View Full Version : Need some clerical assistance

2015-11-19, 01:52 PM
Ok, here's a character idea I've had for a little while, and there are a few things I need some assistance with.

He is a Cleric of Vecna (NE), who poses as a Cleric of Olidamara (CN), who has a personal goal to find the Hand and the Eye of Vecna so he can perform a ritual he created to return them unto Vecna. His logic is basically "By doing this, either Vecna will reward me for serving him well, making me more powerful, or he will become more powerful from being made whole, which will give me a greater reserve of power to call upon".

What I need is suggestions for builds (mid range optimization, not something that can dominate the world, but capable of holding his own if needed), as well as RP suggestions of ways to to the secret evil character, and a reliable, semipermanent way to make my alignment look CN (I don't want to just block things that sense alignment, because that would look suspicious, I actually want to make my alignment look like it is different from what it normally is). I would prefer being able to do this without relying on my spells, but I will if that is the best way.

Also, because I have a huge respect for him and his advice with evilness,
Red Fel
Red Fel
Red Fel

2015-11-19, 02:09 PM
Is there any reason not to just be CN?

Being party healbot often helps with PC suspicions; although, in one party, we all knew OOC that one PC was a cleric of Vecna; we just didn't care.

Finding some way to cast without using your holy symbol is a bit trickier, but probably important, even if no one in the campaign world has knowledge: religion.

2015-11-19, 02:13 PM
If it ever becomes a possibility, the Vecna-blooded template has some nifty abilities (including what is basically immunity to divinations). Beyond that? Specialize in the gathering, manipulation, and concealment of information: divinations, enchantments, illusions. Be the mastermind messing with stuff from behind the scenes, while still being too useful to the party for them to kick you out.

2015-11-19, 02:32 PM
Is there any reason not to just be CN?

Yes, the fact that Vecna is NE. I could try CE, but I would prefer to match his alignment if possible

Bad Wolf
2015-11-19, 02:32 PM
You could go Mystic Theurge, going with Versatile Spellcaster+Highten Spell for early entry.

Sorcerer 1/Cleric 2/Mystic Theurge 10. 11th level Sorcerer casting, which gets you stuff like Arcane Fusion and Lesser Planar Binding, and 12th Cleric casting. From what a quick search on Google tells me, Vecna has only three domains: Knowledge, Magic, and Evil. So go Cloistered Cleric, and get all three. From there, you have a lot of options, I recommend Divine Metamagic and go crazy with buffs.

Red Fel
2015-11-19, 02:43 PM
Also, because I have a huge respect for him and his advice with evilness,
Red Fel
Red Fel
Red Fel

As well you should.

Fact is, other people can help you on builds, probably better than I can. The plus side to your character's disguise is that you bypass one of the typical disguised Cleric pitfalls. Usually, an Evil Cleric posing as a Good one has to come up with a way to explain how he uses Rebuke instead of Turn, and Inflict instead of Cure. Since Olidammara is Neutral, you can say you chose Rebuke and Inflict, and nobody will be the wiser. Clever you.

I'll also add this. AV mentioned the Vecna-Blooded template, and you should listen to him, because he's got the Big V right in his name. I'll add another option - the Spelltouched feat Live My Nightmare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm#liveMyNightmare). Anytime someone targets you with a divination spell or effect - such as a Detect Alignment effect - you can use the equivalent of Phantasmal Killer on them. Because you may do this, that is you have the option to choose to do so whenever you are targeted, it follows logically that you become aware every time you are the target of a divination effect. While the Phantasmal Killer effect of the feat is weak and hard to optimize, the awareness is priceless.

So let's move onto fluff. Your character is a Cleric of Vecna. Well, what does Vecna stand for? Vecna represents the power of secrets, more specifically the idea that, if I know something dangerous about you and you don't know that I know it, or better you don't know the thing at all, I have power over you. That's the Cult of Vecna in a nutshell - knowing stuff for fun and profit. So pursue the character from this angle.

There is a well-known secret out there, and a less well-known secret out there. The former: There is a Hand of Vecna, and an Eye of Vecna, left over from when he was mortal, at least in theory. Again, well-known secret. Less well-known: How to get to them.

Now, Vecna's purview is secrets. By necessity, if it is secret, he knows it. If there is a conspiracy, he knows about it. If something is buried in a hidden location, he's watching it. So he is constantly aware of the secret location of his Hand and Eye.

Let's take a moment and assume your character didn't dump Int. If Vecna is aware of the secret location of his Hand and his Eye, why hasn't he sent someone to get them yet? Here are three possible answers.
They are anathema to him. These may be mortal remnants of a now-divine being. Being reunited with his mortal remains may depower rather than empower him. That might not make him happy.
He can only keep track of them while their location is a secret. Once they are found, they are no longer secret, and he is afraid of losing access to their power.
They are a test. Now, whether that test is "Who is smart enough to unravel my secret?" or "Who is stupid enough to disrespect my desire for secrecy?" is up to the DM.
Now, a possible fourth answer is that another power - probably another god - has taken them, and is keeping them away from Vecna's remaining claw. Unless your character dumped Int, he would probably ask the question. Because I certainly wouldn't want to do something to royally cheese off my patron.

Let's step away from his goals for a moment, though, and talk about the person. What kind of person worships Vecna? Well, again, we have three possible personality types.
The Voyeur. He wants to learn the world's secrets for their own sake. He enjoys the act of knowing. It fills him with confidence, with a sense of power, and with a certain perverse pleasure, to know what wicked little thoughts you entertain in your heart of hearts. Some Voyeurs go a step further, and use that power to manipulate others.
The Guardian. Some secrets are better left buried. Let Vecna keep them. This is a person who ensures that nobody knows anything but what they need to know. Maybe he's watching out for their good, or maybe he's just a jackbooted thug who ensures that people remain blissfully ignorant and obedient.
The Mask. He has secrets and wants to protect them. Hiding behind Vecna's cloak seems like a great way to do it. It's less idealistic, but it's very simple to grasp.
Given that your PC is posing as a Cleric of Olidammara, the Mask might be a good choice of personality. All followers of Vecna have the good sense to hide it, but maybe your character is hiding layers behind layers. Why, do you suppose, is that?

That's your question. Basically, your character is defined by his relationship with Vecna. His relationship with Vecna is defined by his relationship with secrets. So, your homework: Define your character's relationship with secrets.

2015-11-19, 02:47 PM
Yes, the fact that Vecna is NE. I could try CE, but I would prefer to match his alignment if possible

You could play N, or is such a suggestion sacrilegious ?

Or use Heretic of the Faith ( Power of Faerūn p46) and actually be CN.

2015-11-19, 02:55 PM
Now see, that is why I like your advice so much. I had considered the anathema and test options, but not so much the second one. Though, in the event another god is simply hiding these relics from him, wouldn't he appprove of one of his followers finding and returning them to him? Or, as another possibility, as a god he is strictly regulated as to when and how he can interfere in the mortal world, and going to reclaim his missing pieces violates those regulations?

What books are those options from? I'm not familiar with them

Red Fel
2015-11-19, 02:59 PM
Now see, that is why I like your advice so much. I had considered the anathema and test options, but not so much the second one. Though, in the event another god is simply hiding these relics from him, wouldn't he appprove of one of his followers finding and returning them to him?

Possibly, depending on the circumstances. It's possible he'd value them being returned, or possible that he values them more when they're unavailable to others. That's the definition of a secret, isn't it? Only valuable when it's unknown?

Or, as another possibility, as a god he is strictly regulated as to when and how he can interfere in the mortal world, and going to reclaim his missing pieces violates those regulations?

Also possible. Although, to be fair, he has been around awhile now; if he really wanted his bits found, why not just send one of his more accomplished and proven followers to get it? And yes, I can think of answers to that question, as well.

What books are those options from? I'm not familiar with them

The Book of Fel Thoughts, by Raymond Edfel, available on Amazon on the 12th of Never.

2015-11-19, 03:05 PM
Lol, I meant Live my Nightmare and Vecna Blooded, though

2015-11-19, 03:06 PM
Lol, I meant Live my Nightmare and Vecna Blooded, though
Live My Nightmare is in the SRD, originally from Unearthed Arcana.

Vecna-Blooded is MMV.

2015-11-19, 03:20 PM
As well you should.
Let's step away from his goals for a moment, though, and talk about the person. What kind of person worships Vecna? Well, again, we have three possible personality types.
The Voyeur. He wants to learn the world's secrets for their own sake. He enjoys the act of knowing. It fills him with confidence, with a sense of power, and with a certain perverse pleasure, to know what wicked little thoughts you entertain in your heart of hearts. Some Voyeurs go a step further, and use that power to manipulate others.

Truenamer. Truenamer. Truenamer. Truenamer... *ahem*

As the big man said, it is very important for you to know what type of secretive person your character is. I'm at school right now, but for the Voyeur may I suggest a Cloistered Cleric -> Divine Oracle? You get Evasion in full armor plus a bunch of Scrying bonus abilities and such. Plus the capstone is that you are literally never surprised. Not much is more disturbing to ambushers than the stark realization that you've been two steps ahead of them the whole time. It makes for a very compelling villain.

Edit: If you wanna add in something else that is a little dubious, taking Southern Magician and going into Unseen Seer is possible as well I guess.
Edit #2: If you really wanna play up the perverse angle, Voyeuristic Seer is a PrC from the Book of Erotic Fantasy. Can't find a webpage that has the specifics on it rn and don't have a pdf on hand. Will get back to you about it.