View Full Version : Miko's List of People to Smite

2007-05-30, 05:28 PM
There's been some talk about what Miko is praying over in comic 458. personally, I think she's reviewing her list of people she needs to smite. I think it would be best for the forums if we tried to compile this. I think I have determined the first eighty people on her bad side.


1. Roy

2. Belkar

3. Haley

4. Elan

5. Vaarsuvius

6. Durkon

7. Shojo (checked!)

8. Hinjo

9. Hojo

10. Mojo

11. Banjo

12. Xykon

13. Redcloak

14. Old guy who got Crushed

15. Nale

16. Thog

17. Sabine

18. MitD

19. That one merchant on the way to the tower who forgot to give her her change.

20. Thor

21. Iron Man

22. Captain America

23. Her horse (for abandoning her)

24. Argent

25. Archie Bunker

26. Sabine

27. Tom Servo

28. Snape

29. Dumbeldore

30. General Grievous

31. Flumphs

32. Demonic roaches

33. Celia

34. Julio Scoundrel

35. Sangwaan

36. O-Chul

37. Sabine

38. Morrigan Aenslaed

39. Kerrigan

40. Ivan Drago

41. Milk Dudes

42. Larry

43. Moe

44. Curly

45. Shemp

46. Fake Shemp

47. Joe

48. Curly Joe

49. Ted Heely

50. Abraham

51. Isaac

52. Jacob

53. Shupiluliumash

54. Spider-Man

55. Sabine

56. Julia Greenhilt

57. Lien

58. General Chang

59. Lord Kubota

60. Lord Vader

61. Pompey

62. Mordenkainen

63. Bigby

64. That Guy With the Ice Cream Maker From The Empire Strikes Back (He's Seen Fleeing the City)

65. Sabine

66. Tsukiko

67. That Land O'Lakes Chick

68. Ridureyu

69. King Obould Many-Arrows

70. Lord Verminaard

71. Kefka Palazzo

72. Shao Khan

73. The Shredder

74. Sabine

75. Mr. Scruffy

76. Shelby the Dragonslayer

77. Odin

78. Funny Hat Bandit

79. Soon Kim

80. Sabine

2007-05-30, 05:35 PM
17. Sabine

26. Sabine

37. Sabine

55. Sabine

65. Sabine

74. Sabine

80. Sabine

Now I know Sabine can resurect but I dont think Sabine is going to want to come back to the mortal plane after Miko smite her two or three times...or maybe she is going to like it, who know with that girl.

Anyway, that was funny. Good list. Now do Belkar list (its going to be a lot more then 80 people).

2007-05-30, 05:36 PM
81. Vladimir

2007-05-30, 05:37 PM
Now I know Sabine can resurect but I dont think Sabine is going to want to come back to the mortal plane after Miko smite her two or three times...or maybe she is going to like it, who know with that girl.

Anyway, that was funny. Good list. Now do Belkar list (its going to be a lot more then 80 people).

Belkar's list is more or less the order he would like to kill everyone in the world...

2007-05-30, 05:43 PM
I like that, though I think Belkar's highest on that list, not Roy.

Duke Malagigi
2007-05-30, 06:31 PM
How about this addition to the list?

82. Ogier the Dane
83. Malagigi
84. Roland
85. Rinaldo
86. Archbishop Turpin
87. Charlemagne
88. Bradamante
89. Bayard (Rinaldo's horse)
90. Sir Galahad
91. Sir Gawain
92. Richard Sharpe
93. Doctor Gregory House
94. The Doctor (fat chance)
95. Shrek
96. Fiona
97. Donkey (from Shrek)
98. Dragon (from Shrek)
99. Wolf
100. Three Pigs
101. Pinochio
102. Gingy (the gingerbread man from Shrek)
103. Puss in Boots (from Shrek II)
104. Prince Charming (from Shrek II)
105. Hellboy
106. Liz
107. Abe Sapien

2007-05-30, 06:36 PM
Cap'n Sparrow
Cap'n Barbossa
Miss Swann
Master Turner
Mister Turner
Mister Cotton
Mister Cotton's Parrot
Morgan Freeman
Commander Skywalker
Jim Carrey

2007-05-30, 06:38 PM
118. Sabine

2007-05-30, 06:42 PM
Wouldn't it be much easier to make a list of the poeple she doesn't want to smite? There would only be one name in that list. :smallbiggrin:

2007-05-30, 06:44 PM
119: Brave Sir Robin
120: That old man from scene 24

2007-05-30, 06:50 PM
my cat named baby
George bush
wee man
party boy
Micheal Jackson
some random Asian
some random black guy
Napoleon dynamite
Ricky bobby
storm trooper #3
Storm trooper #8
50 cent
slim shady

2007-05-30, 06:54 PM
We all want to smite Slim Shady. Problem is, he keeps hiding with those doubles.

The next one is #137, by the way.

2007-05-30, 07:06 PM
#137. Anyone who looks at my smiting list

2007-05-30, 07:10 PM
#138: Lawyers.

Nice list there.

2007-05-30, 07:17 PM
that's nothing compared to Belkar's list:
1. Everyone.
2. Everyone else.

2007-05-30, 07:19 PM
Black Mage's list

1.Everyone I know

2.Everyone I don't know

Cade Shadow
2007-05-30, 07:30 PM
How about this addition to the list?

82. Ogier the Dane
83. Malagigi
84. Roland
85. Rinaldo
86. Archbishop Turpin
87. Charlemagne
88. Sabine
89. Bradamante
90. Bayard (Rinaldo's horse)
91. Sir Galahad
92. Sir Gawain
93. Richard Sharpe
94. Doctor Gregory House
95. The Doctor (fat chance)
96. Sabine
97. Shrek
98. Fiona
99. Donkey (from Shrek)
100. Dragon (from Shrek)
101. Wolf
102. Three Pigs
103. Pinochio
104. Gingy (the gingerbread man from Shrek)
105. Sabine
106. Puss in Boots (from Shrek II)
107. Prince Charming (from Shrek II)
108. Hellboy
109. Liz
110. Abe Sapien
111. Sabine

Fixed it for you

2007-05-30, 07:35 PM
Black Mage's list

1.Everyone I know

2.Everyone I don't know

My list is even bigger

1. EVERYONE...and I men it (including myself (?))

Emperor Ing
2007-05-30, 07:46 PM
139: Darth Trhite
140: Darth Sirendeous
141: Darth Revan
142: Darth Malak (Deceased)
143: Darth Luriacun
144: Darth Sabine
145: Sabine
146: Darth That Guy
147: Komari Vosa (Deceased)
148: Darth Akhara
149: Darth Rawr
150: L33T
151: Darth 5up3|2 1337 p\/\/|\|63
152: Darth Sidious
153: Darth Cheese
154: Darth Fang
155: The Randomizer
156: Darth Pie
157: Popcorn
158: Darth Soda
159: Darth Nokyx
160: God

2007-05-30, 08:04 PM
Ah, but the fun part is figuring out why she wants to kill people she's never met and who exist only in alternate universes --

Snape - for murdering an older mentor figure in cold blood before she did.

Kerrigan - for preempting her decision to go blackguard for the greater good (hey, becoming infested and lording over the Zerg probably looks pretty good to Miko! Maybe she'll try to control the Snarl if she goes BG.)

2007-05-30, 09:11 PM
161-Sir Uther LightBringer (Warcraft III)
162-Mary´s little lamb
164-The person who created "Mary have a little lamb"
166-Santa´s mounts (yes, the 12 of them)
167-Merry Poppins (an evil babysiter that flies!!!)
169-Rich (cause he draw all her powers going away)
170-Big Muzzy ( i don´t remember how it is supossed to be written)

Gnome King
2007-05-30, 09:17 PM
67. That Land O'Lakes Chick


Gavin Sage
2007-05-30, 09:24 PM
171- Loki
172- Mr. Rogers (Desceased)
173- Surtur
174- Thor's Planetar Secretary
175- Chuck Norris
176- Dirt Farmer

2007-05-30, 09:26 PM
171. Abe Lincon
173. Anyone who has ever yelled #172's name, or referanced other people yelling it.
174. That Bilbo tool.
175. Charlie the Unicorn
176. The guy at the phone company who won't provide her service. (paladins should not pay bills!)
177. Your immortal soul
178. Dorthy Gale
179. V's gender, and all debators
180. Anyone who finds any of the names listed above amusing at all.

Gavin Sage
2007-05-30, 09:29 PM
Heh post ninja'd some

2007-05-30, 09:29 PM
181: All GreyGuards
182: Generic MinMaxer
183: Generic Fire Gnome Munchkin

2007-05-30, 09:51 PM
Anakin Solo.
Jacen Solo.
Jaina Solo.
Admiral Daala.
The Yuuzang Vong.
That freaky extra dimensional thing with Anti-Midichlorians or whatever the hell generates its Anti-Force effect.
Every incarnation of IG-88.

Oh wait, that's the list of people I want to kill in the SW EU. Meh, I'm sure we can find a place for her.

"This wretchedly poor characterization of these individuals has indicated their deaths be mandated by the gods!"

2007-05-30, 09:54 PM

This is one of the most entirely illogical things I have ever seen. It is a list of random people.

YAY! Keep up the good work!

2007-05-30, 10:45 PM
192 (I think). The flumphs.

Gavin Sage
2007-05-30, 11:00 PM
Nah they were #31.

2007-05-30, 11:06 PM
Nah they were #31.

Then that would make number 192... Pun-pun.

2007-05-30, 11:30 PM
193. Generic Balor #4
194: Generic Slaad #7
195. Sabine
196. Aribeth de Tylmerade (for giving all paladins a bad name)
197. Arthas, (see above note)
198. Herself (see above note..... no, wait. scratch the last three)
199. Redcloak's family, to the nth generation
200. Whoever removed those matress tags
201. ..... take this opportunity to go dance on Roy's grave
202. Complains-of-names
203. Big-ears
204. Chief
205. Thaco
206. Tempts Fate
207. Dies-horribly
208. Whoever wrote the law in Cliffport banning Detect Evil
209. Anyone remotely involved in that court order
210. Sabine
211. Captain Obvious

2007-05-31, 12:03 AM
Somebody get me an aspirin because Miko just gave me a migraine... AGAIN.

*prays to the Twelve Gods, Odin, Thor, Loki, and ALL the Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms gods that a brick- or pile thereof- falls from the prison ceiling and hits Miko in the head*

*Not praying for her death, just a Clue-By-Four beaning or at the very least a severe personality readjustment. Maybe even amnesia... having to relearn about who you were could be nicely traumatic for her.*

2007-05-31, 12:07 AM
171- Loki

175- Chuck Norris

That's why! Even thinking of putting Chuck Norris is a list like that will make something bad happen to you.

And about pun-pun. He hot the idea that being an overdeity with every ability listed was strong, but he never faced a round-house kick to the face. This ability is in no book, you know what happened when they tried to copy it.

Finn Solomon
2007-05-31, 12:15 AM
119: Brave Sir Robert

Isn't that brave Sir Robin?

David Demola
2007-05-31, 12:36 AM
[QUOTE=Ridureyu;2672854]There's been some talk about what Miko is praying over in comic 458. personally, I think she's reviewing her list of people she needs to smite. I think it would be best for the forums if we tried to compile this. I think I have determined the first eighty people on her bad side.


1. Roy

2. Belkar

3. Haley

4. Elan

5. Vaarsuvius

6. Durkon

7. Shojo (checked!)

8. Hinjo

9. Hojo

10. Mojo

11. Banjo

12. Xykon

13. Redcloak

14. Old guy who got Crushed

15. Nale

16. Thog

17. Sabine

18. MitD

19. That one merchant on the way to the tower who forgot to give her her change.

20. Thor

21. Iron Man

22. Captain America

23. Her horse (for abandoning her)

24. Argent

25. Archie Bunker

26. Sabine

27. Tom Servo


2007-05-31, 12:43 AM
212. Gypsy

213. Cambot

2007-05-31, 01:24 AM
214: TV's Frank
215: Cairne Bloodhoof
216: Emperor Palpatine
218: Number 217 (check)
219: Balder
220: My non-working speaker
221: The lightning bug in those MidAmerican Energy commercials
222: Olmec
223: Optimus Prime
224: Kane
225: The Sapphire Guard
226: The Sapphire Ghost Martyrs

Emperor Ing
2007-05-31, 04:24 AM
I recently found these people to be on Miko's hitlist...shes in over her head!!

227: Jesus
228: That guy from Madness Combat
229: George Lucas for thinking that bacteria make the force
230: Midichlorians
231: Satan
232: Albert Gore
233: John Kerry
234: Darth Felchan
235: Marcus Fenix
236: Illidan
237: Spartan 117
238: Gordan Freeman
239: Captain Planet
240: Superman
241: Satan Claus
242: Mr. Chrismaramahaunakwanzaka
243: Jared Fogle (ya kno, from the subway adds)
244: Arthur, King of the Britians
245: That ghost in the robes + hood
246: Darth Sion (deceased)
247: Darth Nihilus (deceased)
248: Darth Belkar
249: Samus Aran
250: Emperor Ing
251: Dark Samus
252: My Brother (DONT LET ME STOP U!!!)
253: The next generic little boy she sees
254: Allah
255: Buddah
256: Atheos
257: The flying sphagetti monster
258: Mr/Ms. Garrison
259: M.Night.Shamalon (I spelled it wrong didnt I?)
260: :smalleek: <--This guy
261: The host of "Ask a Ninja"

2007-05-31, 04:30 AM
262. Monty Python & the Holy Grail's Black Knight

Freelance Henchman
2007-05-31, 05:20 AM
And the last one on that list, who is ultimately responsible for making her fall: The Giant !!!!!

Shadow of the Sun
2007-05-31, 05:29 AM
The abridged list:

1: Everything that's male.
2: Everything that isn't.

2007-05-31, 06:04 AM
263 :Indiana Jones
264 : Jar Jar Binks
265 : Bruce Dickinson
266 : J.R.R Tolkien
267 : Gary Gygax (or whoever who come up with this "falling" idea)
268 : Gary, anyway
269 : Hotel boy from 227
270 : Basil Fawlty
271 : 007
272 : Saangwan (deceased)
273 : Immanuel Kant
274 : Leslie Nielsen
275 : Jenna Jameson
276 : Robin Hood
277 : Your father
278 : Nikki Tyler
279 : Lech Wałęsa
280 : Moustached Innkeeper
281 : Arnold Schwarzenegger
282 : Sabine
283 : Armorer who reforged damn Roy sword

All those filthy wreched Libertines should die.

2007-05-31, 06:27 AM
285: Everyone who has ever visited the Belkar's Romantic Interest thread


2007-05-31, 06:28 AM
286.The Weasleys (pretty easy to get 'em all at once)
290.Susie Derkins
291.The Witches from the Wizard of Oz.
292.The Wizard
293.The Wizzard
294.The girl and her little dog too!
295.The Scarecrow
296.Scarecrow (the batman villain)
297.The Great A'tuin (accomplishes several others on her list)
298.Dibbler (this one's personal-well, more personal)
299.Me (numerous offenses, including the romance thread)

2007-05-31, 08:14 AM
300. Kaaaaaaaarrrrrrn!

2007-05-31, 09:09 AM
301.George Stubbart
302.Nico Collard
303.The French Taunter(Monty Python and the Holy Grail.)
304.Kratos(God of War)
305.Gordan Frohman(Half-Life:Concerned Webcomic)
306.Alyx Vance(Half-Life)
308.Wallace Breen(Half-Life)
309.The G-Man(Half-Life)
310.Barney Calhoun(Half-Life)
311.Adrian Shephard(Half-Life:Opposing Force)
312.Eli Vance(Half-Life)
315.Wanda(Shadow of the Colosus)
316.Argo(Shadow of the Colosus)
317.The First Colosus
318.The Second Colosus
319.The Third Colosus
320.The Fourth Colosus
321.The Fifth Colosus
322.The Sixth Colosus
323.The Seventh Colosus
324.The Eighth Colosus
325.The Ninth Colosus
326.The Tenth Colosus
327.The Eleventh Colosus
328.The Twelvth Colosus
329.The Thirteenth Colosus
330.The Fourteenth Colosus
331.The Fifteenth Colosus
332.The Sixteenth Colosus
333.Kain(Legacy of Kain)
334.Raziel(Legacy of Kain)
335.Ariel(Legacy of Kain)
336.Moebius(Legacy of Kain)
337.Janos Audran(Legacy of Kain)
338.Vorador(Legacy of Kain)
339.The Elder God(Legacy of Kain)
340.Turel(Legacy of Kain:Defiance)
341.Dumah(Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver)
342.Rahab(Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver)
343.Zephon(Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver)
344.Melchiah(Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver)

2007-05-31, 09:42 AM
345. Cthulhu
346: Azathoth

2007-05-31, 09:45 AM
347. Your momma.

2007-05-31, 10:27 AM

2007-05-31, 10:32 AM
248. the cat of the last image

2007-05-31, 10:33 AM
349. People who number improperly

2007-05-31, 11:02 AM
350. Elminster

Freelance Henchman
2007-05-31, 11:10 AM
Nah they were #31.

Well, smite'em again from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

2007-05-31, 11:16 AM
351. People who speak in thinly veiled Aliens allusions.

2007-05-31, 12:06 PM
352: the person who started the sabine three-way thread
353: anyone who likes the sabine three-way thread
354: anyone who supported the sabine three-way thread
355: anyone who dident soak they're brain in acid from the sabine three-way thread

okay now my lifes work is done! farewell to all of you! *jumps in pool of acid due to the sabine three-way thread*

2007-05-31, 12:49 PM
if they havent already been mentioned:
356: HK-47 (oh i'd love to see him kill that meatbag)
357: Atrix and all his puns (i know i do)
358: That guy without a name (anyone who can guess who i'm talking about can have a cookie)
359: Ravel (snirk)
360: Nyle
361: The power of greyskull!
362:Jillian & Wanda (you can guess why)
363: Gort. Mink
364: everyone who has ever said "for the horde"
365 :all those who have sought to list those she wants to smite.
err... Run away

2007-05-31, 05:36 PM
366. Dr. Frankenstein
367. Edgar Allen Poe
368. That annoying Raven
369. Fox Mulder
370. Lu Bu
371. Lobo
372. Montgomery Burns
373. Sabine
374. John Dorian
375. Mobius 1
376. Crypto 1-426

2007-05-31, 06:46 PM
377. People who laugh.
378. People who smile.
379. People who feel emotions other than rage.
380. People who feel rage.
381. People with faces.
382. People without faces.
383. The Care Bears.
384. The Pillsbury Doughboy.
385. Cuddles the Fabric Softener Bear.
386. Happiness.

2007-05-31, 07:28 PM
387. Joe the cat
389. people who said I'M RICK JAMES BITCH
390.first person who doesn't like this post
391.the roach
392.First 12 gods
393.Second 12 gods
394.Third 12 god
395. Fourth 12 god
396. Fifth 12 gods
397.sixth 12 gods
398.seventh 12 gods
399.eighth 12 gods
400. ninth 12 gods
401. tenth 12 gods
402.eleventh 12 god
403. twelfth 12 gods
406. bane
407. sune
408 any one who post anymore DnD gods

Cade Shadow
2007-05-31, 07:41 PM
390.first person who doesn't like this post

*runs away*

Freelance Henchman
2007-06-01, 04:54 AM
391. All Evil gods (obviously)
392. All Neutral gods (well, they're not *good*, so...)
393. All Good gods (they must have done *something* bad at some point)
394. The local Overgod (power corrupts, and nobody with that much power could be free of corruption)
395. Every single hadron, lepton, photon or other basic particle, including the ones that make up her own body, one-by-one, in alphabetical order (without them there could no evil, so they are accomplices!)
396. Every single ghost, spectre or otherwise incorporeal being (not quite undead, but close enough to be smitten. smote. smotten. you know what I mean)
397. The space-time-continuum (it's hiding something, I'm sure of it)

2007-06-01, 05:52 AM
I think this is starting to verge on SMBG material.

2007-06-01, 06:38 AM
398: The girl who's working as a waitress to get herself through Ninja School
399: The Hob Goblin army
400: Barbara Streishand
401: All the evil she missed before she was introduced into this comic.
402: Comic #200 when she stopped being cool

2007-06-01, 08:33 AM
403 paris hilton...(you know..lust, gluttony, vanity..being to dumb to walk under the sun..plenty of reasons for a psycho like miko:smallbiggrin: ..plus it's only a couple of cells away:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: )

2007-06-01, 09:03 AM
I think this is starting to verge on SMBG material.

Yep, agreed. It's a list of people we dislike for some reason.

2007-06-01, 09:10 AM
Yep, agreed. It's a list of people we dislike for some reason.

I think it's just the list of totally random people. And things. So it even more belongs to SMBG.

2007-06-01, 09:12 AM
I think it's just the list of just random people. And things. So it even more belongs to SMBG.

Yep. Let's wait for a mod to move it.

2007-06-01, 09:51 AM
404: Error messages Sorry
405: Cthulhu (beyond good and evil my arse)
406: Michel Ancel (see 405)

Duke Malagigi
2007-06-01, 12:24 PM
Yep, agreed. It's a list of people we dislike for some reason.

That and people we do like.

2007-06-01, 01:11 PM
407: Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

2007-06-01, 01:21 PM
Why Tom Servo? He's so very nice.

Honestly, Crow seems more Miko smite-able to me.

Mummy king
2007-06-01, 02:19 PM
408: Gandalf the grey
409: Gandalf the white
410: Monty python and the holy grail's black night
411: Benito Mussilini
412: And the blue meanie
413: Cowboy Curtis
414: Jambi the Genie
415: Robocop
416: Terminator
417: Captain Kirk
419: Darth Vader
420: Lo-Pan
421: Superman
422: Every single powe ranger
423: Bill S. Preston
424: Theodore Logan
425: Spock
426: The rock
427: Dock ock
428: Hulk Hogan

429: Davros

2007-06-01, 06:18 PM
430. Mr. Rogers (in a bloodstained sweater!)

2007-06-01, 06:28 PM
431: Good guys
432: Bad guys
433: Explosions
434: The sight thereof
435: The concept of survival

2007-06-01, 06:40 PM
436. anyone who tried to tell her what to do, including making her smite list.:smalltongue:

2007-06-01, 07:07 PM
Edit;Oops! Someone posted while I was typing.

436:Drizzt Do'Urden
437:Any Drizzt Clone
438:Harry Potter(He corrupts children!!!)
439:Lord Voldemort(He corrupts children!!!)
440:Albus Dumbledore(He Educates Children!!!)
441:Jack Thompson

(The Folowing are Characters from The Elder Scrolls Series)
442:Emperor Uriel Septim VII(Yeah. he's already dead, but that's not going to stop her.)
443:Martin Septim(he's illegitimate, that's reason enough.)
444:The Gray Fox
445:The King of Worms
446:Lucien Lachance
447:Mankar Camoran
448:Dagoth Ur
449:Azura(Daedric Prince)
450:Boethiah(Daedric Prince)
451:Clavicus Vile(Daedric Prince)
452:Hermaeus Mora(Daedric Prince)
453:Hircine(Daedric Prince)
454:Jyggalag(Daedric Prince)
455:Malacath(Daedric Prince)
456:Mehrunes Dagon(Daedric Prince)
457:Mephala(Daedric Prince)
458:Meridia(Daedric Prince)
459:Molag Bal(Daedric Prince)
460:Namira(Daedric Prince)
461:Nocturnal(Daedric Prince)
462:Peryite(Daedric Prince)
463:Sanguine(Daedric Prince)
464:Sheogorath(Daedric Prince)
465:Vaermina(Daedric Prince)
466:M'aiq the Liar (Pronunced Mike)

2007-06-01, 07:25 PM
467. Bael
468. Agares
469. Vassago
470. Samigina
471. Marbas
472. Valefor
473. Amon
474. Barbatos
475. Paimon
476. Buer
477. Gusion
478. Sitri
479. Beleth
480. Leraje
481. Eligos
482. Zepar
483. Botis
484. Bathin
485. Sallos
486. Purson
487. Marax
488. Ipos
489. Aim
490. Naberius
491. Glasya-Labolas
492. Bune
493. Ronove
494. Berith
495. Astaroth
496. Forneus
497. Foras
498. Asmoday
499. Gaap
500. Furfur
501. Marchosias
502. Stolas
503. Phenex
504. Halphas
505. Malphas
506. Raum
507. Focalor
508. Vepar
509. Sabnock
510. Shax
511. Vine
512. Bifrons
513. Uvall
514. Haagenti
515. Crocell
516. Furcas
517. Balam
518. Alloces
519. Camio
520. Murmur
521. Orobas
522. Gremory
523. Ose
524. Amy
525. Oriax
526. Vapula
527. Zagan
528. Volac
529. Andras
530. Haures
531. Andrealphus
532. Cimejes
533. Amdusias
534. Belial
535. Decarabia
536. Seere
537. Dantalion
538. Andromalius

2007-06-01, 07:29 PM
408: Gandalf the grey
409: Gandalf the white
410: Monty python and the holy grail's black night
411: Benito Mussilini
412: And the blue meanie
413: Cowboy Curtis
414: Jambi the Genie
415: Robocop
416: Terminator
417: Captain Kirk
419: Darth Vader
420: Lo-Pan
421: Superman
422: Every single powe ranger
423: Bill S. Preston
424: Theodore Logan
425: Spock
426: The rock
427: Dock ock
428: Hulk Hogan

429: Davros
I actually laughed at this, good job :smalltongue:

2007-06-01, 11:12 PM
467. Bael
468. Agares
469. Vassago
470. Samigina
471. Marbas
472. Valefor
473. Amon
474. Barbatos
475. Paimon
476. Buer
477. Gusion
478. Sitri
479. Beleth
480. Leraje
481. Eligos
482. Zepar
483. Botis
484. Bathin
485. Sallos
486. Purson
487. Marax
488. Ipos
489. Aim
490. Naberius
491. Glasya-Labolas
492. Bune
493. Ronove
494. Berith
495. Astaroth
496. Forneus
497. Foras
498. Asmoday
499. Gaap
500. Furfur
501. Marchosias
502. Stolas
503. Phenex
504. Halphas
505. Malphas
506. Raum
507. Focalor
508. Vepar
509. Sabnock
510. Shax
511. Vine
512. Bifrons
513. Uvall
514. Haagenti
515. Crocell
516. Furcas
517. Balam
518. Alloces
519. Camio
520. Murmur
521. Orobas
522. Gremory
523. Ose
524. Amy
525. Oriax
526. Vapula
527. Zagan
528. Volac
529. Andras
530. Haures
531. Andrealphus
532. Cimejes
533. Amdusias
534. Belial
535. Decarabia
536. Seere
537. Dantalion
538. Andromalius

Wow, I thought I knew the names of a lot of demons...

2007-06-01, 11:15 PM
538. Marylin Manson
539. Cookie Monster
540. Me
541. You
542. Count Chocula
543. Captain Crunch
544. Tony the Tiger
545. Sabine
546. Alucard
547. Tom Clancy
548. Solid Snake
549. Liquid Snake
550. Gas Snake

2007-06-01, 11:27 PM
551. David Hasselhoff (although I secretly think he is the MITD)

2007-06-01, 11:27 PM
552. Joey Buttafuoco

Gnome King
2007-06-01, 11:29 PM
408: Gandalf the grey
409: Gandalf the white
410: Monty python and the holy grail's black night
411: Benito Mussilini
412: And the blue meanie
413: Cowboy Curtis
414: Jambi the Genie
415: Robocop
416: Terminator
417: Captain Kirk
419: Darth Vader
420: Lo-Pan
421: Superman
422: Every single powe ranger
423: Bill S. Preston
424: Theodore Logan
425: Spock
426: The rock
427: Dock ock
428: Hulk Hogan

429: Davros


553. The makers of sesame street.

2007-06-01, 11:39 PM
The local grocer for only having plastic when she wanted paper

Her Teevo for not recording last weeks episode of "That Girl"

The Gorl Scount next door for selling out of thin mints

2007-06-02, 08:39 AM
407: Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

I did that one! Or does she dislike him that much?

557. Sir Clive Woodward
558. Jonny Wilkinson
559. Frank Lampard

2007-06-02, 09:05 AM
How about this addition to the list?

82. Ogier the Dane
83. Malagigi
84. Roland
85. Rinaldo
86. Archbishop Turpin
87. Charlemagne
88. Bradamante
89. Bayard (Rinaldo's horse)
90. Sir Galahad
91. Sir Gawain
92. Richard Sharpe
93. Doctor Gregory House
94. The Doctor (fat chance)
95. Shrek
96. Fiona
97. Donkey (from Shrek)
98. Dragon (from Shrek)
99. Wolf
100. Three Pigs
101. Pinochio
102. Gingy (the gingerbread man from Shrek)
103. Puss in Boots (from Shrek II)
104. Prince Charming (from Shrek II)
105. Hellboy
106. Liz
107. Abe Sapien
Are you kidding me? That boy's so Lawful Good she'd probably worship the ground he walks on... Unless of course she was jealous. Then she'd smite him good.

Regardless, I think she'd rather smite Sir Lancelot. She seems to like to kill people for comitting "treason," no matter what the reasons are behind it.

...That's all :3;;

2007-06-02, 09:08 AM
560, humunoids, for being capable of choosing evil.
561, animals for being incabable of choosing good
562, dragons, they're all red on the inside!
562, aberations, the're unholy abominations
563, magical beasts, they are unnatural
564, fey, she listens to the cold iron warriors
565, giants, bigger more evil humonunoids
566, monstros humunoids, eviler, unatural humans
567 elementals, see animals
568, outsiders, fo being to close to the primal chaos
569, constructs, unatural automatons
570 plants, instict driven killers
571 undead, see aberations
572 anyting else

2007-06-02, 09:20 AM
Lo! This thread will be moved to the SMBG forums!

573. Rich Burlew (for making the oots)

2007-06-02, 09:25 AM
574. my aunt

2007-06-02, 09:52 AM
575. Everyone who just referenced the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny a few posts back.
576. Herself (Oh Twelve Gods... what have I done??! Forgive me!)

2007-06-02, 10:02 AM
the shredder was lol worthy

2007-06-02, 10:59 AM
What, so Miko is Arya now?

2007-06-02, 11:35 AM
577. Kore, the Dwarven Paladin

Because she wants to replace him.

2007-06-02, 01:01 PM
Wouldn't it be much easier to make a list of the poeple she doesn't want to smite? There would only be one name in that list. :smallbiggrin:

Nah. The not-smite list would be:

鼠 子 Rat
牛 丑 Ox
虎 寅 Tiger
兔 卯 Rabbit
龍 辰 Dragon
蛇 巳 Snake
馬 午 Horse
羊 未 Sheep
猴 申 Monkey
雞 酉 Rooster
狗 戌 Dog
豬 亥 Pig
:miko: Miko

2007-06-02, 01:07 PM
The abridged list:

1: Everything that's male.
2: Everything that isn't.

So, Vaarsuvius :vaarsuvius: lives?

2007-06-02, 01:30 PM
So, Vaarsuvius :vaarsuvius: lives?

Miko won't allow such abbomination to live.

See - even if we consider V "no gender" it gives nothing to him

He's not male, so he is in second category.

Guildorn Tanaleth
2007-06-02, 02:59 PM
578. The Oracle
579. Lisa
580. Zadoc
581. Og
582. W**dch*cks
583. The Dread Pirate Roberts
584. T-Rex
585. Utahraptor
586. Dromiceiomimus
587. God
588. The Devil
589. Bob
590. Diophantus
591. Zeno
592. Xenu
593. Xemu
594. Jick
595. Mr. Skullhead
596. Xenophobe
597. Riff
598. HotStuff
599. Bashy
600. Zezima
601. Guildorn Tanaleth
602. Larry Wall
603. Richard M. Stallman
604. Eric S. Raymond
605. Linus Torvalds
606. Bill Gates
607. Bill Gates, Jr.
608. Bill Gates III
609. Steve Jobs
610. Steve Wozniak
611. JFK
612. JR
613. Mr. Burns
614. Caligula
615. Romulus
616. Nero
617. The guy who invented underpants
618. Sabine
619. Death
620. Death of Rats
621. Binky
622. Albert
623. Susan
624. Command Vimes
625. Captain Carrot
626. Sergeant Angua
627. Nobby
628. Sergeant Colon
629. Constable Visit
630. Brutha
631. Om
632. Vorbis
633. Lady Ramkin
634. Granny Weatherwax
635. Gytha Ogg
636. Magrat Garlick
637. Agnes Nitt
638. Perdita X
639. Mustrum Ridcully
640. Rincewind
641. Archchancellor Rincewind
642. Arthur Dent
643. Ford Prefect
644. Zaphod Beeblebrox
645. Trillian
646. Tricia McMillan
647. Marvin
648. Random
649. Slartiblartfast
650. Twoflower
651. The Luggage
652. Sabine
653. The Librarian
654. The Patrician
655. Cut-me-own-throat Dibbler
656. Bloody Stupid Johnson
657. Cohen the Barbarian
658. Conan the Barbarian
659. Great A'tuin
660. Ossory
661. Lu-Tze
662. Lao-Tzu
663. Lobsang Ludd
664. Jeremy Clockson
665. Lady LeJean
666. The Antichrist
667. Christ
668. The Holy Ghost
669. The Auditors of Reality
670. Azrael
671. Michael
672. Samael
673. Lilith
674. Time
675. Wen
678. Sabine
679. Blind Io
680. Offler
681. The Lady
682. Fate
...and, worst of all:
683. Izchak Miller

2007-06-02, 03:15 PM
617. The guy who invented underpants

Let us think for a moment on the significance of this entry.

2007-06-02, 03:32 PM
Let us think for a moment on the significance of this entry.

They're so constricting!!!!!!

2007-06-02, 03:51 PM
Ooh, random lists!

684: Obi wan kenobi
685: Bastila
686: Eragon
687: He who must not be named
688: He who must not be looked at
689: He who must not be spoken to
690: He who must not be toilet trained
691: The Dahaka
692: Anyone who voted "Miko" on the poll in the "Belkar's romance" thread
693: Anyone who voted at all on the poll in the "Belkar's romance" thread
694: Anyone who looked at the "Belkar's romance" thread
695: The Dark Prince
696: Everyone who is reading this thread
697: Sauron Xykon
698: Frodo Frudu
699: Samwise Samwose
700: The One Ring Ming

2007-06-02, 04:00 PM
How many times has Sabine appeared on this list? Anyone care to count?

2007-06-02, 04:24 PM
701. Hiro
702. Peter
703. Nathan
704. Claire
705. Niki
706. Jessica
707. D.L.
708. Isaac
709. Ando
710. Noah
711. Mohinder
712. Syler
713. Hiro's dad
714. Sabine

2007-06-02, 04:28 PM
715. Pusher Robot
716. Shover Robot
717. Those damn badgers.

2007-06-02, 04:33 PM
Apparently.. about 18 times.

Miko must be smitten with Sabine.

2007-06-02, 06:34 PM
Miko must be smitten with Sabine.
:furious: a bad pun you must die :furious:

2007-06-02, 06:59 PM
Let me fust tell you her 1st person on the list.
And Educational Television.

the mysterian
2007-06-02, 07:25 PM
take off captain america, he is dead already.

and add king ghidorah

2007-06-02, 07:25 PM
718. Chuck Norris

It'd be the epic battle of the century... Ofcourse Miko would lose in the end, no one beats Chuck Norris...

2007-06-02, 07:32 PM
:furious: a bad pun you must die :furious:
It's less about the pun and more about the mental imagery.

718. Chuck Norris

It'd be the epic battle of the century... Ofcourse Miko would lose in the end, no one beats Chuck Norris...
Bruce Lee could beat Chuck Norris, and at best Bruce Lee is a 7th level Monk.

Miko could beat Chuck Norris.

2007-06-02, 08:28 PM
Everyone seems to mention chuck norris here.even me.*points to numerous posts and his sig*Im gonna kick everyone who ever mentioned him in the balls now..
And Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris are probally lv 20 gods.

2007-06-02, 11:28 PM
719. Anyone who has looked at the Miko's Love Interest thread.

2007-06-03, 02:36 AM
It's less about the pun and more about the mental imagery.

Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow! :smallamused:

2007-06-03, 08:43 PM
720. Belkar
721. The rest of the order (again)
722. Belkar (once more)
723. The ninjas that tried to kill Hinjo (they failed)
724. The Eye of Fear and Flame's head
725. The Eye's body
726. The Heuacuva (doesn't matter if it's dead)
727. The guy hanging out 3 feet to your left


2007-06-03, 09:10 PM
728.Yo Mamma

2007-06-03, 09:31 PM
It's less about the pun and more about the mental imagery.

Bruce Lee could beat Chuck Norris, and at best Bruce Lee is a 7th level Monk.

Miko could beat Chuck Norris.

You know how they never figured out how Bruce Lee died? It was a roundhouse kick to the brain.

2007-06-03, 09:32 PM
You know how they never figured out how Bruce Lee died? It was a roundhouse kick to the brain.
It was a heart attack... or stroke... or something similar.

He had heart problems.

2007-06-03, 09:34 PM
*chokes finwe*
729.The Giant
730.Shigeru Miyamoto(creator of Nintendo)

2007-06-03, 10:21 PM
Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow! :smallamused:

That one was Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow worthy.

Ah, on that note, has anyone mentioned the RVB cast? I'd say that Miko vs Sarge would be interesting. Sarge would win, of course. I'm sorry, but Sarge just owns everyone.

732. Sabine
733. Everyone who once worked at the hotel that was blown up.
734. Everyone who stayed in her room in that hotel. Reasons? She never figured out who ripped off the tag.

2007-06-03, 10:23 PM

2007-06-03, 10:24 PM

Holy crap, that was quick. I was wondering how long it would take...

2007-06-03, 10:24 PM
BAH! leonidas MOCKS chuck norris and all his pretensions!

2007-06-03, 10:32 PM
I thought you already smote him?

Adding for good measure?

2007-06-03, 10:33 PM
I thought you already smote him?

Adding for good measure?

twice but this is for good measure...

2007-06-03, 10:36 PM
twice but this is for good measure...
Looks like Ye Olde Mod just smote him.

2007-06-03, 10:45 PM
Looks like Ye Olde Mod just smote him.

I saw and am glad.

2007-06-04, 05:17 AM
730.Shigeru Miyamoto(creator of Nintendo)

Wrong. He's the creator of Donkey Kong (staring Jumpman, later known as Mario), Pikmin, Starfox (AKA Lylat Wars) and the Legend of Zelda series. Nintendo was founded as a company in the late 19th century, Miyamoto just isn't that old.

basilisk 89
2007-06-04, 06:27 AM
Durkon and O-Chul don't make sense.

2007-06-04, 06:29 AM
Durkon and O-Chul don't make sense.

Does Miko make sense?

2007-06-04, 06:40 AM
Wait you are seeking for sense in this thread ?!?:smalltongue:

Besides when reading ~ 25 panel of 406, I also though :"smiting Shojo make no sense". And 9 panels later...

2007-06-04, 07:14 AM
736. The Amazing Maurice (He corrrupted the world's first intelligent rats!)
737. The Amazing Maurice (He still had two lives left)
738. The Amazing Maurice (:miko: WHEW!)
739. The Educated Rodents (Corrupt!)
740. Stupid looking kid/ Keith (Also corrupt)
741. Malicia (Tied up a shoemaker's wife and a baker)
742. Bellatrix Lestrange (:miko: you killed Sirius Black! He was mine!)
743. Lord Voldy-whatsits
744. dementoids
745.Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler ( :miko: It may have cost me a lot, but it was worth it!)

2007-06-04, 07:56 AM

Miko's new prestige class: The Bellydancer Assassin

Doesn't this get me in the priority smiting list?? :smallcool:

2007-06-04, 08:12 AM
If Miko doesn't smite you someone else will...

2007-06-04, 08:26 AM
If Miko doesn't smite you someone else will...

I will, with cleansing fire. Brought to him as a servant of Combusbat, the god of petrol and blunt objects.

2007-06-04, 08:49 AM
746. Rincewind
747. Baal
748. Mephisto
740. Sabine
749. Diablo
750. Tyreal
751. Hadriel
752. Jamella
753. Deckard Cain
754. Me
755. Sabine
756. Lavernius Tucker
757. Leonard Church
758. Dexter Grif
759. Richard Simmons
760. Micheal Caboose
761. Sabine
762. Ed Robertson
762. Steve Paige

2007-06-05, 06:39 AM
193. Generic Balor #4
205. Thaco

I think we ALL want to kill THAC0... I mean, who the deuce came up with that utterly non-intuitive system!? Gah!

...Second Edition, still gnawing at the roots of my sanity years later...

2007-06-05, 07:14 AM
763: Father Christmas, he gives things away for free an thus must have obtained them dishonerably
764: He's even more overt in his villainy than Santa
765: Homo parleus et latin canine

2007-06-05, 07:15 AM
Different Thac0.

But yeah, I still have nightmares about translating from 2nd to 3rd ed... 'So high armour class is good?:smallfrown: '