View Full Version : Brother Time's tower

2007-06-02, 07:40 AM
Brother time is a man that takes people from all different times and uses them to serve him. He is currently in this time period to recruit. This is his tower. come join him! He already rules most time periods. Come and help him rule this one. You get a room and three meals a day. Also,when he takes over you will be the rules of this time period!

Currently recruiting!

2007-06-02, 07:48 AM
*An elf walks up, probably with metacurb*

Sir metacurb has joined us, as requested.

*Then he takes out Terence's Walter PPK*

We killed him.

Then were is the body?

It fell of the mountain sir!

*Time Smiles*

Good. Give Mr. Meta a room

Certainly sir.

2007-06-02, 07:49 AM
Metakirb follows to the room

so, when do we strike?

2007-06-02, 07:56 AM
*Once they are both in the room Brother times voice comes over the speaker in the room, as the door shuts by itself.*

Good night Mr. Parkinson. Seep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite.

*Knock out gas sprays from the air vents, knocking out Terence instantly, and probably metacurb too.*

2007-06-02, 07:57 AM
Metakirb falls unconcious

2007-06-02, 08:04 AM
* Two huge men drag them down to the dong-on and look them up in steel tables (Like in gold finger).A few hours later they should wake up*

2007-06-02, 08:10 AM
Metakirb wakes up, his head is pounding

ow... how'd they know?

2007-06-02, 08:16 AM
*Brother time walks up to them*

Simple. He said I requested that you were converted to are organization, witch was not true.

Metacurb, try to break the metal straps holding you to the table.

((You wont be strong enough, but just do it any way. Its more realistic that way.))

2007-06-02, 08:25 AM
((quick query, where are the straps holding him, and how much of a size increase can they take?))

Metakirb tries to break the straps but no luck, they stay firmly in place

so why did you want me dead then?

2007-06-02, 08:40 AM
(torso, both arms (around the wrist), both legs (around the shins).)

Dont even try to grow. If you do, spikes will come out of the table and turn your whole body into one big pin cushion. This will take about a tenth of a second. We no how to deal with dragons, you see I am from a time were dragon tried to take over the world, so we had to make things ti fight them. Thing like this... *He grabs a dagger of the same material as the elf's weapons and attempts to stab metacurb in the arm with it. It is hard to dodge when you a chained down like that.*

2007-06-02, 08:49 AM
((well to not take advantage of what you don't know, move the one on his right arm down a bit or it'll hafta be INCREDIBLY tight, just above his elbow his right arm becomes his sword))

The dagger pierces Metakirbs arm, He crys out in pain

so i'll ask again, why try to kill me? i never even knew you existed until a few hours ago

2007-06-02, 08:58 AM
((OK. it is at on the elbow at the right arm))

Because you are a dragon!

Do you have any kind of wind attack. like could you..oh I dont know blow a pen into that giant glass window over there.

*He nodes to a glass window about 100 feet away*

Behind the window is were they are controlling the tables we are strapped on.

2007-06-02, 09:02 AM
He laughs a bit

Actually i'm Dracorion, a race of half dragons, and i'm more dragonny than the only other 2 that remain

He hopes Time doesn't see him shifting his wings around to try whip up some wind

Besides, what do you have against dragons?

2007-06-02, 09:06 AM
They killed my family! time shrieks

*Terence nodes, and pull a pen out of his shirt pocket with his teeth. Then he spits it into the air*

2007-06-02, 09:08 AM
Well im sorry about that but Killing an entire species in order to avenge one family is insane

He Flaps his wings and a large gust knocks the pen into the window

2007-06-02, 09:14 AM
*The window explodes, and glass flies every were at people operating it. On of the glass shards hits a button, an the tables release there prisoners*

2007-06-02, 09:24 AM
Metakirb gets up

I personally don't want to kill you, i'm happy to just leave now, but if you send anyone after me or serra again i won't hesitate to hunt you down

Metakirb prepares to leave

2007-06-02, 09:30 AM
We won't kill you now. We are just here to let you know that you wont win. Ever. You attack an one ever again and we will be back.

*Time runs a Terence with his dagger, but Terence hits him in the jaw, and knocks him out. Then Terence leaves*

2007-06-02, 09:33 AM
Metakirb Flies off, Heading back to his cave