View Full Version : Your collection

2007-06-03, 03:04 PM
What's the gem in your comic collection? Mine, once I find it, would be the first Doom Patrol adventure, from when my dad was a kid. It's a little piece of history.

2007-06-03, 07:55 PM
Don't know if this counts, not being a single issue, but my gem is the complete Quasar series.

My favourite superhero, even if he never got any love from anyone else at Marvel. And now he's apparently dead. How sucky:smallfrown:

Off-topic rant, I always hated that whenever he did show up in a crossover or in Avengers, all he ever did was fly and shoot energy beams. Boring. :smallannoyed:

2007-06-03, 08:20 PM
Some random Spider-Man with the infamously common, "You'll never guess who KILLS Spider-Man!". I was like, zomg! So, naturally, being the 12-year old I was with no experience in comic books whatsoever, I bought it, was thoroughly confused by it and didn't understand why he wasn't dead in the end.

Was relieved, though.

It's not a rare issue or anything, it just carries personal significance. It was, like, the first comic I bought.

2007-06-03, 09:06 PM
I have the entire original Secret Wars. It is definitely a treasure.

2007-06-03, 10:50 PM
I don't have a comic collection (I usually borrow issues from my friends), but I do have a comic-related thing that has some value to me. It's a drawing of Iron Man made around two years ago by an art teacher who just happened to also work on storyboards for movies. He the drawing is concept art on how Iron Man would look like in his movie (which, at the time, surprised me. I didn't know that an Iron Man movie was being made)

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-03, 10:56 PM
My legendary DKR book. It's legendary because it's a great read with enormous significance to comics and the 90's in general, because I've read my particular copy about a dozen times front to back, because this single copy of it has traded hands with dozens of people, some I've never met, and finally because it's in remarkably good condition despite all that.

Really. After forming a friendship with someone, my significant bond with them will usually include me giving them my copy of DKR and telling them to read it.

2007-06-04, 02:47 AM
My collection consists mostly of graphic novel compilations, but the true comic book that I would consider a treasure in my collection is Elseworlds Superman #3. It is the first Superman comic I ever read, and not knowing what an "Elseworld" was, I took it to be normal canon. Few years later, I learn what it was meant to be, a one shot story.

Finn Solomon
2007-06-04, 06:24 AM
I only recently got into comics, so I don't have stacks of issues nor valuable old first prints. I've got Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, and the complete set of Preacher.

2007-06-05, 05:05 PM
Grendel No. 7 the first comic I bought, aged 19, in a RPG shop in Nottingham.
And my copy of Swamp Thing signed by Alan Moore, Loving the Alien a fantastic, if very weird, story.

2007-06-05, 05:55 PM
Okay, I lost a lot of my early 80's comics to an accident (my own fault, no my mother didn't throw them out) so a lot of things like my original GIJoe runs, Crisis related stuff, Who's Who, Ambush Bug, etc are gone.

Stuff I managed to salvage includes... one of the first comics I ever bought, a Wonder Woman comic from where they switch the character back to Earth 2 because of the Lynda Carter TV series. It's in HORRIBLE shape, and I cut some of the ads out to order stuff, but it's horribly nostalgic

2007-06-10, 07:35 AM
Mine would be... Clive Barker's Hellraiser book 1. Found it in a local comic book shop way back when for a few bucks, and being a huge fan of the movie, and Clive Barker in general, I had to have it. It was my first real buy in terms of comic books. Most of the stuff I had was just a few random buys when something caught my eye, but this was something I just knew I had to have.

Not worth any significant amount of money, but it's just such a good comic,and some of the names who worked on it back when they were less-than-famous (like John Bolton, who later worked with Neil Gaiman on the artwork for The Books of Magic) is pretty cool as well.

Otherwise, the only other Comic-Book related item I'd feel the need of mentioning as a gem is my Hellboy Lunchbox. Yes, I'm a grown man with a comic-book character lunch box, and you know what? I use it to take my lunches to work :elan: It's good fun.

2007-06-10, 10:54 AM
Mine would probably be a couple early reprint collections of the Kree/Skrull War. Sure, they aren't worth much being reprints, I am sure, but that story sucked me in as kid and made the Avengers my favorite super-team.

Well, probably those Kree/Skrull War reprints and the original 12 issues of the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe. Nothing beats reading the pseudo-science behind the powers of such memorable characters as M.O.D.O.K. or the Collective Man.

2007-06-11, 07:51 AM
I just got meself Frank Miller's Batman: Year One. Wheeeeee! :biggrin:

2007-06-12, 12:33 PM
my collection...is nonexistant! I have one or two comics I picked up randomly here and there (from my dad at the airport, a free issue at a comic shop).

I do, however, have a treasured collection of action figures (many unfortunately abused). My favorite from there is a Spider-Man figure with an obscene amount of joints (it has...like...everything but the finger joints. The fingers, though they more independently, are solid).

2007-06-13, 10:33 AM
Issue 1 of ultimate x-men. Saw it and started reading the series. Its probably worth quite alot now.

2007-06-21, 06:48 PM
I've got three pride and joys, other than the collection as a whole of course.

Uncanny X-Men #350 with wraparound cover, mint condition :smallwink:
Generation Hex #1, signed by writer and penciler! :smallbiggrin:
Green Lantern/Silver Surfer crossover, signed by the writer :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-21, 10:07 PM
I've got the thirty or so issues of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Shut up.

2007-07-13, 04:31 AM
I'm going to have to go with the first 20 or so issues of Amazing Spider-man that I inherited along with 99 and 100. It's always fun to be able to go back and see the Green Goblin die... yknow, for the first time :smallwink:

2007-07-15, 04:38 PM
Some issues of JLA and Avengers from the 70s.
Identity Crisis (loved it)
An issue of The Spectre with a paited cover by Arnie Jorgenson who grew up down the street from me.

I almost had a copy of Avengers #4 (the return of Captain America) But it was stolen the day before I was supposed to buy it. That still burns me up. I was getting an insanely good price on it too!

2007-07-18, 11:28 AM
Let's see..some of my favs..not necessarily "valuable":

Blue Devil #3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 21
(appearance by Superman)

Dethlok #1-#5, + 17 & 19

Superman: Peace on Earth
by Alex Ross
Awesome story, awesome art...what more can you say.

Kingdom Come #1, #2, #4
by Alex Ross
Again, pure awesome-ness from Ross!

Inhumans #1-#6
Very good artwork, and nice storyline.

Battlechasers #1-#9
Plus, a sketch book prelude thingie

Venom: Lethal Protector #1 (red foil cover)

Ascension #1 - #6
(alternate #1 cover, with severed head!)
Great story and artwork by Finch and Batt. The original cover didn't include the severed head :)

Spawn #1 - ?
You all know it..I'm sure.

Starriors #1, #2, #3
I know I picked these up as a kid, but I don't remember when or where. Interesting storyline.
Probably not in the best of shape now, unfortunately.

Tons of old GI Joe comics from the 80's.

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

2007-07-19, 06:13 PM
Planetary # 1. My friend Ian, who was an assistant manager at a local comic shop (Atomic Comics) bought it for me. My first taste of Wildstorm. And just a good memory

2007-07-22, 01:03 PM
Spawn #1 - ?
You all know it..I'm sure.

You stole mine!... :D I got all the early wolverine series... to include the little 1-4 series before they started coming out regular... got some of those cool foil versions of the amazing spiderman... they had like 10 different ones... :D Collected comics for about 4 years in the late 80's early 90's... am wondering what they are all worth now... prob a small fortune :)