View Full Version : Player Help Very average stats Awakened Mystic looking for thematic and viable class go into

2015-11-13, 11:55 AM
Hi all

Running a (half)-orc Awakened Mystic Order of the Immortal, and the party's current front end. Also playing him somewhere between happy buddhist monk and Drax. He has been an outcast for some years, found enlightenment and awakening, now seeks to do the bidding of the universe.

Because my dice are thoroughly normal (unusual for D&D, I know) and because my DM banned point buy (sad face) I ended up with

Str 16
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 12 (because immortal doesnt actually need it)
Wis 12
Cha 8

I run a magical pike (went iron discipline and then celerity, will pick up the weapon one at 5th when I cant hit the ACs of the enemies). Also carry a morning star. Wear scale mail.

Im level 2, and plan to run Immortal to 5th. But then I am stuck. DM is not willing to work with me to make a home brew, and also wont let me just level up for the psi points. I can probably convince him to let me go into mystic again to pick up order of the awakened, but I honestly dont know if I want to.

So, I want to know what I should go into. On the one hand I need to maintain party face, though we have a bladelock coming online soon, a rogue or 2, and several casters. On the other hand, Rule of Funny (unfortunately) dominates in our group (I came over from a very serious 3.5 group) and theatre of the mind of course is a huge part. I would love to play a thematic character for once and this one seems very thematic.

Any ideas? I mean monk would make sense thematically, but with armour and low wis, I dont see the point. I could go fighter/eldritch knight but bleh. Paladin is out. Help please.

2015-11-13, 02:24 PM
Not sure what to tell u. U have casters and skill monkies. You wanna remain face but not sure your effectiveness at that. U have a few classes you'd prefer not to go into. If you can convince him the psi points follow spell point progression so any increase to that should increase your points. So if I recall drax was apart of a warrior culture and he had many markings on his skin. Maybe barbarian rune master since he allowed mystic seems like a decent idea based on a different thread. You'd lose your temper and break faces then regain your composure and break their minds and cook their butts. If you have access and its allowed maybe battlerager? Just to be different. If needed rogue for expertise cunning action and possibly an archetype like mastermind swashbuckler or assassin or whatever you like cause it seems you staying away from casters. Have you considered maybe ranger? Other archetypes of fighter? Just throwing ideas your way.

2015-11-14, 01:00 AM
Your stats make you ineligible for multiclassing with any of the caster classes. So the Bladelock route is out, among others.

My first instinct from there would be to recommend Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster for the mechanical and fluff synergy, but you seem less than enthused about the former. Is there a particular reason for that?

(Note: speaking of synergy with EK/AT. A homebrew rule that is in use in my current campaign and working quite well, casters using spellpoint variant can stack it up with psipoints from the mystic in the same way EK and wizard spell slots would stack together. They use the same scale, so balance concerns are minimal. I don't know if your DM is willing to countenance such a thing, but it would let you blend arcane magic and psionic abilities to some degree.)

2015-11-14, 01:36 AM
Wouldn't you need a 13 Int to Multiclass out of Mystic? I mean, I know it's a play test character and it has undefined MC rules, but it's an Int class and the general rule is you need a 13 in you existing classes stats to MC out.

2015-11-14, 07:28 AM
While I will need 13 int to multiclass out, I will get that at level 4.

DM has ruled psipoints and spell slots dont stack.

Bladelock isnt me, its another player.

Thinking I might prestige into Rune Scribe? With the earth rune. Nicely meets my fluff and provides some combat utility.


2015-11-14, 07:34 AM
I think your stats are great actually. Arcane trickster or eldritch knight are easy dips that only require a 13 in dex/str and as long as they are buff spells your fine. Rogue could provide some great options in game play, cunning action and expertise can go really far. How does action surge fancy you?

Love to see your build, sounds really cool.

2015-11-14, 07:37 AM
Action surge sounds horribly broken actually :p seeing as I could do it twice (yay mystic!).

Eldritch knight just didnt feel right, but I guess I could take another look. Arcane Trickster sounds interesting. Ill give that one a look too.

2015-11-14, 07:49 AM
Action surge sounds horribly broken actually :p seeing as I could do it twice (yay mystic!).

Eldritch knight just didnt feel right, but I guess I could take another look. Arcane Trickster sounds interesting. Ill give that one a look too.

Cunning action is awesome, and casting invisibility on yourself can help gaining advantage when tanks are not near by. But just 3 or 6 levels, no more.

If you are dead set on a polearm, then just 2 levels of rogue is perfect. Expertise in athletics and perception, and cunning action for your bonus action when you don't have one to use from polearm master, like you gotta help a buddy out, disengage is sweet. Battlemaster for 3 level could be great for some maneuvers to.