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View Full Version : DnD Drinking Game!

2015-11-16, 01:00 PM
Hey guys!

So I'm having a birthday party and I want to make it DnD themed. Namely, I want to invent a drinking game using DnD ideas.

The main concept would be that upon arrival everyone picks a class. I guess I can start with Rogue, Fighter, Wizard, and Cleric. I want each class to have a different special ability, like a Rogue being able to swap drinks between two players, a Fighter being able to take drinks for another player, and the Wizard being able to turn drinks into other kinds of drinks.

Maybe different types of monsters = different types of booze? Beholders are whiskey, orcs are beer, mind flayers are wine?

Now I just need to figure out...well all the important parts! How you win, how to incorporate dice, how to set it up so that games end after a few drinks and no one hurts themselves.

EDIT: So I had a thought. I'm gonna set up four or five different "encounters" in my apartment, each with a variety of different shots/cocktails that need to be done. Once a drink is finished, they come see me, and I award treasure. Whoever has the highest score wins?


Here's my set up as it stands right now:

Set up each encounter as a "menu". My "Goblin Raid" encounter might have a Red Dragon (Fireball and Hard Cider), 2 Goblins (Light Beers, nice and easy), a Hobgoblin (Stout). I can keep track of whatever guests are on which encounter on my white board, along with their class.

Players attempt to defeat the monsters by rolling their d20s (that's the party favor) and noting what happens on the encounter sheet. A 11+ hits and a 10- misses most monsters. Missing a monster causes them to have to take a sip, or, if it's a dragon, everyone has to drink! Different classes might be good and receive bonuses at different types of monsters/drinks? Don't want to make it too complicated. At the end of an encounter, each player gets a set amount of XP and can hook up with a different group to try the next encounter! Player with the most XP at the end of the night wins a Nerf sword or something. (There's gonna be like 10 of us.)

While I like the idea of the clerics giving out water or coffee, I don't want people to feel like drinking water if they're feeling bad is cheating or unallowed. I'd rather have a "unconscious" condition, maybe if you finish your drink for rolling poorly before the monster is "defeated", you fall unconscious, but a cleric can get you back in the game! (This would give the cleric a share of your XP as well, so would the Fighter using his/her ability to to take some of your drink into a separate glass and help you with it.)

Does that make a lick of sense? Too complicated? Too simple?

Kol Korran
2015-11-16, 01:30 PM
I once had an idea for a short game, that isn't exactly like your idea, but might be funderstand, or provide some inspiration.

The players play the protectors of a famous brewery, one which even has magical powers! But bad times are coming, where draconic laws of prohibition have been declared, and the wretched fun spoiling sect of sobriety (find a better name) has come hard on all alcohol makers in the land, and now they are coming for you!

basically, this short game features one battle site- the brewery, beset by hordes of blasted sober lawmen and fanatics. This plays like this:
- single battle site, with lots of options to use the terrain and features.
- party start at about level 5-6, enough to have options and survive against many minion like enemies, but not forever.
- the DM throws hordes after hordes of those who would like to take down the place, escalating steadily but quickly.
- the party has a few simple magic items, but... they can use the power of alcohol! By drinking "magical" drink (taking the appropriate stimulus in real life, at the table) they can do all kind of stuff, such as heal wounds, move faster, strike better, regain limited use abilities (spells, rage rounds, bardic music and so on). In order to survive, they will need to drink, more and more, as the hordes get tougher, and their initial resources thinner...
- each horde/ special enemy defeated/ certain opportunity goals met, theDM Hasbro,drink as well!
- you can add "dares" to the game- a player may want to do something outrageous, but will have to drink more for that (be... creative), and players and DM may call each other to either succeed at some feat or drink, and such.

the challenge will be to see how maby hordes you manage to live through, or see who gets plastered last? If it's the last, make sure to have a place first people to crash and sleep the night...

Good luck!

2015-11-16, 01:41 PM
Oh! Okay, so the drinking is a GOOD thing, lets them use their special abilities? I like it!

Mixing drinks throughout the night to represent different monsters isn't all that great any way. It's a cool idea but someone might get sick.

The Glyphstone
2015-11-16, 02:06 PM
Any chance you can get your hands on a copy of Red Dragon Inn (http://www.amazon.com/Slugfest-Games-SFG004-Red-Dragon/dp/0976914417)? It's already D&D: The Drinking Game, so just substitute real drinks whenever you would 'drink' in the game itself and you are good.

It's also a fun game in its own right, even stone-cold sober, so it'd be a good investment if you have friends to play it with every so often.

2015-11-17, 12:50 AM
Who's drinking, the PCs or the players? The NPCs or the GM?

2015-11-17, 07:34 AM
Who's drinking, the PCs or the players? The NPCs or the GM?

All of the above

2015-11-17, 09:07 AM
Who's drinking, the PCs or the players? The NPCs or the GM?

Everyone there. I guess I'm the closest thing to a "GM" there cause I'm designing the game? But I wanna play it too, just to see if it's any good.

2015-11-17, 10:10 AM
The Ranger can make an animal drink it for him and The Paladin can drink while handing out black coffee so people won't get drunk, but at the same time

Cleric can just hand out black coffee, but drink after he has handed one out

I hope this isn't a 6 year old's birthday party :smallbiggrin:

2015-11-17, 09:09 PM
I hope this isn't a 6 year old's birthday party :smallbiggrin:

Don't worry, I'm turning 9.

But I rethought it. And bad or not, the idea of making different monsters different drinks is too good to pass up.

Here's my set up as it stands right now:

Set up each encounter as a "menu". My "Goblin Raid" encounter might have a Red Dragon (Fireball and Hard Cider), 2 Goblins (Light Beers, nice and easy), a Hobgoblin (Stout). I can keep track of whatever guests are on which encounter on my white board, along with their class.

Players attempt to defeat the monsters by rolling their d20s (that's the party favor) and noting what happens on the encounter sheet. A 11+ hits and a 10- misses most monsters. Missing a monster causes them to have to take a sip, or, if it's a dragon, everyone has to drink! Different classes might be good and receive bonuses at different types of monsters/drinks? Don't want to make it too complicated. At the end of an encounter, each player gets a set amount of XP and can hook up with a different group to try the next encounter! Player with the most XP at the end of the night wins a Nerf sword or something. (There's gonna be like 10 of us.)

While I like the idea of the clerics giving out water or coffee, I don't want people to feel like drinking water if they're feeling bad is cheating or unallowed. I'd rather have a "unconscious" condition, maybe if you finish your drink for rolling poorly before the monster is "defeated", you fall unconscious, but a cleric can get you back in the game! (This would give the cleric a share of your XP as well, so would the Fighter using his/her ability to to take some of your drink into a separate glass and help you with it.)

Does that make a lick of sense? Too complicated? Too simple?

2015-11-17, 09:19 PM
Don't worry, I'm turning 9.

But I rethought it. And bad or not, the idea of making different monsters different drinks is too good to pass up.

Here's my set up as it stands right now:

Set up each encounter as a "menu". My "Goblin Raid" encounter might have a Red Dragon (Fireball and Hard Cider), 2 Goblins (Light Beers, nice and easy), a Hobgoblin (Stout). I can keep track of whatever guests are on which encounter on my white board, along with their class.

Players attempt to defeat the monsters by rolling their d20s (that's the party favor) and noting what happens on the encounter sheet. A 11+ hits and a 10- misses most monsters. Missing a monster causes them to have to take a sip, or, if it's a dragon, everyone has to drink! Different classes might be good and receive bonuses at different types of monsters/drinks? Don't want to make it too complicated. At the end of an encounter, each player gets a set amount of XP and can hook up with a different group to try the next encounter! Player with the most XP at the end of the night wins a Nerf sword or something. (There's gonna be like 10 of us.)

While I like the idea of the clerics giving out water or coffee, I don't want people to feel like drinking water if they're feeling bad is cheating or unallowed. I'd rather have a "unconscious" condition, maybe if you finish your drink for rolling poorly before the monster is "defeated", you fall unconscious, but a cleric can get you back in the game! (This would give the cleric a share of your XP as well, so would the Fighter using his/her ability to to take some of your drink into a separate glass and help you with it.)

Does that make a lick of sense? Too complicated? Too simple?

I want to come, but I don't have a designated driver

2015-11-17, 09:27 PM
I want to come, but I don't have a designated driver

Gondar and my boat are probably pretty far, anyway.

2015-11-21, 04:47 PM
mind flayers are wine?

No! Not the dreaded Wine Flayers! :smallbiggrin:

2015-11-23, 10:15 AM
Guys, it went GREAT! The encounters were actually stupid easy (A friend of mine solo'd all 4 quests right in a row as a cleric.) But we had an awesome time.


2015-11-23, 12:42 PM
I wonder if you could just do a normal game but drinks are potions. Anyone can drink any potion at any time for their character to gain its effects.

Whisky is potion of strength
Absinthe is a potion of Flying
Beer is a potion of cure wounds (its good for what ales you)
Pernod gets you some spells back...

Then just make the encounters hard enough that everyone kind of needs to drink to keep the party from losing.

Lvl 2 Expert
2015-11-23, 01:34 PM
That's pretty close to how the game is normally played, except you have to manage another resource. Potions come out of your sobriety instead of your gold.

2015-11-23, 01:36 PM
Better build your constitution stat

2015-11-23, 07:16 PM
In real life!

Now how is that done? Practice drinking at least one day before the actual game?

2015-11-23, 10:07 PM
In real life!

Now how is that done? Practice drinking at least one day before the actual game?

AT LEAST :smallamused:

Lvl 2 Expert
2015-11-24, 05:05 PM
Practice all the days!