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2015-11-15, 12:33 PM
Turn 1, Warm Season


It’s sunny and warm weather outside the Sunken Keep. Many goblins have spilled out to laze around under the sun, hoping to escape Hob’s notice as long as possible.

The Outcasts look happy - exiled from the Sunken Keep, they sleep under the trees and holes in the earth, that offer little protection against harsh weather.

The Lard Caper

The Sunken Keep buzzes with exciting news - somebody broke into the tribe’s pantry and stole large quantity of food. Chief Soxkill had guards sweep through the goblin halls and anybody leaving the Sunken Keep is searched. The Cook is out for blood and Soxkill promised both reward for one who uncovers the culprit and terrible punishment for the guilty. Goblins are pointing fingers at each other and minor scuffles happen constantly as accusations fly.

The pantry is usually guarded by one Cook’s assistants, Mondum or Zeik, and has one of the few locked doors in the keep. How could the thief get in?

Lard Caper Rumors:

There’s a secret way into the pantry - Soxkill has been using it to take meals in secret. The missing food all went down his gullet.

Shadowslinker could sneak past any goblin in the tribe - including Mondum and Zeik.

Hob supervised repairs to the pantry’s walls a couple moons back. He could have found another way in.

Soxkill wants to replace Fingers as a cook, since he suspects she’s being trying to poison him.

A large goblin, that could be only Mondum or Zeik has been secretly meeting with Soxkill, trying to convince Chief to make him the new Cook.

There’s an intruder in the Sunken Keep - one of those adventurer types, snuck inside to spy on the tribe.

Crazy Rhid is real clever. He could probably pick a lock to the pantry.

Only three Goblins have keys to pantry - Chief Soxkill, Raid Leader Kranch and Fingers the Cook. But any of their subordinates could probably borrow them.

Mondum has been stealing food - he’s got a secret hiding place, where he stashes it.

Nezz has magic, that could do anything, cause it’s magic. She needs food, because she secretly summoned a hungry creature from hell, without permission from Soxkill.

Kranch has argued with Zeik recently. He promised to cut Zeik’s throat, if Zeik didn’t do something for him.

Survival of The Fattest

The Cook announced that with missing food, there’s not enough to feed all the goblins this month. As such, only tough goblins would be fed.


Hob, The Taskmaster announces tasks for the goblins.

’’As always, any can switch their task for the Wolf Guard Duty - I’ll see that you get extra rations from the Cook. I will issue [Spears 2], to those, who know which side is for stabbing. I hear you use those spears for anything else, you’ll be on Stickhole duty. The spears be returned on the completion of the task. Your job is to keep the wolves away from our hogs.’’

Several of Kranches warriors volunteer for the Wolf Guard Duty and pick up most of the shoddy looking spears, though a couple are left for other goblins.

’’Next, get around ten Outcasts for Stinkhole duty. It’s clogged again.’’

A number of goblins run hooting, to get the Outcasts, cracking jokes about finding them by the smell.

’’Now then, Scribbles, read the list.’’ A small goblin, holding a scroll steps from behind Hob’s towering form. ’’Akhem.’’ he clears his throat and begins listing names.

’’Srich and Kurd - you are on Scout Duty.’’
’’Fard - you are on Hall Keeping duty. Fixing, cleaning, fire keeping. The usual.’’
’’Gwafhu - you’ll work in Hog Farm, looking after the hogs’’
’’Healer Mork - you’ll work in the Mushroom Farm.’’
’’Zex The Tinkerer - Fishing Duty.’’

[Goblins are expected to spend 2 Actions fulfilling duty assigned by Hob. Failure to do so may lead to demotion to the Outcast status.]

General Rumors

A blind goblin wandered into the camp and died. He’ll be fed to the hogs, as usual.

There are fairies in the woods - like big bugs, that are cold and crunchy.

A dragon flew over the Pillar Mountains. Maybe it has a lair there?

The collapsed tunnels were sealed, because terrible many-eyed monsters lived there.

A group of human ’’adventurers’’ was traveling west in the Mushroom Wood, talking about some great treasure.

Hobgoblins have been gathering in force in the Mushroom Forest. They could be testing the Sunken Keep's defenses soon.

Special Rules

Goblins sleeping outside have Shelter -1.

This turn only Goblins with CON 0+ or STR 1+ will receive 1 Food from the Cook

Goblins with low CHA risk being accused of theft and accosted by angry goblins.
CHA -1: 10% Chance
CHA -2: 30% Chance
CHA -3: 50% Chance

2015-11-16, 08:03 PM
While tending the hogs, Gwahu sneaks some elixir to one of the smaller piglets in the hope it reveals something about the liquid's nature. During down time, we'll also examine the pantry walls, looking for any possible weak spots an intruder might have gotten in through.

That's 2 actions for tending hogs, 1 for experimentation, and 1 for investigation. I should still have 1 left, though I'll need to ponder a bit on what that action might be.

2015-11-17, 05:45 AM
Hog Farm

As soon as Gwafhu uncorks the bottle, a powerful stench erupts from it. The piglet squeals and charges away, despite Gwafhu's attempt to catch it's feet. The other goblins laugh and some cheer at piglet's flight. ''You so hungry, you trying eat a live one?'' shouts Moz.

Snux, the Hog-Goblin gives Gwafhu an evil eye. ''You ghoing to ghet im back.''

The piglet has run off deeper into the woods - who knows what dangers lurk there. Hob may just ignore it, even if Snux complains or piglet can return on its own.



[I]I'll count piglet testing as part of Hog Duty Action.

Pantry Investigation

The pantry walls look sturdy and strong - it seems the rumor about Hob making a hidden entrance was false. This means that whoever got in, had to pass through the guard and locked door.

[You have time to do more in the Pantry, within the same action.]

2015-11-17, 10:48 AM
Kurd grumbled a bit about scouting duty, but it was half hearted. He much preferred the chance to go off and fight something than working with the hogs or worse mushrooms. His only really complaint was that if he did fight no one would see it. Well that just meant he could brag a bit more.

Taking up his cleaver Knurd started into the surrounding woods heading north. If he was going to scout he was going to do it in the most dangerous places. And the first place he would look was in the wolf woods. Maybe he would find a wolf to kill and bring back for food.

After that he would head west along the forest paths in the mushroom woods. He would be more careful there, although that wasn't really saying much he was a goblin not an elf. Scouting the wolf woods was mostly to keep his skills sharp. Scouting for hobgoblins was actually important and much more likely to run into something he couldn't handle. Not that he couldn't take a hobgoblin. Or a patrol of hobgoblins. He could take down a whole patrol. But there might be more than one patrol. And he had to leave something for the other goblins of course.

1. Scout Hogwoods - Wolf Woods: Looking for wolves. Maybe thin their numbers a bit.
2. Scout Mushroom Forest - Forest paths: See what the hobgoblins are up to. Don't go too deep.

2015-11-17, 12:14 PM
Grob, the scribe

Good, good. Grob was indeed a happy little goblin. He wasn't given any tasks by the masters this week and would be allowed to be left to his own devices. A condition that he whole heartedly approved of to accomplish his own goals. There were rumors of a few magical things littered about that he would want to get his hands on.


Scout: The other side of the lake looking for the writings on the wall.

Scout: Rhid's tunnel looking for Rhid or any magical things that might be about.

2015-11-17, 02:26 PM

Hunter & Hunted

Kurd walked the forest paths in the Wolf Dens, looking for wolf to hunt for food. So did the wolves. One erupted suddenly in the bushes, forcing the goblin to roll away, swinging his rusty cleaver wildly. From behind he heard the sounds of snapping twigs - the second wolf rushing to join the hunt. A pair of wolves, ambushing a single goblin, armed with a rusty cleaver...

The Guardian of The Woods

Discovered: Webbed Woods

Kurd decided to go along the Lake, rather then venture deeper into the woods. He quickly noticed the increase of number of thin webs, spun in all across the trees as well as large number of insects. Then one of them spoke. ’’Halt, ye vagabond. I am Lady Rainbowfly, sworn protector of this kingdom and I challenge thee. What quest doth you pursue in these lands?’’

Kurd focused his eyes on the creature, that proved to be humanoid, if very small. Two wings flutter behind it’s back and what looked like steel needle glinted in it’s hand. Despite the difference in size, this ’’Lady Rainbowfly’’ looks fiercely at the goblin, clearly ready to test her steel against his.


Hunter & Hunted

The Rage is ready to ignite within Kurd - he can push it or suppress it. There are advantages from rush of adrenaline, but if he fails to control it, he’ll turn into a mindless killing machine, and sometimes having one’s wits can be useful. Then again so is having your organs and blood on inside, and a bit of extra strength can go a long way.


While Kurd didn't go too far into the woods, he saw no signs of Hobgoblin presence, that the rumors spoke of. Of course they could be either sneaky or not bothering with setting up patrols and advance guard, while massing deeper in the forest.


Grob The Scribe

Scouting Lake

The lake stretches far - if one were to squint really hard, maybe it's possible to see the other side. The water is warm and it gets deep pretty fast. Will Grob swim or attempt alternative ways of travel.

Scouting: Rhid's Tunnels

As soon as Grob approaches the invisible border between goblin tunnels and Rhid's tunnels he notices a dangling rope. Pulling it would probably attract Rhid's attention. Does Grob wish to deal with crazy goblin or would he prefer to sneak about, without alerting Rhid?

2015-11-17, 03:36 PM
Mork works in the 'shroom farm for a while, tending the fungi as per usual. He also goes down to the cook, saying "Look-I know only the strong are supposed to get food. But who keeps the strong going? Me and you-you keep them fed, and I keep them healthy. Think you can spare me some grub?"

2 actions working the 'shroom farm.

1 action spent plying the cook.

2015-11-17, 05:05 PM
Hunter & Hunted
A more intellectual being might regard going into unstoppable berserker rages negatively. It's impact on one's sense of awareness and the loss of control being delterious. Kurd however is a goblin. His vision goes red. His mouth frothes and he leaps forward to attack the wolves with his trusty cleaver. His thoughts are filled only with the thoughts of rending and maiming and killing. Killing. Killing!

The Guardian of the Woods
Normally Kurd would be affronted by the harsh demand. He'd leap to the fray and throw some insults back. But it's a tiny bug person. That wouldn't be a fun fight at all. And a tiny bug challenging him, the mighty Kurd it's just too funny.

"Hah, hah, hah. A leedle bug thing. With a leedle needle. I's looking for hobgoblins. Them's a good fight. Not leedle bugs and needles."

Kurd lets loose the rage to attack the wolves. Maybe having control of his senses would be useful. But he's not the sharpest goblin in the warrens. The immediate situation is his only concern at the moment.

He's also not terribly diplomatic.

2015-11-17, 06:48 PM
Fard walks up to Hobs.

"Hey there Hobs, I'd like to request some assistance to build a lumber yard. This will help us gather firewood and create planks to clean up the floors and walls of the Halls. I have 2 people working for me so I request 12 more to complete it, though it is understandable if you are unable to recruit that many."

1 Action


2 (MOD) +2 (CHA) (+ roll?)

Fard will build an asset-the lumber yard if Hobs gives him the manpower. If not Fard will try to recruit more Goblins to help him out.

2015-11-17, 07:10 PM

Grob The Scribe

Scouting Lake

The lake stretches far - if one were to squint really hard, maybe it's possible to see the other side. The water is warm and it gets deep pretty fast. Will Grob swim or attempt alternative ways of travel.

Scouting: Rhid's Tunnels

As soon as Grob approaches the invisible border between goblin tunnels and Rhid's tunnels he notices a dangling rope. Pulling it would probably attract Rhid's attention. Does Grob wish to deal with crazy goblin or would he prefer to sneak about, without alerting Rhid?


Grob is going to attempt to go around the coast of the lake. While he does this he is going to keep his eyes open for any boats he might be able to take.

Rhid's tunnels:

Grob knows that Rhid is a trickster and layered his tunnels with traps, this is probably just one of many that would leave Grob a stain on the ground after a giant boulder fell on him. Grob is going to avoid the dangling rope and move on.

2015-11-17, 09:32 PM
Gwafhu gives a snort, "Fine you watch others then. Watch out. Gristle's been biting.", before trotting at an angle to try to cut the piglet off.

As for the pantry, Gawfhu will take some time to chat up the guard, ideally under the cover of an event that happened around the same time, such as say certain beetle races. With luck, he can steer the conversation to who was on duty and what they might have seen.

2015-11-18, 04:43 AM
Mork The Healer

Dining Hall

There’s a whole crowd of goblins pleading with the Cook to give them food and Mork’s voice gets drowned down in all the shouting. The Cook looks greatly annoyed and by the time Mork makes it through the crowd to present his case, she is clearly thinking about making some goblin-finger pies. ’’Well, healer, my feet are killing me, standing all day at the stove and I think I’m growing deaf from all your pathetic screeching. How about you help me and maaaybe I’ll scrounge something from the bottom of the cauldron.’’ she speaks coldly.


Hunter & Hunted

The rage takes over Kurd and soon he is completely lost in it. There’s a lot of chopping, slashing and some biting, before the red mist lifts from the goblin’s eyes. The wolves lie dead before him, their pelts slashed and one’s head is dangling by a string. He probably ended up pounding them, long past the fight was over. The dull sensation of pain alerts him, that in his furious assault, one of the wolves managed to bite him in the side. The wolves appear to be a young pair - Kurd has seen the older, larger ones attack the pig herds. There’s a howl in the distance. Will other wolves come, attracted by the sounds of struggle?

[Kurd suffered Wound 1 (C)]

The Guardian of The Woods

’’You cur! How dare you insult my honor! You doubt the skill of my blade. Well, you shall taste it shortly. En garde! I shall carve this lesson in thine flesh.’’ The bug-lady flutters up in their air and then plummets down, with her needle-sword readied.

Thus begins the battle of thousand needle bites, as Kurd unsuccessfully attempt to swat the little critter, while enduring the stings of her needle. None of them are life threatening and he successfully guards his eyes, but the exhaustion slowly takes hold. Kurd begins to feel light-headed and almost stumbles to a fall, after sharp turn to swat away Lady Rainbowfly’s assault on his neck. Finally he manages to nick her with the cleaver and she spirals up to the top of the tree, her maneuverability in flight clearly affected. ’’I acknowledge thine brute strength. This duel is a draw and you may pass. Speak, what is your name traveller?''

Kurd gasps for air and wipes sweat, that was nearly blinding him to the end of the battle. This proved to be a surprisingly close battle.



Hob sits on a chair, one of the few furniture that survived in the keep, when it was claimed by the goblin. ’’Well, can’t say I’m against it. I’m sure those slackers would love this idea as well. Maybe it would take their minds off the hunger? Where do you think to build it? If you say Mushroom Grove, the Cook will eat you alive. She's thinks our food stocks are low enough.’’

[You need to have access to a location with woods to build lumberyard. One such place could be Mushroom Grove, but it would prevent food gathering there and may attract attention of the hobgoblins.]

Grob The Scribe

The Journey

Lake Travel

[I assumed you tried to walk around the Lake alongside the Mushroom Woods shore]

Grob walks alongside the lake, passing the Mushroom Grove, Webbed Woods and then place with large, seemingly abandoned lake houses. The lake finally ends - to the west are supposed to be Hobgoblin territory, so he quickly turns south.

However, his journey suddenly grows much more difficult. Every step Grob takes feels like a hundred, his limbs heavy and his mind growing sluggish from exhaustion. He collapses and begins to crawl away, finding it difficult to breath. There’s something in the distance - dancing lights? His strength failing, he practically rolls away, until the feeling of tiredness that gripped him, relaxes a bit. It becomes easier to travel, as he returns back to that turn in the lake. His attempt to reach the ruins have been foiled…

[Action was spent.]

Rhid’s Tunnels

Grob walks into the tunnels, avoiding a loose looking stone and a near invisible string. It’s the glue that gets him - as his feet suddenly stick to the ground. His attempt to free himself is painful enough to force a yelp of pain and that attracts Rhid. A figure in the old, worn-out robe emerges from a shadow, with a click sound. ’’Well, well. Sneaking about in my tunnels. What would you be doing here?’’ Rhid's eyes seem to be looking in all directions, but Grob's and his hands, hidden in the pockets of the robe twitch. There's also the smell of hooch. It appears Rhid partakes of spirits as well as trade them.


Hog Farm

It takes just a couple minutes to find the piglet. As soon as he regained his wits, he rushed back. Lucky it didn’t run into wolf’s den or something like that.


The goblin on duty is Mondum and he seems surly and unwilling to talk. Despite Gwafhu’s best efforts, all he could get is that Mondum was on duty, when the theft occurred. ’’Nobody could have snuck past me’’ he growls. ’’Unless they used magic.’’

[Action finished. You can spend another one, if you plan to pursue other leads in Pantry or elsewhere.]

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-18, 03:18 PM

He awoke to the sound of whispers. The Gods never stopped talking, and Grunak never stopped listening. If only he could understand the whispers. Always at the edge of hearing, never quite words, never quite understandable, but always close. Always just one step away from a message. He knew he would understand eventually. He would save the tribe, he knew it.

A louder sound drowned out the whispers. The hooting and hollering of Common goblins, come to bully those few lesser than them. They kicked the weary Outcasts as they shoved them towards the dung pits, laughing and jeering. No-one came for Grunak though. They saw him. Oh they saw him. They watched with wary eyes. The killer. The sneaker. The stabber. The mad one, who clutched his knife like it was his child. They still feared him, for now at least.

Watching as his fellow outcasts got prodded and bullied to the pits, Grunak snuck away. Outcasts get no tasks. He had time.

Grob the Scribe
A shifty looking goblin sidles up to Grob, carrying a short sword. This is disconcerting to Grob, but it doesn't seem violent, and it's holding the knife out to him, not shanking him with it. The goblin is insistent. "You! You the Scribe, yes? You can read letters!" He holds the Shiny Blade out to the goblin. "No touch! You can read?" It points a gnarled fingernail at the letters inscribed across the blade

1. Grunak needs to eat. The tribe is unlikely to provide, so he'll have to do it for himself. He'll go to the Mushroom forest and hunt for anything edible.

2015-11-18, 04:48 PM
Hunter & Hunted
Kurd was a brave goblin. A tough goblin. He was afraid of nothing. So when he was running back towards the warrens it wasn't because he was scared of being mauled by a pack of angry adult wolves. No of course not. He just wanted to show the tribe his kill. He certainly didn't run a bit faster every time he heard a howl. That would imply Kurd was scared of a bunch of really large and vengeful wolves tearing him into tiny pieces with their giant claws and sharp teeth.

He just needed to heft the wolf on his shoulders a bit higher and run a bit faster so it would still be fresh when he got it to Fingers. Yes, that was it. Any goblin who said differently was getting a fist in the eyes.

The Guardian of the Woods
Kurd gasped for a breath. The jabbing needle, the darting wings. It was all a haze of pain. Not that Kurd was hesitant. He'd fight the little bug all day and all night. It just wasn't worth it. Nope, not worth facing the shining hurting needle.

"Kurd, the strong." He puffs up. "The strongest goblin in t' keep. And you are very fast."

Kurd will carry the more intact wolf back to the warrens as he retreats at full speed. He also carries the head of the other so no one will doubt his story of fighting two three wolves. The other one got away.

2015-11-18, 09:46 PM
Gwafhu reckons that he could use a little help loosening future tongues, so he heads off to the mushroom groves looking for something that might appeal to Crazy Rhid.

2015-11-19, 05:21 AM

Mushroom Grove

The Goblins in the Mushroom grove seem to wander around and squabble between each other for the mushrooms, bugs and berries that they find. They also dive down and scramble away at any loud sound, clearly afraid of hobgoblin attacks. The arrival of Gwafhu is met with annoyed stares. ’’You-s not on Mushroom gathering duty!’’, yell-whispers one of the present goblins, while stuffing a newly found frog into his mouth.


Wolf Run

Kurd run, the wound in his side sapping his strength and the heavy load making his back and hands hurt. He run on the remaining adrenaline, with his muscles hurting awful, after he pushed them beyond their limit in the fight. The howls drew closer and closer, but then he burst into the clearing, where goblins on the Wolf Duty have made several fires. Kurd dropped his pace and walked past the surprised goblins, clutching their spears nervously.

The goblins crowding around Fingers parted ways, seeing Kurd’s burden. The Cook raised a singed eyebrow - ’’Now what do we have here?’’

Webbed Woods

The Webbed Woods are filled with insects, spiders, flies, butterflies and beetles. Now that Kurd is paying attention, among them are fluttering small bug-sized people with wings. They fly out of Kurd’s way - it seems none have the skill or fighting spirit of Lady Rainbowfly. The whole area is covered in webs, and seeing how the only ones damaged are behind him, it’s unlikely that Hobgoblin patrols pass here. Well, it seems somebody walked alongside the lake from the Sunken Keep recently, probably some other goblin on scout duty.


Outcast's Path

Few goblins venture deep into the Mushroom Forest, out of fear of hobgoblins, but wouldn’t voices protect Grunak? Well, maybe he didn’t understand them quite right, because soon Grunak runs into Hobgoblin patrol. Two Hobgoblins spot Grunak foraging and approach, their weapons drawn. One has a sling and another a long knife - neither match the power of Grunak’s blade. However, both Hobgoblins also wear crudely made leather armor and the one with slingshot is ruffling through his pack, clearly readying some trick.

’’What do I spy here Ducher? A lone, lost goblin?’’ speaks one of the Hobgoblins.
’’Or maybe a spy?’’ answers his companion.

2015-11-19, 11:46 AM


Hob sits on a chair, one of the few furniture that survived in the keep, when it was claimed by the goblin. ’’Well, can’t say I’m against it. I’m sure those slackers would love this idea as well. Maybe it would take their minds off the hunger? Where do you think to build it? If you say Mushroom Grove, the Cook will eat you alive. She's thinks our food stocks are low enough.’’

[You need to have access to a location with woods to build lumberyard. One such place could be Mushroom Grove, but it would prevent food gathering there and may attract attention of the hobgoblins.]

"Well you know what they say, a healthy goblin is a productive goblin. I shall send one of my followers to scout around the Mushroom Forests, sneakily, to see if there is adequate space to build the facility"

Fard sends Schliska to scout the Mushroom Forest

2015-11-19, 12:30 PM
Grob the scribe

"yes! Yes! I read!" Grob says proudly to Grunak, "Hmm...I know what it says! You give Grob food or coin and Grob tell you!" If push came to shove he would probably just tell the other goblin what it said but needed to show strength before everyone started asking him for free services.


Lake Travel

Grobb kicks the ground angrily as he returns home from the lake, he would need to figure out a way to get across. Maybe convince another goblin to build him a boat so he can row to the far side.

Rhid’s Tunnels

Grob flails against the sticky floor "Searching for knowledge Master Rhid!" the Goblin cries "Grob knows his letters and wants to learn more! That's why Grob looks for Master Rhid! Master Rhid smart, knows letters!"

2015-11-19, 02:28 PM

’’Plenty of wood there. Also Hobgoblins.'' answers Hob. ''We scrounge on the outskirts, but a lumberyard may attract more notice. If you want it built, you’ll need to ask Kranch, if he his soldiers would guard the construction and production.’’


Schliska leaves to scout out the Mushroom Woods. Hopefully she’ll be alright...

Grob The Scribe



There may be goblins in the Sunken Keep, who can build a boat (or more likely string together a bunch of sticks from Mushroom Wood or Hogwoods that wouldn’t sink right away). Even Grob may try doing it, though without help it may take some time.

Rhid’s Tunnels

’’That I do. Knowledge is power and its pursuit is a noble endeavor.’’ nods Rhid, without making a move to free him. ’’You are Grob, right’’ he says, examining Grob’s face. ’’Well, tell me something clever then. Impress me with your intellectual prowess.’’

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-19, 02:50 PM

Grob the Scribe
Grunak spat. "Pfeh. If Grunak had food or coin, he would have eaten it already. Cook don't feed outcasts. Cook makes outcasts clean dung pits." He eyes up the scribe. "Grunak can help tribe. Stupid goblin was a thief anyway. Deserved it. You help Grunak? He help you."

Outcast's Path
"I am here to talk to Hobgoblin tribe. To bring gift to chief. " He moves towards the Hobgolbins and brandishes the blade, letting the line shine on it. As they follow the blade Grunak rushes forward, hoping to skewer the tricksy one with the pack.

2015-11-19, 03:34 PM

Report [PM]

Schliska reports a battle between outcast Grunak and two Hobgoblins in the Mushroom Woods. The place also had lots of tall, healthy looking trees - an excellent location for a lumberyard.

[You can read spoilers [Outcast Path] in this post.]


Outcast's Path

The Hobgoblins prove to be too smart for Grunak's attempt at bluff, and a ball smashes into his shoulder (fortunately not the one, he is using to wield the sword), as he makes a lunge that skewers his enemy. The enemy is slain. As if guided by some force Grunak moves his sword, even before looking and blocks the knife of the other Hobgoblin. He parries the next strike, and gets a good hit, sending Hobgoblin's knife flying. Before Grunak can finish him, the Hobgoblin pleads: ''Wait! You know what happens, if patrol goes missing? You goblins don't care, if you get eaten or smashed, but if we don't report in, Captain Rorach will send a force to kill twenty of yours for one of ours. Let me go and I'll say Gregaub got himself killed by Centaurs.''

[Grunak suffers Wound 1 (S)]

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-19, 03:46 PM

Outcast's Path
Grunak weighed the hobgoblin's argument. Then he shrugged. "Dead goblin talk less." And the Shiny Blade came down.

Wiping off the blood, Grunak inspected his spoils.

2015-11-19, 04:40 PM

’’Plenty of wood there. Also Hobgoblins.'' answers Hob. ''We scrounge on the outskirts, but a lumberyard may attract more notice. If you want it built, you’ll need to ask Kranch, if he his soldiers would guard the construction and production.’’

"Sounds good. I will check up on

Fard recieves the report from Schliska.

"WHAT? That outcast must have surely damaged relations between Goblins and Hobgoblins. I must clear this up!"

Fard goes to Kranch and asks him to expend some guards.

"Hobs has authorized the development of a lumber yard in the Mushroom Forest. However due to the actions of a loose cannon, I think the Hobgoblins will be even more unfriendly than usual. As such I request some guards who would protect the construction and the building itself. With the lumber yard building weapons and training facilities would be much easier and your troops would excel in fighting."

-1 AP Diplomacy Krancy (+2 CHA +2 DIP)

3 AP left

2015-11-19, 04:57 PM
Grob the scribe

Grunak & Thelonious
"Yes! Grob help. Then Grunak will owe Grob a favor!" Grob looks at the writing on the dagger closely to make out what it says.

OOC: Thelonious what does it say?



OOC: Can I act on building/find a boat this turn or do I need to wait for an additional action next turn?

Rhid’s Tunnels

"Yes! Yes! I am Grob!" The Goblin says excitedly. Grob starts chanting slightly and holds out his hands as he casts the cantrip flare, suddenly a handful of torch like lights appears in them. "See! Grob is smart. Grob is Quick learner!"

2015-11-19, 06:18 PM
Wolf Stew
Kurd huffed at the lumbering cook. He thought it was obvious what it was, but maybe her eyes are failing. "It's a wolf. It tried to eat me. So I want to eat it."

Webbed Woods
Seeing neither any hobgoblins nor anything else worth fighting or eating, at least not without incurring the wrath of Lady Rainbowfly and her very sharp needle, Kurd is a bit disappointed. This wasn't a very productive scouting mission. For him anyway. He supposes he should report back to Hob.

Which he does when he gets back to the warrens. "I saw nothing but lots of bugs and bug people. And wolves, but no wolf people."

Goblin Medicine
After everything else is handled Kurd goes skulking off to find Mork the healer. He was still bleeding and he figured that was probably a problem.

2015-11-20, 05:28 AM

Wolf Stew

''Well, now here's a large, tough goblin, bringing something to the table, where you louts can only steal.'' Fingers huffs. ''I'll make you some good wolf meat stew.'' She ts-ks ''The pelt's all ruined, and here I thought I could get a good rug, so my feet wouldn't get so cold.'' The Cook starts working her culinary magic on the wold corpse.

The other goblins surround Kurd excitedly, asking to hear the story of his fight

[Kurd +1 Food]


Hob waves to the Scribbler to write down ''Insects. Bugs. Bug-People. No Hobgoblins. Good.'' He drops his voice so only Scribblers keen ears can hear ''One can always rely on Kurd being to simple to make stuff up and too bloodthirsty to stay away from danger.'' He raises his voice again, addressing Kurd. ''Excellent job. Your duties have been completed.''

Grob The Scribe

Inscription [PM]

The inscription reads ''Arbiter''. And there's magic caught in it! A spell to create a shield of force, before the sword. If swordsmen were to say the name of the sword and will magic to discharge, even one without talent for magic could invoke the spell. It would of course be spent then.

Grob could study the magic and try to learn the spell for himself - he would need to have the sword and writing implements to record it's mysteries.



[It would take Grob 2 Actions to build a shoddy raft. A Goblin with CON 1+ can accomplish it in 1 Action. Note, that the higher level of the ship, the easier it would be to sail it and the less chance of sinking.]

Rhid’s Tunnels

''Oooh, what a pretty, shiny.'' says Rhid mockingly, grinning through the display. ''Now, if that was an attempt of distraction, while your compatriot was sneaking up on me, that would have been clever. Why, some goblins can't be clever, if it were to save their lives.'' He shakes his head in pretend sadness. ''Let's give you another chance. Maybe if you had fire under your feet, you could think faster.'' Rhid pulls a bottle from apparently quite deep pocket and flings it at Grob's feet. The bottle smashes, spilling its contents, alcohol, judging by the smell. Rhid produces a flint and with exaggerated slowness works to produce a spark.


Kranch lounges on a chair, before his work desk, his eyes half-closed. He speaks softly and lazily. ''You are saying somebody went and riled up the Hobgoblins? It's good that you brought this to my attention. So, who was that? What exactly happened and how do you know about it?

Behind Fard a large goblin, Chopp appears. ''Close the door Chopp. We are having a talk about important security issues. No need for common goblins to eavesdrop and start more foolish rumors.''

[OOC: Conversation with Kranch will be in spoilers]


Outcast's Path

The Loot:
Leather Armor 2
Leather Armor 1 (damaged by Grunak's sword)
Long Knife 2
Sling 2 (4 Lead Balls Ammo)
Sealed Jar

2015-11-20, 10:38 AM
Grob the Scribe

Grob claps his hands cheerfully after reading the blade "Magic in the blade! Much magic! Grob can study it and teach you how to use it!"



Grob doesn't want to risk the other Goblins knowing about his find, but is afraid that any boat he hastily puts together will leave him sinking in the middle of the lake. He's going to take his time to build a good boat.

Actions: Grob will use 2 actions to build a boat. And further actions next turn to improve on it.

Rhid’s Tunnels

Grob was going to burn to death! This was not what Grob wanted! Master Rhid was going to kill him. Well he wasn't going to go down without a fight. Rhid begins casting another cantrip quickly sending a ray of frost towards Rhid. "Grob no want to fight! But Grob will!" Hoping to use the distraction of his magic to his advantage Grob desperately tries to break the hold of the sticky floor.

2015-11-20, 12:06 PM

Kranch lounges on a chair, before his work desk, his eyes half-closed. He speaks softly and lazily. ''You are saying somebody went and riled up the Hobgoblins? It's good that you brought this to my attention. So, who was that? What exactly happened and how do you know about it?

Behind Fard a large goblin, Chopp appears. ''Close the door Chopp. We are having a talk about important security issues. No need for common goblins to eavesdrop and start more foolish rumors.''

[OOC: Conversation with Kranch will be in spoilers]

"I sent my scout Schliska to scout the Mushroom Forests in order to find an adequate area to build the lumber yard. She saw the outcast Grunak mercilessly scewer two of them- even though one warned that the Hobgoblins would retaliate.

If possible we should capture this outcast and send him to the Hobgoblins so they can enact their justice on the perpetrator and not other goblin lives."

2015-11-20, 02:32 PM
Grob The Scribe


Grob starts with finding a sharp stone and making it sharper. After some work he makes himself [Woodcarving Tools 1]. Now that would be useful for making a a boat.

He spends the rest of the time, hauling logs from fallen trees in Mushroom Woods.

[Boat 2 50% Completed]

Burning Feet

Rhid slightly turns his body, and blob of magic that Grob hurled at him splashes harmlessly into the wall behind the crazy goblin. Grob, with an effort of will and endurance, tears his feet off the glue, almost crying with pain. He jumps away only to see Rhid chewing on a stick - it’s end an ember of fire. Grob missed the moment, when it was ignited or when he got it from his pocket. ’’Mediocre’’ issues his verdict Rhid. ’’Come back when you get quicker.’’ He exhales a plume of smoke and spits the burning stick out. It falls into the puddle of alcohol and fire spikes up obscuring Rhid’s figure. When they die down, he’s gone.


Kranch Conversations [PM]

''Well, let’s not rush giving up one of our own. Poor Grunak may have lost his mind, but I think he’s no wild animal. The hobgoblins must have provoked him. And one would say anything to save his life - that hobgoblin would have probably incited his comrades to attack us, as soon as he got free.''

''I’ll do something about Grunak - it’s clear, that his irrationality can cause problems and he must be watched. But he can still be an asset to the tribe. Your Schliska can lead Chopp to the site of the fight - the best course of action would be to make it seem, that those hobgoblins were killed by something else. You and Schliska will keep quiet about the incident. If Soxkill learns that we provoked hobgoblins, he’ll order us to hole up in the Sunken Keep and your projects would have to be delayed indefinitely.''

''Now, I’m still going to advise him to issue an order to stay out of Mushroom Woods for a season, until things cool down. But you’ve got energy. How about you put it into getting our warriors better weapons? Most of our fighters are armed with sharp sticks. We need bronze to make swords and shields. Maybe then I could spare some warriors for guard duty.''

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-20, 02:51 PM

Outcast's Path
Grunak gathers up the items, placing them into the pack carried by one of the goblins.

He searches desperately for any food carried by the hobgoblins.

Finally Grunak slinks off, returning to camp.

At the Sunken keep
Grunak returns with his spoils. He buries the sling and shot near his patch of ground, and dons the good armour. Then he heads to the keep, hoping to sell the remaining loot for as much food as he can secure (1 action)

Grunak eyes the scribe suspiciously. "Mine! No Touch!"

"You said you know what it says. You tell me, I owe favour. Gods want Grunak to have the blade. No-one else."

2015-11-20, 02:56 PM

Sunken Keep

Just as Grunak prepares to peddle the long knife, armor and jar he got from hobgoblins, he is approached by Chopp, a tough looking, elite goblin. ''Kranch wants to see you.'' He clearly expects Grunak to follow without a question.

2015-11-20, 04:06 PM
Grob the Scribe

"Yes! Yes! Grob knows what it says. But, blade is useless unless Grob studies it. It can shield you from damage. Grob needs to study it to teach you how to use it!" Grob says defiantly.

2015-11-20, 04:56 PM
Kranch Conversations [PM][/B]

''Well, let’s not rush giving up one of our own. Poor Grunak may have lost his mind, but I think he’s no wild animal. The hobgoblins must have provoked him. And one would say anything to save his life - that hobgoblin would have probably incited his comrades to attack us, as soon as he got free.''

''I’ll do something about Grunak - it’s clear, that his irrationality can cause problems and he must be watched. But he can still be an asset to the tribe. Your Schliska can lead Chopp to the site of the fight - the best course of action would be to make it seem, that those hobgoblins were killed by something else. You and Schliska will keep quiet about the incident. If Soxkill learns that we provoked hobgoblins, he’ll order us to hole up in the Sunken Keep and your projects would have to be delayed indefinitely.''

''Now, I’m still going to advise him to issue an order to stay out of Mushroom Woods for a season, until things cool down. But you’ve got energy. How about you put it into getting our warriors better weapons? Most of our fighters are armed with sharp sticks. We need bronze to make swords and shields. Maybe then I could spare some warriors for guard duty.''

"Very well then."

Fard sent Schliska to the Mushroom forests to pin the deaths of the Hobgoblins on the centaurs. Schliska was to imbue hoofprints all over the hobgoblin corpses making it seem like they were stomped on.

Fard then went to get ore in order to make bronze in the furnace. However, he wasn't sure if he was complety equipped to do so, so he asked for help. He went to Grob the Scribe and asked him for some help

"Hello Grob! I beleive you are rather intelligent and do apreciate your work around here. Do you think you can help me with a task? I require some bronze to give to the soldiers so they can guard a lumberyard I plan on making. As some payback, I will allow you to use some wood that will be produced there. Does that sound like a good deal?"

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-20, 05:31 PM

"NO! SHINY BLADE NOT USELESS! SHINY BLADE LET GODS TALK TO GRUNAK!" Grunak points the blade in question at the scribe and backs away warily.

"You say you can read the words, but you don't say them. Gods want Grunak to have the blade. You no touch. You look. You say words. No touch. "

In the Keep
Grunak seems worried. He tries to stash the jar somewhere he can pick it up later, then follows the goblins.

2015-11-21, 05:09 AM

Conversations with Kranch

''Excellent. Your Schliska is an excellent scout, to have discovered something like that. I'll issue her a [Knife 2] from the armory, so she'd be able to protect herself. Bring me any more news you find.''


Conversations with Kranch

Kranch is lounging in his chair, his desk filled with full plates. Kranch doesn’t ask Grunak to surrender his sword, but he stays in the room, leaning against the wall.

’’Grunak. I’ve been keeping an eye on you.’’ Kranch lazily pushes a plate with crisp hog snout towards him. ’’And I had to clean up a mess you’ve made recently. If the corpses of that patrol were found, we could have faced a punitive raid. If you weren’t killed by their attack, Soxkill would have fed you to the hogs. But I see potential in you Grunak. You were a good warrior and can still be one. There are enemies within the tribe, agents of outside forces trying to undermine us. I and my men are in the spotlight, so we can’t move against them. But you as an outcast remain mostly unnoticed. You can strike and remove such threats.’’

Kranch pauses, waiting to see Grunak’s reaction.

2015-11-21, 11:10 AM
"Very well then."

Fard sent Schliska to the Mushroom forests to pin the deaths of the Hobgoblins on the centaurs. Schliska was to imbue hoofprints all over the hobgoblin corpses making it seem like they were stomped on.

Fard then went to get ore in order to make bronze in the furnace. However, he wasn't sure if he was complety equipped to do so, so he asked for help. He went to Grob the Scribe and asked him for some help

"Hello Grob! I beleive you are rather intelligent and do apreciate your work around here. Do you think you can help me with a task? I require some bronze to give to the soldiers so they can guard a lumberyard I plan on making. As some payback, I will allow you to use some wood that will be produced there. Does that sound like a good deal?"

Grob looked at Fard suspiciously, but realized if he had wood it would help his boat building process. "Grob will help you and try to find bronze for you."

Grob is going to search the compound looking for bronze or anyone willing to part with some bronze.

"Blade will be more powerful if you let Grob examine it! It will make you invincible. Let you kill many enemies and talk to gods!"

2015-11-21, 08:00 PM
Gwafhu does his best attempt at a sly look while softly saying, "I was thinking what with ol' Rhid being crazy he might be willing to try anything. So I figured I'd clip on down and see if I can spot something only he'd dare eat." He'll slip in a bit of a smile in at the end, hoping the local gobs will appreciate the implied joke.

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-22, 04:49 AM

Grunak seems to weigh this. "Examine? Look at, yes.Take, no. Mine. Grunak can keep the blade while scribe looks at it." He pauses for a moment. "What do the words say?"

Conversation with Kranch
When subject of his killings gets brought up, Grunak gets defensive. "Did not want a fight. Only Hungry. Needed to eat. Hobgoblins attacked, had no choice.".

When Kranch offers him the job, he is suddenly eager. "Yes! Grunak can fight, can help tribe. That is what gods want." He hesitates a moment. "If I do a good job, I get back into the tribe? I get to eat?"

2015-11-22, 05:44 AM

''Ah, ye hurting for hootch'' answers one of the goblins. ''If it's something crazy, go look.''
''I thought I saw a snail there.''
''Snails ain't crazy to eat. I eat them all the time.''
''That was a very ugly looking snail''


Conversation with Kranch

''Good. You are a strong fighter, Grunak. Once those who undermine the tribe are dealt with, I shall see you restored to a position of honor. Please, eat. I'll claim, that you found useful information and spoils for the tribe, so I've issued you armor - this way nobody would suspect it came from hobogblins. Also, you can trade anything you found, that may cause suspicion to me. I'll tell you, when the time comes to fulfill your duty. I doubt it would be long.''

Grob The Scribe


Unfortunately it seems the Sunken Keep has been looted a long time ago - whatever valuables were there, are now in the pockets of goblins. And none of them admit to having bronze.

2015-11-22, 02:43 PM
"Well that was a disappointment. But maybe I can find someone else"

Fard goes to Surekt and asks him to check whether he has any bronze.

2015-11-23, 03:59 AM


''Maaaybe I can find some.'' Surekt answers. ''What do I get?''

2015-11-23, 10:32 AM
Gwafhu will gives a nod, saying "Thanks, stinkpot" as he trundles off in search of spikes and snails and puppy dogs tails, but mostly snails and the occasional shroom painted so brightly that no normal gob would be foolish enough to eat it.

The "stinkpot" bit is not meant to be an insult. I just imagine it's a common goblin phase or nickname. If not, let me know and I'll update the post.

The bit about painted shrooms is just a reference that many things that are outright poisonous advertise the fact with their colors. That way he can grab something the others won't want and can present it as something the mad one might be cunning enough to have a use for. I figure picking the obviously unsafe one will make it easier to put up the "if I was trying to poison you, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it" defense.

2015-11-23, 12:23 PM
Wolves and Blood
Kurd is happy to tell the other goblins all about what happened. The wolves leaping at him. Brutal use of his cleaver, epic dodges away from gnashing teeth, and the final clash where he took off the last surviving wolf's head off with a single blow. He swings his cleaver to emphasize the power of the blow.

Of course Kurd is mostly making it up as he goes since his memory of the encounter is so spotty. But it could have happened like that, and the wolves are dead. So in the end who could say that he's wrong.

Goblin Medicine
]Not being successful in finding Mork Kurd continues looking a goblin to take a look at his rather horrific wounds. He didn't let on in front of the others, and barely even to himself, but they do hurt quite significantly. So he looks for a goblin that might be able to help him.

Anyone but Nezz that is. Kurd feared no fight, but Nezz was a god talker. And they just weren't right in the head. Who knows what unspeakable things she would do. Nezz was the last option for Kurd.

3. Kurd goes looking for a goblin who can heal his wounds. Including Nezz if he can't find anyone else.

2015-11-23, 03:16 PM


''Maaaybe I can find some.'' Surekt answers. ''What do I get?''

Oh just some bronze. Perhaps a weapon will also suffice if it is metal.

2015-11-23, 05:38 PM

Surket goes to his bedroll and digs underneath, unearthing a small collection of bronze statues. He seems hesitant to hand them over to Fard.


Wolves & Blood

Kurd's storytelling skills are rather sub-par, as wordsmith he ain't, but his lackeys Nub-Nub and Zunk compensate by their loud support and retelling of Kurd's story with their glibber tongues. Impressed by the stories the ranks of the Kurd's supporters grow, though their dedication is certainly fairly shallow.


The options for healing are limited in the tribe. Or rather there's one option - Nezz. ''So much excruciating pain I feel'' the priestess traces her clawed finger over Kurd's wound. ''I'll fix your body, but the pain shall remain for a time as a delicious reminder of the slaughter you've inflicted. But did you need to be so quick? You take a wolf, break it's limbs and tear out it's teeth - and then let it howl with pain as a bait for it's kin. This is how it's done.'' Nezz steps away. ''Now, I'll heal your wound, but I'll need a service in return. Next moon, a sacrifice for the altar of Zon-Kuthon. Capture an enemy, get a couple goblins, or offer yourself. As you wish to go about it. Just bring a live one, no smelly corpses, and you shall be blessed.



Gwafhu gathers a collection of odd looking stuff - herbs, snails and shrooms

[OOC: There's no problem with certain degree of worldbuilding - stinkpots they are.]

2015-11-23, 06:04 PM

Surket goes to his bedroll and digs underneath, unearthing a small collection of bronze statues. He seems hesitant to hand them over to Fard.

"Excellent- you shall certainly be rewarded!"

Fard hands the Bronze to Kranch.

2015-11-24, 02:12 AM
Nezz, Dispenser of Wisdom and Terror

Kurd, "Break it's limbs. Howls of pain as bait. Ok I do that." Nezz was nuts and the scariest goblin he knew, but it sounded like decent advice to him. The wolves were certainly quick to chase him after he killed the first two.

Kurd is not the brightest, but with Nezz it is best to be absolutely clear about things. So he carefully constructs his next query. "What kind of enemy? Wolves ok or bug people or hob goblins?" Say what you will about Kurd, but while he's perfectly willing to beat up his weaker comrades he isn't going to sacrifice them to Nezz's wicked clutches if he can help it.

4. Kurd collects his lackeys and then goes looking to gather supplies for the capture attempt. Rope and nets, and maybe something to dig with.
5. Rest

2015-11-24, 05:09 AM

Surket seems a bit mollified with mention of reward. ''Sure thing boss.''


Nezz, Dispenser of Wisdom and Terror

''If it's animal, I'd rather it be an exceptional animal. A filthy mongrel would be an unworthy offering. I can be more lax, if the creature or creatures are intelligent. Impress me, my brave warrior.''

Preparations [PM]

Nezz heals your wound.

Kurd, Nub-Nub and Zunk prove to be lacking in thinking department to fashion anything useful, however, Megakaz, the brainy one in the group, proves his worth by giving some advise for fashioning primitive [Ropes'n'Nets 1] and [Digging Sticks 1].

Kurd's followers seem to be eyeing his wolf stew, their sycophantic stream of praise growing rich with mentions of his generosity and benevolence.

2015-11-24, 08:23 AM
Gwafhu scurries off with his newfound collection to Rhid's cave, taking more care as he approaches it. With any luck he'd get something to loosen lips and maybe something useful from Rhid own cracked mind.

2015-11-24, 10:24 AM
Grob the Scribe

Grob comes back to Fard looking rather dejected "Grob no find bronze. None left in keep. And, other Goblins tricksy and say there is no bronze."


"It says 'Arbiter.' Let Grob examine it. You can watch. Grob will then tell you how to use its magic. Then Grunak will be even more strong!"

2015-11-24, 01:55 PM
Kurd decides to be magnanimous, since he's going to need them next moon, and splits the wolf stew between his three lackeys.

2015-11-24, 06:28 PM

Gwafhu ducked as something thunked just above his head. A small panel slid away on the opposite wall, revealing two eyes. ''What do you want? I had my fill of visitors, so make your explanation quick.''


While it's not enough stew to make a proper feast, Kurd's followers are clearly impressed by his gift. And it seems a couple more goblins joined their ranks, increasing Kurd's following.

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-25, 03:45 AM

Grunak nods. "Yes. Okay. I will very keep very close watch on Shiny Blade. You tell Grunak everything you find."

EoT actions:

2. Trade sword and leather armour with Kranch for coin or goods, if possible.

3. Observe Grob studying the Shiny Blade. Keep a very, very close eye on him.

4. 'Arbiter'. Test the Shiny Blade and it's powers in his own time

5. Rest.

2015-11-25, 01:10 PM
2 actions fixing the Hall
1 action rest

2015-11-26, 05:21 AM
Season's End

The Mystery of Lard Caper

The mystery of the Lard Caper remained unresolved. The squabbles have continued until the end of the Warm Season and then the arrival of thunderstorms. Still, what happened have led many to think of enemies within and tribe mood remains sour and suspicious.

The food stores were replenished and goblins once again receive normal rations.

Ghwafhu + 1 WIS
Kurd +1 CHA
Fard + 1 CHA
Grunak +1 WIS
Fard -1 WIS
Grunak -1 WIS (Grunak is growing weak from hunger... the starvation will claim him soon)

Grunak [PM]

Grob mumbles something and traces his fingers over the shiny blade. It doesn’t seem like he is doing anything, but he looks completely occupied and beads of sweat roll down his brow. After a long time, he seems to be finished.

Grunak receives two tokens [Token 1, Token 2] with a symbol, that must have been drawn by Scribbler - the tribe lacks currency, but Hob instituted the tokens as means of requisition from the tribe’s stores.

Something stops Grunak from using the magic of the sword - perhaps it’s might shouldn’t be invoked, without true need?

Grob The Scribe [PM]

Grob succesfully studies the [Shield 1] spell. However, it’s just too big for his brain! He must write it down somewhere, or he risks forgetting something important. Right now, magic inside his brain feels like something alive and scratching, trying to get out of the cage.

[OOC: Unless Grob records the spell in writing this turn, he’ll lose the spell and may suffer extra consequences.]

Turn 2, The Rainy Season


Powerful winds blow from the north and they bring dark clouds, with blinding lightning and deafening thunder. The rain pours down, making travel difficult and drenching the unfortunate outcasts. Outdoors duty has grown highly unpopular among the goblins, many of whom scramble to earn favor with Hob, in hope of getting better assignments.

Taskmaster Hob

Hob announces the tasks personally, apparently having memorized the Scribbler’s list.

Grob: You are on Wolf Defence Duty,
Kurd: You are on Scout Duty.
Fard: You are clever goblin, so I’ll let you pick your duty.
Gwafhu: You are on Mushroom Farm Duty


The rumors spread - Nezz is planning a grand ceremony to appease Zon-Kuthon and grant the tribe good luck. Which means that whatever prisoners the tribe has, would be sacrificed. Except, that the tribe has no prisoners, which means some unfortunate goblins would need to take their place. Nobody is quite certain, whom Nezz would chose - the elites and those favored with Goblin Heroes would no doubt be exempt, but outcasts and common goblins… perhaps even uncommon ones are all fair game. The goblins of the tribe scramble to get out of Nezz’es way, out of fear of being chosen.

Grunak [PM]

Chopp whispers to Grunak, when two pass each other outside the Sunken Keep. ’’Be ready to fulfil your duty soon.’’

The Riders of The Storm

A couple goblins thought they saw three figures, made of clouds, riding the storms. What could that mean?


If one says Purga three times, when one dreams, and states a wish, it would come true.

Shadowslinker has a secret room in the Sunken Keep. All the times he claims to be traveling, he’s actually sleeping in warmth and comfort.

The weather was caused by Goblewonker, who lives in the Lake. When the water raises enough, it’ll flood the Sunken Keep and the monster will come to feast on Goblins.

The wolves have been howling something awful recently. They probably wish revenge against Kurd, for slaying their kin.

There’s one way to escape being Nezz’es sacrifice - becoming her chosen. Bliz and Zizix were supposed to die on altar, but they managed to impress her.

A couple goblins have caught a cold. They have been sneezing and coughing all time… could it be something more dangerous?

2015-11-26, 12:38 PM
Grob the Scribe

Grob grumbled as he was assigned to wolf duty. Stupid wolf duty. That was for dumb Goblins, not smart Goblins like Grob. He should be writing or helping the taskmaster keep track of all the supplies. Not making sure some dumb wolves don't eat some dumb hogs, or occasionally the dumb and slow Goblin. Grabbing one of the spears he trudges off to the Wolf Pens to make sure no stupid wolf eats any stupid hogs.


Guard 1: Grob is going to guard the wolf pen

Guard 2: Grob is going to keep guarding the wolf pen

Spell writing: Grob is going to write down the shield spell on some parchment so he can memorize it for future use.

OOC Actions: Updated my Charisma to reflect the +1 bonus received from shelter.

2015-11-27, 01:27 PM
Grunak [PM]

[Ah, I forgot - your action to train with the sword + knowledge of it's name, actually improved it's quality to 5]

Wolf Duty

This time around, the goblins on Wolf Duty are a mix of outcasts and regular goblins - Kranch's soldiers clearly prefer to remain in the barracks, rather then get drenched by thunderstorms and the tougher goblins probably bribed their way out from the wolf duty list. Only scrawny outcasts, seeking favor to be allowed inside Sunken Keep and goblins, who probably incurred Hob's displeasure are on the duty now - a total number of ten. Between them are 5 [Spears 2] - three get snatched right away by tougher looking [Common] goblins. Grob and another [Common] goblin, who looks about equal in strength, go for one of the remaining ones, while the Outcasts seem to have banded together to get at least one spear between them.

[Grob: Do you challenge other Goblin to get the spear or try to go after the Outcast's weapon?]

Grob [PM]

Grob has seen paper before - wonderous material, that was apparently made by humans. Of course in the Sunken Keep, all he has available is bark for recording and squeezed maggot juice for writing. The resulting is a very low-quality holder of information - hopefully, it won't fall apart from the arcane energies hidden in letters or won't get corrupted by dampness and termites.

Still, Grob has one spell - he is starting to think of himself as a wizard...

[B]Bark'n'Maggot Spellbook 1
- Shield

2015-11-28, 12:35 AM
Kurd, the Strong

Playing in the Rain
Where other goblins shirked their duties Kurd strode forth boldly. The rain and clouds were nothing to a tough goblin such as him. He wouldn't let a little water stand between him and glory after all. Admittedly he probably could have done with a cloak. Maybe one of wolf leather. Yeah, he was planning to go fight the wolves again anyway. This time he'd make sure to keep one of their hide intact.

Such were Kurd's thoughts as the goblin trudged through the wet terrain west of the sunken keep. His first destination was the Mushroom Woods. If he found nothing interesting there he intended to head north and see what was on the Great Plains.

Pits and Snares
The wolves howled for Kurd's blood, but that just made him smile in anticipation. The red blood lust flickered in Kurd's eyes as he anticipated the possibility of blood shed. He grinned ferally at his assembled underlings.

"Alright you lot. We've got traps to dig. Megakaz gots the digging sticks and nets and stuff. We's going to catch some wolves. Don't lag and we'll all get more stew and hides."

Kurd cajoles his little group into the rainy woods with promises of meat and glory. If any of them start lagging behind he gives them a thump to keep up.

1. Scout the Mushroom Woods
2. Scout the Great Plains
3. Cajole, intimidate, and bully his underlings, and any goblins who pass too close, into setting up traps for the wolves in the Hogwoods. I also want them to all pick up some sturdy branches to use as clubs. If it warrants a separate action then that will be action 3, and this will be action 4.

Is Kurd still wounded?

2015-11-28, 12:17 PM
Grob the scribe

Grob stands up to his full height and puffs his chest out at the other common Goblin. He didn't want to fight a whole batch of outcasts if he didn't have to. "My spear! You take other spear!" Grob makes a grab for the spear, even though he didn't want a fight he secretly wanted a chance to show off his cantrip magic. That will make the other Goblins fear him.

2015-11-28, 12:46 PM
Grob, The Scribe


The other Goblin proves to be just a tiny bit faster and stronger, as he wrests the spear from Grob. As he prepares to retaliate with cantrip, Grob finds himself facing the end of a fairly sharp stick - were he to attempt a cantrip, the other goblin, Nod, would surely stab him.

Wolf Duty

Grob sneezes - all the cold and rain must have given him a light cold. Fortunately, it seems more annoying, then serious. The other goblins, miserable and scared of the wolf howls whisper between each other, about running away and just telling that they did the Wolf Duty - the goblins at the Hog Farm wouldn't know, as rain would conceal this scheme, so none would snitch to the Hob.

The discussion is interrupted by arrival of Kurd and a gang of six goblins. While some are happy, that there are more bodies, in case wolfs attack, others curse - the shirking of the duty would now probably be noticed.

Kurd, The Strong

Mushroom Woods, Thicket

As thunderstorm rages above Kurd hacks his way into the heart of the Mushroom woods through thorny (and probably poisonous) briar. Only determination and endurance allow Kurd to advance in such difficult terrain, in such terrible weather. The Thicket has tall strong trees and large patches of thorny shrubs, from which Kurd makes a weak, smoky fire to warm his bones. The place could probably serve the tribe well, as source of wood, game or berries (if those aren’t poisonous).

Great Plains, Sacked Village

Kurd enters ruins of a small village on the plains - the wooden and stone houses have been looted and burned, walls and roofs smashed and wooden palisade around the place brought down. Kurd spots a large collection of broken bones in the center of the ruins - the fate of whoever lived here is clear. Kurd checks for valuables and finding nothing to interest him, waits out the rain in one of the better preserved houses.

Pits and Snares

The promises of food and glory get the goblins walking, though only Kurd’s followers - it would take a much more persuasive goblin to get others out of Sunken Keep at such weather. Half the way to the place, Nub-Nub, Zunk and Rutkin remember a number of very important reasons of why they should go back to the relative warmth of home. Kurd counters them with a precise application of thumps and displays of his rusted cleaver.

Kurd’s group arrival to the Hogwoods cheers the goblins on the Wolf Duty - ’’The wolfies have been prowling around’’ tells one of them to Kurd. The realization, that deserting the duty, with Kurd around, would be perilous, dampens the cheers of the more cowardly goblins (pretty much all of them).

The thunderstorm makes setting the snares and digging the pits hard, but somehow the goblins manage to complete the job without any incidents from exhaustion and cold. Kurd’s suggestion for goblins to gather clubs and take part in his wolf-crusade almost incites a mutiny, but luck is on the tough goblin’s side - he manages to string together a speech, equal parts inspiring and threatening, to make goblins fall in line. They spread around, picking up hefty tree branches, trying to stay close and not loose the sight of each other in the rain.

[OOC: It takes an extra action, as mechanically, you needed to pass checks to temporarily raise your followers Loyalty to a point, where they would be willing to face mortal danger].

Imperial Psycho
2015-11-29, 06:19 AM

Grunak exchanges one of his tokens for food, devouring it almost immediately.

Outside the Sunken Keep
Grunak simply nods to Chopp, and awaits news of the job he must fulfill.

Grob the Scribe
Grunak returns to pester the scribe further, after one of their sessions studying the blade. "Grob? You said you'd teach me what you learn.. with the Blade."

"What you learn? What does ... the word mean?"

2015-11-29, 07:48 AM

Trade & Food

The tokens are for requisition of equipment - but naturally, one can trade them for a share of food. Unfortunately, Grunak finds that his low status and strangeness mean, that he manages to only trade Token 2 for 1 Food. Still, food's food.

[+1 WIS, Hunger reduced by 1.]

The weather is simply terrible - unless Grunak gains access to Sunken Keep's halls or finds other shelter, he'll be weakened by the next season.

[*Grunak can invoke a magical shield, by thinking or saying the sword's name and willing it.]

2015-11-29, 12:38 PM
"Well I like upkeeping the Sunken Keep's Halls. Weather's not good, I'll wait later to build the lumber yard"

Fard fixes up the halls a bit more and speaks to the relevant Goblin Hero to gain access to the Hall for himself and the Twins.

"Hello, as I have spent a great deal fixing up the Halls, I'd like access to stay here during this weather for myself and my followers."

2 Actions fix Hall more

1 action diplomacy- speak with Soxkill? Attempts to gain access to Hall.

2015-11-30, 12:32 AM
Silently, Whistler searched - never straying too far from the Hogfarm. There was a time for music, but the Wolf Woods were dangerous - and he needed to be quick and quiet. Besides, the sky was making plenty of music for him - booming and crashing. A bit of berries here, a few mushrooms there, ooh some frogs will be tasty. Whistler knew how to find food. The forest had food for those who know how to find it.

Having found all he could, Whistler began working on the best branches he had gathered. Storms can be a real danger, and he needed to to get some sort of shelter up right away. A few stout limbs, strung between a cluster of tree trunks, and layered over with boughs of pine needles would provide him a small, cozy space - dry from the rain and hidden from enemies. At least he hoped. And if some wolf did chance upon him - at least those same stout limbs could give him some cover to defend himself.

Whistler made sure that his new hiding spot had a vantage towards the hogs. He had a job to do here - guard the hogs. It wasn't scouting, but at least he was outdoors. For a forest goblin like himself - outdoors in a storm beats indoors cleaning much off the stone floors of the keep every time.

1 action - Use Survival skill to find as much food as possible on the edge of the Hogfarms and the Wolf Woods. Emphasis on safety (be quiet and cautious).
1 action - Use Survival skill to make a small shelter where he can watch to hogs: safe, hidden, and relatively comfortable (in that order of priority).
2 actions - Guard the hogs.

2015-11-30, 04:04 AM
Gwafhu decides that staying out of site and out of mind might be best right now. During his usual hours in the mushroom fields, he looks for a neglected patch seldom visited by other gobs. There he begins feeding dribbles of the elixir to smaller mushroom to see how it affects it's growth, convinced that the mushroom at least won't run away. In another nearby patch, he'll also practice trying to get sparks from his wand a bit more consistently, figuring that such a display might be used to discourage attackers.

For the elixir experiment, Gwafhu is mostly looking for signs of it's effects, though I'd definitely be on board with him cultivating a mushroom patch that mimicked the elixirs effects if he can manage it.
The sparking experiment is mostly part of a drive to gather supplies for exploration. He'd like to revisit the swamp, but wants a pole to test the ground first. Doing so will mean skirting a forest, so he's preparing for that.
On a side note, what was the result of visiting Rhid? Did he trade his odds and ends for hooch or are we assuming Rhid just wasn't willing to see him?

2015-11-30, 12:47 PM
Grob the Scribe

Stupid Wolf Duty. Stupid Nod, he was now Grob's enemy and Grob would make him pay. Grob paced around the outside of the Wolf Pen's impatiently trying to keep warm in the cold and rain. He had no desire to run off and hide, well he did, but he knew if caught he would lose his sleeping quarters and that thought made him stay more than anything. And now that Kurd was here there was less of a chance of leaving...but Grob might be able to curry favor with the big Goblin if it looks like he is in charge of things.

He storms over to some outcasts huddling about a fire "You! Spread out! Go! no lazing about. Make sure the Wolves are contained!"

Other Actions:
Build Boat: Grob is going to continue on building his boat

Grob nods eagerly. "Arbiter means...someone who has the power to make a decision. Like, the boss! To use blade, You need to clear your mind and focus on it, then say 'Arbiter' and it will put shield on you and protect you from baddies."

2015-11-30, 02:26 PM
Kurd the Strong

Kurd heads back to the warrens where he informs Hob of the thicket and the looted village. Not particularly interesting to Kurd, but maybe next season will be better. And he still has his wolf hunt to look forward to.

Wolf Woods
The pits were dug, the traps were strung. Kurd's now miserable followers were as prepared they were going to get. The goblins on wolf duty were looking a bit less likely to run away. If Kurd were a bit smarter he might propose that a watch post be built. Something with a roof to keep out the rain, and height to stay away from the wolves. Unfortunately Kurd was not capable of expressing this level of complex forethought and so the guards would have to suffer in horrible weather for the foreseeable future.

For now however is was simply concerned with getting the wolves into his traps. A lesser goblin might propose bait of some kind. Maybe a piglet, or even another goblin. And if the wolves didn't take the bait so much the better. But Kurd was no lesser goblin. He was strong and brave. He would go out and find the wolves and bring them back to be captured.

Kurd explains the plan to his cohorts. He would go into the woods. A wolf would find him. He would run back and the wolf would fall into the pit. Then they would net it, and they'd be done. If there was more than one wolf even better. Most importantly the other goblins would stay on the far side of the pits. Kurd didn't want the wolves stopping before they ran over a pit or snare.

The plan being explained, such as it was, Kurd gives all of his followers a stern look and then heads into the woods towards the howling.

5. Bait wolves into the traps. Preferably more than once, but also not more than 2 at a time. Admittedly that's really not in Kurd's control though. The main thing is to just go in the woods and attract the attention of some wolves. Then hightail it back to the traps.

2015-11-30, 02:56 PM
Kurd The Strong


Hob has Scribbler record the results of scouting expedition. ''I'll alert Kranch. Whoever burned that Village may have forces to try doing it to us.''

He produces a [Token 1], sliding it to Kurd. ''If you want to requisition something from our supplies.''

Wolf Baiting

As Kurd walked proudly into the woods he saw a smaller goblin barrel back, whistling loudly, adding a couple shouts - ''Wolves! Wolves!'' It seems that Kurd wouldn't need to go far to find himself a wolf. It also seems, that he'd find more then a couple...


The Shelter

Making a shelter required hard work - endurance, that Whistler had just about enough and a bit of skill, which he had a bit more. Unfortunately, the ferocity of the thunderstorm was such, that his ramshackle shelter was clearly not going to last and it’s comforts were going to be limited. It did provide a nice concealment, in case of trouble.

The Foraging

The rain has brought out a number frogs, who could be roasted for a tasty snack. Whistler has gathered a couple into a fraying, squirming sack, before hearing a snap of a twig. He had stayed close to the Hog Farm, to avoid danger, hoping for safety near goblin patrols. This hope proved to be misplaced, as he saw large, snapping animal shapes move out of the woods. The wolves of the Hogwoods were coming - the whole pack of at least twelve beasts.

Whistler was lucky to see them in time - he abandoned the sack with frogs to freedom and run back, whistling to alert other goblins.

Whistler [PM]

Shelter 2 (Comfort 1, Hidden 1)

The Thunderstorm’s strength is 3 - so Shelter is insufficient to properly protect against it.

Other Goblins

Grob The Scribe [PM]

[Boat 2] is finished. However, the weather would make a journey across the lake fairly dangerous at the moment.

Grunak [Covert Messages]

Finally, Chop arrives to give Grunak his task.

’’Nezz is plotting against the Tribe with her ritual. Take out Zizix in secret and check possessions on his body for evidence.’’ It doesn't seem like Chop plans to go in great detail about the plan and he had chosen a moment and place, where no other goblins could see him talking to Grunak.


[OOC: All non-Outcast Goblins reside in the Halls. I assume all PCs are in Upper West, East or Lower West.]

The task of looking after the halls is fairly straightforward - keeping fires burning, taking out trash, keeping vermin away and breaking fights for territory. There’s definitely room for improvements - fixing crumbling walls, plugging rat holes and redrawing the borders of sleeping places, over which vicious fights break out daily. The main obstacle to improving the conditions of living are goblins themselves. The lazy gits breed rats for races, refuse to fix minor stuff, until it gets majorly broken, dig secret caches into load-bearing walls and steal anything of value.

The two Elite Goblins tasked with keeping order in the Halls - Koba and Brutalis, mostly let things go as it is, caring only for Warmhalls and Lower Eastern Hall, where they enforce some discipline. Thus the two places offer a bit better living conditions, for the goblins, who can afford to bribe Hall Leaders into letting them sleep there.

Pst-Pst [Secret Messages]

A couple wretched looking goblins - clearly outcasts, approach Fard. ’’Hey, can you let us in the Halls? Nobody would know. It’s cold and damp out here, just a bit, to warm our bones.’’

[OOC: There's enough place in the Halls to fit Outcasts. But it would certainly go against Tribe laws...]

Fard [PM]

[Since you don’t need to persuade anyone to gain access to Halls, I assume that action is canceled. You can try to go beyond basic work to improve Hall Asset - there’s a troop of 4 goblins assigned to the task with you. If you chose to do it, I’ll need to know, how you go about doing it.]


’’Gobiti, goobety, gop!’’ yells Gwafhu, waving around his staff. It sparkles and then a rainbow springs forth across the mushroom cavern, playing with colors and sending off small sparks. The goblin farmers look at the display in wonder - ’’Ooh! That’s so shiny and pre… AH MY EYES! THEY BURN! THEY BURN!’’ the goblin farmers fall down screaming and rolling around as the rainbow suddenly explodes. ’’He’s a WITCH! A WITCH!’’

The rumors run like wildfire across the Sunken Hall, that Gwafhu is a powerful wizard...

Gwafhu [PM]

Rhid was in non-cooperative mood and declined to trade hootch for Gwafhu’s odd collection.

The elexir’s experiment seems to produce no effect on the mushrooms.

The Wolf Raid

Whistler’s warning gives goblins a couple minutes of warning, in which a competent leader may have rallied an inspired and fiendishly clever defence. Unfortunately, all they have in terms of leader figures are Kurd and Grob, brain and brawn split into two goblins.

The five outcasts are a sorry lot, weak from hunger and with a single spear among them. Their best chance to kill a wolf is probably, if one chokes, while eating them. Still, at the moment they are listening to Grob The Scribe, simply because he was bossing them around, before the wolves showed up.

The six of Kurd’s flunkies, armed with clubs are preparing to swing wildly at wolves, as they come, unless Kurd gives them better ideas. Kurd meanwhile is on the other side of the layed traps, but he probably can make it to other goblins, if he runs fast enough through the mud.

The five remaining goblins on the Wolf Duty are more fit and armed with spears, form a single goblin hedgehog, ready to stab anything, that comes at them.

From the Hog Farms, Snux, the Hog Goblins runs, waving his shepherd's crook - ’’Come you filthy muths! I give ye good woothping!’’

Whistler ducks into his shelter, disappearing from view of goblins and wolves alike.

From the woods the wolves come - they lost element of surprise with Whistler's warning, and rain may mask the traps, so conditions are fairly advantageous to goblins. On other hand, the wolves of Hogwoods are ferocious, powerful beasts and every time a whole pack attacked, the defending goblins suffered considerable casualties. Especially, when the hog-eater himself, the Old Chomper, led the pack.

2015-11-30, 03:10 PM
Kurd the Strong
Kurd's desire to take on Old Chomper in glorious combat warred with his cowardly goblin instincts. In the end his minimal intellect managed to tip the fray by pointing out that he had just spent all that time setting traps for just this occurence, and he might as well use them before trying to fight 12 wolves at once.

Taking to his heels Kurd runs as fast as he can back through the traps. Fortunately he had been planning this, and he hadn't yet spent hours in the woods forgetting where they all were. As soon as he makes it through he turns around and prepares himself to take on whatever wolves get past the traps. Preferably Old Chomper. Now there would be a fine fight.

Really glad I spent an action arming them. In fact I did it for precisely this sort of situation.

2015-11-30, 07:53 PM
Grob the Scribe

The Wolf Raid

"Quickly! Quickly!" Grob cries, "Wolves! Grab torches and get around the fire! Beat them off!"

Grob gets close to the fire with his back facing it to prevent getting attacked from the back and prepares to launch a ray of frost at any wolf that comes near "Attack the one Grob hits! We can kill it!"

2015-12-01, 09:22 PM
The Wolf Raid

From his hidden shelter, Whistler watched as the wolves began their attack. He drew an arrow across his bow, ready to fire. He hoped the rain and hogs and battle would drown out his scent and the sound of his bow. But if a wolf approached him, he would be ready.

Try to hide. Shoot the wolves (target wolves that notice me first, followed by wolves that are injured). Don't shoot uninjured wolves.

2015-12-02, 01:23 AM
Gwafhu takes that as one more reason to make himself scarce for now. Still, it does give him a bit more confidence toward skirting the edge of the forest for a suitable poking stick. If that goes well, he'll use said stick to test the ground in the swamp as he goes looking for more salvage.

1 action to find / craft a pole / staff (which may or may not have a knob on the end ). I'd assume adequate wood can be found on the outskirts of the forest path, but will be willing to switch locations if a deeper search is needed.

1 action to explore the firefly swamp, looking for salvage and trying to ignore the fireflies.

If there are any action left after shroom gathering and experiments let me know.

2015-12-03, 01:27 PM

Gwafhu crafts [Traveling Pole 1], before venturing to the swamp. The long stick to check the depth helps him navigate the swamp, easily avoiding the dangerous patches - it seems the rumor has overstated its dangers… Until a powerful thunderstorm arrives and Gwafhu finds himself lost in the rain and sinking into the ground. He manages to get ahold of some roots and drag himself on the branches of an old, gnarled tree, avoiding grisly death. The experience of waiting out the rain, with little protection is an unpleasant one.

[Gwafhu gains Fatigue 1]

Gwafhu [PM]

You have 1 action left. Gwafhu didn’t find much in the swamp, but perhaps thunderstorm distracted him.

Wolf Raid

One of the wolves falls into the pit with a yelp and ol’Chomper himself gets tangled in the snare. However, it doesn’t look like the poorly made ropes would hold it for long. Two wolves circle around him uncertain. The rest fall upon the goblins.

Grob and Outcasts are accosted by a single wolf, though another one regularly tries to flank them, when other goblins on wolf duty, fail to chase it away. Between Grob's blobs of magic and outcasts numerical superiority, the fight seems about even. On their flanks remaining wold duty goblins run around, keeping some pressure on wolves, but doing little damage. It's clearly only a matter of time, until a couple of them gets chomped.

Snux has tangled with a single wolf, and his crook is pummeling the beast mercilessly. It's not his first tangle with the wolves and it seems he has some old scores to settle.

Kurd and his crew are hard pressed - most of the wolves snap and pounce around them. To their credit, they seem to be holding their own, at least for now, but it's not a sort of fight, that's ends without blood spilled on both sides.

2015-12-03, 02:18 PM
Kurd the Strong
A bit uncharacteristically Kurd is fighting defensively. He is seeking to keep the wolves attention on him, but blocks their lunges with his cleaver and dodging rather than making many attacks of his own. Contrary to popular belief Kurd is not just a ball of rage and bloodthirst. He can make plans and think tactically. Simple plans and simple tactics of course.

Right now his main desire is not to deal with the wolves attacking him. Yes, they are big and aggressive, and normally he would welcome the fight. But with Old Chomper on the field Kurd desperately wants to move to the main attraction.

And he wants to do so without being horribly wounded like he was in his last fight with the wolves. This is not the time for glorious single combat. This is the time for using overwhelming numbers to give opponents a savage beating. A traditional goblin tactic.

So Kurd moves around avoiding the wolves jaws and claws until he can get a good hit on the wolf attacking his followers. Once he has gotten it's attention he shouts. "We do this right. Thump them good one by one." He directs his followers to pile on to the last wolf fighting them while he keeps the other three distracted.

2015-12-03, 02:44 PM
Wolf Raid

’’Khhhh’’ tries to speak one of the outcasts, as wolf lunges and rips his throat away. His body falls and blood quickly flows, mixing with water. Only Grob’s presence prevents the rest of outcasts from fleeing. Bits of magic spring from his fingers, most dissipating harmlessly in flight, some retaining enough cohesion to hit the wolf, that seems mildly annoyed. Then one of Grob’s magic globs collides with a drop of rain and it crystallizes into an icicle, that hits wolf’s eye. It yelps in pain and shakes it’s head, trying to regain bearing - the Outcasts descend on wolf, pummeling it with sticks and hands, trying to finish it off. A second wolf comes from bushes, snapping at goblins, but the sole outcasts with spear, manages to hold it at bay for a moment. The wolf retreats, as one of the common goblins on wolf duty comes yelling from a tree.

The rest of the wolf duty goblins continue to spook the wolves, while staying away from danger. One of them is bitten, and limps away in fear. Others look tired and scared.

Snux brings down his weapon, smashing wolf’s head. He catches the beast’s neck in crook and flings it against the tree, with a force, that probably smashes it’s bones. As wolf staggers, weakly trying to raise, an arrow flies from a hidden place, finishing it off.

The six goblins and Kurd, against four wolves, proves to be a close match. The wolves, don’t rush to get themselves chopped by Kurd’s cleaver and goblins aren’t too eager to get bitten. As such none suffer too bad at first. Megakaz loses footing and apparently gets a nasty bruise, temporarily taking him out of fight. His injury is clearly non-fatal. In return, Kurd smashes his cleaver into the wolf’s skull, cracking it. The beast falls, breathless.

The wolves have expected to massacre the hogs, fill their bellies and get away, but their raid has been met with tough resistance. As such, the animals break off their attack, preparing to disappear into the deeper, darker parts of Hogwoods. Then a mad cackling erupts from no discernible location and both wind and rain stand still for a moment, leaving both goblins and wolves bewildered. The Chomper bursts from the snare’s ropes and howls madly, thrashing about and biting into one of the wolves that was near him. The lightning illuminates the scene and both rain and wind resume, their power growing stronger with every moment. The water drops are ice cold and wind seems to bite into the wounds and take strength from the lungs. The wolves redouble their attack, urged by Chomper, who seems to be in a grip of mad rage.

Kurd screams in defiance. The rage that he carefully held in check during his earlier fight surges from him unbound. He charges the wolves as goblin possessed, and it’s clear he’d slaughter anyone to get in his way, friend or foe.

The rest of the goblins waver - Kurd’s followers will probably stay, out of fear of their crazed leader. The rest are quickly cycling through fight or flight instinct, hoping they would pick one, that would let them survive.

Goblin Duty

Jalax is on Mushroom Farm Duty.

Howl is on Hog Duty. He herds the animals to safety, as the battle rages. The other goblins follow Snux command to bring pigs to the safety of Sunken Keep and it seems that the battle fought has won pigs enough time, to escape unharmed.

Skiike has been lucky enough to get kitchen duty - the Cook warns him, that if he pilfers anything, she's chopping his fingers off, but generally kitchen duty allows goblins on eat to skim a bit from the plates, getting extra food - as long as they aren't caught.

2015-12-03, 03:03 PM

Skiike chuckles to himself while he works, his hiding has once again paid off. While others are off in the wet hog farms he gets the nice warm kitchen. This will also let him do what he really wants to do, find Shadowslinker's hideout. It's sure to have all kinds of shiny stuff and might be a way to get rid of his sneaky competition.

1) work in the Kitchen
2) Look for people stealing from the kitchen
3) Tail Shadowslinker around the Keep, using his magic ability and stealth skill to keep from getting noticed with a goal of finding the secret hideout.
4) will either be looting Shadowslinker's hideout if found (if 3 is successful) or tailing Mondum and Zeik just like (3) with the intention of finding which one is trying to get Cook's job (if 3 isn't successful)). This information will be told to Cook to gain favor with him.

2015-12-03, 03:10 PM

Jalax started his day by doing his work. While he is doing it, he also studied the state of the mushroom farm and started thinking about ways it could be done better, because food is the first thing a society need to have before it can start to grown and it was too dangerous outside to try to find more food outside.

After he was done with his work, he was going down to the collapsed tunnels. He had heard a lot of rumors about the collapsed tunnels, but he had never actually been there. He was going to change that, because he was beginning to hear good rumors about the place and besides, soon or later they were going to need more room.

Jalax is going to spend two turns working in the mushroom farm, while trying out to see how it could be done better. He is also going to spend one turn exploring the collapsed tunnels

2015-12-03, 05:13 PM
Skiike [PM]

Skiike follows Shadowslinker, though it’s no easy task. The goblin is careful and alert. It seems the rumor of his hideout was just that - a rumor. Shadowslinker sleeps in one of the rooms in the Warmhalls, that doesn’t seem to hold any particular treasures.

Skiike observes Goblin Zmoreg, stealing pork chops, during his work in the kitchen.

Mondum and Zeik seem to be exercising all their skill at bootlicking, to keep themselves in Cook’s good graces. Thus they are diligent and attentive to their jobs, to a fault. The issue is no longer the talk of the tribe, but Cook is unlikely to have forgotten the theft and apparently her assistance have lost some of her favor, due to it. Skiike finds no indication of either goblin plotting against Fingers, though Mondum carefully chucks something, that looks like empty glass bottles into the shaft, leading to the stinkhole. If Skiike decides to retrieve them, he’ll need to either go into the stinky tunnels (an unpleasant chore) or convince one of the outcasts on the Stinkhole duty to help.

[OOC: I assume you have -1 Constitution? Your attributes don’t balance otherwise.]


The Mushroom Farms were actually reclaimed by goblins - apparently, whoever lived in the fortress made them for some purpose - withstanding a siege? Or maybe they were just mushroom lovers. Jalax suspects, there could be some improvements made to the process, but he’s not certain how to do it. Maybe, if he thinks hard enough about it?

The Tunnels are simply put - collapsed. Unless they are cleared, it’s impossible to pass. Well, if a goblin with some clue of how to make tunnels (INT), sufficient strength (CON) and tools, were to carefully dig through, and know where to dig, maybe something could be achieved.

Jalax [PM]

[Mushroom Farms: You can in theory improve Mushroom Farms 2 -> 3, but Jalax knowledge and resources aren’t sufficient to make it a sure thing. There’ll be tricky skill checks to pass, to figure out, how it can be done.]

[Collapsed Tunnels: You can either get a work team of 5-15 goblins to clear away the rubble or you gather the stuff mentioned above to make a smaller, personal tunnel.]

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-03, 05:24 PM


1. Grunak will get his followers to watch out for Zizix. Steer clear of those lot, avoid being sacrifices, but if you see him, especially if you see him alone, tell Grunak
2. Grunak too will skulk around the tribe, waiting for his opportunity to get Zizix alone.
3. He will also spend some time listening to the whispers of Arbiter. He knows more about it now. It wants to protect him. Arbiter.. It wants to.. judge? To bring justice? What is it the gods want with him?

2015-12-03, 07:10 PM

Skiike will make his way over to work next to Zmoreg, making some small talk. "Hey Zmoreg, Its my first time in da kitchen, does Fingers and da others come around and search us for stolen food? I heard rumors they do that. I would be a shame if they come over right now." Skiike will then watch Zmoreg squirm for a few seconds.

OOC: Yes, -1 con and -1 str.

2015-12-03, 11:37 PM

Thankfully the goblins on wolf duty were doing their job well enough to provide enough time for Howl and the other goblins to bring the hogs at the safety of Sunken Keep. Snux managed to deal with the wolves that slipped through the wolf duty squad and came to attack the hog farm. While this was a good chance to capture some of the wolves so that Howl would attempt to train them it clearly wasn't the right time. Yet. These wolves had a clear leader and they probably wouldn't follow anyone else until he was taken down.

Howl wanted to help with the battle, not that much because he cared about the grunts that died but more because he wanted to get closer to one of the wolves in an attempt to at least familiarize himself more with them. But seeing the wolves' state right now made it clear to him that this wasn't the right time. He was no warrior and couldn't really defend himself against them so he would probably become food for the wolves he liked so much. Keeping the hogs out of the wolves' fangs also had priority right now.

After making up his mind on what he should do, Howl turned his attention to the hogs. With just a look it was clear to him that the hogs were terrified. The vicious thunderstorm along with the wolves' attacks has driven them on the edge. And while it was easy to let them escape from the wolves it was no easy task to keep them in check. Thankfully Howl was good at handling animals and tried to use his skills while also feeding and grooming them in an attempt to make them feel more at ease.

After he finished tending to the animals Howl would try to find the most calm one of them and attempt to ride it, provided that it would be large enough. If there was some rag or piece of leather nearby he would use it as a makeshift saddle. If not he would try to ride it bareback. In his attempt to ride the hog, Howl would make slow and steady moves, trying not to scare it, until he was in a position to ride it. He is good with animals and has tried this in the past so he was confident in his ability to at least get on top of it with no problems. Then he would just stand there for a while trying to get both of them more comfortable to each other. If the hog responded well he would try to command it to move by gently hitting its sides with his legs. He knew that training the hog to become a mount couldn't be done in a single day. Just staying on top without having the hog trying to shake him off and making it listen to simple commands would be more than enough for one day.

2 Action Points to work at the hog farm
1 action point helping the hogs escape and tending to them
1 action point trying to ride a hog

2015-12-04, 05:36 PM

Grunak [PM]

The outcasts are usually fairly useless. This time not. It seems Zizix is keeping an eye on Kurd - perhaps Nezz has some interest in the big lump? The outcasts, who went to wolf guard duty, told Grunak, Zizix may be in the Hogwoods.

Grunak follows Zizix to the Hogwoods, but loses sight of him in the rain. And as he wanders in the rain, in search of him, servant of Nezz spots him first. ’’What are you loitering about here Outcast?’’

The Sword

Grunak thinks that great evil surrounds the tribe. He will need to be strong to vanquish it. Perhaps, he can prove himself to the gods, by slaying an evil foe? Could it be Zizix, as Kranch has said?


’’Weeeell, weee have nothing to feear. Riiight.’’ Zmoreg wipes his sweat and adds it to the plate he’s serving, adding a bit of snot as a dressing. Yeah. He is squirming and throwing glances to where Fingers is working.


There’s nothing around to make a makeshift saddle from, so Howl has to contend himself with riding the hog bareback. He is successful at teaching it the simplest tricks, and his skill at riding, compensates a bit for the animal’s inexperience. He probably should tell Snux, that this one shouldn’t go to Fingers.


[Riding Hog, Training 1]

[OOC: Working on Hog Farm action includes preventing their escape, so it costs no extra action.]

2015-12-05, 04:06 AM

Jalax realized that he did not have the power to dig a tunnel himself, and that it would be to difficult to convince enough of the other goblins to remove the rubble, at least for now. He also need to think some more about the mushroom farm, but that was for a later date. Instead of that he went to gather his followers, Mikurn and Kamad, to see if they together could find a way to at least to improve their part of the upper west hall, where they were sleeping together. Jalax was of course the smartest of the tree of them, but three brains are still better that one.

Jalax is going to do a brainstorm with his followers about how to improve at least their part of the sleeping quarter, but perhaps also the rest.

2015-12-05, 10:26 AM

"Well, I has nothing to fear. You could be in a good bit of trouble." Skiike will give Zmoreg a nice wink before chuckling a little bit. "I willing to help you though, if you willing to help me. I saws Mondum through some bottles down tha shaft to the stinkhole. You get them out and I'll help hide tha missin food. You can even get one of them outcasts to do it for ya. We got a deal?"

2015-12-05, 11:46 AM
Grob the Scribe

Grob hooted and hollered in glee as the wolf was brought down because of his magical prowess. He surveyed the battlefield. They had won. He hopped about happily the outcasts chanting "Did it! Killed the wolves!"

2015-12-05, 04:56 PM
Seeing as this could happen again and he's not keep on popping back in camp just yet, Gwafu looks for a likely spot to set up a small hideout. Besides, he'd likely be here later and having a hidden retreat could be very useful.

Ideally he'd find a reed patch around a small spot of firm ground, even a rock or tree root. From there, he could tie the tops together into a rough hut. He could probably improve it latter with mud thatching and gathered bedding later.

2015-12-05, 05:08 PM

The first training session was a success and Howl was really happy about it. But there was no time just standing around and being happy. Howl knew that if he wanted to really train that hog he would also need the proper tools to do it. Securing the hog's longevity was also vital so Howl decided to look for Snux and talk about it. "Hey Snux" Howl said waving his hand at her while approaching her. "First lesson was success. Piglet listens my commands. If continue like this, we have warhog in no time. Guarantee." he continued with a big smile on his ugly goblin face. "Better no give that one to Fingers for pork chops, 'tis valuable." Having the hog be killed and served on a plate to the rest of the tribe would mean that Howl would have to start again from square one. And he was not willing to do that now that he has finally had a positive response from a hog. "I also needs a saddle and a bridle with reins to train Piglet. You knows any goblin has them?"

1 action to use diplomacy with snux
1 remaining action

OOC: for some reason I cannot access the text color command to show what my character says so I'll underline it if its fine with you

2015-12-05, 06:35 PM

It’s fairly easy to come up with ways to improve the Lower West Hall - a schedule to keep fires going, some cleaning and clearly defined sleeping places. Jalax and his cabal come up with a set of [Jalax’es Seven Easy Rules of Efficient And Comfortable Habitation 2], that if followed, would lead to quick improvement in quality of living in Goblin Halls.

Now all he needs to do is convince around 40 other goblins, living in the Lower West Hall to follow them. They are not hard and the benefit is clear - certainly one would need to be a lazy, pig-headed stinkpot to refuse.


’’Stinkhole!’’ Zmoreg looks unhappy. ’’I ain’t going there. Well… I can get one of the outcasts to do it.’’ Zmoreg looks tough - he certainly would have little problem bullying the weak outcasts.

Claiming a natural emergency, Zmoreg disappears. He returns fairly soon, giving Skiike an affirmative node. Fingers seems to be keeping an eye on Skiike and only his natural skills help him hide the stolen food. Twice, he is almost caught, but manages to cleverly conceal the prize.

The duty shift for the day ends and stench announces arrival of an outcast. The scrawny goblin looks around nervously. He tosses Zmoreg a bundle of broken glass. ’’Was like it.’’

Zmoreg nods to Skiike. ’’You got what you wanted. Now my food.’’

Skiike [PM]

The bottle Mondum threw away seems to have broken. Despite the odor from outcast, Skiike can smell hootch from the glass shards.


As the rain passes, Gwafhu constructs a primitive dwelling: [Swamp Hut 1]. It won’t provide much comfort in this weather, but it may be useful in the future.


Snux appears persuaded. ''Ay, I'll keepth Bethee tho you. You can thide her, ith you athk.'' He shakes his head at request of saddle. ''Nah. Don't know.''

Wolf Raid: Conclusion

The outcasts have to deal with only one wolf this time. They seem content to defend, hoping only for survival. Their tactic would have worked, if they were armed, but a single spear and Grob’s cantrips are insufficient. The wolf’s attack kills another outcasts - but luck seems to favor the survivors, as their spear-wielder catches wolf in the side, more by chance, than skill. The other goblins swarm it, biting and kicking, but the wounded creature manages to shrug off their ineffectual assault. Still, this one can be counted as a win, as wolf flees into the woods. However, before it can escape, an arrow flies from nowhere and hits it, finishing the creature off.

The other wolf duty goblins fare little better - though outnumbering the wolves and having arms, their fear and disorganization mean, that the opponent easily kills one of the goblins. The three remaining goblins shriek, going back to back and waving their arms wildly.

Snux finds himself surrounded by three wolves. His shepherd's crook becomes a whirlwind, but the mighty swings fail to connect with wolves, who wisely keep out of reach. One of them manages to bite Snux, but Hog-Goblin seems undeterred by blood and pain.

Meanwhile Kurd’s goblins find themselves facing just two wolves, one of them wounded. They descend on the beasts and successfully club one of them to death, pushing towards their leader, though not too close. Kurd is no doubt as dangerous as Chomper at this moment.

The battle between Kurd and Chomper is vicious and deadly. They roll in a ball of flailing limbs, flashes of cleaver and snapping of teeth. The wolf’s hide provides better protection, then torn cloth, Kurd is wearing, but it doesn’t help, when Kurd begins gouging wolf’s eyes. When they break apart, both are torn and barely standing, covered in blood and vicious wounds. The Chomper stumbles and Kurd’s fist smashes into its snout, knocking the beast back. Kurd’s followers rush to his side, sensing, that the rage of their leader was satiated. The wolves howl and flee, leaving goblins and Chomper behind.

[Kurd: 1 Light Wound, 2 Moderate Wounds, (CON -2)]


One wolf is trapped in the pit. It’s attempts to climb out only lead to muddy earth collapsing.

Five wolves were slain. Chomper has been critically injured and is at mercy of goblins.

Two outcasts and one common goblin have been killed. A number of goblins on wolf duty and among Kurd’s followers suffered wounds. Snux seems to have received a serious wound.

Grob The Scribe [PM]

[OOC: I should note, that using magic without Spells, such as Shield that you've learned, is much weaker, then fighting with STR & Weapons. You had a combination of lucky rolls and environmental bonuses, that helped, but in order to be a threat on battlefield, you need to gain ''Wizard'' Class Levels.]

Kurd, The Wolfslayer [PM]

[OOC: If Kurd survives this turn, you'll get Barbarian Class Level this turn. And if rolls were slightly different, Chomper would have feasted on Kurd's innards. Well, your combination of savvy tactics and luck carried the day. Congratulations.]

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-05, 07:27 PM

Stroll in the Rain
Grunak half ignores the servant, staying fixedly up towards the sky. "The gods sent me here."

He tries to walk away from the interloper and continue his search.

2015-12-05, 09:04 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Now that was a fight. Despite his injuries the exhilaration of having beaten Old Chomper runs through Kurd's veins like fire. He did it. He was the best. Nothing could stop him now. "Get the Nets. Get the Ropes. We'll give Old Chomper to Nezz and feast like chiefs on the rest!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Kurd waves his cleaver in the air gleefully. He directs his goblins to capture the wolf in the pit and Old Chomper. No need to do anything risky. The trapped wolf isn't going anywhere and Old Chomper will collapse of exhaustion soon if nothing else. The rest of the wolves will just be hauled back to the warrens any old way.

Kurd feels like collapsing of exhaustion himself, but first he goes to check on Snux. Kurd hadn't really thought much of Snux before this. Caring for the Hogs that was for weaklings. But Snux's fight against the wolves had been amazing. Almost as good as Kurd's own fight. Kurd had to make sure a fighter like that would survive. "How you doing Snux?"

I just have a light wound and two moderate wounds now right? The severe wound got healed by Nezz.

2015-12-06, 12:02 AM
Seemingly from nowhere, Whistler will appear in view of Kurd - then walk up to the two slain wolves and recover the arrows that ended each one's life. "Good fight, Kurd the Wolfslayer. {Looking down at the two dead canines} I have no need for both ... perhaps we can help each other. I could show a strong goblin like you, with a sharp blade like that, how to get a good trophy pelt from these and how to carve up the best meat for your feast. We could do it together and split the rewards - one pelt each - full of nice cuts of meat to cook."

If Kurd agrees - work with him using my knowledge of Survival to direct his skill with a blade to skin the pelts and dress the meat. I'll then take the pelt from the wolf that was speared in the side and shot - and fill it with my half of the harvested meat.

If Kurd doesn't want to help, then just take the one wolf corpse that was speared in the side and shot and drag/carry it off myself.

I'm not sure if my Gather Food action from earlier was wasted by the attack - or if it can be applied to harvesting the wolves.

2015-12-06, 03:01 PM

Jalax decided that he would try to convince the goblins in the lower west hall to follow his rules for living in the hall. Together with Mikurn and Kamad, he began to gather the attention of the goblins in the hall. When they had gained attention of the majority of goblin in the hall, Jalax began a speech trying to convince them.

“Fellow goblins, as you all know, we live in squalor, but we dream of living in the warm halls, or perhaps even just the lower east hall. We all know the chances of that happening is slim, but what if I told you, that if we could not live in the warm halls, then we could bring some of the living standard of the warm halls to us? That we no longer would have to live in squalor, that we could make our lives better? My friends and I have come up with seven easy rules of efficient and comfortable habitation. These rules are very easy to understand and follow, in fact I can promise you that the energy you have to use to learn and follow them, are retuned manifolds, because the improved living will give your more energy than you have ever had. To sum it up, if you all are willing to follow these rules, then you standard of living would improve significant with minimal work for you.”

If Jalax succeeded in convincing the goblins, then he would afterwards explain the rules in more detail, while trying to make sound easy to follow and life improving.

If Jalax did not succeeded, he goes of the hall grumbling a bit, before going back to the hall to sleep.

Jalax will use his last turn to get the other goblins living in the lower west hall, to follow [Jalax’es Seven Easy Rules of Efficient And Comfortable Habitation 2].

2015-12-06, 03:44 PM

Skiike gives the food back to Zmoreg and stashes the broken glass somewhere in the kitchen, although not wanting to be seen hiding it he doesn't care if it is found later. He was hoping something a little more nefarious was going on, but this wasn't going to get him anywhere. He could still try to turn Zmoreg in, but tattle-tale isn't a great reputation to have.

I assume booze is something you can get from the kitchen, although not usually given out. I think I won't turn Zmoreg in.

2015-12-06, 06:05 PM


Kurd's mention of ''feast'' had prickled ears of all present goblins. While it's pretty clear, that Kurd's followers expect to enjoy it, the goblins on Wolf Duty are looking hungrily at the corpses - wolf's meat may be not as tasty as hog's meat, but food is food. The realization that fight to the death is over and spoils of war are being distributed washes over the goblins and seems to be waking their greed.


Snux is leaning on his crook, the wolf bite gave him a limp and his leg looks badly manged. Still, the Hog-Goblin seems pleased and greets Kurd warmly. ''Them muths all bark an no bith. Whump Thomper and they won't comth no more.'' Kurd's no expert in healing, though he is learning fast from personal experience, but unless treated, there's a risk that Snux would acquire a permanent limp.


A goblin emerges from the trees - Zizix, one of the two elites, serving Nezz. He holds a mace in his hand and a symbol of skull, with chain running through it's eye sockets is carved into his forehead. ''Good job Kurd. Let me bring Chomper to Nezz. The great priestess invites you to stand beside her during the ceremony. She would reward your feat with holy power of Zon-Kuthon.''

Kurd's followers, who surround Chomper look at Kurd.

West Hall

The goblins don't seem particularly receptive - Jalax lacks authority and respect in the tribe, so many seem to dismiss his ideas without bothering to pay attention to them.
And while some goblins seem receptive, it quickly becomes clear, that a significant number clearly don't plan to put any effort, hoping that the slack would be picked by ''those other suckers''. The hall feuds also bubble to surface, with blame flung around and old scores remembered - that one time, the rats escaped or somebody accidentally set fire to the place or the rather unpleasant stink-incident, nobody wishes to discuss in detail.

Grunak [PM]

OOC: Ah. ''Servant of Nezz'' is Zizix

Skiike [PM]

Booze is actually not so easy to obtain - you can't normally get it from the Kitchen, though it's possible that Fingers has some. In the tribe there are two possible sources for it - Crazy Rhid or personal stashes of certain Goblin Heroes.

Kurd [PM]

Yes. Your wound was healed by Nezz, so you only have three new ones.

2015-12-07, 04:20 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd gives the other goblin a distracted look. "Why you get any wolves at all. I not see you fight them. Even the outcasts did better." Kurd sniffs in disdain. "Sides the wolves be for every gob not just me and you. If you want some you can skin them all."

Kurd doesn't think much of goblins who don't stand and fight, but he's feeling generous. Maybe it's the sense of duty and tribal spirit that set him hunting wolves instead of grabbing and outcast for Nezz. Or maybe it's the blood loss, but he's willing to let the shifty looking goblin in on the spoils without setting the other dozen greedy goblins on him.

And yes I know whistler actually made the shots that killed two wolves. But he specifically did that from hiding so no one else saw it. And he wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so if a bunch of other goblins hadn't been risking a mauling.

Kurd sees to the distribution of wolf meat, pelts, and bones among the goblins. More easily if Whistler agrees to help. For a goblin it's relatively fair, which is to say that the outcasts get less, Kurd's own followers get a more, and the wolf duty goblins get somewhere in between. But it's a lot more equal than what other goblins might have seen to.

Such equitably might seem strange, but Kurd fights for glory and enjoyment rather than a more material desire for loot. He of course enjoys his position of superiority as is only right, but he's also loyal to the tribe as a whole and willing to show favor to any goblin who proves themselves to be an asset. Which to Kurd is a goblin that shows themselves capable of fighting.

"Aye, Chomper be dead soon. But I'll miss the wolves yeah. They give a good scrap. If they come back anyway you be sure to let me know."There isn't much Kurd can do for Snux himself. But he resolves to see if he can't find Mork when they get back to the warren.

Is Mork's player still playing?

Kurd scoffs, where was Zizix when the wolves were attacking. "And lets you claim credit. I know how that goes. Nezz said to bring a sacrifice to her not you. You can come, but I make sure she gets Old Chomper."

2015-12-08, 02:28 AM
Howl was happy that Snux would let him ride and train the hog whenever he wanted. But in order to train it properly he really needed a saddle and a bridle with reins. And since Snux didn't have any he decided to go and ask the other goblins of the tribe if anyone had those or knew someone that had those or where they were kept. From the goblin heroes he would only bother Hob and Kranch and their henchmen, deeming the others unlikely to have them or too weird/dangerous to be worth the trouble. If anyone had them he would explain his cause and politely ask to either lend or donate them to him. If they weren't willing to part with them for free he would ask what they need to trade them for.

1 action to gather information about someone having the equipment Howl is looking for
Remaining Action Points 0

2015-12-08, 01:01 PM
Wolf Raid Outcome

The goblins quickly kill the wolf trapped in the pit, by throwing rocks down it. Thus six wolfs are to be divided.

An idea occurs to several goblins to search the corpses of slain goblins - outcasts naturally have nothing, but the common goblin seemed to have had something... that was stolen by some quicker goblin, while everybody was looking elsewhere. Snux has called Hog Duty goblins - the corpses of slain goblins are to be fed to the hogs, a standard end for the goblinkind, that puts little value in burials and ceremonies.


[OOC: The current loot distribution looks like this. At this point most of present goblins are prepared to go along with Kurd's distribution plan, so Whistler's attempt to take a corpse would be blocked by other goblins.]

Kurd's Goblins: 3 Wolf Meat, 4 Pelts
Wolf Duty: 2 Wolf Meat, 2 Pelts
Outcasts: 1 Wolf Meat

The wolf meat can be eaten raw or cooked to produce [Food] - most present goblins would just bring the corpses to the Fingers, who keeps part of the meet, but whose cooking skills produce filling stew or cutlets.

The pelts can be harvested to make materials, from which clothing and armor can be made. The spears and Kurd's cleaver represent the best carving tools for the job available. It seems Whistler does have some expertise in the area, so his assistance can improve the quality of furs or leather, that could be made from pelts.


Snux, The Hog-Goblin

''Pigth thtealing pethts. But thumping them isth theels good. Maybe Hobths can build new tharm now. Expthand and raise therociousth warhogths.''


Well, Mork's player isn't posting. You may locate healer in tribe yet - you may have failed that time, due to bad luck. Or start to cultivate local talent - one of your followers can potentially learn the skills, if supported and encouraged.


''I'll report to Nezz of your success. Don't take too long.''


Howl finds Scribbler, the right-hand of Hob. ''Yes, we have a saddle in armory.'' answers the small goblin sympathetically. ''However, according to Chief Soxkill and Hob the Taskmaster order, no free stuff.'' He shrugs. ''Bring something of value in exchange and I'll requisition the saddle.''

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-08, 03:33 PM

Last Action: Grunak trades his remaining token in for some food

Grunak will also rush Zizix with the blade, hoping to catch him off guard

2015-12-08, 03:57 PM
"My whistles warned you of the wolves, or they would have ripped you apart before you even knew they were here. Any my arrows killed these two wolves so they couldn't escape - there wouldn't be any meat or pelts from them if I hadn't shot them. You had lots of help from me in this fight. You want to deny it?" Whistler says coldly to Kurd and the other goblins. It has been just minutes since his whistles had alerted them all to the attack, and just moments since he pulled his arrows from the dead wolves. "Fine. Maybe next time you won't have any help from Whistler."

With that, Whistler will back off from the wolves and give up his claim to those he killed. He has no interest in offering more help to this ungrateful lot.

@Thelonius - Please let me know if I recovered my arrows and if my Gather Food action can continue now that the fight is over - or if it was wasted. In the future, I would prefer a chance to decide my actions (such as dropping the bag of frogs instead of just carrying it while I ran; and making load whistles to warn the goblins at the farm instead of returning quietly, hoping not to draw the wolves attention to myself)

2015-12-08, 04:15 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

"And if we no dug those traps for Old Chomper all the hogs would be wolf food. I no say you didn't help. I say you not kill wolves. You get a share like every goblin. I even see you get a whole pelt if you help make all the pelts better. But you no get wolf for yourself, because you no kill wolf by yourself."

"You want a whole wolf, then go hunt. There are a few left." Kurd gestures expansively at the forest where the remaining wolves have run off to. He thinks he's being quite generous and if the smaller goblin doesn't want any of the loot then it's no skin off Kurd's back.

If Whistler is willing to help Kurd will see to it that he gets one of the pelts from the ones set aside for Kurd's followers. Kurd will also attempt to find the largest and most intact wolf skull. He plans to make it into a helmet if he can find a suitable one. Otherwise he is fine with the current distribution of meat and pelts.

And just for the record Kurd does not consider himself part of the group made up of his followers. The only thing he's getting out of this is the possible skull and giving Old Chomper to Nezz.

2015-12-08, 05:44 PM
Grunak [PM]

[OOC: Generally trading tokens is free action, but yours involves negotiating, so it takes one.]

Grunak trades Token 1 for Food 1, successfully convincing Scribbler.


Zizix is a large, tough goblin, his fleshed carved with symbols of Zon-Kuthon. They whisper, that the carvings give him divine protection. Even with a superior weapon, Grunak’s chances are dicy. So he choses a surprise attack. And it works - Zizix clearly didn’t expect to be attacked by some outcast. Whether it would be enough… If Grunak can finish it with a single strike, then maybe it would. Zizix raises his flail and if it weren’t for the surprise attack and Grunak’s newfound confidence with Arbiter, he would probably blocked it.

The sword strikes, but the armor Zizix wears, crude it may be, is enough to prevent a killing blow - and his flesh seems to be tougher, than can be expected, as if something prevents Grunak’s blade from going deeper.

Zizix raises flail and two goblins clash. Once more, the battle is a close one - Grunak still maintains a slight edge - the wound he inflicted slowing Zizix down. He scores another blow, while his own armor and nimble movements prevent Zizix from drawing blood. His opponent is breathing hard, as blood drips down his body - a chance to outlast him? Grunak kicks Zizix and unleashes a barrage of brutal blows, foregoing precision for strength. His enemy’s strength falters and Grunak skewers him. Snarling, Zizix unleashes a last ditch strike, to take Grunak with him. Fortunately, his flail is not as strong as blade - it rips Grunak’s armor to shreds, but leaves him only with scratches. Painful, but non-threatening.

Zizix is dead. On his body Grunak finds a scroll with indecipherable scribbles, flail and armor, that are marked with symbols of Zon-Kuthon as well as [Weaponsmith Tools 2].

Grunak lost [Armor 2], but he is filled with a sense of profound righteousness. His connection to the voices feels stronger...

Whistler [PM]

I’m sorry. The food gathering action was interrupted by the wolf attack, I just fluffed it as Whistler dropping the bag with frogs. But as for warning other goblins, you should have had option to react differently. I’ll be careful about it next time.

Arrows recovered. And most goblins aren’t particularly bright, so they’d be making connection ’’shot wolves & only goblin with a bow’’ only now.

To clarify - Whistler is part of the ’’Wolf Duty’’ goblins and has claim on their part of spoils.

2015-12-09, 10:32 AM
End of Turn


The thunderstorms pass, and as usual in such harsh weather, several outcasts and common goblins are unaccounted for.

The Ceremony

Nezz gathers goblins on the Sunken Keep for the ceremony dedicated to Zon-Kuthon. To the relief of many, the sacrifice is a wolf - Chomper, who long menaced the goblin hogs. Before the gathered masses, Nezz skins the beast, while keeping it alive with her magic. She calls upon the power of her god and then produces a needle with red thread and sews the wolfskin back to old Chomper, though it’s plain for everybody to see, that it doesn’t quite fit - the resulting creature is a mockery of what it was, a pained, mutilated beast, bound to Nezz’es will. The gathered goblins consider leaving (but not to appear to be leaving first, so there's a lot of stumbling and cursing), thinking the ceremony is over, but Nezz speaks.

’’I have sent Kurd on the holy quest to slay our enemy. This mutt, that now slobbers at my feet. He shall menace our tribe no longer. Kurd The Wolfslayer, accept the gift of Zon-Kuthon.’’ She touches the cleaver, that Kurd carries, and divine magic surges into it. The glow fades, but the weapon seems more dangerous now. Goblins cheer for the hero of the hour, but Nezz isn’t finished. She continues: ’’Our tribe has grown weak. We hide in this keep, while others enjoy the riches of the land. A pack of flea-ridden mongrels, have dared to steal our hogs. For how long shall we be weak? For how long shall we live on scraps? It is time for us to become strong - through power of Zon-Kuthon!’’ The goblins cheer and clap, quite pleased to hear promises of riches and power. Nezz spreads her hands and a cloak of divine power descends upon her, making the goblin priestess grow in stature, her presence overwhelming. ’’Come brave ones, strong ones - and I shall endow you with power to break our enemies - you shall become the Scourge of Zon-Kuthon! Invincible! Great! Terrifying!’’ The idea seems to take hold, despite the fear many goblins feel about Nezz.

’’The tribe already has warriors.’’ speaks a voice from behind the crowd. Soxkill and his elites, accompanied by Kranch is there. ’’You can lend them your power.’’

’’They haven’t proven themselves, like Kurd did. One must be strong to receive the blessing of the god.’’ parries Nezz. ’’The Scourge shall serve the tribe - it will make us strong. You would not oppose strengthening the tribe, Chief Soxkill?’’

Nezz and Soxkill hold each other’s eyes, while goblins in the room stand holding their breath. ’’Well, you can make this Scourge, but I believe they’ll prove to be nothing but big-mouthed louts. Bring those riches and victories and Scourge may stay. Prove your big words with deeds Nezz.’’ spits Soxkill and leaves the room.

Grob, The Scribe

Guard 1: Grob defended against wolf raid. Outcast Reputation [+].
Guard 2: Grob defended against wolf raid. Outcast Reputation [+].
Spell writing: Crafted [Spellbook 1 (Shield Spell)]
Boat Building: Constructed .

Recieved Wolf Pelt from loot.

Kurd, The Wolfslayer

[B]Scout Great Plains: Location, Sacked Village Discovered
Scout Mushroom Woods: Location, Thicket Discovered
Followers, Trapbuilding: Built Traps
Followers, Arming: Armed Followers with
[B]Lure Wolves: Interrupted by wolves attack.


Hall Duty: Fard preforms Hall Duty.
Hall Duty: Fard preforms Hall Duty.


Guard Hogs: Hogs Guarded. Sharpshooter+
Guard Hogs: Hogs Guarded.
Foraging: Interrupted by Wolf Attack
Shelter Construction: Hog Farm, Shelter 2 (Shelter 1, Hidden 1)
[Rest or Loot related]

Received Wolf Pelt as loot.


Farm Duty: Elixir test produces no result.
Farm Duty: Wand test blinds goblins on farm duty. Reputation Dangerous Sorcerer [++].
Craft Pole: Made [Pole 1]
Explore Firefly Swamp: Discovered Northern Marsh. Got caught in the Thunderstorm.
Build Shelter: Constructed [Swamp Hut 1]


Kitchen Work: Blackmailed Zmoreg.
Kitchen Work: Sneaked around. Sleight of Hand+
Shadowslinker Tailing: Disproved rumors of hidden room. Stealth+
Mondum Tailing: Discovered thrown away booze bottle.


Mushroom Farm: Contemplated on Farming improvement.
Mushroom Farm: Worked on Farm.
Studied Collapsed Tunnels:
Improving Halls: Developed [Jalax'es Habitation Rules 2]


Followers Spy on Zizix: Outcasts Rep+
Stalking Zizix: Stealth+
Listening to Arbiter: Piety+
Killing Zizix: Piety+, Scroll [?], Weaponsmith Tools 2, Zizix Flail & Armor 2. Lost Armor 2.

Grunak finds door to the Sunken Keep unlocked... He spends the thunderstorms in the warmth, trying not to draw undue attention.


Hogfarm Work: Working
Hogfarm Work: Working
Hog Training: Howl trains one [Riding Hog 1.]
Diplomacy: Howl gains permission to ride Hog. Snux Favor+
Trade Saddle: Found Saddle in Armory. Negotiated discount.

Turn 3, The Cold Season

The Weather

There’s a bit of snow and the mountains gain white hats, but lack of cold wind and clear, sunny sky mean that cold season is quite bearable, even if most goblins lack warm clothes.


The recent events have unbalanced the goblin society, as Nezz’es unannounced challenge to Soxkill’s leadership strains the very fabric of the tribe. On one side is Nezz, the might of her cruel God and the newly formed Scourge, composed of goblins, who volunteered to become Zon-Kuthon’s holy warriors. At least a dozen of fresh recruits received blessings of Zon-Kuthon and now walk with the mark of cruel god. On the other side is Soxkill and Kranch, as well as many goblins, who would prefer Nezz wasn’t in charge. Both sides fence with subtle provocations and pushes, though it appears, so far none wishes to turn to open conflict. Whether the tensions die down, result in a compromise or end up in a coup/purges, only time will tell.

The other Goblin Heroes seem to stay out of it. Hob seems to be irritated and yelling at slacking goblins more than usual.

Fingers on other hand is in a good mood - the Dining Hall is cozy and warm, as Mondum and Ziek organized cleaning and feed the fires. Some of the ’’well-mannered’’ goblins, even get extra portions from the cook.

Shadowslinker announced, he’d be leaving on some ’’adventure’’, and it seems he can’t wait to get out of the Sunken Keep.

Meanwhile, Kurd The Wolfslayer has gained Elite status in the tribe. Many expect him to declare allegiance to one of the Goblin Heroes - or die in an unfortunate ’’accident’’.

Shadowslinker’s ’’Adventure’’

Shadowslinker is gathering a group of goblins to go on ’’Adventure’’, that would recover great riches for the tribe. While Shadowslinker usually uses his companions to trigger traps he can’t evade, the few survivors of previous expeditions have returned richly rewarded for their trouble.


Kranch’s allegiance to Soxkill is less, then he pronounce. In secret he’s been in Nezz’es service all along.

There’s a secret goblin hero ’’Masque The Mask’’ - he’s manipulating events to become the new Chief.

Kurd murdered Zizix, who hasn’t been seen recently. He’s aiming to become the Champion of Zon-Kuthon and is removing Nezz’es other favorites.

Now that wolves have been beaten, the worse enemy they held at bay is coming. The horses of Great Plains are coming to trample and bite all goblins.

Shadowslinker is a cannibal and his ’’adventure’’ is a way he can lure foolish goblins into his cauldron.

Crazy Rhid has left his tunnels to negotiate - either with Soxkill or Nezz. His help may tip the current balance, but at what price?

Special Rules

Goblins using Rest action in Dining Hall will receive +2 Stat bonus in the next turn and have a chance to get extra Food. (only 1 Rest action gives this bonus).



Jalax: +1 STR
Skiike: +1 CON

Tribe Duty

''Grob - kitchen duty.''

''Fard - Lower Halls Duty.''

''Whistler - Hog Duty.''

''Gwafhu - Lower Halls Duty''

''Skiike''. Hob The Taskmaster calls the sneaky goblin. ''You are on rotation for Upper Keep duty, serving Chief's court. But first, you need to convince me, you won't mess it up.''

''Jalax - Hog Duty''

''Howl - Mushroom gathering in Mushroomwoods.''

''Anyone who signs up for Shadowslinker's suicide mission is excused from Duty. Last time, two goblins out of ten returned alive. But your greedy rat brains just can't process it, so I expect to see a new batch of fools.''

Grunak [PM]

[B]Piety: you can invoke it to try to get some holy assistance or advance in Class Level, Paladin. For the latter, you haven't got enough Piety yet.

Kranch wishes to meet Grunak discreetly.

Kurd, Wolfsayer [PM]

Kurd has 2 Moderate Wounds, that failed to heal on their own.

Kurd gains Class Level Barbarian 1:
+1 HP
+1 Power (dice rolled in combat)
Control over Rage Improved
Speed+ (for tactics)

Kurd gains Status: Elite.

He receives 2 Food from Kitchens, instead of 1.

He is now part of the Tribe's ruling class, and as such isn't assigned duty.

He does however, find himself center of attention from Goblin Heroes, whose intentions he doesn't quite get :) Or does he?

2015-12-09, 01:32 PM

Skiike gets a large grin on his face, this will be a great opportunity, one he has been wanting for a long while.

Oh I wont mess this up, I been waitin for this kinda chance to prove myself to the clan for a long time now. Da cheif's court will be very pleased with my work.

2015-12-09, 01:34 PM
End of Turn 2

With the acknowledgement of his help by Kurd during the fight, as well as the beginnings of awareness of his archery talents by the other goblins on hog duty, Whistler eventually relents and decides to help with field dressing the wolf corpses to get quality pelts and meat.

OOC:This will use my last action - but will hopefully result in a bit higher quality of pelts. Assuming Kurd follows through with his offer, Whistler should start the next Turn with 2 wolf pelts (one from Wolf Duty, one from Kurd)? Also - while skinning the wolves, Whistler will try to acquire a few good lengths of tendon from either the legs or the back of the wolves. He hopes to use it as a new string for his bow - as well as for fashioning a few other things.

Turn 3

Whistler was excited about the chance to get out of the keep and explore with Shadowslinker - and immediately went to Hob to sign up for the trip. He would have to hurry to accomplish a few things before they leave.

OOC:Action 1: Fashion protective leathers from the wolf pelts and tendon (cloak, pants, shirt, whatever I can work out).
Action 2: Fashion a new bowstring from the tendon.
Action 3: Rest in the Dining Hall
Actions 4-5: Adventure with Shadowslinker.

2015-12-09, 01:53 PM

Jalax did not like his duty, as it meant that he had to be out in the cold, but he decided to try to get the best out of it. While working with the hogs, he would try to find out what happened when they were slaughtered and more specific what happed with their skin. One could never know if one gets some of that to make some warmer cloths to this cold weather. After that he would try to think up how to more efficient breed and slaughter the hogs, more out of principle, that the belief that he could find a way to do it. After all, Jalax knew very little about animals.

After he was done with his duty, he would try to find a person with more authority and respect in the tribe that he had. One who help make his idea a reality.

Krud, the Wolfslayer
A goblin approaches you, at a moment were alone and not looking to busy. The goblin did not look much like Krud. The goblin looked weak, while Kurd looked strong, and the goblin was a lot cleaner than most of the goblins in the tribe. When the goblin got close to Kurd, the goblin started talking. “Greeting, Wolfslayer. I have heard of you deeds and how you succeed at defeating Old Chomper, and thereby proving your great strength. I am Jalax and I have a proposition if you are willing to hear me out.”

2015-12-09, 09:59 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd looked at the other goblin with disinterest. Still he wasn't doing anything else at the moment. "I listening."

2015-12-10, 12:48 AM
Gwafu found the the idea of adventuring interesting, though more so if he could recuperate a bit first. While sitting around the fire, he'll start carving away at the end of his pole, occasionally poking it in the fire, in the hopes of getting a bit more of sharp tip should he need it. As he does so, he'll keep an ear open and try to judge other's interest in the expedition.

I'm looking to rest away that fatigue from last season. I'm also trying to use woodworking and fire hardening to make the give the pole a point so it can function as a kind of long spear or pike.

2015-12-10, 02:19 AM

Krud, the Wolfslayer

Jalax seemed most pleased that Kurd was willing to listen to him and continued talking. “Thank you for your time, Wolfslayer. The proposition I have is about a problem I believe you can help me with. It is not anything dangerous, but the problem is that I have been thinking about how to make life better in the halls, specifically the lower west hall, where I live. Together with a couple of my friends, we came up with seven easy rules that would improving the living standard, but the other goblins would not listen to me, because I lack that respect of the other goblins. The help I want from you is to help me convince them to listen, because if they will not listen to me, they will most likely listen to you, because of your prowess as a warrior. Perhaps you wondering what there is in it for you, and to that I have two things to say. The first thing is that if you have not been grated better sleeping quarters as a part of your new status, then you would befit of the better living standard. The second thing is that I would owe you a favor, and if you ever need something build then I am definitely your goblin.” After stating his proposition, Jalax waited to hear Kurds response.

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-10, 05:22 PM

The diminutive, strange little goblin has been seen in and around Sunken keep lately, muttering to himself and twitching. Not one to be approached without good reason. He seems shaken by something, and fears the approach of others.

However, today, he is on a mission. He seeks out the one named Grob, and calls out to him. "Grob? Need to talk. Have something for you. And something to ask. We can talk?"

A Discreet Meeting [PM]
Grunak meets with Kranch. He seems.. twitchier than before. He hardly seems to notice Kranch, focusing intently on the blade, caressing it in his hand, watching it shimmer in the light.

"The gods liked that death. He must have not been a true servant. Or his god and mine don't mix." Grunak pulls his gaze away from the knife. "How much more before I can return to the tribe?"

2015-12-10, 05:50 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd considers the words of the other goblins. The many many words. Most of them poured in one of his long ears and out the other but he did grasp the general concept. "Better halls, hmm? What are these rules?"

Kurd has found himself injured again. Not only that, but his loyal followers have been injured as well. It isn't very serious, but on the other hand not being able to fight at your best was always bad. So he set out to fix the situation. If there wasn't a healer, besides Nezz, in the tribe, then he would just have to make one of the other goblins do it.

Kurd goes to find where Scribbler has been lurking. He wants to trade in his token for some armor. Anything would be better than the rags he has now.

1. Find a goblin with an aptitude for healing and persuade them to pursue that aptitude. Preferably one of Kurd's flunkies like Megakaz, but any of the common or uncommon goblins will do.
2. Kurd fashions his wolf skull into a crude helmet. The better to show off his prowess and strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.

2015-12-10, 07:05 PM

''Bah.'' Hob scoffs. ''I’ve seen enough servility acts to last me a lifetime.'' He looks down on the shorter goblin. ''Tell me, you little sneak - will I be proud of your work?''


Hob sends Whistler to Shadowslinker - ''If he takes you, you are free to go.’’

Whistler finds Shadowslinker in the Warmhalls. ''Aye. You are that goblins, that shot wolves from cover. Good, you’ll do. We'll be sailing across the Lake, so you'll need make a raft. The weather's so calm, any will do to cross the lake. Or convince me, you are worth giving you a spot on the boat, which I can fill with treasure.''

Actions [PM]

Action 1

You have 2 Pelts. At this point you can craft Fur Clothes 2, enough for this mild winter. If you had Sewing Tools 1 or other stuff, that would give you bonuses, you could make Fur Clothes 3. Do go you ahead with making Fur Clothes 2?]

Action 2

The bow with a new string is much easier to use. This is probably the best Whistler can do with the old thing.

[B]Action 3

Whistler relaxes in the Dining Hall. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get extra rations from Fingers, but the good atmosphere lifts his spirits considerable.

[OOC: I'll post on Shadowslinker's plan tomorrow.]


Gwafhu works on the long pole, eventually producing [Spear 2].

[OOC: Fatigue is removed at the end of the Turn, so no need to spend actions here.]


A Discreet Meeting [PM]

Kranch listens to Grunak, and seems to give weight to his words. ''Perhaps, your path is to stop the evil of Nezz, from corrupting our tribe. Why else, would the gods give you the weapon to defeat her servant and led you to me. Why else have you been chosen?''

Kranch falls silent deep in contemplation. He speaks again, apparently having reached some decision. ''I can’t let you rejoin the tribe just yet. Nezz and her Scourge watch over myself and Soxkill’s Elites - if you return, their eyes would be on you. Now, I believe, your position of the outcast gives you freedom to act, that is too valuable. Patience, Grunak. The time will come to see you restored, but for now we need to prepare. If we strike now, the war would leave our tribe weakened and vulnerable to outside enemies. We need to build our strength for a decisive blow. Unfortunately, Soxkill’s fears have weakened his mind - he hoards weapons, that could be used to oppose Nezz, fearing that if tribe’s warriors get them, they would seek to otherthrow him. Only his elites are trusted with half-decent equipment. This would leave us ill-prepared for the trials to come.’’

''I have considered how we can acquire arms. First, there’s Shadowslinker’s mission. I expect he won’t care too much for weapons in his search for treasure and would be unwilling to part with them. His loyalty to the tribe has always been tenuous. Still, if you think you could steer the expedition into arms acquisition and best Shadowslinker’s greed, it may work. The other way is breaching Treasury - Soxkill watches Nezz intently, and this leaves him blind against others. If for example Outcasts create a diversion, I may create an opening for you to access the Treasury and secure us arms. The final option is Crazy Rhid. He is unhinged and dangerous, but he is also a skilled alchemist, capable of creating bombs. Still… approaching him is no less risk, than other options.''


Megakaz, Healer?

''Ah boss. Yeah. I’ve been thinking how I should be a-fixing my leg.'' Megakaz nods. ''And I got some ideas. I could use some herbs though - I think some good ones grow in the Firefly Swamp, but I can’t go there, with my wound. And maybe if you could get a few tips off Crazy Rhid - he’s got books about healing. Well, I can’t read, but they have pictures.''

Hob’s Stockroom

Scribbler examines token and nods. ''I may be able to get [Leather Armor 1]. We should have some left.'' Two goblins emerge from a corridor, their equipment clearly superior and frames muscular. Peeks and Rimbles. The two of Soxkill’s elites. Rimbles shakes his head disapprovingly. ''Certainly, the Wolfslayer doesn’t plan to wear such trash, as what can be found under Hob’s bed. The armor fit for warriors can be found in the Chief’s Treasury. You should ask Soxkill for arms - he would not deny the hero, who defeated Chomper''.

2015-12-11, 02:02 AM

Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Jalax was thrilled, Kurd was willing to hear the rules. The other goblins had stopped listening before he had the chance to even tell them. “The rules are easy to understand, and very useful. Them you will learn easily.” Then Jalax tries to teach Kurd [Jalax’es Seven Easy Rules of Efficient And Comfortable Habitation 2].

2015-12-11, 09:29 AM

Skiike pauses for a few moments thinking to himself. He was sure he could do what Hob wanted, he just didn't know what Hob wanted. Did he want Skiike to spy for him? Did he want Skiike to keep his head down? Did he want Skiike to try to kill someone? The options were endless, and asking blatantly was obviously not what Hob wanted to do. But without more details he had no other option. Looking back up to the taskmaster eerrrr, what would make Hob proud. Skiike will do whatever he can to make the task master proud, but I don't know what makes master Hob proud.

2015-12-11, 11:31 AM
Grob the Scribe

Grob hated kitchen duty. Why did they make poor Grob work? He could read and write letters that's all the work he needed to be doing. He wondered whether or not it would be better to go on the adventure with Shadowslinker. There might be a chance to find magic there. That's it, it was decided Grob was going to go on the adventure with Shadowslinker so he could find real magic.

Shadowslinker's Adventure

Grob went off to find Shadowslinker or one of his boys, whoever was organizing the expedition. Proudly marching up to them "Grob will go on adventure! Grob knows his letters and can read and write."

Scouting: Grob is going to use his boat to explore the other side of the lake.

Crafting: Grob is going to find a Goblin crafter to turn his wolf pelt into a wolf cloak.

2015-12-11, 01:03 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd makes sure to get a description of the herbs Megakaz wants. Kurd was feeling a bit restless and he hasn't been to the swamp in a while. Whether he'll remember which kinds of herbs Megakaz wants is another matter entirely.

The Stockroom
Kurd eyes the two burly goblins. They might be all arrogant and superior, but he thinks he could take them. After all when was the last time they really fought. Kurd just doesn't have any reason to fight other goblins. "Ok, I got talk to Soxkill."

And indeed that is what Kurd does. Going up into the keep itself he approaches the chief's room. Kurd attempts to be as respectful as possible. He might fear Nezz, but Kranch and Soxkill have proven themselves against the tribe's enemies. And even if Kurd thinks they're being a bit too cautious lately he still remembers that.

"Chief Sockill? Can I please have some armor?"

Jalax's Easy Rules of Efficient And Comfortable Habitation
Kurd's ear lower as he hears the name. "Ugh, that name too long. I call them Hall Rules." He looks around for his flunkies. "Hey Nub-Nub, Zunk, Glux! Dis goblin says he has ways for making the Hall better. You go make the other gobs in our Hall do them. Tell em I thump them if they don't." He turns back to Jalax. "I's going to the swamp. I get back and the Hall be better then I sees about helping you's hall too. If the Hall be worse, then I thump you."

Divine Rumors
Kurd finds Rutkin one of his flunkies. "Rutkin I hear you know Nezz. I also hear dat Nezz's warriors be stronger than normal gobs. Is dat true?"

Next he finds his last pair of flunkies Megakaz and Xor, "We fought dose wolves with branches. Dat was good, but it could be better. See if you can make some spears or something. Le me know if you need anything."

Crazy Rhid
Kurd tries to find Crazy Rhid in his tunnels. He does not put much effort into, but he figures it's worth a quick look for those books Megakaz mentioned.

At some point during his wanderings around the Keep Kurd finds Snux the hog goblin. "Hey Snux. You said you could get war hogs. I's interested in a war hog. What you need."

Wolf Helmet
Kurd scrapes out the insides of the wolf skull, scavenges some string or leather for straps, and fashions it into a crude helmet.

2015-12-11, 01:25 PM

The Hog Farm is run with efficiency, that could probably be described as un-goblinlike. It could be attributed to Snux The Hog-Goblin genuinely doing his best at the farm and letting no goblin to slack off on his watch. Jalax concludes, that it’s beyond his knowledge to offer any advise or in fact anything could be done better.

It seems Snux is planning to expand the Farm’s operations at the moment, expecting the wolves to be less aggressive for a while. He seems to be considering either breeding more pigs for food or dedicating a pen for ‘’warhogs’’, that could be used by goblins for riding. Jalax’es inquiry about pigskins makes him consider setting goblins on producing pig hides.

Grob The Scribe

Shadowslinker considers Grob. ‘’Well… that could be useful, considering, where we are going. You are in.’’

Actions [PM]

Lake Travel

A couple goblins, who joined Shadowslinker’s expedition are working on making rafts at the lake - it seems that his adventure would take goblins across the lake.

[Do you proceed with sailing?]


Grob finds himself by Scribbler. ''Sure. I can arrange for the pelt to be made into Wolf Cloak 3. But you’ll do me a favor in return. I’ll need you to record, where each goblin in the tribe sleeps - location and name. I’ll give you a scroll, where you could do it.''


Hob steps away, apparently satisfied. ''Yes, good. You’ll be keeping the place clean, bringing food and running whatever errands Elites want run. I’ll want to hear how everything went, to decide, whether to assign you such tasks in the future.''

Shadowslinker’s Adventure

Grob The Scribe, Whistler [PM]

Grob, Whistler, Narz and Marsia gather in Warmhalls, where Shadowslinker has a private room.

Having locked the door and listening a minute near it, he addresses the present goblins.

''Okay, trapmeat. I may recruit a couple more goblins, but what we have now should be enough to start. Here’s the plan. We’ll be sailing to the island on the lake. There’s an old tower there, called Sternturm. The place is full of deadly magic - but if we don’t go too deep, most of would survive.''

Shadowslinker pulls a chest from beneath the bed and opens it. He lifts an iron, bird-cage from the chest. A small, red-skinned female, with curved horns, wings and tail screeches at present goblins, before Shadowslinker shakes the cage, causing the creature to collide with bars. It yelps, jumping away, leaving a faint plume of smoke.

''I found that critter at the Sternturm, where it tried to claw my eyes out. After I bested it, the flying rat promised to lead me to great treasures that would make me most powerful goblin in the woods, after which I smacked it around, until it agreed to lead me to valuables, getting which won’t get me killed. Still, I trust it to try to kill me, so I’m getting you as a precaution. The first floors of the tower were reserved for servants and visitors - they are lightly guarded, by whatever magic didn’t fade from the place. As long as we don’t enter any ''restricted areas'', we shouldn’t be in too much danger. I don’t want you running around wildly. The creature will be our guide - and I’ll break it’s neck, at first sight of trouble.

The creature speaks ''I’m Sarudis. I have served many, lesser and greater, than you. I’ll show you the treasures of Sternturm, if you’ll set me free.'' Shadowslinker chuckles. ''I will consider not drowning you in the lake, if you prove useful.'' The creature hisses, but it appears resigned.

Shadowslinker continues. ''Now, first task is to get to the Tower - as I said, it’s on an island in the lake. I have a boat, but we’ll need two [Rafts 1] to get all present goblins there. I expect you to build them.''

Hall of Chief

Soxkill sits on his throne, surrounded by his guards and a gaggle of sycophants. His fingers clutch the magic wand, symbol of his power.

''Of course, mighty Kurd. You deserve reward for your deeds.''

Grimbles arrives, carrying leather armor and a sword, both of good quality.

''Accept this armor as your protection and this sword as your weapon - my gifts.'' Soxkill announces loudly, his voice carrying in the Hall. The other goblins wait to see Kurd's reaction, whether to applaud or jeer.

The Hall Business

The good news is that goblins of the hall have started following the rules and conditions seem to be improving. It's not all smooth sailing - there's some resistance from troublemakers, but so far the majority of goblins goes along with it. And there's a rumor a couple goblins complained to Koba, whether they must follow some ''Hall Rules''. Whether anything would come out of it, only time will tell.


''Ah, true. She carves holy symbols in the flesh and then goblin won't feel any pain. Maybe not that stronger though.''

Crazy Rhid

There's a reason they call him ''Crazy Rhid''. A bolt shoots from the wall and nearly skewers Kurd - one of the traps, Rhid has littered his tunnels with. Only luck saved him from suffering a wound.


''Thom gobthlin - Howl promithed to help. I've gotht pigthies and Hobth thent workerth to make the pen.''

Kurd [PM]

Can you specify which of the above are actions?

2015-12-11, 03:08 PM

Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Jalax becomes thrilled, when he hears Kurds response. He is not afraid of his rules falling, not with Kurds backing, but he is a little disappointed that his name is not mentioned with the rules, because of the new name. “Thank you, Wolfslayer. You will not be disappointed.” Jalax says and leaves.

Jalax becomes happy, when he hears that the rules are working, but when he hears that someone is complaining to Koba, he suddenly is happy that his name is not being mentioned with the rules.

Snux, the Hog-Goblin

When hearing about that Snux are planning to expand the farm’s operations, Jalax decides to have a little talk with him. “Greeting Snux. I heard that you were planning to expand operations. I am here to ask if I can be of any help with that. I could especially like to help you figure out what to do with the pigskins.”

2015-12-11, 03:17 PM
Kurd the Wolfslayer

Hall of Chief
Kurd accepts the leather armor thankfully, but he is more dubious about the sword. He already has his cleaver after all. Still a weapon is a weapon so he takes it. "Thank you Chief Soxkill. I use dese to make the tribe stronger."

The Hall
If Koba wants to talk to Kurd, then Koba can talk to Kurd. Kurd's just trying to make the halls he lives in a bit less awful.

Kurd scoffs, "Pain is dat all. I's already do that."

Crazy Rhid
Well Kurd feels no need to press his luck. He leaves. If he can't find any herbs he might be back. But he'd rather try the swamp than Crazy Rhid, which is saying something.

"Okay den. Let me know if you need something from the forest."

Making the helmet is an action. The rest is just talking to goblins, and ordering my followers to do stuff, which you said did not require an action if they were loyal.

I'm going to spend some actions in the swamp, and then maybe dealing with the Hall issue, but I want to get fully armed and armored before I venture out.

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-11, 04:38 PM

A Discreet meeting [PM]
Grunak seems oddly grave. "Seizing the weapons from the tribe? No. Too much risk. If it goes wrongs, too many of the tribe would be hurt."

"I can try the expedition, but maybe the alchemist is a good path too. I need something to offer him for to work."

Grunak skulks his way to try to find the goblin leader of the expedition. "Grunak wants to come. I can fight. You don't care if I die."

2015-12-11, 06:24 PM
Grob the Scribe

Shadowslinker's adventure

Thank you! Thank you!" Grob says happily as he runs off to prepare. Grabbing his one and only spell ready to use its power if needed during the adventure.



Grob will hold off on his solo crossing of the lake in favor of going with the entire group.


"Grob can do that! Give Grob scroll, will get it done very fast and accurate!"

2015-12-11, 06:36 PM
Skiike can do that!

Skiike hurried away to begin assisting the elite's needs. Skiike will keep his ears open listening for their current stances on the Nezz/ Snux debate and look for any that Skiike can befriend himself to one of the elites.


1 action spent working for the elites

2015-12-11, 09:33 PM
After Shadowslinker finishes telling the "adventurers" his plan, Whistler heads over to Grob the Scribe. "I remember you from the fight with the wolves. You know about magic. I know about travelling outside the keep. About staying alive out there. How about we work together ... help each other?"

If Grob agrees, then Whistler will work with him to create one of the two [Rafts 1] that Shadowslinker requires.

Actions [PM][Fur Clothes 2] sounds good.

2015-12-12, 12:27 PM
Howl was a bit disappointed that he didn't have duty at the hog farm. He liked working around animals after all. Shadowslinker's adventure sounded interesting but Howl didn't want to waste his time or put his life in danger on a suicide mission such as that one. So Howl headed towards the mushroom grove and started gathering mushrooms. He wanted to finish his duty as fast as possible and then spend some time training the hogs. He would also try to sneak a mushroom or two if nobody was looking at him. He didn't want them for himself but rather as treat for the hog he was training. He hoped that this would improve their relationship and make the training easier. As soon as he finished with his mushroom gathering quota he would head towards the hog farm and look for Snux. "Hey Snux. Need help with anything? I want to train hog" he said hoping that Snux would grant him permission.

2 action points gathering mushrooms for duty
3 action points remaining

2015-12-13, 11:06 AM
Kurd, Wolfslayer

Hall of the Chief

Chief Soxkill seems to sense Kurd’s hesitation about the weapon. ''Do you find your cleaver to be superior to my gift?'' he asks with soft concern. The gathered lackeys and sycophants grow growl in support, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly growing charged with emotion.

Soxkill’s elites are the ones, who speak loudly. ''Certainly, that’s impossible, that you would prefer cleaver!'' announced Rimbles. ''Our generous Chief gives us the best weapons to slay the foes of the tribe.'' The elites put their hands on weapons, displaying them proudly. Peeks adds his voice ''Yes, Kurd. You should cast aside that old thing - it was good enough to slay dirty mutts, but against the powerful foes, such as Hobgoblins, truly powerful weapons are needed.'' The voices of other goblins present in the hall raise, all urging Kurd to discard the Cleaver in favor of Soxkill’s sword. Some mutter about Nezz’es stupid magic probably ruining the weapon anyway, though those who say it, try to avoid notice.

Kurd [PM]

The Sword is Level 4, so it’s better then Cleaver, but Cleaver has Nezz’es unknown enchantment.

Kurd makes [Wolf Helmet 1].



The goblin adventurer looks at Grunak, his eyes lingering on the sword for a bit, but then he shakes his head. ''You are that crazy outcast? If you don’t care, if you die, then you won’t care if you get me killed either. I don’t need fearless goblins for this job.''


Grob completes the work the Scribbler given him fairly easily. Scribbler seems impressed. ''If you find any vellum or paper on your journey with Shadowlinker, I would would appreciate it. Perhaps, I could see, that you get the Duty of your choice in the future.''

Actions [PM]

Scribbler brings Grob [Wolf Cloak 3]. It’s very warm and would serve him well in cold.


Skiike [PM]

OOC: The duty is actually 2 Actions.

The talk seems to be centered about whoever the other Heroes and Elites would back, if conflict erupts - Hob, Fingers, Shadowslinker and Rhid. It seems Soxkill doesn’t fully trust Kranch either. Still, most goblins seem to think Nezz wouldn’t make a move. She is simply pressing for more authority and power. Once her ‘’Scourge’’ is discredited, she’ll slink back to the temple.

Skiike observes Kranch, during Kurd’s situation. The Raid Leader seems to be passive, almost sleepy, but it seems to Skiike, that he is paying careful attention, to everything, that is happening.


Whistler [PM]

[Fur Clothes 2] seems to be enough to deal with the cold, though this winter is fairly mild. Whistler won’t have penalties, when acting outside.



Howl expertly sneaks several mushrooms away. The theft of food is always an option - only vigilance of other goblins on duty is a true deterrent. And vigilant, they usually are - after all, if Hob thinks goblins shirked their duty, then the whole group gets a severe punishment. This time round, Howl’s actions go unnoticed and no complaint comes from the kitchens. It seems he’s gotten away with it.

Howl gains [1 Mushrooms].


''Thur, pick Bethy. Hey Xhor - geth the pigthy tho Howl.''


Snux, The Hog-Goblin

''Well, maybe I puth gobthlinth on harthethstin pigthskins. Or I train warhogths.''

Jalax [PM]

A clarification - do you want to get a single pigskin to make something, or do you want to help Snux, establish production of pigskins?

If it's the latter, then you'll need to convince him, as he is currently in favor of establishing Warhogs training and he won't have enough manpower to do both Warhog training and pigskin harvest, unless Hogfarm is expanded.

Imperial Psycho
2015-12-13, 01:05 PM

"I said you don't care if I did, not I don't care." Grunak grins lopsidedly. "They say I'm crazy, not stupid, right?"

2015-12-13, 01:46 PM

Snux, The Hog-Goblin

”I would like to help no matter what you chose, but if you had some pigskin lying around, I would be interested in finding out, what someone could make with it.” Jalax said, hoping he might get some pigskin, that he might use to find a way to make it into clothing or perhaps even armor.

Jalax wants some pigskins now, that he then would try to make it some clothing. He would like to get enough to also make something for his followers, but he would be happy with anything he could get.

2015-12-13, 01:46 PM

Shadowslinker ponders Grunak's reply for a moment, then shrugs. ''Well, we'll see if you are both crazy and stupid. You'll go with me on the boat. Your job would be to kill stuff, I order you to kill. I've got a guide of sorts - you'll be keeping an eye of her. But she's tricky.''

[OOC: You can read the PM between Shadowslinker, Grob and Whistler.]


''No pigthkinth now.'' answers Snux. ''Maybe ith you help. I'm making a warthog phen.''

2015-12-13, 04:04 PM

Skiike will continue to listen to see what elites would follow Hob, since that's probably what Hob is wanting from him.

He will also keep an eye on Kurd's weapon choices. Skiike will keep an eye out to pick up which ever weapon he chooses to discard, no reason to let it go to waste.

Skiike will spend another action looking for a hidden place to store things away from other goblin's eyes.

2015-12-13, 07:51 PM
Grob the Scribe

After Shadowslinker finishes telling the "adventurers" his plan, Whistler heads over to Grob the Scribe. "I remember you from the fight with the wolves. You know about magic. I know about travelling outside the keep. About staying alive out there. How about we work together ... help each other?"

If Grob agrees, then Whistler will work with him to create one of the two [Rafts 1] that Shadowslinker requires.

Actions [PM][Fur Clothes 2] sounds good.

"Grob already has boat we both can use. No need to make one. Grob made it over last two seasons. Strong and sturdy."

2015-12-14, 11:57 AM
Kurd, the Wolfsayer

Hall of the Chief
Kurd just looks at the Chief and elites blankly. "Why I toss out good weapon. Sword better obviously, but Cleaver still good. Nows I gots two. I hit dem with sword, then I whack them with de cleaver. Or maybe I chop em with the cleaver and den slice em with de sword. Like dis." Kurd takes the sword and cleaver in one hand each and proceeds to swing them around a bit wildly. A skilled sword fighter he is not. That just makes his display all the more dangerous.

"Now I kill twice as fast. De Hob Goblins never last. Maybe even an Ogre. Dat be something." Kurd's voice is a bit gleeful as he considers the prospect of fighting an Ogre.

I am working under the assumption that the sword is a one hander. If it's too big for Kurd to use in one hand, then obviously I want to retcon the above and take a different approach.

To the Swamp
Once suitably armed, armored, and prepared Kurd heads out. He plans to go explore the swamp to see if there is anything good to fight and maybe pick some herbs while he's there.

3. Pick necessary herbs at Firefly swamp. Try to avoid the more boggy areas.

2015-12-14, 01:53 PM


The small fleet sails across the lake - two boats and two rafts, carrying six goblins. Grunak shivers a bit, from lack of warm clothing, but endures with clenched teeth. The goblins on the raft almost overturn - the thing is poorly cobbled together, but lack of wind means, sailing is safe, if slow.

The lake proves to be far larger, than goblins in the tribe imagined - it extends to south and west. Shadowslinker orders goblins to row west, past shores, where gnarled, old trees grow. There, an island with a tower stands.

The goblins leave their watercraft, tired, but happy to arrive safely. Shadowslinker speaks.

''Now, I’ll be going up the tower. You have three tasks. First. If I don’t come back, you’ll take this cage’’ he shakes the cage with Sarudis.''And drop it in the center of the Lake.'' He lowers his head to face the small creature directly. ''A little precaution, in case information you gave me is load of pig****.''

Shadowslinker puts the cage into the boat. ''I leave it with you. Needless to say, if you are dumb enough to let it out, I’d be very unhappy. Though it'll probably kill you first. Nasty little bugger.''

''Second, you’ll need to go to Docks - there’s another boat there. I don’t know, how it’s not all rot, magic probably. Get it.''

''Third task - you break two rafts and make two fires near the Tower, as soon as I go up. I advise you against staying near them, once the fire starts’’ Shadowslinker picks a bag from the boat, and hoists it on his shoulder. ''Now, while I’m there, you can explore the Tower. You can keep half of what you find. I’ll take the rest as payment for bringing you here and explaining things. Somebody dies, their share is divided between survivors.''

Landing Site

Sarudis seems to be humming a tune in the cage. Two boats - Shadowslinker’s and Grobs rock on the water.

''I have some advise, if you are willing to listen'' she says, once Shadowslinker leaves. ''I've advised the great Wizards, who lived here, so I know all about this place. Shadowslinker trusted me enough to listen. I lie to you, I go down the lake - and that's not something I want.''


A series of Pillars stands in the distance, surrounded by what appears to be an overgrown, abandoned park.

''Nothing useful there'' says Shadowslinker.

Tower, Yard

The area around the tower has houses, that seem to have failed to survive the passage of time as well, as Tower did. Old ruins, a stone road almost lost to grass and almost faded scars of war.

''Servants probably lived here.'' comments Shadowslinker. ''Just… don’t stay too long in the open and keep and eye on the skies, if you wish to look around here.''

Tower, Dock

A small dock, with broken wreck of a ship stands at the island shore. Several buildings surround it. A large figure, glistening in the sun walks through the place. It looks humanoid - a large man wearing metal armor? But it’s movements seem stiff and unnatural.

''There are a couple boats in those buildings. One of them is some sort of office and others are warehouses. That’s metal man. It’s very strong and well-armored. Well, maybe Grunak’s sword can break through the armor. If this creature is slain, it could be harvested and docks free to plunder. Or he can be avoided. It wasn’t very perceptive before and I blinded it further with a… well, a combination of stinky substances. It always moves in the same pattern, never rests or sleeps, - and it seems to know, when somebody is poking their nose in the crates in the warehouse. Fortunately, it’s not very fast.''

Tower, Atrium

Inside the tower is courtyard, bathed in light. The tower goes up and at the very top a glass dome lets the sun in. It seems there’s a collection of globes and strange mechanisms on the very top of the tower, that shine in the sun and sometimes move. And was it some shadow moving there?

Unlike the yard and docks, the place looks pristine and completely unaffected by the passage of time. There are rows of locked doors in the walls of the tower, plaques and objects of art. The floor is a cool, marble, with multi-colored plates forming pattern of some symbol. A statue of human, wearing robes, staff and book, stands in the middle of the atrium.

Then suddenly a female human in white robe appears before goblins, startling them and making several go for their weapons. ''Greetings visitors. I am Mara The Guide to Sternturm. The J-j-j-jewel of tsh-tsh Kingdom. We lead the research into...into... ar.. tsh.. knowledge. How may I assist-t-t-t you t-t-t-day.'' she smiles brightly.

''Pay it no attention. Just a magic trick. She’s not really here.'' says Shadowslinker. ''Some of the doors are locked with some magic script and others lead to danger. If you figure out how to open them and which ones are safe to enter, there’s probably something valuable there. The place is pretty safe - don’t let the shadows above spook you. They don’t come down here.''

Tower, Basement

Brass Door stands half opened. On it, in metal is a depiction of fire pits, creatures with leathery wings and sharp teeth. Scary.

''If you are suicidal, feel free to go there.'' comments Shadowslinker.

Tower, 1st Floor

The archway leads to the tower interior - on it, sun, stars and humanoid creatures with wings are depicted. On the walls, the surviving murals seem to have elemental theme - fire, water, earth and air.

''That’s where I’m going. I don’t need company - stealth is of importance and you’ll just be making noise.''

Narz & Marsia

''How about a deal - we make the fires, but you'll share in what you find with us'' offers Narz.

[OOC: Exploring a single area takes 1 Action. Take care in how you go about it and where you opt to poke you nose in.]


Actions [PM]

Skiike manages to locate [Hidden Storage 3].

Hob isn’t too popular with the Elites - seems he wants them to do more for the tribe, while they prefer to laze around and enjoy the perks of their status.

Kurd, Wolfslayer

Hall of the Chief

The atmosphere shifts to jovial in a blink of an eye, as Soxkill laughs. Rimbles speaks, saluting Kurd with his weapon. ''Of course, once the true blade finished off the foe, that cleaver is good enough for dirty work.''

Kurd [PM]

1. The weapon is one-handed, but Kurd is better off using just one on combat.

2. Kurd gathers [Herbs 1] in the swamp.


The rumors spread, that Kurd has declared Chief Soxkill’s weapon superior to the cleaver, blessed by Nezz. The goblins of the Scourge seethe with perceived insult. ''To favor some trash over blessing of the Zon-Kuthon - Kurd is a fool. He may had luck in surviving so far, but luck tends to run out.'' Kurd’s followers walk carefully the halls of the Sunken Keep - accidents tend to happen on the dark, winter nights...

2015-12-14, 01:59 PM

Snux, The Hog-Goblin
” You just have to say when you are going to start the project, and I am going to be there.” Jalax said, before leaving to handle some other business.

The lower west hall
Jalax had remembered that even though most of the goblins in the hall had not been very interested in his rules, a few of them had been. Jalax had decided to try to remember who these goblins were and to see if he could convince some of those goblins to help him with making the tribe better.

Jalax will spend 1 action trying to convince some of the goblins, who were more interested in his speech last season. Jalax will spend 1 action helping Snux with the warhogs.

2015-12-14, 02:41 PM


Jalax helps out Snux setting up Warhog enclosure. He focuses on helping the goblins make primitive saddles, while Snux ''whispers'' to hogs, before letting goblins try to ride them.

He seems pleased with Jalax'es help.


The fact that Jalax'es rules were actually implemented seems to impress three common goblins - Resa, Tan and Zembax. They come to listen to Jalax once again, but seem to have questions for him:

''It's useless to do stuff for the tribe. Elites don't care - we work harder, they take more from us'' whispers Resa.
''Yeah. And what can we do anyway?'' nods Zembax.
''It's dangerous to talk about changes - snitches are all around, they tell Elites, we get beating.'' says Tan fearfully.


[OOC: Will you assist Snux in training Warhogs?]

2015-12-14, 03:15 PM
Kurd, the Wolfsayer

Swamp Herbs (That was easy.)
Kurd tosses the pack of herbs he collected to Megakaz once he gets back. "Do something with dese."

Hall Monitoring
Kurd examines the improvements that have been made to the Upper East hall in his absence. If they have improved then he goes around and convinces the other uncommon goblins to do them as well. He then finds Koba and Brutalis to have a talk about how things are going to go.

Kurd finds Nezz. She still terrifies him, but he can't have her followers be messing with his followers. Only Kurd is allowed to mess with Kurd's followers. "Nezz I hear de scourgy gobs be saying I's not lucky, and dat me and my gobs better watch out. Whys dat."

4. Implement Jalax's rules in the halls where Kurd and Jalax live. Kurd doesn't want to make a big deal of it, but he will argue with Koba and Brutalis if they try to stop him.

Is that fact that Kurd is better off using one because they are too heavy to really use together or because he's not skilled at two handed fighting? Because now that I've thought about the image of a berserking goblin charging an enemy while waving two blades and screaming kind of appeals to me.

2015-12-14, 05:49 PM

Thinking to himself Skiike starts to put together another idea of what Hob wants. He wants to get these elites workin again. That can be done by threats or treats, and since Skiike didn't have treats he would have to start finding somethin to threat with. And if he finds some treats then Skiike gets some nice treats.

Does Mondum have a house/ living quarters, or does he reside in the halls? I'm thinking of hunting down his distillery or the goblin who is giving him the booze.

2015-12-14, 05:51 PM

Internal [PM]

Mondum lives in the Cook's Rooms, in the Central Tunnels. He has a private room to himself, though it's likely that Fingers would have keys to it.

Kurd, Wolfslayer

''Oh Kurrrd'' Nezz manages to sound both menacing and sympathetic. ''Our Chief Soxkill prefers tricks and misdirection to speaking plainly. His flunkies are spreading all those lies and confusing everybody. He is just jealous of your accomplishments - he and his Elites didn’t slay Chomper. You did. So he tries to turn me against you. But I know that you are on my side. So we just need to make it clear to the tribe, that we are not enemies. It is long time, that our tribe raided and brought riches to our coffers. The Scourge shall march as soon as Zon-Kuthon reveal to me his holy design. If you and your followers join mine, we could share in spoils and riches. Show the goblins, that we are no foes.''

''You are not my foe, Kurd, are you?'' Nezz asks smiling, showing her sharp teeth. ''I did give you such a nice, vicious enchantment for your favored weapon. You just didn’t want to be impolite in front of Soxkill.''

Kurd [PM]

I’ll post on Hall action tomorrow.

Hmm… maybe you can go with two weapons, it fits barbarian to a degree. Okay, let’s say in Rage you are sufficiently strong/crazy to wield both weapons efficiently.

2015-12-14, 06:00 PM
Howl finaly has a chance to train his favorite hogs as mounts. He wanted to do so having the proper equipment but he will have to make it once again without a saddle. Before starting the training he would feed the hog the mushrooms he sneaked earlier in an attempt to make the hog friendlier and the training smoother. After the hog training he would also help Snux with the hog farm expansion.

1 action for ride training
1 action to help with hog farm expansion

2015-12-14, 06:01 PM

Then Skiike will use 1 action to try to break into Mondum's Quarters, using his hiding and magic to keep from getting seen.

Current actions have been
2 actions: serving the elites
1 action attempting to break in Mondum's quarters.

do I have 1 or 2 actions left?

2015-12-14, 07:02 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd shrugs, "Sword is better. See it got no rust and blade is sharper." Kurd displays both weapons for quick comparison. "Maybe enchantment is better, but I no know what it can do. Was going to see in swamp, but didn't find anything worth killing. Maybe best of all be Nezz's enchantment on Chief's sword." That's the closest Kurd's ever going to get to sophisticated political subtlety.

"Next season was going to hunt hob goblins in mushroom forest. Bring some back and see if you got better blessing than pain thingy on your scourgy gobs. No feel pain is weak. Pain makes Kurd stronger. I thought you thought same way after healing."

"But if you be raiding too, then I be there with my boys. Always up for raid."

That was long speech for Kurd. There is a moment of silence as his brain cools off before it overheats.

2015-12-14, 08:58 PM
Apparently the fire and food was a bit too comfortable as Gwafhu seemed to have napped through the expedition's launch. With a sigh, he roused himself from his chair and resigned himself to lower halls duty.

2015-12-15, 06:37 AM
Kurd, Wolfslayer

Koba & Brutalis

The two goblin Elites are lounging in the Warmhalls, while their flunkies are busy keeping the fires and bringing them stew. Brutalis raises to his full height with a challenge at sight of Kurd. He is a powerful looking goblin, who is known to let his fists speak first. Koba remains seated, observing Kurd. He is the one to speak first. ''Kurd. You’ve come to discuss, what you are doing in the Halls?''
''I heard the Scourge has been getting in your ways. Come for our protection?'' Brutalis grunts.


Nezz seems to consider Kurd’s words, her look calculating. ‘’Yes. Maybe my enchantment on Chief’s sword would be fitting. It is a fine weapon for killing certain things. The enchantment on the Scourge is a test. I do not give gifts to those, who are unproven. The Scourge would need to draw blood, before I reforge it into a true weapon of Zon-Kuthon.’’


Skiike [PM]


Skiike sneaks to the Central Tunnels, Cook’s rooms. There he is stopped by the door to the Mondum’s room. It unfortunately proves to be insurmountable barrier - too tough to break, to tricky to pick lock, so he is limited to peeping through keyhole. It doesn’t seem that Mondum has a hidden distillery in his room, but then again, he could place it so it wouldn’t be seen.

2 Serving Elites
1 Finding [Hidden Storage 3]
1 Breaking into Mondum’s Room

1 Action left.



Howl continues training the hog and it bears fruit - he now has trained a [Riding Hog 2].

Hog Farm

Snux, Howl, Jalax and goblins on hog duty work to expand the farm and train the hogs. The result is a troop of 15 [Riding Hogs 2], with [Saddles 1].

The news of the new asset to the tribe spread in the Sunken Keep and it seems various factions are quick to vye for them. Snux status grows as he stands firm on his authority ‘’Hogthies go with whom I thoose. Thry to thake them. Nobothy buth me knowths how to run the tharm.’’

[Hog Farm gains Trait: Riding Hogs 1]

[OOC: In case you wish to ride Hogs, I’m considering Riding Score = Hog Training + Riding Skill + Saddle Item + DEX]. The score 3 allows for simple riding. The higher it is, the better benefits you receive, such as advantage in combat, longer distance of travel and bonuses where hog power can be put to use].


Adventuring [PM]

Time is flexible. If you spend 2 Actions building a Raft, you can join the adventure.

2015-12-15, 10:30 AM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Koba & Brutalis
Kurd is indignant, he would never need anyone's protection. "De scourgy gob know better dan to mess wit me or my boys. Dey try anything I sacrifice dem to Zon-god."

"No I hear some gobs be running to you bout de new Hall Rules. You two be de best at running de halls." Kurd indicates the nice warm halls around them. "So I wants to know what you think."

Kurd nods, "Okay I understands. I see dem next season and we see how dey do in a real fight."

2015-12-15, 11:41 AM
Grob the Scribe

Landing Site

Grob approaches the caged Sarudis and squats down next to it "Tell Grob what you know. Grob wants to know all about the wizards."

OOC: Will base actions on what Sarudis says.

2015-12-15, 01:09 PM
The lower west hall
”What we can do?!” Jalax said, nearly sounding surprised, “Have you seen the keep we live in? It is a testament to what happens when people decided that they can do something. If you want a more recent example, then I am going to mention the new war-hogs that I helped Snux with or the new hall rules you have been hearing about. I cannot speak about all the elites, but both Snux and Kurd are examples of elites that cares, and who got nothing against good changes. So do any of you have any more doubt about helping the tribe, and thereby helping yourself with getting a better life?” Jalax looked on the three goblins waiting to hear their replied.

2015-12-15, 04:14 PM
Kurd, Wolfslayer

Brutalis & Koba

Brutalis sneers at Kurd’s bravado, but doesn’t push him further. Koba replies ‘’Keeping order in the Halls is ours. You giving orders on how Lower West is run is taking what’s ours. So if you make it even, we have no problem with you. You give us respect, we respect you.’’

Kurd [PM]

If I haven’t mentioned it before, the Hall under implemented Rules is Level 2, which improves Shelter from -1 to 0, improving stats of goblins residing there. The effect is from the next turn.


Sarudis [PM]

''Ah yes. I’ve served many wizards, who sought to learn the mysteries of magic and world. I can sense the same spark of magic in you. I could help you channel your magic and make it stronger.’’ Sarudis sighs. ‘’But I am locked up. I don’t think you would trust me - to tell you the truth I do wish something would happen to Shadowslinker - the brute has been hurting me, ever since he captured me.''

''But you are here to learn secrets of Sternturm. I can give you codewords to open doors in the Atrium, that lead to Apprentices Quarters. Their possession would be preserved by magic of the tower and you could use them to develop your magic. I should warn you, they sometimes pranked each other with weak spells. They won’t be lethal, but if you aren’t careful, you can get discolored or stuck to the ceiling.''

[Sarudis provides code-words for two doors in the Atrium.]


The goblins seem swayed by Jalax’es persuasion, though not completely convinced. ''Kurd and Snux sometimes give us, but how long will they last? The two have been making trouble lately. Other elites would break them or they become like the rest.’’ mutters Resa. ''The two aren't smart enough to last'' agrees Zembax.

2015-12-15, 04:22 PM
Fard spends 2 actions on lower halls.

Sorry I haven't been posting much.

"Alright, now that's done, we can get to our project. The weather isn't perfect but tolerable" Fard goes to Kranch so some guards can protect the construction of the Lumber Yard.

2015-12-15, 04:54 PM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Brutalis & Koba
Kurd gives this some thought. Something he is very bad at it. "I's only respect goblins dat fight and make tribe strong. What you do is good. De warm halls be good, but if all de halls be warm den de tribe better and stronger. Dat's what I want."

Kurd struggles to think of something to give them in return. He's not good at bargaining with equals. It's always been either goblins he can push around or goblins that can do the same to him. "Ok, I going on raid next season. I give you place on raid if dat's what you want." Every goblin wants to raid after all so this should work out well.

What would I need if I want to give all my followers spears. To make them.

2015-12-15, 08:23 PM
Fortunately, on his way toward the halls, Gwafhu happens to overhear a bit about the launch. Slipping out to the water's edge, he manages to cobble together a rough craft from reeds, loose timber, and some of the less edible giant mushroom stalks. Using the butt of his makeshift spear as a pole, he pushes out toward where the expedition was headed.

2015-12-15, 08:23 PM


"Grob thanks you! Grob will work to make you free once I get the magic"

Actions: Grob is going to explore the Atrium and use the 2 code words given to him to open the doors

2015-12-16, 02:03 AM
The lower west hall
“You are right. Kurd and Snux cannot change the tribe alone, but that is why we all need to band together if we want to change tribe. A thing I can promise you though, is that those time I have meet Kurd and Snux, they seemed to be goblins that could handle pressure. For example, Kurd did not show fear of Brutalis and Koba, when he decided to help me with implementing the hall rules. When you say they might not be the smartest goblins in tribe you might be right, but what is most important is the determination to cause. If they should need more intelligence, then they can always talk to me.” Jalax said, hoping that his speech would be enough to convince them.

2015-12-16, 09:47 AM

Getting near the end of the season (ooc: as far as how many actions I have left), Skiike will return to Hob with his "report". Looking down to the floor while reporting the bad news first

It seems da elites don't like you dat much. They say you work dem too hard. Most are spending their time schemin for power rather den workin. I had an idea to fix dat, but it would take a while to set up. If we had some bonuses to give out to da extra hard workers den they may work harder to get da bonus. After all, you need bait to catch somethin in a trap. I was thinkin somethin like makin booze, or have an extra nice place for dem to stay for da season after they win da bonus.

2015-12-16, 12:58 PM
Whistler, Grob The Scribe, Kurd

[OOC: I realized, that as you were on Wolf Duty, you should have gotten extra 1 Food. Feel free to save it or use to get +1 stat in this turn. Kurd wasn't on Wolf Duty officially, but receives a bonus from Hob anyway.]


Shadowslinker spots Gwafhu and waves him to join other goblins. ''I heard of you. ''Great Wizard''. You may prove useful - but a word of warning. It’s better not to attract attention here, so if you cause a scene and makes things troublesome for me, I’ll slit your throat and leave you to the fishes.''


Grob starts to sweat a bit (it’s fairly warm in Atrium, despite winter outside), as he traces the symbols for the third time, trying to open the door. The magical script flowing across its surface seems to get angrier and more demanding, with each failed try. But Grob’s third attempt to replicate the symbol works and the door clicks open. He enters the rooms, discovering comfortable chambers - much better, than the Halls of the Sunken Keep. There are locked chests, that he fails to open and stuff, he is too cautious to touch, but Grob manages to discover a few items on the beds and desks. Small wooden plaques have the names of the people, who lived here, written in a magical script. The place is immaculately clean and doesn’t feel abandoned at all, as its masters are about to return any moment.

Grob’s Loot [PM]

5 x Stacks of Paper
Robe of Apprentice 2
Healer’s Gloves 4
Old Birdcage 1


It proves difficult to reach Kranch - he stays in the Sunken Keep with Chief Soxkill, and guards don’t let goblins easy there. When Fard manages to reach him, Kranch has little time for him - ''All guards are needed in the Sunken Keep now.''

Fard [PM]

Note - with wolves defeated (for now at least), Hob may permit construction in the Hogwoods, if you discover a suitable location there.


Koba appears unconvinced, but Brutalis looks satisfied. ''As long as my share is big, maybe I join. I’m tired of beating the weaklings here.'' Koba gives Brutalis a dark look, but doesn’t press. ''Okay. we get a share of spoils and the rules you set keeps getting followed, when you are away, raiding. But I could really use a good rug - the floors here are cold in winter. You must have a wolf’s pelt after your victory. Maybe you can give it us now, for being so accommodating.''

Questions [PM]

1. Your followers are busy with Hall business, so they won’t be able to make spears for themselves. You could focus on it next turn.
2. Any goblin can craft Spear 1 with an action.
3. Crafting Spear 2-3 would require Skill, Tool or Material.
4. Crafting Spear 4+ would require access to materials like Bronze or similar.
5. If you have Asset Trait: Spearmakers (or similar), it would produce 15 Spears/Level per turn. The level of Spears would depend on circumstances (who is in charge, quality of work/tools, access to materials).

P.S. I should note that CHA can represent cunning - low INT & high CHA isn’t booksmart, but would be able to navigate social interactions.


''Band together?’’ Zembax asks. ''So Snux and Kurd would support you?''
''Will they listen to your advise?'' adds Resa


Hob shrugs. ''Nothing I didn’t know. I’m not particularly popular.'' He pours something from a pot, he has on fire into two mugs and slides one to Skiike. The contents are warm and sweet. ''You seem clever enough to have the same ideas as I do. The tribe is full of hungry, poorly equipped, unmotivated slackers. We have around three hundred goblins now and still, have barely enough hands to keep our production going. If tribe numbers decline or amount of work grows, we’ll need to institute a [3 Action] Duty. You think commons would like the idea?''

Hob produces a wooden circle and tosses it to Skiike - [Token 1]. ''So bonuses. goblins do their work well, they get something for their work. Good idea, no way to execute it. I don’t have resources to pay commons - cook provides a bit of food, so I can reward dangerous Duty, like Wolf Duty, and I issue tokens, that can be exchanged for goods - but the stockrooms have little, anything of value goes to the Chief’s Treasury, and stays there.''
He sips from his cup, speaking with resignation. ''What else... booze or food. Only Rhid has distillery to make the spirits and Cook controls all food flow. Neither would provide, unless there was something for them. Better housing - Brutalis and Koba are too entrenched there.''

2015-12-16, 01:20 PM
Grob the Scribe

Grob grabs the items in the room and sticks them in the bird cage to carry them easier and runs back to the boats happy in his haul from the room and sure the wizards would come back and turn him into a frog or some such creatures for his insolence. He had paper for Scribbler to get off the bad duties he might be assigned.


Grob goes to find Whistler "Whistler! Grob has idea. Trick metal man we can by going in different directions and looting crates. When metal man gets too close one runs while other keeps looting. Get all the goodies none of the other Goblins can get!"

2015-12-16, 02:31 PM

I assume Rhid has approval from the cheif to be the only maker of booze, or if others made it he would get mad? I understand cook has the access to the food stores and Hob has the authority, but what is keeping Rhid as the only booze producer? Fear would be my guess.

Skiike takes a sip and calms down a bit. Wells, if chief like you and you trust he stay as cheif, you could extort other leaders. Standing up, Skiike begins using his hands to try to demonstrate his idea, although the signals don't help too much.Example, not enough labor for everything, so you give fingers 10 less goblins to work wif. He may get mad, but there just isn't enough to go around so you asks him, "if you give me some extra food as bonus I might be able to send more gobbos your ways. Yous could do the same thing with housin and other tasks, and if chief had somthin goin on that needed extra of us, like raidin, then chief should understand what dat meens. You would need to be close to chief though, otherwise they complain and make you look bad.

2015-12-16, 02:40 PM
The lower west hall
”Yes, we need to band together if we want the tribe to improve. If you ask if I have already banded up with Kurd and Snux, then the answer is no, but when you ask if they will listen to my advice, then I will say that they already have. Kurd listen to my ideas about making living in the halls better and he even helped implement them. Snux heard my idea to use the skins of the hogs and if he was not already thinking of improving the tribe by giving us mounts, then I am sure that he would instead have followed my idea. “ Jalax said enthusiastic, when he began talking about how Snux and Kurd actually had listen to him.

2015-12-16, 09:00 PM
Gawfhu gives a quick nod, "Magic is a bit fickle anyway. I wasn't planning on using it unless things had already gone wrong."

After a short chat with some lower ranking goblins, he works his way toward a high point near the docks. From there he spends some time studying the metal man's patterns as well as the lay of the land, hoping to plan out some routes and timing that could make avoiding him that much easier.

2015-12-17, 01:43 AM
Keep the food for now.


Whistler nods at Grob's idea. "Yes, I think that might work. Just make sure you don't run towards me when he's chasing you."

Action 4: Work with Grob (and anyone else who wants to go) to use Grob's idea to search the Dock area.

2015-12-17, 03:08 AM
Howl is delighted that more goblins, such as Jalax, have taken an interest in helping with the hog training and will be keeping an eye on him and his future endeavors. The hog farm however still wasn't on a level that Howl can find acceptable and so he decided to have a word with Snux the Hog-goblin and farm supervisor.
"Hey Snux. Listen I have ideas about improving the hog farm" Howl would say and then check for Snux's reaction. If he didn't seem interested he would drop the subject entirely but if he did he would continue with his ideas. "We should pay more attention in how me make hogs breed. Hogs are much like goblins. All have different qualities. We make fat ones mate with themselves and use them as food for the tribe. If we make strong and sturdy ones mate with themselves we can then train them and have stronger mounts. The rest we can use as beasts of burden to carry stuff around or plowing. If we use them this way we can cultivate the land and create a field to produce more and better food both for the goblins and the hogs. We can also increase their numbers and expand the farm if we make them breed however we want them to and give them better quality food. We could also skin the hogs before we send them to Fingers and use the skin to make leather armor, clothes or other goods for the tribe.". Howl's suggestions may be many and a bit overwhelming but that's exactly what he is hoping for here. If Snux doesn't outright reject and especially if he looks befuddled by his ideas he would continue not letting Snux too much time ti think about it "If we manage to make all these in the next few seasons Snux could become one of the most powerful goblins of the tribe controlling a part of our army's strength because of the warhogs, the hogs' skin a valuable material and most importantly the tribe's food income." Howl would use Snux's goblin greed as a tool to make his suggestions more likable and make Snux think about more about what he could potentially gain than the ideas themselves. If Snux Seemed hooked by his idea Howl would make his final move. "My ideas may look far fetched now but remember when even using hogs for something other than food didn't seem likely? I would try to do these thing by myself but I lack the status you, an elite of our tribe, possess to get them off the ground. Don't worry I can help you with all of those. I know my stuff about animals and plants. All of the goblins and especially you can benefit much if we can make these work. All I'm asking in return is to let me be a part of it and help you. Make me your right hand man. The other goblin heroes all have lackeys to help them. Why not you? Ask Hob to get me off duty and let me focus only on helping you expanding the hog farm."

Last action for the round I use diplomacy with snux
I use my expertise from the knowledge nature skill to make everything I say about the hogs and farming look more believable
what I propose: selective breeding to create hogs better suited for specific tasks and also increase their number
expansion of the hog farm to include a field and equipment to skin the hogs effectively
making me a lackey of Snux and not having duty from now on or at least only have duty at the hog farm
I have Snux favor + if it helps with the check

2015-12-17, 10:55 AM

''Well, perhaps'' Hob answers noncommittally. He finishes his drink and glances at the door, indicating to Skiike, that he is dismissed.

Skiike [PM]

Crazy Rhid doesn’t have permission from the Chief, but he lives in a maze of trapped tunnels, and any attempt to do something about him, would mean losing a bunch of goblins to them. So far the costs of removing Crazy Rhid have outweighed the annoyance of his presence.

Crazy Rhid’s booze production is actually his way to feed himself, since he can’t get food from the kitchen and Chief's guards would nab him if they spot him in occupied tunnels. So he trades goblins booze for rations.

As to why nobody else produces booze, mostly lack of expertise & will. Rhid’s stuff is high quality and fairly safe to drink. Other goblin’s attempts weren’t.


The goblins seem to accept Jalax’es words, though they seem to be less enthusiastic about his dreams of changing the tribe.


Snux does look a bit befuddled at the Howl’s torrent of suggestions, but his reaction is not quite the one Howl expected. He whacks Howl’s head with his crook, making him fall and nearly bite his tongue. ''You think you know pigthies bether then Thnux?'' A jab follows. ''Thom upthstar thelp isth going to teeth me how to run my tharm?'' he delivers another smack. ''You think Thunx is thtupid?'' Snux relents with his wacks and lets Howl get up. ''You wanth to be my helpther, go thovel pigthit. Do thom good honestht work and we’ll thee, ith I can maketh thomthing outh of you.''


Narz & Marasia

''Well, if you don’t share stuff with us, then we don’t make fire for Shadowslinker.'' The two goblins prepare to search the Tower Yard.

Gwafhu [PM]

Gwafhu observation reveals, that there are actually 3 Metal Men - two patrolling, and one on standby, periodically switching with others. He determines, that one of the Metal Men is slower, than others, so when it's his turn to patrol, there's more time to investigate the docks. After some time studying, Gwafhu feels fairly secure, that he has worked out the pattern to Metal Men's movements.

[OOC: Do you proceed on the patterns you studied yourself or do you give that information to somebody else, so they would be more likely to succeed?]

Grob/Whistler [PM]

[OK. Waiting to hear Grob confirming action on his plan.]

Grob The Scribe [PM]

Sarudis whispers excitedly, her wings flapping: ''I know what you can do to save me! The birdcage you have - it looks about the same as the one I am in, but it’s older and weaker. If you put me into it, then nobody would notice and I would be able to escape later, without anybody realizing.''

[OOC: The Cages are the same type, but the one Sarudis is in, doesn’t look so old and worn out. Maybe Shadowslinker won’t notice, maybe he will…]

2015-12-17, 10:57 AM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Kurd considers and then nods. "Ok. I do that." Then he goes to find Xor to trade his token for the wolf pelt, then back to Koba to deliver that part of the bargain.

Finally Kurd goes to the dining hall where he plans to rest and relax. He's done a lot of running back and forth lately.

5. Rest in the dining hall
Misc. Save the extra food from wolf duty for next turn. If I get anything from the dining hall rest action save that as well.

2015-12-17, 12:40 PM
To Narz & Marasia, he replies: "I haven't grabbed anything to share yet. Besides, I want to make sure we have the replacement boat before we burn the ones we've got."

Assuming Grob & Whistler are near the docks, he'd likely notice them and open with: "If you're planning on running the dock, I might have sussed out the guard's walk about."

2015-12-17, 12:41 PM

Skiike leaves feeling a little better about himself and his position. He never had a sit down with one of the elites before, but other things were even more on his mind. Right now he had a token to spend.

Approaching the goblins in charge of giving out supplies, Skiike holds his token. Do yous guys have any tools to open locks? If not can I get a bow and arrows or a dagger?

Then it was off to Mondum, to see if he could help find Rhid. Getting Mondum while he wasn't working and preferably not around other elites, Skiike comes up Hey Mondum. Would you be able to help find Rhid? I thinkin you got a way to contact him.

2015-12-17, 01:52 PM
Grob the Scribe

"Yes! yes! Run away from each other to trick metal man!"

Looting: Execute the looting plan with whistler at the dock.

2015-12-17, 02:05 PM

Jalax was happy that he had successfully convinced three more goblins to his cause, but knew that he got to show them that he meant it. He started thinking about a way to help the tribe. He suddenly got an idea, he had checked out two of foods sources for the tribe, and the third source, the mushroom grove, was not in a secure enough location, for Jalax to consider improving right now. That meant the only food source left was the underground lake. To Jalaxs knowledge, the underground lake was not that big of a food source, but he hoped that meant that there was room for improvement. Jalax decided to take his followers down to the lake to see if they could come up with a good idea or two. He believed that it would be a good way to find out the ingenuity and intelligence of his new followers and his old ones too.

Jalax spend his last action on him and his followers coming up with a way to improve fishing in the underground lake, both the asset level and the trait level. He also tries to see how intelligence his followers seem to be, when they are trying to come up with a idea.

2015-12-17, 03:18 PM
Narz & Marasia

After they leave for the yard, Whistler will shrug and walk towards the raft on which Narz and Marasia rode across the lake. Quickly he will cut through the bindings and drag the branches up to the tower. Starting a fire is simple for an experienced forest goblin. As for Narz and Marasia - Whistler doubts they will need transportation back across the lake.

Break down the raft belonging to Narz and Marasia and set the fire as Shadowslinker requested. If there is more time, then sneak to the yard to observe Narz and Marasia.

Gwafu, Grob and the Docks

Whistler gives Gwafu his attention. "What did you find out?"

Playing keep away with three goblins is better than two. Let's join with Gwafu for the Dock looting.

2015-12-18, 06:04 AM
Gwafhu replies "First off, there's a slow poke in the ranks. When he's in the rotation you'd have more time to to work with. Their patrol also looks something like this." So saying, he makes a crude sketch in the dirt outlining what he's learned of their patrol pattern.

"So if we wanted to get at the boats, we might want to go something like this." He then trace a quick path around the patrols toward where the boats are moored.

He finishes with "Tricking them is a good plan, but I'd like to get as far as we can before pulling that. Running is tiring work and I'd rather not do it for too long. Maybe we start with sneaking and pull up the tricks as a big finish. If we're spread out as we sneak in, we can still start it early if one of us is spotted."

2015-12-18, 05:56 PM

It’s not a particularly difficult to come up with ways to improve fishing. The goblins stick to shallows, catching fish and other critters, that live in water. A boat to reach other parts of the lake, fishing poles and nets, better sources of light or just better organizing goblin-fishers, so they don’t scare half the fish away, by splashing wildly, would all help improve fish production.

Gwafhu, Grob, Whistler

Grob [PM]

Do you reply to Sarudis?

Whistler [PM]

You'll need extra action to spy on goblins investigating the Yard.


[OOC: I am assuming, that you are proceeding together following Gwafhu's plan. If it's not so, don't read the spoiler and tell me how you act.]


Gwafhu’s information proves accurate. The goblins wait for the slower Metal Man to start patrol. They time their move so the gap between the two Metal Men is widest and make their way into the docks warehouse. The whole building is a maze of crates - most of which seem to contain useless junk. Grob examines scribbles on the walls, claiming that they have some meaning - a system, that tells, where the good stuff is kept. His efforts to decipher the script are somewhat useful, as he manages to point to several crates of good stuff. There are two boats in the docks - and goblins begin to load them with goods, planning to make their escape on water. The lack of backpacks or like, limit the amount of goods transported - the crates themselves weigh too much to move them quickly enough. Metal Men pass and Whistler directs other goblins to hide, his skills somewhat useful in evading the enemy’s attention. Gwafhu shivers - the cold saps his strength and he nearly sneezes, when Metal Man passes by. Fortunately, he manages to fight the urge.

Finally, reaching the limit of their strength, the goblins untie the boat and leave the warehouse with the loot.

Boat 5
Mysterious Charts
Fishing Rod 2
30 Bags of Coffee Beans (2 Units)
30 Furs (2 Units)
10 Bottles with White Liquid
A pile of pretty shiny stones & metal circles (3 Units)
Longbow 4
Leather Armor 3



Scribbles raises an eyebrow. ''Tools to open locks? Ha. You are on Upper Keep Duty, right? Asking for means to open locks, when you are in a position to reach the very much locked treasury? Or Chief's private rooms? I think I’ll be reporting you to Rimbles, as a very suspicious goblin. There are rewards for keeping the order in the tribe this days.'' Scribbles makes a note of something in the scroll, he’s always carrying. ''You can have [Knife 1]''


''Find Rhid?’’ Mondum closes on Skiike. ''Yeah, I know how to find him, you sneaky stinkpot'' Some sense of preservation yells at Skiike and he jumps away, as kitchen knife swishes, failing to shank him in his kidneys. ''Trying to ruin me! I know you’ve been snooping around my rooms, digging up dirt, so you could replace me!'' Mondum hisses, his voice burning with rage and desperation. ''Well, Fingers always liked my meat pies, so let's make some together, you rat!''

Skiike’s quick reaction gave him some distance and thus options on how to deal with the situation. Unfortunately, the location he picked to talk to Mondum is away from other goblins, so there are no witnesses, playing into Mondum’s hands.

2015-12-18, 06:53 PM
[Grob the Scribe

Ooc: sorry didn't see sarudis

Grob thinks for a minute before deciding. The little creature could be very useful to his own research. But, he could get into big painful trouble...unless he came up with a good excuse as to how the switch happened without his knowledge. He didn't entirely know what the creature was but it had helped him and that was all he needed.

Grob whispers back "COLOR="#FF0000"]"yes, yes, we switch your cages[/COLOr]

Grob is going to wait for the other goblins to be distracted or start heading to the docks to the switch and then drapes one of the robes over the cage to also better help hide sarudis.

2015-12-18, 06:54 PM

"I done workin there already, which is how I earned the token. I wantin to learn a trade so I's can go adventurin, but dagger help with that just as much.

Skiike will work some of his illusion magic to make it hard for Mondum to see or hit Skiike (I like the idea of making a blinding light in front of Mondum's face.
Lots of goblin society questions to determine if I run or fight.
Would Skiike know if Mondum is way more powerful then Skiike?
If Mondum's body is found how hard will they look for the killer?
What kind of punishment would be in store for the killer?
Are hobgoblins a lot larger than goblins?
Does Skiike know if Mondum is supporting either the chief or Nezz?

2015-12-18, 10:26 PM
Narz & Marasia

Ok, I think I used my final action to start the fires, right? What's the deal on pushing for an extra action?

2015-12-19, 03:27 AM
After having studied the underground lake with his followers, Jalax decided that he should have a conversation with Hob about it, hoping to gain his support. When Jalax find Hob, he says the following: “Taskmaster, I have an offer. I want to try to improve the fishing at the underground lake and I hoped that you would assigned me and my associates the duty at the lake next season. The reason I am asking for this is because it would allow me to dedicate more time to the task.” Jalax hoped that Hob believed him when he said he wanted to improve the fishing, since that was only a few goblins, who would really mean it.

Jalax is asking about being assigned fishing duty next season, together with his five followers.

2015-12-19, 05:31 AM

Hob waves a hand, absentmindedly, ''Yes, not a duty one usually volunteers for, so I can give you a chance. I'll make a note of it.''


Narz & Marsia [PM]

I didn't count the action of exploring the Docks at that point. But with it, yes all 5 actions spent.


Mondum [PM]

Skiike tries to befuddle Mondum, but his opponent undeterred, stabs him with a knife. Thinking that he'd prefer to keep his insides on the inside, Skiike bolts. Mondum is in persuit and the two play a game of cat and mouse, as Skiike navigates the dark tunnels, trying to hide from his pursuer. He receives another stab wound, though not as bad as the first one. Despite losing blood and feeling woozy, Skiike manages to get into one of the populated caverns. Mondum doesn't emerge - killing Skiike in the open view of other goblins, is something a Goblin Hero can get away with, but it's enough to give an Elite pause.

Skiike suffered [Moderate] and [Severe] wounds.


Grob [PM]

''Thank you!'' Sarudis exclaims. ''I'll find you, once I make my escape.''


Narz and Marsia go to explore the Yard. They return with scratches and singed clothed, but very much alive, having recovered [Hatchet 2], [Dagger 2], [Feather & Ink 2] and a [Bottle with silvery liquid].

[OOC: I'll be starting new turn tomorrow. If you plan some tricks or more exploration, feel free to post it before then. The return to tribe will be handled in EoT.]

2015-12-19, 10:22 AM
Schliska searches the Hogswoods, looking for another suitable place for construction.

2015-12-19, 11:14 AM

Schliska returns, having discovered a location, suitable for a lumberyard.

2015-12-19, 02:36 PM
"Thanks, I promise that me and my associates are going to do a good job.” Jalax said. He was just about leave, before he came up with another question he needed to ask. “How many goblins, do you usually assign to fishing duty?” Jalax asked, hoping to get an idea of how much fishing equipment he and his followers needed to make.

2015-12-19, 03:41 PM
Fard takes the team to the location and builds it.

Spend one Action to build Lumber Yard

2015-12-20, 03:05 AM
After they get the boats back to the landing Gwafhu will take a moment try to get a feel for the items to see if any set off the kind of tingling he gets from his wand. Starting with the pile of shiny bits and moving on to the bottles, with a quick pass over the remaining items after that.

Once that's done, he'll work on the second fire. After that, he'd be tempted by the tower yard, but reluctant to leave the haul on the boats.

A quick run and grab on the yard is tempted, but I think my actions are mostly used up. Hopefully the magical background will help give me a hunch on which items, if any, in the loot might be magical.

2015-12-24, 10:47 AM
Turn 3 EoT


The tribe now has a troop of warhogs and a new lumberyard in the Hogwoods.


Shadowslinker returns, looking worn out, his cloak singed. He seems surprised to find all goblins alive and with considerable amount of loot. ''Well, well, you followed my instructions without screwing up. Unexpected. Get the stuff into the boat's - Chief Soxkill takes his tax first'' Shadowslinker spits, clearly disliking the prospect of tribe taxation. ''I’ll take my share then and you keep the rest.''

Shadowslinker sails the newly recovered boat alone, leaving his old one to the goblins. It’s getting dark as the boats pass the gnarled old trees on the west bank. Something makes goblin adventurer approach the bird cage with Sarudis. ‘’What’s that? You’ve been suspiciously quiet all this time.’’ he asks, lifting the cloth to see the creature. And Sarudis bursts through the bar of the cage, suddenly free. She goes for Shadowslinker’s face, her claws drawing blood. The goblin yells, as Sarudis rips an eye out and laughing tosses it into the lake. Shadowslinker swings his blade, but the creatures dodges it - then transforming in midflight into something bigger and furrier, she hits him in chest. Shadowslinker loses balance and falls into the lake.

Sarudis hovers above the lake, but Shadowslinker never emerges. She laughs and sends a kiss to goblins, who frantically sail to the location of their quick battle. ''I’ve got to talk to my big friend. Be seeing you, you stinky, stupid dretch excrements. Be seeing you real soon.'' With a laugh she shoots into the sky and flies away.

Whistler [PM]

You can shoot either Shadowslinker or Sarudis with your bow. It won’t change the immidiate outcome, but it may have some effect.


The Chief’s Guard await at the Sunken Keep. ''Goods inspection, to make sure you aren’t stealing nothing from the tribe'' says Musarak, one of Soxkill’s elites. ''Where’s Shadowslinker?''

In absence of Shadowslinker Musarak prepares to take the following items as ''Chief’s Tax'':

[OOC: If you wish to argue with Musarak or convince him to take other items, feel free]

Grob, The Scribe

5 x Stacks of Paper
Robe of Apprentice 2 [Taken]
Healer’s Gloves 4
Old Birdcage 1 [Taken]

Warehouse Venture

Boat 5
Mysterious Charts
Fishing Rod 2
30 Bags of Coffee Beans (2 Units)
30 Furs (2 Units) [Taken]
5 Bottles with White Liquid [Taken]
5 Bottles with White Liquid
A pile of pretty shiny stones & metal circles (3 Units)
Longbow 4 [Taken]
Leather Armor 3 [Taken]

Narz & Marsia

Hatchet 2 [Taken]
Dagger 2 [Taken]
Ink & Feather
Bottle with Silvery Liquid

Shadowslinker's Stash [PM]

Iron Shield 4 [Taken]
Wooden Staff

Gwafhu [PM]

It seems that Bottles with White Liquid taken from Warehouse and Bottle with Silvery Liquid recovered by Marsia, gloves, that Grob retrieved and Wooden Staff of Shadowslinker have some magic in them. If Gwafhu could get his hands on them, maybe he could do some real magic?


One morning Zunk, one of the Kurd’s followers doesn’t get up. The goblins check his body and discover that his throat was slit. Who could have done it and why? Kurd's remaining followers look uneasy - will one of them be next?

Turn 4

Kurd & Jalax: +1 Stat
Fard: +1 Con, +1 Dex
Whistler: +1 Wis, +1 Dex
Kurd: +1 Str, +1 Con
Howl: +1 Con

[OOC: Don’t forget you can use food to gain stat for the turn.]


Fard: Fishing Duty
Whistler: Stinky Tunnels Duty
Howl: Temple Duty
Jalax: Fishing Duty
Skiike: Upper Keep Duty
Gwafhu: Stinky Tunnels Duty


It rains and rains and rains. It no violent thunderstorms, just an endless downpour that is bringing everybody’s spirits down.


All are talking about upcoming raid - Scourge and Kurd shall go and bring back riches to the tribe. All goblins are free to volunteer, though such troops are usually expendable meat shields, that protect the actually valuable goblins. Surprisingly, it seems Kranch’s troops will stay to ’’defend the Keep.’’ Is he actually a Raid Leader, when he does no raids?

Shadowslinker Missing

Shadowslinker recently left with handpicked goblins to explore some dungeon. They returned, where he did not. It seems pretty clear, that he got murdered by the greedy goblins - Chief Soxkill has called Grob, Whistler, Gwafhu, Narz and Marsia to explain, what happened on that journey, to determine their guilt.


Shadowslinker was murdered on orders of Nezz. He was a secret assassin for Soxkill, the one who killed one of Nezz’es elites during wolf attack.

A horseman has been wandering the Hogwoods.

They say there used to be a city, somewhere west past the Hobgoblin camp. It’s people died of some plague, leaving all of their riches for the plundering.

There’s actually a hidden tunnel, that can get one through the collapsed rubble, down at the Sunken Keep.

There’s a secret agent of Hobgoblins within the Sunken Keep. He or she has been feeding information to Hobgoblins.

There’s a plot to assassinate one of the Goblin Heroes and scatter his or her followers.

2015-12-24, 11:22 AM

To Kurd:
Skiike approaches Kurd and his on guard men, "Is you gonna be leadin the raid since Kranch is stayin back"

OOC: Is the raid happening this turn or next turn

2015-12-24, 12:12 PM
Grob the Scribe

Well that was certainly unexpected, shadowslinker wasn't lying about the creature likely being able to kill them all...better Shadowslinker than him though. Hopefully when Sarudis returned, whatever she was, she would spare Grob for his help. Otherwise Grob knew enough to hide in his hole until the big bad nasty was finishing her murderous rampage.


"No, No. No take Apprentice robes! Not useful for tribe as whole. Grob needs them for his work. Tribe should take the boat instead! Help tribe fish. Good boat."

Shadowslinker Missing

Grob reports immediately to Chief Soxkill to give his version of the story before other lying, stinky Goblins say anything bad about Grob. Approaching the guards he says "Grob the Scribe here by order of the Chief!"

2015-12-25, 12:15 AM
Is it possible that instead of shooting during Sarudis' attack, Whistler could instead dive into the water after Shadowslinker? Shadowslinker's Favor is one of Whistler's traits - and with his skill at Survival (and his warm clothing) - I'm thinking he could help Shadowslinker survive the encounter and make it to shore.

2015-12-25, 12:39 PM

Whistler jumps after the Shadowslinker into the water. As goblins sails around on their boats and yell for him and Shadowslinker, neither surface. Narz proposes that they sail to the shore of the Dark Wood - if goblins survived, they would have reached land there. But other goblins feel uneasy about the place, as the light fades and opt to sail home.

Whistler’s Fate

Whistler peers into the dark water - it’s a tough job to spot where Shadowslinker has gone, there’s a powerful current. Whistler lets himself be carried to the shore and there he spots a figure climbing thick roots of a tree. He swims there and climbs after the figure - Shadowslinker.

Check DC3: Win (3 Successes)
Skills: [CON][Perception][Survival]

’’They are coming’’ Shadowslinker hisses. ’’She attacked me here, because she knew they’ll try to take me. We must run.’’ Whistler pauses uncertain of Shadowslinker’s words, but then he remembers, that he knows about this place. An unnatural, horrible place, where something dark lives. They must run. Whistler quickly realizes, that the inhabitants of the Dark Wood would cut off their escape - the goblins on the boats yell for them, but it’s too dangerous to go there.

They run through the woods, pursued by something unseen. Yet, Whistler can sense it, a malign presence, that is trying to circle around and trap them. And then… It doesn’t seem like Whistler and Shadowslinker could fight it, even if they were in their top form. They stop at the point, where an old path splits in two and Whistler finds Shadowslinker’s eyes on himself. With sudden certainty Whistler knows, that the other goblin is considering abandoning him - of the two, even with damage he suffered Shadowslinker is more likely to survive and he may gain more time, if their pursuer catches up to Whistler. Shadowslinker reaches a conclusion and beckons Whistler. Together they continue to run - then sudden cold wave hits them and Whistler’s movements slow down. It feels like coldness is reaching into his heart, and it’s beats grow fewer and fewer. A loud explosion rocks the forest - Shadowslinker tossed something behind them, Whistler fights the temptation to turn around and see their pursuer. A moment of hesitation may be the death of him. They continue to run and suddenly there are no more trees around them. Whistler falls down exhausted, fearing what would come out of the woods. But no monster emerges. ’’They can’t live the woods.’’ says Shadowslinker. ’’Who?’’ asks Whistler, between gasps. ’’Don’t know.’’ answers Shadowslinker.

Check DC5: Win (6 Successes)
Skills Used: [WIS][Survival][Knowledge: Nature][Perception][Shadowslinker’s Favor]
Warm Clothes: Negate Winter Penalty

Whistler and Shadowslinker find themselves at a desolate, empty area. In the east are the woods that they have left, but around as far as eye can see is empty expanse of barren land. Shadowslinker tends to his wounds, while speaking. ’’We can’t go back through the woods, it’s suicide. We have only two options to get back to the tribe. If we go north, we’ll reach marsh, past which is the Hobgoblin Camp. I have dealt with them a few times, but it’s risky. There was that talk of a raid - if Sunken Keep attacks them, then Hobgoblins would have kill first, attitude for any goblin. That is if they don’t hang us as spies. I haven’t been to the south - if we can circle the lake, then eventually, we may reach the Sunken Keep, but what waits us there, could be anything.

[You are currently located in the Wastes, west of Darkwood. You lack mounts or traveling equipment, so your traveling speed is low. You don't get Food from the Kitchen, so unless you use your reserves, you'll have -1 Stat]

[You can reach the Hobgoblin Camp in 1 Action. If you could walk openly through Hobgoblin Camp, you could reach Sunken Keep in another Action. If you try to sneak through or fight through, it'll take 1 Action to pass Hobgoblin Camp and then another action to reach Sunken Keep.]

[If you travel south, it'll take 1 Action per Territory traveled, as Shadowslinker doesn't know the terrain, until you reach the Lushwoods. Of course favorable terrain or finding something like an old road would speed things up. You would be able to build a boat, if you find a wooded area near the lake.]


Hobgoblin Camp

Mushroom Woods

Sunken Keep

Mountain Path

Ogre Mine



Still Lake

Firefly Marsh

Long-Nose Peak



Deep Lake

Lush Woods


Sternturm Isle Lake

Southside Lake



Grob The Scribe


''Okay. Keep the robes. I'll take the boat.''

[OOC: I'll need to know how you divide the stuff from Warehouse raid (with Whistler absent). Narz & Marsia are willing to trade their stuff at this point.]

Chief Soxkill's Inquiry

Chief Soxkill has Musarak and Gud by his side, as Grob, Narz and Marsia arrive. He seems to be in no mood for long tales. ''Well, tell me what happened and be quick about it.'' he snaps at the goblins.

2015-12-25, 10:36 PM
Whistler's Fate

[OOC: I'll use my reserve when it becomes necessary to prevent losing a stat. If Shadowslinker were to train me in stealth for one action, could we benefit from that training during an attempt to sneak past the Hobgoblins? I am currently at +2 Dex thanks to resting in the Dining Halls last turn, so hopefully one action of Stealth for Beginners by Professor Shadowslinker could be enough to let us slip past the Hobgoblins unnoticed. So that would be 1 action for Stealth training, 1 action to travel to the Hobgoblin Camp, and 2 actions to sneak past the camp and get home. Also, I assume I still have my equipment (Bow and Arrows 3, Fur Clothing) in case we do get in a fight with Hobgoblins?]

"You know I will follow your lead, but I have a suggestion if you wanna hear it. I think maybe we stay put for a day and let that eye heal up a bit, maybe you could show me a few tricks to improve my sneaking, then we head north and slip right past those Hobos. If the Wolfslayer does lead his raid, it may make it even easier for us. He's good at making himself the center of attention."

[OOC: Also, I gotta say - this is a really cool story arc.]

2015-12-26, 07:26 AM
Jalax woke up with more energy, than he was used to. He could already feel the changes of his new rules in the way life were in the hall. Jalax was ready to work, and started the day with gathering his followers. When he had found them, they would together start working on making fishing equipment. Jalax intended to make enough of it, so everybody on fishing duty would have some. Jalax also decided to see if he could find someone to talk about using the tribes new boat in the underground lake. It would save Jalax the time required to build one and the boat seemed to be of a good quality.

Jalax will spend 1 action with his followers making fishing equipment. He will also find someone to talk with about the boat. Lastly the stat Jalax got from better shelter will go to increase his con from -2 to -1.

2015-12-26, 07:18 PM
Grob the Scribe

Chief Soxkill's Inquiry

Grob clears his throat and speaks "Shadowslinker had cage with a creature inside. Creature said it worked with the mages and told Shadowslinker about the island. Shadowslinker told us that creature was very dangerous and to stay away. On boat, Shadowslinker went over to the cage and the nasty broke out and attacked him, throwing him off boat! Whistler jumped in after Shadowslinker. Creature turned into giant monster and told us she would see us soon and flew away!"

Loot: Warehouse

Grob is going to claim the mysterious charts and the pretty stones and circles.

@Narz & Marsia

Grob wants to trade the pretty stones and circles with Narz and Marsia in exchange for the ink and feather.

OOC: I assume Grob gets to keep all the stuff he looted personally that wasn't taken?

2015-12-27, 07:57 AM

Soxkill’s Inquiry

’’Quite a fantastic story. Are you sure you didn’t just murder him to keep valuable stuff to yourself?’’ Soxkill asks casually. ’’Where did this creature come from you say? Some sort of Mages?’’


[OOC: I’ll wait a couple days for Gwafhu to voice his loot preferences, before proceeding. The stuff looted personally goes to you, unless somebody opts to take it away by force.]



Jalax and his followers make several [Fishing Rods 1].


’’You want a boat for fishing?’’ Musarak asks. ’’I don’t know. You’ll probably scratch or stink it. What if Chief decides to catch some sun on the lake?’’ Considering the downpour outside, that is unlikely, but it’s clear the Elite is considering to just send Jarlax away with a kick, for wasting his time.


Whistler [PM]

Shadowslinker gives a slight nod. ’’Yes. That is a wise course of action. Only fools rush without preparations. I’ll show you some tricks.’’

Shadowslinker and Whistler spend time, recovering from their wounds and exhaustion, and Whistler learns from Shadowslinker ways of passing unnoticed and hiding his trail. His great knowledge and skill help Whistler quickly make progress.

Whistler gains [Skill: Stealth 1].
[OOC: You have enough XP, that 1 more Action would improve your Stealth to 2.]


0. Do you proceed through Marshes to sneak past the Hobgoblin Camp?
1. You are going to lose 1 Stat point from hunger. All goblins automatically consume 1 Food from the Kitchens, which provides -1 Stat Status. Since you don’t have access to Kitchen’s free food, at this point your food consumption for turn is 0, which increases penalty to -2 Stats.
2. It is quite cool, totally changed Shadowslinker’s fate. Whistler was pretty much the only goblin there with a chance to pull it off. The Dark Wood is a high tier location, that goblins at this stage of game have very little chance to survive.
3. If you manage to reach Sunken Keep, you will receive a Title and Class Level: Ranger, so good luck.
4. In theory, if you work to improve your Favor with Shadowslinker, he may make you his apprentice, which would provide you second Ranger Class Level.

2015-12-27, 02:46 PM
Jalax hoped that they had made enough fishing rods, but he knew that they would soon find out.

The boat
”We will be careful with the boat and if the chief wants it we can just deliver it back. What you really need to think about, is how the boat is going to help us catch more fish and that if we catch more fish, then the tribe is going to have more food, and if the tribe has more food, then I believe that the chiefs most trusted servants are going to get some of that extra food.” Jalax said to Musarak, hoping that the idea of more food would allow Jalax to use the boat.

2015-12-28, 12:55 AM
Whistler [PM]

After a tough day of training, Whistler addresses his teacher with great sincerity and respect in his voice ...

"I have learned more in the past several days than in any season I have spent with the tribe. I know much was lost during the attack, but I managed to save this {takes out the wolf jerky}. This small meal is not enough to show my appreciation, but hopefully it will help with your recovery. Please accept it with my thanks. "

"We can leave when you're ready. Kurd doesn't seem the patient type - and he does like to fight during a storm - so I think his raid will begin soon, before the weather changes. There is probably time to spend one more day practicing what you have taught me before we leave, if you think that is wise, to best increase the chances of sneaking by those Hobos."

Yes, lets travel through the Marshes and sneak past the Hobgoblin Camp.

Shadowslinker doesn't appear to have his own food reserves, so give him mine. He probably needs it more than Whistler anyway, considering the severity of that wound.

Hopefully Shadowslinker agrees to spend one more action training me in Stealth before we continue this journey.

Also ... being Shadowslinker's apprentice would be awesome ...

2015-12-28, 11:45 AM
Kurd, the Wolfslayer

Weapons for Everyone
Before it is time to go out raiding it is necessary that the goblins under Kurd's command actually be armed with something more than branches. So he tells them to gather some materials and make crude spears. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. He expects that he'll have to do most of the fighting himself anyway.

Murder in the Halls
While his flunkies are busy arming themselves Kurd has another matter to attend to. Specifically the murder of Zunk. Now Kurd did not particularly care for Zunk. But Zunk was Kurd's lackey, and Kurd's simple mind is very clear on the fact that the only one allowed to hurt Kurd's lackeys is Kurd himself.

As such Kurd is in a towering rage that anyone dared to murder one of his goblins. Who do they think they are to get away with such an act. Not being a subtle sort Kurd starts by intimidating the goblins who lived in the same hall as Zunk into telling him what they know.

Kurd puffs up with bravado at the words of the other goblin. He hadn't really thought about, but yes he is going to be a raid leader. One of his life long dreams at last being realized. At last there will be much fighting and looting.

"Yes, I be leading it."

And yes, it should be happening this turn.

Food: Use a food to gain a point of charisma. Do that first so it applies to the actions.

Action 1: Go hunting around to see if Kurd can find out who murdered Zunk.

I believe Kurd's current stats are:

Str +3
Dex -1
Con +2
Wis -1
Int -1
Cha 1

What is the level of Kurd's Armor?

Is he still wounded?

2015-12-28, 12:07 PM

Thinking to himself for a few moments Skiike responds Well, I wont be much help this month, I'm still a bit hurt from a cooking accident. He looks at his gut, which has an open wound But if you needs anythin done here let me know. I bet you gonna be a great raider an dats tha kinda goblin I'd like to be friends with.

2015-12-28, 01:13 PM
Grob the Scribe

Soxkill Inquiry

"No, chief! The monster attacked him. Shadowslinker said the creature worked with the mages that lived across the lake. They have metal men protecting them!"

Delivering Papers: Grob is going to bring 3 papers to Scribbles

Crafting: Grob is going to try to find a tailor to make his new apprentice robe fit him and to use the spare material from it to create a wizard's hat.

Studying: Grob is going to focus on refining his magic and making it more predictable.

Deciphering charts: Grob is going to try to figure out what the charts he looted from the mages mean.

2015-12-28, 07:57 PM
On Shadowslinker: "I don't know how that beastie got loose. Guess it could have gnawed or clawed something loose. Not sure why it broke out at that moment though. I didn't hear it breaking out however it managed it."

On the loot: Gwafu's brow rises, "The chief is brave indeed to take on those bottles himself, having no fear of the strange magics they might hold. Unless the chief in his wisdom is looking for some to unravel their secrets for the good of the tribe. If that's the case, I have tinkered with such magics and may be willing to take on those experiments. I may even find a way to make more given enough to work with." After a pause, he continues "Of course, I'd understand if the chief might want to hold some item while those experiments are done, perhaps some of the beans retrieved on the raid."

On the side, Gwafu will ask around about Shadowslinker's staff and see if anyone else lays claim to it. If not, he will offer to hold it for him until he returns.

While on stinky tunnel duty with Whistler, he'll ask about what he saw on the island and what he knows of the creature that got loose.

If I can negotiate for the potions, I'll use actions experimenting with those. Otherwise, I may be some further craftwork on the spear, possibly covering it with engravings.

On a side note, do goblins know how to prepare coffee? If so, I may be able to sweeten the deal by offering to prepare some.

2015-12-28, 09:31 PM
Whistler dived into the water after Shadowslinker. He didn't return to the Sunken Keep (and so was not assigned a Duty this season.)