View Full Version : [5e, Lvl 6, Solo, Arena] Zman's Arena -Kildrak Heftcliff

2015-11-24, 05:47 PM
As you stand at the end of the small dark hallway you can see the Arena before you through the grated door. The booming voice of an announcer can be heard, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Today, Kildrak tries his mettle in the Arena!!!" A wave of cheers meets his thunderous booming voice...

A horn sounds, the gate opens, and you step foot into the Arena. It is a solid thirty paces square with an open roof, cheering fans can be seen beyond the walls, so can the armed guards that would prevent any combatant from attempting to flee the arena. In each of the cardinal directions lie elevated platforms, stairs leading up to them. Each adorned with a pair of sinister grotesque stone guardian, their palms upheld filled with fire. To the northwest lies a tall platform, to the northwest a patch of broken ground only the surest footed would dare tread, to the southwest, huge stone pillars rising towards the sky, to the southeast another stone platform rises from the ground, and in the center is a small raised platform with a pedestal in its center. You know by pressing down upon the pedestal you will summon for the first wave....

You faintly hear the booming voice wishing you farewell, "For fame and glory! Be bold champion!!"

Round 1
Kildrak Heftcliff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=623776)

If you have OOC questions ask them in a spoiler in thread. Please keep all mechanics in a Spoiler.

You are up!

2015-11-24, 08:36 PM
Grim-faced and haggard, Kildrak steps into the arena showing no sign of the abuse he went through. These people want a show? he thinks to himself as he runs toward the pedestal. I brought the whole circus!

His eyes glowing, arms raised in the air performing spectacular motions while his mouth mutters in Druidic, puffs of smoke waft from the ground near him.

"A Druid is never alone, eh boys?" he smiles just a little as he consoles himself with the company of his new allies.

Moving to H16(is this as far as I can go?) while casting Conjure Animals. I choose 8 CR 1/4 creatures. I believe you choose what creatures are summoned. Preferrably, I'd like a Riding Horse, a Draft Horse and 2 Giant Poisonous Snakes, and 4 wolves. Scratch that if you have other plans or just want one type of beast to be summoned.

Also, that should be Kildrak, not Steve ;)

2015-11-24, 10:11 PM
Yeah, I'll allow summons, but I am not doing the logistics of 8 summoned creatures, or the Arena will trim those numbers down. You get a single CR2 or two CR1s.

2015-11-24, 10:26 PM
aww... ( ._.)

What about just 8 wolves? I know they might die but I'm just burning slots to get the fastest time. If not, 2 CR1 creatures, please. Prefer 2 Giant Hyenas.

2015-11-27, 12:05 PM
As Kildrak weaves his spells two giant ferral looking Hyenas emerge...

Starting next turn they have the same initiative as you, so either you will perform all of your actions etc, then they will, or visa versa.

Round 2!

2015-11-27, 12:14 PM
"Bah, been tarrying too long, come boys, face whatever creatures come at us." he gestures for the Hyenas to come to him. Dashing up to the pedestal, he picks up 3 small stones and closes his eyes for a moment, the stones glow a faint bluish tint as it emits a natural magical energy, before finally activating the pedestal.

Using Dash Action to get to the center. Using Bonus Action to cast Magic Stone. The Hyenas should be following me and on either west or east of me.

2015-11-30, 12:41 PM
He moves forward and activates the pedestal, the giant Hyenas following along...

As he activates it the stench of rotting flesh fills the Arena as four doors slam open and four bloated corpses shamble out towards Kildrak...


Round 3!

2015-11-30, 05:27 PM
"Foul abominations!" he says as he throws a glowing magic rock at the zombie to the north of him. Being a sailor, he hadn't had much experience with these creatures but he knows a natural anomaly when he sees one. With a silent command, he waves his arms and points at two zombies. Promptly, the two Hyenas rush toward their foes and bites both their foes.

Satisfied of the developments, he grabs his wooden staff and murmurs for a moment, the staff appears to have renewed luster but otherwise looks the same.

He runs toward the Northern zombie...

Action: attacking Z1 with Magic Stone
on hit: [roll1] [roll2]

Bonus Action: casting Shillelagh on wooden staff

GH1 attacks Z1:
on hit: [roll4] [roll5]

GH2 attacks Z2:
on hit: [roll7] [roll8]

Move Kildrak to Q12.

2015-11-30, 05:28 PM
Magic Stone should deal only 1d6. my bad:


2015-12-02, 04:49 PM
Kildrak barely wings a Zombie with his magic stone while his summoned Allies rip into them before they retaliate...

Diagonal movement costs 5/10/5/10, every other diagonal costs double as per the recruitment post.

18 Damage to Z1, 8 Damage to Z2

Zombie Attacks
Z1 vs GH1

Z3 and Z4 vs GH2
Hit and Crit for 9 Damage

Round 4

You are up

2015-12-02, 05:24 PM
The Druid's fey friends continue ripping through the undead they face, biting and tearing with ferocity. Kildrak assesses the situation and realizes he had made a mistake, his other Hyena friend looking, now, to be in grave danger.

Rushing to the east, he flings a Magic Stone at the Zombie the Hyena just defaced, allowing the Hyena an opening to attack.

Actions in this order:
GH1 Attacks Z1:
on a hit: [roll1]
extra crit: [roll2]
If this drops the Zombie to 0 but doesn't kill it, GH1 will attack it again with its bonus action:
on a hit: [roll4]
extra crit: [roll5]
If it does die, GH1 will move as far south with his bonus action to move 25 feet ON TOP of the his regular move so that he can provide flanking for GH2 and block off Z3 from flanking it. (If I'm not mistaken, that should be T21:U22)

Kildrak moves to S14 and attacks Z2:
on a hit: [roll7]
extra crit: [roll8]

GH2 attacks Z2:
on a hit: [roll10]
extra crit: [roll11]
If this kills it, he'll attack Z3 with a Bonus Action as well:
on a hit: [roll13]
extra crit: [roll14]

2015-12-02, 06:32 PM
The corpse refuses to fall after being ravaged by the Giant Hyena... Kildrak misses his mark... the other Hyna continues to tear into his target...

Undead Fortitude[roll0] The Giant Hyena does not get another attack, the Zombie was reduced to 1HP instead of 0.

Kildrak Misses, I didn't expect it to come up, but when using a ranged attack into melee the target has Soft Cover ie +2AC

2015-12-02, 06:37 PM
Zombie Attacks
Z1 vs GH1

Z2 and Z3 and Z4 vs GH2

Round 5

2015-12-02, 07:34 PM
"Hang in there, boy!" Kildrak shouts as he throws another magic stone at the same Zombie. Swiftly, he scoops up three more stones while moving toward the fray.

At the reassurance of Kildrak's voice, the Hyenas renew their vicious attacks with their bites.

GH1 attacks Z1:
on a hit: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]
If it dies, uses bonus action to move 75 feet toward the rest.

Kildrak Attacks Z2:
on a hit: [roll4]
crit: [roll5]
Kildrak moves to W18 and uses Bonus Action to cast Magic Stone again.

GH2 attacks Z2:
on a hit: [roll7]
crit: [roll8]
If it dies, uses bonus action to attack Z3.:
on a hit: [roll10]
crit: [roll11]

EDIT: RNGesus heard me! Praise be!

2015-12-02, 07:42 PM
Undead Fortitude[roll0]

2015-12-02, 09:54 PM
Within seconds two of the Zombies crumble into rotting corpses once more, the other two attempt to take their retribution out against the summoned beast...

Suddenly, two of the statues spring to life and launch bolts of fire at Kildrak, the first sets him off balance and the second lands solidly...

11 Damage to GH2

Turn 6

11Fire a Damage, you need a Concentration Save DC10

2015-12-02, 10:47 PM
Posting this first so I can plan ahead.
[roll1] Warcaster Advantage

Also, Kildrak should have moved to W18, I'll assume my next actions will be from there.

2015-12-02, 11:11 PM
Gritting his teeth as he regains his footing, Kildrak brushes off the scorch mark left by the bolt of fire hurled by the seemingly harmless statue. "Tricks and Falsity!" he exclaims in surprise. "Have you no honor?" he glares at the statues to see which ones are 'alive'.

The Hyenas, fully engaged with the zombies, continue biting on to rotten flesh, ignoring the taste as their mouths froth in rabid ferocity. Seeing a Zombie's back turned, Kildraw draws his wooden staff and slams it at the Zombie, its wood hardened by his Shillelagh spell.

Looking at the statues: [roll0] not sure what modifier to put so leaving it blank.

Kildrak moves to flank Z4 (20 feet) and attacks:
[roll2] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll3]
crit: [roll4]
if this kills the zombie, Kildrak will move toward Z3 for the remaining 10 ft move.

GH2 attacks Z3:
[roll6] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll7]
crit: [roll8]
If this kills it, he will attack Z4:
[roll10] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll11]
crit: [roll12]

If Z3 is still alive (it most likely is), GH1 attacks Z3:
[roll14] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll15]
crit: [roll16]
If that kills it, he will use a bonus action to move 25 feet and attack Z4:
[roll18] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll19]
crit: [roll20]

2015-12-03, 04:34 PM
Despite the savage attacks from the Giant Hyena the zombie refuses to fall and renews its efforts to rip its enemies to shreds..

Undead Fortitude [roll0]

2015-12-03, 04:37 PM
Attacking GH2

Hits for 10 Damage

Round 7!

2015-12-03, 05:06 PM
"Nature will prevail!" Kildrak shouts as he turns his staff and pivots to strike at the Zombie once more.

The Hyenas, although one is visibly hurt, continue to engage the Zombies.

Kildrak Attacks Z4:
[roll1] Advantage from Flanking
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

GH2 attacks Z4:
[roll5] Advantage from Flanking
on a hit: [roll6]
crit: [roll7]
If this kills it, it'll attack Z3:
[roll9] Advantage from Flanking
on a hit: [roll10]
crit: [roll11]

GH1 attacks Z3:
[roll13] Advantage from Flanking
on a hit: [roll14]
crit: [roll15]
If this kills it, it'll move to flank and attack Z4:
[roll17] Advantage from Flanking
on a hit: [roll18]
crit: [roll19]

Also, I noticed Z4 didn't attack last round?

2015-12-04, 02:44 PM
One more zombie is ripped to shreds but the other refuses to unundie...

Z4 did attack, I just forgot to edit it so it looked like Z3 attacked twice.

Undead Fortitude[roll0]
If I need a second one
Undead Fortitude[roll1]

2015-12-04, 02:46 PM
Barely being held together by sinuw, the zombie flails and misses its mark, but when caught off guard the Statues again spring to life, this time launching three bolts of fire, one misses its mark but the other two connect sending Kildrak off balance...


Round 8
Hit 6 Fire Damage
Crit 4 Fire Damage(Lucky!)

2015-12-04, 02:50 PM
Con Saves Resiliant +Warcaster

2015-12-04, 02:51 PM
Forgot the 2nd set of Saves

Both Saved. Good thing you had Advantage on that second one.

2015-12-04, 05:18 PM
Kildrak grits his teeth as he takes two solid fire bolts to the chest. He had almost lost focus on the spell but his experience as a spellcaster accustomed to being in the frontlines held the spell together.

He then delivers what he hoped to be the final blow as he stopped the momentum from his staggering feet and swung his staff at the last Zombie.

The Hyenas surround it and tear the last tissues that held it together.

Indeed. haha
Kildrak Attacks Z4:
[roll1] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

GH1 Attacks Z4:
[roll5] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll6]
crit: [roll7]

GH2 Attacks Z4:
[roll9] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll10]
crit: [roll11]

If any of the attacks kill it, we'll move to the center and take a breather. What an unlucky round 1 -.-" how many times did the zombies make their saves?

2015-12-04, 05:29 PM
The last remaining Zombie is assaulted from all sides... but it is unable to withstand the formidable assault...

Undead Fortitude[roll0]
Undead Fortitude[roll1]
Undead Fortitude[roll2]

You have your movement which takes you to U18. You can take a 6 Round breather whcih will allow only Kildrak to recover Hit Dice.

2015-12-04, 05:31 PM
FINALLY! It's dead...

Currently sitting at 30/51? So I will take a breather:
47/51. That's good enough. Will post an IC as soon as you post the transitioning scene.

2015-12-04, 05:39 PM
As Kildrak moves towards the pedestal he slows down, the Arena is peaceful, the crowd more audible then seconds before. Kildrak, takes a few long moments to compose himself before facing another threat knowing full well that precious seconds were ticking away...

30 Second Breather takes you to the end of Round 14. Round 15, Go!

Yes, now you are at 47/51 for HP

2015-12-04, 05:43 PM
Kildrak rests on his staff as he feels the air lighten around him. He slowly makes his way to the center pedestal and decides to catch his breath before activating it.

Slinking up beside him, one bloodied and bruised form of a Hyena brushes up against his side. He lays a gentle hand on the creature. Kildrak felt remorse that he could not heal his friend as he had to conserve what spells he had left. Kildrak consoles himself with the knowledge that they would not actually die if killed here. Absently, the druid brushes the Hyenas face of blood and zombie matter that had caked it.

Finally catching his breath, Kildrak stood upright and stowed his staff. "Bring the next!" he yells at the audience while stepping on the pillar.

2015-12-06, 12:05 PM
As Kildrak activates the pedestal the Arena is again ominous... A gate slams open to the NorthEast and an even fouler stench wafts through as a massive corpse begins lumbering out...


You have you Move and Action left in Round 15.

2015-12-06, 09:06 PM
Kildrak looks around to see which door opens. Spotting the hulking undead, he rushes to the northeast, aiming to set the difficult ground between him and the zombie. Behind him, the Hyenas follow.

"Hold, boys..." he says to the beasts he summoned. "We will have blood yet." The Hyenas bare their fangs and their bristle in anticipation, but Kildrak was resolute and determined.

C'mon you big lumox... he thinks to himself, quelling the fear and the bile that had risen up to his throat.

Once the Zombie gets within 60 feet, Kildrak will fling a Magic Stone:
on a hit: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]

You may post this on the Ogre's turn:
As the Ogre lumbers forward, heavy feet shaking the ground, Kildrak throws a glowing stone at it. Guided by the natural magics infused in it, the stone flies unnaturally fast and far. "Come meet your death again, abomination!"

If the Ogre Zombie enters the difficult terrain, the Hyenas jump at him when it's close enough:
Dex Check for entering Difficult Terrain:
GH1: [roll3]
GH2: [roll4]

GH1 attacks:
[roll6] Advantage (just in case)
on a hit: [roll7]
crit: [roll8]

GH2 attacks:
[roll10] Advantage (just in case)
on a hit: [roll11]
crit: [roll12]

2015-12-07, 04:34 PM
As the Ogre lumbers forward, heavy feet shaking the ground, Kildrak throws a glowing stone at it. Guided by the natural magics infused in it, the stone flies unnaturally fast and far. "Come meet your death again, abomination!"

Hit for 7 Damage. The Zombie Ogre lumbers forward. The Giant Hyenas could not ready both a move and an attack action.

Round 16

2015-12-07, 05:32 PM
"Now!" the druid yells, "get it off its feet!"

The Hyenas eagerly lunge at their prey. The bloodied one is bolder, he maneuvers, running circles around the ogre before finally stopping just at its north-side. Almost in-sync, as the Ogre turns to face the threat, the other Hyena sees an opening to attack and wastes no time in jumping and biting at the undead. Ravaged by the assault of the less-injured Hyena, the Ogre Zombie, just for a second, turns its head and dead eyes at its newest foe. It was enough for the injured Hyena to capitalize as it climbs unto the abomination attempting to get it off its feet.

GH2 moves to the back of the Ogre Zombie (I think S10:T11 is as far back as he can get?) and attempts to shove to prone:
[[roll0] haha! excellent

GH2 moves and attacks, regardless of the Ogre getting prone, he has advantage from flanking, right?:
[roll2] Advantage, if any
on a hit: [roll3]
on a crit: [roll4]

If the Ogre Zombie is prone, Kildrak will move to attack, drawing his staff:
on a hit: [roll6]
on a crit: [roll7]
Otherwise, Kildrak will just throw a stone (at -2 hit because of soft cover)
[roll8] edit: woops, should have just used the above attack roll.
on a hit: [roll9]
on a crit: [roll10]

2015-12-07, 05:43 PM
As the Giant Hyena attempts to fell the massive undead corpse it fails to pull the half ton corpse down, but both Kildrak and his second summoned beast land blows... Kildraks is albeit from a far...

The Ogre Corpse retaliates on the Giant Hyena... felling the giant best in one massive blow...


Round 17

2015-12-07, 05:53 PM
Kildrak's eyes widen as his friend is dealt a fatal blow. As the remains slowly disintegrate back to its homeplane, Kildrak is reminded that he wasn't truly dead, which gave him strength to draw on, enough to draw his staff and motion the remaining Hyena to flank it.

A single tear dropping from his eye, driven reckless by the loss of his friend and against his better judgement, he engages the Ogre Zombie and slams it with his staff while the other Hyena circles and bites at its flank.


Kildrak attacks OZ:
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

GH attacks OZ:
on a hit: [roll6]
crit: [roll7]

2015-12-07, 05:58 PM
Both Kildrak and the Giant Hyena are able to land solid blows before the massive club comes around again... and Kildrak barely manages to escape the hit... but luckily the dodge meant for the Ogre's blow allowed him to miss abilt of fire that targetted him...

1 for Kildrak, 2 for GH
Hit for 13 Damage, Con save required.

Round 17

2015-12-08, 02:10 AM

2015-12-08, 02:26 AM
Kildrak reels from the solid blow of the Ogre's club. Gotta put your shields up, Kildrak. Have to use everything we ha-. a sudden realization dawns on him. He wards off the Ogre's assault while stepping back until finally disengaging with it. Now 30 feet away, he stows his staff and a wry smile appears on his face. He reaches into his pocket.

With it's back turned, while the Ogre assaults Kildrak, the Hyena bites into it again, coaxing the Ogre to face him instead.

GH attacks O:
[roll1] Advantage from flanking
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

Kildrak Disengages and moves 30 ft to T20 and stows his staff.
Bonus Action to smile wryly.

2015-12-09, 05:48 PM
The ogre takes another bite from the Giant Hynea as Kildrak makes his escape, the Ogre Zombie turns its limited attention solely to the summoned beast smashing at it with its massive club... but misses its mark.

The Statues are again silent...


Round 18

2015-12-09, 06:06 PM
whoa, 1 more on the attack roll and that would've been a massive hit. Max damage! haha

Kildrak reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small vial. Removing the stopper, it issues a flaming gush from out of its opening. "By fire be purged!" Kildrak lobs the bottle at the Ogre.

The Hyena steps back as the Ogre swings its club, seeing an opening as the ogre deals with its momentum of the miss, the Hyena lunges and attacks.

Kildrak move within 20 feet and throws an Alchemist Fire at the Ogre:
[roll0] not sure if I should add proficiency? Did not add it, just in case.
on a hit, the Ogre Zombie takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of its turn until it takes an Action to extinguish the flames.

GH attacks O:
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

2015-12-09, 06:32 PM
As Kildrak attempts to lob the bottle of alchemist's fire the bottle shatters barely out of his hand, it must have been damaged when the Ogre stuck him, luckily he gets away with little more than minor burns on his hands... the Giant Hyena lands another attack in the confusion...

Good thing I don't use Fumbles, you'd be on fire for a d4 per turn!

Yeah, it would have been a massive hit, haha.


Round 19

2015-12-09, 07:39 PM
"Bloody hells of Motherf**** Baator!" Kildrak curses, invoking his sailor's tongue. Seeing the Hyena take another hit, he winces and throws another vial at the Abomination.

Meanwhile, the Hyena continues to chomp down on the Zombie's exposed flank.

Ooooh, I like how you narrated that critical miss, I might use it in my games :smallwink:
Critical Fumbles hurt the DM more than the player, statistically. I originally had one in one of my IRL games but decided against it because it slowed the game down and wasn't really worth it (i.e. fun). It could work in a PBP setting, though.

Kildrak tosses another Alchemist Fire:

GH attacks O:
on a hit: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

2015-12-09, 08:24 PM
The Ogre Zombie doesn't seem to notice the fire as it swings at the last remaining giant dog... Landing a glancing blow...

[roll0] Fire


Round 20
Hit, 6 Fire Damage, Concentration throw required.

2015-12-09, 09:28 PM
[roll1] RNG is on my side now, it looks like! haha

2015-12-09, 09:51 PM
Kildrak Heftcliff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=623776)

Kildrak smiles as the Ogre is set aflame with the fire, though not engulfing the entire creature, Kildrak had managed to hit the thing at the most part. Seeing it struggle and bloodied, Kildrak fingers the Acid Vial in his pocket but decides against it, instead, he pulls out the last Magic Stone he had and flings it at the Ogre Zombie.

Meanwhile, the Hyena, bloodied as it was, continued to assault the Ogre with its fangs bared.

Kildrak attacks O:
on a hit: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]

GH attacks O:
on a hit: [roll4]
crit: [roll5]

2015-12-09, 09:56 PM
The Zombie a Ogre is rocked by blows testing its undead constitution... But it can't withstand the assault and the massive corpse falls apart into a heap of flesh...


2015-12-09, 10:22 PM
Kildrak breathes heavily, still feeling the blow he had received earlier when he had recklessly attacked the Ogre Zombie up close.

Leaning on his staff as he walks to the center pedestal, Kildrak rests for a while. The Hyena approaches, looking bloodied and beaten. Kildrak took pity on it, closed his eyes and spoke "Send my thanks to the other one as you return home, friend." as he touches the Hyena, it dissolves into mist, returning to its home plane.

Woops. Apparently, Haste isn't in the Druid spell list unless you're a Grassland druid. MAJOR slip up there, sorry. Would you allow me to change it to an appropriate spell, say, Call Lightning? I had intended Haste to be used simultaneously with Wildshape and Call Lightning would be a close 2nd.

Again, my bad.

rolling hit dice, I have 4 left:

1 left. at 48/51

2015-12-09, 10:56 PM
Yes, I would have caught it if you tried to cast it.

2015-12-09, 11:02 PM
Yeah, I was typing it out then I thought to myself: what the hell? Then did a double take. Sorry about that again, I was using an online spellbook and it listed all the spells available, didn't notice it was just for Grassland druids.

2015-12-09, 11:58 PM
Kildrak Heftcliff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=623776)

Catching his breath, Kildrak raises his arms and again, misty clouds begin to take shape beside him. This time, a four-legged beast forms but no longer thin and tall like the Hyena, but smaller, more stout and with a regal bearing. Two Dire Wolves, one Gray-furred and the other Black, form from out of the misty spell.

Kildrak pets it standing up, not needing to kneel to do so with these large beasts. "Stick together, surround, divide and prevail." he says to them. Kildrak knew Dire Wolves to be pack hunters, they understood teamwork. The wolves give a growl in reply.

Satisfied, Kildrak drops to all fours and prepares to wild-shape as druids do. His form stretches and grows, the sight would have looked violent if it had not looked so natural to occur, as if this person would change shape as easily as breathing. The form grew huge and horns sprouted from the druid's head. His feet stretched, forming hooves underneath thin legs and a well-muscled flank. The horns continued to grow, twisting as it did, forming antlers of fearsome size. A Giant Elk.

The Elk whinied loudly and stomped on the pedestal in the center.

Action: Conjure Animals
Bonus Action: Wildshape
Still have move action so I'm reserving that to react to which gates open.

2015-12-11, 12:04 AM
As Kildrak in animal form activates the pedestal, nothing appears to happen, no doors open, nothing moves, except the arena feels sinister once more...

2015-12-11, 12:17 AM
Kildrak Heftcliff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=623776)

Kildrak is confused but wary, he looks around and stomps on the pedestal again, fearing he had broken it in his fervor.

Can I make a Perception check?

2015-12-11, 12:19 AM
Kildrak notices nothing different than before he activated the pedestal.

You OOC know it is Gargoyles, and they are indistinguishable from statues when they remain still, amazing perception check or not.

2015-12-11, 12:23 AM
Ok, so what now? next round?

2015-12-11, 12:29 AM
You have your move action,miso tell me where you'll be and where the dire wolves will be, then the Gargoyles will act on this round.

2015-12-11, 12:35 AM
OOC I'd like to move away from the center so I don't get hit by both Gargoyles but Kildrak doesn't know what's coming next and has no reason to move, so he'll stay in the center while being flanked by the Dire Wolves.

Kildrak P17:R19 AC 16 HP 42/42
Gray Dire Wolf P15:Q16 AC 14 HP 37/37
Black Dire Wolf R20:S21 AC 14 HP 37/37

2015-12-16, 10:14 AM
bump. are you waiting on me for something?

Busy with the Heroes for Hire game? hehe. How's that going? Judging by the number of pages already, it's looking great. :D

2015-12-16, 11:17 AM
Honestly I've been devoting my time to other things, my game is definitely one of them. And yes, it is going quite well. Truthfully I find it difficult to find the motivation to deal with an arena fight with summoning, I should have simply said no summoning as the arena isn't built for it.

2015-12-16, 04:47 PM
Oh, I see. you should have just said so. :smallbiggrin:

Well, if you're still willing to run this, I can just change out the spell to Barkskin and change the wildshape to Cave Bear; Giant Elks suck if the target can't be prone hence the need for the Dire Wolves.