View Full Version : [5e, Lvl 6, Solo, Arena] Zman's Arena -Ste'Ve

2015-11-19, 12:30 PM
As you stand at the end of the small dark hallway you can see the Arena before you through the grated door. The booming voice of an announcer can be heard, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Today, Kildrak Heftcliff tries his mettle in the Arena!!!" A wave of cheers meets his thunderous booming voice...

A horn sounds, the gate opens, and you step foot into the Arena. It is a solid thirty paces square with an open roof, cheering fans can be seen beyond the walls, so can the armed guards that would prevent any combatant from attempting to flee the arena. In each of the cardinal directions lie elevated platforms, stairs leading up to them. Each adorned with a pair of sinister grotesque stone guardian, their palms upheld filled with fire. To the northwest lies a tall platform, to the northwest a patch of broken ground only the surest footed would dare tread, to the southwest, huge stone pillars rising towards the sky, to the southeast another stone platform rises from the ground, and in the center is a small raised platform with a pedestal in its center. You know by pressing down upon the pedestal you will summon for the first wave....

You faintly hear the booming voice wishing you farewell, "For fame and glory! Be bold champion!!"

Round 1


If you have OOC questions ask them in a spoiler in thread. Please keep all mechanics in a Spoiler.

You are up!

2015-11-19, 01:38 PM
Ste´ve runs into the arena at a speed rarely seen before, draws his bow as he runs to the middle while belching out some kind of war cry. Send in the victims! he shouts as he readies his bow ready to shoot at anything that moves which is not the crowd.

2015-11-19, 02:49 PM
Ste'Ve reaches the center pillar with ease...

50'. wow that is fast! I count you as having your bow out, you can activate the pillar at the end of round one, or you can do it Round 2. You have 10' of movement left!!

Map is updated.

2015-11-19, 04:25 PM
Ste've activates the pedastal and moves 10 feet further towards the broken ground.

2015-11-19, 04:30 PM
As Ste'Ve touches the pedestal four gates slam open, the smell of rotting putrid flesh is almost instantaneous and four hideous bloated corpses begin to shamble out... two to the east, one to the south, and one to the west..


2015-11-19, 04:32 PM
As Ste'Ve activates the pedestal the Arena somehow seems more sinister as if the statues were watching him..


Round 2!

Edit: Also, all mechanics in the spoiler, including exact measurements etc. Would like the IC to read like a book, haha.

2015-11-19, 04:44 PM
Ste've shoots two arrows in rapid succesion in the direction of the zombie coming from the west gate, moves through the broken ground without any problem ending just north of it.

Attack arrow 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack arrow 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
possible d8 for crit roll: [roll4]

2015-11-19, 04:56 PM
Both arrows land with slick satisfying sounds but the shambling corpse hardly notices, each attempts to close in on their living prey... On enters the broken ground...


Please start listing what space you want to move to. I had him avoid the Broken Ground, it will still cost him double movement unless he is Dashing per the Mobility feat, though his Acrobatics is high enough he won't have many issues.

Round 3!

2015-11-19, 04:57 PM
... and the zombie falls flat on its grotesque face.

[roll0] Oops, messed that one up!

Zombie is prone.

Round 3!

Edit: Also, you didn't factor in Archery on your sheet for your too hit!

2015-11-19, 05:23 PM
Ste've shoots 2 more arrows in the last target.

Attack routine with Longbow (attacks left, damage right, possible crit bottom)
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Ended my movement on X6 last turn.
Will move during this turn depending upon whether zombie now drops, and upon where all of the zombies are now (could I also get coordinates?)

2015-11-19, 05:31 PM
Both arrows unerringly find their mark, the second made a particularly interesting sound as it severed the spine, the zombie falling limp into a pile of flesh..

Z1 is dead, Crit means no undead fortitude.

Diagnols cost more movment than moving straight, First Diagonal 5', Second Diagonal 10', Third Diagonal 5', etc 10'. I had moved him as far as he was able last turn. V8 was as far as he can go.

Your move action.

2015-11-19, 05:40 PM
Ste've raises his bow in victory as he now heads towards the elevation in the northwest of the arena.

Moves to M10 (how much movement does the elevation part take?)

2015-11-19, 05:45 PM
Ste'Ve quickly dashes across the Arena, muffled cheers of amazement can be heard in the heavy air... as he begins his climb three of the statues suddenly turn and launch bolts of fire at him. One from the north, one from the east, and one from the south, luckily he was moving so fast none found their mark..

Moving up in order doesn't cost anything, it does cost double when scaling without using the stairs, and will require some kind of climb if you try to scale the 10/12' area, likely 15' of movement.

Turn 4!

2015-11-19, 05:56 PM
Ste've now shoots two arrows at the southern-most single zombie, move up the elevation to the top and looks at the gargoyles which just attacked him.

Attack routine
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Perception check if allowed: [roll5]

Ends movement on I10 (where are the rest of the stinkers?)

2015-11-19, 06:01 PM
The Zombies shamble forward...

Forgot to move them, then I'll resolve your attack which are hits.

Then I'll move them for Round 4

2015-11-19, 06:03 PM
Both arrows find their mark on the second Zombie... and again the zombies shamble forward attmepting to catch their prey. The one zombie is tripped up on the rubble but managed to not fall down and lumbers forward..

Zombies move again


2015-11-19, 06:05 PM
As Ste'Ve examines the statues he can't find anything odd about them, aside from the fact they just launched fire at him...


Round 5!

2015-11-19, 06:26 PM
Steve continues his shooting rampage now moving towards the south.

Attack routine: Attack the Zombie to the south first, if he drops, shoot the second arrow into the zombie to the east who did not trip, if he does not drop, shoot the second arrow into him/it as well.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Move to I20

2015-11-19, 06:32 PM
His first arrow finds its mark, entering in the Zombie's eyesocket before it falls... His second finds its target as well...

The Zombies again move forward...

Crit again means no undead fortitude.

Two Zombies dead.

Turn 6

Wow, that movement is crazy, kind of problematic for the Arena actually. At least for the early waves.

2015-11-19, 06:38 PM
Ste've keeps on shooting the same zombie and scans the crowds for any particular good looking women or seemingly important people as he runs further south.

Attack routine: Keep on shooting the wounded zombie

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Heh, I just saw the tabs thing on the map...

Move to J30, Perception [roll5]

2015-11-19, 08:34 PM
Both arrows again find their mark testing the undead' constitution... Which proves to be no match for Ste'Ve's aim..

[roll0] DC14

2015-11-19, 08:39 PM
The final remaining zombie shambles forward... And again the statues are silent...

The zombie currently has hard cover.


Round 7!

2015-11-20, 03:28 AM
Ste´ve grumbles about the pillars spoiling his groove and runs to the east to get a clear shot again.

Moves to T27 to get rid of the cover issue (and otherwise R25 if that would not solve the cover issue rules/wise).
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-20, 02:25 PM
Again, both arrows find their mark, the walking corpse hardly noticing...

Moved to S27, by my cound 50'.

Round 8!

2015-11-20, 05:12 PM
Ste've drops his bow and instead decides to start puncturing the sack of rotting flesh with his rapier instead.

Dropping bow = free action
Drawing the rapier can be done combined with move action (can't draw shield though at the same time though)

If the corpse collapses after the attack Ste've will pick up his bow and move to the middle. If he does not kill him he'll move to the top of the plateau in the east without provoking attacks of opportunity due to the mobility feat

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-20, 06:33 PM
Ste'Ve lands both strikes testing the undead's constitution... Ste'Ve is given pause after he land a blow that should have been sufficient and yet the coprse remains standing... he then strikes it repeadedly finally felling the grotesque monstrosity...

Once the last zombie was dead once more the Arena seems to calm down and the crowd can be heard more clearly...

Undead Fortitude DC12 [roll0]
Undead Fortitude DC16 [roll1]

It was so close to making both!!!

Wave completed

You've already used your free item interaction this round to draw your weapon. He'll have to spend his whole move action picking up his bow and storing his rapier.

Round 9
Used 40' of 50' of movement, currently standing on the center area with bow in hand. Have 10' movement left and your action as well as your free item interaction.

2015-11-21, 04:44 AM
What kind of action is activating the pedestal? An item interaction?

2015-11-21, 10:21 AM
A free interaction. It is as simple as touching the pedestal.

2015-11-21, 12:42 PM
Ste've activates the pedal and stands ready to shoot at anything that might enter the arena.

Use ready action to shoot anything that enters the arena, unless it happens to be a defenseless attractive female (ugly ones will likely also be shot by Ste've)

2015-11-21, 07:04 PM
As soon as Ste'Ve activates the pillar another door springs open, this time it is a massive hulking corpse that lumbers out as he looses his arrows...[roll0]
Bottom left, takes up 10'x10', can't fully modify the map because I'm on my IPad. You get your AoO

2015-11-21, 08:09 PM
Ste've immediatly releases his arrow in the direction of the hulking brute and continues his jogging exercise whilst putting even more arrows into the undead monstrosity. Bah, when are they going to send in the groupies?
AoA: [roll0] [roll1]

Then during next turn move to J15 and attack twice more.

[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] (in case anything is a crit)

2015-11-22, 01:44 PM
The massive hulking corpse lumbers forward... and the Statues are silent... and Ste'Ve lands two more well placed arrows, the massive corpse doesn't even flinch...

Wow, you've been lucking out with the Statues, haha.

Round 10

Both your arrows hit, the Zombie closes the gap again.

2015-11-22, 01:46 PM
And again the statues are silent...

Round 11

2015-11-22, 03:09 PM
Ste've mutters: Darnit, this one is faster and smells worse...

Time to switch up tactics:
Draw rapier as free item interaction (just hold onto bow with other hand), attack twice with Rapier, and then move out of dodge to J5 without provoking an aoo due to the Mobility feat.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-23, 11:25 AM
He manages to land two solid blows before the corpse advances again... as he is running away a single Statue springs to life and launches a solid firebolt that connects hard...

Crit 18 Fire Damage
Round 12

2015-11-23, 01:02 PM
Son of a brick...

Not really the spot where I said I would be going, but I'm okay with where I'm now. Stab twice, move to the east to p25.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Forgot to mention: Stow Bow away as free item interaction.

2015-11-23, 01:08 PM
Ste'Ve lands two more solid blows before again retreating free from retribution... again the Statues spring to life, two launch their bolts but neither finds its mark...

Sorry about that, had moved him to the wrong spot.

Both hit, again the Ogre Follows

Round 13!

2015-11-23, 04:57 PM
If stares could kill the Gargoyles would be crumbling right now, yet instead Ste've focuses his energy again on stabbing the undead some more and drawing his shield to help ward of the fire balls.

Stab the undead some more, run away to Z25, and draw shield as free item interaction.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-23, 05:43 PM
Ste'Ve lands two blows, one extremely solid blow opens the Ogre from stem to stern but it is little phased...

Again the statues spring to life, though the single bolt is nowhere near its mark.

Again, round and round we go.

Round 14

2015-11-23, 05:44 PM
Ooops, lost my copy paste and my retype went bad!

2015-11-23, 06:22 PM
Bah, I'll be at this all day...

Stab twice, go to AA15

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-23, 06:42 PM
Two more solid blows, this time the Ogre Zombie looks as if it may fall... and it does not, the undead's constitution is formidable...

Undead Fortitude
[roll0] DC14(You are lucky your damage rolls were in that order!)

2015-11-23, 06:44 PM
Again the zombie lumbers onward...

Round 15

2015-11-24, 05:15 PM
Why don't you just die? Again?

I'll first do my two attacks, if the undead falls I'll be moving to the center again, otherwise I'll just be moving further north.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-24, 05:27 PM
Ste'Ve lands another two solid blows literally having to cleave the massive corpse in half before it fell lifeless and the area almost feels as if it brightens, much less threatening than it had been a moment before...

Lets try this again...

2015-11-24, 05:31 PM
As Ste'Ve makes his way to the center pillar he is faced with the dilemma, activate it as soon as possible, or gather his wits for a moment or two...

You have your item interaction left.

Then round 16. You have as much time as needed if you want to heal up, of course time is a ticking...

2015-11-24, 05:35 PM
Eager to fight some more Ste've activates the pillar

Still had an item interaction remaining. How does initiative btw work here?

2015-11-24, 05:43 PM
I did say you had your item interaction left.

Initiative is based upon Dex score.

Edit: I misread the last post, I will activate Round 3!

2015-11-24, 05:53 PM
As Ste'Ve activates the pillar for a third time... two of the Gargoyle statues spring to life, one from the north and another from the south and they both fly in immediately, not wasting a moment to rend with tooth and claw...


Due to previous rolls rolling attacks in next thread.

2015-11-24, 05:58 PM
The attack was vicious, despite seconds before they were unmoving statues, then suddenly they took to the air and began attempts to rend Ste'Ve's flesh...

G1 Bite [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]
G1 Claw[roll4][roll5][roll6][roll7]
G2 Bite [roll8][roll9][roll10][roll11]
G2 Claw[roll12][roll13][roll14][roll15]

Advantage for Flanking

3 Hits, 15 damage. This happens on the bottom of Round 15.

Now, round 16!

2015-11-24, 07:41 PM
2nd gargoyle from the south should not be able to reach me and attack. He could provide flanking bonus though. Last hit should be ignored I think.

2015-11-24, 09:49 PM
60' Fly move, first diagnosed only costs 5'. By my triple check it is right. It could get there.

2015-11-25, 04:15 AM
Crap you're right... My counting must have been rather off yesterday; twas late. Now am I correct in assuming that activating the pillar just at the end of my turn was a very bad idea? Probably better to do it at the start as the minions get a whole turn instead of just a readied action

Ste've enters into a bit of a rage and stabs each of the Gargoyles once in the face before running off letting the Gargoyles eating his dust.

Attack both Gargoyles once so neither will get an AOO.
[roll0] [roll1] North
[roll2] [roll3] South

Store shield as free items interaction.
Move to AB28 Should frustrate both Gargoyles endlessly... (need to start playing smart now...)

I should have taken 14 Strength and 10 Wisdom for this build...

2015-11-27, 11:47 AM
As Ste'Ve lands one of his blows before retreating, making use of his tremendous speed his blade merely glances off the Gargoyle, not biting deep like he'd have expected with flesh...

They have resistance to nonmagical weapon damage, so 4 damage.

Gargoyles pursue, each make a move action and ready a Dash action.

Round 17!

2015-11-27, 06:03 PM
I hope a flock of pidgeons will defecate all over yer ugly faces!

Move north, stab wounded gargoyle twice when at AB26, then continue moving north, ending up at AC10.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-11-27, 09:15 PM
As Ste'Ve makes another dash for it both Gargoyles react and give chase. Two of his attacks hit, but neither seems to be mortal...

The Gargoyles give chase attempted to take him with their claws...

Both React and Dash in pursuit once you are 60' away.

Both of your attacks hit, 4 Damage, 4 Damage

Gargoyle Attacks back
G1 Bite[roll0][roll1][roll2] Hit 3 Damage
G1 Claws[roll3][roll4][roll5]
G2 Bite[roll6][roll7][roll8]
G2 Claws[roll9][roll10][roll11]

Round 18!

2015-11-27, 11:04 PM
FYI Donning and Doffing a shield is an action.