View Full Version : Pathfinder Occultist Question

USS Sorceror
2015-11-23, 10:27 PM
I was looking at the Pathfinder Occultist class for an NPC in an upcoming campaign and had a couple questions about it.
Level 1 Occultist receives 2 implement schools. I pick Divination and Illusion. I have:
0-Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1-Identify, Disguise Self
At Level 2 I want to take Divination again. My Spell List becomes:
0-Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Magic
1-Identify, Disguise Self, Comprehend Languages
At Level 4, I gain my first set of 2nd level spells. Do I take 3 new spells based on my three existing implements? It seems like I obviously should, otherwise I wouldn't be getting 2nd level spells until I'm level 6 and get a new Implement. But I'm unclear on the wording.

Thanks in advance!

2015-11-24, 10:36 AM
You pick 3 2nd level spells.
So when you get the 4th impliment you add 1 spell per level in the new school spells.

2016-08-10, 08:45 AM
The Occultist is needlessly complicated...

Extra Anchovies
2016-08-10, 05:01 PM
You pick 3 2nd level spells.
So when you get the 4th implement you add 1 spell per level in the new school spells.

This is correct.

The Occultist is needlessly complicated...

I have to agree, at least regarding their spellcasting. One spell from each chosen school is a pretty harsh restriction, especially since Transmutation is heavily over-represented in terms of raw numbers (that school has about twice as many choices as the others at any spell level) and in terms of good spells in general (most of the good buffs and field-control effects are Transmutation). There's the option to double up on an implement, but that usually hurts your focus powers more than it helps your spellcasting, so it's not a worthwhile trade until you've already got five or six schools available. Personally I think they should have spells known like a Bard, drawn from the Occultist list among the schools they've chosen implements for.