View Full Version : Pathfinder Arcanist built - optimization

2015-11-15, 01:15 PM

my new PF group has a rather strong inclination towards powergaming. So in order to not end up as the weaker one of the two arcane casters, I am very much interested in optimizing my Arcanist.

The Character is a witchborn Changeling, and I'm still undecided whether she will be a basic Arcanist or a School Savant Divination. The idea of the latter would be to later use Prescience against monsters with spell resistance, and in case of a good dice roll, follow up with a save or die spell powered by Potent Magic, possibly with a -2 luck bonus if I had time to use Foretell, for example during rounds with bad Prescience rolls. Prescience would also be used in combination with Counterspell and Greater Counterspell. And be incredibly helpful whenever a skill check of any kind has to be made.
Sounds nice and fun, but the downside is, School Savant would cost me three early exploits (on level 1, 3 and 7). As feats and exploits are pretty much exchangeable for the Arcanist, it would come down to paying three feats mainly for the ability to preroll.

The obvious result would be: Not that many feats left for other fun stuff. But what do I need really? To be honest, the only thing of which I'm absolutely sure that I want it is Improved Initiative. And when I'm high level Quicken Spell. But what else? I suppose Empower Spell is generally a good choice. Persistent Spell would go well with save or die, but adding 2 levels may not be worth it. Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration might be useful. Did I miss anything?