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View Full Version : Pathfinder Martyred Bloodline Tiefling

2015-11-13, 08:53 AM
I was working out the concept of a character and I wanted some help working it out. I don't know if this one will ever see the table, but I have fun throwing things together.

You have a tiefling (generic or any sort of -spawn verity) and they possess the martyred bloodline, be it that they are sorcerers, are of an archetype that grants a bloodline, or their secondary class is sorcerer. The reason they are a tiefling, and the reason they have the martyred bloodline are related to the same event. What could have occurred to make it so they are born as tiefling, yet the blood of a martyr runs through their veins?

2015-11-13, 09:06 AM
I was working out the concept of a character and I wanted some help working it out. I don't know if this one will ever see the table, but I have fun throwing things together.

You have a tiefling (generic or any sort of -spawn verity) and they possess the martyred bloodline, be it that they are sorcerers, are of an archetype that grants a bloodline, or their secondary class is sorcerer. The reason they are a tiefling, and the reason they have the martyred bloodline are related to the same event. What could have occurred to make it so they are born as tiefling, yet the blood of a martyr runs through their veins? a great and powerful paladin stood against a tide of evil outsiders, giving her friends time to escape while she fought them alone, eventually she grew weak and finally fell, but the evil creatures did not execute her, instead capturing her and torturing her mind, body, and soul before her friends returned to save her, but her mind twisted and her soul stained as it was, it would be impossible for her to go back to civilisation, she instead chose to die by imprisoning the fiends using a powerful scroll to trap them in a isolated demiplane of her own creation, trapped and magicless she fought them once more to a stand-still before she fell, leaving them trapped forever in the demiplane she had crafted

And never would she see the child that had been taken from her so long ago after their depraved torture had ended...

2015-11-13, 09:09 AM

Heh, sorry for making such a bad story, ill go put it in a spoiler, i just got hit with the urge to write when i saw ur post

2015-11-13, 09:19 AM
Hey, its a good (brief) story that presents a suitable scenario. I have to wonder what fiends you envision to be involved. Its flexible enough it could be just about any verity (excluding qlippoth), and I think that to be a good thing.

2015-11-13, 10:19 AM
Both the bloodline and the race involve an ancestor being involved in something pretty dramatic (coupling with a fiend, and being killed for their beliefs) so it should be pretty easy to combine the two. The simplest would be to have those two default events be one and the same; the ancestor fell in love with a fiend and ended up facing mob justice after one or the other gave birth.

2015-11-13, 10:19 AM
Heh, sorry for making such a bad story, ill go put it in a spoiler, i just got hit with the urge to write when i saw ur post

It's a kinda neat backstory.

2015-11-13, 10:40 AM
Asura's could easily be played off as martyrs-they were the failed experiments, the practice dolls, the ones rejected and discarded by the gods. Carrying this burden and having no real home, they want revenge against the good gods. To the point they are willing to give their broken and meaningless lives to not only stop good, but as a martyr for the cause of other evil outsiders.

Also, just because you come from evil outsiders does not mean that they can't be martyrs to a cause. A demonspawn could be descended from a great and powerful demon who died to open a portal from the abyss to the mortal plane, resulting in centuries of darkness etc etc. Certainly not a martyr to the material plane, but could be one to the residents of the abyss.