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Realms of Chaos
2015-11-28, 10:14 AM
Cloudy skies ahead…

Sailing through the frigid waters of the Palean Sea, the dark clouds that hang over Orreg Keep (and most of Orreg, for that matter) are already visible beyond the bow of The Untethered Finch. The crisp and cool air, so typical of these late autumn days, keeps most workers below deck and makes the deck hands shiver as they search for any excuse to keep their bodies moving.

Given the view of the sky ahead, it is reasonable to assume that that the day will only grow darker and colder as the sunset quickly approaches… in a literal sense, at least. While new challenges undoubtedly await your arrival, your recruitment and journey up until this point has been far sunnier… both literally and metaphorically.

Following your initial recruitment, Emperor Leto III has displayed a level of investment (some would say micromanaging) in this venture that borders on the uncanny. It was the emperor who hired the finest merchant ship in the empire to perform the next trade run to the north, a ship that has provided an endless cavalcade of fine drinks and entertainment to keep your spirits lifted for as long as possible.

Further, the emperor saw it fit to outfit you for the journey ahead, packing you with a tremendous store of supplies (some of which is currently being magically preserved in the ship’s hold). Unfortunately, the manifest of official supplies was given to you as a last-minute “surprise” after you had already purchased your own supplies (a faux pas for which the Emperor’s Minister of trade has heartily apologized).

Basic Provisions (Contained within three large, mahogany barrels):
Fresh water, Flask. Ten (10)
Cut ale, Flask. Ten (10)
Travelbread, Loaf. Fifty (50)
Hard Cheeses (Assorted), Block. Fifteen (15)
Pickled Fish (Herring, Tuna, Halibut), Jar. Ten (10)
Blood Sausage, item. Ten (10)
Trail Rations (Hard Tack, Mixed nuts [cashews, almonds, and peanuts]. Mixture of dried fruit [tangerine, pear, papaya]. Rabbit Jerky), day pouches. Thirty (30).
Honey, Jar. Ten (10)
Jam, Jar. Ten (10)
Pressed dates, five pounds (5 lbs)
Eggs (Quail, Pheasant, & Chicken), Sixty (60)
Smoked Venison, thirty pounds (30 lbs)
Coffee beans, Twenty pounds (20 lbs)

Basic Support Equipment (Held in Large Oak Chest, locked with average lock):
Hemp rope, one hundred feet (100 ft.)
Loose thread (assorted colors), two pounds (2 lbs)
Sewing Needle, Item. Five (5)
Flint & Steel, Item. One (1)
Tinderbox, Item. Ten (10)
Lamp Oil, Flask. Twenty (20)
Oil Lamp, Item. Two (2)
Candle, Item. Fifty (50)
Candlestick, Item. Ten (10)
Coffee Pot, Item. One (1)
Standard Cooking Kit, Set. One (1)
Grooming Kit, Set. Ten (10)
Mess Kit, Set. Ten (10)
Soap, Bar. One Hundred (100)
Stove Can, Item. Ten (10)
Bottle (Empty), item. Twenty (20)
Sack (Empty), Item. Ten (10)
Earplugs, Pair. Ten (10)
Cot, Item. Two (2)

Academic Studies & Educational Enrichment Supplies (Held in Huge Oak Chest, Unlocked):
Fifty Promotional Posters (each printed in common, dwarven, elven, and orcish), item. Fifty (50)
Phrenologist’s Kit (accompanied by instructions for measuring natives), Set. One (1)
Canvas, One Hundred Square Yards (100 sq. yd.)
Chalk, Item. One Hundred (100)
Chalkboard, Item. Ten (10)
Chronicler’s Kit, Set. Five (5)
Folding Chair, Item. Twenty (20)
Holy Text (One for each member of prime pantheon in the languages of common, elven, dwarven, and orcish), Book. One Hundred (100)
Hourglass (One Hour), Item. One (1)
Parchment, Sheet. One Hundred (100)
Instructional Textbooks (Masterwork, translated into common, elven, dwarven, and orcish), Book. One Hundred (100)
Mapmaker’s Kit, Set. One (1)

Navigational Equipment (Small Oak False-Bottomed Chest, Main Compartment, Superior Lock):
Astrolabe, Item. One (1)
Sextant, Item. One (1)
Spyglass, Item. One (1)
Compass, Item. Four (4)
Area Map, Item. One (1)
Investigative Equipment (Compartment below navigational equipment)
Magnifying Glass, Item. One (1)
Drill, Item. One (1)
Wax Key Blank, Item. Two (2)
Adamantine Wire Saw, Item. One (1)
Disguise Kit (two uses), Set. One (1)
Light Detector (wrapped in silk), Item. Five (5)
Mending Paste, Vial. Five (5)
Invisible Ink (Good), vial. Ten (10)
Pathstone, Item. Fifteen (15)
Tracker’s Snuff, Tin. Five (5)
Tracking Powder, Pouch. Four (4)
Signal Horn, Item. One (1)

Donations for Community and Enrichment Supplies (Large Rosewood Chest with Superior Lock)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (donation for church), Item. One (1)
Wand of Remove Disease (donation for church), Item. One (1)
Wand of Neutralize Poison (donation for church), Item. One (1)
+1 Holy Ceremonial Blade (donation for church), Item. One (1)
Collapsible Bathtub, Item. Five (5).
Midwives’ Kit (donation), Set. One (1)
Surgeon’s Tools (donation), Set. One (1)
Veterinarian’s Kit (donation), Set. One (1)
Banners (displaying new emperial regalia), Item. Fifty (50)
Everburning Torch (donation), Item. Forty (40)
Wondermeal (donation), Meal. Two hundred (200)
Sustaining Spoon (donation), Item. Five (5)
Decanter of Endless Water (donation), Item. One (1)
Lyre of Building (Emissary Discretion), Item. One (1)
Marvelous Pigments (Emissary Discretion), Can. One (1)
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (For Emissary Use), Item. One (1)

Self Defense Supplies (Small Cedar false-bottomed chest, main compartment. Average lock):
whetstone, Item. Ten (10).
Tanglefoot Bag, Item. Ten (10)
Holy Water, Flask. Ten (10)
Masterwork Manacles, Item. Five (5)
Sap (Masterwork), Item. Five (5)
Superior Self-Defense Supplies (Compartment under false-bottomed chest)
Acid, Flask. Five (5)
Alchemist’s Fire, Flask. Five (5)
Thunderstone, Item. Five (5)
Cold Iron dagger (masterwork), Item. Two (2)
Silver dagger (masterwork), Item. Two (2)
Adamantine dagger (masterwork), Item. Two (2)
Potion of Protection from Evil, Flask. Eight (8)
Oil of Magic Weapon, Flask. Four (4)
Drow Poison, Vial. Ten (10)

Funds & Feather Tokens (In teak coffers, secured with superior lock)
Copper Coins (discretional funds), Coins. One hundred (1,000)
Silver Coins (discretional funds), Coins. One hundred (1,000)
Gold Coins (discretional funds), Coins. One hundred (1,000)
Platinum Coins (discretional funds), Coins. One hundred (100)
Garnet Gems (discretional funds), Gem. Fifty (50)
Writ of Authority (see below), Document. One (1)
Swan Boat Feather Token, Token. Two (2)
Horse Feather Token, Token. Ten (10)
Anchor Feather Token, Token. Two (2)
Tree Feather Token, Token. Five (5)
Carriage Feather Token, Token. One (1)
Cabin Feather Token, Token. One (1)
Sword Feather Token, Token, Four (4)
armor Feather Token, Token. Four (4)

Other Equipment Too Large to Fit In Containers
Fire Pump (for donation), Item. One (1)
Mobile Hospital (for donation), Set. One (1)
Portable Prison, Item. One (1)
Travelling Garden, Set. One (1)
Cart, Item. Five (5)
Clockwork Steed, Construct. Five (5)

Beyond these supplies, you have been granted a special writ of authority, signed by the Emperor himself. So long as you retain it, your collective authority approaches that of an imperial viceroy and you have been granted several privileges… though its actual power in Orreg has never been put to the test.

Free passage & Exemption from most taxes and fines.
Unlimited access to any and all public institutions.
The right to establish an “embassy”, to arrest and detain prisoners on behalf of the empire, and to grant asylum within your “embassy”.
Minor diplomatic immunity for crimes that would instigate fines of less than 100 gp or prison terms of two weeks or less (littering, public drunkenness, minor vandalism, etc.).
The right to compel any private individual into a meeting (private or public) within a 24 hour period under force of imperial law.
The writ dictates that any act of violence against you (save for self-defense) is punishable by law. If the perpetrator is aided by or represented by the rulership of the town, military action is promised

In spite of these supplies and privileges, however, you still have quite a task in front of you. The Empire and his various ministers and officials have created a number of specific goals for you to accomplish, all of which will hopefully be completed in the space of three months. While no specific penalties for failure have been discussed, there has been argument in favor of cutting off the trade route to the north altogether… a prospect that could leave you stranded.

1. Display of new banners over previous banners.
2. Updating the code of law to reflect more recent changes.
2a.Checking that workers are being treated humanely.
3. Performing an assessment of what children are learning from schooling.
3a. The initiation of an educational enrichment program if the intellect of children does not meet set standards.
4. Making donations and establishing positive ties with each major source of authority.
4a. Opening discussions of trade, immigration, and emigration.
5. For the guards/constables/militia to be tested and run through their paces.
5a. Starting training for the first group of royal guards in Orreg keep.
6. For possible dissension and malignant elements of the society to be recorded and neutralized if harmful and hostile.
6a. To write an in-depth assessment report on the realistic threat that the settlement may pose to travelers (and to others, if applicable).
6b. If deemed necessary and beneficial, to start a pro-unification propaganda campaign within the town.
7. To test openness of locals to possible proselytization efforts.
8. To search the area around the town for any natural resources or additional landmarks/settlements in the area.
9. To create a more accurate map of the city and of the surrounding environment.
10. To assess the needs of the community in rejoining the larger empire and to assemble a supply list by the time of the next ship.
11. To experience and record the local culture (from foods to local rituals and holidays) to help preserve their way of life.
12. To research into a) the localized storms in the area, b) any obvious causes for the xenophobic behavior of orreg keep, c) the local history of the area.
13. To describe local wildlife, sending back specimens (alive or otherwise) if practical.
14. To perform ethnographic descriptions of locals, including dimensions and phrenological measurements if possible.
15. To ensure that the citizens are aware of major events that have occurred on the mainland over the past decade and to teach them about the current Emperor and his policies.
16. To send progress reports back to the empire whenever an official trading ship arrives (every other week until further notice).
For now, however, there is not much you can do to move towards any of those goals. You aren’t expected to arrive at the shore until sundown, after all. While the captain has asked to eat supper with you before reaching shore, even that remains half of an hour away. How you spend the intervening time is entirely up to you.

Off to the bow is the distant shore of Orreg, far enough that the port isn’t clearly visible. The giant wall surrounding the keep is visible, however, as is the towering spire that the keep was built around. Off of the port and starboard, you can see nothing but an occasional rocky island jutting out from the surf. To the stern is nothing but empty ocean, the mainland but a distant memory after a week at sea. While you might see more with the spyglass resting in the crow’s nest, the lookout has claimed that there is not much to see in general.

Below deck, you have found most of the sailors to be amiable sorts, hired just as much for their agreeable demeanors as for their skills at sea. Even now, many of them are likely engaged in story-telling, minor games of chance, and salubrious drinking... sometimes all at once. The workers up on deck, while focused on their work, would likely be thankful for any distraction for the chills running down their spine. If you should seek some privacy, the map room likely has the most accurate map of Orreg keep in the entire empire and the captain has opened his (admittedly meager) study for your use.

What do you do?

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?465912-The-Fate-of-Orreg-Keep-(OOC))

2015-11-28, 11:33 AM
Standing on the bow of The Untethered Finch, Illanthia pulls her Black fur cloak tight around her body to defend herself from this harsh sea breeze. She is adorned in her finest jewelry and a silk indigo dress, prepared for land fall and any conversations that may ensue upon their arrival. Illanthia's eyes are gazing off toward the island nation. Trying to get a measure of the land they are visiting and that will be her home for the next 3 months, at the least.

Turning away She decides to move to the stern castle of the ship, deciding to visit the map room and see if any of her compatriots are there and if they wish to speak on the coming mission.

2015-11-28, 12:07 PM
Zorya has been making the best out of the journey so far. Having gotten to know the crew during the week, she is on a first name basis with most of them (though they help, respect does not necessarily need titles and such), displaying an interest in a lot of different subjects. After a few days, she has been talking shop with the sailors and sharing (harmless) stories. There may or may not have been a few slightly inebriated shanties about her sunny demeanor and other things. Right now, the redheaded socialite is making her last round on deck, passing out hot drinks and warm words to the sailors braving the weather, injecting some spice with a few jests here and there, since the journey is soon done and that is enough to celebrate just a little (though the sailors will also need to head all the way back soon).

Once she has asked Devin to get a flask and her regards up to Marius the outlook, Zorya heads inside again, closing the door and shaking off the cold air as best she can. The predominantly red mantle will stay on for now, but the shawl has done its duty, finding its way into a deep inner pocket and revealing just a bit of jewelry hinting at so-called ethnic roots (her hair being another piece of evidence) shown proudly. Her culture has long become part of the Empire, peacefully so. Smiling to passing crew, chuckling at a remark one of them directs her way, she finds her way into the map room.

"Hey," she greets Illanthia, smiling, while she pulls a chair closer, flops down onto it and pulls off her gloves one finger at a time. A good chunk of time has been spent here, especially recording details about the sea, passage, weather and other conditions during the journey. Little things that might inform other matters later on, especially if more regular shipments are directed towards the Keep. "As much as I enjoy a voyage across the sea and the company of hearty sailors, I do look forward to a bit of unmoving ground beneath my feet."

2015-11-28, 12:31 PM
Standing with her hands on the table looking over the map Illanthia responds to Zorya "I cannot deny that, but remember it will be a fun few hours after we make land fall getting used to the more stable land." Staring at the map of the island she looks at the location of the city, not particularly detailed she thinks to herself what she might want to accomplish first when they enter the city. Perhaps mapping the city to detail or speaking with the authority figures. Looking up at Zorya, taking note of her attractiveness and thinking of her potential social abilities. "How do you think think these first few days shall progress? Open welcome or utter disgust and xenophobic reactions to us?"

2015-11-28, 12:55 PM
A hearty chuckle. "When in doubt, we have our clockwork mounts to help us walk in a less wobbly way." The bit of cheer also helps with shooing away the rest of the cold out of her face. Crossing her legs, she leans onto the table, taking a look at the map. Servicable, but it is a good thing she picked up a thing or two about drawing and cartography (among many other things). Not an expert, but enough to depict accurately as well as flatter a young lass, depending on what is needed.

"You mean after the initial awkwardness of two parties meeting who know nothing but hearsay and prejudices about the other? Who knows? That is a bridge to cross when we get to it. Isolated communities usually like to keep to themselves, at least the older folks do, but all we can do in the beginning is to put our best foot forward and try to be open-minded. Even if they might already form an opinion before really meeting us, we shouldn't do the same."

2015-11-28, 01:10 PM
Dûrthalion stood at the front of the ship as the lookout called out that the the keep was in view.
"Frigid. Should be a new experience." he mumbles to himself.
Seeing some of the others of the group, who has has had small conversations with since their first meeting, going below deck, probably to use the captains map room that he allowed usage, he bundles himself tighter and then moves below deck. See a couple of others there already there, he joins the conversation.

Once in the room, he keeps bundled a bit longer, shivering slightly, as he looks at Zorya.
"Agreed. While I've never been to these climates before, at least not this extreme, I have sailed before and it a less than agreeable experience to me. At least this voyage has not been too rough." he says with a genuine smile. "I, too, wonder what the temperament of a people who grow up in such an environment. Close and protective of each other and wary of outsiders, eh? Probably going to be hard to gain their trust. I've met such isolated groups before and they tend to be tough nuts to crack but tended to be good people once the trust was gained. I'm guessing more than a bit of distrust. Might be best to be firm but respectful of their traditions. Let them know we understand their concerns but make them realize that the Emperor is law and they will follow the laws of the land." Getting a bit more comfortable and off his high horse, he sits and unbuttons his clothes a bit. "Realizing we might need to assess the situation first, we have quite a few different goals set out before us. Any ideas where to start?"

2015-11-28, 01:25 PM
Alexander grumbles, the time at sea not to his liking. Seasickness and the constant psychic assault resulting form close quarters and the free emotions of the crew leaving him weary. Each night he suffered through the unwanted psychic traces of every emotional event that had occurred here since the ship was built, a long list considering the hazards of sea travel and the oft inebriated crew. This has left him more taciturn than usual, barely speaking to the other members of the expedition.

He interjects himself into the conversation, voice more than tinged with annoyance. "Forming theories without data, pointless. If adequate data for sound postulation available excursion would be superfluous."

2015-11-28, 04:46 PM
Seeing no point in responding to Alexander, as the point has already been mentioned and acknowledged several times (not to mention it would just invite more grump, which also doesn't help anyone), Zorya moves on to priorizing goals.

"Unless we are getting entirely stonewalled, we can at least do the tasks involving assessment and collecting information from the get-go. Second would be those involving relaying information from us to them. All those can also be squeezed between the more involved tasks that require cooperation or re-education. If we can check them off the list early, though, we can focus on the more pressing ones. The usual song and dance: we assess the situation, look for opportunities to seize and roadblocks to overcome, assign tasks effectively and manage our time wisely. Rinse, repeat, until we are done."

2015-11-28, 08:42 PM
Rue had never been on board a ship like this, or a boat at all. In fact she had rarely even left the city. The whole experience was almost overwhelming.

Which is why she was currently below decks, examining the cargo. Being with valuables brought her back home, and calmed her down. No matter where she was, there was always going to be nice things to buy or find. Of course, taking any of these things would likely be in poor taste.Especially when she was trapped on a boat. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to guess how much the more expensive things were worth. Just in case they needed to sell them for cash when they arrived.

So how superior are those superior locks? Like I said, Rue isn't going to steal any she just wants to check them out, and see how much they're worth.Also, should she roll Perception to find any of these things?

Also, Appraise checks on those Clockwork Horses ( damn those things are cool)


2015-11-28, 10:10 PM
"Embassy first, defenses, an area we control free from interference. Other actions moot without autonomy." Alexander states, leaning unsteadily against the roll of the ship even after the journey.

2015-11-28, 10:24 PM
Traveling on boats as big as The Untethered Finch has been both new and uncomfortable for Darvul Velgiss. The orc lands are a bastion of plains and mountain, not an ocean where he'd so much as drown if he dipped a hand in it. The preparations for the trip had him all on pins and needles under a calm exterior. He'd be leaving the current state of the Empire without its orcish diplomat there to keep the peace between orc and humankind. On top of that the list of goals handed out seem overwhelming. All that in three months? The Emperor shouldn't need experts for this, he should need a miracle.

Yet a couple hours into the trip, Darvul found himself surprisingly at ease. The other sailors had been quite accommodating to the orc, though it amounts to simply not having them try and stand up against his presence. Wary looks or suspicious eyes didn't really mean anything to Darvul. The boat cruise also lost some of its awkwardness over time. Once he got used to the sway-and-bob of the ship, the seasickness was gone. Granted, he'd rather keep his feet on the ground from now on.

The orc plays his orcish harp on the starboard side of the deck as Orreg Keep begins to come into view. His harp, literally sharply-designed, made with ashen wood covered around by a lion's pelt, was strung with a sharp, hardened noise. It sound far less like a smooth and soothing harp designed by elves and more like a instrument used alongside drums in war marches. Had he not be playing the harp with such a slow, tranquil mood, the music he'd be playing might get his blood boiling.

"You make it sound real simple," he says to Zorya as he ceases his music and approaches her. She's a mysterious one for sure, though serious about the mission. Darvul knows he'll have to play it by ear early on, so good to see someone with their task sorted from the get-go. He does at least have something in mind if they can afford to split up. "We'll have to think about whoever rules the keep too. If I know anything from being with the Empire, it's that we gotta get first impressions with the leader right." Darvul can't help but wonder whether the humans on this ship think he's crazy, or if they think his kind is crazy. Are experts can really going to trust an orc? Is Orreg Keep actually going to allow an orc in?

Only one way to find out of course.

Realms of Chaos
2015-11-29, 10:45 AM
The compact size of the map Room of the Untethered Finch has the lot of you crowded around an ancient oak table, upon with a map has been illuminated by a small chandelier of everburning torches above. One wall is occupied by a giant scroll rack filled to the brim with rolled up maps and a single entrance leads back out into the orlop deck. While there is little room to maneuver, the chairs are comfortable enough.

The actual isle of Orreg itself seems to be around fifteen miles in diameter, though it is within spitting distance of a larger, frigid "mainland" to the north where no settlements have been started. The city is located less than a mile from the eastern shore, a position that has the Untethered Finch sailing into the sunset. Orreg Keep, befitting its name, is drawn as a walled fortress surrounding a large, currently unnamed mountain. Not much detail is included within, though the easternmost section of town is listed as a trade quarter.

As far as information that your more portable map does not include, several geographic features have been noted. A small cove supposedly rests on the south-western edge of the island. and hills of various sizes dot the northern edge. A structure of some sort has been drawn on the Northeastern corner of the island and some sort of deep depression has been drawn about a mile south of the town. The area even seems to have a small forest of some sort to the immediate west. Of course, all of the pictures are so vague and generic that someone might as well have written "here there be dragons".

As you discuss, the Cabin boy (Zorya recognizes him as "Jeremy") bursts into the room holding a pile of tomes that must exceed a third of his own weight. Despite his obscured line of sight, the young child makes it to the table before piling on a corner of the table. "Oh... hey, everyone" the cabin boy wheezes, "I thought... I remembered... *breathes* if you are going ashore, you might want some past information about this place. I have a... a few old ship manifests for what we've trades and... uh... some notes from sailors and stuff. The captain's always trying to learn about port towns and stuff so..."

(OOC: While all of the tomes and ledgers have information about Orreg Keep and stuff that has been sent to and from it, the information is piecemeal and spread between multiple sections and tomes. Properly sorting through everything would require everyone's assistance... and require at least two of you to miss out on the upcoming meal)

2015-11-29, 12:42 PM
"Good thinking, Jeremy, thank you." Zorya flashes a dazzling smile at the cabin boy, also giving him a graceful way out of the situation. Once he is gone, she breathes a small resolute sigh. "I'll go fetch some snacks. I don't know about you, but I'll be in here for a while." Doing as she says, the socialite soon returns with a small tray, setting it down on the table, putting her mantle over a chair's back and getting to work.

Unless someone else volunteers, Zorya will be one of those watching their calorie intake that day.

2015-11-29, 01:38 PM
Alexander welcomes the books as a distraction form the sea and from the noisy minds of others. "Data collation requires meticulous organization and significant time expenditure. Recommend commencing forthwith."Alexander is in too, he'll just throw up if he eats too much anyway.

2015-11-29, 11:05 PM
Darvul rests on his chair with considerable ease, crossing his left leg over his right as his yellowish-brown harp rests next to the chair. He takes an interest with the map, noting all the details that lie outside the fort itself. "A small cove, a structure, depression, hills, and a forest. None of 'em detailed at all." Though he gives some study to the map, its lack of unique detail makes it something of a lost cause trying to get any significant details out of it. No wonder why one of their goals is to provide a more detailed map; that's gotta be the first thing Darvul should do once they get there and met with the fort's ruler.

The orc keeps at ease as the cabin boy rushes in like there are intruders on-deck. Instead of that there's the less-worrying concern of looking through ship manifests... That is a lot of tomes though. Is this how the Empire organizes their stuff in a panic? When a northeastern orc overruns another orc tribe, any sort of books or possessions aere usually taken as trophies or knowledge, kept safe but studied. It felt a bit odd to Darvul to see such tomes handled recklessly, especially in contrast to the Empire's libraries. Though he knows that he has to consider that the ship is neither home nor a library. Even then, he'd be hard-pressed to use such books like they are hard to damage.

"Lemme take a look too," he says with cautious interest as he reaches over to grab the nearest tome. Darvul has a chance to prove himself here, meager as it is. He's got enough smarts in him that he can make heads and tails of these tomes. He wouldn't actually be helping the Empire much if he couldn't.

Yeah Darvul is also joining in on this. Lemme know if we gotta roll for anything Realms. :smallsmile:

2015-11-30, 10:35 AM
Dûrthalion just sits with his back to the wall, silent, as the boy enters.
Once he deposits the books and leaves, the others are all eager to garner what information they can from them.
"Admittedly, I would care to join in on the research but it would seem that we have that covered for now. I'll help until dinner is called and join the captain along with whoever will come along. As Alexander has been... discomforted with the voyage, it is easy enough to excuse him and the others as not feeling up to the meal. My guess is that if we can gain a few more bits of information from him at dinner... perhaps with some subtle words and more than a small amount of wine or other drinks, we can get some true opinion out of him." Rubbing his chin, he looks at the tomes set out before the group, opening the first that grabs his attention before turning back to everyone. "Is this acceptable with everyone?"

2015-11-30, 12:29 PM
"Sure Durth" Illanthia says to the man "I can help you loose his lips at dinner" She says while throwing her fur cloak over the back of a chair. She then plucks one of the books off of the pile and gracefully sits down to begin reading away. "But I will say that this might very well be all of his information on the keep." Gesturing to the ample pile of tomes recently brought in by the boy. With that she crosses her legs and places the tome on her lap to begin scanning the pages.

2015-11-30, 01:36 PM
"Before you all whip out the small and big guns of coercion, see whether asking him, completely off the record of course, about his opinion will do the trick. Having a hungover or paranoid captain when we arrive might not send the right signals," Zorya comments over the edge of the second tome she is sighting at the moment, also starting to take notes and putting finished tomes into categories for later reference.

2015-11-30, 02:45 PM
Dûrthalion give a wry smile, like a child caught reaching for a sweet without permission.
"Perhaps, perhaps. It wasn't my intention to go straight down that path, but in measured steps once we had a feel for how forthcoming and truthful he might be." he give a small nod in acquiescence before going back to digging for clues in the books.

2015-12-01, 05:03 PM
There is a small, subdued chuckle from Darvul as Dûrthalion mentions talking to the captain about the keep. "If there's one thing I learned, it's that you can't put your head in the door without putting a foot in first." The orc isn't just speaking like he's making a metaphor; an orc warrior commonly knows that peeking their head in a door or tent like they're charging in headfirst is a fine way to get an axe in your skull from a defending kin. The northeastern orcs have been better on the defensive than their eastern counterparts; turns out a bit of that experience can be applied to diplomacy as well... usually with less axes involved.

"No telling what he'll know," he warns in his gruff, calm tone. "Hope for the best. You never know what you learn from travelers and foreigners. We'll learn the most when we get to the fort though. That's about half of what we gotta do on our list." He considers the various goals in his mind again. Visit the ruler first, then perform any sweeping objectives that can be done and leave off any long-term traveling for the first couple days. It seems so simple in theory... hopefully it'll be like that in practice.

It's totally not going to be simple :smalltongue:

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-01, 06:41 PM
The Map Room: The various tomes (ledgers, really) tell a panoply of incredibly simple stories. To call them stories at all, in fact, is to grossly exaggerate their scope. Thousands of purchases, sales, hires and fires, manifests, notes, and crudely-scrawled notions assault the senses, though a careful mind can sort these pieces of data into coherent (if simplistic) stories.

One sailor purchased three tankards ale nearly one year ago. The same name appears in one of the captain's ledgers shortly afterwards, being fired.
Another took to shore leave and heartily complimented the houses of ill repute... only to permanently leave the ship at that shore nine months later.
One crew member (Darwin) has barely escaped dismissal for a number of blunders, apparently owing to his silvered tongue.

These are the stories that you start to piece together, searching the tomes for any and all mention of Orreg keep. You've nearly succeed in organizing all of the relevant notes by the time the supper bell rings out from up above. Some of you, it seems, will need to wait to learn what clues are hidden in these ledgers (to be posted tomorrow).

In the Hold, with the Gear:The locks upon your chests and coffers are of ordinary stock and while the superior locks (DC 40) are beyond the ken of lesser thieves, they are not particularly exceptional. The value of the clockwork mounts is difficult to estimate, seeing as most of the value is found in the intricacy of the design rather than the materials (indeed, there is nothing more valuable than average iron in their design).

To the best of Rue's knowledge, one of these could probably be sold for around 1,500 gold.. though hawking acquired supplies of that value is always difficult in the absence of a black market. Interestingly, Rue has heard that these incredibly versatile constructions are less valuable than the legendary Stone Horses... which would certainly explain why nobody rides on those nowadays...

Up above, the dinner bell is ringing.

Captain's Quarters: A regular smorgasbord (albeit of dishes that travel well) has been assembled on the captain's table. While the captain's quarters were never intended for large parties (it is clear which seats are normally positioned and which ones have been borrowed from elsewhere for the meal), it makes for a cozy environment, lit by sparse candle-light.

The Captain himself, a dour old man by the name of Sorrek, sits at the far end of the table, beckoning those of you who arrive inside.

2015-12-01, 10:13 PM
Rue, after examining all the pieces that she could, and determining it wasn't worth the trouble to try opening the boxes of what sounded like gemstones,felt like she had been spent enough time away from the rest of the group. Wasn't a good idea to get them all suspicious of her. At least not on this ship with limited places to hide and nowhere to really run to. Since the dinner bell rang,Rue headed towards that area.

2015-12-02, 12:13 PM
Alexander continues his inspection unabated, scratching notes regarding dates and prices, correlating the disparate documents as well as possible.

2015-12-02, 10:32 PM
Darvul brings his head up from staring at the pile of papers and tomes on the table as he hears the bell. Already he can feel his stomach growling. He doesn't want to skip dinner; he'd really like to get something so he's thinking more with his mind than his stomach. Who keeps all this papers disorganized anyway? It's a good thing Darvul has others helping otherwise he could be at this all night.

"What a mess," the orc mumbles loudly as he attempts to sort out these intriguing stories. "So a drinker, a runaway and a slip-up's tying into this keep somehow? At least we got something to put together." Darvul has long been used to an abundant amount of reading given what he had to learn when he originally learned about the Empire from its libraries. All this takes is some actual thought and having to keep track of it all on a magnitude of papers, written in the orc's rough writing.

"Well I think I got all I need," he says, rather satisfied with the information he's managed to put together. He feels ready to get up and go before noticing Alexander still reading like he's doing the job better than the orc. It comes to Darvul's mind that Zorya is also still here. "...Ah, you're both staying?" He attempts to hold the impression of a calm scholar as he looks back to his notes and continues piecing things together. He'd look bad walking out while others are still at work.

2015-12-02, 11:14 PM
As the dinner bell rings, Dûrthalion looks up and, with a sigh, puts down the tome he was reading. "I'll finish this one later, whether or not the rest of you can get to it. I'm off to dinner. I'll try to probe lightly." he says with a wink to the others as he stands and walks out the door, dusting himself off a bit.
As he enters the captains quarters, he notices the man and puts on a genuine smile. While some might find him a bit harsh, he could appreciate the man's judgement and what his trials have taught him.
"Ah, Captain Sorrek, good to see us again. I realize that this may be a formality on the last night of our voyage, but it is appreciated none the less." Looking at the meal presented, his stomach grumbles loudly. "I know other thinks of elves as dainty and such, but sometimes I think my body thinks it is a dwarf." Laughing out loud, he bows to the Sorrek before taking a seat, waiting for either others to show or for the captain to give his commencement.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-03, 01:14 AM
The Captain's Quarters:

Captain Sorrek chuckles darkly at Dûrthalion's humor as he sits down at the table, "I'm glad at least one of you chose to show up... though I must say I was expecting more of..." As if on cue, Rue enters the captain's quarters, "...you."

Spread across the table is a veritable feast. Platters of cinnamon dusted mutton, bowls of thick and creamy mushroom soup, and at least three chicken and leek pies rest on the table, interspersed with plates of roasted chestnuts, potato wedges, and small honeycakes. Bottles of Rose Wine and Apricot cordial rest near the center of the table.

Looking elsewhere in the room, the two of you can see a rough globe of the planet and a few books resting on a desk pressed against the far wall, a small coffer (<6 inches in diameter) tucked neatly into one corner, and a folded cot resting against one wall. A series of six narrow strips of white fabric hang down over the doorway you just entered through, though the captain pays them no particular mind.

The Map Room: (will uncover new facts gradually over next couple of days)
Piecing the works together, the lot of you discover a few salient facts.
The people of Orreg Keep favor forged items in trade, having no active forges of their own.
Several sailor reports highly recommend something (food, you think) called "Pallid flank"
While there are records of temples and at least one monastery, no records mention specific deities in relation to the natives.
For whatever reason, there is some mention of an inn within the town.
The largest exports from the Keep, oddly, are arcane scrolls and an odd chunk of silver ore.

2015-12-03, 03:21 AM
"You go without us. Please give the captain my kindest regards and an apology for staying away from the dinner table, but duty calls." Biting into an apple (to at least have something in her stomach, though she usually doesn't need too much), Zorya playfully shoos the others away with her free hand before turning back to her books and sighting the notes left behind.

2015-12-03, 04:44 AM
Alexander only grunts and continues his work as the others depart for dinner, engrossed in a particularly illegible ledger.if any of the paper appear particularly interesting, like they came from the island rather than just ships records, will manifest object reading

2015-12-03, 08:05 AM
Illanthia left the map room quietly and headed to the captains quarters for dinner upon arriving she sat down in a seat next to the man.

2015-12-03, 02:36 PM
Rue was amazed at the spread of food. She had never had anything like this spread out for her. The closest she had been to it was sneaking through the kitchens of the houses she had been through and stealing wine to sell later. Rue wondered if the result was worth the expense of preparation and ingredients. Rue sat down slightly awkwardly and began trying to add food to the plate in front of her.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-03, 09:12 PM
The Map Room:Further studies reveal a few more nuggets of fact, though you feel that you are nearly onto something big...
Nobody has ever elected to stay at port.
The people of Orreg Keep have been described in terms ranging from "private" to "violently xenophobic".
One name that repeatedly appears in the records is "Thalhoon", a figure who may or may not be a community leader (reports differ).
Nobody has ever been known to leave Orreg keep aboard at least this particular ship.
As could be suspected of an isolated and desolate area, the "marketplace" is pretty barren and bare-bones.

As the ship has been used to travel to a variety of locations, Alexander manages to find multiple scrolls and papers written on parchment, paper, and even papyrus of different makers and grains. Only a single sheet of foreign parchment in the entire group, however, speaks of Orreg Keep upon its surface...

Object reading (assuming that full duration is used):

Male, Human, CG, 64 years in age. Subordinate collected parchment.
Female, Halfling, CN, 23 years in age. Purchased parchment and submitted it.
Female, Half-giant, NE, 35 years in age. Bartered for parchment and sold it.
Genderless, Apocryphal Xarov, N/A, Created parchment and bartered it away.

Captain's Quarters:Captain Sorrek claps his hands together as Illanthia enters the room, a rough and unpracticed laugh escaping his throat as he gestures her to a seat, "Now we're getting somewhere..." the Captain crows, "feel free to eat and drink to your heart's content, my friends. Last meals and all... on the ship, I mean. None of this where you're going..."

With those words, the dimly lit quarters suddenly feel not half as warm as they did moments earlier. The captain leans forwards to start piling food on his place as flickering shadows dance across each of your forms in the dim candle light.

2015-12-03, 10:32 PM
Rue jumped a little at the sudden change in tone and the captains odd words. Those with power could be odd. She looked down at her food, suddenly worrying if it was poisoned.

Sense Motive:

2015-12-04, 12:11 PM
Alexander closes his eyes, mentally cross-referencing his findings with previous data.Taking 10 on all knowledge checks, arcana, dungeoneering, planes, & religion for 22, nature for 20, all other for 19

using call to mind for +4 on whichever check identifies Apocryphal Xarov

2015-12-04, 12:17 PM
"My thanks captain." the elf says with a nod. "Zorya and the others send their regrets. It would seem that some matters of knowledge have been brought before them and they seek to delve into it as quickly as they can so they can have as much information before we make landfall." heaping his plates with food, he sits back and noshes for a few bites, taking a drink, before continuing.
"So, what kind of meals can we expect? This far north and with the ocean being so prominent, I would imagine the seas bounties way heavily upon the locals diets." he bites into the cinnamon laced mutton and is surprised by the taste, giving the captain a nod of approval.

2015-12-04, 08:43 PM
The orc simply shakes his head at the offer to leaves and sits back down, deciding that he'd be better helping than going up to meet with the captain. He probably isn't too popular with the captain anyway; no need to sour a discussion that might be important at leeching information from.

Instead he continues searching his notes. His brow slowly furrows as he finds more information from these tomes and papers. "Ain't that odd," he mutters to Alexander and Zorya. "This boat don't stay long at the island. Sure does seem to hate everyone there." That's the most that Darvul can think of on a whim. Not really much more than can analyze right off the bat.

Instead, as time passed, he observes the specific information on people of Orrog Keep. "Any of you see anything off about these people?" His words mire with focus and doubt as he attempts to try and put two-and-two together from the notes and people written in these tomes. His very handy web of information, written down on several pieces of paper, rests at his side. It's VERY good he's been writing this down in ink, as he'll be writing a LOT more soon.

Making Knowledge checks on all the info discovered on these tomes and papers, trying to find any analysis or connections that can be made. And just to be safe, I'll roll all Knowledge checks... Though maybe I should consider whether it'll be better to condense it all into one roll or not.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll1]
Knowledge (Engineering): [roll2]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll3]
Knowledge (History): [roll4]
Knowledge (Local): [roll5]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll6]
Knowledge (Nobility): [roll7]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll8]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll9]

2015-12-05, 05:48 AM
"What a lovely people. The kind referring to visitors as outsiders." It rings a few warning bells. They'll have their work cut out for them.

Knowledge (arcana) [roll0]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll1]
Knowledge (Engineering) [roll2]
Knowledge (Geography) [roll3]
Knowledge (History) [roll4]
Knowledge (Local) [roll5]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll6]
Knowledge (Nobility) [roll7]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll8]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll9]

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-05, 11:07 AM
The Map Room:Through the records, you manage to extract a few more facts... though you feel that you have been rather exhaustive by this point in your studies...
A large cathedral within the town was suddenly closed to the public around 5 or 6 years ago
Perhaps wisely, the sailors only ever enter town in pairs.
The town gate seemed to confuse at least two reporters, though the source of confusion was never specified.
There are more than a couple reports of nightmares suffered while at port, usually inspired by oddities viewed within.
As rumored, the snowstorm surrounding Orreg Keep never seems to end.

Looking through the records one final time and referencing all that you have learned, you do infer a couple of additional facts:
Darvul realizes that "Pallid Flank" is an existing term, albeit a rare one, that could refer to a wide variety of foods. The drow use the term to refer to a special breed of fungal meat-substitute while the derro use it to refer to the flesh of surface-world captives. In the context of an island nation, however, the most likely possibility is a reference to fish, whether tilapia or whitefish.
Darvul and Zorya likewise recognizes that the base of a mountain is a terrible place to build a permanent home in the midst of an eternal storm. That the walled city hasn't been buried under an avalanche is testament to the good fortune or cunning of those who live within.
Zorya recalls that Orreg keep is supposedly run by some manner of theocracy... making it odd that no deities or head priests (besides, perhaps, Thalhoon) are listed by name in any records.
Zorya likewise realizes that while there are larger exporters of arcane scrolls, potions, and similar miscelanea, there are no other cities in the entire kingdom that are so reliant of magical exports. Thankfully, Zorya is able to rule out most arcane phenomena (stellar alignment, leyline activity, ancient curses) that would increase ambient magic.
None of you are aware of any underground caverns in the area... though you reason that they would have to be small (probably nothing much larger than a cellar) or pretty deep down to avoid caving in under the weight of the snow.
You are not aware of any particular planar links or affinities this area may have. There have been a couple of meteor strikes in the past and an aurora is known to fill the sky at night but to the best of your knowledge, these are completely natural events. If you really wanted to stretch it, you could liken the frosty island to Stygia in hell... but that's about it.
Alexander has never heard the word "Xarov", apocryphal or otherwise.

As three of you were working together (even if one of you took a break to stare at a single piece of parchment for twenty minutes, you may be able to catch up to the tail end of the meal if you hurry.

Note: While I am currently posting up everyone's knowledge results publicly, I am doing so under the pseudo-assumption that you are discussing what you learn out loud. If you want to keep any of the above revelations to yourself, please make a note of it on the OOC (likewise if you would like all of your knowledge checks to be spoilered moving forward).

Captain's Quarters: The captain chuckles as he leans back, holding a bowl of stew up to his mouth and allowing its contents to trickle directly into his maw. After a solid swallow, he turned to Illanthia, "I'd say you were correct. They aren't much of fishermen up there but they catch and cook whatever they can. Kelp and fish are more common. It seems as though they have small gardens growing wheat up there as well... nothing sufficient for proper bread, though they do make an... interesting... gruel. The one native food worth raving about is something they call 'pallid flank'. Never seen the animal it comes from, unfortunately, but I imagine that they don't see much of the sun. Tastes almost exactly like pork...if you were wondering."

"Other than that, they buy food from the mainland in bulk whenever a ship comes in... though I wouldn't expect them to share with an outsider without a bit of gouging. My advice? Use whatever food the empire sent with you. With luck, the next ship up here will have some more supplies for you... or at least let you purchase some of their stock."

it seems that the captain simply has a terrible sense of humor.

2015-12-05, 12:25 PM
"Pallid flank??? I've never heard of it but it sounds less than appetizing." the elf says with an arched eyebrow. "I guess I'll keep to the stores we take with us as best I can. Probably best if the rest of our group does the same." Chewing a few more pieces, he continues "Have you been to the Keep much in your travels? Any rumors or advice new to the area?"

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-05, 08:16 PM
Captain's Quarters:The captain barely thinks before responding, resting his bowl back on the table and reaching for a honeycake, "Sure, tons of stories and hearsay about that place. Retelling all of the scary stories would probably take hours. Sadly, every last scrap of it is baloney. Normal scary story fare, really. A sailor is never seen again but we still know his last words. Plenty of stories about ships and crews that don't exist or that never travel these waters. Some of the crazier ones speak of tremendous monsters decimating navy ships on patrol... but that would have gotten a stronger response than just the lot of you, if you don't mind me saying."

The captain frowns, looking up at the doorway with a distant look, "As a matter of fact, the blindfolds hanging from the doorway are an 'homage' of sorts to one of the greatest Orreg stories of them all, Ivan No-eyes."

2015-12-05, 09:04 PM
After listening more to the captain, and looking over the food, Rue began to eat cautiously. When the captian brings up the tale of Ivan No-Eyes, she looks up. "Well, you have to tell us now."

2015-12-05, 09:09 PM
Alexander leans back. "Worthless trivialities. No more to glean from inadequate documents. Seasickness, however, abated. Dinner?"

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-05, 09:50 PM
Captain's Quarters:Pouring himself a measure of cordial, Captain Sorrek gives a knowing grin. "Well, I was hoping that one of you would say that. This is a famous story told among those who sail in the north, less because it is particularly scary and more because it was unusually... probable... for stories of this kind. If it weren't for one crucial fact, even I would believe it."

The captain takes a sip of his drink and smiles a wicked smile, looking from person to person. "All of this supposedly happened back when Leto was first starting up this unification business. As you may or may not know, there was a bit of a boom for arcanists back then... teleportation, translation, communication... anyone making the right scrolls was looking to make a ton of money."

"So... back in that whole rush, a couple of new shippers thoughts they could import magical goods from all over. Few of them were successful and none lived beyond a year or two but everyone wanted a piece of that delicious pie. One of these small shippers... think it was called Thaumatic Transfers... they heard that folks in Orreg are pretty skilled scribes and magicians. That company was real, by the by. You can look up the records showing them shipping out from Tallion Point and coming back with a load of scrolls. By all accounts, they made some good coin on the deal and everyone involved, from captain to cabin boy, came out ahead in that journey... except for poor old Ivan."

"According to the story, a sailor by the name of Ivan was left behind at the Keep. Whether by bad luck or the sabotage of a rival, he was prevented from reaching his ship after he left on shore leave. By the time the ship noticed he was missing, they decided to cut their losses and split their profit one fewer ways. Despicable behavior but, again, that sort of thing does happen."

"When the next ship arrived at Orreg Keep weeks later, they found Ivan living as a beggar on the streets of the keep. He was already half-dead at the time, rambling like a lunatic as the rest of the town ignored him. What unsettled the sailors most about his condition, however... well, I'm sure you could take a good guess. Either way, Ivan died on the ship ride home and was given a burial at sea."

The captain straightens his back at this part, closing his eyes and holding one hand over his heart in a moment of silence, "Ever since that story started going around, it's been good courtesy to offer anyone going ashore a blindfold. While nobody alive can say what Ivan saw to make him hurt himself like that, the hope is that a good blindfold might act as a 'less permanent' solution."

2015-12-05, 10:00 PM
Rue listened somberly, eating slowly as she did. (She wasn't one to pass up free, non-poisoned food, no matter what story was being told)

Once the story was done, Rue thought for a moment, then asked "What makes you doubt it?"

2015-12-05, 10:13 PM
Dûrthalion listens to the captain, by all appearances and in reality a bit enthralled by the story as he slowly eats. As Rue questions Sorrek he stands and refills everyone's drink with a nod to the captain. Taking a deep pull that empties his glass, he refills his drink again before sitting.
"I think the good captain is having a bit of sport with us. Like camping with family and telling ghost stories of what goes bump in the night during those forest trips." as he sits back in his chair and idly swishes his wine around his glass.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-05, 10:17 PM
Captain's Quarter:"Glad you asked," The Captain responds, turning to Rue and pointedly ignoring the elf's commentary, "There's a lot of stuff in that story that I could accept. Thaumatic Transfers was a real company... and a clumsy one, at that. they never really printed a list of their crew as they should have so it's completely capable that they lose a crew member. The fact that they never made another trip, even after making so much profit... that's just icing on the cake. No, the problem rests on the opposite side of the story."

The Captain takes a bite of his honeycake, washing it down with another sip of drink, "The ship that picked Ivan up. Nobody can agree what ship had supposedly grabbed him and no one has even tried to claim credit. Believe me, if any real ship was at the site of a tall tale being born, the captain would have claimed a bit of immortality... probably make up some details 'bout trying their best to save the lad's life. It's a sad shame, too. A perfectly believable story, ruined at the final moment by such a tiny detail. Do see to it that your diplomacy is not so easily undone."

2015-12-06, 10:12 AM
By the end of his reading and note-taking, Darvul felt rather ill. He isn't sure what it is, just that it probably had to do with staring at these jumble of papers for who knows how long. Normally his stomach doesn't churn quite so badly; must be the wave and bob of the ship. He knew he was gonna have a bad time dealing with seasickness but he felt he was through the worst of it now... On the other hand, he hasn't eaten yet.

"Urg, yeah," he says in a grizzled, ill tone to Alexander. "Think this is the most we're gonna find for now. Least we got something to work with. We'll sort out the connections later." The orc takes the various papers he wrote on with him, taking his harp as well, as he starts making his way to the Captain's Quarters. He clearly lacked some of the travel savviness plenty of other experts here had. He'll be much happier once they dock at port... or at least he had thought so. The keep better not be a heavily hostile place based on those notes.

At least he can get some honeycake and cortisol before their arrival.

2015-12-06, 12:44 PM
"Enough of the written word for today, agreed. You two go ahead, I'll clean up here." Zorya brings the books and notes into order, having a crewman take the former and herself the latter. Once done, she catches up with the others, also getting herself something to eat and drink (and a breath of fresh air).

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-08, 12:28 AM
Map Room:After an hour of making a large mess, the clean-up process is almost distressingly simple. Every paper ends up where it has started and is handed back to a passing crewman as the three of you make your way to the meal.

Captain's Quarters:After a lengthy lull in the conversation, the captain speaks up once more, "...But as I said, that's the most convincing of the stories. if you had more concrete questions, we have landed there once or twice in the past and sharing what I know would be... what's the word... patriotic?"

As that final word hangs in the air, three latecomers enter the room.

2015-12-08, 12:30 AM
Darvul comes into the captain's quarters much like one would expect from an orc: marching with loud footsteps and a exhausted, if willful facial expression. "Just got near the end of dinner, huh?" He hand lowers before swiftly grabbing a piece of venison and taking a great bite out of it. His tusks break through the meat with incredible ease, making it look like he's skewering the venison rather than actually chewing it. As always, meat is absolutely wonderful to have and eat. "Mm, mmm, They better have something like this at the keep." He doubted that, especially after learning all he did from the tomes. He'd probably have to go outside the keep and hunt wild animals if he wants any good meat. That'll hardly be a problem considering orcs have been used to hunting far longer than people from the Empire.

Darvul plops down on a wooden stool next to Rue, giving her a quick glance before reaching for one of the few, untouched honeycakes still on the table. "So, what'd I miss?" He seems more interested in filling his stomach rather than actually listening to tales. For a diplomatic orc however, he always has his ears open to anything that might be important to hear.

Just thought I'd get in another post to try and keep things moving and give others something to respond to. :smallsmile:

EDIT: Just noticed Realms' post after I posted. :smallredface: Thankfully doesn't seem like I need to update anything.

2015-12-08, 08:26 AM
Seeing the captain taking a more active interest in speaking with Rue, Dûrthalion sits back and eats while listening for stray openings.
"Anything that was true or contained a grain of truth would be appreciated. It's our necks out there. We will be only able to count on each others support while trying to bring the keep in line with the rest of the Empire. I'm sure you have heard histories that show colonies and outposts being overrun by unruly locals. I would prefer that didn't happen to us."

2015-12-08, 12:11 PM
Alexander queries the captain, "Apocryphal Xarov, familiar?"

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-08, 11:58 PM
The Captain's Quarters: Finally turning back to Durthalion, the captain frowns, "It's hard to say what strange stories have truth to them, if I'm being honest. I'm more familiar with grounded facts, the sorts of things you can reach out and touch. I normally stay in the market quarter, mind so I..." the captain turns in Alexander's direction as the taciturn figure asks his question, "Apo-what, now?"

As if on cue, everyone on board can feel the Untethered Finch softly shake as the ship's forward movement ceases. "Looks as though we might have to cut this meal short," the captain laments, "It looks as though we've arrived... hopefully"[/spoiler]

2015-12-09, 09:30 AM
Looking disappointed at the timing of their arrival, Dûrthalion picks up a honey cake and beings to eat it, watching the captain intently. Cleaning his hands with a napkin, he dabs his mouth a bit and says "The meal, though short, was greatly appreciated, as was the conversation." Nodding his head at the captain, he then turns towards the rest of the group. "I imagine we need to gather our things and prepare to disembark, unless anyone has any other questions for the captain?"

2015-12-09, 10:51 AM
Zorya grabs a bit to eat, but rises as soon as the announcement comes. "No, I'm fine." As they leave, she pools her findings with that of the dinner group. Once she has her belongings, Zorya gives herself a once-over, fixing a few small things before getting ready to disembark and make a first impression.

2015-12-09, 12:09 PM
Alexander pockets some bits of food, eating as he gathers his thing while leaving a minor trail of crumbs.

2015-12-10, 12:37 AM
Darvul stuffs his mouth with the rest of the honeycake he dug in as he is told that they might have arrived. Already time? He hadn't been that long in the Map Room has he? He's so used to living out in the open that he's usually capable of telling time based on the sun; shoving his face into books though tends to dull those old senses of his. It's not actually surprising that the orcs he knows often find him as straying too far from his roots.

...Are there going to be orcs at the island? There's really only one way to find out, though he is going in expecting to be the only one.

"We're good for now," he says attempting to stuff down the honeycake in his mouth. He takes a massive gulp before continuing in a clearer voice. "Once we get there and get a chance, we gotta look over what we learned from the tomes. Think we've learned enough that it could help us down the line." With that, Darvul begins his way outside to the deck to get a look at the port. He got very little to eat but at least it's something in his belly.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-10, 01:05 AM
Stepping onto the deck, clockwork steeds are being lifted up directly from the hold by decks through the use of cranes and pulleys. The port is clearly visible off of the starboard... if it could even be considered a port at all.

A Single dock of half-rotten wood extends from the frigid shore, completely unmanned by any sort of personnel. The ground of the island is covered with snow and ice and thick chunks of ice lazily float through the water around you, occasionally bumping into the ship's hull with a dull "thunk". It seems to be the mid of night, though the local weather makes that a bit unclear. A thick snowfall descends from the dark clouds overhead, limiting visibility even as a small crew of sailors ceaselessly brushes the snowfall overboard.

Even through the snow, however, you can see the spire of the central mountain in the distance, a respectable distance along what may or may not be a formal road. While the walls of Orreg Keep aren't visible, you can only trust that the town still circles the mountain.

"Welcome to Orreg," comments captain Sorrek as he follows you to the deck.

2015-12-10, 11:47 AM
"Timing unpropitious. Daylight would facilitate arrival. Regardless, must proceed. Present credentials to authorities and obtain temporary lodging?"

2015-12-10, 12:57 PM
Rue hopped to her feet,and headed to to the dock. Seeing how run-down it was made her pause a bit, but best foot forwards. Riches and freedom lay ahead.

2015-12-10, 01:15 PM
Zorya peers out at the harbor from beneath her red coat's hood, hands in her pockets for warmth. "Let's not stay any longer out here than we need to." Once on more solid ground, with her case, Zorya heads towards their destination as soon as everything is in order.

2015-12-10, 01:39 PM
As Dûrthalion walks to the deck with the captain and the others, he quietly hums to himself.
Once there, and seeing the state of the 'dock', he whistles a bit.
"A bit worse than I expected although I was hopeful for better."
Nodding at Alexander, he continues "Agreed, but this far north it is hard to gauge the turning of the days. Yes, let us be off." Turning to the captain "Thank you Captain Sorrek for your quick and efficient travel to the keep. You and your crew are to be commended and I will make note in my reports back as such." he says with a nod of appreciation to the man.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-10, 06:52 PM
The march from the "dock" (which thankfully withstands the weight of your supplies and mounts) towards town is chilly and onerous but not particularly dangerous. Even with the heavy snowfall, you feel confident that you would see the silhouette of anything much larger than a man long before it reached you. Instead, you are left with the silence filled only by the crunch of crisp snow beneath your boots and an occasional crackle or sputter as snowflakes fly into the fire of a torch.

The slow procession of the supply train gives you time to peer out at the sparse wildlife. Scraggly trees with twisted limbs reach toward the heavens like horrid limbs in torchlight. Meanwhile, small critters no larger than chipmonks dart to and from their burrows at the edge of the light and in the corner of your eyes. Only a single larger creature, a reindeer standing between two barren trees, can be seen for any length of time before darting away from potential hunters and into the dark of the night.

After twenty minutes of walking, the walls of Orreg Keep finally come into view, a shadowy black monolith obscuring the back of the mountain beyond. As you approach, the shadows fade away into mortal stone and mortar, revealing a keep to mach any keep. The walls are forty feet tall at their highest and minor crenelation hints at the battlements running along the interior. Standing but a hundred feet away from the gates, the wall seems to stretch on into infinity in either direction.

A single humanoid figure, half the height of an average human, currently stands before the front gate. The figure, thoroughly wrapped in furs, seems to be in the midst of opening the gate.

OOC: Make Two Fortitude Saves against cold weather.

2015-12-12, 10:35 AM
As the gate is already being opened, Alexander waits quietly, leaving the more socially adept to make introductions.

2015-12-12, 10:36 AM
Darvul had never expected the cold to be so debilitating for him. The plains of his orcish home had always been usually very warm, only becoming notably cold during the winter years. As the biggest of the experts one might have expected Darvul of Voli to be used to such frigid winds. Instead he feels the cold nip and bite at his fingers and toes under his explorer outfit. The port should have been a good sign that things are not going to go well. Even with all they've been supplied with, they might be under-prepared for what the rest of this island holds. He does have plenty of gold left on him in the very likely place the group needs to buy supplies. Hopefully he won't run out quickly.

Once finally at the keep's gates, Darvul does his best to stand straight and look proud when he'd otherwise be trying to keep his limbs from going numb. "About time we made it," he says with a good deal of ease and a hint of impatience. Once in and at an inn or tavern or whatever warm, recreational place there is, they can plan out everything that needs to be done. The orc gives a nod to the small figure as he goes about to open the gates. Darvul checks to make sure that he has a spare piece of parchment for map-taking as he sets to enter the city, provided that the gates will open and his group won't be stopped from entering.

2015-12-12, 11:34 AM
With the cold beginning to creep into her bones, willing a certain poise into existance takes some doing until she is within comfortable speaking distance, straightening up and showing a friendly smile. "Good day to you and thank you for opening the gate. If it is not too much trouble, could you please direct us to the local government?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-12-12, 08:06 PM
While the group is still a ways off from the gate, Dûrthalion, shivering and teeth chattering, mutters "Colder than any place I've ever been." As the gate begins opening, he stamps his feet as he tries to keep the blood flowing to his extremities.
"Aye, stout fellow, a place where we can get a warm meal and some clothes suitable to these locals would also be greatly appreciated."

Aid Zorya in Diplomacy


Realms of Chaos
2015-12-12, 09:23 PM
As Zorya and Dûrthalion speak out, the cloaked figure leaps up in surprise. Spinning around to face you, the hood falls from the figure's head to reveal... a smiling human boy with sparkling blue eyes and messy blonde hair.

"Oh, you scared me for a second," speaks the boy, rubbing the back of his head. After a second or two, the youth's eyes narrow as he glares at you in suspicion, "Heeeeey... I don't recognize any of you and none of you have tried to... you must be newcomers! Hello, newcomers. My name is Sam and I am a perfectly normal human. Welcome to Orreg Keep. While I can't speak for others, I'm always happy to meet other normal humanoids... especially humans."

Blinking, the child's mouth gapes open as he points at Zorya, "Wait... you're a human, too..." The child motions to Alexander, "and so are you! You guys need a guide to Orreg, right? Wearing our leaders and meeting food or whatever, right? Just follow me. I'll show you everything!"

With that, the child cracks open the gate and stealthily slips inside.

2015-12-13, 12:53 AM
Darvul takes a step back as Sam introduces himself to Zorya and Alexander. Already the orc is finding something off about this fort. What was with this kid and his constant mention of humans? Somehow it doesn't spell well for Darvul, worse than what his tribe had to deal with when meeting the Empire.

...Actually, too much thought put into too little information. Best to stay on track; see the city, record it, meet the rulers, find lodgings, then plan the rest.

The orc lets himself stay behind the others as he begins heading on inside. "Thanks kid! You don't have a map on you, do you?" He keeps his rough voice to a controlled degree of loudness. Wouldn't want to terrify anyone during first impressions. Though the northeastern orcs have never been good with first impressions in the first place.

2015-12-13, 02:31 AM
Rue stayed back, mostly trying to keep warm. It figured that the aristocrats in charge would give them fancy clockwork horses but not coats. Unless they were trying to punish the rest of the group. Between the cold and the story the captain told, she could believe they were trying to punish her.

When the boy came around, Rue stayed quiet only pausing to roll her eyes at his insistence of being a normal human. Last time she trusted someone he ruined her life, so she wasn't going to make that mistake again. Especially here.

Going for a Sense Motive on the Boy, just in case.

2015-12-13, 08:43 AM
Looking unfazed, Zorya regards the boy sympathetically and follows. "Thank you kindly, Sam. I am Zorya, pleased to meet you."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-13, 02:46 PM
Beyond the gate, a pair of blazing bonfires in iron braziers flank the entrance, banishing the cold and darkness all around you. The town entrance is narrow (~15 ft wide) for the first thirty feet, lined by large and imposing structures (Recognizable by Durthalion, Zorya, and Darvul as a defensible kill zone). Oblivious or accustomed to the defensive measures, Sam dashes down the narrow passage and into the open plaza beyond. With all of the snowfall, he falls at the very edge of your sight. His voice, however, rings clearly through the storm.

"Why would I have a map? I'm not the one who's lost, silly. Hurry, this way!"

If you look back, you see that the interior of the gate is infinitely more complicated than its exterior. Complex locking mechanisms cover every single inch of the gate's interior, interweaving with each other and making the gate look menacing... almost alive, even. Without any pressure keeping the door open, a series of iron springs slowly swing the door back shut...

Rue:Anyone who heard and understood Sam would have to be thick not to realize that something was "off" about him.
On the one hand, Sam seems genuinely happy to see you and his offer to show you around seems completely earnest.
On the other hand, you can sense something odd in his tone when he brings up humanity; something rarely visible in children so young. Obsession.

2015-12-13, 03:21 PM
Rue followed slightly puzzled and worried about his attitude. Why the focus on humanity. Would that be an issue here? She was a catfolk and never saw anything particularly special about humans, but if they thought differently, there could be trouble.

Seeing the door stopped that thought in it's tracks. Such complexity in its design, in its execution.If that was an example of the kind of traps she might find later on...

In any case,she wanted a closer look. Rue stepped forwards and grabbed it as quietly as she could manage.

2015-12-13, 03:33 PM
Still in good spirits, Zorya continues onwards.

2015-12-13, 05:31 PM
Dûrthalion smirks ever so slightly, amused by the child and not feeling slighted in the least at the 'human' references as he follows Sam and the others inside, although he does take note of the preoccupation for later corroboration and reference.

2015-12-13, 09:45 PM
Alexander grumbles against the cold and follows, there movement not giving him time to gather any proper impressions from the old stones.Humans, humans, he expect goats?

2015-12-14, 11:43 AM
Darvul keeps himself from worrying as the kid runs off and the iron gates behind the group begins to close. This wasn't exactly a good place to be in, though the fort does seem like a place difficult to siege. He takes out one of his empty parchment papers, beginning to draw out the area of the sort, starting with the town entrance and a point made on how it is a defensive killzone. There will probably be too much to label just from one piece of parchment and the orc hadn't thought to bring enough for a full-fledged map. Not that his handiwork will qualify enough as a map; his ink is crude and lacks detail. It will take someone more creative to work up a properly detailed map. Right now it'll be best to just get the framework down so there's something to build on.

The orc is also silent in the meantime, curious as to what exactly Orreg Keep is like. This still hasn't been the most inviting first impression. Still, the gates are just another reminder that he shouldn't turn back. Any orc must be absolutely sure they will gain more than they will lose if they are to flee. In this case, the orc has nothing to gain from it as he instead continues forward. "You think humans aren't native here?" He gives Alexander a confused look. "If they aren't, who populates most of the keep?"

2015-12-14, 12:07 PM
"A most pertinent question. Insufficient data at this juncture; previous assumption of human-dominant population now doubtful."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-14, 07:09 PM
Beyond the passage, everything is relatively calm outside of the falling snow. A broad cobblestone plaza extends around a frozen fountain. Directly in front of you, a normal street leads onwards into the storm To the left and right, far broader streets extend into the distance. The city streets are as barren and abandoned as one would expect for such a cold night. The sparse details you can make out through the snowstorm indicate a normal town all around you, a story reiterated by Sam's stream-of-consciousness 'tour'.

"...and that's where Ixel the Cooper lives and that's Brumhilda's general shop. She actually sold me this fur! Can you believe it? Anyways, Cana makes candles in her home over there and if you need some fish, Brandon normally sells off most of what he catches over there. Oh, and don't forget..."

Thankfully, the falling snow is the only impediment to sight within settlement. At least a half-dozen lamps (each with large shades to protect them from the snowfall) are lit within the area, spilling pools of light over the area. In those few areas of light, quite a few materials appear to be old or recycled. At least one structure seems to be partially supported by used shipping crates. Of course, your attention is eventually brought back to your impromptu guide, even if a few choice words were needed to call you back.

"...place to stay the night, the girls at the Sunset Conclave actually have a couple spare rooms. Of course, you wanted to meet a leader first, right? We..." Sam pauses, "...we don't have a single leader any more, though I guess most folks listen to to Father Michael. Does that sound good?"

Rue:The Brobdingnagian mechanism before you is much more than a simple lock. This thing is a tool of imprisonment, pure and simple. While it doesn't seem to block travelers from coming inside, the process for unlocking this door would take the better part of an hour, likely requiring a few dozen keys and several ladders to reach and manipulate the various components. While egress is technically possible, it was most definitely constructed to make escape difficult.

2015-12-14, 09:52 PM
Alexander just wants to get warm. "Indeed, please, lead on."not sure I want to waste a read thoughts on him

2015-12-15, 07:15 AM
"Why don't you have a single leader anymore?"

2015-12-15, 01:20 PM
This time when Rue shivered, it wasn't just the cold. This was the city they were being asked to bargain with. One more concerned with keeping people in than protecting them from the outside? If Rue stayed, she'd be trapped Every instinct of hers told her to escape, get out while she still could and forget about all of this.

Escape and do what exactly? Freeze to death?

Rue sighed. Door or not, she was stuck. Might as well get her shinies while she was here. Rue let go of the door and turned to catch up with the group.

2015-12-15, 02:19 PM
"I am thinking I am going to visit Brumhilda's at my first opportunity. Sam, what time of the day is it right now? With the long trip on the ship, it has left me a bit disoriented."

2015-12-16, 09:26 PM
Darvul has a rough time trying to keep track of all these details on his parchment map. All the footnotes and rough sketches make it look less like a map and more like a list of locations in the keep. All things considered he's a little annoyed. Three months to get all their goals done definitely no longer seem like it'll be easy. And with a lack of a leader it already seems like Orreg Keep was ignored by the Empire for so long for a good reason. Still, a duty is a duty and thankfully there is time to plan out what to do.

"Some of us should at least get a place to rest," he chimes in, trying to sound analytical beneath his rough, nearly-brutish tone. "The others should meet with... this Father Michael. Anyone wanna come?" Why would this person be called "Father" in the first place? Is he a one of those human priests? Does the Keep actually have one ruling or taking care of the place rather than a chief or an emperor?

If Realms is alright with doing so now, along with Sam answering the other PCs' questions, I'd be good with having Darvul, along with anyone else willing to come, meeting with Father Michael. :smallsmile:

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-18, 03:39 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay, guys. School is done but I have been recovery from a stomach bug. Not fun. Would not recommend it.

"Just after nightfall," Sam chirps up, running down the path at the far end of the plaza, "you can typically tell by how hard it's snowing. Really light in the morning and picks up by evening. Dunno why,"

With that, Sam has officially moved beyond the range of hearing of any individuals lingering in the plaza. While you can still see the structure that Sam indicated for getting a bed, it is hard to say how easily you'd find it again without help... at least in the darkness and snow.

Those Who Choose to Follow:

"As for the whole thing with out leaders, that's tricky. The black hoods and the hoods are fighting a bit and neither of them really like the monastery and nobody know what to think of the red hoods but that's probably okay because there's not too many of them."

Sam leads you past a four-way intersections between two major rows and up to another intersection nearly at the base of the mountain before turning to the right (east, unless your sense of direction is off).

"The Father used to be in charge of just about everyone and he still speaks for the white hoods but now that there's a scha-... a schiz-... a fight between them, everything has gone a bit crazy."

As you walk counter-clockwise through the city, you are led past several residential cul de sacs that extend towards the outer wall. You also note that a network of aqueducts arches across overhead in the inner rings of the city, seeming to connect directly with larger structures. Judging by a sudden shift in the architectural design of structures around you (tending towards steep slopes, decorative spires, pointed archways and monochromatic contrasts) suggest that you have entered another nieghborhood or district in your travels.

As the cold starts creeping into your bones (make another fortitude save), Sam finally stops in front of a particularly large home, a structure that might be considered a manor if it incorporated any of the surrounding properties.

"Feel free to knock for the Father," Sam says, motioning towards the front door as he slinks backwards into the darkness, "I'll... I'll try to catch you on the way out. No need to worry about me... or to even mention me, you know?"

2015-12-18, 04:32 PM
Rue really had to hurry to catch up with the group, and continued to follow the boy. She attempted to appear nonchalant.I was here the whole time, no need to be concerned.Rue thought to herself.

Given how distracted she was, Rue missed some of the introduction. Not good for her. Good intel was important for any job, but especially this one. She needed to find out more, which meant talking to this Father Michael person.

2015-12-18, 06:39 PM
"Schism," Zorya provides as Sam is searching for the word. Multiple groups severely at odds with each other will make things a lot more complicated. Sadly, such a thing would not be the first time she would need to deal with this.

Once they arrive, Zorya gives her unspoken promise with a nod to Sam before knocking, swiftly followed by returning her arms to very close vicinity of the rest of her body and her hands digging deeper into the pockets in hopes of unearthing some secret molten core.

Fortitude [roll0]

2015-12-18, 10:38 PM
Factional strife, interesting. Recent occurrence? No sign in records, possibly postdates logs. Curious. Alexander thinks to himself. He wastes no time knocking on the door, hands shaking with cold. fort [roll0]

2015-12-19, 12:39 AM
The orc attempts again to get all this around his head. It's amazing how much Sam can talk about the keep, especially given the "schism," as Zorya stated. Is that just like the orc chieftain debates? Conflicts between leaders and pretenders, often leading to armed conflict over who can rule the clan better? He wouldn't have expected for humans to act in such a way... and yet the orc conflicts had rarely led to the kind of state that Orreg Keep is in now. So what's different? How did it get to be like this? Perhaps the only real answers he'd be getting are from Father Michael.

"We'll be fine," Darvul says to Sam, relaxing as much as possible as he lets Zorya knock on the door. While willing to be the one to give first impressions, Darvul decides that it might be best to let another human speak to the "leader" instead of an orc. At the very least it may give them more information than some foreign creature might.

2015-12-19, 11:13 AM
Dûrthalion's shivering becomes worse as they follow Sam. Questions swirl in his head as Alexander knocks, none too soon in his opinion.
"Well, your time taking us up to meet the father has been appreciated, Sam."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-20, 07:54 PM
Sam runs off down the snowy streets as Alexander knocks on the door, pausing only briefly to acknowledge Durthalion's words with a silent nod. Within the large house before you, a single dim light soon shines through a single window on the third floor... though all else remains still and quiet. After thirty seconds or so, the light is extinguished.

The front door goes unanswered.

2015-12-20, 08:33 PM
Rue frowned at the lack of response. She took a look at the house itself, seeing if there were any openings or doors that she could jimmy.

Perception check:

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-20, 08:36 PM
There is indeed a window on the second floor that doesn't quite seem closed.

2015-12-20, 09:14 PM
Rue rubbed her hands together in possible preparation. "Okay, how badly do we need to get in?"

2015-12-21, 03:32 AM
Zorya is shaking a lot by now. The cold is visibly creeping deeper and deeper into her bones. "Hello? We are emissaries of the kingdom, please open up, we'd like to talk to Father Michael, it is important."

Under her breath, she mutters to Rue "Intruding will make things a lot more difficult for us, but I feel by the time we found a way to anywhere warm, I'm afraid I'll be exploring the joys of frostbite."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-21, 11:09 AM
As Zorya calls out her explanation of the situation, dim light once more fills the third-story window. This time, however, the light does not go out. Instead, additional lights are lit in the windows of two more rooms on the second story. At long last, light appears on the first floor and the front door swings inwards.

A finely groomed gentleman, dressed in what must have at one point been fine livery, stands in the lit doorway. The figure leans on a crutch placed under his right arm and the matching leg is missing below the knee. The servant looks down his nose at you and your carts and mechanical steeds, his expression filled with casual contempt.

"Father Michael will speak to you momentarily. Please, come inside"

2015-12-21, 12:07 PM
Alexander dismounted clumsily and enters. He queries the doorman, "Safe place to store mounts?"

2015-12-21, 12:32 PM
Zorya shakes off the snow before entering with a grateful smile. "Good evening and thank you very much," she responds, following directions as to where to wait while she tries to warm up.

2015-12-21, 01:02 PM
Rue smiled as the door opened. We are supposed to be diplomats here. Probably for the best. she thought, as she stepped inside. Plus I can keep the windows in mind for later.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-21, 02:47 PM
The manservant blinks slowly at Alexander's question, "No. They will remain out here," walking inside and beckoning you toward a lit antechamber, he continues, "all citizens know the fate awaiting thieves."

The Antechamber itself is relatively spartan. Several cushioned seats line the walls with only portraits of landscapes and past leaders suspended over them. While the room has nearly nothing in the way of insulation, the temporary freedom from the wind and snow makes it feel at least twenty degrees warmer than the world outside. Resting at the far end of the room, next to the only other door out of the chamber, is a small wooden table, upon which rests a small candelabra and an iron candlestick. The dim light of the candles, along with your torches (if you really want to bring torches into another man's home) are the only source of light in the room.

The manservant closes the door behind you as you enter (including Durthalion, should he wish to enter) and slowly limps to the other side of the room. As he reaches down to grab a candlestick, he states, "Please wait here while I check on our Father. I shall return momentarily." the servant passed out of the door and into the hall beyond before closing (but not locking) it behind him.

2015-12-21, 02:57 PM
Dûrthalion enters with the others, doing his best to keep from shivering, as he takes a seat.
"Interesting." he says quietly as he tries to calm his chattering teeth. "It would seem they carry a... coldness, if you'll pardon the pun, towards non-humans, it would seem. Also, it was interesting the comment about thieves..." he continues quietly, letting the comment stand on its own.

2015-12-21, 05:40 PM
Zorya does not immediately seat herself, instead moving to warm up and regain feeling in her fingertips. Once back on a reasonable level, she takes a seat, waiting.

2015-12-21, 06:42 PM
Rue kept a blank expression at the comment about thieves. It looked like she would need to be extra careful when doing her work here. She should find out what those punishments were at a later time.

2015-12-22, 10:20 AM
Alexander sits near the fire, closing his eyes as he absorbs the warmth. He begins to open his mind to the echoes in the stone, but refrains; their host will not tarry that long.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-23, 11:02 PM
After a gap that seems to drag on for eons, you can hear the footsteps of the manservant returning to you. The door opens and the dour figure pokes his head in through the door.

"Father Michael will see you now. Walk this way," Turning around, the servant begins retracing his steps without bothering to close the door or check on your progress. The mansion beyond the door is only slightly more decorative than the antechamber. A hallway stretches to the left and right, branching off into multiple door-less rooms (including a dining room, parlor, and kitchen), though the servant leads you past these rooms and up a stairway near the center of the home.

The stairway spirals upwards, groaning under your weight as you ascend to the higher levels (a few stairs squeak particularly loudly). The second floor is entirely blocked from your view, with the miniscule landing providing a single locked door and nothing more. The third floor is thankfully more typical in layout and you are led past several closed rooms towards a single, well-lit study. The servant opens the door wide for you, beckoning you inside.

Father Michael is a relatively short Dwarf with a shaved beard and long, braided hair. A white robe wraps around the dwarf, with the shade of its hood obscuring his facial features. The father sits at a small desk at the far side of the room, directly underneath a picture frame that seems for all of the world to be empty. A small potted plant and a shelf filled with texts completes the image of the study.

2015-12-24, 05:26 PM
Zorya follows, having warmed up a little bit. On the way up, she takes note of the particularly noisy steps, not wanting to make such a ruckus the second time around. Once they meet Father Michael, Zorya is naturally showing a winning smile, bowing slightly and gracefully as a greeting. "Thank you for letting us in and meeting us at this late hour, Father Michael. We are emissaries of the Empire on peaceful mission, and recently arrived in Orreg Keep." She introduces herself and her companions.

"We sought to speak to the local authorities, but found the situation here a bit more complex than usual. You have been identified to us as a leader and hope to get a clearer picture of this community with your help, for the prosperity of Orreg Keep."

Diplomacy [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-25, 02:00 AM
"I lead my congregation," Father Michael eventually states, "and I speak on behalf of the pilgrims living in Orreg Keep. Before I start explaining much else, I don't suppose that you have any proof to show that you work for Empire?"

2015-12-25, 05:28 AM
"Of course." Zorya shows Father Michael her writ of authority.

2015-12-25, 04:48 PM
Dûrthalion stands towards the front but follows Zorya's lead, giving Father Michael a bow of proper respect to the elder dwarf befitting his station as they enter.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-25, 11:44 PM
Father Michael looks over the writ of authority in great detail, frowning several times as he does so.

"Well..." he starts, "it would seem that you have far more right to rule the keep than myself... Unfortunate, that..."

With that, the Father starts tapping his feet on the floor and looking out through a darkened window, "I expect that we will have much to talk about in the coming days, though the mid of night is rarely the best time for diplomacy. There are a few things, however, that cannot wait for the morning."

"First, I hope that you can respect our privacy. We tend to keep to ourselves and many of us would respond quite poorly to being... intruded upon. On that topic, the laws of your empire and the laws of our doctrines have long been used interchangeably. While I'm sure that we can be retrained like the rest of the Empire's dogs, every citizen is his or her own arbiter and lawkeeper, empowered by our doctrine to settle disputes personally."

"Secondly, you should realize the limitations of your little document. Some structures that others would consider public are privately operated here. Our cathedral and libraries, for example, are not open to the general public. Likewise, not all property contained within these walls is considered part of Orreg Keep. My predecessors, in their unlimited greed built the walls beyond our original charter. As such, not all residents are citizens of your empire. Despite my own influence, for example, this house falls outside of imperial grounds. If you wish access to buildings or individuals, be sure to ask before assuming authority."

"Finally, I am wondering which of you have been put in charge of this little operation. If I or someone else should have queries, concerns, or complaints, who should we be directing them to?"

Feel free to make perception checks and sense motive checks.

2015-12-26, 01:06 AM
Rue stayed back silently. She certainly wasn't in charge of the mission,but knowing how the law was carried out was useful, as well as where they were "allowed" to go. That wouldn't stop her, but when casing places, having an actual excuse to be there would be nice.

All this was assuming he was telling the truth and not trying to take advantage of their ignorance...

Rue be double dipping the checks!
Sense Motive:[roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-26, 09:04 PM
As far as you can tell, Father Michael isn't fudging any facts with you.

Both Rue and Durthalion, however, hear the dull footfalls (and a few telltale squeaks) of someone running down the stairs outside.

2015-12-26, 09:42 PM
Rue frowned and thought for a moment. "Would the bathrooms be places we could visit?" she asked drily. I could use one myself"

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-27, 12:15 AM
"Of course," offers Father Michael, "It's just down the hall... second door on your left."

2015-12-27, 10:15 AM
Dûrthalion keeps a neutral face but almost shakes his head at the dwarfs response.
<To be expected> he thinks to himself, thought trailing off as he notices a sound. Before he can react, Rue gets up and he hopes she noticed the sound, too, rather than needing relief.
Ignoring his question of who was the leader, he asks "Would it be possible for a cartographer to make a map showing what lies within the Imperial boundaries and what does not? It would make life easier for everyone if we had some idea where jurisdiction lies."

2015-12-27, 01:10 PM
"We do not have an appointed leader, as we are working as a group, but for the time being, direct queries, concerns and complaints to me. We understand and respect the rights and privacy of your people. To be frank, we have not come here to conquer and stamp out your culture. Rather, Orreg Keep and the Empire can benefit from each other, and we are here to facilitate that. The more we learn and understand about this community, the better we can reach a fortunate outcome for all involved. Just because we have been given certain rights and privileges does not mean we no longer act like sensible, civilized people, I can assure you." Zorya felt the disapproval coming from the dwarf and his manservant, so smoothing the waves is the most pressing goal of her words. It is so much better to work with people when they do not constantly glare at you and scoff at you behind your back.

Diplomacy [roll0]

edit: The roller really does not want Zorya to be successful at what she does best.

2015-12-27, 06:10 PM
Darvul simply stayed in the back of the group and let Zorya, Rue, and Dûrthalion negotiate with Father Michael. The orc hadn't expected the "leader" to be a dwarf, though it does give some interesting implications on why Sam was so interested in other humans. Too bad the news that the group are hearing is going to make things far more difficult than it should be. Simply displaying the new banners and updating the code of law comes off to the orc as a giant headache, much less stuff like assessing the needs of the community and providing ethnographic depictions of locals that are probably very hard to track down. A plan, ones that the empire design over the more simplistic ways of the orcish clans, will be needed.

When there is a good moment, Darvul takes out his green harp from behind him, slowly plucking the strings on it to give off a slow, ambient drizzle of a tune designed to ease the doubts and concerns of those who hear it. Rather than trying to assist Zorya, feeling like she'd be better with the bigger suggestions and favors, Darvul tries to follow on Durthalion's suggestion. "The map at least will help. If we could have one then it'd make both our jobs easier." Darvul tries not to speak too much, instead letting his harp do much of the talking for him.

Alright, getting back into the swing of things...

Using Skald's Versatile Performance to use Perform (Strings) in place of Diplomacy to try and convince Father Michael: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-27, 09:27 PM
Father Michael seems to frown, considering your words carefully, "I don't believe that we've ever had need for such a map... though something could probably be arranged. Even if we lack specialized Cartographers, we of the Keep are scholars at heart... give us a couple days to search through our archives for records. As for the rest of your job here... I don't anticipate any trouble as long as you keep yourselves to 'helping'. The details of your stay, however, can probably wait until morning. I have a few guest rooms in this old house that you may use for the night if you have no other accommodations."

2015-12-27, 09:46 PM
Rue nodded and headed off. Her face was calm, although inside she was annoyed the bathroom wasn't far from the room. It would be easier to claim she had gotten lost if she got caught somewhere she shouldn't be. Still, she left the room, and instead headed carefully in the direction of the noise?

2015-12-28, 06:39 PM
"Your generosity is greatly appreciated, Father. I can't speak for the others but I will take you up on your offer. Perhaps we can have some discussion in the morning over breakfast on what your opinions of the Empires going ons and how to best ease the transition for all involved? As Miss Zorya has stated, we are here to help all parties involved for the betterment of the Empire and for the betterment of the people in and around the Keep."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-28, 11:11 PM
Rue: Rue arrives at the stairwell just in time to watch a tall figure cloaked in another white robe charging down the stairs, nearly battering the Father's manservant aside as the servant ascends toward the third floor.

2015-12-28, 11:32 PM
Rue stood in surprise for a moment, wondering what she should do. Thieves generally tried to avoid unnecessary conflict. But she was in a different world, part of the biggest job she had ever taken on. Think of it as part of the casing the joint. Rue said to herself, before dashing to chase the cloaked figure.

Acrobatics check to chase the figure:

2015-12-29, 12:39 PM
Alexander proffers a question after listening quietly. "We were directed to you as a local authority. A summary of the political and social situation in the region would be beneficial in avoiding disturbances. To know where toes are and to whom they are connected, so to speak."

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-29, 10:44 PM
Rue:Bounding off of the stairway and swinging from the banister, you manage to land on the steps right behind a bewildered servant.
"Ummm... aren't you supposed to be..."

Dashing after the cloaked figure, it would seem that Rue has the advantage of speed. Whoever it is, the cloak seems to be slowing them down and they do not seem aware of Rue's presence... yet.

Hearing Alexander speak up for the first time, Father Michael blinks owlishly. "Toes... right... to summarize our current situation... it's just a headache all around."

"I lead those who respect the teachings of Thalhoon, acting as a mediator between the faithful and our pilgrims. The pilgrims have their own leader but... as you'd expect, they aren't part of actual town and do not follow town laws. Unfortunately, the recent schism has harmed unity withing our happy home. The followers of Sylvius have grown bold over the years and seek to supplant us at the dominant force in town. Sylvius himself has taken up residence in our grand cathedral... though I'm afraid you'll have to settle for intermediaries on that front. Whatever your paper may claim, a solid third of the town would take up arms against you if you tried to storm your way in."

"While most of the town respect the teachings of Thalhoon... or at least Sylvius' sect, we do have a monastery built on the mountain. I've never been too clear on who operates it, though there aren't many members. My primary contact has been a helpful young priestess by the name of Saellah. Otherwise... hmmm... one of our most respectable citizens, one Mr. Henderson, lives a couple blocks from the general store. It's not uncommon for people to seek his help or council. I'm sure that someone has taken responsibility for martial concerns as well, though that's a bit out of my wheelhouse."

2015-12-29, 11:59 PM
Seeing she had the advantage of speed, Rue decided to make herself known. Seh needed info, and if he was a thief, so much the better to learn about the job here. If they ran, she'd catch up. If they attacked, she could either use her trusted Sap, or hide in the darkness. "Hey there! You in the cloak. Mind stopping for a chat." Rue called, trying to get the cloaked one's attention, but not loud enough to attract the attention of anyone else (hopefully).

2015-12-30, 08:56 AM
Darvul continues playing his harp while trying to maintaining a neutral look on his face. It's fortunate that the group is actually getting information rather than following blindly in the dark but the situation presents itself as far more complex than he could ever imagine. Did the other think likewise or had they expected this? There's not much more for him to do aside from ask questions, something which could tax Father Michael's patience at this rate. There is at least one more thing to ask.

"We won't take much more of your time tonight, but what sort of military does this keep have?" The orc remembers that whatever armed force the keep has is to be assessed and put through its paces, something Darvul can help a lot with. "Should I expect that they've split up in this 'schism' as well?" He holds back a groan thinking of what it'll be like to deal with the local authorities' respective groups and interests; unity among this place seems like a necessity.

2015-12-30, 12:09 PM
"Perhaps you could arrange a letter of introduction for us to meet Mr. Henderson tomorrow." Alexander requests, sensing the evenings questioning is coming to a close.

Realms of Chaos
2015-12-31, 08:50 PM
Rue: The hooded figure freezes in place at the sound of your voice, lingering at the bottom of the stair. Instead of turning back to face you, however, the being simply disappears sight. You are quite certain that no spell has been cast, however, as the figure neither moved nor spoke before vanishing into the ether.

"As I said," Father Michael repeats, "Military manners have never been my primary concern. The walls are plenty strong and before you arrived, I had no reason to think that anyone was interested in our little home. Basic martial training is standard amongst our people and each of us is encouraged to resolve problems on our own... With that said, I'm certain that someone has to teach weapon drills and I'd be surprised if the guards on our walls simply elected themselves... Hmm..."

The priest rubs his chin for a second or two, "Last time I checked, weapon training was carried out in the amphitheater next to the main academy. A different class every morning, I think. If you wanted to find a military leader, that would be an excellent point to start.. As for Mr. Henderson... I guess I could write a letter... not sure how much good it would do, considering..." He pauses, "While we owe Mr. Henderson a good deal of debt, he's... you'll understand when you meet him... Just try to not dwell on it for too long. Was there anything else that can't wait for morning or should I show all of you to your rooms?"

2015-12-31, 10:55 PM
Alexander inclines his head, signaling he has nothing further.

2016-01-01, 06:46 AM
"No, nothing more for today, thank you very much, for the knowledge and the hospitality."

2016-01-01, 11:50 AM
Darvul silently ceases playing his harp and puts the large instrument behind his back as he sees this conversation is coming to an end. There's nothing for him to say now; Zorya's words have finished the conversation neatly. The group has certainly learned about the situations of the keep but it feels so hazardous and unstable. There's a lot to look over.

Darvul waits outside the room, expecting Zorya, Alexander and Dûrthalion to follow. "Well that's sure something," he says once they begin walking outside. He puts it very nicely considering the whole Keep feels about as messy as it can be. "We gotta think about how we'll go about our goals. We gonna meet up in one of our rooms and plan out what we're doing tomorrow?" Darvul's head was already forming with ideas, many which may or may not work out. While something of an aspiring ambassador for the orcs, Darvul is pretty sure he is brought on this mission partly as muscle for any military matters that might occur. Sure there is some of that needed but there's going to be a lot more diplomacy required in every other respect. He's not a genius or a planner, just someone who thinks.

2016-01-02, 01:21 PM
"Tonight or tomorrow makes little difference time-wise. Tonight we are cold and tired. Perhaps we rest first?"

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-03, 12:50 AM
The servant you encountered earlier greets you as the conversation comes to a close, directing you to a couple guest rooms down the hall, each of which contains two queen-sized beds and a sizeable bedside table. Neither of the doors, however, has a visible locking mechanism.

2016-01-03, 01:46 AM
Rue stopped in the cold street, surprised at the action. So, the intruder had magic. Decently powerful magic too. So why had they run instead of using the magic to leave undetected. Was there something odd about the dwarven priest's house? A magic trap she wasn't familiar with? She should ask one of the group experienced with the arcane to check for her.

But now wasn't the time. Rue could see her breath, and felt the horrible chill again. She turned about face and made her way back to the house as best she could.

Does Rue need to roll a check to find her way back?

2016-01-03, 11:14 PM
Darvul wastes no time sitting down on one of the beds as soon as he and the others lead into their guest rooms. He never had a place like this back in the Empire and especially not among his tribe. The home he has at the Empire's capital city is more run-down than this, and the rooms with his tribe are essentially primal in design. He can't afford to get used to this kind of comfort but it's certainly nice while available. There's just something nice about using feathers and cloth wrapped up nicely in a mattress rather than having to cover a bale of hay with cloth and fur; even that though beats using his large, worn bedroll.

The orc looks at his "roommates," Alexander and Dûrthalion. "Well this ain't how I imagined the Keep was like," he says to the two in a weary tone, legs crossed while still sitting on one of the beds. "Either of you have anything to make of the whole place? Didn't think human settlements could get like... this." There's no doubt in Darvul's mind that he feels a little naive in retrospect. An orc that has worked to adapt to Imperial society should be flexible and adaptable to outer settlements as well. Instead he came in wide-eyed and stunned as most of the negotiations were handled by the other experts. Hopefully he'll have something more to contribute tomorrow. For now he'd be best to get some opinions from the others before sleeping.

I'm assuming that the couple guest rooms are so the men and women sleep in separate rooms, hence why I considered Zorya and Rue to be in a different room from Darvul, Alexander and Dûrthalion. If I'm wrong or if any of the players would like to say otherwise, lemme know and I'll edit this post.

2016-01-04, 05:45 AM
Zorya thanks the manservant, also informing him that she will briefly head outside to retrieve her luggage, also hoping to catch a glimpse of Rue while she does so. She briefly moves outside, getting her bag and case, checks if the rest is in order, then quickly goes inside again. There isn't much left to do that night, so she checks her luggage, secures it tightly, waits for Rue a bit more, then goes to sleep.

2016-01-04, 10:45 AM
"If it where a simple place we would not be here." Alexander folds his legs on his cot and closes his eyes, opening himself to the surroundings.manifest sensitivity to psychic impressions (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/s/sensitivity-to-psychic-impressions), concentrating for full duration (30 minutes)

2016-01-04, 11:09 PM
"Agreed. Human, like all thinking races, tend to make things overly complicated." the elf says with a crooked grin, seemingly out of place. "In the mean time, do we draw lots to decide who gets there own room?"

I was just about to put in there that Dûrthalion was going to comment that he only needs a few hours of meditation when I noticed that the PF core book makes not mention of this the way that D&D did.
Did they change this?

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-05, 12:04 AM
Rue is able to find Zorya with relative ease before returning to the rooms.

Alexander:Sixteen individuals have died on your cot.

OOC: Unsure of elves and sleep... so lets just say 4 hours of trance like 3rd.

2016-01-05, 11:29 AM
An inauspicious bed. "I suggest we keep a watch. Perhaps this bed once stood in an infirmary or is very old, but I would rather not take the chance that the 16 deaths that have occurred in it were not natural."

2016-01-05, 01:23 PM
Rue was relieved she was able to get back to the house without trouble, given she wasn't paying much attention to the streets when she left. Once she was in her room with Zorya, Rue asked, "So, what else did the dwarf say?"

2016-01-05, 02:22 PM
Zorya quietly recaps while she pushes her case away after thoroughly having locked it. A small steel mirror is teetering on the edge and the case is in the way of the inner part of the door should someone open it. "We might receive a political map of the keep. Father Michael leads those, quote, 'respect the teachings of Thalhoon', and mediates between the 'faithful' and the 'pilgrims'. The pilgrims have their own leader and they don't follow local laws. The schism seems to be between Father Michael's followers and that of a man called Sylvius, who made his base in the grand cathedral. There is also a monastery on the mountain with unclear leadership, low numbers, perhaps differing beliefs. A certain Mr. Henderson, living a few blocks from the general store, apparently is a highly regarded and/or sought out individual. Martial concerns are handled by another faction, but it is unknown which. Do training in an amphitheater near a local academy. That's pretty much everything, we'll continue tomorrow."

Getting ready for bed, she glances over to Rue. "Anything on your end?"

2016-01-05, 03:22 PM
Darvul frowns at Alexander's observation. The human wasn't trying to make some ill-humored trick is he? "...Uh, Sixteen?" The amount of people who have died in one bed is an astonishing number to someone who usually has to remake his bed whenever his tribe moved to another part of the plains. Even for a bed tacked down on the ground it's a lot. Taking one last moment before he heads off to bed, Darvul walks over to inspect Alexander's bed, checking the wood to see how old it is.

"Think one of us ought to stay up and keep an eye out for anything that tries coming in our room tonight?" His voice is full of curious skepticism. He isn't too worried about something trying to come in his room to assassinate him; he's still a brutal fighter and a light sleeper, but is still eerily put off by the fact that there is something wrong with this keep and each hour spent here reveals another odd sign.

Examining the wood of Alexander's bed for any signs of age to see whether it's is a recently made bed or if it's been around for a long time, to try and narrow down a bit how long these presumed killings were made. Not sure whether Perception or some Knowledge check (best guess is Engineering) is needed here so I'll roll for both:

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Engineering): [roll1]

2016-01-05, 05:05 PM
Rue nodded as Zorya spoke. When it was her turn, she replied "Someone in a cloak left the back in a big hurry. I tried to talk to them, but they teleported away."

2016-01-05, 05:15 PM
"Out of curiosity, what color was that cloak?"

2016-01-06, 01:35 PM
"Right." the elf says absently as he ponders for a moment.
"I need but a little rest. If the two of you want to sleep now or be woken up later, let me know. A couple of hours a piece and I'll stay watch the rest of the night. It will give me a chance to catch up on some of the reading, one eye on the page and another over you two."

2016-01-06, 02:45 PM
"White, why?"

2016-01-06, 03:01 PM
"Orreg Keep is home to various factions colloquially referred to as 'hoods' of certain colors, as we were told earlier, white belonging to Father Michael's flock. Whether this is literal or not, whether the cloak color of the one you saw matters or not, I cannot say. I am simply collecting" Zorya makes a little plucking motion to one side. "and filing away." And she puts the imaginary file to the other side before smiling towards Rue.

"But for now, I am most looking forward to a good night's sleep on a quite stationary bed. Good night, Rue."

2016-01-06, 04:06 PM
"I will take the first watch." Alexander offers.

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-06, 11:32 PM
Darvul:Nothing is inherently off about that one bed, structurally speaking. As far as you can tell, no blades are suddenly going to sprout out from nowhere and gore you in your sleep. In fact, you note that there isn't a single speck of blood anywhere on the bed. Whether the cot is enchanted, however, is another matter entirely.

OOC: If you guys are going to bed, the first lookouts are free to make perception checks.

2016-01-07, 12:09 PM
perception [roll0]
Alexander watches the door, occasionally reaching out to feel for any minds approaching. read thoughts, (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/r/read-thoughts) maintaining for full duration (5 minutes) each time, manifest 8 times over the watch period, avoiding reading allies thoughts as it would be a bit rude

2016-01-10, 12:23 AM
Darvul raises his brow slightly as he scans the bed. "Nothing," he says with a deep moan. "No dry blood, no traps. Whoever died here probably didn't die brutally." This is a concerning matter; what could have killed them? Was it painful or painless? Did it involve magic or something like strangling?

Those are all questions he isn't getting anytime soon and after all that research on the ship, he's exhausted. He's gonna need a hell of a rest for tomorrow's plans. The orc stretches his arms before plopping himself right on his queen-sized bed, practically covering the whole thing as he finds himself dozing off quickly while Alexander keeps watch.

Sorry for not posting earlier. I'll try to keep on pace better from now on. :smallredface:

2016-01-10, 02:07 AM
"Huh. Well, we'll have time to talk tomorrow, hopefully."

Rue yawned, then gathered up her blankets and pillow to sleep on the ground. She had never gotten used to sleeping in a bed. They were always too soft.

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-10, 03:02 PM
No sounds bother you throughout the night, though Alexander's forethought bears fruit. An hour into the evening, a moderately intelligent being passes down the hallway. It lingers in the hallway between the two bedrooms long enough for Alexander to detect specific surface thoughts.

"I wonder if they are asleep... no, perhaps I shouldn't... I doubt that they're worth the trouble."

With those thoughts, whatever being stands in the hallway passes down the hallway and out of range.

The rest of the night, thankfully, passes without incident.

2016-01-11, 11:48 AM
In the morning, Zorya does not delay getting up, making herself presentable and having a short breakfast before meeting up with the others, also asking whether anything happened and they are ready to continue the talks.

2016-01-11, 01:07 PM
Alexander wakes, already annoyed. "Being lingered outside door during watch. Intentions unclear, decided trouble excessive. What trouble not specified. Note: keep watches each night."

2016-01-12, 01:23 AM
Darvul wakes up rather easily, having had a relatively reasonable sleep. It's much nicer sleeping on a proper bed, 'tribal' or 'civilized' than having to deal with a cot in the depths of a rocking boat. It still isn't enough; the orc would've preferred a couple more hours of sleep and he can feel it from the light drowsiness still reeking in his forehead. At least now he's got enough rest to make it through the day.

Too bad his group's welcome has not quite gone appreciated, should Alexander's warning rings true. Darvul's thick mouth tries to curve into a smile when he woke up, only to bounce back into a minor frown once the group got the warning. "We sure aren't welcome," he mumbles as he creaks his neck in stretching his body. "Guess we shouldn't waste any time, huh?"

He pulls out the list of goals from his backpack, placing it down on the round table in the middle for the five to read. Truth be told, he's rather worried about the timeframe given, especially when this keep is in as bad a situation as it can get. If he's jumping early at decisions and action... well he isn't aware. "We got a few places to search, right? Father Michael told us about the ampitheater. I could go check what sort of weapon training they got and see if I can test 'em." He sticks a large green finger at the list, pointing towards:

5. For the guards/constables/militia to be tested and run through their paces.
5a. Starting training for the first group of royal guards in Orreg keep.

"It's a good a start as any, and it's something we aren't restricted much to in the state this place is in." He attempts to smile again, glad he's no longer staring at the list and simply keeping himself from panicking. "How 'bout the rest of you?"

2016-01-12, 10:44 AM
Alexander shakes his head. "Separation unwise. Individuals vulnerable. Further evaluation of political situation necessary. First priority: meet with faction heads, understand area prior to attempting mandate fulfillment."

2016-01-12, 12:47 PM
In the morning Dûrthalion stretches from his seated position and rises as his companions do.
"Well rested, I hope?" although there is some warmth in his speech, he hasn't truly warmed up to his new companions yet.
Once everyone is assembled, he nods in agreement with Alexander and comments on Darvul's statement.
"Agreed. No matter how well meant, we are outlanders here. And no matter how well tempered a town there is always an element that is looking for trouble, so keeping together is a good idea until we are known to the populus and more accepted. Amphitheater sounds like a good place to start our inquiries but we should really do something about securing long term residency and dealing our equipment and supplies."

2016-01-12, 02:49 PM
"Friends, it would be incredibly bad form to just leave this house right now. We are diplomats, after all, and we agreed with Father Michael to continue our talks today. We should hear all sides as part of a proper effort and to get a worthwhile impression of Orreg Keep, don't you think?"

2016-01-12, 09:26 PM
"Agreed. Breakfast, complete present discussions, meet other leaders."

2016-01-13, 12:50 PM
"Yes, of course. Sorry, I didn't think of it in those terms but it would be best to stay for breakfast." the elf says, not quite flustered but obviously looking a bit embarrassed.

2016-01-13, 01:01 PM
The orc keeps himself from giving a low groan as he is told to keep the group together. "...Right, together then." He didn't like it but they did have a point. They're in a place where they are unwanted, lacking the supplies and resources needed, and overly being out of any sort of safety. Splitting up, while having a better chance of finishing things quicker, run the risk of being in considerably greater trouble when something inevitably goes wrong. Staying for breakfast would, at least open up room for more information. That and might actually fill Darvul's large stomach.

"We'll get something to eat." He tries smiling again as he rolls up the goal sheet and puts it away. "They should have something in the dining room. I'll see you all there."

Walking slowly and with a little caution, Darvul makes his way down to the dining room where he notices three servants there, including another orc! How wonderful to see another of his kind; he'd be surprised if there are actually a whole tribe of them native to this place. "Mornin'" He greets the three with a low, rough, yet friendly wave as he goes to get a plate of fish when it is ready. "How are you all? Don't believe I caught your names. Name's Darvul Velgiss." He figures beginning with simple talk is best; get to know everyone before he starts asking about the keep.

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-14, 12:41 AM
As Darvul passes into the kitchen, each of the three servants dining down there responds in their own manner.

The orc eyes the diplomat with obvious disdain before continuing his meal, acting as if you had never arrived. The female halfling, after pausing and looking over her fellow workers, reluctantly stands up and pulls out a few more chairs from the table in case you decide to join. She is the most docile of the group, looking down at the floor and flinching at the sound of the chairs scraping the floor. The servant from the previous evening, clearly exhausted, simply states.

"The father is expecting you in his study as soon as you are fed and prepared. Apparently, you have some sort of business here?"

2016-01-14, 11:54 AM
"Business indeed. First business is breakfast. Thank you." Alexander takes the offered seat with a nod and proceeds to eat as if he was completely oblivious of the reticence of their hosts.

2016-01-14, 03:06 PM
Dûrthalion nods as he follows up with what Alexander said. "Yes, breakfast please. If you and your companions wouldn't mind, if you want to join us and discuss this, I think the father wouldn't be remiss with a few moments spent with you speaking with his guests."

2016-01-14, 05:03 PM
Zorya joins the others for breakfast, but the apprehension is clear, so for now, she stays quiet (though she does favor them with a warm smile, especially the halfling).

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-15, 03:08 PM
The halfling maid briefly looks up at the human manservant as if seeking guidance. The servant seems to be considering something when he suddenly freezes. As one, all three servants look up at the same spot on the ceiling. Apparently satisfied by whatever they has seen or heard, everyone actually seems to calm down considerably. The cook shrugs as he goes back to his work, the maid slumps back into her chair with a sigh of relief, and the servant actually manages a small smile.

"I... do not imagine that the Father would object, no."

2016-01-15, 03:36 PM
Rue had woken and gotten dressed silently. She listened to the other's planning without offering comment. She was here to assist, and the diplomatic situations might be a good way to gain information. But that wasn't why she was here. She had her own mission here.

Rue considered whether or not to say anything. She wasn't a very social person normally. she needed to learn about this City, and starting with the house of Father Michael was good. But it looked like the others were going to start the conversation, so Rue waited to see what they would say.

2016-01-15, 09:59 PM
Dûrthalion's eyebrow almost begins to arch but he controls himself as he smiles. <Odd... odd, indeed. he thinks to himself.
"Well, breakfast it is. Do you need any help preparing? When I was younger I spent quite a bit of time in the mess hall helping. Not to say this is a mess hall" his biggest grin pops out "Just that I know my way about a kitchen."

2016-01-16, 11:49 PM
"Thanks," Darvul says as the servant allow them to eat here. As soon as there are enough fillets ready, the orcs takes them on a plate and sits down at an available seat. These fillets aren't exactly what he would've expected from this house but it does work for the sake of actually eating something. He may as well take what he can get at this point. It's a lifestyle that he's existed in quite well when he was an orc that lived with his tribe; may as well learn to live back in that again.

"How long have each of you been working here?" Darvul continues his strategy of attempting small talk while trying to inch towards getting some more serious answers from the servants. There's little reason Darvul has to trust these servants, especially considering he and his group had been watched last night. Best to take it with a grain of salt if these servants are going to give him an answer. "The cold outside's been frigid. Has that always been that bad in the Keep?"

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-17, 07:36 PM
The chef looks back at Durthalion, judging him carefully. With another shrug, he steps aside to make room in front of the grill as Rue makes her way inside. You note that the orc still hasn't said as much as a word.

The servant looks over Darvul as he speaks, arching a single eyebrow, "We've worked here for the better part of the decade... we were recruited at once, you see. As for the fort... the snow dies down in the light of day. Always cold, though. We prefer it that way."

2016-01-18, 12:12 PM
Alexander weighs the value of trying to read the servants' thought, but decides against it. No point in upsetting the household at this juncture. He finishes his breakfast as the others speak.

2016-01-18, 01:33 PM
"A lot seems to be going on in the Keep nowadays, though, obviously, I cannot claim to know how things have been throughout the years," Zorya observes, her fingers wrapped around a cup, occasionally spreading and folding again in smooth rhythms.

2016-01-19, 01:53 PM
As Dûrthalion helps prepare the meal, he savors his time doing a rather mundane task as he rarely gets a chance to be himself, whatever that has turned into over time. Slowly, he slips back into his mission, trying to get a measure of those working next to him, he says "Recruited, were you? As we were. Where do you hail from? Is this place to your liking, meaning do you see spending the rest of your days here? We elves live long lives and I have spent many of them wandering the land, but I haven't found a spot to call home... to settle down and open a shop or something. Just wondering if this might be the place I can do that. Time will tell, I suppose."

2016-01-19, 11:26 PM
Darvul attempts to look sincerely at ease while discussing with the servants and eating his fillets. He can't help shake the thought that one of these, or all of them, had or have possible plans to eliminate the group should the need for it arise. Are they all experienced in combat? They'll surely figure out that the group is suspicious of them if Darvul opens his mouth at all regarding the servants' combat experience, though he'd like to know at some point what the orc chef is capable of in a fight. They're orcs after all; they should know how to fight at least.

"It's certainly a far cry from my tribe," he speaks as if to continue Dûrthalion's statements. "Don't get a lot of snow over in the plains. Helped make life over there a little static actually; a lot of the tribes kept moving their tents and huts when they found animal meat and crops weren't enough to sustain them." He's tempted to label such a lifestyle as "archaic" in nature; ironic considering he's an orc who has lived like that before and does not regret having lived that way. He just learned to prefer the more, literally, grounded stone houses and technology of the Empire. All the paperwork and laws sure can suck, as Darvul's process to becoming an Imperial citizen can testify, but he has come to prefer his new life... so long as his new, new life won't permanently be at this keep.

"How about outside the keep?" he also asks the servants. "Are there any tribes that manage in the cold beyond the keep's walls? Orcs? Goblins? Hobgoblins?" He certainly has the curiosity to consider whether there may be any need to leave the keep's walls. With the weather though, it's unlikely that anything willing to talk to an orc like Darvul may exist on blizzard-like snow plains and forests.

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-21, 11:39 PM
OOC: Ugh.. grad school. Not even once, guys. not even once.

At Zorya's statement, the halfling maid chirps up, "Oh, things haven't been this busy since... well, ever. Just the way the Keep works, I guess. New folks and elements enter now and then but nothing ever seems to really leave... not really."

The orc, likewise, finally speaks in a grumbling baritone of a whisper in response to Durthalion, "We come from the town, recruited from the faithful into the service of our father. I should tell you, though, if you're planning on moving here..." The orc's eyes flicker to the ceiling again, a movement that most would miss, "...nobody will openly oppose your presence... and there are technically worse places to open up shop."

The rest of the meal (presumably the "pallid flank" you heard of, which truly tastes like chicken if any of you should care to taste) is cooked in short order as Darvul stirs up conversation.

"I'm sorry to say that we're..." the manservant pauses in mid-thought, I guess that I can't claim we're alone with our borders as they are. Even so, no creature of note lives beyond the walls."

2016-01-22, 12:31 AM
It was almost like the servants wanted them to pry further. Or warn them away. In either case, Rue didn't wnat to give away any concern, so she just laughed. "Well, you won't have to worry about my invading permanently. You've got a great city, here, but there's no way I could live in this cold. I'd be dead before a year went by."

2016-01-22, 08:18 AM
(Unsure about what the halfling exactly means in terms of current activity, currently assuming things recently have heated up for the first time in a long while)

Zorya does not eat any pallid flank, opting for a lighter breakfast as she is wont to do from time to time. "Our stay is indeed of temporary nature, though we will be around for a while," Zorya reassures. Taking another sip, she turns her attention back to the table and into the vicinity of the halfling, quite aware that the full weight of it would be too stressful. Her fingers continue their slow, sinuous dance on and above the surface of the cup. "This burst of activity does seem peculiar from what you say. Did something happen?" The socialite does seem concerned, less about herself and more about them. Right after, a sound of disapproval is directed at herself, briefly shaking her head.

"Also, really, where are my manners this morning? My name is Zorya, pleased to meet you," she introduces herself with an apologetic smile towards the servants, whether or not they already know her name. The way she finishes, she welcomes any names they want to give her, if any, but does not tinge the silence with the unspoken demand for them to tell her.

2016-01-22, 11:52 AM
The continued odd behavior of the servants drives Alexander to reconsider his position, reaching his mind out to touch theirs.read thoughts (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/r/read-thoughts), hiding display (taking 15 on the concentration check by expending focus) DC 17

2016-01-22, 12:15 PM
The elf, not wanting to seem rude to the others, tries some of the pallid flank, trying to take note of the flavor and texture.
"Hopefully my meddling around didn't ruin the meal." he says with a smile to the orc. As Zorya chimes in, he nods in agreement. "Yes, yes... where are our manners. I am Dûrthalion ... Dûrthalion Eruhendi, but Dûrthalion will suffice. We come because it is our duty but hopefully we can learn to be friends."

2016-01-25, 10:48 AM
Darvul keeps quiet for a bit as he listens to the others speak. He's already introduced himself and in the light of these servants being possibly untrustworthy, he finds it best not to further boast. He certainly is fond of describing about the physical skill and tactics of his kind but such concepts hold no value over a dinner table; he has the amphitheater if he wishes to do that. Instead he attempts to keep up with what the other members of his group are discussing. "We hadn't considered living here, though we will need to get comfortable with how things are at the keep." He tries not to consider how bad the streets and weather is. There's no way the Empire will put up with these conditions, would it? Something would have to be done, though sadly it is far too early to consider how to do so.

For now, he starts finishing up his fillets as he hopes that the servants might shed some more light from Zorya's question. She's a better speaker than the orc is after all, or at least that's what Darvul guesses.

I've got the net at University but it's still down at home. Posting rate will probably be iffy for another day or two, sorry. Just wanted to get a quick post out in case I'm keeping Realms waiting on me. :smallredface:

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-25, 11:14 PM

The servants introduce themselves as Brauthus (the Orc), Hitherton (the human), and Shela (the human). The three of them seem to relax at the assurances of temporary occupation and Shela reluctantly shares that the schism was probably inevitable, set from the moment that Sylvius showed up. The faithful of Thalhoon have kept Sylvius under control for years but something was bound to tip the the balance sooner or later.

For Alexander, however...
Brauthus and Hitherton remain completely unreadable as you look over them, though the surface thoughts of Shela seem to reveal half of an ongoing conversation.

'Can I tell them about...'
'No, they look like trustworthy folk. If they say they'll leave, I expect that...'
'Telling them about Sylvius couldn't hurt, could it?'
'Right. I'll tell them.'

2016-01-26, 07:14 AM
"Always sad to see a difference in opinions and beliefs leading to strife. I hope that despite the given precedent, we can prove that though we are outsiders, we can do what we have come to do in a respectful, peaceful manner. There is enough hardship in the world as is, there is hardly a reason to add to it." Zorya takes another sip and bite before chuckling. "Easy to say and words are cheap, I know, but it something to work towards regardless."

If no one else has any questions, Zorya finishes her breakfast, thanks each of the servants for their time and effort, and suggests to the group to continue the talks with Father Michael.

2016-01-26, 09:52 PM
Alexander frowns at his plate, his efforts less effective than usual. He marks the name Sylvius. "We probably should continue our conversation with Father Michael soon, if he is available." He pauses, letting the servants interject.

2016-01-27, 11:43 AM
Dûrthalion helps clean up a bit once the meal is finished before nodding to the others.
"Yes. Duty calls once again." Turning to the trio, he says "Thank you for the conversation and the meal... and allowing me to try my hand at a decent meal. Hopefully we can carry on further conversations, less on work and more on life?" with a nod of appreciation, he moves with the others to go see the Father.

2016-01-28, 09:56 AM
Still hungry after eating his fillets, Darvul does his best not to show disappointment as his group is finished with breakfast and ready to meet with Father Michael. Maybe it's because of his size but it feels like it's been forever since the orc's stomach has filled up completely and what he just had doesn't quite cut it. Given the conditions at the keep, it's probably not gonna be the first time that Darvul will go unsatisfied with satisfying his hunger. Reminds him a lot of the plains back with the Empire when weather conditions are extremely poor; food has to be rationed and carefully eaten so the Voli tribe will not fully run out and risk starvation. The Voli, and to that extent Darvul are not the most swift of hunters compared to other tribes; bringing in hunted animals is more difficult for them. Rationing then, was a vital part of their lifestyle. Darvul is probably going to need that aspect of his tribe's life more than ever here.

"Was good to meet you all," he says to the servants as he stands up, somewhat brutishly tucking the chair back to the table like it was never touched. The orc has little to add seeing that the servants have, apparently, only barely ease up their attitudes with their guests. Having their names is a start, better than getting nowhere at all. Hopefully things can only go up from there.

It's a highly optimistic view but currently better that than dreary cynicism. Darvul needs to think that way so his mind isn't completely overtaken by the list of goals the Empire laid out.

He waits to see whether the servants may have anything to add or ask. If they do not however, he's all set to meet with Father Michael provided the other members are.

Realms of Chaos
2016-01-30, 03:42 PM
OOC: Ugh... back from the grave school.

The three servants make no move to keep the conversation going, allowing you to leave as the conversation comes to a natural close. They do watch you with some trepidation as you travel up to meet with Father Michael. The way to the third floor is just as you remember, though the door on the second floor has apparently been unlocked by someone while you were eating your meal. Up on the third floor, Father Michael is awaiting you all.

"I trust that all of you slept well," speaks the father, sitting in the same position you last saw him in.

2016-01-31, 06:45 AM
"Yes, very much so. Well then, today, we'd like to go over some of the details of our mission here as well as the current state of Orreg Keep, if that is alright with you."

2016-01-31, 09:37 PM
Darvul enters Father Michael's room with a neutral look, keeping his eyes on Michael all the time as to pay attention rather than be rudely aimless. While leaving most of the negotiations to Zorya still, the orc is not unwilling to speak up his mind once or twice in this conversation. "We appreciate the hospitality," he says earnestly to the Father. He opens his mouth a little as if to speak again before quickly shutting it. As a younger orc he's felt the temptation to say more than he needs to from time-to-time; discipline and practice has helped him learn to keep his mouth shut when called for.

At this point, Darvul is wondering just what he can do once the group has a better idea of the Keep's situation. He's got to believe that they can resolve all their goals as required by the Emperor but there's just so much to do even before considering the more complicated goals. They do have a good three months but the Keep looks like it'd take years to complete.

He's gotta stay positive, at least while they still need to figure out all the other options present to them.

2016-02-01, 12:22 PM
Alexander nods his response, awaiting response to his companion's question.

2016-02-02, 01:49 PM
"Yes, indeed. A good bed on firm ground after a long trip aboard a ship is a pleasant change, as you can imagine." the elf says as he shakes the dwarven priests hand. "Hopefully we can be quick as I'm sure you have matters to take care of with your own flock, Father. I suppose we have a bit of area to tackle... meeting with Mr. Henderson... finding who does the training with the militia... trying to gain an audience with Sylvius... fun times. While I don't expect that we can heal any rift that has happened between the followers of Thalhoon, perhaps we can help to come to some arrangement so that all parties can operate with utmost efficiency will maintaining their own identity? This would seem a large area to gain and, perhaps, the first point to try in make in-roads. Would you agree?"