View Full Version : Technomancer fluff to Psion

2015-11-21, 08:13 AM
I've got several ways to fluff these powers as an act of technomancy, but I want to see what you guys can come up with as well.
By technomancy, I mean magic with a technological source. So fireball, for example, would be a pipe bomb, or the Psion's Energy Ray (cold) would be a coolant line breaking and shooting out at the target.
Also, my character's deity is Hektor (chaotic neutral), god of tinkering and invention, so they sky's the limit, so long as nothing actually changes, mechanically.
[As well, the Psion is housed in a Feycraft Full Plate armor, which is fluffed as a slightly self-supported mess of gears and circuits.]

Power List

Control Flame
Detect Psionics [Some sort of radar. kinda boring]
Energy Ray [Coolant...laser guns...That electrical rod thing with a big ball on the end?...A sonar dish]
Psionic Grease [Obviously Oil]
Entangling Ectoplasm
Minor Creation, Psionic [3D printer]

(Psychic Warrior) Float [Giant Ducky, or similar inflatable]
-It felt wrong to use armor without proficiency, plus I'm already the strongest person in the group, so who cares.

Swarm of Crystals [a bunch of knives and mini-saw blades flip out from the armor and fly out in a cone]
Tongues, Psionic [universal translator]

Dispel Psionics [?]
Time Hope [Best I've got is spontaneously bringing out a telephone booth when I want to use it but...that's a bit much.]

Touch Sight [?]

Uncle Pine
2015-11-21, 08:34 AM
I feel like a hefty dose of spiral power could help you achieve your goal. Kinda like it does with Iron Heart Surge.

2015-11-21, 08:36 AM
I feel like a hefty dose of spiral power could help you achieve your goal. Kinda like it does with Iron Heart Surge.

But I can only pierce the heavens so many times before the gods lock me out.

Uncle Pine
2015-11-21, 09:19 AM
But I can only pierce the heavens so many times before the gods lock me out.
Then you clearly need to kick your gods to the curb and manifest the impossible.

Control Flames
You are THE man. You don't need to control flames: flames bend themselves to your technomagical prowess.

Detect Psionics
Look, there's something here! One... No, three auras on the radar! And they're headed this way!

Hey you. Yeah, you. Look at the screen: do you see this? This little dot is you, it represents your power. On the other hand, this larger, brighter and cooler dot is me.

Energy Ray
Throw raw spiral power at opponents, opponents explode. Simple.

Psionic Grease
The wise spiral warrior knows when spiral power is unnecessary. Sometimes oil is sufficient.

Entangling Ectoplasm
"You draw forth a glob of spiral energy from your badassery and immediately throw it as a ranged touch attack at any creature in range. On a successful hit, the subject is covered in spiral power and becomes entangled. The spiral power dissipates at the end of the power’s duration."

Minor Creation, Psionic
Spiral power defies the law of mass-energy conservation and can create matter out of nothing. However, inexperienced spiral warriors can only materialize nonliving, vegetable matter.

While it's true that spiral power can create something out of nothing, one can also modify an existing object. Using spiral power to alter the density of your armor on a molecular level, you can avoid sinking like steel-clad man you are.

Swarm of Crystals
I imagine this power as a scaled down version of this (https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m30qudRF221r5ji52.gif).

Tongues, Psionic
Spiral power knows no boundaries, neither physical nor linguistic. As all the living creatures are ultimately built using the same information blocks (DNA bases), informations can be exchanged using this universal language.

Dispel Psionics
"I IHS my foes' powers."

Time Hop
Piercing the 4th dimension allows you to send yourself or another creature forward in time.

Touch Sight
You emit high frequency spiral power pulses that allow you to "feel" your surrounding similarly to how Chiroptera and other spiral creatures animals do.

2015-11-21, 09:25 AM
Amusing to say the least.

Uncle Pine
2015-11-21, 09:40 AM
Just to be at least somewhat useful, Touchsight could probably be fluffed as a sonar.
Depending on how psionics are treated in the campaign you're playing, Dispel Psionics could be fluffed as an EMP generator.
Moreover, similarly to how there are studies that detail how some frequencies can induce a state of excitement in people (especially those who abused specific substances), others detail how some frequencies can induce alert or discomfort in animals: maybe that's how your character Demoralizes opponents.

EDIT: And Entangling Ectoplasm is a foam cannon.

2015-11-21, 09:43 AM
Just to be at least somewhat useful, Touchsight could probably be fluffed as a sonar.
Depending on how psionics are treated in the campaign you're playing, Dispel Psionics could be fluffed as an EMP generator.
Moreover, similarly to how there are studies that detail how some frequencies can induce a state of excitement in people (especially those who abused specific substances), others detail how some frequencies can induce alert or discomfort in animals: maybe that's how your character Demoralizes opponents.

EDIT: And Entangling Ectoplasm is a foam cannon.

Ah, yay. Helpful stuff :P