View Full Version : Counterspell twinning

2015-11-21, 11:02 PM
Let's say you are facing 3 spell casters. One is casting a spell and you respond with Counterspell. Can you twin it in anticipation that the other spell caster is going to cast as well?

2015-11-21, 11:07 PM
Answer would be no. Simply because one, you are reacting to one spell caster casting a spell, two, it's duration is instant so it has to be used immediately or it is lost.

2015-11-21, 11:09 PM
Let's say you are facing 3 spell casters. One is casting a spell and you respond with Counterspell. Can you twin it in anticipation that the other spell caster is going to cast as well?

From the description, it looks like both versions of the twinned spell go off simultaneously. I don't think you can hold one to use later in the round. (And you only get one reaction anyway.) Perhaps if the DM was using only one initiative roll for both enemy casters they might be talked into letting this work, but by RAW it wouldn't.

2015-11-22, 01:09 AM
I can just imagine a sorcerer doing this to counter a magic missile firing squad.

But seriously, if 2 of those 3 foes were to cast the same spell at you in the same round I'd totally allow it to work, since you're countering the same spell twice in the same 6 second span that it is theoretically happening. How often is that going to happen?

2015-11-22, 06:24 AM
Thank you for answering my question. Your right in can't hold an instantaneous spell

But disagree with comment on not possible because only 1 reaction. Twinning allows you to technically cast an action spell but have 2 targets. So you still are using 1 reaction but dividing the spell between 2 targets IF the DM was having both casters cast their spells simultaneously

2015-11-22, 06:43 AM
Could it be quickened and twinned? Any spell that is an action can be quickened, why not a reaction spell such as counterpsell?

2015-11-22, 11:43 AM
If they were using the same group initiative I would say it works. If the enemy spell-casters are on different initiatives then no. Cool idea though. :)

2015-11-22, 10:01 PM
I think I'd allow this, even in its most permissive form: If a sorcerer cast counterspell, and then later in the round another spellcaster started to cast a spell, I'd allow the sorcerer to expend sorcery points as appropriate to counterspell a second time. It's a liberal reading of the rules, granted, but it's not strictly forbidden and sorcerers are not known for being overpowered. I don't think such a situational boost would do any harm.

2015-11-25, 03:57 AM
I think I'd allow this, even in its most permissive form: If a sorcerer cast counterspell, and then later in the round another spellcaster started to cast a spell, I'd allow the sorcerer to expend sorcery points as appropriate to counterspell a second time. It's a liberal reading of the rules, granted, but it's not strictly forbidden and sorcerers are not known for being overpowered. I don't think such a situational boost would do any harm.

If someone is walking around the game table with a shillelagh wielding shield bearing polearm master, all is fair.

2015-11-25, 06:44 AM
I would probably allow this corner case on the basis of rule of cool, but it's definitely not in the RAW.