View Full Version : [D&D 3.5] Help Making an Infiltrator

2015-11-15, 12:14 AM
So I'm going to be joining a new campaign part time (read: my character will be going in and out regularly depending on how schedules line up). So far what I know about the campaign is the group will be playing a special ops stealth focused group. So everyone is expected to be at least a little sneaky, and able to contribute some specialized skillset.

Thus far the rest of the group is far from set in stone, the only thing I know for sure is one player is looking at a Swordsage. I do know I don't want to cover any major roles, because my character will be in and out frequently. So right now what I am looking at is an Infiltration/Sabotage specialist, with a focus on Stealth, Disguise, Bluff, Forgery, and Knowledge/Craft skills.

For combat role, as I think about it I'm leaning towards a ranged controller. Leaning towards using a crossbow and alchemical/engineered toys (and maybe minor spellcasting) to disrupt enemies. So any special arrows, or specialized weapons with interesting effects are of interest here. Not sure of class to work with that, but right now Beguiler or Ranger seem most likely.

For race, I'm thinking Strongheart Halfling is the way to go. Small for the bonus to stealth, bonus dex, to-hit, and bonus feat which is probably going to be sorely needed.

-3.5 Material Only, no PF classes/archetypes
-No Full Casters (this is a personal restriction not a GM imposed one)
-Accelerated crafting is in play, so craft skills can create useful things in meaningful timeframes.
-Stat array is an Elite Array with +2 across the board.
-Starting at level 3 with standard wealth, expected to get up to level 10-11ish.

What I'm looking for help with:
-A class to supplement the theme I'm going for with the skills. Basically right now I am strongly considering Marshal1/RangerX (though probably doing a Ranger level first for the better skills), but I am wide open to any non-ranger suggestions or ranger variants that people feel would fit the character. Or arguments that Marshal just isn't worth it (my biggest reason for it is to give the whole party a +cha bonus to stealth).

-Any obscure feats or skill tricks that help with the skills I want to focus on. Darkstalker is obvious for stealth and I plan to grab it. Are there any similarly awesome feats that make you ridiculously awesome at Bluff/Forgery/Disguise?

-Any feats or equipment that will help fill the mundane ranged controller role. Yes, if necessary I can go with Mystic Ranger and Sword of the Arcane Order and get a fair bit of spellcasting for control, but I want the focus to be on the mundane side of things, so I'm hoping there's gear and feats I can grab that works with this.

-Noteworthy things to do during downtime. I plan to be able to craft alchemical items, siege weaponry, poison, and traps. So anything interesting among those (especially Siege Weapons and Traps) that I wouldn't find just flipping through the DMG is of interest.

-Any other general advice for this type of character. It's pretty far out of my normal comfort zone, so anyone with experience playing something along these lines, I'm definitely interested in hearing what worked for you.

2015-11-15, 09:57 AM
Shadow based races (Shades, Shadowswyft), PRC's (Shadowdancer, Telflammar shadowlord), and templates (Shadow, Shadow-walker) fit the "Infiltrator" bill very well.

Out of top of my head:

Nice arrow related spells can be found in CoR.
Sensory Deprivation from SpC, for doing what the name suggests.

Dust of dispersion from MIC grants partial protection from arrows, and the like.

Recently mentioned to me Cloak Dance from XPH grants you concealment\full concealment.
Maybe some luck feats.

During downtime
Acquiring the ability you to see in magical darkness (or a blindsight), and the ability to cast Deeper Darkness, or something similar.

Why the Baator you want siege machines, and how you want to transport, store them ? ?!

2015-11-15, 10:38 AM
In addition to the 'shadow' stuff above: The 'Vecna blooded' template (MM5) might fit the bill fluff wise (people forgetting about you is a nice infiltrator ability) though it's a +1 and totally not worth that.

For awesome disguise: Be a changeling (RoE): get minor shapechange, and bonusses to bluff and disguise.
Take 2 levels of rogue. With the changeling rogue ACF(RoEp121, trade away trapfinding) for 10 skill points per level, and very nice bonusses in social situations.
If you also take the fighter feat ACF (UA, trade away sneak attack): you get 2 feats to compensate for not having a race with a bonus feat.
I like the 1 level dip in marshal, if you can fit it in with everything else you want. possibly a dip in swordsage at some point.

2015-11-15, 05:39 PM
Why the Baator you want siege machines, and how you want to transport, store them ? ?!

He doesn't carry them around, that would be crazy!. He makes them on the fly when he needs them. Remember when I mentioned accelarated crafting in play? Well siege weapons already naturally craft about 10x faster than other equipment (progress measured in gp rather than SP), so with the accelarated crafting rules it's actually pretty reasonable to make a siege weapon with a couple hours after scrounging up some materials.

The idea is the character can get into just about anywhere, and once he's there put together something to blow it up from the inside. Siege Weaponry might not always be the go-to choice, but it certainly is 'a' choice.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions! I've already discarded shadow pouncing, mostly because builds that use it come online too late, but I'm definitely looking at Dark and Shadow templates. I need to double check the fluff on them to see if the shadowy effect is something you can turn off though, otherwise it makes disguise pretty rough to use.

Cloak dance is pretty cool, it's not particularly useful in combat, but being able to create your own concealment is fantastic for stealth assuming I don't find some source of HIPS.

Changling does feel like a good fit for the character, I'm debating if the boosts to disguise/bluff are worth the boosts to stealth from a smaller character. Changling Feat Rogue getting 10 skills per level and a decent feat progression would be nice though, since I was considering dropping the whole crossbow motif just due to pure feat requirements.