View Full Version : Pathfinder Psychic Warrior Question

2015-11-17, 08:33 AM
I am making a Psychic Warrior (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psychic-warrior), and I am trying to select powers. I noticed something, though. The 0-level powers (Talents) appear on the list for a psychic warrior (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/power-lists/power-list-psychic-warrior), but are never mentioned by the class itself. A guide suggests taking them as though they are intended to be able to be taken. If you look, though, a Psychic Warrior begins play with 1 1-level power and a power from their chosen 'path.' Unlike Bard or Wizard, who gets cantrips at will, PW does not mention these 0-level powers at all. Are they supposed to get access to any of them at will? How many by level?

Thank you for your assistance.

2015-11-17, 09:33 AM
0-level powers were part of an optional rule introduced in Psionics Expanded called Talents. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/psionic-talents) This is why there is no mention of them in the PFSRD's Psychic Warrior entry, which comes from Psionics Unleashed.

As of Ultimate Psionics however, which supersedes both, Psychic Warriors do get a list of talents to choose from. They do not get dedicated talent slots to learn them with, however you can use the general rule of swapping a single power known for 5 talents at the time you learn it, or taking Expanded Knowledge at a higher level and swapping that power for 5, or taking Access Psionic Talent for 5 also.

Basically the PFSRD is a little out of date and you may want to buy the Ultimate Psionics book/pdf to get the most current picture of where the psionic classes stand.

2015-11-17, 11:03 AM
Thank you so much!

2015-11-17, 11:27 AM
It's worth bearing in mind that even if you never expend any resources to gain talents known for yourself, just having them on your class power list enables you to manifest them from another character's powers known.

2015-11-17, 11:52 AM
Thank you Tulya, I'll keep that in mind. :)

2015-11-17, 01:30 PM
There is a caption on Talents under the Psychic Warrior in Ultimate Psionics, p.54, stating that Psychic Warriors gain 2 Talents of their choice (I assume from their list) that don't count toward their powers known. This isn't mentioned in the class progression table, but is in the text.