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Baron Corm
2007-06-02, 08:47 PM
A spook is one who studies all sorts of magic, whether it be arcane or divine. He could tell you in an instant the different foci required for a scry spell. He could name the creatures specific to each individual summon monster or summon nature's ally spell. He studies these things intently because his profession is that of a killer.

The spook makes a living hunting down magicians and magic creatures. Competant spooks are rare, as it is a difficult job, but that just makes his job pay all the more. Spooks often work alone, though many join a mercenary group which supplies fodder to deal with the zombies while the spook takes care of the evil cleric.

Most spooks come from either the rogue or ranger classes. The former embodies the intelligence and savvy needed to outwit a wizard, while the latter has all the makings of a specialized hunter. Rangers who become spooks usually have dragons, fey, undead, or similar creatures as their favored enemies. Spellthieves, though not as common in general, share many characteristics with spooks and many of them take levels in the spook class.

A small number of spooks come from spellcasting classes. Spooks are not against using magic in ways it was not meant to be used, pitting it against fellow mages. The spook Archibald the Spooky became famous for using mirror image, causing his opponents to waste their precious spells per day on mere illusions. Using Use Magic Device to mimic the abilities of a spellcasting class is a common spook practice, but as a spellcasting spook will tell you, the ability to counterspell is a valuable asset.

Even with his specialized class abilities, a spook would not be a spook without an almost unnecessarily large amount of miscellaneous magic hunting gear. Weapons with properties like Magebane, Banishing, Dispelling, Illusion Bane, Hunting, Spellstrike, or Impedance are a part of the arsenal of any spook worth his salt. A pair of winged boots could be all that stands between a spook and 20d6 damage after a hijacked teleport leads him to the middle of the sky. As Giuseppe the Thrice-Spooked once said, "For every spell they prepare, prepare ten tanglefoot bags, five bags of dust of appearance, three sets of dimensional shackles, and at least one cold iron siangham".



Level 1: Spellcanny sight, reflect magic, spooky surprise
Level 2: Hijack teleport
Level 3: Turn rider
Level 4: Magic murder
Level 5: Spellcanny strike

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4
Base Saves: High Fortitude, High Reflex, High Will
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope


To qualify to become a spook, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Feat: Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Skill Focus: Knowledge (arcana, nature, or religion)
Skills: Spellcraft 15 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 15 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 15 ranks, Appraise 4 ranks, Decipher Script 4 ranks

Class Features

The spook's class abilities only function against arcane casters, natural divine casters, or priestly divine casters (and associated spellcasting creatures) until the spook takes the appropriate Skill Focus: Knowledge feat.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Spooks gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.


At every odd level the spook gains spellcasting progression in a single spellcasting class.


The spook's class levels stack with his spellthief levels for determining the highest level spell he may steal.

Spellcanny Sight (Ex)

A spook can use the Appraise or Decipher Script skills to identify magic items or scripture, respectively. First, the spook makes a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + caster level of item) to determine whether or not the item is magical. He may then make an Appraise check to determine the properties of the item (DC 10 + caster level of item). He may discover the properties of a scroll or spell such as explosive runes without using the scroll or triggering the spell by making a Decipher Script check (DC 10 + caster level of item or DC 10 + spell level).

Using this ability requires no action. A failed check may not be retried for another hour, assuming the item is being constantly studied. Otherwise, a failed check may not be retried for another 24 hours.

Reflect Magic (Su)

A spook can cause a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability targeting him to be turned upon its caster as the spell turning spell once per encounter per class level. Any level spell may be turned. The spook must expend an action equal to the action expended by the caster.

Spooky Surprise (Su)

A spook understands the need to get the jump on a magic user before he can even begin to cast a single earth-shattering enchantment, and trains accordingly. He receives a +1 bonus to his initiative for each class level, and ignores any magical bonuses to initiative enemy creatures might have. Once per day per class level, the spook can reroll an initiative check. Finally, the spook may ignore the casting of any temporal spells which would alter his ability to act (such as time stop or celerity, but not haste), of a spell level up to twice his spook level.

Hijack Teleport (Su)

A second level spook can choose to hitch a ride on any form of extradimensional travel which is cast within 10 feet per class level. The spook appears in a square of his choice up to 5 feet per caster level (of the caster) away from the caster. If the caster is not willing, he is allowed a Will save (DC 15 + spook level + Int modifier). If the caster fails this save, he is not aware that the spook has hijacked his teleport. If the caster makes this save, the spook is unable to hijack the teleport. Hijacking a teleport is a free action.

If there is no room for the spook, he is shunted to the nearest open space, taking normal damage (if any is described in the spell description). The caster is not moved.

Turn Rider (Su)

A third level spook can choose to hitch a ride on a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability which he reflects back to its caster using his Reflect ability. This otherwise functions as the spook's Hijack Teleport ability, except the caster is not allowed a Will save even if he is unwilling, and the spook appears in his choice of squares adjacent to the caster.

Magic Murder

A fourth level spook may make a single attack against a creature he has used his Hijack Teleport or Turn Rider abilities on. This attack is taken in transit for the former ability, or immediately before touching down for the latter ability. Either way, it is a free action, and the creature loses his Dexterity bonus to AC for the attack.

Spellcanny Strike

A fifth level spook gains the ability to deal critical hits and precision damage to constructs, plants, undead, and any other creature that might be covered under Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), or Knowledge (religion), even if the creature normally would be immune to critical hits and/or precision damage. He is also able to deal critical hits and precision damage to a creature which has spells preventing those effects, such as the heart of air, water, earth, and fire spells.

2007-06-02, 10:24 PM
The prerequisites are pretty harsh. Maybe you should require Knowledge (Arcana) OR Knowledge (Nature) OR Knowledge (Religion) and let the Spook use his abilities against bards, sorcerers, and wizards if he takes Knowledge (Arcana), druids and rangers if he takes Knowledge (Nature), and against clerics and paladins if he takes Knowledge (Religion), and allow him to use his abilities against other spellcasters only when he gets the required Knowledge skill ranks and skill focus.