View Full Version : For The Swarm (Gauging Interest)

The Orange Zergling
2007-05-30, 09:21 PM
In an upcoming Zerg-invasion plot I am planning to do (yeah, I know there have been a lot of “destroy/take over the world” plots lately), I would like some assistance. Therefor, I am asking for around 3 volunteers to be Zerg (sub)Cerebrates who will command a portion of the Swarm landing in the Town. Two will be come into the plot immediately and the last will come later (not a definite thing, but unless the Town can suddenly not defend itself for a couple days.....).
Anyhow, here's the deal. This event will take place slightly independent from the StarCraft: Brood War plot, even though it will happen during those events. The reason I say that is because (for example) the Overmind is fully mature and commanding the Swarm, but Auir has just been invaded and razed.
If you are interested, please post here. If you are not picked to be a Cerebrate, please understand I have nothing against you. If you are chosen, you will receive a PM informing you that you have been chosen, and your role. If you are not happy with your role, let me know and I'll see if anyone is willing to switch.

Applicants: Please familiarize yourself (if you havent already) with the abilities and restrictions of the following:
Zerg Broods (specifically the Jormungand, Garm, and Surtur (also their tactics))
Zerg units and structures seen in StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War
Zerg Cerebrates and their connection to the Overmind

Also, please state the following things in your post.

Have you played StarCraft?
-If so, what Zerg tactics did you use?
--How much experience do you have using said tactics?
-If not, what sort of tactics would you employ using the Zerg?
Thank you.

No longer taking applications.

I'd also like to point out that these positions arent exclusive to StarCraft players, if you have not played the game you'll just have to do a little more research. :smallwink:

((hope I dont sound too much like a hard-ass with this... =/ if I do thats not my intention))

2007-05-30, 09:30 PM
While I don't intend to join as a Cerebrate, I'd like to say that this is a pretty cool idea. I also can promise that any invasion of the ZoC will be met with heavy resistance. It's fun for the whole family!:smalltongue:

2007-05-30, 11:15 PM
*Insert Application Here?*
Hm, filling out forms usually come with this kind of stuff. That's fine, though; I'll make my own!

-Played SC religiously about 8 years ago, not as such now anymore. Lots involved with their storyline and stuff.
-My general tactics with Zerg were basically Zergling + Hydralisk... Not rush (I'd take ages to get the forces ready), so much as swarm. Meaning, well-suited for the Surtur brood.
-Online usually between midnight and 5 am EST, earlier at weekends.
-Just looking for something to actually get involved in, because I find it excruciatingly difficult to start up a plot on my own.
So, uhm. Yeah. Fun for the whole family, as stated.
Yay. :smallsmile:

2007-05-30, 11:16 PM
I'd like to put in an application for a Cerebrate.

Duh. :smalltongue:

I can't say I have a list of stuff like Mr. Chili, though. Any brood would be fine.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-30, 11:18 PM
DeBunny would be willing to take a cerebrate...yes he would...hydralisks...mehehehe

The Orange Zergling
2007-05-30, 11:38 PM
*Insert Application Here?*
Hm, filling out forms usually come with this kind of stuff.

Considered it, then thought that as long as people followed the request in the OP they should be fine... although looking back on it maybe people should just write out their resume (played/not played/friend talks endlessly about it/etc).

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-30, 11:52 PM

DeBunny Zerg Cerebrate Application
-Played a fair amount of Starcraft, I understand most of the basic information about the Zerg. Or I would like to think, anyway
-I usually use a large amount of hydralisks, but tend to take a queen or two and wreak havoc with broodlings
-Enjoy employing the zergling 'burrow' skill with 30+ zerglings in one spot. Enemy steps in the middle and finds himself surrounded and usually outnumbered
-Guerrilla fighter I suppose, putting me up for Garm...

Is that good?

The Orange Zergling
2007-05-31, 12:21 AM
Is that good?

Yeah, resumes like that are what I'm looking for I suppose (written out in that style, I mean). Although I'm not sure how people who havent played would fill it out... /shrug, we'll deal with it when we get there, I suppose. I'll add it to the OP.

2007-05-31, 06:13 AM
Cerebrate me.
I never really cared which brood I was, but I was always a sucker for air units, sespecially after Brood War. Teams of gaurdians and devourers are my choice, with hydralisk ground support, all fully upgraded, and an overlord to act for detection (because nothing kills guardians faster than cloaked wraithes). I've played for 8+ years, and am familiar with both games, plus Starcraft: Insurrection, which is basicly a prolouge to Starcraft 1. Vael's post reminded me of another favorite. I send hydralisks in to kill enemy units, then I send lurkers through to rip up buildings. Works A LOT.

2007-05-31, 08:04 AM
Well, what the hey. I'll toss my hat into the ring.
*tosses tophat*

-Yes I've played starcraft. I have it here on my work computer, and another work computer, and the other computer over there in the lab, and my laptop...
I've played it for years. Played it recently, too.

-I generally liked using a weaker zerg rush to soften up the main base of my opponent (as in, goodbye probe/scv/drones, then maybe even take out the nexus/command center/hatchery if I was quick enough) and then upgrading to bring in lurkers/hydralisks or guardians and devourers, depending on how far the game progresses.

As for home base strategies (which are highly important), I create large hatchery clusters (for creating larva only), and tend to expand at a rapid rate so as to optimize production and resource gathering times. I normally send a drone to the opposite side of the map to create another base to confuse my opponents as to my location, and so that they can't take out everything in one rush.
I also make sure to keep defensive and offensive units (lurkers being a favorite due to the ability to stay out of the way and still defend) in reserve at the base at all times, in case the need for a strike force/defense force arises.

I occasionally (when I'm very bored and have a lot of time) do a passive/aggressive expansion strategy which involves lots of sunken colonies and spore colonies.
Lots. As in, you come close, you die.
And it keeps spreading... and spreading...
But that honestly doesn't work so well all the time, so I mostly use the previous one.

-Again, years of playing, though I mostly play against computers due to lack of good internet connection at home. I can't remember when I started.
I do know that I am honestly not the best player, though I am a good strategist when it comes to a bit more free form style.

2007-05-31, 10:53 AM
My application, or at least what little of it there is:

Have you played StarCraft? I played StarCraft a while back. Like, four or five years ago? I played it a lot, back then. Was never exceptionally good at it, though I'd consider myself okay. Probably suck now, though.

-If so, what Zerg tactics did you use? I didn't really play Zerg as much as I should've, so I just applied the tactic I used with the other races: defense, defense, and more defense. This may not have been the best strategy for Zerg, but it's what I used. I did try a zergling rush occasionaly.

For when I finally did attack, I often liked to try and sneak in a Nydus Canal exit node on enemy creep (when fighting other Zerg) and flood their base with a suprise attack.

--How much experience do you have using said tactics? I probably played StarCraft for a year or so.

In the end, I'd probably be equally suited to any brood.

2007-05-31, 03:02 PM
I've never played StarCraft, but I have a friend who plays it religiously *cough*. I don't think I could really be trusted to lead an army, when there are others that would be much better, but I would be willing to help with anything. Seems like a fun plot.

The Geomancer
2007-05-31, 03:14 PM
Man. I would be angry because this will probably take away from the end of the world plot I am planning to do this summer.

But I am not angry. Why? Because Starcraft is awesome and this sounds like fun.

If you need anyone else to play Zerg don't hesitate to ask.

The Orange Zergling
2007-06-01, 12:49 PM
I hate to bump my own threads, but this is dying on the first (second?) day... so *bump*

2007-06-01, 01:03 PM
Nooo, more competition. :smalltongue:

2007-06-04, 02:17 AM
Owh, but I likes competition. :smallfrown:


The Orange Zergling
2007-06-05, 12:12 PM
Closed, please check your PM boxes within the next day or so to see if you were chosen. Thanks for signing up!

2007-06-07, 08:14 PM
I don't care if I get a PM, because I was watching my dad play when I was 4. I have Starcraft in my blood! I AM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1