View Full Version : Player Help need help finding level adjustment on custom made race in my gm's custom world

2015-11-19, 03:38 PM
My GM has a very fun world with almost none of the original races in it. (changed looks but just copy pasted the stats) And i love that because i can't tell exactly what to expect just by looking at it.
The problem i currently have is that one of the custom races is nothing like any I've ever even heard of and am having trouble keeping up with that race in terms of challenge rating.
the race is so strong that the gm has had to increase the challenge rating of the monsters drastically and i keep almost dying while the other player walks out fine.
example: we are a 2 person adventuring squad. TWO! and we are both level 12. we were expected to fight and defeat a Balor with advanced hit die a challenge rating 21 minimum. TWENTY ONE! 2 people at level 12 should have ran away. but instead my co-adventurer (a paladin) ran in to fight it head on. My character is a Shadow rogue with some very nice gear and i barely made it with about 15 hit points remaining by constantly hiding and shooting with a bow. my companion made it out at full hp because of his race.

I keep trying to convince them that maybe... just MAYBE that race might need a little level adjustment.
here are the qualities of the race with no level adjustment (think giant angel people) :

size category: medium to large
flight from wings: double base land speed PERFECT MANEUVERABILITY and can fly with medium to heavy loads and armor
stat increases:+2 to strength, +2 to constitution, -1 to dexterity, +2 to charisma, +6 racial bonus to spot and listen and both are treated as trained for purposes of skill point usage
special abilities: FAST HEALING = to HALF YOUR LEVEL, out right IMMUNITY to all spells that are level 4 or lower (that includes fireball and a.o.e. spell effects as well), and once a day they can use an ability called "the Harold's voice" a random effect rolled on a chart that range from insanity as the spell to POWER WORD DEATH!
Privileges: they have access to the highest level of technology and magic in that world and are the only ones who can make flying magic items.

If asked there name outright. they cannot refuse the request and MUST answer with entire name but doing so will not distract them from anything (they can answer even when in heated battle)
overcome by: introducing yourself first and only your nickname.

if a person says they're ENTIRE name ( as you can imagine this has lead to ridiculously long names) . they may make a "deal" with them and if they fail an opposed diplomacy check they cannot negotiate the terms.
overcome by: own rules.The "deal" cannot cause harm to others or be obviously detrimental to themselves or others. So you can't ask them to kill people for 10 gold. the reward must also be appropriate for the task or they can then refuse.

Immunity to ALL spells level 4 or lower including buffs and healing (with the exception of the paladins lay on hands or self buff for some reason) . magic items must also cost more so as to get past this immunity. aka the spell for the buff is treated as a level 5 spell for the item instead of level 3. ( oddly enough the caster level for this calculation does not go up)
Overcome by: potions and access to a society that has adjusted it's magic items to suit its people for almost as cheap as normal magic items.
side note: potions are run by home brew batch system. you pay 1/3rd the cost of the potion and roll for alchemy. if the roll is 20 or better you make D2 in an HOUR. if 30 or better you make d4 in an hour and if 35 or better you make d6 of them in an hour. for one third the cost of ONE. needless to say my paladin buddy maxed his alchemy. we joked that he could have just opened his own alchemy shop he had so many potions.

now i need help convincing them to give this race a level adjustment and that's where you guys come in.
any and all 3.0 and 3.5 sources are welcome but i would very much like page numbers and books and examples to support any opinions on what the level adjustment should be (if any).
thanks in advance.:smallsmile:

2015-11-19, 03:47 PM
size category: medium to large
flight from wings: double base land speed PERFECT MANEUVERABILITY and can fly with medium to heavy loads and armor
stat increases:+2 to strength, +2 to constitution, -1 to dexterity, +2 to charisma, +6 racial bonus to spot and listen and both are treated as trained for purposes of skill point usage
special abilities: FAST HEALING = to HALF YOUR LEVEL, out right IMMUNITY to all spells that are level 4 or lower (that includes fireball and a.o.e. spell effects as well), and once a day they can use an ability called "the Harold's voice" a random effect rolled on a chart that range from insanity as the spell to POWER WORD DEATH!
Privileges: they have access to the highest level of technology and magic in that world and are the only ones who can make flying magic items.

Large size alone is probably not worth LA. Let's say LA 0.5 - it's good, but it's not really worth a whole class level.
Perfect maneuverability is really good. I would say this is LA +1 by itself.
Stats are meh. Let's say another .5 LA because of the high net total.
Fast healing isn't a huge deal, even if it's a lot. Let's say 0.5 again.
Spell immunity is pretty damn good! LA +2.
Random powerful SLA is nifty, but 1/day isn't amazing. Let's round out that 0.5.
Hard to judge the magic thing, given that your buddy is a paladin.

So LA +5 doesn't seem out of the question. Compare it to Half-Celestial (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfCelestial.htm), which has similar boons (flight equal to double land speed, ability bonuses, SLAs, SR) but is worse in almost every respect. Half-Celestial is +4.

2015-11-19, 06:14 PM
Wow. Without some kind of level adjustment, that is the biggest pile of asps I've ever seen.

I agree w/ Flickerdart. Definitely stronger than Half-Celestial.

Also, pretty sure that's "herald," not "Harold."

2015-11-19, 06:36 PM
It shouldn't have a LA, it should be disallowed because it's stupid :smallconfused:

Even with all those benefits though, I can't see how you two managed to kill a Balor, let alone an advanced one.

2015-11-25, 07:45 AM
It shouldn't have a LA, it should be disallowed because it's stupid :smallconfused:

Even with all those benefits though, I can't see how you two managed to kill a Balor, let alone an advanced one.

we managed to kill it because our gm is relatively new and we tend to get about 100,000 gold a week in game. i ran out of items to get to enhance myself further. even bought a custom magic item called finwe's portable mansion for 60,000 gold. still have about 230,000 gold to burn. in other words we are twinked to hell.

2015-11-25, 08:24 AM
Flying ala Raptorian(1pt)
Greatly improved flying(+1pt)
Scaling Fast Healing(1 pt)
So it looks LA +3(races get a free point) before considering the spell immunity

The spell immunity it relevant for a while. So LA +5 sounds like a good initial guess.