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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Gloaming (Forgotten Realms)

M Placeholder
2015-11-16, 12:18 PM

A guide in Underdark (http://corbeauprophet.deviantart.com/art/A-guide-in-underdark-436884287) by corbeauprophet.

The descendants of natives of Toril and the Plane of Shadow, the gloamings are a rare race that are often mistaken for tieflings by those few that encounter them.

Touched by the Plane of Shadow, with dark furry wings that seems almost umbral, catlike eyes that reflect light and luminescent skin, gloamings are made to thrive in the shadows. A gloaming can vary the amount of light glowing from its skin, from none to as bright as a torch.

Gloamings are naturally curious and pride themselves in their individuality, and this is manifested in a few tattoos that creates interesting shading effects when light is glowing from their skins.

Gloamings hate the drow, and the feeling is mutual, stoked by a legend that tells how the drow learned some of their dark magic from the incarceration of unfortunate gloamings many generations in the past. The Illithids are also hated, though the mind flayers find the gloamings inedible, poor slaves and unsuited for the propagation of their race.

As a gloaming, you have the following traits -

Ability Score Increase – Your dexterity increases by 1 and your charisma by 1
Age – A gloaming reaches adulthood at age 13 and can live to be over 300 years old
Size – Gloamings stand between 2 foot 8 and 3 foot 3 and weigh around 25 pounds. Your size is small
Speed – your base speed is 25 feet
Low Light Vision – You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.
Sunlight Blindness – abrupt exposure to bright light blinds you for one round, and you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom Checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight
Glide in Shadows - you have a flying speed of 40 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armour
Luminescence – as an action, you can make your skin provide illumination equal to that produced by any light source up to and including a torch, or mute the glow.
Slide in Shadow – you have proficiency in stealth
Psionic Resistance – You have resistance to Psychic damage and advantage on saves against psionic abilities
Language – You can speak Undercommon and Common

The Gloamings appeared in the 3.5 Sourcebook Underdark

M Placeholder
2015-11-16, 12:26 PM
Here is my conversion of the gloamings, a race that can fly and lives in the Underdark of Toril. I balanced it on the Musicus scale, and the small size helped with offsetting the flying. I'm not sure how useful they would be in a campaign on the surface, but here they are anyhow.