View Full Version : OOTS vs. MOTU

2007-06-06, 05:51 AM
Having taken a lot of permanent brain damage caused by the Masters of the Universe, who do you think would win the following confrontations:

Roy vs. He-Man
Haley vs. Teela
Vaarsuvius vs. The Sorceress
Belkar vs. Orko
Redcloak vs. Hordak
Xykon vs. Skeletor
Elan vs. Adam

Lord Zentei
2007-06-06, 07:23 AM
Having taken a lot of permanent brain damage caused by the Masters of the Universe, who do you think would win the following confrontations:

Damn, that's hilarious.

Roy < He-Man (he's the most powerful man in the universe, after all).

Haley < Teela (Haley's a good shot and all, but Teela is so too, and far more versatile).

Vaarsuvius ~ The Sorceress (away from Castle Grayskull, it's V. In Castle Grayskull, the Sorceress -- although it must be said, she does need a lot of rescuing. Perhaps V might pull it off with a quick Disintigrate).

Belkar > Orko (Orko is a support unit and a bit of a scatterbrain, Belkar a natural born killer)

Redcloak > Hordak (Hordak cannot match Redcloak's cunning and general awesomeness)

Xykon > Skeletor (There's just no contest)

Elan > Adam (assuming Adam stays in character -- which is unlikely, since he's really He Man -- and Elan doesn't run out of puns)

2007-06-06, 08:56 AM
Elan > Adam (assuming Adam stays in character -- which is unlikely, since he's really He Man -- and Elan doesn't run out of puns)
I hope your cat doesn't cringe when I stab you

2007-06-06, 09:29 AM
Have you ever tried to stat the Masters of the Universe in d20? To be accurate to the series, they each have to have wish 3/day as a racial ability!

I think Zentai's bets are pretty accurate, with the exception of Redcloak over Hordak. Hordak turns into a rocket... a ROCKET!

Other match-ups:

Thog vs. Beastman

Monster in the Dark vs. Man-E-Faces

Sabine vs. Evil Lynn

2007-06-06, 09:45 AM
i have another one!

mr. scruffy vs cringer :smalltongue:

Lord Zentei
2007-06-06, 11:20 AM
I think Zentai's bets are pretty accurate, with the exception of Redcloak over Hordak. Hordak turns into a rocket... a ROCKET!

Well, that's mostly good for running away, which means Redcloak wins by default. :smalltongue:

Thog > Beastman (Thog RAAAAGE!! I doubt he counts as a "monster", which would allow Beastman to mind control him).

Monster in the Dark > Man-E-Faces (MitD is outrageously powerful. And what is Man-E-Faces? An actor? Bah, says I).

Sabine < Evil Lynn (I doubt Evil Lynn would fall for Sabines wiles, and she is a pretty formidable spellcaster to boot. While Sabine could theoretically energy drain her, she needs physical contact for that, while EL has ranged blaster-spells. Unless Sabine gets the jump on her opponent somehow, she's toast. For that, her shapechanging might be the best bet, though whether Evil Lynn would be fooled is an open question. Thus, I since the outcome in a straight up fight goes to Evil Lynn and trickery is uncertain, I place my money on Evil Lynn).

i have another one!

mr. scruffy vs cringer :smalltongue:

Mr Scruffy: Meew?

Cringer: OH NO! <runs away>

Win = Mr Scruffy. :smallwink:


Someone try this one: Argent vs Battlecat.

2007-06-06, 12:08 PM
Thog > Beastman (Thog RAAAAGE!! I doubt he counts as a "monster", which would allow Beastman to mind control him).

I think Thog<Beastman, after all Beastman can control dragons.

Also, Redcloak<Hordak. Hordak killed King Grayskull, redcloak wouldn't have a chance.

Argent<Battlecat, because Argent can't even be summoned to fight!

How about Durkon vs. Man-at-Arms

2007-06-06, 12:15 PM
Tough one. I'd have to give it to Durkon, mainly for spellcating abilties.

And I can't let this thread go by without referencing THIS:

Open Letter to Skeletor (http://www.randomrant.co.uk/content/view/14/2/)

2007-06-06, 12:23 PM
Belkar > Orko (Orko is a support unit and a bit of a scatterbrain, Belkar a natural born killer)

Orko can teleport anywhere he wants in a blink of an eye, that way fleeing from any fight or harm. There is nothing Belkar can do about that (though you might count fleeing as loosing).

Redcloak > Hordak (Hordak cannot match Redcloak's cunning and general awesomeness)

According to the storyline Hordak overthrew Eternia in the past and there was a major struggle fighting him and banning him to another realm. I doubt Redcloak can deal with a foe like that so easy, though i have to admit that he is quite powerfull.

Xykon > Skeletor (There's just no contest)

That is a hard one....both a very cool villians. Very hard to decide.


Lord Zentei
2007-06-06, 12:33 PM
I think Thog<Beastman, after all Beastman can control dragons.

I thought this was a one on one fight. But if Beastman gets to summon/control monsters, that's very different, of course.

Orko can teleport anywhere he wants in a blink of an eye, that way fleeing from any fight or harm. There is nothing Belkar can do about that (though you might count fleeing as loosing).

Yes, indeed I would.

And if he stays, he loses pretty hard, I'd say.

According to the storyline Hordak overthrew Eternia in the past and there was a major struggle fighting him and banning him to another realm. I doubt Redcloak can deal with a foe like that so easy, though i have to admit that he is quite powerfull.

Yeah; case in point: RC overthrew Azure City. :smallwink: Though it is true that it wouldn't be an easy fight, I was thinking more in terms of Redcloak's cunning. If it's a Thunderdome style slugfest, though, Hordak takes it.

2007-06-06, 12:59 PM
Roy < He-Man (he's the most powerful man in the universe, after all).

You said it so I didn't have to. Seriously, people, He-Man cannot be defeated by anyone.

Also, who else thinks Elan and Orko would get along famously? That's a team-up I'd like to see!

2007-06-06, 01:07 PM
Aside from the fact that Xykon is Skeletor, I think the OotS could use he-Man's help right now.

2007-06-06, 02:02 PM
You said it so I didn't have to. Seriously, people, He-Man cannot be defeated by anyone.
Vegeta could defeat He-Man. Along with most of the cast of DBZ.

2007-06-06, 04:18 PM
Vegeta could defeat He-Man. Along with most of the cast of DBZ.

Nope. No matter how powerful any of them become, He-Man is always more powerful.

2007-06-06, 05:19 PM
He man would knock Vegeta out before he finished powering up. I mean, maybe in the DBZ-verse you can stand around for two days glowing and screaming and everybody will just wait it out. You know, stand around gaping and gasping at what an awesome display of power you are about to unleash. But while everyone else is doing that, I'm pretty sure He-Man would just knock him out.

2007-06-06, 05:35 PM
Or Vegeta could just blow up the entire planet. Also, the 45876 hours of powering up is only in the anime, it's essentially filler. Also, He-Man might be able to knock out Vegeta... if he stopped hurting Vegeta roughly as much as a fly would hurt us.

In any case, Superman, Green Lantern, Doomsday, Silver Surfer, [insert list of heroes and villians] could beat He-Man.

Also, DBZ aside there are plenty of other anime characters that could beat He-Man.

2007-06-06, 05:53 PM
they join forces and then noone can stop them.

2007-06-06, 05:54 PM
Kenshiro would poke them all with his finger and their heads would explode.

Black of Night
2007-06-06, 06:39 PM
Seriously, people, He-Man cannot be defeated by anyone.

Except by Chuck Norris.

(I'm sorry, I really, truly am. But I had to, I just did)

2007-06-06, 06:44 PM
Pre-Final Battle Kenshin would beat He-Man. He'd be too fast. But I do believe that He-Man's stamina and basic damage-taking ability is high enough that Kenshin would find it very difficult. Also the amount of time it would take would be enough that if one was tricked into fighting the other, they would realize it.

Black of Night
2007-06-06, 06:46 PM
Side note.

When I saw first "MOTU", my mind thought of an alliance in Ogame (http://ogame.org) Uni 4.... wow. That game ruled my life for a little while, good thing its free!

2007-06-06, 06:59 PM
He-man might get killed by them, but the killer bunny rabbit can take all of them at once so as usual, comdey wins in the end.

2007-06-06, 07:51 PM
Roy loses to He-Man
Vaarsuvius destroys The Sorceress (One word: disintegrate)
Xykon teaches Skeletor a thing or two about being undead
Elan Vs. Adam...Draw
Thog leaves no physical remains of Beast Man (Thog power attack for 1D12 + 567 damage)

2007-06-06, 09:48 PM
Except by Chuck Norris.

(I'm sorry, I really, truly am. But I had to, I just did)


Because you said you're sorry, I won't smite you. But I'm putting you on notice, Black of Night. :smallannoyed:

Or Vegeta could just blow up the entire planet. Also, the 45876 hours of powering up is only in the anime, it's essentially filler. Also, He-Man might be able to knock out Vegeta... if he stopped hurting Vegeta roughly as much as a fly would hurt us.

In any case, Superman, Green Lantern, Doomsday, Silver Surfer, could beat He-Man.

Also, DBZ aside there are plenty of other anime characters that could beat He-Man.

Pre-Final Battle Kenshin would beat He-Man. He'd be too fast. But I do believe that He-Man's stamina and basic damage-taking ability is high enough that Kenshin would find it very difficult. Also the amount of time it would take would be enough that if one was tricked into fighting the other, they would realize it.

Those are all very powerful heroes, but as strong as they are, they would nevertheless fall inevitably to the insurmountable might of He-Man. You see, He-Man is by definition the most powerful, so no matter how powerful anyone else is, He-Man is always more powerful. Thus He-Man cannot be defeated by anyone, as I said before. :smallcool:

Actually... I will admit, there is one man who can and would beat He-Man. I almost mentioned him in my first post, but I refrained--although now I feel compelled. Not even He-Man's definitional immunity to defeat can stop him. The world's greatest hero; a paragon of courage and justice; power, cunning, and will all combined--The one person who can beat even He-Man is:


Because Batman always wins. :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-06, 09:49 PM
Febreeze can beat He-Man!

2007-06-06, 09:57 PM
Roy vs. He-Man
Haley vs. Teela
Vaarsuvius vs. The Sorceress
Belkar vs. Orko
Redcloak vs. Hordak
Xykon vs. Skeletor
Elan vs. Adam
Roy loses to He-Man as the latter's STR modifier would easily overcome Roy's AC. Haley beats Teela because she can Bluff to Hide, Sneak Attack, and repeat until Teela drops dead. V casts Disintegrate for the win. Orko assumes Belkar, being his size, is equally weak, and will be slaughtered before he can correct the assumption. Redcloak will cast Planeshift on Hordak, problem solved. Xykon will use Ghostform to reach Skeletor, then Shatter the Ram's Skull to make him easy pickings. Finally, Elan will entrance Adam with an illusion of Teela before taking him out with a single pun.

This leaves He-Man fighting everyone else. This will end quickly, as one of the two intellectuals (V or Redlcoak) will point out that Adam is dead and that Adam is He-Man, and the transitive property of equality will meet Wile E. Coyote physics to kill He-Man.

2007-06-07, 12:18 AM
Of course Batman wins. He figures out who Prince Adam is in about two seconds, finds out where he sleeps, sneaks in there displaying all the competence Skeletor's paid assassins lack, and gasses He-Man to paralysis with a powerful neurotoxin researched specifically against Eternian god-heroes that has a name three feet long and costs about five hundred grand a dose, then transports him to jail where He-Man busts out with a two handed hammer blow to the wall so Batman can catch him again.