View Full Version : High School of Weird IC

2015-11-23, 10:19 AM
It's gym class! A time when a lot of kids slack off and generally be lazy, with teachers that don't quite care enough to say anything. However, the current game is dodgeball, so a few kids are interested in pounding their "friends" with balls as hard as they can. That... That came out wrong.

Where are you, and what are you doing, a few minutes into dodgeball season?


2015-11-23, 10:38 AM
Bradans mind was not on the dodgeball game that had just started. It was on the sun shining in through the gym windows. Hmm, I wonder if the flowers got enough water this morning... He thought absent-mindedly. The flowers he'd been nurturing in the garden of Chuck, his guardian, had been quite stoic, assuring him that they'd had more than enough water and that he shouldn't be late, but it had turned into a very sunny day...

"Whoa!" Bradan exclaimed as he was pulled out of his reverie, his instincts and reflexes honed by his life in the wild allowing him to narrowly avoid the ball flying at his face. Looking over at the boy who'd thrown it at him, Bradan smiled lamely, before quickly picking the ball up and throwing it back, sending the boy scrambling for cover.
Really, most of these other kids are in pretty bad shape. How are they supposed to get the tasty stuff in the tall trees and avoid predators if they can't... Oh right, most people don't do that. He remembered, before trying to focus on the game. Really, why weren't they doing it outside. He'd much rather be running barefoot in the grass. And this itchy shirt. After more than a year in civilization, Bradan still hadn't gotten used to walking around clothed all the time.

2015-11-23, 12:30 PM
Selena had dodged one ball thrown my someone who seemed to have personal issues with her sacred mission. Okay... Maybe I was just the best target. She thought to herself. As the second ball wizzed past her head however, she realized.

That ***-hat is targeting me. She said with a look of anger on her face. She looked around and swiftly picked up one of the balls on the ground, rolling on the ground to preserve momentum. She threw the ball....

And got pegged in the face by someone else for being an easy target for focusing on one person.

Stunned, she stumbled backwards and tripped.

Right into the chest of a buxom girl.

Sorry. Selena winced.

2015-11-23, 12:42 PM
Mat was flowing around the room, dodging balls left and right and delivering them with pinpoint precision. It seemed completely emerged in the game completely, pulling off complex acrobatic dodge maneveurs and performing a series of fakeout throws to land the actual ball dead on target.
Dive left. Crouch. Scan. Target aquired. Eliminate.
It executed another bullseye throw before sparing a glance to those being eliminated. It lost focus for a split second, and was nearly taken out by a ball from its blindspot. A blur of motion and whining servos, and Mat was in the game again.

2015-11-23, 05:47 PM
Bradans mind was not on the dodgeball game that had just started. It was on the sun shining in through the gym windows. Hmm, I wonder if the flowers got enough water this morning... He thought absent-mindedly. The flowers he'd been nurturing in the garden of Chuck, his guardian, had been quite stoic, assuring him that they'd had more than enough water and that he shouldn't be late, but it had turned into a very sunny day...

"Whoa!" Bradan exclaimed as he was pulled out of his reverie, his instincts and reflexes honed by his life in the wild allowing him to narrowly avoid the ball flying at his face. Looking over at the boy who'd thrown it at him, Bradan smiled lamely, before quickly picking the ball up and throwing it back, sending the boy scrambling for cover.
Really, most of these other kids are in pretty bad shape. How are they supposed to get the tasty stuff in the tall trees and avoid predators if they can't... Oh right, most people don't do that. He remembered, before trying to focus on the game. Really, why weren't they doing it outside. He'd much rather be running barefoot in the grass. And this itchy shirt. After more than a year in civilization, Bradan still hadn't gotten used to walking around clothed all the time.

"No fair!" a kid that was targeted yells out.

Selena had dodged one ball thrown my someone who seemed to have personal issues with her sacred mission. Okay... Maybe I was just the best target. She thought to herself. As the second ball wizzed past her head however, she realized.

That ***-hat is targeting me. She said with a look of anger on her face. She looked around and swiftly picked up one of the balls on the ground, rolling on the ground to preserve momentum. She threw the ball....

And got pegged in the face by someone else for being an easy target for focusing on one person.

Stunned, she stumbled backwards and tripped.

Right into the chest of a buxom girl.

Sorry. Selena winced.

"Ugh!" the girl exclaims. "Watch where you're going," she says, before adding a few less polite words.

Mat was flowing around the room, dodging balls left and right and delivering them with pinpoint precision. It seemed completely emerged in the game completely, pulling off complex acrobatic dodge maneveurs and performing a series of fakeout throws to land the actual ball dead on target.
Dive left. Crouch. Scan. Target aquired. Eliminate.
It executed another bullseye throw before sparing a glance to those being eliminated. It lost focus for a split second, and was nearly taken out by a ball from its blindspot. A blur of motion and whining servos, and Mat was in the game again.

"Um... Mat?" one of his teammates asks. "Can we play too?"

2015-11-23, 06:00 PM
Simply shrugging at the boys outburst, Bradan looked at the opposing team. Of course the one standing out the most would be Mat. Bradan kinda admired how athletic he was. It was like watching the mountain lions back home when they were hunting. And just like the mountain lions, he was most distracted right after making a kill. With a small smile, Bradan nimbly caught a ball thrown at him, and sent it directly towards Mat, who'd just been distracted by one of his teammates talking to him. Gym was more or less the closest he could get to the rough and tumble life in the forest, so he fully intended to enjoy it.

2015-11-23, 06:06 PM
"Ugh!" the girl exclaims. "Watch where you're going," she says, before adding a few less polite words.

Selena walks to the out player bench and fumes slightly.

Friggin jackass targetting me, and friggin tag-teamer tag teaming me. She muttered softly.

Turning to one of her friends on the bench, she smiled.

So Jack, what got you out this time? She asked

2015-11-23, 06:12 PM
Selena walks to the out player bench and fumes slightly.

Friggin jackass targetting me, and friggin tag-teamer tag teaming me. She muttered softly.

Turning to one of her friends on the bench, she smiled.

So Jack, what got you out this time? She asked

"Mr. Roboto over there. Or really, I should say the Terminator. Guy's a freaking machine on the field!" Jack says. "Saw you stumble into Ashley. Eesh."

2015-11-23, 06:33 PM
"Mr. Roboto over there. Or really, I should say the Terminator. Guy's a freaking machine on the field!" Jack says. "Saw you stumble into Ashley. Eesh."

Yeah, what's her problem anyway! What she's never tripped before. Selena rants, one hand on her hip the other gesturing towards the girl.

2015-11-23, 06:40 PM
Yeah, what's her problem anyway! What she's never tripped before. Selena rants, one hand on her hip the other gesturing towards the girl.

"She's just a jerk, that's her problem," Jack says.

2015-11-23, 06:48 PM
"More than you know, actually," Samantha added, having finally been hit where she'd been hiding in the back. "Her friend Kenzie's been distracting the coach every time she nearly gets hit...and then she sneaks back onto the floor. Don't fret, though; cheaters never prosper."

2015-11-23, 06:57 PM
Bradan was barely able to focus on Mat and the ball he'd thrown at him for a split-second before something else caught his attention. He glanced over at the people who'd already been outed from the game, only to see a boy and a very angry girl talking. He couldn't quite remember, but he was pretty sure her name was... Celine? Seris? Something like that. He idly wondered at her agressive hand gestures and obviously unhappy face. It quickly became apparent that one of the other girls was the source of her anger. "Huh." He said, the dodgeball game already forgotten in the face of this much more interesting situation. "I wonder what's wrong. Maybe a fight for dominance of the pack... Or maybe she's in heat. That makes some females agressive." He muttered to himself. Even though Chuck always said you couldn't apply animal behaviour to humans like that, Bradan still thought they were pretty similar.
He also noticed another girl joining their conversation, although he couldn't really remember this one's name either. It was so weird how they needed names, when it was so easy to know each other by smell. And this other girl had such a distinctive smell. Something weird.
No! Bad! No smelling people, Bradan! Remember Chuck's lessons. He reminded himself while dodging another slow ball thrown at him, without really noticing it.

2015-11-23, 07:28 PM
"More than you know, actually," Samantha added, having finally been hit where she'd been hiding in the back. "Her friend Kenzie's been distracting the coach every time she nearly gets hit...and then she sneaks back onto the floor. Don't fret, though; cheaters never prosper."

Oh hey, Sam. Selena replied with a wave.

Which one is Kenzie? She asked raising a finger and scanning the field.

2015-11-23, 07:33 PM
"The one practically hiding behind the coaches every time somebody looks at her funny," Samantha replied. Yep, the guys who double-teamed you are setting Ashley up again...and there goes Kenzie, coming to the rescue."

2015-11-23, 07:42 PM
"Coach! Coach, I need you over here!"

The coach sighs. "What is it, Kenzie?"

"Nothing! Never mind," she says, a sweet and innocent look on her face.

2015-11-23, 08:01 PM
"Coach! Coach, I need you over here!"

The coach sighs. "What is it, Kenzie?"

"Nothing! Never mind," she says, a sweet and innocent look on her face.

That won't work forever. Selena replies.

The girl who cried wolf, in the end gets eaten by it. She said a scary smile on her face before turning to her two buddies.

So Jack, Sam do you know each other? She asks.

2015-11-23, 08:09 PM
Jake sighed as he watched the game happen from the sidelines. He was taken out at the first few seconds of the game, so now he's left to watch his classmates throw dodgeball at each other.

2015-11-23, 10:25 PM
"I've seen him a few times in the halls, but I don't believe we've ever been introduced. No time like the present though!" Turning to face Jack with her best winning smile, Samantha said "My name's Samantha Manton; it's a pleasure to be properly introduced."

2015-11-23, 10:35 PM
"Hi-I'm Jack, obviously," he says, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

2015-11-23, 10:38 PM
Rather formal, Sam. How come you're never that formal with me. Selena teased, giving her friend a light shove.

2015-11-23, 10:42 PM
"Because you're prettier than me?" Jack ventures.

2015-11-23, 10:51 PM
"Because you're prettier than me?" Jack ventures.

Selena clasps him on the back.

Jack. You're a pretty handsome dude yourself. She says, frowning at his self-depreciation.

2015-11-23, 10:54 PM
Jack shrugs. "You know, I'd agree, but then I sound like the kind of guy who looks in the mirror and says 'Lookin' good!', and I'd rather not be a tool like that," he says, shuckling (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/4/4f/213Shuckle_OS_anime.png/revision/latest?cb=20150111053540).

2015-11-23, 10:58 PM
Jack shrugs. "You know, I'd agree, but then I sound like the kind of guy who looks in the mirror and says 'Lookin' good!', and I'd rather not be a tool like that," he says, shuckling (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/4/4f/213Shuckle_OS_anime.png/revision/latest?cb=20150111053540).

Hey, everything in moderation. Selena replies with a shrug.

2015-11-23, 11:05 PM
"So bored." Jake sighed to himself.
At least he wasn't struggling to stay alive in the game. He never really liked the game in the first place.

2015-11-23, 11:14 PM
"Um... Mat?" one of his teammates asks. "Can we play too?"

Mat looks at the teammate and shrugs. "You are playing bad. You should improve your performance. Try dodging more and hitting them." Its voice is somewhere between Microsoft Sam and a noisy radio signal.

Simply shrugging at the boys outburst, Bradan looked at the opposing team. Of course the one standing out the most would be Mat. Bradan kinda admired how athletic he was. It was like watching the mountain lions back home when they were hunting. And just like the mountain lions, he was most distracted right after making a kill. With a small smile, Bradan nimbly caught a ball thrown at him, and sent it directly towards Mat, who'd just been distracted by one of his teammates talking to him. Gym was more or less the closest he could get to the rough and tumble life in the forest, so he fully intended to enjoy it.

Having been distracted by the teammate, Mat gets hit square in the stomach compartment. It drops its ball and heads for the sideline, head quietly whirring into a bowed look of defeat.

2015-11-23, 11:19 PM
"I don't talk formally to you, Selena, because the last time I did, it was when I introduced myself in the fourth grade. I seem to recall getting shoved and told to 'talk normal'," Sam replied, using air quotes as appropriate. "Truly, it was the beginning of a long and wonderful friendship," she added, her smile betraying her otherwise pouting face.

2015-11-23, 11:26 PM
"I don't talk formally to you, Selena, because the last time I did, it was when I introduced myself in the fourth grade. I seem to recall getting shoved and told to 'talk normal'," Sam replied, using air quotes as appropriate. "Truly, it was the beginning of a long and wonderful friendship," she added, her smile betraying her otherwise pouting face.

Ah right. It was to help you make friends among us little kids. Selena replies laughing.

Then you started blossoming in middle school, and didn't need any help making plenty of friends. Selena jokes gesturing to Sam's ample endowments.

2015-11-23, 11:28 PM
Sam's pout becomes even more pronounced...and is worsened by her huffing and crossing her arms (accidentally poofing up her girls).

2015-11-23, 11:59 PM
Jack makes a point to not look where Selena is gesturing. "Isn't being a pervert the guy's job?"

2015-11-24, 12:01 AM
Jack makes a point to not look where Selena is gesturing. "Isn't being a pervert the guy's job?"

I'm not being perverted. I'm just stating a fact. Selena replies one hand on her hip and tapping her foot.

2015-11-24, 12:01 AM
"Perhaps, but Selena's got an internship," Samantha snarked, her pouting eyes still locked on her friend. Sparing a glance at Jack, she gave a small smile at the show of gentlemanly behavior before re-focusing on Selena.

2015-11-24, 12:07 AM
"Perhaps, but Selena's got an internship," Samantha snarked, her pouting eyes still locked on her friend. Sparing a glance at Jack, she gave a small smile at the show of gentlemanly behavior before re-focusing on Selena.

Selena glares at, and lightly shoves Sam.

2015-11-24, 08:19 AM
"Oh no! Jack, protect me from this ruffian!" Samantha cried, stumbling into him and clutching at him.

2015-11-24, 09:43 AM
"Hmm, yeah they're definitely in heat." Bradan mumbled, as the two girls teased each other and one threw herself at the boy they were with. He didn't get to think more about this before he felt a ball hit him on the side of the head. "Ooof!" He exclaimed, barely catching himself from falling on his ass. He shook his head, and then a delighted smile spread across his face. If he was out of the game, he didn't have to follow the game rules. He waved to the one who'd hit him, and then hopped happily to the side of the gym.

As he moved, he pulled his shoes and socks of with practiced movements. The gym floor may be processed and laminated, but it was still wood, and felt much nicer than his gym shoes. Plopping down on the floor in a place where the sun shone down from a window, he then proceeded to pulling of his t-shirt. He'd only got it half-way of before the teacher's voice rang out, and his innocent glance was met by the teacher's glare, which more or less said "don't you dare". The teacher had quickly caught on to Bradan's penchant for stripping of as many layers as he could get away with.
Bradan gave a little pout, but nonetheless pulled his shirt on again, earning a few boo's from some of the girls. He never quite understood why they started giggling and acting weird everytime he tried to free himself from his cotton prison. Sure, he'd figured out that his body was leaner and his muscles a bit more pronounced than most boys he'd met, but he didn't get what was so funny about it. So he simply sat back, intent on enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and the wooden floor beneath his feet.

2015-11-24, 09:20 PM
"Oh no! Jack, protect me from this ruffian!" Samantha cried, stumbling into him and clutching at him.

"Hoo-hah!" he cries, raising a hand high as if holding a sword. "Fear not, milady, for I shall slay the wicked hag!" he says, slashing his "sword" at Selena.

"Hmm, yeah they're definitely in heat." Bradan mumbled, as the two girls teased each other and one threw herself at the boy they were with. He didn't get to think more about this before he felt a ball hit him on the side of the head. "Ooof!" He exclaimed, barely catching himself from falling on his ass. He shook his head, and then a delighted smile spread across his face. If he was out of the game, he didn't have to follow the game rules. He waved to the one who'd hit him, and then hopped happily to the side of the gym.

As he moved, he pulled his shoes and socks of with practiced movements. The gym floor may be processed and laminated, but it was still wood, and felt much nicer than his gym shoes. Plopping down on the floor in a place where the sun shone down from a window, he then proceeded to pulling of his t-shirt. He'd only got it half-way of before the teacher's voice rang out, and his innocent glance was met by the teacher's glare, which more or less said "don't you dare". The teacher had quickly caught on to Bradan's penchant for stripping of as many layers as he could get away with.
Bradan gave a little pout, but nonetheless pulled his shirt on again, earning a few boo's from some of the girls. He never quite understood why they started giggling and acting weird everytime he tried to free himself from his cotton prison. Sure, he'd figured out that his body was leaner and his muscles a bit more pronounced than most boys he'd met, but he didn't get what was so funny about it. So he simply sat back, intent on enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and the wooden floor beneath his feet.

"Hey Bradan," a buxom and all-together attractive young woman says to him.

2015-11-24, 09:22 PM
"Hoo-hah!" he cries, raising a hand high as if holding a sword. "Fear not, milady, for I shall slay the wicked hag!" he says, slashing his "sword" at Selena.

Jack, you were betray me so easily! Selena mock exclaims.

2015-11-24, 09:24 PM
Jack, you were betray me so easily! Selena mock exclaims.

"Were betray you? Speak words, Selena," he says, punching her in the shoulder.

2015-11-24, 09:33 PM
"Were betray you? Speak words, Selena," he says, punching her in the shoulder.

The shock of your betrayal shattered my linguistics skills for a moment. Selena replied.

2015-11-24, 09:57 PM
"Fairy 'nough," Jack replies. "So anyway, what's up with you, Sam?"

2015-11-24, 10:14 PM
"Hey Bradan," a buxom and all-together attractive young woman says to him.

"Yeah?" Bradan answered, sitting up slightly to see who was talking. What was this girl's name again? Even more than most other girls, this one gave him that weird-but-kinda-pleasant feeling in his stomach. Chuck had called it being a "boob-person".

2015-11-24, 10:17 PM
Sam shrugged, her pout erased by having her honor defended, such as it was. "Well, Christopher keeps trying to hit on my in Poli-Sci class; that boy couldn't take a hint if it was gift-wrapped."

2015-11-24, 10:17 PM
"Yeah?" Bradan answered, sitting up slightly to see who was talking. What was this girl's name again? Even more than most other girls, this one gave him that weird-but-kinda-pleasant feeling in his stomach. Chuck had called it being a "boob-person".

"I just wanted to chat. You know, see how a stud like you is doing," she says.

2015-11-24, 10:18 PM
Sam shrugged, her pout erased by having her honor defended, such as it was. "Well, Christopher keeps trying to hit on my in Poli-Sci class; that boy couldn't take a hint if it was gift-wrapped."

"Christopher? Do I know him?" Jack asks. "And if I do, want me to slap him for you?"

2015-11-24, 10:36 PM
Sam shrugged, her pout erased by having her honor defended, such as it was. "Well, Christopher keeps trying to hit on my in Poli-Sci class; that boy couldn't take a hint if it was gift-wrapped."

Jeez Wish someone would hit on me. Selena teased, as a few students checked her out.

2015-11-24, 10:37 PM
"I don't think so, he runs in different circles...and I don't need you to slap him, I'll just find a way to teach him some manners otherwise..." Sam replied, a smirk crossing her face briefly before being covered up with a not-so-innocent smile.

2015-11-25, 06:09 AM
"I just wanted to chat. You know, see how a stud like you is doing," she says.

Stud? He thought, his face blank. Why is she comparing me to a horse? That's not the first animal I'd think of when looking in the mirror... Oh well, I guess these people don't really know animals.

Giving a shrug and a wide smile he answered "Oh, I'm doing fine. I'd rather be outside, but gym is pretty fun. Definitely better than math!"
Bradan made a conscious effort to not look her up and down. It had been made clear to him on day one that blatant staring, especially at a womans "Assets" as Chuck called them, was rarely received well. Instead he tried to remember her name. For some reason people got so insulted when he didn't remember.
"And you, Ashley?" He continued after a moment, silently congratulating himself for remembering her name.
"It's clothes and stuff that you girls like to spend your time on, right? And horses I guess, since you're talking about studs. Not that I know that much about horses. Never spent much time around them."

2015-11-26, 09:00 AM

Mat moves to the corner of the room, observing its classmates' social interaction.

2015-11-26, 10:50 AM
Stud? He thought, his face blank. Why is she comparing me to a horse? That's not the first animal I'd think of when looking in the mirror... Oh well, I guess these people don't really know animals.

Giving a shrug and a wide smile he answered "Oh, I'm doing fine. I'd rather be outside, but gym is pretty fun. Definitely better than math!"
Bradan made a conscious effort to not look her up and down. It had been made clear to him on day one that blatant staring, especially at a womans "Assets" as Chuck called them, was rarely received well. Instead he tried to remember her name. For some reason people got so insulted when he didn't remember.
"And you, Ashley?" He continued after a moment, silently congratulating himself for remembering her name.
"It's clothes and stuff that you girls like to spend your time on, right? And horses I guess, since you're talking about studs. Not that I know that much about horses. Never spent much time around them."

"What? I didn't mean horses, I meant you," she says. "And yeah, clothes are pretty great. Though I noticed you seem to hate them."

2015-11-26, 05:51 PM
"What? I didn't mean horses, I meant you," she says. "And yeah, clothes are pretty great. Though I noticed you seem to hate them."

"Me? I look like a horse? Huh, I always pegged myself as more of a wildcat, or extra large squirrel if anything." Bradan said thoughtfully. He then shrugged and leaned back again with a happy sigh, stretching as much as possible in the rays of sunlight. "But yeah, I kinda have a hard time getting used to wearing this much clothes. Where I grew up there wasn't much use for it, and I kinda only wore what was necessary to protect myself. From the cold and stuff. We were all pretty laid back about things. but these cotton shirts..." He pulled at the neck of his shirt, trying to make it a little looser. "They're itchy and I don't like how they close around the throat. I mean, what if they get stuck on something and I get choked? Not to mention long pants? How do you move freely in 'em?!"
Bradan tossed his arms a bit in frustration as he lay on the ground, getting a bit worked up about this pet peeve of his. "I don't get how everyone can take it... Besides, shirt and shoes are way too hot to wear in the summer." ​He muttered.

"Anyway!" He exclaimed way louder than necessary, putting his hands against the floor behind his head, throwing his legs up and vaulting to his feet. "That's probably boring for you to listen to. So let's change the subject. What's with the girls over there?" Bradan asked, pointing at Sam, Selena and Jack. "They're acting kinda weird. My first thought was that they were in heat. But I've been told that you can't apply the same characteristics to people as you can to animals. So maybe you can tell me. I mean, you're a girl. And Chuck's told me that only girls understand other girls."

2015-11-26, 07:32 PM
"They're just dumb," Ashley says. "You shouldn't waste your time worrying about them. Especially when I'm around."

"If you really want me to guess, though," she says with a sigh, "I guess they're into that third kid. You know, the guy? They're probably seeing who can date him first. Doubt he has any idea, though. Guy tend to pretty oblivious," she adds, looking at Bradan with last words.

2015-11-26, 07:57 PM
"I guess so..." Bradan said. "They look like they're having fun though. But if He's that clueless, shouldn't someone tell him what they want? Seems like it could save them all a fair bit of time." He continued, masterfully dodging any and all hints thrown at him.
"You think I should tell him?"

2015-11-26, 08:01 PM
"They're not worth your time. Not like me," Ashley says. "Do you get what I'm saying?"

2015-11-27, 05:10 AM
Bradan thought hard about what Ashley said. There was probably some hidden meaning to it.
"Uuuuuuuuuuhhhmmm.... Nope, I don't think I do!" He finally said with a wide smile and an apologetic shrug. "But it sure was nice talking to you, even though some of it went over my head. I think I'll go over an talk with the others a bit. They really do look like they're having fun. Maybe we can hang out again some other time."
Patting Ashley on the shoulder, Bradan then walked past her, over towards Sam, Selena and Jack. On the way he turned back to Ashley, and gave her a wave and another boyish smile. "Catch ya later Ash!" He exclaimed, once again bordering on yelling.

When Bradan ot over to the others, he grinned widely, and held out his hand. "Hey guys. Mind if I join you? I don't quite remember your names, but you looked like you were having fun. I'm Bradan, by the way" He said, even though pretty much everyone already knew that. The happy-go-lucky boy often forgot that other people had no problems remembering names. Especially the names of loud, and kinda weird guys like him.

2015-11-27, 12:42 PM
"I... What... You..." Ashley stammers out, flabbergasted.

2015-11-27, 12:59 PM
"Hello Braden," Sam replied with a smile. Glancing over his shoulder, she asked "What were you and Ashley talking about?"

2015-11-27, 01:08 PM
Well whatever it is, you got her confused. So good job! Selena complemented.

2015-11-27, 04:48 PM
"Hello Braden," Sam replied with a smile. Glancing over his shoulder, she asked "What were you and Ashley talking about?"

"Eh, nothing big. We talked a bit about clothes, then I asked her if she knew whether you two where in fact in heat or not. Then she said something about her being better at using her time than you. I'll be honest, I didn't quite follow the conversation, since she kept comparing me to a horse." Bradan said.

Well whatever it is, you got her confused. So good job! Selena complemented.

"Really? I thought women didn't get confused... Meh, I guess it makes as much sense as anything has since I left home."

2015-11-27, 05:11 PM
"Eh, nothing big. We talked a bit about clothes, then I asked her if she knew whether you two where in fact in heat or not. Then she said something about her being better at using her time than you. I'll be honest, I didn't quite follow the conversation, since she kept comparing me to a horse." Bradan said.

"Really? I thought women didn't get confused... Meh, I guess it makes as much sense as anything has since I left home."

Heat? We're not dogs. Selena replies.

2015-11-27, 05:25 PM
"Eehm... Yeeah, I do know that. It's just, I've spent most of My life around animals more Tham humans. So I'm not very good at social interaction yet. And I've been told that I can't use animal behaviour to explosion that of people. But sometimes it's kinda similar, and I just fall back on what I know. It's a habit that's a bit hard to get rid of." Bradan answered, scratching his head awkwardly, looking down a bit.
"I didn't mean anything bad by it."

2015-11-27, 05:31 PM
"Eehm... Yeeah, I do know that. It's just, I've spent most of My life around animals more Tham humans. So I'm not very good at social interaction yet. And I've been told that I can't use animal behaviour to explosion that of people. But sometimes it's kinda similar, and I just fall back on what I know. It's a habit that's a bit hard to get rid of." Bradan answered, scratching his head awkwardly, looking down a bit.
"I didn't mean anything bad by it."

I understand. Selena replied crossing her arms.

2015-11-29, 05:58 PM
"Oh, that's good. I dun' wanna offend anyone." Bradan continued eagerly, now that he'd been verbally assured that he hadn't hurt anyone's feelings. "So what were you guys talking about? I couldn't really tell what it was from your body language, and I couldn't tell from your scent either, so..."
He trailed of as he realised that he'd started thinking in animal terms again, and quickly tried to backtrack.
"Ah, er, I mean I-I couldn't tell what you were saying, but it seemed pretty animated, which is usually fun, so I uhm..." He just stopped talking again at that point. He'd almost forgotten what he even wanted by then, and settled into an awkward silence, not quite looking at the others, and not quite looking away.

Man, human conversation is so hard! He thought, as he furiously tried to recall all the do's and dont's of proper socializing that Chuck had taught him over the past year. Eventually he simply settled for switching to a topic he understood: Hobbies.
"So, uh, what, ah, what do you guys do for fun? outside of school, I mean. I like nature. trees and flowers, and animals 'n stuff."