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2015-11-14, 02:54 AM
For Thalia, Javert, Uriah, Erika, and Sarissa

"Welcome to Prohorovka. Please do not feed the Machine Spirits."

These words greet you as you land on Prohorovka's major starport. The trip down is rough, with acidic storms battering your lander, and by the time you make it down, you know it'll have to be serviced for at least a few days before it is fully flight rated again. Exiting the lander, you can see some deck crews coming quickly to hose off your vessel, washing it clear of the foul gunk that had accumulated during the trip down. None of the flight crew looked particularly healthy, lean, wasted away figures, and of course lacking protective covering as they were working on the Emperor Only Knows what foul crap had filled the skies of Prohorovka.

The Starport was a ramshackle, messy, confused place. The deck covered in foul, black gunk built up over what was likely millenniums of operation. Most of the ships there were small cargo landers like your own, landed haphazardly. And strangely enough for a Starport like this, there was a severe lack of Cargo Servitors, most of the work being done by men, though a few Cherubim and Servo Skulls floating around, buzzing and cracking as they did so.

You had been, before leaving the Larasse's Dagger given instructions to meet a local contact in your personal orders, and that you would known her presence by the Red Robes she wore, and the Challenge, "Who Stalks the Darkness", with you giving the counter code, "The Best of Hunters". The local is to provide you with any and all support that you need, as well as being your guide to the Hive.

For Vela

Your first set of orders had arrived 3 days ago, and in a fairly disturbing manner. A man approached you, identifying himself as working for the Inquisition, giving you the appropriate codes the Interrogator had provided you. He handed you a bundle of obviously falsified papers, and orders to be at the Upland Starport in 3 days, where you were to meet off worlders from an Imperial Navy Destroyer, to challenge them with the question "Who Stalks the Darkness". Unless they answered "The Best of Hunters", they were to be ignored, or killed if they were persistent.

It was after he told you this, that his head seemed to split in twain in front of you, the skull peeling apart like a frozen citrus fruit. You could see mechanical implants in his brain, sparking and smoking.

The papers the man gave you included what looked very official (But couldn't be, you didn't have the clearance) to take one of the better Ground Cargo Haulers out of the Mechanicus Motor Pool, as well as leave of absence from your Mechanicus duties for "The Duration of Need". Nearly open ended approval to be free of your current tasks as well as the means to get around the Hive. And all you had to do was meet and pick up these 5 strangers from another world.

- Upland:
Upland contains the major starport off Prohorovka hive, and is the center of offworld commerce with the wider Imperium. Most organizations, be they charterist captain guilds, mercenary organizations, noble families, and similar groups maintain offices in Upland as opposed to deeper in the hive. The highest and central territory of Prohorovka, it's also the cleanest, with fairly regular power, decent recyked air and water, and generally well controlled by the local Enforcers and PDF. The only Arbiter Precinct Fortress in Prohorovka is in Upland.

- The Palace Spire:
Off of Upland, the Palace Spire is where most of the local government resides and works, including the legions of Administratum Adepts, the Planetary Governor Tulis Remora (Who is known mostly a senile and ineffectual figurehead), and the Court of the planet, where the various power players meet and plot against one another. The Governor's personally favored Prohorovkan Guard maintains order in the Palace Spire.

- The Shrines:
A spire off Upland which contains the sole Ecclesiarchy presence on Prohorovka. Most Civil Services (Free Hospitals, Free Scholas, etc) are within this spire. The ever present Adepta Sororitas, Clerics and Acolytes of the God-Emperor maintain the peace here.

- The Stacks:
Just below Upland, connecting Upland to the wider base of Prohorovka. The Stacks is the "middle class" section of the hive, lots of workers, lots of families just trying to get along. No particular force or organization particularly claims long term control over The Stacks, though it is often the battleground in turf wars between Puerto Sou, Drake's, Coggers, and Mare, as well as regular purges by Enforcers looking to make sure the worst of the dregs remains out of the Uplands.

- Mare:
Connected to The Stacks, and Drips, Mare is the major aquafier of Prohorovka, maintained by the failing machine spirits of the hive. House Altair controls it, and outside of the guards and the workers, there is little actual traffic in and out of Mare.

- Puerto Sou:
Connected to The Stacks, Drake's, and Verge. Was once the major starport and center of commerce for Prohorovka. However with that moved to Upland Puerto Sou is in a bad place now. A gang called the Muertas has taken over the area, and Puerto Sou is known for the borderline, if not actual, heretical practices that happen there, as well as a much higher than normal instance of Psykers and Mutants which are harbored there by the Muertas.

- Verge:
Connected to Puerto Sou, Drake's, and Torley's. The Verge is a "Free" section of the Hive. No one has been able to take control of it, and no one really seems to want to. Renegades of all sorts gather there, anarchists and recidivists as well. It's said if anything can be found in Prohorovka, it can be found in the markets of The Verge.

- Drake's:
A section of the hive nestled between the larger Puerto Sou, Coggers, Stacks, Gilt, and the Verge. It has been carved out over the last 12 years by a warlord named Drake, who rules there with his gang. There's rumors that Drake's contains several higher quality Manufactorums than Prohorovkan standard, though most doubt that, as the area wasn't known for high quality goods before he took over. Regardless his thugs seem better off than most.

- Coggers:
A vast block downhive from The Stacks, between Drips, the Bustee, Gilt, and Drake's. "Coggers" is the informal name for the Mechanicus enclave on Prohorovka, where most of the Manufactorums in the hive have been established over the years and the Red Robes of Mars have near total control with their servitors and Skiitari maintaining efficient standards of operation.

- Drips:
A location downhive from Mare, between the Tangle, Coggers, and the Bustee, Drips is a swampy, muggy, foul section of the hive that has turned almost feral. Filled with stagnant water and strange growths, even bizarre forms of local life, Drips is considered a place that only the truly desperate or insane would go. Most of the time it is sealed off under the orders of the local Enforcers who both don't want to patrol it, or deal with criminals hiding in it.

- The Tangle:
A section of the hive near the outer walls, next to Drips, The Bustee, and Shadow. The Tangle is uninhabited. In any case it would not be an easy place to live, filled with tight spaces, hard turns, heavy machinery older than the Imperium, and hostile to humans.

- Francheska:
A spire off the lower hive, only reachable through Shadow or their own small starport. Francheska is supposed to be the home of several noble families of Prohorovka, though most think that the nobles choose to live offworld instead.

- Shadow:
Shadow is a relatively small corner of the hive, nestled between The Bustee, The Tangle, and Francheska. It's known as a strange place where Flesh is the standard of trade. Hard up, low class living where people literally will cut off their own skin, harvest organs, or scalp anyone they can in order to buy their next meal.

- The Bustee:
A large section of the lower hive between Shadow, the Tangle, Drips, Coggers, and Gilt. The Bustee is what most people think of typical Downhive in Prohovoka. Most make their living here as either gangers or scavengers. Poverty is rampant, and most of the unwashed hordes are very, very happy when the Munitorium comes down looking to take volunteers for the Imperial Guard. One meal of Corpse Starch a day AND a blanket? What are you bitching about, that is LUXURY down there.

- Gilt:
A relatively smaller section of the downhive between Coggers, Drake's, and Torley's. Gilt is named for the relative bright lights and sense of 'glamor' that still hangs around. Most of the lighting down there is neon, music is constantly playing over laud hailers, and most often crude local music as opposed to stately Ecclesiarchal Hymns and the like. Vices of all sorts can be found in Gilt, no matter how depraved your desires are, there's likely to be someone peddling it down there. Interestingly enough for Downhive it's actually fairly secure, as most people want the trade of Midhivers looking for a Thrill to keep coming.

- Torley's:
A small section of the downhive between Gilt, The Verge, and Damon's Spire. Torley's is a "Free" section of the Hive, so to speak. But unlike the Verge this is mostly because the local warlord, Damon, doesn't care to particularly control it. Lots of renegades, mercenaries, and hereteks gather here looking for employ in either Gilt or Damon's Spire, making Torley's more of an armed camp. Oddly no one knows why the region is called Torley's.

- Damon's Spire:
A large spire off Torley's, nearly coming from ground level and rising upwards. Damon's Spire is ruled by the Warlord Damon, who sacked and plundered the spire reputedly 500 years ago, kicking out the local nobles and the token presence they have maintained. Warlord Damon is perhaps one of the most powerful gangers in Prohorovka, and there are always rumors that he is planning on making a move and taking over the entire of the Underhive, perhaps even the entire hive itself. As ludicrous as that sounds, no one ever laughs at it.

- The Dross:
No one who's ever been there will talk about it. Information on what might be in the Dross is highly classified, if it even exists. Every once in a while there are ghost stories about some Mechanicus Priest or foolish Scavenger who goes down there looking to make it rich off some ancient Archeotech. But as far as anyone knows, those are only ghost stories.

2015-11-14, 06:59 PM
Thalia smirks as she steps out of the lander, carrying her rifle across her back, and says, "You know, I've heard that there are nice Hives somewhere in the galaxy. I've yet to see one though. Perhaps one day."

2015-11-14, 09:10 PM
Sarissa went out alongside everyone else, clearly not looking pleased by the look of this place.... at all.

2015-11-14, 11:13 PM
Erika had been keeping to herself aboard the Dagger and reading what books she was still allowed access to. Most of what she had stored on her dataslate and had meant to get around to had been removed after she was captured. Instead, it had been filled with dull religious works. Somehow, she suspected that this had been the Inquisitor's little joke.

Erika is trying to ignore the smell of Prohorovka. Away from the shipboard smell of oil and recycled air, most planets tended to smell bad to her, and she was never quite ready for it. 'Should we get undercover? I don't want to be out here if that weather gets any worse.'

2015-11-14, 11:30 PM
Just off of the cracked, stained surface of the massive landing pad, a battered-looking but functional six-wheeled cargo hauler sat up against one of the spaceport's nondescript warehouses. Leaning against the wall, Vela's bowed head was mostly hidden under the hood of her crimson Mechanicus robes. In fact, her one organic eye wasn't even open as she instead relied on the far more efficient optical mechadendrite peeking over her shoulder to scan the throngs of people arriving and departing from the ships. She'd been at the spaceport since daybreak hours earlier, and as her instructions hadn't included a specific time for the off-worlders she was waiting to meet, she was resigned to the fact that she might have to spend all day at the spaceport if necessary until they finally arrived. Her "second eye" focused on yet another shuttle as it landed rather carelessly.

Why do they even have designated landing zones if the pilots keep insisting on ignoring the lines and just landing wherever they please? Omnissiah help me, I will never understand why people insist on being so careless with such valuable technology. It's not like they're the ones who have to repair them and appease its machine spirits if they... oh, that's interesting.

The passengers of the shuttle were disembarking, and even at a glance, they were certainly not just a group of hab workers or penniless religious pilgrims. Were these the people she was to meet? Well, nothing to do but wait and see. Her instructions had been clear enough that they, not her, would make the initial contact.

2015-11-15, 01:00 PM
"Ouch, three out of ten for the landing, driver," jests Robespierre. He'd have landed far smarter, even if he would have buzzed the control tower. He dusts off the braid on his old dress jacket, as if to say that their pilot, if he was half as good as he was himself, would have such an item of clothing.

He grumbles a little, and laughs a little, too, trying to bum a lho-stick off anyone nearby.

"Screw it. Let's get moving. No time like the present, the Emperor favours the bold, and all that nonsense."

When he sees someone fitting the description, in the red robes described, he gets to the point, and makes sure to be close, adjusting his coat, as it was probably in any pictures of himself, and would likely be in any descriptions, too.

2015-11-17, 01:11 AM
If she still had a mouth, Vela would be frowning under her robe's cowl. While one of the group was not so subtly looking at her, none of them seemed to be making a move to approach her.

Was there a miscommunication of some sorts? I thought they were supposed to approach me, not the other way around. This uncertainty is why analog data transfer is so inefficient... no choice then, I'll have to improvise something. Hope they are the Acolytes or this is about to become very awkward.

She cocked her head for a moment before coming up with an idea. Straightening up, she stretched her joints which had not moved for hours before walking towards the group of off-worlders.

"Pardon me, travelers, I represent the Prohorovka Transit Authority and I was wondering if you had time for a quick post-arrival survey. It's really short, just a few questions, though bear with me, this might sound rather odd. Question one: who stalks the darkness?"

As lies went, it was laughably bad even by her poor standards, but hopefully if this wasn't the group, they'd just assume she was deranged and ignore her to go about her business. If they didn't... well, no one expected a Tech-Priest to be as nimble as she was, and she had no qualms against running away to the crawler and the loaded autogun she had stashed inside it.

2015-11-17, 07:11 PM
Thalia chuckles and replies to the Tech-Priest, "The best of hunters, of course. Though I gotta say, I'm kinda impressed. Never heard that particular line before. Nice to meet you."

2015-11-18, 02:31 PM
Brilliant green eyes glare out from the cover of a loosely wrapped headscarf, whipping about in the blasting eddies of the thrusters of nearby craft and the usual gusts of wind off of sheer cityscapes. The young woman in a ragged leather jacket and patched-up bodyglove sways from stride to stride, almost languid at the back of the group.

Clutching the straps of a battered backpack and easily carrying the shouldered shotgun by its sling, Genevieve yawns, still sleepy from the long nap she'd had on the atmo-trip down rockside. Still her keen senses scan the crowd for any coming threats. One can never be too careful.

She suppresses the shudder and the snarl as the yawn reminds her of the... endowments... she'd gained on their team's previous mission. Well. Some of them.

Breathing slowly, she grins beneath her veil at the representative of the Prohorovka Transit Authority and is just about to utter the ordered response when Thalia beats her to it. She shrugs and nods.

Grace is as grace does., her mother'd used to say, before she forgot what the old dame even looked like. Still, a fair good point. Genevieve looks to their techpriest contact and says, "May the Omnissiah secure your circuits."

2015-11-18, 03:04 PM
At the mention of the whole 'Omnissiah' spiel, Sarissa clearly looked rather discomforted... or at least like something foul had been smelled.
It was rather clear that she was not a fan or follower of the concept-idea that The Holy Emperor was an aspect of some sort of Machine-god, but she had tact enough to at least stay quiet and keep her opinion of that sort of publicly allowed heresy.

2015-11-18, 11:01 PM
Erika is reassured that a Tech Priest is apparently their contact. She had usually gotten on well with members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

To the priest, ’Is there some place quieter we can go? We've had a long trip and I would rather answer any more questions inside.'

2015-11-19, 04:56 AM
Thank the Omnissiah, it is them. Definitely couldn't keep that farce up for long.

Vela kept her face impassive as she nodded at the group.

"Ah... thank you? I'll be honest, lying isn't my strong suit. Come on, we need to go. Too many individuals and organizations like to keep an eye on the port for one reason or another, and off-worlders in particular like you will stand out. This way. There's no friendly place here in Upland, but I do have a transport."

Turning around, she began walking back towards the cargo hauler and climbed into the driver's seat without waiting to see if they were following her. Despite the large cargo bed taking up the back 2/3rds of the vehicle, the cab was still large enough that the entire group could squeeze in with a bit of effort.

Wait, did I just refer to THEM as off-worlders? Frak me, I have been in Prohorovka too long if I'm beginning to think of myself as a native. Hmmph. Most of them seem acceptable I suppose, but I need to watch myself around that Ecclesiarchy woman. Did not like the look she gave me, last thing I need is to get into a theological fight of all the idiotic things. Although... if she's such a zealot that my humble presence is enough to upset her, I can't wait to see her meet the fascinating individuals one encounters in the lower Hive. Well, at least I have something to look forward to then.

2015-11-19, 03:34 PM
Robespierre raises an eyebrow at the blatant look of irritation on Sarissa's face. He snorts and suppresses a laugh at something he obviously finds funny.

He knows that whatever Genevieve had just done to annoy Sarissa would be as nothing compared to the rest of it! It would be hilarious, if it wasn't so potentially life threatening for everyone nearby.

"Anyway, to the transport. I'm driving."

There's no way he's letting someone else drive, after sitting as a passenger on the flight down. To hell with that.

2015-11-19, 09:25 PM
Erika is suddenly worried about the look on Robespierre's face. The man seemed way too excited at the prospect of being behind the wheel.

2015-11-19, 11:55 PM
Thalia laughs and says, "I could tell. Still...Let's be off. I'll feel better when we actually have a plan on how to go about this."

2015-11-20, 08:26 AM
Sarissa seems to be shortly fighting with a comment to everyone, but just ended up calming down and instead just exhale deeply and follow along. No need to start argueing theology just for the sake of arguement. She was a Sister Hospitaller, not a Flaggelant Priest of the Creed.

2015-11-20, 01:07 PM
Hardly are the cab doors open, Genevieve slinks in, claiming the rearmost space. Under the pretence of stretching, she makes sure that the doors are just a quick slide away. Not too far to not be able to get out quickly, but with enough things, and people, in case there might be some misfortune on the way...

...then again, with sir Javert at the helm, if previous trips are anything to judge by, the ride's guaranteed to be smooth.

As the group gets settled in, the bounty hunter spares a moment to check that the faded grey-blue shawl serving as an improvised headscarf is still in place. She hadn't begun covering her face, nor deliberately filing her teeth to points before the previous mission... and the horrors that befell them there.

Behind her veil, she smirks, amused at the fact that if she makes one wrong step, especially with Sister Sarissa around, it would mean nigh certain death. Better to smile than to despair.

When they get under way, Genevieve says, then flourishes a hand, "Mrrright. Ma'am cogtain, do ye haffa name, praytell? We can't go on callin' ye Prohorovkan Transit Officiale or 'Hey Cog-girl!', yeah? Yours truly's Genevieve Verity, dancer an' hunter. At our Emprah's service."

Hrmp. Well. Ball floating mid-corridor, SOME damn rat's gunna hafta swim out an' get it' goin'. Time ta dance.

"This 'ere Mangler, eh?" She says while holding onto one of the cab's hand-holds and drumming her fingers on the ceiling. "Call me mistaken, but that removal of the eyes an' tongue? Smells like typical cultist crap, symbolically blindin' an' silencin' the victim in the afterlife, as well as blindin' an' silencin' whoever them victims stand for. Clan, family, house, gang, org'nization, woteva. We might pay off ta lookit where our victims came from, see iffen they got any connections ta one another, an' thattaway mebbe trace the killers offa them..."


"A lot o' victims, across the breadth o' th' damn hive?" she snorts. "Unless 'tis a damn speedy git, we be dealin' wi' a conspiracy as well as a cult. Th' fact that th' victims got minimal defensive wounds? Either our marks're just THAT stealthy, or they were trusted by the victims. An' the fact that the signature weapon's a blade, an' probably a fine one at that, tells us that whoever these damned buggers are... they ain't just mad dogs bringing down people fer shyts an' giggles. They're deliberate. 'Tmeans, they be that bit more dangerous'n yer average hold-uppin' gone-wrong hive-dreg."


She waggles a finger, then draws it across her throat and says, "If we can get at the... ahem, paperwork, or have the miiiiiiiis-fortune ta come across a victim, th' quality've the bladework'd tell us summin' as well. Odds are, if it's fine cuts an' minimal hesitation marks or mistakes? Odds are, they got supplies o' good gear an' professional medicae training, mebbe."


"Suggestions fer where we're ta hit first, lessee..." she ticks off some fingers on her other hand, while the other keeps a rhythm on the ceiling. "Hit up th' victims' families, obvious. Hit up th' hospitals or morgues, clear. Hit up th' tabloids, trawl through th' rumours through 'em an' a bar crawl. Hit up th' churches, see if any priests got anythin' ta say, mebbe there be some interestin' confessions. HAH. An' hit up th' local fuzz, see wot they got in terms o' files, evidence, so on."

"HWAH! HWAH! HAHAHAHA. Hah." Genevieve suddenly laughs, and says, "W'elp. Don't let me bore ya yer gormless sump rats." She shrugs and snorts, then buffs her nails against her pant-leg's knee and says, "Juuuuuust a lowly l'il bounty. Ain't a sayin' dat's wot's dat. Just me two shots fer wot it's worth."

2015-11-20, 02:05 PM
"I would like to see the bodies actually, to give them a look-over. I do not trust the medical staff of this place and even if i did, a lookover would be quite helpful in either case, because we might know what to actually look for, compared to a regular medical examination does. Stuff like heretical symbolism, Ritualistic indentations, and so on and so forth." Sarissa added mid-prayer, having begun to pray silently to herself the moment everyone had entered the vehicle, only now halting to add a comment to Miss Veil's long-winded speech.

2015-11-21, 05:06 AM
Vela glanced at Robespierre a moment before shrugging and sliding over and letting him take the driver's seat.

"Suit yourself. Just be warned, the gear shifter has a tendency to stick. The machine spirit for the transmission is slightly uncooperative. That may as well be the first rule of Prohorovka: everyone and everything in this hive, including the machine spirits, are unfriendly." She fiddled with her seat's safety restraints before glancing back at Genevieve.

"Did I forget to introduce myself? Guess I was distracted. My name is Vela Nephram, a servant of the Machine God in case my appearance didn't already make it fairly obvious. And I would prefer the term Tech-priest if you please. Omnissiah knows we get no respect at all from the locals as it is. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm still new to this, but we are supposed to attempt to maintain a low profile as we conduct this investigation, yes? Then that limits some of the avenues available to us. The nobility, in particular, will be quite loathe to turn over their dead for examination or even talk to us or give us access to the crime scenes without official orders that would ruin any such chances at subtlety. Our best bet for avoiding notice would be the lower-class victims. Provided the scavengers haven't already picked the sites clean, we should still be able to examine the murder scenes. Same goes for the corpses since at least some of them would have no one to claim them. We might even find some families willing to talk, the Enforcers almost never bother investigating or even entering the worst sectors of Prohorovka except in massive force. Certainly made having to conduct repair work in those sectors much more exciting than a simple rite of repair ever should have been... So, is that where we will start then?"

2015-11-21, 07:11 AM
"Are you saying that the nobility of this planet would deny a Sororitas Sister to bless their dead and give them a final guidance off into the most Holy Emperor's Embrace? If that's the case, then they should all be burned on the pyre as the Heretics they are. I am here to aid you all in whatever capacity i can, and i assume that goes the same for each of you? I have never been denied access to any wounded or dead before. I am no Cleric or Priest, but rather a medically-adept Sister." She said in response to the Tech-Priest's utterance.

2015-11-21, 10:36 AM
Thalia nods and says, "I see. Good to have a sororitas on our side. I should probably introduce myself too, hmm? Thalia Marinos. Used to be a guardswoman. Then the Emperor, blessed be his name, intervened to save my life and...Some people got the wrong impression. Now I'm here."

2015-11-21, 11:07 PM
Erika has put on a pair of reading glasses, and has been making notes for herself on her dataslate as the others talk. At Sarissa's words, she will look up and say, 'I would start with the lower hive, if only because there will probably be less highborn inspired complications.' She will say that with a look of distaste.

'The upper hive can be held in reserve though and, if the Sister is visting the victim's families in her professional capacity, we don't even need to reveal our presence here. It should be easy enough to find out from any of the local priests if the families are pious enough to allow Sarissa access. I have heard that nobility like that sometimes keep Sisters in-house for tuition and the like, so they might not be completely against the idea.'

Then she will frown and say to Sarissa, 'You may still attract attention, even if it would be as an over-curious Sister rather than as a Throne agent. If these murders are as Genevieve suggests, based on a wider conspiracy - and I find her logic depressingly plausible - than someone might get word out of your interest.' For a moment, Erika considers asking Sarissa if she's had any experience at losing a tail, but decides against it.

To Vela, 'I am curious. Where was the most recent murder?'

At Thalia's introduction, Erika's eyes will widen slightly. 'That sounds like a story. Good to have you with us.'

2015-11-21, 11:31 PM
While they were asking about downhive cases, Vela couldn't recall any rattling around her cogitator. Downhive news isn't too common in Coggers, and generally one doesn't care about the dregs who work hauling scrap and the like in your Manufactorum. The local data-nets had far more information about the targets uphive, after all, they are actual people to the locals in charge of Prohorovkan Sky 6, your source for all State-Approved Informational Uploads!

You've managed to recall a rash of murders in Upland that seemed to have a common thread put together. A baker of an upscale location specializing in desserts, along with the wedding party of a local Administratum Adept (Bride, Groom, Best Man, Bridesmaids, and the Cleric overseeing it) who were killed, apparently within 5 days of one another, making it the most recent incidents, with the last kill (one of the bridesmaids) only 2 days ago.

2015-11-22, 02:00 PM
"Amen to that, Sister." Genevieve says with a nod and a flourish of her hand. Er... why did you just say "Sister" twice in reference to y'self, in its formal an' informal terms?

And then another flourish and a nod towards the resident techpriest. "Very well, mamzel. Techpriest Vela. Hmm. Yyyyep, thassright..."

A third hand-flourish goes to Thalia, this time with the fingers in the position of the palmed Aquila. The nod comes a little slower, with a brief meeting of their eyes, Verity's smirk touching her gaze even in that small glimpse of her face. On that wretched tainted world where we last came... I witnessed your gift, you saw mine. Pretty sure I ain't tellin' this Daughter of the Emprah... Are YOU gunna be a-showin' her your gift, comrade?

A couple of fingers idly scratch at her neck, stroking the Inquisitor's little... gift. Tsk. Frak this piece of buggery.

Slaggin' GELTS. Tch! A gentle but firm pat on the shoulder goes to Erika. "Goooooood head on yer shoulders as aaaaaalways, mamzel Erika. Right! Wot she said. Techpriest Vela, where-away was the last spate-a Manglings?"

A shade of a coal-black brow rises and her veil puffs with a snort. "An' that'd be an idea. Mamzel Hospitaller comes fer the bereaved gelt-houses, an' easy 'nuff fer th' rest of us ta make as staff, drivers, bodyguards to her, eh? An' if heresy hears that we're sniffin' at their scent an' they send some buggers ta silence us, WELP, we'll be ready."

She gestures again, miming two different levels, one above, one below. "So. Coffirming. Wot's our plan, then? Dance downhive or dance up-spire?"

2015-11-22, 02:06 PM
Thalia meets Genevieve's eyes with a hard look, then turns away, answering the question about the plan, "I'm thinking we find out more about this wedding. If someone's picking off the party, maybe they've got a reason. 'Course, I don't know which direction we'd go in to find out more about that, but if I had to guess, I'd say up."

2015-11-24, 04:26 AM
Vela appeared lost in thought for a moments before speaking up.

"Apologies... Sister, I had not considered that. I am unfamiliar with non-Mechanicus burial rites."

If you could call having your cybernetics chopped out of your corpse and the remaining organic bits either used for a servitor or dumped into a algae recycling pond to be turned into nutrient paste burial rites, that is. A corpse was still valuable resources as far as the Machine God was concerned.

"If that is the case, then perhaps the noble avenue would be the best choice after all. I have considerably more information about the murders amongst their numbers due to their higher ranks than the lower hive residents or the serfs in the Mechanicus sector who were killed, though I could probably get information about the latter by asking amongst my fellow servants of the Omnissiah. As for the nobles, there was a wedding party murdered only a few days ago in its entirety, and a sweetened pastry prod... a baker, I mean, who was also killed in a separate incident. Both of the incidents occurred right here in Upland. Shall we investigate them then?"

2015-11-24, 09:40 AM
"Worry not, servant of the Mechanicus. I do understand that 'burial rites' might be rather different on most forgeworlds, but depending on the specific world, Rites for burial will vary quite widely. Some bury their dead in casket, like most Guardsmen of the Imperial Guard, whose body is recovered. Others burn them for spiritual reasons, possibly as a way to guard the soul against corruption on it's way to the emperor, by burning it's vessel in cleansing fire, the soul may be absovled of sin or something like it. others recycle bodies for nutients, although this is mostly done on grand hiveworlds or hivecity-dotted worlds. It's quite a vast difference from world to world. But then, if i were to go check on the noble-dead, i should possibly do so alone. Walking along with an Adept of the Machine God, a Guardsman and a Sister Sororitas... well it sounds too close to a Tavern-joke and would look rather out of place and suspicious. so we could split up, both to avoid overt suspicion, as well as being able to cover much more areas at the same time." She replied back to the Tech-priest, and basically voicing out for all the others to hear as well.

2015-11-24, 06:17 PM
Thalia nods and says, "Fair enough. Hmm...And now that I'm thinking about it, we can't very well take Genevieve into the upper hive. Maybe two teams to start, one upper, one lower, and then split from there? Anyone have a problem with that?"

2015-11-25, 04:18 AM
Interesting. That's... admittedly only seen deserters, vets an' ex-Guard mercs, but that they actually get ta go home, though in caskets? That's an... unexpected decency o' them. I thought Guard dead were just given field burials where they fell.

By now, the drumming on the truck cab's ceiling has ceased. Genevieve sits slightly hunched forward, listening in earnest. whu-hwhwhw-huuu-hwi-hwuuuu-hwiiii-ho-huuuuu... The while, she whistles a tune and idly inspects the blade of her bayonet.

TCH. Protein slurries. Corpsestarch. Emprah's balls, fresh meat's the way to go, if y'ask me. Hunt it down, an' cook it up.

Despite having been repainted a dull coat of blue-black to avoid any glinting, the beautiful workmanship still shows through. The blade is thick, the false edge is mostly straight, except for a finger-long length of sawteeth while the true edge undulates in a subtle wave pattern.

She runs a finger along the wave edge, towards the slightly curving point, then quickly returns it to its mounting.

Pity the fool. TCH. Behind her veil, the smile turns into a grimace as she recalls having been nearly sliced to ribbons by the master knifework of a fop-face heretic princeling who was the previous owner of that blade. She gulps down some risen bile forcibly even as the memory of having resorted to biting a chunk out of his arm.

Presently, hearing the humour between Sarissa and Thalia, Genevieve can't help but break into a laugh, pointing at them with a crooked finger and slapping her knees. "HWAH! HWAH! HWAH! HWAH! Kshnort. Mark ye, I'll make a fortune yet, mebbe here, mebbe there, mebbe somewhere. I don't plan on always dancin' a dance o' dirt an' death."

"Hah-hah-hah. Eheh. Riiiiiiiiight." Humour spent for the moment, she nods and says, "So, it IS going to be a split, then? Aight, then, who's goin' with who? Wot're our marks? Any way to contact the other party? Any place ta meet at should the need arise, as doubtless it will?"

2015-11-25, 10:16 PM
Robespierre narrows his eyes, and straightens his collar before speaking to the others in a most professional tone,

"There's no evidence of anything in the lower hive as of yet. All of the current, notable, victims are linked, and in a specific location. It would be foolish to split and chase potential evidence, instead of working, together, on the significant leads that we already have."

He then cracks his neck a little, before going further,

"Furthermore, assuming that this is a cult, or some other hellishly dangerous foe that is worthy of Inquisitorial attention, one would assume that they would expect to be investigated at some point. Some of us will inevitably attract attention. It isn't if, it's when. When that happens, we may end up as the next victims being investigated."

Never split the party! Two teams, one inevitably progressing at a different speed from the other, will kill a PbP game before it starts!

2015-11-26, 03:03 AM

At this, Genevieve nods, smiles, and gives a slow flourish with a hand before thumping the nearest chair-arm. "Man's got his head on straight. Quite damn simpler, that."

Her hand turns again, index out pointing at nobody in particular in the center of their cab. "Mright. Iffen that's the case... dead wedding party guests... or the dead baker? Who's our first stop between the two, then? Y'ask me, go fer the latter. If it ain't a lead, it'll be gotten done with quicklike. If it IS a lead, well, ain't as high-profile or as high-volume as them mangled princelings, but said baker all by their lonesome? Kinda stands out, don't it?"

She then shrugs and leans back, then says, "Well. That, and could grab us a meal there as well, eh?"

2015-11-26, 12:53 PM
Thalia shrugs, frowning, and says, "Fine. Upper hive it is." She sighs and then says, "Baker does sound most promising, to be honest. It's the odd man out. Why kill the wedding cake maker if you're killing the rest of the party, too." She glances at Genevieve and then says, "Make sure you keep things under wraps up there. The last thing we need is the Arbitrators shooting at us on top of everything else."

2015-11-26, 01:06 PM
"The baker will be easier to investigate," agrees Robespierre with a nod.

It's odd - when he's on duty, and dealing with professional matters, he's curt, and almost cold. This is quite different from when he considers himself off duty, or doing something routine.

2015-11-28, 06:27 AM
Vela made an irritated noise that sounded remarkably like clicking one's teeth together despite the fact she no longer had teeth or a mouth to do so.

"If that's the consensus, fine. I have the location of the baker's shop, it's right here in Upland. The gate out of the spaceport is straight ahead, then head west on the avenue past it."

She settled back in her seat grumpily. It was obvious something was vexing her, though she did not seem eager to explain herself.

Hmph. Don't know why I even bothered, guess my ideas aren't good enough for them. Fine then.

Assume she continues providing directions as they drive through Upland. Also, just a note, this is my character getting annoyed, not me. I totally agree that we should probably not split up, she's just sore that her suggestions aren't being followed. Her fault for assuming she knew best despite being new to the whole Inquisition thing.