View Full Version : Monk warlock early multiclass

The doom cannon
2015-11-23, 05:19 PM
Alright so I started a forest gnome monk from level 1, currently level 3. Through various events and circumstances, I made a pact with a Fiend to bring back a fallen adventurer. This happened to coincide with leveling up to 4. My DM and I decided that to rp this, I needed to multiclass into Warlock, and he gave me the ability point increase provided I dump them in Charisma. So right now I have monk 3 and Warlock 1.

Current points
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 13

First question: Cantrips and spells, which to take?
Alright so for Cantrips I am taking eldritch blast. I Don't really want friends or true strike. I basically have prestidigitation from being an elemental monk. I have minor illusion. We have a mage hand in the party. That leaves chill touch, blade ward, or poison spray.

For level 1 spells, I am thinking hex and not sure about the second one.

Second question: how far do I go and in what order?
The monk levels are important, but Warlock 2 is pretty strong from what I see. So I am at a loss for what order to level, especially considering my spread stats.

Any input is appreciated

2015-11-23, 07:29 PM
There are 3 ways to deal with this, at least these are the ones i know!
1) Let the character decide. See how the campaign goes and after each level up decide which part of your character's personality you want to grow bigger. This could also mean you just test how the multiclass works in this level and decide what fits your playstyle better.
2) Pick the cool stuff you want to get from each class. Some people dip warlock just because they want the hex/blast abuse or a certain invocation. Decide what you want to reach faster and build this way.
3) See the big picture first. If you play with your casual group you'd probably be able to guess how far will this campaign go. Do you play only 5-6 levels, do you reach 10-15 or even up to 20?
Let's say you usually end your campaigns around 8-10. This means you won't get more than 2 ASIs/Feats and no spells beyond 5th level. Decide what your monkX/warlockY is and make a plan on how will you reach it.

If you choose the rp path (the first one) make sure to enjoy it the most. Whenever i've done it, i've found out that i really enjoyed each and every level up while some other party members were like "Well, it's ok.. Now all i need is to get 2 more levels and then i'll be godlike".
In case you choose one of the other 2 ways fell free to ask any further advice.
Personally, i like the pure warlock so much that i can't settle for any multiclass...

Ps: While reading my post i thought i wasn't being any helpful at all. Then i noticed the "any input is appreciated" and just posted it.

2015-11-23, 07:41 PM
For level 1 spells, I am thinking hex and not sure about the second one.
Armor of Agathys if you're still interested in getting into punching range.

The doom cannon
2015-11-23, 07:47 PM
Armor of Agathys if you're still interested in getting into punching range.

Excellent point. I intend to use the Warlock aspect to augment being in the thick of things.

2015-11-24, 03:02 AM
Are you sure about not wanting Friends? To me, it seems like your best bet.

You already have a good damage-dealing cantrip, so Poison Spray is nearly useless, as is Chill Touch. And well, Blade Ward and True Strike are mathematically inferior to just dodging or attacking.

Joe the Rat
2015-11-24, 11:15 AM
Any chance of EE players companion or SCAG? There's a few fun options in there. Booming Blade sounds like all sorts thematically appropriate fun for an elemental monk - there's just the wrinkle of whether or not you can get away with "fist" as the material component, or have to carry a knife or stick.

Poison Spray actually has one advantage: It doesn't target AC. Having non-AC options can be handy.

And I would say you want to get to at least Warlock:2 for the invocations. If you're planning on mostly monk, you want Monk:5 sooner rather than later.

The doom cannon
2015-11-24, 12:57 PM
Any chance of EE players companion or SCAG? There's a few fun options in there. Booming Blade sounds like all sorts thematically appropriate fun for an elemental monk - there's just the wrinkle of whether or not you can get away with "fist" as the material component, or have to carry a knife or stick.

Poison Spray actually has one advantage: It doesn't target AC. Having non-AC options can be handy.

And I would say you want to get to at least Warlock:2 for the invocations. If you're planning on mostly monk, you want Monk:5 sooner rather than later.

I think my DM will want to keep it in the PHB since all of us are relatively new to the game.

It sounds like Warlock 2 then monk 5 will be the best path for me.

Out of curiosity, what is everyone's opinion on the rp of my character fully embracing the power granted by the Fiend vs realizing that maybe it wasn't worth it to form a pact to save someone, considering that now I will be offering the everlasting souls of everything I kill to this Fiend? I'm trying to decide which path I want to take, since I fully believe that the Fiend is going to play a big part in the story.

L Space
2015-11-24, 01:05 PM
Out of curiosity, what path did you take with monk? That plus how you've been playing your monk so far could affect what type of spells you want to go with.

Joe the Rat
2015-11-24, 01:18 PM
I think my DM will want to keep it in the PHB since all of us are relatively new to the game.

It sounds like Warlock 2 then monk 5 will be the best path for me.

Out of curiosity, what is everyone's opinion on the rp of my character fully embracing the power granted by the Fiend vs realizing that maybe it wasn't worth it to form a pact to save someone, considering that now I will be offering the everlasting souls of everything I kill to this Fiend? I'm trying to decide which path I want to take, since I fully believe that the Fiend is going to play a big part in the story.

Now, now, it isn't necessarily a matter of turning you into a soul sashimi chef for your patron. You could be in recruitment. "See how awesome I am? You could be this awesome too. I can hook you up..." or to be a field agent "You see that cult over there? They're expanding the influence of a competitor. Go take them down." "See that cult? They're my guys. It's time to harvest." But whatever the nature, there is some obligation from your side.

You can have fun either way. It does rather depend on how much you want to get into the cackling madman side of things - or the scheming manipulator. I'm having fun as "The Merchant with the Golden Eyes" - I cut deals on all sorts of goods and trades (Guild Merchant background), and if someone is looking for a little sump'n sump'n from the deep end of the alignment pool, I can try and get them a meeting... and collect a modest finder's fee. Also, with the power to rip the souls from my enemies, I can get revenge on the people who destroyed my family's business. But I am stuck having to stop this stupid "Demonic Incursion," as opposed to getting the heck out of town like a sane person.

If you are playing the Buyer's Remorse side, make sure you are holding to the letter of the deal - or keep up your end as little as necessary. You may be seeking atonement, or try to make amends whilst engaging in your necessary evils (a la Ruddigore). Getting free of your deal might be a whole plotline.

And if you *are* going Soul Feeder, you can always elect to knock someone out at 0hp rather than killing them outright when making melee attacks :smallwink:

The doom cannon
2015-11-24, 01:24 PM
Out of curiosity, what path did you take with monk? That plus how you've been playing your monk so far could affect what type of spells you want to go with.

I went elemental monk and I've been bashing shins with a quarterstaff. I have also been having some success using minor illusion and elemental attunement to do some interesting things in and out of combat.

Our adventuring party is myself, a paladin, a sorceror, and a barbarian. We sorely lack ranged abilities, so eldritch blast is a perfect gap filler for me. I wouldn't mind playing a more utility roll considering the paladin and barbarian hit like trucks.