View Full Version : Relic help

2015-11-21, 02:14 PM
ok so i'm working on a campaign for my D&D group and I need help with an item one of the Npc uses
see the players will start by joining a guild of undead/evil outsider hunters
and well the top 4 ranked members in the guild all have powerful relics
The third ranked member is the one i'm having trouble with now
I want her to use a powerful relic in the form of a great spear
but I need help coming up with the great spear abilities

can some one throw me an idea

the Npc is a A duskblade -rogue gesalt level 12

2015-11-21, 02:23 PM
Does she already have a means of sneak attacking undead ?

2015-11-21, 02:28 PM
Does she already have a means of sneak attacking undead ?

well yes but only for half damage

2015-11-21, 02:31 PM
OK, Relics are normally associated with Deities, what is her deity ? (I'm guessing she's a True Believer)

Also, what are the other Relics — just so we can get a feel for the power level, and we don't duplicate one you already have ?

2015-11-21, 02:39 PM
OK, Relics are normally associated with Deities, what is her deity ? (I'm guessing she's a True Believer)

Also, what are the other Relics — just so we can get a feel for the power level, and we don't duplicate one you already have ?

well she is a follower of A light goddess I made for this game (lawful good)

as for the other relics

one is called the prime sword that is a +12 sword that can change size and sword type and can change around its bonuses to any magical abilities allowed to weapons

I also use the golem armor for one of Npc

2015-11-21, 02:51 PM
The Whirling Blade spell on Spell Compendium page 238 would be super cool on a spear. As a standard action, use the weapon as a line attack, using your full melee attack bonus. (Sneak attack them all, mayhap?)

The Changeling weapon property from Magic Item Compendium, page 31, would let her choose what type of spear she wanted to use every round, allowing for reach sneak attacks with a longspear, as needed.

The Metalline weapon property, Magic Item Compendium, page 38, allows you to choose what material the weapon counts as for damage reduction. Great against outsiders.

The Flashburst spell, Spell Compendium, page 95, blinds enemies in an area. Great for sneak attacks and 'warriors of light' fluff.

2015-11-21, 03:00 PM
The Whirling Blade spell on Spell Compendium page 238 would be super cool on a spear. As a standard action, use the weapon as a line attack, using your full melee attack bonus. (Sneak attack them all, mayhap?)

The Changeling weapon property from Magic Item Compendium, page 31, would let her choose what type of spear she wanted to use every round, allowing for reach sneak attacks with a longspear, as needed.

The Metalline weapon property, Magic Item Compendium, page 38, allows you to choose what material the weapon counts as for damage reduction. Great against outsiders.

The Flashburst spell, Spell Compendium, page 95, blinds enemies in an area. Great for sneak attacks and 'warriors of light' fluff.

Ok I'm thinking of going with whirling blade as a ability of the spear along with flash burst making it a + 7 speed holy blur strike great spear
with the ability to switch between spear types and being made of cold iron

I am also thinking that you can chose to turn all the damage dealt by spells used through the spear in positive energy

now I just need a name for it lol

2015-11-21, 03:04 PM
For what you're planning i'd go for Binding (MIC), Undead Bane, Evil Outsider Bane and Holy. Add a bit of an enhancement bonus to taste and to make sure he actually hits and you should be done. Maybe throw in the ability of the Sunblade if you think it needs even more power.

On another note, not to knock your DM abilities but giving 12th level NPCs epic weapons is unnecessary and often problematic.
You can get a good and effective relic just by selecting decent powers. Giving your run of the mill NPCs greater artifact grade epic items is also a giant sign for your players that says "kill me for awesome loot".

2015-11-21, 04:40 PM
Some combination of

Searing Light - ray, can be used to sneak attack
Sunbeam - 60' line effect
Sunburst - 80-ft.-radius burst

These are all from the Sun domain and do more damage against undead.