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2007-06-03, 02:45 PM
heres a just-for-fun DnD question:

Though 'what music do you game too' has been asked before, this is a twist on the subject.

What sort of funky, strange, or seemingly inappropriate music have you found that really works well in your campaigns?

To give an example to a poorly phrased question:

In Ebberon, I find that Daft Punk makes excellent "The PCs have everything under control" songs. Juno Reactor also writes songs with lightning rail battles in mind.

(see my "hey! Pistolero!" thread, heh)

2007-06-03, 07:41 PM
Yakety Sax, the Benny Hill theme song. Situations warranting it seem to occur far more often in Star Wars d20 than DnD.
Soft-ish swing music for sneaky type encounters is pretty fun.

2007-06-03, 07:45 PM
There's an NPC who's going to turn up in one of my Modern games whose personality is almost perfectly encapsulated by the song 'Goth Girls are Easy'. I have some very odd NPCs.

2007-06-03, 07:57 PM
Yakety Sax, the Benny Hill theme song. Situations warranting it seem to occur far more often in Star Wars d20 than DnD.

You win this thread outright. Have an Internets! :smallbiggrin:

Musical cliches for me. Nothing constructive to add I'm afraid, other than the incidental music for the Brit sci-horror series "Ultraviolet" (not to be mistaken for the abominable eponymous film) has great tension-building incidental music.