View Full Version : Lesser Planetouched/outsiders question

2015-11-17, 08:29 AM
Okay so I'm hoping this is quick and easy for someone to clear up for me..
I have a character playing a lesser Planetouched Aasimer Dragon born.
So he's got the humanoid (dragonblood) subtype and the humanoid(Planetouched)
Subtype do these make him count as a dragon/outsider for certain effects such as "Blasphemy" or The bane weapon property?

Is there a direct ruling or is it just what the DM thinks at the time?
Cheers playground

2015-11-17, 10:21 AM
The answer is luckily right in the description, since there's no other reference for the planetouched subtype. Bolded for your GM.

Planetouched: Planetouched are humanoids (not outsiders) with the planetouched subtype. They are susceptible to spells and effects that specifically target both humanoids or outsiders. Charm Person works against them, and so does banishment. This trait replaces the outsider entry in each planetouched description.

Now, as to whether they have a plane on which they're treated as outsider (native), I have no idea. That's up to your GM.

2015-11-18, 03:04 AM
Thank you for your help