View Full Version : LAW head quarters (Former KNAVES members)

2007-06-05, 04:45 PM
LAW head quarters is run by Baron Law. It is were KNAVES members that were recently fired can live and be safe from the rest of the world. Here we have rooms were former KNAVES members can live, a bar, an armory, and torture chamber. If you were a member of KNAVES but are not now you can call this home. You can do all the things you can do in KNAVES. This is the New KNAVES!

2007-06-05, 08:35 PM
((What about actual traitors. Like Darkblade?)

2007-06-06, 05:52 AM
((He can join, But we will keep a close eye on you. One thing goes wrong with you and it is of with your head!))

2007-06-06, 05:53 PM
Oi! I want a word wi' one a you folks.

2007-06-06, 05:56 PM
What do you want? asks Barn Law a ten foot tall armored man.

2007-06-06, 06:05 PM
Impartial Knight teleports in and lobs a SPWB (Super Power Word Bind) at Baron Law.

2007-06-06, 06:06 PM
H'urk throws a bucket of sewage at him, then starts running away.

2007-06-06, 06:06 PM
((What does that do?))

2007-06-06, 06:08 PM
((It should freeze him, stiff as a board and unable to move.))

2007-06-06, 06:09 PM
((It sewage. Y'know, poop and stuff. Very liquidy. All it really does is stink and make things gross. However, it's a part of human psycoligy to be grossed out by it, so it'll probably piss Baron Law off.))

2007-06-06, 06:14 PM
((I was not asking you hothead. Can the spell be block?))

*The muck hits his armor and is instantly vaporized. 20 skeletons appear and surround H'urk. They start hacking at him with there swords*

2007-06-06, 06:19 PM
((Normally yes, but against a spellcaster like Impartial Knight, you'd need a kick-ass will save, a high Wisdom, and probably good spell-resistance. And even if you save, you still are stunned.))

2007-06-06, 06:21 PM
((What if I shoved a skeleton in the way of the attack?))

2007-06-06, 06:22 PM
((I didn't see raistlens first post (which made me wonder "WTH?" about the second one) sorry))
Haydn tries to dart past, shouting back Ha, that the best you can do? summon others to fight for you? no wonder you got fired from Knaves.

2007-06-06, 06:28 PM
*An army of 100 skeletons appear about 100 yards in front of H'urk, (In a line) they all have bows and arrows. They fire three arrows each at H'urk. Another 100 stand behind them with swords, and will attack if he some how manges to get throw the front line.*

2007-06-06, 06:39 PM
((What if I shoved a skeleton in the way of the attack?))

((Wouldn't work. He's got a sort of Homing device on his spells. It'd just go around and hit you.))

2007-06-06, 06:42 PM

*Baron Law is hit. He is just stunned, not frozen*

2007-06-06, 06:46 PM
Impartial Knight takes the time won to cast Wish. His wish is that Baron Law be frozen and unable to move until he (Impartial Knight) says so.

2007-06-06, 06:47 PM
*Baron Law stand still*

2007-06-06, 06:48 PM
((Did it work?))

2007-06-06, 06:52 PM
(No, he is just faking it.)

*He srugs off the stun and fires a Disintegration ray (witch is going at the speed of Mach-5) at the knight*

Want to join? I will make you my right hand man!

2007-06-06, 06:55 PM
((*Twitch* How does a Wish spell fail? How does a disintigration ray go Mach 5?))

Work for you? Not going to happen.
He casts Time Stop and then Wish, repeating his earlier wish.

2007-06-06, 06:57 PM
H'urk ((who sprints at about 30 MPH)) simply speeds by as they are still pulling the first arrows back.

2007-06-06, 07:04 PM
((I dont know much about D&D so I dont know how wish works, and it can go Mach-5 because it is Special.))

I am only leader until we have enough members to vote on the real dictator. You can come back then. I dont want to fight you. You have made your point, You are very powerful. You can join or leave. He says this in slow motion because time is stopping, and it is not totally freezing him, but effecting him allot.

2007-06-06, 07:10 PM
((Wish is the most powerful D&D spell. Ever. It has no saving throw or SR.))

2007-06-06, 07:25 PM
*A man walks in and casts dis spell*

Is that all you got?

*He casts maximized fire ball at the Impartial*

*Barracudas voice starts to talk to H'urk*

Hi, its me Barracuda. Installed a walkie talky in your cloak. If you are still alive come back.

2007-06-06, 07:29 PM
((Dispel Magic can't dispel Wish because the duration is Instantanious. Also, having a random man just come in and dispel the spell is godmodding.))

As godmodding is illegal, the fireball dissapears in a flash of rule-fire.

2007-06-06, 07:30 PM
Suddenly, Raneus and a squad of Imperial Guardsmen burst inside. They begin to train their guns on Baron Law. Freeze, Law!
((Since you're still stunned from the Wish, right? So you can't move?:smallamused: Have fun!)) ((Yes, you are stunned until Impartial says so. He's right, Wish cannot be stopped))

2007-06-06, 07:33 PM
(Also, if he used Time Stop, that spell actually affects the user, making him so fast that everything else looks to freeze in place.


Here, every time someone uses a spell you don't know, go and check it)

2007-06-06, 07:35 PM
((He is not a random man! He is this magical entity that fallows law around. He has taken control over a random man and come to help Law. He often does because some times brute force is not enough. He is very powerful with magic.))

Can we stop fighting for one minuet and kill these losers.

*He points at the guardsmen*

2007-06-06, 07:37 PM
((Impartial Knight cast Time Stop. Everyone is basicly frozen Nightwing.))
Impartial Knight runs over and picks up Baron Law. He then proceeds to walk out of the building with the frozen-until-stated-otherwise Law.
((Note, this is NOT godmodding because you are frozen, both in body and time.))

2007-06-06, 07:37 PM
Those losers and Raneus rapidfire at Baron Law.
I'm only going to hurt Baron! If you're fighting him, I'm here to help you!
((NM, you posted before me. Sorry.))

2007-06-06, 07:38 PM
*They bounce of baron Laws armor*

((How can he pick him up? He is like 350 pounds!))

*The man that fallows Baron Law around runs out the door and follows them*

2007-06-06, 07:40 PM
((We're frozen, so is he. It never happened. And how strong exactly is the armor?))
A second squad of Valenians is headed for the building where their Colonel is frozen. ((only five- this is the group that originally reported in to the Colonel))

2007-06-06, 07:41 PM
((...Do you have a point? Impartial Knight has a natural STR Bonus and can hold a spear that weighs 500 pounds. In his weak hand.))

2007-06-06, 07:41 PM
((It is made by a god, and it lets him tap into said gods limitless power.))

2007-06-06, 07:42 PM
((OK Nightwing? Everyone except Impartial Knight is frozen. End of story. Your freaky stalker included.))

2007-06-06, 07:43 PM
The second squad arrives, and takes in the scene.
((How long is the duration, and are you moving around?))

2007-06-06, 07:45 PM
((1 minute. And Yes, Impartial Knight is moving. He's going to the 4th empire headquarters.))

2007-06-06, 07:46 PM
((4th Empire? Is it obvious you are allied with them? To the naked eye? And how much time has passed?))
If you can tell he is 4th Empire just by looking, the soldiers train their guns on him.

2007-06-06, 07:47 PM
((About 50 seconds. And he's not allied. He just wants to get Baron Law locked up, and they control the police.))

2007-06-06, 07:48 PM
((You do know that if you kill Law his god will just give the armor another person. Preferably some one with two brain cells to rub together (Witch is two more brain cells then Baron Law has))

2007-06-06, 07:49 PM
((Got it))
Raneus unfreezes, and heads off in pursuit of LAW.

2007-06-06, 07:49 PM
(You are disturbing the way a Time Stop Spell works, it doesn't freeze everyone, it just makes the user freaking fast.

That's actually a stupid name, makes to much confusion, should be named "Extreme Acceleration" or something of the like, but that would be just to silly.)

2007-06-06, 07:50 PM
* The man that follows law leaves two*

2007-06-07, 06:24 AM
*A man appears on the floor in a puff of smoke*

At least my Servant got me away, but I dont have my armor.

2007-06-07, 06:27 AM
A noise comes from outside. It sounds like booted feet. You can hear someone barking orders, but cannot make them out.

2007-06-07, 06:29 AM
*The man walks out to see what is happening*

2007-06-07, 06:29 AM
The man finds twenty lasguns pointed at his face.

2007-06-07, 06:30 AM
What are you doing?!

2007-06-07, 06:31 AM
Finishing you.
Rapidfire 2 rounds each at sevant, then deadtime.

2007-06-07, 06:34 AM
((This is not the servant. He is not here.))

*The man leaves*

2007-06-07, 10:04 AM
Raneus and the Guardsmen snap out of dead time. They look around and note the conspicous lack of Baron Law. They proceed to rig the building to blow with grenades. They attempt to leave. The grenades are on a timer and will detonate in ten minutes if not stopped. The explosion will destroy the entire building.

2007-06-07, 11:00 AM
*Barracuda walks in. Seeing the bombs he starts disabling them, witch for him is easy because he is one of the best technology no it all people in the town. If it has to do with machines or technology he is good at it*

2007-06-07, 01:32 PM
((There are a lot of them, and they're going off soon. He's going to have to do it pretty fast))

2007-06-07, 01:36 PM
((He is very fast. He once built a computer in five minuets.))

*He finishes disabling all the bombs*

If any one is going to kill law, it will be me and the order if Anarchy that do it.

2007-06-07, 01:38 PM
((I beg to differ))

2007-06-07, 01:46 PM
((Yes mortal! get on your knees and Beg! Beg that I dont destroy you with my Omnipotent powers!))

2007-06-07, 01:56 PM
((Beg I don't destroy you with a Warhound Titan, fool))

2007-06-07, 01:58 PM
((Ha! even you cant match my Power!))

2007-06-07, 01:59 PM
((Don't need to. An orbital strike solves that problem nicely.))

2007-06-07, 02:02 PM
((What if I through my shoe at you?))

*Barracuda draws his gun and whats for baron Law to return*

2007-06-07, 03:01 PM
Colonel Raneus and two squads of valenian stormtroopers are heading up the road towards LAW Headquarters. Raneus has a puzzled look on his face.

2007-06-07, 03:04 PM
*Hearing The noise of the approaching men, Barracuda Draws his Uzi*

Time to die Law.

2007-06-07, 03:10 PM
Law, come out with your hands up!
((Raneus shouts this from outside the building. He and his men are on alert with weapons raised.))

2007-06-07, 03:11 PM
*barracuda walks out*

I'm the only one that gets to kill Law.

2007-06-07, 03:13 PM
Metakirb flies over the building, followed by coronox, the two stop in midair, and try to bring the other down, metakirb using his sword arm, coronox using a sword of pure flames coming from his arm

((side thought, if Raneus' character is based on the imperials from Warhammer 40K, and they try to kill all aliens wouldn't they have gone beserk at the sight of a human shaped fireball))

2007-06-07, 03:13 PM
Who gave you this privilege? Mebbe we can come to an agreement, boy.
((Weapons are slightly lowered now that it's not Law, but still ready to fire at a moment's notice))

2007-06-07, 03:15 PM
((I try to be a little more lenient, as half the people in the town are aliens to them. Raneus is a little more liberal-minded towards aliens and psykers(spellcasters) since he is one himself. He has no tolerance for demons or heresy though.))
What the hell is that?

2007-06-07, 03:18 PM
((kirb or coronox?))

The two continue to try to bring the other down by focusing on the wings, metkirb lands several successful hits, but sslicing firewith a sword generally doesn't do much

i see you've become less human since i last saw you

2007-06-07, 03:20 PM
((Just saying it at the bizarre sight of two creatures fighting in midair))
Weapons down. They seem too busy to hurt us.

2007-06-07, 03:23 PM

The two stop fighting and Metakirb heads off at high speeds, coronox curses and flies after him

2007-06-07, 03:24 PM
*He lowers his gun*

My name is Barracuda. I work for the order of anarchy. we thought that the bast way to be feared is to kill the new head of fear.

2007-06-07, 03:26 PM
I don't like the sound of that. Why do you want to be feared?
*All guns snap up and point at Barracuda.*

2007-06-07, 03:33 PM
Why should I tell you?

2007-06-07, 03:37 PM
Your refusal proves your guilt. Drop your weapon, boy, or I open fire.
*By now, the stormtroopers' fingers are on their triggers, all weapons are pointing at Barracuda.*

2007-06-07, 03:40 PM
Can you come up with some thing original, or are you going to kill me with stereotypical lines?

2007-06-07, 03:42 PM
Real funny. Again, drop it! Last warning!

2007-06-07, 03:47 PM
Oh, just stop talking.

*He drops the gun*

2007-06-07, 03:49 PM
Why would you want to be feared?
*Raneus motions a stormtrooper forward to collect the gun. The trooper's gun is hooked up to a backpack and cannot be used without that backpack*

2007-06-07, 03:51 PM
Well, we are a small organization. It will get are name out and we will get more members.

2007-06-07, 03:54 PM
What exactly do you hope to achieve?
*Stormtroopers lower their weapons slightly.*

2007-06-07, 03:58 PM
We are the order of anarchy! What do you think we want?

2007-06-07, 03:59 PM
I'll let you go this time. If we cross paths again, boy, don't expect mercy.
*Stormtrooper removes clip from Uzi and tosses it back.*

2007-06-07, 04:00 PM
You cant boss me around!

2007-06-07, 04:02 PM
I'm the one with all the working guns, aren't I?:smalltongue: Leave. I'm beginning to get annoyed.

2007-06-07, 04:07 PM
*He pulls a pistol from its holster and puts it up to Raneu's head. He fires three shots. At point blank*

2007-06-07, 04:09 PM
All three shots ricochet off a psychic force field that flares into existence.
Twenty stormtroopers and Raneus begin rapidfiring hellguns at Barracuda, at point blank range.
((Minor forcefield is one of Raneus's two powers. He activated it when you began to draw the pistol))

2007-06-07, 04:14 PM
Ba'al appears and watches witha smile, then, just for fun changes into a strange creature made of lascannons connected by thick metal bars to a large circular body. It looks something like a spider but with more legs. "Wow, lots of action over here..."

2007-06-07, 04:14 PM
*His head is shot of. A voice comes from his neck*

Just great! This Robot took me an hour to make! Not to mention the money for the parts to build it! You are paying for this Mister! Paying 300 GP!

2007-06-07, 04:16 PM
No. Pay for it yourself, anarchic scum.
*They blow the robot apart*
*Raneus then turns to leave*

2007-06-07, 04:21 PM
"Hey, where you going guys?" There is a loud clicking sound and a wall of fire blocks the exit, this fire is white hot, but isn't affecting the are around it.

2007-06-07, 04:21 PM
*The voice now comes from the torso (witch is shot full of holes)*

Some people have no manners! Is that how your mother raised you? Bet the principal had to call your mother every day at school for blow up the teacher.

2007-06-07, 04:23 PM
((No, 20 rapidfiring hellguns will completely tear it apart))
What do you want? Raneus says this to Ba'al.
He also radios basecamp and the cruisers. I need backup. Get me a Thunderbolt squadron at these coordinates.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-07, 04:23 PM
Sereyentheous tries to walk in, but notices the fire wall, and casts Snow Blast.

Hey! did i miss something?

2007-06-07, 04:24 PM
Captain Sereyentheous, I could use some help dispelling this wall of fire.

2007-06-07, 04:25 PM
((He just walked in through a white hot wall of fire?))

A face appears on the "spider", and grins. "I want to have some fun. And since that wall of fire isn't magic I doubt you can get rid of it."

2007-06-07, 04:26 PM
Don't we all. Step aside, please.

Commander, we have a Thunderbolt squadron en route. ETA 10 min.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-07, 04:27 PM
((I just noticed the wall, so i edited the post that has me extinguishing the flame))
Got it! Lets get out of here

2007-06-07, 04:30 PM
The flames don't go out, they're far too hot to be put out with snow... "Why should I step aside? I'm having great fun here!" The lord of destruction grins and sends a few bolts of lightning flying round the place, aimed at everybody.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-07, 04:35 PM
Sereyentheous watches with amazement as the flames reignight


Casts Disintegrate on the nearby wall.

2007-06-07, 04:36 PM
Several lighting bolts hit the forcefield around Raneus, and fizzle. One trooper goes down, and appears to be unconscious, but alive.
Open fire, but keep moving!

ETA 6 minutes, Colonel.

2007-06-07, 05:08 PM
A gaggle of black dots is now visible high in the sky.
ETA two minutes, sir.

2007-06-07, 05:13 PM
There is another click and the new hole in the wall is also blocked by a wall of the white hot flames that never went out. Ba'al grins as he spots Raneus' forcefield. "How cute, he thinks that pathetic thing will save him." There is another click, Raneus should now feel a building pressure around him as Ba'al attempts to slowly crush him, and he sends a few bolts of pure destructive energy at the guardsmen.

2007-06-07, 05:21 PM
((You are being shot at, you know. On rapid fire.))
Suddenly, several planes appear. They open fire at Ba'al, and pound him and the area surrounding him with missile and cannon fire.
The forcefield easily holds under the strain.
The guardsmen dodge all bolts. ((in my last post I told them to keep moving and dodging))Several are thrown off their feet, but scramble back up. A Valkyrie troop transport lands near Raneus. He and the squad attempt to scramble aboard.
((DEAD TIME! All my troops and planes are also in dead time))

2007-06-07, 05:27 PM
((Ah right.))

Ba'al laughs at all the destruction going on around him, with another click all the projectiles fired at him begin to spin around him, forming a shield. He growls at the sight of the troop transport and causes a series of explosions all around it. He blocks the path to the ship with a huge wall of destructive energy, the wall crackling as the air is simply destroyed as it touches it. He then opens fire on the troops with his lascannons. "If you admit defeat I might stop, this little battle has been entertaining but it is one you cannot win."

2007-06-07, 08:02 PM
All snaps out of dead time.
((Ba'al, lascannons are being fired at you as well. You can't deflect those.))
All the explosions are deflected by a massive force shield around the transport. The wall, moments after appearing, disappears with a loud CRACK! Raneus and the troopers scramble aboard the dropship, which lifts off towards orbit.
((All special powers courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Sanctioned Psyker squad.:smallsmile: ))

2007-06-08, 02:54 PM
((:smallannoyed: um...You can't destroy the wall of destruction like that...meh, the lascannons were never mentioned either so I didn't do anything about them. And people are gonna get pretty annoyed if you just say "All my vehicles are indestructible because they all have massive force shields." ))

Ba'al's jaw drops at all the godmodding, his wall of destruction can't be removed just like that, no mortal would even know how to! Well if they were going to cheat so was he. The lascannon shots don't hit him for some reason, he doesn't even bother to dodge, they just go right through him. He smiles as the dropship lifts off and creates an explosion inside it, capable of blowing the whole thing apart. He then vanishes with another click muttering about players and their "Godmodding."

2007-06-08, 02:56 PM
((There was a psyker squad aboard the dropship. The vehicle doesn't have the shield, they created it. It's a spell, much like your wall. They are pretty powerful when put together. Also, if your wall of fire isn't a spell, then how does it come up at your command?))

2007-06-08, 03:00 PM
Raneus, accompanied, as usual, by his guards, can be seen running up the road in the distance, heading towards LAW Headquarters.

2007-06-08, 03:01 PM
Xan appears in front of them, while Shadowbow quickly catches up.

2007-06-08, 03:02 PM
*Startled for a moment, then recognizes Shadowbow.*
You boys here for LAW to?
((how do we get through his god-modding-like armor?))

2007-06-08, 03:04 PM
(Simple, Shadowbow's bow can get through it. It is the soul of a black dragon so big and powerful, let's just say that it would make the entire Norse pantheon run and hide under the bed.)
Yes, Tereal was the first friend I made here, and I'm telling you now, Law is mine.

2007-06-08, 03:06 PM
((Because the person who summoned it happens to be destruction incarnate and has complete control over all destructive forces...There are other ways to create a wall of fire than spells. Also since it isn't magic and is something only he can do it would not disappear through some kind of counter-spell. In adition to that even if it had been a spell I was never given the chance to say if the counter-spell worked or not. It is technically godmodding to say "I remove the wall of fire with magic" You have to let the person who summoned the wall of fire say if it disappears or not.))

2007-06-08, 03:06 PM
Fine by me. Just allow me to help. Damn KNAVES.

2007-06-08, 03:09 PM
Xan, a 10-year-old boy, speaks up
Also, make sure your men stay out of my way. I'm not responsible for any friendly fire, and I mean fire literally.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-08, 03:10 PM
Sereyentheous flies a few feet outside the wall. You can see him through the hole he blew in the wall a few minutes ago.


There are explosions on the legs of the spider.

Ok time to leave!

2007-06-08, 03:13 PM
The spider is gone, sam.
((still deadtime))

2007-06-08, 03:16 PM
((And automatically assuming that the explosive runes work and cause explosions on the legs of the spider would be another case of godmodding.))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-08, 03:22 PM
((1. U didnt know i had explosive runes on the spider
2. i didnt know the spider was already destroyed
3. ur all familiar how explosive runes work...right? theyre not nuclear explosions))

2007-06-08, 03:26 PM
((You never put explosive runes on the spider! You can't just suddenly say "I had explosive runes placed on your character all along." It doesn't work like that.

The spider left, it wasn't destroyed.

Magical explosions, so what? A lot of characters in the town use more powerful forces than magic!))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-08, 03:31 PM
((ok ok whatever...lets just presume that the charges were defective and cant work. I dont have invisible soldiers on me now anyway))

Hey?! What happened? why didnt it work? wheres the spider?

Flies away

2007-06-08, 03:53 PM
((And if your character did have invisible soldiers with him you would still have to make it clear that they were there.))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-08, 04:00 PM
((say, did the bomb hit the structure yet?))

2007-06-08, 04:12 PM
A man runs up to Shadowbow
I just saw the one you wanted us to watch, Baron Law, going away from here. He must have figured that this would be the first place you would come.
Remain here and tell Raneus when he awakens from dead time.
With that, Shadowbow and Xan are off.

2007-06-08, 05:18 PM
((gnrlshrimp, I just want to make it clear that the reason I was able to escape was the sanctioned psyker squad inside the transport. Many of your spells were also ridiculously powerful, so please don't complain about a forcefield. Also, you didn't post for something like a day after I attempted to get the ship into orbit. Please forgive me for not wanting to wait around for 24 hours waiting for you to respond. I'm still learning the ropes here.:smallsmile: ))
Raneus awakens from dead time. Where did they go?

2007-06-08, 05:19 PM
After being informed, he heads off towards the street.

2007-06-08, 05:31 PM
((All I'm saying is your sanctioned psyker squad did something it simply could not do, and again I must point out that I did not use any spells. I'm not complaining about the forcefield, but I am warning you that people will get annoyed if everything they do is just blocked by a seemingly indestructible forcefield, it's a similar case to Baron Law's armour that seems unaffected by everything.))

2007-06-08, 06:04 PM
((It's not indestructible. You never stated exactly how powerful the explosions are. Wait, if you didn't use spells, then how were you making all those magical effects? Just wondering. And gimme a break with the psykers, this is Town. I have to have a way to keep people from simply saying "I cast Fireball at Raneus, and he dies." And it's never been established that they can't do that.:smallsmile: ))

2007-06-08, 06:23 PM
((I was referring to them causing an incredibly powerful wall of destructive energies to instantly disappear, but I'll drop that now. I don't see anything wrong with psykers deflecting attacks with shields (Even though I'm sure they can't actually do that in 40k) but using it repeatedly may annoy people, and I do only say may.

As for those effects, did I ever say they were magical? I don't think so.))

2007-06-08, 06:24 PM
((I have to have a way to keep people from simply saying "I cast Fireball at Raneus, and he dies." And it's never been established that they can't do that.:smallsmile: ))

((If someone did that, then it would be as huge an example of godmodding as anyone has ever come across. And there have been some impressive ones in the past. Simply put, the rules are your shield, my son. "I cast fireball at Raneus" Is fine. The "and he dies bit" is most certainly not. Nobody should be doing anything like that. Nobody should be bullet proof. No one's saying your character has to die fellas, but fighting someone invicible is boring. I have to say, this is probably the most OOC comments and argument I've ever seen in any thread short of the Duel of the Divine (look it up). There's no need for this. Just state your action clearly, say nothing about the effects and your home and dry. What's so hard ?))

2007-06-08, 06:32 PM
((Meh, I take the blame for causing this argument. I should've shut up four or five posts back but I'm as stubborn as a mule and refuse to back down on something when I think I'm right. And I've read that duel of the divine, this is nowhere near as bad as that, we sorted out what happened IC, we're now just arguing over unimportant things, because, again, I don't know when to just shut up and let something drop.))

2007-06-08, 06:33 PM
((Consider it dropped. I am not arguing here, just curious as to the nature of the wall of destruction if it is not a magical effect.))

2007-06-08, 06:54 PM
((It's complicated, basically it is just what it sounds like, a wall of destructive energy, not made by magic at all. Ba'al has complete control over all destructive forces since he is the incarnation/embodiement/personification of destruction so he just focused those destructive forces in one particular area.))

2007-06-08, 07:01 PM
((Got it. It just seemed like magic since you didn't state otherwise. Thank you for explaining.:smallsmile: ))
A Valenian engineer squad is headed towards the building, with orders to mine and destroy it.

2007-06-08, 07:08 PM
((Yeah, I guess I could've made that clearer, but a lot of characters don't use magic, I'm used to not needing to mention it. Sorry.))

2007-06-08, 07:11 PM
The squad approaches the building. It consists of 10 guardsman with flak armor and lasguns. They are all carrying demo charges.

2007-06-08, 07:16 PM
High above them Ba'al appears, back in his normal form of a tall, white haired man with dark glasses over his eyes. He smiles and watches, eager to see this building destroyed. When your greatest joy in life is destruction you can't take sides...

2007-06-08, 07:17 PM
((Don't worry, he'll be satisfied. Big boom.:smallsmile: ))
The squad begins laying demo charges around the building. Several of them pull out thermite charges and begin to arm those as well.

2007-06-08, 07:23 PM
((He won't be satisfied, he'll enjoy it, but he won't be satisfied. What satisfies him is seeing entire galaxies being destroyed...))

Ba'al floats down a bit nearer to the building, he wants a good view of this explosion.

2007-06-08, 07:27 PM
The squad finsihes mining. GET CLEAR! GET CLEAR! They all come sprinting out and attempt to put as much distance as possible between them and LAW HQ. They are too focused on running for their lives to notice Ba'al.
The charges will detonate in ten, I repeat, ten, minutes.
((This is to give anyone who wishes to save LAW HQ time to do so.))

2007-06-08, 07:34 PM
((Ten minutes, and they'll have to get past Ba'al.))

Ba'al smiles and watches, now standing almost next to the building, good thing he isn't a mortal...

2007-06-08, 07:37 PM
The squad is now long gone.
((Thanks for the guard duty.:smallsmile: ))

2007-06-08, 07:40 PM
((Guard duty? What on earth are you talking about, Ba'al is just here to have fun...*Chuckles.*))

Ba'al taps his foot and waits.

2007-06-08, 07:46 PM
((Gnrlshrimp, you can detonate it if you wish.:smallsmile: ))

2007-06-08, 07:49 PM
((Naw, I don't know how strong these demp charges are or exactly what they're going to do. Better to not mess it up and leave it to you.))

Ba'al sighs and continues to wait.

2007-06-08, 07:49 PM
Deadtime for me. Gnrlshrimp, please detonate.

2007-06-08, 07:52 PM
The dmoe charges go off, needless to say there is a pretty big boom. But that isn't enough to satisfy Ba'al. He grins and clicks his fingers massively increasing the strength of the explosion, superheated air rushes past him at incredible speeds, knocking over a nearby tree. Ba'al grins again, having contained the explosion in the area around the LAW HQ.

Eventually everything settles down, there is very little left of the LAW HQ and Ba'al has vanished, ever one for the dramatic entrances and exits.

2007-06-08, 08:26 PM
Manal walks in. " Hello what happened to the casile?" "Where is my brother Darkblade? Last time I saw him he was in the scar." " I have Questions and I want anwsers NOW!"

2007-06-08, 09:03 PM
((The whole place is gone, you're walking into a smoking crater. If you're hunting LAW, try the Town Hill Apartments))

2007-06-09, 07:57 AM
Manal wakes up formdead time." I still want to know where in the world is my brother Darkblade?"
(( are you part of KNAVES?))
(( will you go to the Queen's Bar and grill?))
((If you are a KNAVES you eat free.))

2007-06-09, 08:06 AM
((There's no one here. Also, Raneus will not stop until all members of KNAVES are burning in hell, so I don't think he'd be very inclined to go there))

2007-06-09, 08:19 AM
(( So everyone is still welcome there. Anyway Please go there I need to talk to someone there.(that is not my other people).))

2007-06-09, 08:21 AM
((Sorry, Raneus is currently assisting Blackout in attacking the Fourth Empire. Go to the Tavern or the streets, there's always people there. Also, if you work for KNAVES, he's more likely to kill you then talk to you))

2007-06-09, 09:53 AM
((What I don't understand is how Raneus instantly knew just about everything about KNAVES...))

2007-06-09, 09:56 AM
(( He doesn't. He's been talking to people about them. All he knows is common knowledge, that they are an evil organization. It's his personality that makes him want to kill them.))

2007-06-09, 10:46 AM
(( we are not very evil. well maybe some might,but not all))

2007-06-09, 11:31 AM
(( It is called the villian's organization))

2007-06-09, 03:11 PM
(( So state was evil (The maker of KNAVES) ))
Manal walks out of the hole in ground and on to the streets.

2007-06-09, 04:07 PM
LAW head quarters is run by Baron Law. It is were KNAVES members that were recently fired can live and be safe from the rest of the world. Here we have rooms were former KNAVES members can live, a bar, an armory, and torture chamber. If you were a member of KNAVES but are not now you can call this home. You can do all the things you can do in KNAVES. This is the New KNAVES!

(( The KNAVES bar is The Queens bar and grill. KNAVES eat free.))

2007-06-09, 05:06 PM
Haydn strolls by, followed by his typical 50 automata.
You are try to destroy this place. Why? If I agree with your reasoning, I may just help you out.

2007-06-09, 05:15 PM
Ba'al's voice rings out from...somewhere. "Too late, I've already turned this place into nothing more than a cmoking crater. Bet those other guys take the credit though."

2007-06-09, 05:27 PM
Ah well, I suppose I shall have to find another test target...

2007-06-10, 05:30 AM
((I'm entitled to the credit, you just made the explosion "biggah"!:smalltongue: ))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-10, 05:50 AM
((C'mon ppl, would u plz just let this thread, as with whatever was in the crater before...DIE?!))

2007-06-10, 06:26 AM
(( why just because nightwing is a jerk?))

2007-06-10, 07:27 AM
((No, because there is absolutely nothing left here, except for a big crater that is still smoking...))

2007-06-10, 07:41 AM
(( well nightwing believe that there is still a building here.)) ((Look for yourself.(LAW head quarters is run by Baron Law. It is were KNAVES members that were recently fired can live and be safe from the rest of the world. Here we have rooms were former KNAVES members can live, a bar, an armory, and torture chamber. If you were a member of KNAVES but are not now you can call this home. You can do all the things you can do in KNAVES. This is the New KNAVES!) ))

2007-06-10, 07:49 AM
((That's because he hasn't edited the first post here. He gave permission for this place to be destroyed anyway, so there is literally nothing left here except a smoking crater.))

2007-06-10, 08:06 AM
(( I know that))