View Full Version : [IC] Mace of the Magi - Let's Fight!

2015-11-23, 12:09 PM
The mace of the magi disappears before Bert's eyes. Omnom, true to his name, eats a torch whole and explodes into fire. Gython begins to sing - with power - and the song echoes through the hall.

It's only twenty minutes later, when nothing has happened, that you begin to wonder where the invasion is and whether to do anything about it.

- Bert Merrow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19764397&postcount=43) is alive.
- Irome Clubfoot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=566734) is alive.
- Talasvael Soulblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=563277) is alive.
- Omnom (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=596560) is alive.
- Gython (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=597491) is alive.
- The Mace of the Magi is in the possession of Irome Clubfoot.
- The invasion started 20 minutes ago.

2015-11-23, 12:48 PM
ooc: Map of the bunker:

After a week of preparation and waiting - of casting empowered icicle spells to help defend the corner of the demiplane where he and his fellow guards chose to make their stand, of eating only what his magical pouch of trail rations produced and drinking the cheap quality ale from his magical mug, of using makeshift stone chamber pots, of long boring hours with little to do but wait, of putting up with the animated skeletons of the dead, and most of all of putting up with his unsavory but powerful co-workers, Bert Murrow was more than ready to get on with the expected battle to protect the Magis' mace. True, he had been able to swim in the plane's only body of water, but that was the only real recreation to be had on this dreary demi-plane.

With the weird green flames on Gython and the firelight from Omnon filtering through the troll skeleton (which Bert had taken to calling Mason) casting weird dancing shadows throughout the newly worked stone hall, the proud golden-haired sorcerer considers the best course of action over the din of Gython's song.

The mace should be safe with Irome for the moment, protected from scrying for the next thirteen days by the sequester spell from the scroll, and Irome knows how to fortify a cave.

Bert says "It's not surprising that it'd take a while for them to get here. The demi-plane is over a mile in diameter and the enemy could have arrived anywhere. No doubt Gython's song will draw them here, just as we planned. Also, they may hope to lure us out of our fortified bunker by hanging back. We can stay here as long as we need to.

That said, it would be handy to gain some information about the foe if we now can. I am not likely the best choice for scouting. What do you guys think?"

2015-11-23, 08:56 PM
Omnom's eyes flicker in the light of his own flames.


If everyone is fine with that, Omnom will be heading out into the demiplane to find something to devour. If anyone disagrees, Omnom will be doing it anyway.

2015-11-23, 09:39 PM
Bert says "You have a point, Omnom, but you could probably do more eating by leading the enemies back here to be slaughtered than by doing all the work yourself. Also, as you are not wearing any armor, I could cast a spell to give you some extra protection for several hours ... if you would douse the flames for a moment so I can get next to you."

2015-11-23, 11:11 PM
Omnom peers at Bert strangely. "Extra... pro-protection?"

OOC: The flames won't damage you btw. It's Controlled Immolation

2015-11-24, 12:15 AM
Bert sighs. "Sure. It always pays to bring protection."

He approaches the big front-liner. Feeling that the flames may not be as dangerously hot as they look, he casts a spell and risks reaching out and tapping the not-so-bright living torch.

ooc: Cast greater mage armor on Omnom; +6 armor bonus for 11 hr.

2015-11-24, 03:25 AM

This get's Omnom's seal of approval.

2015-11-24, 03:54 PM
Omnom ascends to the surface. This may or may not have been a good idea.

This was a terrible idea.

Out of nowhere, before you have a chance to react, you are assaulted by a whole slew of attacks. If you actually survive them, I'll tell you what they were. If you don't, everyone else is gonna wonder what the hell just happened to you.

I need 4 fortitude DC 20, 21, 20 and 30 or die, 2 fortitude DC 28 or suck, and grapple vs 48. If you survive everything, you get a turn to act. If you're immune to crits the last fortitude DC is only 20 and you take 89 damage, otherwise you take 79 damage. Either way the damage can't be prevented. The SoDs aren't death effects.

What, did you think this would be easy?

- Bert Merrow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19764397&postcount=43) is uninjured.
- Irome Clubfoot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=566734) is uninjured.
- Talasvael Soulblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=563277) is uninjured.
- Omnom (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=596560) is badly wounded (Dead?).
- Gython (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=597491) is uninjured.
- The Mace of the Magi is in the possession of Irome Clubfoot.
- The invasion started 20 minutes 18 seconds ago.

2015-11-24, 04:15 PM
Deep in the recesses of the cave where the echo of the song that might have overwhelmed his magic was drowned out by the scraping bone on bone and the dim humming of magic, Irome waited somewhat nervously. He'd prepared some additional corpses in the hidden room that was lacking stairs, and he'd given his undeads conditional orders so as not to waste all his time giving routine commends when the time came, but still it was not enough. There had not been enough time. The wards were incomplete. This was nothing compared to the castles of his family, without trying to he thought through all the things that could go wrong.

There's also a DC20 fort to resist deafness whenever you walk in or out of the cave. I figured it could only help since the teramarcs are good against fort and everyone else teleports.

2015-11-24, 07:59 PM
As soon as I am attacked, Retribution Will Follow activates, granting me bonus hitpoints, CON, and 6 DR/-. Does this affect the damage I take? Anyway, the saves in order


And the grapple check:


2015-11-24, 09:48 PM
Gython, getting up from his ornate throne, opens his eyes, revealing small burning green suns. As he does so, the area surrounding him begins to darken and corrupt and 11 Manes form around him.
(terrain within 10ft of me looks like the abyssal plane, and takes the Strongly Chaotic and Strongly Evil planar traits as per THE ABYSS MANIFEST. Mane stats http://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Mane_(3.5e_Monster)).
As he strides towards the entrance, Gython's skin, what looks like brass plates, begins to glow slightly as it heats up, (Preparations to fly as per HEAVEN-SCORCHED SUNFIRE PROJECTION)

After about four steps, Gython explodes into green flames, lifts off the ground, and flies through the air to the end of the tunnel.
What does he see?

2015-11-24, 10:44 PM
Bert whistles. This does not look good.

Quickly he begins preparing himself for battle. He uses the scroll of false life, then casts greater mage armor and shield (swift action) on himself, then dragonskin (red), alter self using an eternal wand to turn himself into a troglodyte, and casts reduce person to decrease his size. All of this, however, merely protects him from physical attacks; if magic is the enemies' weapon of choice, he remains vulnerable.

ooc: False life temp hp for 3 hr: [roll0]

2015-11-29, 06:56 AM
Concentrating upon himself, Talasvael shapes around his body a protective layer, his eyes glowing bright silver.

After this, his eyes glow even brighter, and a rainbow colored wave of light dissipates a few feet away from him.

Manifesting Inertial Armor. Using Overchannel for two more manifester levels. Talented prevents the damage dealt. This means a +10 AC, for a total of 21. Touch 11 (or 21 vs incorporeal) and Flat-Footed 20. If possible I do this even before the enemies get close. Because I totally forgot to say it before.

Also, as far as I can tell, the enemies are invisible. So, manifesting Psionic True Seeing.

Also, are we rolling Initiative? If so, mine is [roll0]

2015-11-29, 05:37 PM
Bert says "Talasvael, I fear that we face foes with powerful magic. They would need it to open a way to the demiplane. Please, boost my ability to resist magic or psionics, if you can."