View Full Version : I made a game!

2015-11-28, 11:11 PM
If you have ~10 free minutes to blow on a simple platformer, please check this (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4l6q03yfiomqejk/AADUYY_s1zW8h412Q6-3YLuOa?dl=0) out (the executable).

Feedback appreciated! Something too hard, something too easy, interesting ideas, bugs, please let me know.

EDIT: Link is fixed! (I switched some stuff around in my dropbox, broke the link.) Oh, and feel free to do the leaderboard one.

2015-11-28, 11:46 PM
That was fun!

A few things:

There was a bug in one of the rooms, probably about midway through the game, going by my time. There was a heart sitting on a ledge, but I couldn't do a grab-on to get to the heart.
I realize I didn't do too well, but I don't understand how I got a score of -574.
For future games, I would avoid the space+up superjump thing. It was more annoying than useful.

It's a hard game, definitely, but that's not a bad thing. Though there were a few points where I couldn't figure out how to proceed gracefully and just ran through the lava.

2015-11-29, 08:21 AM
Thanks for playing! And thanks for the feedback.

Hrm, well. I couldn't reproduce the glitch. I'll have to look more into it.
Score is number of sapphires*10-time. Might have to change that... or at least let the player know. Maybe put it into the highscore screen.
Hmm. That'd be really easy to edit out. When I played I made use of it, like regular hopping when there were a bunch of little guys or a boss, high bounce if I needed to get somewhere. Still, good to know, thanks.

At some point I might add power-ups and a frew more rooms, but that's pretty much it. Glad you had fun!

2015-11-29, 08:43 AM
Score is number of sapphires*10-time. Might have to change that... or at least let the player know. Maybe put it into the highscore screen.

Maybe (sapphires *(10/time)) or (sapphires *(100/time))? That way it can't go into negatives.

Edit: I was just thinking about your game, and it occurred to me that penalizing the player twenty sapphires each time they die instead of booting them back to the start screen was probably the right call. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have finished the game.

2015-11-29, 01:25 PM
Maybe (sapphires *(10/time)) or (sapphires *(100/time))? That way it can't go into negatives.

Edit: I was just thinking about your game, and it occurred to me that penalizing the player twenty sapphires each time they die instead of booting them back to the start screen was probably the right call. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have finished the game.
Hmm, I'm inclined to agree. Getting that negative is a bit of a turn-off. I also don't want fractions though... and I don't want to round. I'll have to think about it.

And glad you liked that feature! :P Yeah, some of the levels, especially after the second boss, are a bit hard.

2015-11-29, 10:43 PM
Awesome! Your first game is a huge milestone!

2015-11-30, 07:26 AM
Awesome! Your first game is a huge milestone!
Thanks! :D

Already have big plans for my second.