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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Korobokuru

M Placeholder
2015-11-14, 06:47 AM


Small humanoids that live in the wilderness, korobokuru live in simple villages and get by from farming the land. Outside of their homesteads, they generally avoid contact with the outside world.

The korobokuru have slightly longer arms in proportion to their bodies than humans, and have big, bright blue eyes with large round noses. Wild hair covers their heads, and also their arms and legs.

The stereotype that humans in Kara-Tur have of the korobokuru is that of comical and boorish humans and this reputation is resented by the korobokuru.

Korobokuru look wild and unkept, and favour simple clothing that is usually loose, in muted colours similar to the environments that they inhabit. The most colourful parts of their outfits are generally the stones that they wear on leather straps around their necks and the flowers that they wear in their hair at times.

Generally, korobokuru challenge all unwanted trespassers, but occasionally they invite friendly visitors to participate in special rituals that are conducted by the tribal elders, and it involves tea and burning incense. If the participant completes the ceremony, he is accepted as an equal and are welcome to the hospitality of the settlement.

As a korobokuru, you have -

Ability Score Increase – Your constitution increases by 2 and your strength increases by 1
Size – Korobokuru stand around 4 foot tall and weigh around 120 to 140 pounds. You are a small creature
Age - korobokuru reach adulthood at age 40 and can live to 400 years old
Speed – Your base speed is 25 feet.
Improved Darkvision – you can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray.
Korobokuru Steadfast – You have advantage on Constitution and Strength saving throws against magic.
Poison Resistance – You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance to poison damage.
Wisdom of the Wild – You have proficiency in Nature.
Trap Sense – You have advantage when searching for traps underground.
Languages – You can speak Common and Korobokuru. Korobokuru is related to Dwarven.

The Kokobokuru appeared in the Monstrous Compendium - Kara-Tur sourcebook, and in the 3.5 Oriental Adventures Sourcebook.

M Placeholder
2015-11-14, 11:11 AM

Living in the coldest regions of Kara-Tur, the Ishikorobokuru are a subrace that are shorter than the common korobokuru, as well as stockier.

As an Ishkorobokuru, you have the following traits –

Ability Score Increase – Your constitution increases by 2 and your strength increases by 1
Size – Ishikorobokuru stand around 3.5 foot tall and weigh around 125 to 145 pounds. You are a small creature.
Age – Ishikorobokuru reach adulthood at age 40 and can live for 400 years.
Speed – Your base speed is 25 feet.
Improved Darkvision – you can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray.
Ice honed – as a result of being adapted to the harshest environments of Kara-Tur, you have resistance to cold damage, but have vulnerability to fire damage.
Korobokuru Steadfast – You have advantage on Constitution and Strength saving throws against magic.
Poison Resistance – You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance to poison damage.
Wisdom of the Wild – You have proficiency in Nature.
Trap Sense – You have advantage when searching for traps underground.
Languages – You can speak common and Ishikorobokuru. Ishikorobokuru is related to Dwarven and mutually intelligible with korobokuru.

The Ishikokobokuru appeared in the Monstrous Compendium - Kara-Tur sourcebook