View Full Version : Player Help Feedback created Story

2015-11-13, 03:45 AM
My Dm has set us in a campaign within Ravenloft. Due to an unfortunate turn of events and generally bad decision made by myself my Draven fighter now is dead and buried. The party setup changed a bit since i started and i decided to step a tad back and go for a bow wielding Ranger. My party discovered me at the end of our last session not knowing that i am not a NPC but a player. My story ends with the WildHunt at the point my dm will introduce me to the party.
My native lamnguage is not English so there may be some errors in words and sentences but the idea should come accross.

I would love to hear how i can tweak my story!

Character Profile

Illisiar Silvermane


Illisiar grew up in the forest of Kartakass.
Her father taught her to hunt and trained her in close combat from an early age.
Her mother, a praised archer, taught her how to craft and later wield her first bow.
The tribe’s druids taught her how to read, write and eventually tried to teach her to reach out to nature’s power.

As Illisiar grew up she started outclassing both her father and her mother in training.
The spell casting sessions with the druids however went on with little to no results. Frustrated by these fruitless classes Illisiar started to sneak out early in the morning.

She started crafting her own bows, tougher and heavier that the bows most elves of her tribe used. Every time a bow was completed and to her liking she would practice for hours at a time to make sure she could wield it with ease for a long period of time.

Her strength and agility increased so rapidly she could fire 1 arrow form her heaviest bow in the same timespan it took her mother to even take aim.

Amazed by this feat her father walked up to her during an early morning session and unclasped his own quiver.
Gently he attached his own quiver to her belt. He looked her in the eyes with a spark of enjoyment. It took her a moment to realize why he did this, then with an enormous grin she took one arrow from her back quiver, she took aim and released the arrow.
As soon as the first arrow was flying through the air she took the next arrow from her fathers quiver, aimed and released it following the exact arc the first arrow was still traveling. As soon as the first projectile hit the target the second one split the first clean in half.

It was decided at that day that illisiar would not grow up to be a druid or guardian of the forest. She would become part of the hunter’s pack, a ranger, trained to protect, hunt and track those who would do harm to her kin or her lands.

Life was good and illisiar enjoyed her place among the rangers.
A few years passed without serious incident until the druids of her tribe became restless, sensing a slight decay in the lands.
Uncertain of what could be causing these vague but yet undeniable symptoms the druids ordered the tribe not to venture in to the woods alone.
They would try to contact the nearby groves to see if they perhaps sensed the same taint.

As restless as she could be, Illisiar decided to ignore the druid’s warnings and wanted to go train with her latest bow.
She crafted this thing of beauty only 3 days ago and it was still uncomfortably heavy in her hands.
Silently she shifted into the shades between the trees and started heading into the forest alone.

After a few hours she reached the clearing she used for her practice. She strung up a few targets ranging in size and started firing her bow. As the hours passed she grew accustomed to the bows resistance and started hitting target after target with ever increasing speed. She became one within her focus and before she realized, she reached to her back quiver to find she just released the last one there.

Instinctively she reached towards her hip, but halfway this movement, she froze in place. A vile stench reached her nose, carried by the gentle breeze within the clearing.
Uncertain of what could produce such a stench she gently turned around.
Suddenly a figure leaped towards her out of the bushes surrounding the clearing.

Panicking Illisiar reached for the arrow from her fathers quiver. With almost unnatural speed she aimed and released the arrow. The hours of training had however taken their toll on her arms and body and even though she hit the beast, the power behind the shot was almost non-existent. The arrow she fired did not stop his leap towards her.
With a wide grin, revealing rows of sharp, edged yellow teeth, it bit down onto her face.
The pain was unbearable, Illisiar tried to kick the creature of but with every move she made, the teeth cut deeper and deeper into her face.

Nearly passing out form the pain and loss of blood Illisiar released a primal cry for help. A similar cry was released from within the forest, almost echoing her own sound. The creature, uncertain of what just took place released her face and stood upright. It seemed uncertain what to do. As the beast shook its head it turned his head back towards illisiar and opened its jaw wide as if to finish the job it started.

Unable to move and nearly passing out Illisiar tried reaching for the hunting knife on her belt. Grasping in panic she could not take hold of the heft. The creature started tearing pieces of flesh out of her cheek, ignoring the fact that she was still struggling against its form. Furiously she released another primal scream, this time not only scared but also raging with anger and fury.
A shadow appeared at the edge of the clearing, once more echoing the call.
The creature, unaware of this presence continued to bite down time after time.

Moments before illisiar fainted she noticed two yellow eyes, bright as the sun pierce into her own. A silver-grey wolf leaped towards her and the creature on top of her. Then everything turned black. By the tame she came to the vile creature who assaulted her lay dead in the clearing. Its throat was torn out and it had various bite-marks all over its body. In its claws en and between its teeth however she noticed various plucks of fur and flesh seemingly from the wolf who came to her aid.
As she shook of the groggy feeling in her head she spotted a trail of blood leading into the forest almost at the same place the wolf appeared initially.
Uncertain of what exactly took place she felt the urge to search out he savior.
Slowly she began tracking the trail and after a few minutes she found the wolf near its den. The wolf had a gaping wound across its face and it barely missed its left eye. As illisiar moved closer she heard the wolf whimper, not a cry of physical pain but an agonizing heartbreaking grieving sounds. At it’s paws lay a litter of newborn wolves torn apart by seemingly the same attacker that had assaulted illisiar.

Heartbroken she fell to her knees and took hold of the wolf. They sat there together for a few hours silently sharing everything that had taken place. Illisiar then started digging 5 little graves, gently put each body in it’s own grave and preformed the ceremonial rituals the druids had taught her. After a few minutes a little sprout of Ivy grew upon each grave, hopefully turning the lifeless bodies into a rebirth as 5 trees in remembrance of the loss.

After completing this ritual she turned to the wolf. She noticed she could project her words into images, as did the wolf to her. She started cleaning out the small bite wounds across its body and eventually started cleaning the gaping wound across its face.
The wolf sat motionless, completely trusting her newfound companion.
After cleaning the wound illisiair stitched it together, it would heal, but the scaring could not be prevented.

With this last task completed illisiar finally gave into the cries of her own body. She allowed herself to feel the pain she had been oppressing all this time. It came fast and it came hard. The world before her eyes swirled black and moments before she passed out a second time she saw the wolf running between the trees in the direction of her village.
She awoke in her own bed, the wolf, which lay beside her bed peered into her eyes.

It showed how she moved in a blur of motion, a large open section with fire in it’s mid and it showed her how it bit down onto the nearest elf pulling it towards her location. Her hunting party took arms and followed the creature towards the place she had collapsed. She could see herself from the eyes of the wolf… and passed out again.

The weeks following where the best and the worse she ever had to endure. Her face was healed by the tribe’s druids, but even they could not replace the pieces torn out by the, what was identified later, horribly mutated goblin. Her face was mutilated forever, but during this event she also met her life companion, the silver grey wolf who imprinted herself onto illisiar during the attack and during the grieving of the loss of her litter.

The tribe tried to act natural around her but the face of one of their kind so severely ravaged made them feel uncomfortable around her.
Eventually the imprint from her companion took a stronger hold of her she, unchecked by the mutual imprint that normally took place in such bonds.
Her parents saw her isolating herself to the pack and her companion more and more every day and eventually went to the tribe’s druid to ask if he could help illisiar perform a imprint of her own. Hoping this would bring more balance to her personality and returning the spark of joy she seemed to have lost in the passing period.

The tribe’s druid agreed and assisted illisair with imprinting herself onto the wolf, which in return projected her name as Ivy, in honor to the sprouts on the graves of her lost whelps during this ceremony.
Upon completing the ritual the bond between her and Ivy was unbreakable.
The comfort of knowing knowing true loyalty and love helped both deal with their losses and scared appearances.

Impressed by the resilience illisiar and her companion showed since the attack the druid offered them each a gift. Illisiar received a hooded cloak, covering the malformed and scarred parts of her face from view.
Upon the fabric itself was embodied the image of a running silver wolf.
The druid explained to her that, for as long as she was wearing this mask, the gaze of the people around her would not linger on her appearance.
It would not withstand a thorough inspection but it would allow her to meld into society once more without invoking the unease her appearance did before.

For Ivy the druid had fashioned a collar from the Ivy tree, a gift to honor and comfort her. Ivy glared at the collar but after a while she signaled to illisiar to put it onto her neck. Illisiar accepted the gift from the druid and noticed the collar had a similar image imprinted onto it as she had on her cloak. This collar will allow you to link more than the spiritual bond you have now. It will allow you to instill nature’s power into Ivy the same way you could empower yourself, use these gifts well.

The druid sighed and sat down into the char centered in the room. He spoke with a tiredness witch surprised both of them. We have finally been able to contact one of the groves in Forlorn. It appears the goblin witch assaulted you was the first of many to come. The taint we sensed was a mere harbinger of what is to come. The druids are being hunted by these goblins and the forests are either twisted to unnatural properties or cut down all together. It seems we have been fortunate until now.

The Grove near the Lake of Red tears however stands on her last legs; they have even requested the aid of our druids to summon a Wild Hunt. Considering the weight of such a request we have decided to send 8 of our druids to assist them and we want to ask you and your hunting party to accompany them.

The druids and the hunting party travelled for nearly a week, enduring several attacks from small groups of goblins. The foul beasts posed little treat to the party, but still they did suffer losses to the hunting group. The sheer amount of attacks started wearing out the Hunting Party and eventually they started taking losses. The druids assisted where they could, but they knew what task awaited them on arrival. Eventually illisiar and ivy where all that remained of the hunting pack.

When they finally did arrive at the grove their human allies where already preparing the ritual. An enormous group of goblins had been gathering near the grove, seemingly preparing to attack it and in doing so wiping out the resistance the druids of Forlorn had been giving.

As the ritual of summoning progressed Illisiar noticed a loud clattering as a human fell head over toes into the center of the summoning circle. The druids where so caught up in their chanting that they did not notice him. Illisiar knocked an arrow and sent Ivy out into the woods to scout for more intruders. After a few minutes passed Ivy gave a mental image of 2 more foreign looking individuals. A hint of amusement came from Ivy as the human in the circle fell to his butt when the first hound of the hunt appeared from with in the chanting circle. Illisiar lowered her bow when the full pack was summoned and the Wild hunt started moving.

Caught up in the Wild Hunt she fought and killed many of the dreadful goblins.
After the entire camp was slaughtered the Wild hunt vanished, leaving her and the druids exhausted.
The party that had accompanied the wild hunt spoke out to the human druids.
Illsiair decided to move closer towards these curious people to hear what they were doing in this forsaken land.

2015-11-13, 12:26 PM
It appears you put a lot of time and effort into creating this backstory. Don't change a thing. While others may certainly suggest different ideas that you could incorporate into your character, the core of your story is perfect as it is. So feel free to add to it if you want, but keep what you already have just as it is.

2015-11-16, 06:03 AM
Thx BowStreetRunner!

I will, i'm really happy with the character feel.
Thanks for your feedback!


Honest Tiefling
2015-11-16, 02:25 PM
I like the addition of good a reason for the wolf to accompany the ranger. Many people just treat them as a big ol' cuddly pet.

2015-11-16, 02:34 PM
Thx, i really enjoyed wirting the story. It might have been smart to add that my party is an excisting one, my previous fighter was murdered and due to unfortunate rolls my party was unable to claim my bodt. I entered the campaign at a wild hunt at witch point ym dm threw my character in the fray. I have been writing this stoy after that night to introduce her properly this Sunday. i can;t wait :)

/ Childish gleeing :)