View Full Version : Roleplaying A Demon

2015-11-14, 10:29 PM
I am about to partake in an [Evil] campaign. In this campaign, we will be allowed to play Tanar'ri (as well as a few other types of races beyond the normal core). Naturally, the stronger races (e.g. the Tanar'ri, the Baatezu, Yugoloths, Ogres, etc.) have been scaled down to match the Core Races in power.

I'm going to be playing a Glabrezu; if anyone has any advice for roleplaying a demon, feel free. I'm looking to be Chaotic Evil, not Chaotic Stupid.

2015-11-14, 10:45 PM
Glabrezu are tempter demons, they're like succubi except they tempt with wealth instead carnal pleasures. So keeping points in social skills would be very much in character, you should make an excellent party face. You need to be poised & charming, despite how monstrous you look. The most devil-like of demons, really. You're still a chaotic demon though, so you probably aren't as hung up on contracts & letter of the deal. A handshake that everyone understands the consequences of is more your thing. After all, aren't we all gentlemen here?

2015-11-14, 11:43 PM
That's what I'm thinking. I'm going to be playing a Warlord (Dreamscarred Press) (it's a 3.P Campaign). Thinking of relying especially on maneuvers that provide benefits to allies (e.g. Providing Move Actions).

My goal is for him to be a protector of the party, but only so that he can corrupt them. Subtly.

2015-11-15, 12:20 AM
A demon will trade anything for any amount of time on the Prime Material Plane.

Normally, they are stuck in the Abyss, where they can die (permanently), have to endure endless political battles; deals, betrayals, double crosses, assassination attempts, or worse, The Blood War. Plus its not pleasant to live there. A demon wants a reprieve from that hell.

Any demon could be a middle-man, unimportant etc. in the Abyss, but in the Prime Material Plane, they hold all the cards. They can tempt people, hold power greater than any mortal has known, vast millenniums worth of knowledge, can cast powerful spells as well as being physically intimidating. When they aren't there, they are gathering information, sending lesser demons to do their bidding, hatching and executing plots that could be thousands of years old. They are in no hurry.

A demon's desire is to further its own selfish motives. For most it is simple pain and suffering or chaos. To others it may be looking out for their own self-interests. Perhaps finding a powerful artifact to take back with it in order to climb the ranks or ward off rivals. However, unlike a devil (who always has a reason for everything), the mere act of being on the Prime Material Plane is enough. It could do everything, anything, or nothing. It doesn't matter.

Take whatever it wants. Do whatever it wants. Destroy everything else. Simple existence, really.