View Full Version : I need somes strong Npc to throw at my pcs

2015-11-23, 09:22 PM
my players consist
of A Knight, rogue, crusader and a warmage

I want three powerful gestalt combos to put the hurt on my pcs

I am thinking one is going to be a clawlock but i'm at a lost as to what to mix it with
and the other 2 are up in the air.

any ideas

2015-11-23, 09:37 PM
Some extra information might be useful. What level are the PCs? What's the campaign like? How optimized is your group? Are the PCs also gestalt? What books are in play? What kind of antagonism are you looking for--moustache-twirling evil, some kind of guild, needs, bounty hunters, BBEGs...

2015-11-23, 09:40 PM
At the bottom of this linked page is my ages old, poorly made attempt at trying to stat out Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth (30th-Level Human Dragon Samurai/Exotic Weapons Master/Blackguard/Iaijutsu Master — Gestalt Sorcerer). I think with his full score of abilities his average damage per sword hit was somewhere around 500 points.



2015-11-24, 04:59 AM
You could start with the Elder Evils, or if you prefer something less "world ending" Exemplars of Evil.
Good, ol' Enemies or Allies, could be helpful too.