View Full Version : Help with psionics

2015-11-15, 10:28 PM

So, if someone stays in the middle of the wall, do they take damage (as is reasonable), or not? It only says when they pass through it. And, do they take damage every round (again, I find that rather reasonable)?

And what about objects? Can I set a sonic wall against a real wall to demolish it over a number of rounds?

2015-11-16, 04:29 AM
I would rule it this way. Being in contact with the energy is what causes the damage. As i read it, the power does not forbid manifesting it in an occupied space.

2015-11-16, 09:44 AM
Depending on where/how you place it, standing on top of the right side of it would count as being "within 10 ft." and so the "waves of energy" clause would provide the sort of ongoing damage you're looking for.

And yes, you can prop a sonic wall up next to a real wall (which also counts as "within 10 ft.") and grab your forehead Charles Xavier-style to eventually demolish it.

Note also the Energy Conversion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyConversion.htm) trick. Stand on/near the business end of your own wall and fire free rays; you will need extra standard actions (e.g. a Schism or Solicit Psicrystal) to do it, but you will double the damage coming out of your wall per round that way, at least to a given section of whatever you're trying to destroy.