View Full Version : New Ranger Core Features

2015-11-17, 09:08 PM
Level Features

1 Expertise in Survival & Stealth, Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer
2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Cleaver
3 Ranger Archetype, Primeval Awareness
4 Ability Score Improvement
5 Extra Attack
6 Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer, Fancy Footwork
7 Ranger Archetype feature
8 Ability Score Improvement, Land’s Stride
9 Evasion
10 Natural Explorer, Wisdom saving throw proficiency
11 Ranger Archetype feature
12 Ability Score Improvement
13 Feral Senses
14 Favored Enemy, Vanish
15 Ranger Archetype feature
16 Ability Score Improvement
17 Ambuscade
18 Enemies Bane
19 Ability Score Improvement
20 Foe Slayer

2015-11-17, 09:14 PM
Natural Explorer
Choose 2 terrains at 1st level

Favored Enemy
Choose 1 humanoid and 1 Nonhumanoid group at each selection

Ranger's excel in combat vs hordes.
When damage kills an opponent, any excess damage is transferred to the next opponent that is within 5 ft. If that damage kills that opponent, the damage is transferred to the next opponent within 5 fy, and so on

Fighting Styles
Add Great Weapon style

Two Weapon fighting style
1. Can draw and stow 2 weapons
2. All attacks are part of attack action

As Paladin - change after rest and number known
Add spells such as dispel magic
Change interpretation as in Swift Quiver - also applies to melee weapon attacks

Primeval Awareness
Usage based on Wisdom modifier
Tells general direction and approximate number

Hunter's Prey
you have advantage on Concentration savings throws to maintain spells when you take damage.

Hunter's Prey
Favored Enemy have disadvantage on attacks against you. You also can not be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.

Favored Enemy
Apply Wisdom modifier to either an attack or damage once per turn to any opponent

2015-11-17, 09:15 PM
Leave open

2015-11-17, 09:44 PM
This might want to go into the Homebrew forum, located in the Gaming section. Report your own post and ask for a move.

2015-11-17, 09:49 PM
This might want to go into the Homebrew forum, located in the Gaming section. Report your own post and ask for a move.

Reported. Thanks, did not know.