well."

2015-11-17, 12:35 PM
So... Someone's gonna translate for me when we go, right? Goultess asks, not wanting to be left out of the loop.

2015-11-17, 02:12 PM
After a few minutes discussion, the boar eventually returns, panting from the exertion of its near half-hour jog. Its hide is covered with bits of bramble and leaves, and one side has a slight burn mark in it. It makes its way back over to its summoner, ready to report what it saw.

I assume we're doing the Speak With Animals ritual again? Whoever's doing that, I need a Handle Animal check; anybody else who's interacting with the boar, I'm gonna need a Survival check.

2015-11-17, 04:10 PM
Assuming the boar sticks around long enough to cast the ritual:

Animal handling: [roll0]

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-17, 05:14 PM
Seeing the Boar return, Galinnar kneels to pet the beast when he sees bits of Poison Oak all over its fur. Taking a bit of cloth from his inner tunic, he brushes some of it off the boar starting with the head."Good job." he whispers in soft Elvish.

Closing his eyes, he let's healing magic course through his body and to his hands as he transfers it to the boar. "That'll do, boar, that'll do.". He could not, in good conscience, leave the Boar hurt especially when it had done him a favor.

Opening his eyes again, Gallinar inspects the leaves and the burn marks carefully, thoroughly going through them as Elstryd readies the ritual once more.

[roll0] Survival check
Also cast Cure Wounds on the Boar for 12 HP.

2015-11-19, 11:36 PM
As its wounds close and the poison is brushed away, the boar tells Ellstryd a more disturbing story than large bonfires: the large creatures that usually lair in that area (which you are able to confirm are ogres from the boar's more detailed description) are in some kind of conflict with beings made of fire...and the ogres are currently losing. Apparently, the boar was almost immediately detected and attacked by the fire creatures, and it fled back here. It's task of reporting its findings done, the boar disappears into the ether.

What would you like to do?

2015-11-20, 12:24 AM
Creatures of fire... Galinnar thought to himself, now seeming even more determined to stop these beings.

Whispering a soft thanks at the now-empty space the Giant Boar was a while ago, he stood up wondering if they'll ever meet again when he pulls up another ball from the Bag of Tricks.

Finally, Galinnar turns to the group and says "Left alone, these beings will consume the forest. We cannot allow them to spread any more than they already have." his voice calm and unbroken. "Where will you settle if everything is burned to the ground?"

2015-11-20, 08:49 AM
"See? Just as I said! Rogue spirits of flame. We must subdue them if we are to render this land fit for man and dwarf!" Mira nods eagerly, hammer drawn and ready to face down these foes.

2015-11-20, 09:27 AM
Got it. Punch fire, save forest, Goultess says. Nice and simple. Though does that mean we're working with the orcs?

2015-11-20, 12:39 PM
Lathanator seemes upset by this revelation."It is truly a pity that these beings of fire seem to be so hostile. I can only imagine how useful they could be as allies..... But it looks like that is out of the cards."

2015-11-20, 01:57 PM
"Hostile, aye -- ta Ogres," Ellstryd points out. "Ev'ry report we Dwarves've gotten back on Ogres make 'em out as barely verbal brutes what spend their days killin' stuff fer sport an eatin' anythin' with a pulse, includin' their own kind. They be disgustin', violent, an' stupid. Lots o' good folk be hostile ta Ogres, as well we should be!"

Ellstryd tries to think if she's heard any stories of fire-creatures -- or if she has anything relevant in the mini-library stored securely in her cart. And failing that, there's always her clan leader back home...

Intelligence (Arcana) check: [roll0]. If that fails, I'll invoke my Background feature, Researcher.

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-20, 02:13 PM
You don't seem to recall discussing fire creatures before; closest thing is fire giants, but that's not exactly the same. You seem to recall a book speaking of ice wraiths and wind spirits, though; maybe that book has some information on fire spirits as well?

Had to go check my books; updating with new info now...

There it is: "Bounded Layers"! A while back, while looking up information on creatures that might appear in the mountains, you came across a passage concerning wind spirits that lived in the higher parts of the mountains: apparently, due to its connection with the Elemental Chaos, there are still holes leading to the raw primordial essence that makes up the world, oftentimes spots that dragons missed when shaping the world into what it is today. Such holes between the layers exist in places where the Material Plane's connection the Elemental Chaos is particularly strong: ice wraiths in the frozen tundras beyond the northern mountains, creatures made of purest water hiding in tranquil ponds...fire spirits living near volcanoes. Sometimes, beings with such an elemental affinity also appear humanoid; these creatures are known as "genies", and can range from the fairly weak to extremely powerful depending on their age and environment.

Fire spirits such as these appear in three distinct areas: firstly, where there is a powerful connection to the more fiery parts of the Elemental Chaos; secondly, when they are summoned by conjurers of significant power, bravery, or stupidity; thirdly, when their is a fire dragon of significant power living nearby. Such spirits set aflame whatever they touch, and are generally best avoided (or destroyed, if they pose a threat).

2015-11-20, 05:38 PM
Galinnar listens intently and nods occasionally as Elstryd flips through the pages and finishes reciting the bits of recorded lore.

Beside the serene elf, Opal snorts in annoyance and gives a shiver. "As with most knowledge, it leads to even more questions. What brought these creatures to our realm? If they were summoned, by whom? If they were brought here by a connection to the chaos, can we even close it? If a dragon resides here..." he let the last sentence trail off.

2015-11-20, 08:45 PM
"For what reason should we fear a dragon? They are noble creatures, made by the Gods to shape the world into stable form. Such an ally would be of great aid in founding our settlement and I, for one, should like to pay my respects to it."

2015-11-20, 09:34 PM
"If there are fire spirits in conflict with Ogres, then what first caused the fight?" Kirk rested against his maul as he placed its head on the ground. "Maybe we should try to maintain observation from a safe distance to fully gauge the situation."

2015-11-21, 10:35 AM
"If there are fire spirits in conflict with Ogres, then what first caused the fight?" Kirk rested against his maul as he placed its head on the ground. "Maybe we should try to maintain observation from a safe distance to fully gauge the situation."

As much as Galinnar wanted to rid this forest of these creatures, he saw the merit to Kirk's plan. "A compromise, then. We stealthily go in and observe. Opal and I, as well as Gelasrien, Ithalrond and Lendevos I'm sure would be willing to scout ahead. Of course, we're going to need the consesus of the group, especially from Lathanator." he turns to Lathanator for approval, and to the others to see if anyone would like to come as well.

I named the two three skilled hirelings I brought along. Was it two or three?

2015-11-21, 12:37 PM
Lathanator nods in approval. "I approve. That seems to be the wisest course of action."

It was three.

2015-11-21, 01:56 PM
Goultess sighs, but says Yeah, I guess that's a good idea. Mumble grumble lack of punching.

2015-11-21, 04:21 PM
"Aye, this sort o' first-hand information will add greatly t' our records," Ellstryd enthuses. "An' if we end up bashin' some Ogres, so much th' better. We'd best take jus' a small party along, though, let the rest o' the caravan lay low, jus' in case."

Ellstryd Brightmantle

2015-11-21, 06:52 PM
Galinnar nods at Lathanator, "Alright, if anyone wishes to come along but isn't confident of his sneaking abilities, I can cover that somewhat, so don't worry."

"I'll go find Gelasrien and the others, once we all decide on who's coming, we can head out soonest."

Galinnar looked to Lathanator and hoped he didn't mind him taking charge of organizing this skirmish. Lathanator is a fine and cool-headed leader, honorable and just, and that was good for strategy and direction. But this, this is the wilds and this is Galinnar's element.

Nevermind Galinnar's personal interest in destroying the fire spirits that have leaked into the world. And that he has a better chance to find a way to get to that point if he leads the skirmish. Galinnar smiles a little as he greets Ithalrond.

Alright, who's coming? I can cast pass without trace which gives each creature I choose +10 to stealth checks. We should probably get moving unless someone has a plan to add to the scouting one.

2015-11-22, 11:32 AM
"I volunteer, of course."

How many people CAN we bring under Pass Without Trace?

2015-11-22, 11:34 AM
"I volunteer, of course."

How many people CAN we bring under Pass Without Trace?

IIRC, it's an area effect centered on the caster, and the caster can choose anybody within the area for enhancement. I'll go look it up...

EDIT: Yep. "Any creature within 30 ft of the caster (including you)".

2015-11-30, 11:06 PM
Galinnar, followed by the 3 scouts, nods at the assembly. "I see we do not lack courage." he comments, "Good. Let us be off, and when we get closer to the source, I'll cast my spells. Those of you with connections to the gods should cast them too."

At that, Galinnar moves toward the source of the smoke, Opal following right beside him.

If anyone needs Guidance cast on them, coordinate with the clerics.

2015-11-30, 11:43 PM
So... Little help with the sneaking, guys? Goultess asks.

I need Guidance.