View Full Version : Shadow as Pact of the Chain Familiar

2015-11-13, 03:42 PM
I have a player who is playing an Undying Pact Warlock.

She is planning to take Pact of the Chain.

I would like to offer an undead familiar. Shadow looks good. I will add the ability to gain resistance to necrotic damage if within 10ft.

What are thoughts on balance?

This seems slightly weaker than a Quasit or Imp. The main benefit is squeezing through gaps that are 1" thick. The downside is that invisibility is better than blending in as a shadow and magic resistance is better than necrotic resistance. Darkvision is also better on the Quasit and Imp.

Anything I am missing here?

Should it be stronger? If so, any ideas on a boost? Maybe allow it to cloak the Warlock to enable better hiding?

2015-11-13, 04:05 PM
Maybe increase its HP to 22 (matching the spectre) and replace Strength Drain with the Life Drain ability from the spectre. This would get rid of the problem of spawning more shadows while also giving a damage boost to it (it also gets rid of their ability to abuse strength draining on certain enemies)

2015-11-13, 04:19 PM
Maybe increase its HP to 22 (matching the spectre) and replace Strength Drain with the Life Drain ability from the spectre. This would get rid of the problem of spawning more shadows while also giving a damage boost to it (it also gets rid of their ability to abuse strength draining on certain enemies)

The HP on the other improved familiars are 2, 7, 7, 10. Why do we want this one to have more than double the HP of currently offered familiars?

Your change to its attack would make it much worse as it would rarely make a difference. As it is, I would think the Warlock would rarely want to give up their action for the familiar's attack.

Is -1d4 strength per hit abusable? I would say the worst that will happen is that it will be annoying to keep track of. I think I will limit it to living beings.

It is easy to just say that the Shadow familiar can't create more Shadows. I could see an argument for making it add necrotic damage instead of strength damage to mirror the poison from the other familiars. Not convinced that it is necessary though.

2015-11-13, 05:10 PM
Is -1d4 strength per hit abusable? I would say the worst that will happen is that it will be annoying to keep track of. I think I will limit it to living beings.

In an edition in which no PC class has access to any ability that does direct attribute damage? Probably somehow, but I can't think of anything too instantly overwhelming. It is still stronger than the pseudodragon sting though. The sting attack allows a pretty low con save to resist the poisoned condition, while the Shadow's strength damage is automatically applied on a hit.

You'll probably be fine, the only obvious problem was the creates more shadows aspect, and you've already removed that.

2015-11-13, 05:30 PM
Is -1d4 strength per hit abusable? I would say the worst that will happen is that it will be annoying to keep track of. I think I will limit it to living beings.

It's definitely a lot more situational than hp damage, the exact effectiveness is going to vary wildly between enemies.

2015-11-14, 03:10 AM
Hmmm. If I was looking for an undead familiar I'd probably go with the Crawling Claw instead. (Monster Manual p44, CR 0)

But I'm biased because like most gamers of a certain age I grew up watching Adams Family re-runs.

2015-11-14, 11:19 AM
Hmmm. If I was looking for an undead familiar I'd probably go with the Crawling Claw instead. (Monster Manual p44, CR 0)

But I'm biased because like most gamers of a certain age I grew up watching Adams Family re-runs.

It is certainly not as good as the improved familiars that the Pact of the Chain Warlock gets.

A crawling claw would make for a good regular familiar. Having your own shadow be your familiar is pretty cool too I think.

So, I take it everyone is okay with trading magic resistance for necrotic resistance? Still feels a bit weak to me.

Maybe if they stand still in an area of dim light they can use the shadow to gain total obscurement to be able to attempt to hide.

2015-11-14, 11:53 AM
Make it a Shadow Minion. Homebrew thing I made for this. Same as Shadow, but trade in fire resistance for magic resistance. Make Shadow Drain allow a constitution save (DC equal to warlock spell save DC) to resist strength drain, or make strength drain deal 1d4-1 strength damage. If you think strength drain is ok for a PC to have, make it use a DC, but remove 1d4+1 strength.

2015-11-14, 04:24 PM
It is certainly not as good as the improved familiars that the Pact of the Chain Warlock gets.

A crawling claw would make for a good regular familiar.

Point taken. With a bit of work I could "power it up" to the level of those other familiars, but as written it's not there yet.

My GF is playing a necromancer and I thought this might interest her, but she took the Pirate background, and she has informed me she wants a parrot familiar instead. So, no love for the Crawling Claw. <sniff>

2015-11-14, 05:06 PM
In an edition in which no PC class has access to any ability that does direct attribute damage? Probably somehow, but I can't think of anything too instantly overwhelming. It is still stronger than the pseudodragon sting though. The sting attack allows a pretty low con save to resist the poisoned condition, while the Shadow's strength damage is automatically applied on a hit.

Well, most spellcasters can eventually Shapechange or True Polymorph into Intellect Devourers or Shadows, so I wouldn't say no class has access to such abilities. The most abusive thing I can think of to do with True Polymorph is to transform yourself into an adult red shadow dragon, then go and murder a bunch of NPCs (obviously you're chaotic evil at this point) with your breath weapon so you gain a permanent army of shadows under your control.

2015-11-15, 02:51 PM
In an edition in which no PC class has access to any ability that does direct attribute damage...

Right now there is no class that does this. BUT, I don't think Wizards want to shy away from this either. The Order of the Awakened Mystic can target Intelligence with their Mind Thrust ability rather than AC, from Level 1. Yes this is Unearthed Arcana so not every DM or Game will allow it, but the Stormborn Sorcerer started as Unearthed Arcana and now its an official class. Perhaps a Full class Mystic will eventually get an ability that lowers attributes either temporarily or permanently.