View Full Version : Adventures in Eberron! (IC thread)

2015-11-22, 10:56 AM
As you enter the city of Korranberg, you see there's a hubbub about the city today. It seems that a new airship has just recently been completed, and the commissioning ceremony is drawing crowds to the downtown area. Music floats in from various areas, and little mechanical gadgets float in the air or waddle along the streets, trying to dodge the occasional vehicle.

The Library of Korranberg stands out amongst the buildings, a shining spire thrusting up towards the heavens. It's visible from every point of the city, and you all find your ways to it. By the time you reach the Library, the sun is just beginning to set. Golden fingers of light reach through the mountains to the west, striving to escape the quickly descending night. The newly crowned airship floats off in the distance, brightly festooned with banners to bestow good fortune.


You enter the front doors, and leave your name with the front desk personnel, an elderly gnome who greets you with a smile and quite a bit of small talk. He gives you a visitor badge, and proceeds to lead you to an antechamber in the upper sections of the building, past hallways containing various historical artifacts. A left turn here, a right turn there, and soon you are ushered into an auditorium. There are only a few burning candles, and they cast deep shadows into the corners. Some of them reach out almost as if they were the wings of some great bat resting on the ceiling, but it's only a trick of the lights playing off the architecture.

A bespectacled gnome stands behind the podium located near the front, next to a board used for demonstrations. His hands grip the wood tightly. "Are you all here now?" he says in a high, excited pitch. He hobbles around the podium as you hear a sound of rustling papers, and gingerly goes down the steps. As he does so, the light catches on his leg, which glimmers brightly. It seems to be some sort of prosthetic.

"Well, let's get on with it... it's late enough as is. I've called you all here because I have something to show you. But before that can happen, I need to ask you to sign this contract. It's a non-disclosure agreement, up on that podium over there, one for each of you. It states that whatever you see, you will refuse to share this info unless forced through physical, psychological, technological or magical means. I know what you're thinking... how can I sign this when I don't even know what's there? Let me tell you this. You want to sign it. And you'll be handsomely rewarded. I'll give you this much of a clue. You'll be transporting myself along with this item, or items, to a destination where I can safely offload it."

"So," he pauses, breathing in sharply. He raises himself to his full height and the candlelight seems to intensify slightly. He breaks the silence by clapping his hands together loudly, then in a voice that is more manic than relaxed, he asks, "Who's coming with me?"

Apologies for the power posing; just setting the scene so we all meet up and don't have to wait on others. Feel free to respond however you would, and if you want to "retcon" your entrance, feel free and I'll edit above.

Also, if you want to save time, you can make some rolls in the roll thread, and I'll take those as your first rolls for whatever comes up. Your call though if you want to "preroll" or not.


Riardon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=305300) - A wood elf bounty hunter who excels at tracking his prey through urban environments.
Manle d'Lyrandar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=616226) - A human noble from the House of Lyrandar, who one day dreams of piloting his own airship.
Cadesen d'Medani (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=616524) - A half-elf detective from the House of Medani, with a secret hidden up his sleeves.
Vear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=616920) - A changeling who lives day to day, and person to person.
Nameless (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=617097) - A warforged who relentless strives to understand the mysteries of the universe.
Yack (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=620848) - A minotaur who isn't afraid to face problems head-on. Literally.

OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?462173-Adventures-in-Eberron!-OOC-thread)

Dice Roll Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?462205-Adventures-in-Eberron-(Dice-thread))

2015-11-24, 12:58 AM
Riardon Ilphelkiir,low paid freelance Bounty Hunter stood listening raptly. Once the speech was over, he considered for a second what signing the contract would mean. What sort of things the man could want to hide. But the words"rewarded handsomely" stood out the most in this speech. And if he wanted to back out, he would have done so long before arrival.

When you have to give your word, keep it, and never drop a job if you can finish it. Riardon always tried to live up to his father's advice. And it applied here as well as on the streets of Sharn. He at least, had nothing to fear from the contract.

Wordlessly, he stepped forwards, ready to follow instructions.

2015-11-24, 06:16 AM
A bulky and armored minotaur walks forward as well and in a surprisingly well spoken manner answers: I'll sign it under the assumption that the non-disclosure agreement indeed just states what you just said as I can guarantee that funny stuff with small letters will only lead to paper induced constipation. Also, I really must insist that you will allow me to lend some of the books you have here before we go for on the trip… This place and its collection are simply too grand to pass up.

2015-11-24, 08:03 AM
After the gnome spoke, Manle, who was right after the bulky minotaur, approached the podium to sign the contract. "Eh, not talking with someone about secrets seems like a good habit" He thought to himself.

Then, he tried to recollect many of the stories he heard about Korranberg library: even if he followed his father in the city many times, he never had the time (or the permission) to explore this famed place, one of the greatest bastions of knowledge of all world, and the demontration of what the dragonmarked houses could do...

Signed the contract, Manle had little patience left, and turned toward the gnome, thinking about the possible implications of such secrecy, generally more apt to a diplomatic meeting, than an academic one "Doctor MacGufin, I hope that money is not the only thing you're offering, or that will mean that you need nothing more than mercenaries..."

2015-11-24, 08:48 AM
The wizened professor turned towards the nobleman with a speed belying his age. "You should know why you're here nobleman! No one is more trusted when it comes to travel! Ok, maybe House Orien, but apart from them, Lyrandar is a pretty good House also. Your job is to flash your fancy petticoat at anyone who gets a bit too suspicious. And, I don't know, swing around your swords if you want in some whirlish dervish fashion, that's your prerogative. Besides, since when does a nobleman care for anything more than money?"

"As for you minotaur, should you accept my offer instead of eating it," and here he whispers as an aside, "Honestly, it's probably better than the cafeteria food." He begins again, "Anyways, if you should choose to accept it I would certainly be fine with taking out a few books under my own name for your perusal during the journey. Wait, journey makes it sound far too long. It's a trip really. A jaunt, even!"

He suddenly inclines his head upwards, looking at the ornate glass windows in the upper recesses of the auditorium, searching.

Roll Perception. You can do so in thread in a spoiler, or in the OOC thread, or in the Dice Roll thread. I just ask you be consistent.

2015-11-24, 09:52 AM
Cadesen Medani pondered the situation for a moment, scratching his thin, dark, well-trimmed facial hair as he did. His slightly used hooded traveler's cloak bore the insignia of House Medani just below his left shoulder. He wore a pair of black boots and gloves, also slightly used, and had a sword, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows strapped to his back.

He had to admit that his curiosity was nagging at him relentlessly. Whatever this gnome was transporting must have been very important, otherwise he wouldn't be trying to protect it so well. It went against Cade's nature as a former detective of the Warning Guild to leave such a mystery unchecked.

However, other matters also pressed his mind, and Cade realized that right now it was more important to keep himself constantly moving throughout the world, and that this job was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Finally, Cadesen spoke up, "Count me in." His voice was even, elegant, and confident, the accent of Brelish nobility.

2015-11-24, 05:09 PM
Heh, I think we'll be getting along just fine without having to resort to force-feeding somebody an excessive amount of dietary fibre. The name is Yack by the way and my brains, brawn and shield are at your disposal, though I guess the latter two interest you most.

2015-11-24, 11:17 PM
Varaisses watches the others, She is a tall half elf with striking red hair and dressed to bring attention to her fine figure. She did not wear armor today, but was armed. This seems like a simple enough job, although if she go a turn at some hansom dandy, that would be fine too, but deliveries paid just as well.

Sure, whatever gets me paid sweetie" She says with a wink, walking past the others and signing the paper.

2015-11-25, 12:50 PM
The professor replies, "I'm aware of who you are Mr. Yack. I take pains to ensure that I only invite polite bulls into my parlor. I don't care very much for broken china, if you catch my drift. I trust your intelligence... come now, I'm a scholar! Is there any doubt I would?

The rest of you, if you wish to sign the papers I will bring you into my study, but let's not tarry too long, agreed? Sir Medani, your presence here is greatly appreciated, and gives me no small measure of comfort. And you, Va-ray-sus, I believe it's pronounced? You've come recommended by one of your former clients. I trust he was not mistaken in his estimation of your abilities?

2015-11-25, 02:21 PM
Manle, still asking to himself why almost everyone in the room was looking at the ceiling like morons, stopped for a moment to take a look to the beautiful elven woman who signed the contract, thinking about... "Well... I should, ehm... concentrate on the task at hand! He repeated himself, still eyeing the red haired mercenary "Yes! Travel, that's what we do best... ehm..." He answered with a large delay to the savant gnome that, at the moment, was busy addressing all the adventurers.

2015-11-25, 02:50 PM
While the others were talking, Riardon was taking in the sighs of the library. He had never been in a place like this before. It seemed like a good sign concerning their ability to pay, although it didn't say anything about whether or not they would screw them over once the job was done. That was harder to tell. Something caught the corner of Riardon's eye, but it could have just been a bird. Nothing to be concerned about, probably.

Once the others had stopped talking, Riardon signed without comment.

2015-11-25, 03:26 PM
Varaisses nods "It is VA-Ar-ISS-Es really." She ways with a smile"I would ask if it was entertainment or delivery, but that would be telling. I am sure they got their money's worth either way. And judging from the company, I am guessing it was not entertainment." Looking around a bit and then upward"Tell, Me professor. Are they doing in work above or do you have rodents in your library?

2015-11-25, 03:39 PM
"Rodents, I do believe." Cade mentions in response to the mercenary's question without lowering his gaze from the window section above. "What exactly would you have us transport that would warrant spies to watch us, sir?" Cade asks the question with authority and genuine concern, but retains his politeness when addressing the gnome.

2015-11-25, 04:56 PM
The professor looks at Cadesen with a mix of anger and fear. With a strained voice, he says, "Good sirs, won't you step into my office." He sneers at Cadesen and jerks his head towards his study, then lowly under his breath says, "They're not mine." His foot taps impatiently, and then, without waiting further he brusquely grabs the papers and strides off to the hallway. "It's the door marked "Professor MacGuffin". Don't leave me waiting."

2015-11-25, 05:07 PM
"I wasn't suggesting that they were yours, friend." The Medani half-elf said as he held his hands up in a defensive manner. He didn't like this. Something wasn't right. However, it went against his nature to not fully investigate the situation so satisfy his curiosity, and that meant he would have to cooperate for now.

Cade then proceeds to the office door labeled 'Professor Macguffin'.

2015-11-25, 09:52 PM
Taking care not to squash any of the less horny adventures Yack also enters the gnome's office.

2015-11-25, 10:42 PM
Riardon followed, slightly bewildered. This sort of thing as a bit above his experience.

2015-11-26, 02:47 AM
Finally understanding what's going on with the ceiling, Manle follows after the educated minotaur into MacGuffin's office

2015-11-26, 08:11 AM
As you step inside his office, you can see that it is quite spacious. There is a long couch, two chairs, and various bookshelves filled with exotic materials. But what draws your eyes is a large object behind the professor's desk, something covered with a coarse brown sheet.

"Are you ready?" the gnome asks, with a smile like that of a child with a fresh present, eager to see what's inside. Without waiting for an answer, he steps to the side of it, and pulls the sheet away.

What stands before you is an azure egg, only slightly smaller than the gnome.

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Forig02.deviantart.net%2 F7391%2Ff%2F2015%2F041%2F7%2Fe%2Fblue_agate_dragon _egg_sculpture_by_nika_n-d8hfzdy.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnika-n.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FBlue-Agate-Dragon-Egg-sculpture-513028582&docid=0gwVt5AyzR-blM&tbnid=cP4oaupykiIhxM%3A&w=900&h=600&ved=0ahUKEwjX343gj67JAhUFNiYKHf5FCcEQxiAIBjAC&iact=c&ictx=1
"I should hope all of you know what this is, but if you don't it's probably better to keep it that way so don't ask. This, my new traveling companions, is what we are delivering." He treats the egg with almost parental affection, placing his hands on the shell gently.

"So, still in? You can still back out if you want, but the NDA you signed states explicitly that you are not allowed to mention this to anyone, and if you do so, you will be held criminally liable. And of course, you won't receive any compensation. Speaking of which, what do you think is a fair price? I can just give you gold, if that's what you're looking for. Or there might be something the library has that could go missing?" He angles his head upwards, listening, then resumes.

"For the safe delivery of this cargo, I am willing to offer 1200 gold, to be split amongst you all. If one of you should choose to ask for an item instead, then it's value would be deducted from that total. Any takers?"

2015-11-26, 12:35 PM
Yack inspects the egg and then jokes: I never thought I´d be able to put babysitter on my resumé. Where is the mother if I may ask?

Knowledge Arcana [roll0]

2015-11-28, 08:07 PM
"What is our destination with this cargo, sir?" Cade inquired as he inspected the egg at a small distance.

2015-11-28, 08:26 PM
Riardon's eyes widened seeing the egg. That egg was probably worth... more money than a no-name bounty hunter like him could comprehend. He glanced back at the door and grasped his rapier, as if the spies the other's mentioned were about to burst in

2015-11-29, 10:49 AM
"To answer your question first, we don't know about the status of the mother. On an expedition to Argonessen, it seems a group of adventurers somehow came into possession of this item. I'd like to think that they delivered it to us because they were great fans of knowledge, as I doubt the Library could have been top bidder for this particular item. Or maybe they just wanted to get it off their hands quickly. Either way it's ours now, for the time being.

Until, that is, we reach the floating spires of the Arcane Congress, my inquisitive fellows. They have more capabilities to protect it there, and frankly, I don't want it here any longer. Those gentlemen have been watching me for over a month now. I'm sure they know I know. What I don't know is if that's by design, or accident. Either way, we need to move this to keep it safe. I want to get out first thing tomorrow morning. We can rest tonight, come back, and get this on some transportation. Agreed?"

The gnome fiddles with some small contraption on his deck, his eyes flitting from one to the other.

2015-11-29, 05:41 PM
A warforged in odd, purple, robe-like attire carrying a staff of metal matching its own plates watched the speech with its cold, blue eyes. It did not hesitate at all to agree to sign the papers, with no more ceremony or speech than a nod. Whatever knowledge this gnome had, gaining it was worth any consequences signing this agreement might have. Hearing the minotaur's request be accepted, however, it commented, in a near-monotone voice that echoed slightly within its frame, "I would appreciate if you extended the offer of reading material to myself, as well. The knowledge that must hide within these tomes is such that to leave for any other task would surely be impossible, knowing they remain hidden."

After entering the office, it said, "I imagine my designation should suffice as a signature. I am model number 1262.S, stealth variation. The only one of that make to survive the war, if my intelligence is correct. If names are your fashion, I have no permanent or preferred one. As my employer, you may call me by what name you wish, or you may not. If you wish to know, my skills lie mainly in matters of knowledge, and the arcane. While I was originally built for matters of stealth, it is no longer one of my main functions."

If it noticed the talk of spies going around, it made little indication of caring.

As the gnome reveals the azure egg, the warforged peers at it with greater intent than anyone might expect those of its kind to express, "Fascinating..." it said as it thought of what it might be, "As for payment, I have use for either gold or some form of unique item of the library. I would prefer the latter, I think, but either way, your offer of payment is suitable. Yes, I must accept." It could not refuse such an opportunity for knowledge if it wanted to.

2015-11-29, 05:47 PM
That should give me enough time to peruse and lend a few books. Are there any specimens you could recommend in particular?

Of the books at least one will be about dragon eggs, one about dragons in Argonessen and one about the floating spires of the Arcane Congress

2015-11-29, 09:01 PM
"I would like to acquire some books myself. Particularly those that focus on Dragonmarks and their respective families for a...personal project."

Although he won't openly announce it, Cade is actually searching for information about aberrant dragonmarks.

2015-11-30, 10:06 AM
Hearing about the destination, Manle finally understands why he was called "That gnome... not only he wants to be sure that we can travel unnoticed, he want to cross half the continent!" He thinks, listening to the requests of payment.

He then looks around, glancing at his companions and at the gnome. "Looks like I'm going to work with a group of librarians... I'll take the money, after all, that's what we nobles do!"

2015-11-30, 01:24 PM
The professor looks them over. "It's nice I'll be traveling with such erudite company! Just show up in the morning somewhat early, shortly after dawn should be fine, and I will get some of our assistants to help you out. The library doesn't open until mid morning usually, but just knock on the front door when you arrive and I will have then let you in. I've scheduled transportation on the lightning rail for us, so make sure to bring any supplies you might need for the next two weeks or so. If we run low on supplies we can stock up along the way. Thankfully the Library has been somewhat generous with my traveling allowance.

That said, I think it is time to retire for the night." He uncovers the egg another time, and looks at it, as if weighing over some decision. He strokes his wispy beard, twisting the ends of it. The room is quiet for a moment as he ruminates.

2015-11-30, 10:42 PM
Varaisses shrugs, an egg is an egg "I'll take the gold, the pretty, pretty gold" She looks around, counting number, it will do. "We are we staying for the night and who is babysitting your luggage? We know we are being watched, I would hate for it to vanish before we even leave"

2015-11-30, 10:52 PM
Riardon finally found his voice. "Money is fine for me too." he said, still looking in shock at the egg. Was it a dragon egg? Some kind of new monster?

2015-12-02, 05:51 PM
The professor turns to the proud elf and says, "I should think it would be fine here, Varaisses. But then again, I'm not an expert. There are some enchantments placed upon this room that should protect it... but maybe you're right. I think I'll be staying here one way or another. It's up to you if you would like to join me. If you do so, you could use some time now to search for the books you want, unless you just want to kit out somewhere in the auditorium."

He rifles through his desk, fetching a small metal box. He then goes to a corner of his room and breaks a part off a tubular viridian plant with deep purple blossoms. He brandishes the tinder and and sparks shoot forth, catching the end of the leaf on fire. He inhales through the hollow stem, and exhales slowly. "It's your call. But hurry up and decide, these old bones need their rest."

2015-12-03, 12:16 AM
"I did not come expecting to sleep on the floor" She says with a sigh, looking at the very cold and hard looking floors. "This would not be the worse place I had slept for gold" She looks around "I see very few others brought traveling gear as well. Fine, I am up for guard duty, I can grab by gear in the morning" She says, plopping down on a desk.

2015-12-04, 02:23 AM
Manle looks curiously at the gnome, then, with a distracted voice, concur with the plan: "I'm ok here, this place is way better then an airship's deck!"

2015-12-04, 05:36 AM
Normally they have to plead with me to get out of the library at closing time...

2015-12-05, 08:04 AM
The gnome looks startled that all of you are so willing to stay the night. "Splendid! Superb! Well then, if you don't mind good fellows..." he moves to where some of you are near the couch, and shoos you away from it gently. He then unfolds it; and produces a pillow from behind his desk.

"I can't tell you how invaluable this contraption has been for me!" The gnome walks past the egg once more, patting it gently, then crashes onto the makeshift bed. "I will leave it to you to decide where you want to sleep, just not in this bed. Of course..." he pauses, looking at the attractive elf, but then he shakes his head quickly, finishing, "Uhm, uh, of course... We will gather in the morning. And with that, feel free to wander the halls. Just make sure not to do anything that will get me in trouble, ok? And try to get SOME sleep. I doubt I could carry any of your dead weight along.

Good night!" He gives a two fingered salute to you all, turns over, and near immediately falls into a deep, snoring slumber.

2015-12-05, 05:24 PM
Riardon blinked for a few seconds. "...Okay." He glanced around at the others before taking out his own bedroll, used once or twice for long-term outdoor bounties. As he settled down for the night, a thought drifted across his mind.

What have I gotten myself into?

2015-12-05, 06:56 PM
The warforged chose to remain overnight. After all, as it said, "leaving to stay at an inn would be unnecessary, in any case. I do not require sleep."

It remains in the library, occasionally looking over some of the books, but for the vast majority of the night, stands near a wall in the room with their charge. As it does so, it stares at the egg, coldly still. It's hard to tell if it's awake or not by the look of it. While other parts of its body are inactive, its teal eyes never cease their dull glow.

2015-12-06, 12:51 AM
After perusing the library for about an hour, Cade finally decided to set up his sleeping arrangements in the corner of the room with the egg in it.

2015-12-06, 07:06 AM
Manle discuss the possibility of guard turns with his newfound companions then, after the arrangements are done, spends in time bot in watch and sleeping, thinking at what could be the best course of action for the approaching travel

2015-12-07, 04:19 PM
After Yack sees that all guarding duties seem to be covered by the robot and others he spends some time trying to make some conversation with the robot, asking what kind of metals he is made of, and what it is what makes him tick. After that Yack will be spending way too much too much time reading books, likely ending up falling asleep somewhere while reading a book.

2015-12-07, 04:27 PM
Before long, the professor is snoozing loudly, his snores reverberating throughout the office. The elf stays awake, while the others try to find a good place to sleep for the night.

To those outside the office (and the professor's snoring), the soft patter of rain can be heard tapping against the windows of the hallway, set far above. The library is asleep.

There's not much room in there to sleep in the office since the professor is there with the egg, the desk, etc. I will let Varaisses spend the night in the professor's room (he seems a bit partial to her anyways), and the others can stay in the auditorium down the hallway that he met you in. There are also some side offices.

Varaisses will be taking first guard, and I'll set the rest of the guard up by post. So it will go


Assuming that it's now roughly 8 PM, we'll go 2 hour shifts until 8 AM. I know you don't sleep Nameless, but we'll assume you're gathering reading materials. Speaking of which, all of you looking to grab books can roll Int to see how good you are at manipulating the Dewey Decimal System. :smallbiggrin:

2015-12-07, 10:50 PM
Varaisses decides to stay near the gnome and the cargo, its a pity he fell asleep so soon, she thinks, maybe she could have gotten some more coin out of him. Guard duty was never her kind of thing, her mind drifts a bit to other projects and other persona's and about Velento's on and off partners upcoming party. Zara will be so put out if Velento does not make it back to sharn in time, but maybe Varaisses can find her a trinket once the job is over. Something in blue, Zara likes blue.

2015-12-11, 09:23 AM
As you all go about your business, setting up sleeping beds and looking for books, everyone settles in as comfortably as they can. Varaisses watches the gnome professor, while Manle stays awake in the auditorium.

The minotaur, warforged and detective all travel towards the library, digging through various tomes and searching for various bits of information.

Meanwhile, Riardon finds a good place to take a nap, realizing that someone will eventually need to stand guard later in the night.

In the middle of the night, Manle yawns. He stretches, and turns around. Is there movement in the corner? As he strains to look, he hears brief grunt behind him! He turns around to see what made the noise, which is the only thing that saves him! A blade cuts deeply into his shoulder.

Manle spins around to see the attacker. It is a man dressed in black, roughly 5 1/2 feet tall, average build, a wicked shortsword in hand. The attacker moves towards him...

In the professor's room, Varaisses also hears a noise, a loud "creak" coming from the door, which is opening slowly!

Enemies have appeared! The rogue was able to sneak up on Manle, but the other two are spotted. Roll initiative!

[roll0] Rogue
[roll1] Enemy 2
[roll2] Enemy 3

2015-12-13, 03:42 AM
Manle is startled for a brief moment by the painful cut, then reacts as fast as he can: he forces himself to ignore his afflicted shoulder, draws his sword and attack the shadowy figure, trying to surprise him with a rapid reaction, while shouting at the top of his lungs: "Wake up! We're ambushed!"

Bonus Action: Second wind to regen Hp: [roll0]
Attack Action against target (With Longsword held in two hands):
Attack Roll [roll1]
Damage Roll [roll2]

2015-12-13, 01:01 PM
For once, it was a good thing Riardon was a light sleeper. He was up and had his bow out and drawn in a few seconds.

Can Riardon attack?

2015-12-13, 04:25 PM
According to legend it should be rather hard to surprise a Minotaur; one to which Yack likes to live up. As soon as he's wiped off the drool from his snout he heads off (literally) with his shield in hand towards Manle, to flatten some punks with his shield, possibly neuter them with his horns, and ward off further attacks on Manle.

2015-12-13, 06:04 PM
As the sounds of hooves come echoing down the hallway, one of the men hidden in the shadows begins to move his hands in circles, chanting in a deep voice...

Across the hall, a large man in black steps inside the office, brandishing a longsword. Upon seeing the elf, he laughs and says, "Ha! A fellow elf eh? If you know what's good for you, you'll move away from that egg, nice and quietly." As Manle shouts, he says, "As you can tell, we're already taking care of your friends. Don't worry, we're professionals. We won't do much harm to them. You know, assuming they don't anger us too greatly before we take them out. Now, move." He jerks a thumb towards a corner of the room away from the egg.

Both the spellcaster and the big guy are holding their actions. The spellcaster is readying a spell, and the fighter is readying an attack if "Varaisses" tries to make any aggressive actions.

Everyone who hasn't rolled initiative can do so, preferably in the OOC thread. Once this round is over, I'll be pairing up the 3 highest initiatives together, and the 3 lowest together.

2015-12-13, 08:57 PM
Manle turns around, and quickly unsheathes his sword. He grips it with both hands, and whirls it through the air, taking a mighty swing towards the enemy! But he put too much into the attack, and his foe is far too nimble! The thief easily ducks beneath the swing, laughing aloud in a mocking tone.

"You sure you don't want to give up now?" he says, as he raises the shortsword up again, when suddenly a minotaur comes charging around the corner...

2015-12-14, 10:03 AM
Yack bullrushes forward, as minotaurs do, while bellowing: I'll have fun writing your epitaph! after which we proceeds to pummel and gore the thief into a lesser degree of wellbeing.

Shield bash first (with advantage: it's a shove) to get the thief prone, followed by a gore attack with his horns (with advantage if he gets prone)

Shield Bash: Athletics check: [roll0] or [roll1]
Attack roll: [roll2] or (if prone) [roll3]
Damage roll: [roll4] (if crit: [roll5])

2015-12-14, 10:16 PM
The rogue pointed ears pick up the sound of the charging minotaur, shifting his body weight and easily leaping clear of the shield. However, it's clear he doesn't normally fight an enemy with horns, as his leap throws him into their path. One of the points of the horn rips itself along the elf's side. The elf tumbles and recovers, gasping in pain as a hand reflexively moves to the wound. It's easy to see that the minotaur has done a damaging blow to the thief.

He turns to the man in the corner, shouting, "What are you waiting for pechannas?" The wizard finishes his incantation, and a blast of symbols appear.

Before the rogue takes his turn, the caster in the shadows is using his prepared action to cast Sleep. He aims it primarily at Yack, and then Manle.


If less than 12, neither passes out.
If less than 24, Yack passes out.
If 24 or more, both pass out.

2015-12-14, 10:24 PM
The minotaur crashes to the ground, sleeping. The rogue looks in disgust at the caster. "Why do we even bring you along?" He stares at Manle for a moment, sizing him up. Then he decides to exercise the better part of valor, and his legs, by taking off down the hallway.

The rogue is using his Cunning Action to disengage from the minotaur, then taking a move action into the corridor, then trying to hide in case anyone follows.

[roll0] is the roll to beat. Perception beats Stealth.

2015-12-16, 03:34 PM
Hearing the commotion, the warforged looks up from the books it was studying. It recites a few words while making strange hand gestures, and a wave of tiny, ephemeral shards shimmer into being around it, before it hurries off to see what is happening in the next room.

Casting Magic Armor, then moving into the other room, staying wherever is the farthest away from what's happening so as to get an idea of what is occurring. Probably in the doorway that I enter from. I'm rolling perception in the roll thread in case I have a chance to see the rogue.

2015-12-16, 10:02 PM
Noticing the rogue, the warforged taps its staff on the floor with a metallic clang. A small burst of flame erupts forward from the head of the staff, glancing off the rogue's shoulder.

The warforged speaks flatly, "You are outnumbered, intruder. Surrender now, or never."

2015-12-17, 01:01 AM
Varaisses is caught, she can't reach a weapon,nor can she cast without being cut down "Eggs all yours it seems" Maybe after he grabs the egg she'll have her chance.

Varaisses will ready an action. She'll cast her spell once the fighter takes the egg and lets his guard down.

2015-12-17, 06:16 AM
Burnt and bleeding, the rogue throws his hands in the air. "I submit!" he says, first in Elven than in common. Having given up the fight, the elf weakly staggers towards the wall, and slides down it, clutching his side. His breath is ragged.

Just a short ways down the hallway, the large man in black sizes the elf up and down. "Alright, don't try anything funny." He moves forward towards the egg and runs his hand along it. He kneels, testing the weight of the object while keeping one eye on the elf.

As the bounty hunter wood elf wakes up, the wizard hisses to him, "Cousin, you would side with these humans and gnomes over your kind?"

2015-12-18, 01:37 AM
Staggered by the sudden turn of events and by the strange actions of his enemies, Manle looks at the minotaur, down in front of him. "Oh my, what happened now? Did he had a heart attack? I'm in league with a faint hearted book reading minotaur?".
The half-elf try to wake up Yack, then heads towards the enemy wizard, talking to the warforged:
"Maybe is better to stun this elf, I don't trust this people!"

2015-12-18, 12:59 PM
Yack opens his eyes dreamily at first, and subsequently somewhat annoyed as notices he's being slapped. Thank you Sir, but I don't require another... Now lead the way! He then stands up ready to follow Manle where-ever he goes to give him cover.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-12-18, 05:03 PM
Apparently Riardon was groggier than he thought. He moved more slowly, but managed to launch an attack at the wizard with his bow.

I assume the fighter is the closest. If I'm wrong, correct me.


2015-12-20, 11:48 AM
Riardon stands up, still trying to process what's going on. One thing he gets though; that guy in the corner waving his arms around isn't one of them! He quickly notches an arrow in his bow and lets fly! Though tired, he manages to strike true, tearing through a portion of the wizard's sleeve, revealing a wicked slash.

The wizard howls in pain, grabbing his arm. He scowls at Riardon, then reaches into his pouch and pulls out some items, partially obscured by the sleeves now dangling halfway down his left arm.

In the professor's office, the man looks over cautiously at the elf, then bends down at the knees. Grunting, he lifts the dragon egg up. As he does so, he hears Varaisses muttering words under her breath, and he realizes with growing concern that she is casting a spell! She finishes her incantations, and spreads both hands palm outwards towards the intruder, a magical dust flying towards him... and he laughs!

He sets the egg on the table and pulls back his hood to reveal a face that was once handsome, but now marked by a vicious scar on the left side of his face. He points to his pointed ears and says to Varaisses, "Really? I would think you would know your own kind elf. You just made a grave mistake."

He unsheathes his longsword and takes two long strides towards her, his blade also eager to meet her...

He swings his sword twice at her, displaying his skills with the blade.


She tries to duck away, but in the confined space of the room she has nowhere to go. The sword hits her midsection, and as she goes down, the man hits her with the butt of his hilt, knocking her to the ground. The man rolls her over and shakes his head. "Should've known better. The attractive ones are always the dumbest. Sleep sweetly!" He chuckles and picks up the dragon egg, just managing to carry it with his one free arm. He steps outside the door just in time to see the rogue with his hands up, surrendering to a large warforged.

"Looks like the party's just getting started, eh Slith?" he says to the rogue. "Hey metalface. Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Or you could just let us leave with the egg, and take care of your friend in there who's making a mess in the professor's office. Your call."

2015-12-20, 12:13 PM
The caster looks at Riardon, sizing him up... then he shouts in common, "Look! Over there!" and uses his good arm to point to an object behind Riardon. As soon as he does so, he turns and takes off running towards the hallway where he can hear his cohorts shouting, away from the fighter advancing towards him.


The misdirection does the trick! Riardon is distracted for just a second, but it's long enough to give the wizard the time needed to escape as an arrow clangs harmlessly off the wall. He rushes off down the hallway, catching up with his companions, but stops short when he sees the warforged. As he sees the fighter with the egg, he shouts in Elvish,

"What are you waiting for fool? Leave!"

He then turns to the rogue, and his hands trace a symbol in the air. "Go!" he shouts. He chants as he produces a pellet from his sleeves and crushes it between his fingers. As he does so, the rogue becomes invisible.

2015-12-20, 02:27 PM
The warforged wastes no time responding to the man with the egg using words, though it spares some for an incantation, immediately dashing back away from him, tracing the head of its staff across the ground as it does. Sparks fly from the impact, coalescing in the air as three bolts of pure force, which lance forward at the new arrival's chest with perfect accuracy.

Moving back 10-15? Maybe 30 ft, or as far as possible while being in view of the guy with the egg, I guess? Then casting magic missile at him. Then moving back further, as far as I can.

2015-12-20, 03:03 PM
Assuming that the warforged is backing out of the fight, the large man says, " I figured you didn't want any piece of me. Cherish your life metal one." Then he laughs uproariously, in cliched "evil villain" fashion, head towards the ceiling and dark locks of hair flowing around him.

His laugh is cut short however, as three bolts of force to strike him directly in the chest! The force of the impact spins him around and sends the egg flying wildly from his hands. It hits the ground with a solid thud, then careens down the corridor, tumbling wildly out of control. The brawler deliberately raises himself to one knee, then turns around and intones dramatically. "You poor excuse for a golem, you just made a big mistake."

2015-12-21, 12:36 AM
Grumbling at being caught with such a child's trick, Riardon let fly another arrow at the wizard.


2015-12-21, 03:01 PM
Manle, startled by the concitation of the moment, try to think the best strategy. "Damn! That rogue's missing again! and where's the beautiful elf? And the gnome is still sleeping? At least the minotaur woke up!"

Never losing sight of the wizard, the half-elf notice the imposing figure of the warrior, menacing his mechanical companion.

"Master Yak! I think there must be only One Bull in this room!"

2015-12-23, 06:23 AM
Yack turns his head into the right direction as indicated and proceeds to dash into the room where someone is about to bully a tin man. Before attempts to bash the daylights out of the opposing fighter he bellows: There can only be one bully around here...

Shield bash athletics to get the fighter on his ass: [roll0] or [roll1]
Attack with horns on (prone) fighter [roll2] or (if prone) [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] and if crit [roll5]

2015-12-24, 01:47 AM
"Huh? What's going on?

The professor wakes up from his sleep, snapped alert by the fighting. He looks down and sees the elf at his feet, wounded. "Great cosmos and dragons!" he exclaims. "Hold on dear Varaisses! I will fetch a healing kit from...oh no! The egg is gone!"

In a rush, the professor runs outside his office... only to see a charging minotaur flying at him! Too late to move, the minotaur collides with the gnome, bowling him over. The minotaur, off balance, collides into the fighter along with the gnome, and they all go down in a tumble, ending up in a heap on the floor.

Yack tries to swing at the fighter from the seated position, but the gnome's various body parts dangling around him end up making his attacks useless.

The professor lets all in the nearby area know how unpleasant he finds his situation with a mix of cursing and complaining.

Yack, the professor and the fighter are currently prone.

2015-12-24, 04:31 AM
Seeing the Minotaur ruining both on the robust elf and and the nimble gnome, for a brief moment Manle would like to stop and laugh at the sheer hilarity of the moment.
But, sadly, this is not the time for laughs.
"Hold on, Yack, I'm coming!" He shouts, then, feinting a charge towards the fallen enemy, Manle tries to surprise the elven wizard: he stops in front of him, strikes him with his sword and, with the rapid movement of his feets, reprises his run toward the warriors.

Closing the distance for the wizard,
Attacking: [roll0] <---- !!!!!!!! C'mon now... that's INCREDIBLE! :smallconfused: Damaging [roll1]
Continuing movement toward the warrior

2015-12-26, 09:11 AM
The rogue can not be seen, and the sounds of his footsteps are nearly impossible to hear due to the sounds of raging battle and confusion. But one thing you do notice is the egg start to raise in midair, as if levitating, then turn around the corner!

The fighter is the first to untangle himself and stand up, looking as if he wants to continue the battle, until he catches a sharp stare from the wizard. "Consider yourself lucky. You should thank your gods for their mercy." He then also takes off running down the corridor.

This leaves only the wizard, who takes a look down the hallway littered with combatants, and makes the tactical decision to turn and run down the opposite length of the hallway.

So, this turn they all spend running away, obviously. The rogue (who while still invisible, can be seen by the fact that he is carrying the egg...) has turned the corridor, and the fighter is about to turn himself. The wizard is taking off down the other way, and is picking up some distance.

Professor MacGuffin gets himself, dusting himself off, and yells "Thief! Thief!" as loudly as he can to try to attract the attention of anyone else he can. "Oh, my egg! But the girl, the girl!" He rushes to the auditorium and grab a bag filled with a blend of medicinal herbs and spices then speeds back to his office. He kneels down in a spot on the floor that is still dry and begins to care for her wounds. As he attends to her, she begins to stop bleeding.

2015-12-27, 03:34 AM
Seeing that the wizard is trying to distance himself once more, and that the rogue is still invisible (even if the floating egg gives away his position) Manle turns quickly, and tries again to strike the wizard down while he is escaping!
He immediately shoots the wizard with his crossbow; he than starts to run toward the wizard, hoping to stop him

Rolling to hit... :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbi ggrin: [roll0]
Attack real value was 14
Oh... finally! Damage is... 3

2015-12-28, 11:36 PM
Grumbling at his missed shot, Riardon knocks another arrow and fires again at the fleeing wizard


2015-12-29, 11:25 AM
Yack stands up and chases after the fighter, head first. He rams straight into the behind of the Elf this time instead of tumbling over some garden Gnome. No Gnome ex machina is going to save yer fine Elvish bacon this time sweet cheeks.

A Minotaur gets an attack with his horns as a bonus action after he uses his action to dash.

2015-12-30, 11:26 AM
As a stream of bolts and arrows fly into him, the wizard lets out a cry and falls to the floor. He rocks slightly from side to side on the floor, with his movements quickly becoming more subdued.

The fighter is surprised by the speed of the minotaur, and is gored. He looks down in disbelief, then signals the now-visible rogue to leave with the egg. The large elf stands his ground, longsword drawn. A grin begins to slowly creep upon his face. "And here I thought you were going to let us off easy. Let's go then."

2016-01-10, 12:18 AM
The warforged turns to the thieves as they try to escape, its face expressionless as ever, but its eyes flickering oddly. Is it merely adrenaline from the shock of the situation? It seems almost more, a kind of nostalgia. Regardless, it holds up its staff, which responds by forming, and launching another volley of magical bolts down at the roguish elf with the egg.

2016-01-11, 10:20 AM
The thief shouts out loud as the sparks hit him in the back, and the egg goes flying from his hands, smacking against the wall. He lays unmoving against the floor. The fighter looks at the thief and the wizard, and says to the assembled group, "This isn't over. You have what is rightfully ours, and we will reclaim it." Saying so, he moves suddenly and produces a dagger from his boot. His eyes grim with determination, he slices his own throat. A strangled cry is choked out as blood spills onto the floor. He stands for a moment, wobbling, then crashes over to the floor.

2016-01-11, 11:38 AM
Turning his attention to the fight between the elf and Yack, Manle is quite shocked to see their enemies killing himself in this gruesome way.
For a moment, he doesn't move, then he talks "I... I think we should take a look at the other two, maybe they are not... dead"

2016-01-11, 06:39 PM
Seeing the gruesome sight does not seem to bother the warforged much, or at least, it doesn't show it at all, beyond emanating a metallic groan, or perhaps a sigh, once it seems the fighting was all over. It nods in response to Manle, but doesn't check the bodies itself, instead moving away, speaking in the direction of the gnome, "I suggest we make tracks from here as soon as possible. The likes of these are no doubt more than independent agents. I am sure it will not take long for whoever they work for to realize their failure."

2016-01-12, 09:41 AM
*rubbing his head and horns in a confused manner* Moo?? Ehrm, I mean, what just happened? First they take about 100 years to mature and then they just kill themselves? These elves are beyond crazy...

2016-01-14, 03:31 AM
Yack searches the dead suicidal elf for anything of interest on his corpse, something that might shed some light on the situation or for something that simply seems shiny or pretty enough.

2016-01-14, 04:00 AM
As the minotaur searches the elf, he notices a small patch of green skin near the base of the man's neck. He removes the cowl, and sees a tattoo of a small emerald claw surrounded by some sort of aura drawn along the elf's collarbone.

2016-01-14, 02:38 PM
Hmmm, the Emerald claw... Now that rings a bell somewhere...

[roll0] History (or Arcana perhaps)

2016-01-17, 10:59 AM
The gnome professor walks out of his office. He sees the bodies lying everywhere and gasps. "Is everyone ok? Where is the egg?" The gnome looks around frantically, then sees the egg on the far side of the hall. He shrieks and begins sprinting towards it, his tiny legs pumping with the energy of a much younger gnome. He skids and collapses to his knees, examining it. "Augh! he exclaims. "There's a tiny crack, here! And a dent! Oh no!

He turns to the party and says, "We need to leave, as soon as possible! I don't know who those people were but they almost succeeded! Quick, we must gather and leave at once!"

2016-01-18, 08:00 PM
Perhaps get some glue for the egg before we leave? I'll take care of the sleeping Elf, or do you perhaps have a potion of sorts somewhere stuffed away in one of your drawers? *removes some elven remains from his horns*

2016-01-21, 07:14 PM
Just like that, the fight was over. Riardon felt more awake now he had a moment to take stock. And once he had, his employer demanded that they move. Riardon turned and gathered up his things obediently, trying to keep alert in case more thieves jumped out of the woodwork.

2016-01-27, 05:45 PM
The gnome professor turned to those in the hallway and said, "Please, get your things. We're going to get out of here." Then he ran to his office. Those outside could hear him muttering and things being tossed around. Roughly fifteen minutes later, he was in the auditorium with a large backpack and a bag which had items jutting out of it at odd angles. He looked around at the gathered people. "Right, is everyone here?"

2016-01-28, 02:14 AM
Riardon, having scooped up what he hoped was the last of his things, hurried over to the gnome.

2016-01-31, 05:08 PM
Yack stands ready as well, with an Elf slumped over his shoulder. All here, more or less...