View Full Version : High level Evil Npc in need of a powerful weapon

2015-11-29, 06:30 PM
I have a level 18 death knight war-blade in need of a powerful weapon
He is one of the four Dark generals in my Undead-Devil campaign and the players have just entered the area that he occupies

as for the weapon I was picturing a Great sword with a pitch black blade with a dark purple aura wrapped around the blade with a bone handle but i'm nit sure what would be a good build for this weapon

can some one throw me some ideas

2015-11-29, 08:43 PM
Usually when I think of such weapons my first thought inevitably goes to Soul Edge (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e1/Nightmare03.png) and blades just like it; effectively an intelligent chaotic-evil† weapon (in the shape of whatever the wielder's most comfortable with, often a greatsword) that drains the life/soul of those it strikes (wasn't there an ability similar to vampiric touch?), boosting the wielder's strength/damage (Strength enhancement? Collision ability?), yet corrupting the one who wields it (health drain in-game, soul drain in-story; Constitution damage, perhaps? …though I imagine a death knight is plenty corrupt already).

†Assuming that Soul Calibur is lawful-good, though the SoulCalibur V depictions seem to place them purely as lawful and chaotic.

2015-11-30, 12:04 AM
Make the weapon a permanencied black blade of disaster from spell compendium that he actually wields with his hands. The blade is similar to what you describe physically, or, if you've seen the sword twilight from guild wars 2, it's basically that, it creates a tear in space that you swing around. Each hit (vs touch) is a fort save vs disintegrate, it passes right through magical barries of all kinds (and could even be used to disintegrate walls of force and the like).

Of course, such an item would be an epic item for sure, costing within the realm of... 9th level spell * 17CL * 2000 (continuous) * 4 (1 round/level duraton) = 1,224,000, then of course, *10 for being an epic item, so a total of 12,240,000gp value. But i mean, at that point you may as well just call it an artifact and say it's priceless, bump the CL up to 20 and let the players have the weapon for themselves when they win.

2015-11-30, 12:43 AM
Well, for the purple aura thing, I guess you could give it the bloodfeeding property (it's on MIC, I believe) and describe the aura getting stronger whenever the villain scores a hit. When the blood points are spent, all the purple energy is unleashed on the victim.

2015-11-30, 05:53 AM
Make it a Souldrinking (+3) Paralyzing (+2) weapon.
Souldrinking inflicts a negative level on-hit, no save; on a critical hit, it drains two negative levels and gives the wielder +2 str & +1d8 hp.
Paralyzing forces a DC17 Will save to avoid paralysis on-hit. Assuming your baddie is hasted and full-attacking, it'll connect within a round or two. A level 20 Fighter's base will save is only +6, so even with items, Bob the Fighter will only have about a +12, giving him a 25% of being paralyzed on any given hit.

2015-11-30, 08:32 AM
Of course, such an item would be an epic item for sure, costing within the realm of... 9th level spell * 17CL * 2000 (continuous) * 4 (1 round/level duraton) = 1,224,000, then of course, *10 for being an epic item, so a total of 12,240,000gp value. But i mean, at that point you may as well just call it an artifact and say it's priceless, bump the CL up to 20 and let the players have the weapon for themselves when they win.
I could have sworn that the ×10 multiplier was more for bonus granting items (belt of epic strength +8, for example), since there's also an epic weapon called "souldrinker (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/weapons.htm#souldrinker)" that effectively inflicts an energy drain per hit for only 478,335 gp:

CL21 × SL9 × 2,000 gp (use-activated)
378,000 gp

+5 bastard sword
50,335 gp

temporary hit point gain?
50,000 gp?

(Though due to the transition between 3.0 and 3.5, the souldrinker should be created using either Greater Spell Focus (necromancy) or have its save DC drop one point. Heh, I wonder if that's where that extra fifty grand comes from?)

2015-11-30, 09:18 AM
Make the weapon a permanencied black blade of disaster from spell compendium that he actually wields with his hands. The blade is similar to what you describe physically, or, if you've seen the sword twilight from guild wars 2, it's basically that, it creates a tear in space that you swing around. Each hit (vs touch) is a fort save vs disintegrate, it passes right through magical barries of all kinds (and could even be used to disintegrate walls of force and the like).

Of course, such an item would be an epic item for sure, costing within the realm of... 9th level spell * 17CL * 2000 (continuous) * 4 (1 round/level duraton) = 1,224,000, then of course, *10 for being an epic item, so a total of 12,240,000gp value. But i mean, at that point you may as well just call it an artifact and say it's priceless, bump the CL up to 20 and let the players have the weapon for themselves when they win.

Yeesh, the character's only level eighteen. Maybe Epic isn't the way to go.

2015-11-30, 11:35 AM
Make it a brilliant energy bloodstone keen weapon.