View Full Version : Help me Balance this Assassin Enhancement? (3.5) (Homebrew)

Doctor Despair
2015-11-20, 09:58 AM
So I was looking at the Assassin PrC's death attack and it seems a bit lackluster. For all the suaveness it has, by the time the DC reaches any useful levels, the enemies typically have immunity to death effects and the like. This seems poor considering how integral it is to the Assassin's identity. The DC can only be pumped so high and it is difficult enough to go undetected next to a high-level enemy for three rounds, after all. I want to give some utility back to the assassin and perhaps give an answer to encounters and worlds stocked full of enemies conveniently immune to everything that makes the assassin, well, an assassin, but I don't want to break the world with an unstoppable killing machine. Here was what I was considering:

Bane of Undeath (needs to be enchanted by a deity/Plot things + can only be placed on epic weapon): Any creature that would normally be immune to a death attack or effect by means of a spell, ability, or by divinity instead becomes more vulnerable to such attacks from this epic weapon.

If such a target is struck by a death attack (as of the Assassin PrC), instead of being immune, the creature and the assassin must immediately make an opposed roll. All targets must actually make a roll; greater deities and others with similar abilities may not take 20 on such a roll. The would-be assassin adds 1/4th of her death attack DC to her roll, rounded up, and then any divine ranks she possesses if any. The target adds either 1/4th its HD, rounded down (so 12 from a 50HD creature), its wisdom modifier or its Divine Ranks to the roll, whichever number is greater. No other bonuses may influence this roll in favor of either side.

If the assassin is successful, the target of the attack immediately dies regardless of other conditions that would normally prevent this. If targeting a simalcrum, ice assassin, or some form of other minion or servant not directly controlled by the intended target's consciousness, that minion or servant is destroyed or killed without harming its creator or master.

If the target is under the effects of an astral projection, magic jar, mind switch, hide life, or any other spell, ability, feature, or effect that would normally prevent death, but the target's consciousness is directly controlling the struck form, the creature's spirit and all instances of its body are killed regardless of those protection and does not cling to life by these means. Such an attack is one of the only abilities capable of severing an astral cord, but only on a successful death attack. Due to this, only the effects of a wish or miracle spell can revive the victim of such a death attack.

If the target possesses divine ranks, the death attack does not result in death. Instead, the divinity of the target shields the target from the most harmful effects. In turn, the target's divine ranks and special capacities are suppressed for one year; this duration is a week shorter for every divine rank possessed by the target, at a minimum of one day. While the target's divine ranks are suppressed, the target may cast no spells, may not use or benefit from spell-like abilities, may not use or benefit from supernatural abilities, may not use or benefit from salient divine abilities, and loses all outsider hit die. The deity is essentially mortal and possesses only such feats and extraordinary abilities that it could use without its normal divine, arcane, or otherwise special power.

I believe an assassin could have about a +45 at level 20, or +47 at level 21, which would translate to a +12 modifier on the roll for her, whereas any greater deity would have 16 or 17 divine ranks, high-power creatures have 50-60 HD equating a +15 bonus, and wisdom scores of 40 (or +15) seem fairly typical at those ranks. This puts the assassin at a disadvantage of ~3-5 on this roll. In addition, they still need to beat whatever detection and divination abilities such a target would have for three or greater rounds and then succeed in a sneak attack. Any deity with Battlesense as a salient ability would be resistant to such attempts. Overall, I feel like the assassin is at a disadvantage here, which I think is fair at high levels, but I am unsure if the disadvantage is great enough -- or if it is too great. Compared to casters, it feels pretty lackluster, but then again, everything feels lackluster there, and this bypasses some traditional caster defenses. I feel as though I don't have a good sense of DCs and whatnot. What does the Playground think about this? How could I make it more balanced?

2015-11-20, 07:41 PM
This is a weird formula, and it's still hampered by the little detail that Death Attack, tactically speaking, sucks.

I don't think Assassin, as a class, is unusable. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=8273.0) Just it has one big stinker ability that happens to be its MO.

I think the ability would be more reasonable and less weird if it used the normal DA mechanic, but worked even against creatures normally immune to Death effects or Critical Hits and wasn't restricted to Epic weapons. And if it's supposed to work with deities, it could have an Epic add-on for those interactions (forbidding taking 20, suppressing divine ranks, etc.)

But if you really want to make Death Attack more usable, I think you could more directly achieve that by modifying the ability to read:

Death Attack
If an assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (assassin’s choice). While studying the victim, the assassin can undertake other actions so long as he spends a swift action each round focusing attention on the target. If the victim of such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the assassin’s Hit Dice + the assassin’s Int modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin. If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack deals an additional 1d6 damage per assassin class level, but is otherwise just a normal sneak attack. Once the assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds.

If a death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the assassin does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack.

Doctor Despair
2015-11-21, 11:13 AM
This is a weird formula, and it's still hampered by the little detail that Death Attack, tactically speaking, sucks.

So, I had an idea. Perhaps splitting these benefits into two abilities?

The first acting as of that ability, applying to creatures normally immune to death effects. They make the save at 3/4ths the DC and use their lowest save. Perhaps this would be a good epic feat?

The second acting as of that ability, but towards deities, where a deity makes the save at the normal DC, may not take 20, and adds 20 plus their divine rank to the roll. I feel like this has more function as a salient divine ability, or failing that, an epic feat with the first feat as a prerequisite.

Does that seem like a less wonky system?