View Full Version : Player Help how to become an Undying Warlock

2015-11-17, 01:46 PM
so, I'm a little confused on how one "becomes" an undying warlock. All the other patrons involve forming a ritual or pact with an outside force. but Undying just says you're filled with the positive energy or something.

2015-11-17, 02:25 PM
If Positive Energy isn't a force of nature with a 'life' you can pact with, I don't know what is.

2015-11-17, 02:27 PM
Undying warlocks are warlocks like any other. You need to make a pact with some kind of powerful deathless creature - Ravenloft's darklord, a powerful lich, the Nameless One, anything that is has become unnaturally immortal.

2015-11-17, 02:37 PM
I think he is talking more about the most recent unearthed arcana. I think this pact could represent a pact with any positive good divine or whatever like that you want to go with. Just based on name I'd say maybe you discovered the sun is sentient and made a pact with it

2015-11-17, 02:40 PM
Undying warlocks are warlocks like any other. You need to make a pact with some kind of powerful deathless creature - Ravenloft's darklord, a powerful lich, the Nameless One, anything that is has become unnaturally immortal.

Or maybe a botched Deathless ritual brought me back to life with positive energy radiating my body?

2015-11-17, 02:42 PM
Right now, I'm playing a GOO Warlock in service to "The Great Question". How I had him make his pact was he started reading a book in a library and then studying it obsessively. Eventually, the book began to speak with him. It wasn't simple conversation, but flashes of insight, cryptic phrases and images. Eventually, he felt began to understand and accepted that he must answer the question.

I figure that making a pact with Life itself would be the same kind of dialog. Not so much a one and done contract signing, but perhaps a moment of clarity while working on soldiers in a field battle or talking to your own reflection in a pond while trying to understand why someone died and someone else lived. It doesn't have to be a re-enactment of Faust, but some form of contact that makes sense to the warlock.

And that's before we get to the idea that it could personify for a second to make the bargain the way I think you're imagining it.

Grey Watcher
2015-11-17, 02:46 PM
Eh, personally, I consider the flavor text to be a loose guideline at best when it comes to pacts: to me an Undying Light Warlock could just as easily be someone who made a pact with a Lantern Archon or a fallen angel or some other thing associate with light other than a deity (in which case the character would be a Light Domain Cleric).

Of course, this is how I feel about the original Pacts as well: to me, just because I choose the mechanics of a Fey pact, I think I'd be well within my rights to describe how my deal is with a fiend who specializes in trickery and deceit instead of burning deadly burning death.

2015-11-17, 03:04 PM
ok, so there are some ideas on how to get a patron, now the question becomes, what kind of familiar is given to an Undying Light Warlock