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2015-11-29, 07:48 PM

Threads are to be closed after 50 pages, so we will have to make the adjustment. Here is the link to the previous thread just in case you need a reference:


Re-introduction to forum play:

Welcome to Rob’s Epic-Level D&D 5th edition play-by-post campaign! All who are reading this, players old and new, should abide by the following rules:

this forum uses the honor system. Die rolling is an integral part of D&D, but we are all mature enough to know that cheating helps no one. That being said, keep it honest.

in light of keeping pace, reactive rolls such as saves, checks, and the like will by rolled by myself unless the player takes it upon themself to make note of it as a part of their action.

due to the nature of epic gameplay, the campaign will become a bit more story-based. Menial encounters will not be emphasized or resolved through dice, though I will do my best to keep this a die-rolling RPG as much as possible.

be nice and respectful toward myself and each other. DM rulings are final, so no arguing in that department. I know magic at high levels is absurd in many areas, so some ad hoc, story-based modifications may be made in this area.

min/maxers, munckins, and rollplayers need not apply! Yes, everyone wants their character to be the best at what they do, but if there is a rules loophole that becomes increasingly or regularly abused (I’m thinking Time Stop/Delayed Blast Fireball for insane amounts of damage, making warriors obsolete), know that this will be addressed, in or out of game for sake of balance, realism, and most importantly, fun for everybody.

in combat, I will ask for a single initiative roll, modified by individual modifiers for to simplify initiative. Monsters will act as a group (or in groups depending on their modifiers) as well. When players declare their actions, please include any and ALL die rolls that would accompany that action (to hit AND damage for example). As each player declares their action(s), I will detail how it plays out (hits, misses, etc.) in dramatic, descriptive fashion. The opposite is true of my role; DM die rolls being secret, I will only display effects descriptively.

out of combat situations will work similarly. Players can declare their intentions/actions (again, with appropriate die rolls, i.e. walking around a village investigating [27 Gather Information]). I will describe flavorfully all resolutions and outcomes.

to get started, I will need everyone to message me their characters (privately or through e-mail) so that I may have all necessary stats handy (HP, AC, Saves, Skills, etc.).

This all being said, where did we leave off…?


Teleporting back to the halfling village, Arcivus, Dr. Nimm (with Mr. Benson), Leena (with Reli), and Xavier have taken a drow hostage, gagged and bound. It seems that the elder, Cortran was not too thrilled of the idea and has asked, if rhetorically, what they should do about the current situation.

The party has a few options within the fabled Dragon Isles before them:

A huge tree, that once looked like a masterful centerpiece of a grand, ancient forest far to the north. There are few trees in the area, and this is one of the last.

A series of dark caves off to the west. It is here that most of the dragon spotting has occurred as well.

A deep ravine or canyon-like area down to the south east. Beyond this area lies the ocean.

With the ancient tree showing to only be a small camp for some scouting drow, their lair was seen to be the canyon near the shore. It is suspected that a powerful dragon dwells somewhere within the series of caves to the west.

Other quests include:

The Dragon Gods: It all started with the assault on The Academy. The chromatic dragon followers of Tiamat and their crazed human worshipper, Skylla, acquired the Orbs of Dragonkind and attempted a ritual to bring her back to the realm. Bahamut himself intervened, as a new dragon deity, Chromaticus was accruing power, weakening Tiamat. You were all charged with converting this clutch of dragons back to Tiamat. Along the way, the silver Orb of Dragonkind was stolen by a follower of Chromaticus. You are not sure where they reside, but there may be a stronger organized group of dragons somewhere out there. As for Chromaticus, he is not yet a deity, which implies that he exists somewhere on the prime material plane, his form or origin still unknown.

Strained Magic: Something in the realm has affected how magic works, with the most powerful of magic (9th-level spells), becoming effectively non-functional. This raises an eyebrow for obvious reasons, but especially in how it has limited both divine and arcane magic. It was suspected that bringing Kaine's soul back from the clutches of the fiends would remove this limitation, but it seems to have had no effect.

Guardian's Past: Guardian, the Warforged warrior along with his psionic friend, Ridion were awaken from having been entrapped over 1000 years ago. They were betrayed by Nehlrus, a premier champion of their day as well as another mysterious figure speculated to now be the mighty lich known only as The Black Scourge. Teleroth Baine, a "good" lich claims to be preparing for his return, as he claims, The Black Scourge is his father. Nehlrus has returned, now an undead champion, and even claimed the Sword of Kas, a powerful, evil artifact. You all suspect that this quest and the undead threat (Call to Arms, below) may be tied in somewhere.

Dying Gods: It has been mentioned by creatures of reasonable power that the gods have been fading in their strength. With the hysteria of the undead threat and the conflict among the dragon deities, this has come to no surprise, but this has been especially taxing on both Christopher, who has experienced direct communication from Pelor, the "main" god of the realm (opposite to Nerrull on the good-evil axis) and Arcivus, a prime champion of Heironeous. Pelor "dying" would mean certain doom for both the weak and the champions of good across the realm. All of faith have experienced a dimming essence from their deities, but are usually loathe to speak of it, let alone accept it.

Call to Arms Against the Undead: King Crassus of Cypress has issued a call to arms for all willing and able warriors to join his cause, as an undead epidemic has spread across the realm. It has been said that he has secured the entire island of the Kingdom of Cypress and has arrived upon the mainland. Rurik, among others, was last heard to be joining his ranks.

Tribal Woes: Bear Ghost has returned to his tribe to finally pursue his destiny in furthering their glory. They have shifted from proud and powerful followers of Kord toward savage and ruthless followers of Chromaticus. Even the Orcish leadership was overthrown when clans of giants were united by a powerful troll chieftain. He is yet to defeated in single combat, with the winner claiming mastery over the clan. Bear Ghost means to change that, as his first encounter was nullified, interrupted by the meddling Dr. Nimm, who tried to sabotage the fight by poisoning the chieftain. The princess Titania and her Lion companion Leandro were taken captive by the troll chieftain, as a spoil of war, as she is the last of the Mountain Lion tribe, which were allies of Bear Ghost's Wild Jaguar tribe. All other tribes in the vicinity have either been conquered and assimilated (this one is thousands strong) or entirely wiped out. Garyxkilla has recently won leadership of the tribe, upsetting Bear Ghost even further.

The Dragon Gods: It all started with the assault on The Academy. The chromatic dragon followers of Tiamat and their crazed human worshipper, Skylla, acquired the Orbs of Dragonkind and attempted a ritual to bring her back to the realm. Bahamut himself intervened, as a new dragon deity, Chromaticus was accruing power, weakening Tiamat. You were all charged with converting this clutch of dragons back to Tiamat. Along the way, the silver Orb of Dragonkind was stolen by a follower of Chromaticus. You are not sure where they reside, but there may be a stronger organized group of dragons somewhere out there. As for Chromaticus, he is not yet a deity, which implies that he exists somewhere on the prime material plane, his form or origin still unknown.

Strained Magic: Something in the realm has affected how magic works, with the most powerful of magic (9th-level spells), becoming effectively non-functional. This raises an eyebrow for obvious reasons, but especially in how it has limited both divine and arcane magic. It was suspected that bringing Kaine's soul back from the clutches of the fiends would remove this limitation, but it seems to have had no effect.
UPDATE: Xavier and Kaine seem to have merged into a singular, psionic being.

Guardian's Past: Guardian, the Warforged warrior along with his psionic friend, Ridion were awaken from having been entrapped over 1000 years ago. They were betrayed by Nehlrus, a premier champion of their day as well as another mysterious figure speculated to now be the mighty lich known only as The Black Scourge. Teleroth Baine, a "good" lich claims to be preparing for his return, as he claims, The Black Scourge is his father. Nehlrus has returned, now an undead champion, and even claimed the Sword of Kas, a powerful, evil artifact. You all suspect that this quest and the undead threat (Call to Arms, below) may be tied in somewhere.
UPDATE: Nehlrus' forces sieged Teleroth's keep. Guardian fell in the fray, so the secret of his past may never be revealed, though it should be noted that the moment he was destroyed, the earth shook and a loud roar was heard miles off into the distance (due north).

Dying Gods: It has been mentioned by creatures of reasonable power that the gods have been fading in their strength. With the hysteria of the undead threat and the conflict among the dragon deities, this has come to no surprise, but this has been especially taxing on both Christopher, who has experienced direct communication from Pelor, the "main" god of the realm (opposite to Nerrull on the good-evil axis) and Arcivus, a prime champion of Heironeous. Pelor "dying" would mean certain doom for both the weak and the champions of good across the realm. All of faith have experienced a dimming essence from their deities, but are usually loathe to speak of it, let alone accept it.
UPDATE: An encounter with a being who claims to be the last remaining solar is alarming as a deity's strength is measured by their followers and champions.

Call to Arms Against the Undead: King Crassus of Cypress has issued a call to arms for all willing and able warriors to join his cause, as an undead epidemic has spread across the realm. It has been said that he has secured the entire island of the Kingdom of Cypress and has arrived upon the mainland. Rurik, among others, was last heard to be joining his ranks.
UPDATE: Christopher took leave from the group to join Crassus' ranks against the undead.

Tribal Woes: Bear Ghost has returned to his tribe to finally pursue his destiny in furthering their glory. They have shifted from proud and powerful followers of Kord toward savage and ruthless followers of Chromaticus. Even the Orcish leadership was overthrown when clans of giants were united by a powerful troll chieftain. He is yet to defeated in single combat, with the winner claiming mastery over the clan. Bear Ghost means to change that, as his first encounter was nullified, interrupted by the meddling Dr. Nimm, who tried to sabotage the fight by poisoning the chieftain. The princess Titania and her Lion companion Leandro were taken captive by the troll chieftain, as a spoil of war, as she is the last of the Mountain Lion tribe, which were allies of Bear Ghost's Wild Jaguar tribe. All other tribes in the vicinity have either been conquered and assimilated (this one is thousands strong) or entirely wiped out. Garyxkilla has recently won leadership of the tribe, upsetting Bear Ghost even further.
UPDATE: Bear Ghost has reclaimed his tribe, but little has been heard from him since.

Alchemical Rival: Vyncis Nere, an old acquaintance of Dr. Nimm appeared abruptly with an airship of his own, to once again pester Nimm's work. He was ultimately embarrassed when his minion fell to Nimm's and took his leave, but how he found you and what he may be up to remains cause for suspicion.
UPDATE: Ruxium was present during the siege of Teleroth's keep, but Vyncis stayed out of the fray-- or at least out of sight. This is likely not the last you've seen of him...

And as requested, some important NPCs:

Having witnessed her entire family massacred by goblins, Leena and the wolf cub who she named Reli after her fallen brother Aurelios, were among the very few survivors of her elven community. She swore to avenge their deaths and began a campaign spilled with blood and hatred. She took down camp after camp, ultimately finding that goblins were simply pawns of many a giant and dragon, who she swore to slay as well. She has become a fierce protector of the wild, her elven brethren, and looks to maintain a sense of balance as the hordes of undead threaten the very essence of life in the realm.
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a273/darindarksmith/DnD/Female-ElfRanger02.jpg (http://s13.photobucket.com/user/darindarksmith/media/DnD/Female-ElfRanger02.jpg.html)

Born from humble beginnings as little more than hired help, the now famed warrior grew in power when he was pronounced the first king of the quaint town of Cypress. Since his crowning, he has split his time adventuring and growing his kingdom, uniting all villages on the island under a single banner and has now taken up the arduous task of tackling the widespread undead plague even outside of his island. He is a powerful and highly skilled warrior, known for his near-impenetrable defense and is often seen flying on his signature carpet.

One of many bastard children to a powerful orc chieftain, Bear Ghost, whose name was taken for his strength and fearlessness (as strong as a bear and not afraid of a ghost), is a savage warrior who grew to embrace his primal, berserk nature. Oftentimes a liability on the battlefield, it is said that he once slew a Titan with but a single blow. He has since returned to his people only to find them worshipping dragon gods over the powerful Kord and means to right this by way of combat.

Once a snobby, lowly cleric of Pelor who met his demise by way of his own cockiness, Christopher has claimed to have been brought before Pelor himself in the afterlife as a warrior chosen of the light. His return to the mortal realm was mysterious, though always welcome, as he was always a force to be reckoned with in his deity's plans in thwarting the forces of Nerull and the undead. He has recently gone into solitude, as the light of Pelor has been dimmed in current times, raising a number of questions for all who believe.

An old friend of both Bear Ghost and Artemis, Kyle tends to always speak last, if ever at all. Constantly lurking in the shadows, his ability to vanish always came in good use when Bear Ghost's rage was too much for him to control. He was last heard to have travelled to the far east seeking to further master his art.

Originally having ventured alongside Bear Ghost and Kyle, Artemis found himself out of sorts lurking the dungeons and the wild, much preferring a stocked library instead. A diviner, he prides himself on the study of all things academic as well as the arcane and even has taken it upon himself to fashion a few magical trinkets from time to time. He became a leader in the legendary Academy-- a floating fortress known only to the most inquisitive of minds, only for it to have fallen to assaults by devils, demons, and even dragons. He means to return to help rebuild but has taken an interest in the failing magic in the realm and has offered his assistance to the party in further exploring the situation.
http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab339/rms7581/ad_zpsklsuib5w.png (http://s877.photobucket.com/user/rms7581/media/ad_zpsklsuib5w.png.html)

Tutor to Arcivus, Rurik had even squired Sir Ian before he turned to evil. A warrior through and through, Rurik has made it his life's goal to protect his people and vanquish evil. Whether this evil be fiend, undead, or giant, Rurik can be found at the forefront alongside his griffon companion, Windgore, in cleansing the land. He has recently joined the ranks of King Crassus' army in purging the undead in the main continent.

Claimed to have been sired by the Archlich known as the Black Scourge in his mortal years, Teleroth has taken a vow to fight fire with fire, harnessing the powers of undeath in his quest. He admits that he knows little of his father, yet stands ready to oppose him wherever or whenever he may appear with an undead army of his own in the making.

A mysterious mage, Fell has been entwined in the dealings of fiends and undead alike, yet his motives seem uncertain. Now an ally, his goals seem to be aligned with the party's at the moment, even offering his assistance in Dr. Nimm's airship. The air of suspicion that surrounds him, however, is unmistakable as he seems to answer to and beseech an unknown dark power.
http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab339/rms7581/fell_zpsvywfvqab.png (http://s877.photobucket.com/user/rms7581/media/fell_zpsvywfvqab.png.html)

A warrior of the past, Guardian, once the first of his kind, is now the last of his kind-- an ancient relic lost throughout the ages. He was turned to stone by a powerful and mysterious curse that was lifted once the powerful Elemental Orbs were brought near his presence. With vague memories only now returning to him thanks in part to his old companion Ridion having been released from a similar curse, his sole existence now is to prevent the dark warrior Nehlrus, a former companion and even tutor who was seduced by evil, from attempting to revive the Black Scourge who came to power some 1000 years ago.

A psion lost in time similar to Guardian, his powerful mind was able to maintain much better recollection of events that occurred in the past. According to Ridion, Nehlrus, a powerful warrior companion slew Azereus, their fourth adventuring companion and one of the first of the prominent mages of the time in his decent to darkness in following the Black Scourge. The curse placed on Ridion and Guardian by the Black Scourge remains a mystery and now that they are free of it, keep a vigilant eye in Nehlrus' next move.

Once a noble and skilled warrior, Nehlrus was seduced by the dark Black Scourge and was directed to slay the powerful mage Azereus. Ridion and Guardian were spared in suspended animation, just as Nehlrus acquired the fabled Sword of Kas. It is speculated by Ridion that his goal in amassing undead allies will somehow bring the Black Scourge back from the lower planes to once again wreak havoc among the land of the living.

A powerful and ancient practitioner of the arcane, very little is known of this lich other than he has ties with Teleroth Baine and existed some 1000 years ago, having recruited the warrior Nehlrus among his ranks. He was defeated in battle some years ago by the party, but a lich's death is seldom permanent. His return has been speculated by many, but is yet to be confirmed.

Let us use this first post as a reference for anything that you would like to be remembered as a part of the story. I can always edit the post itself to update content such as new or completed quest items and such.

2015-11-29, 08:02 PM
Reserved for, um, something I may remember that's important to place here.

2015-11-29, 08:45 PM
Anyway, its unfair that we put the halflings in this situation. Therefore, I make the heavy decision to execute the drow.

Xavier, cant you manipulate his mind somehow so he forgets the location of this camp?

I heard of a spell to modify memory. It would be useful. Rupert! Note: research memory modifications. (Rupert is my official note taker as he appears to be useless otherwise).

Ladies and gentlemen, I remind you that once again I am correct. I knew as soon as we arrived on this island that we would be embroiled in other peoples problems. No offense, messieurs halflings.

2015-12-01, 02:10 AM
Anyway, its unfair that we put the halflings in this situation. Therefore, I make the heavy decision to execute the drow.

Xavier, cant you manipulate his mind somehow so he forgets the location of this camp?

I heard of a spell to modify memory. It would be useful. Rupert! Note: research memory modifications. (Rupert is my official note taker as he appears to be useless otherwise).

Ladies and gentlemen, I remind you that once again I am correct. I knew as soon as we arrived on this island that we would be embroiled in other peoples problems. No offense, messieurs halflings.

Having given Xavier enough time to come up with a magic solution to the drow predicament.

He get up give Nimm a dark look.

"Yea yea, you are so smart! Yet here we are"

Arcivus grab the unconscious drow.

"I can't ask you guys to clean up my mess."

I carry the drow outside and away from prying eyes.
"Heironeous may his death be swift and painless. and let him be judged fairly In the afterlife"
And with that I take a dagger to his heart.

And then I use my 5lvl spell flamestrike (and hope it will be enough to get rid of the corpse)

When Arcivus get back to the group he is distracted by silent prayer while setting up for a long rest.

2015-12-01, 09:57 AM
"Settled then! Thank you Archie for expediting the situation. Let's find some swords!"

2015-12-01, 11:45 PM
I'll give Xavier a chance to respond before I proceed.

Oh, and I added some NPCs.

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-03, 02:02 PM
Anyway, its unfair that we put the halflings in this situation. Therefore, I make the heavy decision to execute the drow.

Xavier, cant you manipulate his mind somehow so he forgets the location of this camp?

"Yes, there may be something I could attempt."

Having given Xavier enough time to come up with a magic solution to the drow predicament.

He get up give Nimm a dark look.

"Yea yea, you are so smart! Yet here we are"

Arcivus grab the unconscious drow.

"I can't ask you guys to clean up my mess."

I carry the drow outside and away from prying eyes.
"Heironeous may his death be swift and painless. and let him be judged fairly In the afterlife"
And with that I take a dagger to his heart.

And then I use my 5lvl spell flamestrike (and hope it will be enough to get rid of the corpse)

When Arcivus get back to the group he is distracted by silent prayer while setting up for a long rest.

"Wait! Allow me to try something before you are forced to do something you are clearly uncomfortable doing. Bring the Drow and follow me."

I take Arcivus, the Drow and anyone else who wishes to follow towards where we captured the Drow.

Once we are a safe distance away from the halfling camp I execute my plan.

First, I activate Psionic Presence to charm the captured Drow so he views me as a friend.

Then, I manifest Wish and duplicate Modify Memory.

Next, I erase all memories of the halfling camp's location from the Drow's memory.

Last, we release the Drow.

2015-12-03, 03:30 PM
Haha... Oops.

2015-12-03, 03:41 PM
Hahaha... I like your plan better.

EDIT: thats what happnes when you let us normal magic people wait too long :D

2015-12-03, 08:07 PM
"Yes, there may be something I could attempt."

"Wait! Allow me to try something before you are forced to do something you are clearly uncomfortable doing. Bring the Drow and follow me."

I take Arcivus, the Drow and anyone else who wishes to follow towards where we captured the Drow.

Once we are a safe distance away from the halfling camp I execute my plan.

First, I activate Psionic Presence to charm the captured Drow so he views me as a friend.

Then, I manifest Wish and duplicate Modify Memory.

Next, I erase all memories of the halfling camp's location from the Drow's memory.

Last, we release the Drow.

You captured him a few miles away, near the shore. You are further inland. Remember that you teleported back to the halfling camp.

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-04, 12:04 PM
You captured him a few miles away, near the shore. You are further inland. Remember that you teleported back to the halfling camp.

As long as the halfling camp is far from sight I will stick to my plan. I use modify memory to plant a false location of the halfling camp. A location on the other side of the island.

2015-12-04, 02:11 PM
As long as the halfling camp is far from sight I will stick to my plan. I use modify memory to plant a false location of the halfling camp. A location on the other side of the island.

And with that we all take a long rest!

2015-12-06, 10:23 PM
You all wake up the following morning, awoken by a sizeable feast. The halflings have seemed impressed with you all and you all dine on their finest. They are taken by all of you in one regard or another; Arcivus' shiny wares, Xavier's mysticism, Dr. Nimm's quirks, as well as everyone else.

Of note, Xavier, you do wake up with a slight pain in your back... You don't seem as limber as you remember.

Everyone celebrates and enjoys, the halflings doing their best to accommodate and entertain. Their haughty attitude has been replaced with glee. You did free a large number of their people home. The elder seems less enthused. Perhaps it is just his age.

Any last minute preparations before you head off? Where to?

Prepare your spells and give me a list if they have changed.

2015-12-06, 10:24 PM
As long as the halfling camp is far from sight I will stick to my plan. I use modify memory to plant a false location of the halfling camp. A location on the other side of the island.

Oh yes, the drow seemed dazed as he wanders off. You have no doubt that your trickery has worked once again.

2015-12-07, 09:33 PM
Oh yes, the drow seemed dazed as he wanders off. You have no doubt that your trickery has worked once again.

I enjoy my morning whiskeycoffee sitting on the walls, watching the poor fool with amusement, playing chess with Rupert, who has to cheat in order to be competitive with me (I miss 3.5 Rupert with 22 intelligence). He just suddenly became retarded one day.

I polish up Mr Benson from his previous dings and smudges.

Xavier! We have lots to work on with your new body, slowing the aging process and building the C.H.A.R.M. (Charismatic Handicap Active Restoration Machine) to restore your previous level of swag and flair. Every day is precious. We should begin asap!

I'm good w my spells

2015-12-08, 06:40 AM
You all wake up the following morning, awoken by a sizeable feast. The halflings have seemed impressed with you all and you all dine on their finest. They are taken by all of you in one regard or another; Arcivus' shiny wares, Xavier's mysticism, Dr. Nimm's quirks, as well as everyone else.

Of note, Xavier, you do wake up with a slight pain in your back... You don't seem as limber as you remember.

Everyone celebrates and enjoys, the halflings doing their best to accommodate and entertain. Their haughty attitude has been replaced with glee. You did free a large number of their people home. The elder seems less enthused. Perhaps it is just his age.

Any last minute preparations before you head off? Where to?

Prepare your spells and give me a list if they have changed.

Arcivus polish his Armor and sword and do his morning sword drills. When he is done with that he watch as Nimm play chess with his wierd pet fox.

Spell: - Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 0
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Branding Smite, Locate Object
3 (3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-09, 11:59 AM
Oh yes, the drow seemed dazed as he wanders off. You have no doubt that your trickery has worked once again.

"Leena, can you track the Drow? He may lead us straight to their lair.'

2015-12-09, 12:42 PM
"Leena, can you track the Drow? He may lead us straight to their lair.'

Arcivus look at Xavier confused.

"You mean the lair we just came from? Or the caves where a lot of dragon activity has been sighted?"

Arcivus wonder if his accelerated aging is causing him to forget.

"Because we are fairly sure where both Are located"

As Arcivus turn to gather his things he mumbles "we better hurry up and save the world before both of them turn completely senile"

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-09, 12:48 PM
Arcivus look at Xavier confused.

"You mean the lair we just came from? Or the caves where a lot of dragon activity has been sighted?"

Arcivus wonder if his accelerated aging is causing him to forget.

"Because we are fairly sure where both Are located"

As Arcivus turn to gather his things he mumbles "we better hurry up and save the world before both of them turn completely senile"

"Forgive me, that slipped my mind. Perhaps Dr. Nimm can administer a treatment now."

2015-12-09, 12:57 PM
Heh... That's pretty smart.

2015-12-10, 02:02 PM
It is likely that the drow is heading back to the canyon lair.

The fact that the drow live so close to the surface continues to pester Nimm. As he is distracted, he gives up his queen to an amateur error. Rupert sees the opportunity and not only takes the queen, but goes off running with it, as if knowing it was an error on Nimm's part. Nimm instinctively chases the fox, but in vain. Circling the area, Rupert is cut off and startled as Mr. Benson slams down his foot, cutting off his path. Rupert, frightened, drops the piece and scurries into hiding. Dr. Nimm then thinks to himself.

Very well, then... Now these drow?

Either the Underdark has somehow been rendered uninhabited or they have been banished or exiled. Dr. Nimm gazes off as Rupert tries to tease him with the chess piece once again.

So what is the next move? The halflings finally seem to be appreciating you all and they all seem fairly safe for now. A few of the members of the clan are missing and are presumed dead. They are all honored in the morning feast as well.

2015-12-10, 02:33 PM

"Friends, a matter has troubled me for some time. I find it unusual that the drow are living so close to the surface. It may be a trivial matter, perhaps such as being closer to food sources, or internal faction conflicts.

However, it may indicate something more sinister, as if something down there has frightened them. I do not think we should ignore this. What do you all make of this?"

I consult with the chief and any wise men shamans/lorekeepers etc in private and ask about that. While Im at it, I ask thr chief why he was looking troubled (If its virility, I have potions for that!) I then consult the Tome or any other texts I have and ask the group for input.

Knowledge roll (whichever is most applicable) 20+13=33

2015-12-10, 02:38 PM

"Friends, a matter has troubled me for some time. I find it unusual that the drow are living so close to the surface. It may be a trivial matter, perhaps such as being closer to food sources, or internal faction conflicts.

However, it may indicate something more sinister, as if something down there has frightened them. I do not think we should ignore this. What do you all make of this?"

I consult with the chief and any wise men shamans/lorekeepers etc in private and ask about that. I then consult the Tome or any other texts I have and ask the group for input.

Knowledge roll (whichever is most applicable) 20+13=33

Arcivus very amused with the - gnome chasing a fox being stopped by a tincan - spectacle

"I agree its strange! And perhaps something to look into! But I believe that the dragons may lead to some answers to everything."

2015-12-10, 02:47 PM
Arcivus very amused with the - gnome chasing a fox being stopped by a tincan - spectacle

"I agree its strange! And perhaps something to look into! But I believe that the dragons may lead to some answers to everything."

Yes, we should remain focused on the main goal,but this may be related somehow. Its worth investigation

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-10, 04:19 PM
"If everyone is ready, I suggest we head out."

2015-12-10, 04:30 PM
"If everyone is ready, I suggest we head out."

Indeed! I'm ready

2015-12-11, 07:08 AM

"Friends, a matter has troubled me for some time. I find it unusual that the drow are living so close to the surface. It may be a trivial matter, perhaps such as being closer to food sources, or internal faction conflicts.

However, it may indicate something more sinister, as if something down there has frightened them. I do not think we should ignore this. What do you all make of this?"

I consult with the chief and any wise men shamans/lorekeepers etc in private and ask about that. While Im at it, I ask thr chief why he was looking troubled (If its virility, I have potions for that!) I then consult the Tome or any other texts I have and ask the group for input.

Knowledge roll (whichever is most applicable) 20+13=33

After some last minute investigating and research, you discover that the drow presence is relatively new. They had lived apart from the surface world, all but unnoticed. Some of the halflings have reported increased dragon sightings in the region, which seem to correlate with the appearance of the drow.

You infer the following: the drow are a subterranean race. Displaced from their home, they did what they had to in order to survive. The desolation of the surrounding natural areas may be a direct cause of their impact on the ecosystem. Plants have withered and died and many game animals are now few and fare between. Indeed, aside from the sun, the region has turned to a bleak shadow of its former self. You are quite sure that the drow are not happy with their arrangement. They have taken halfling slaves to better farm and hunt for them, especially during the day. Their lack of a food source, through the halfling slaves (you rescued about over 50 so far) may have serious implications in regards to their viability as a culture. You take a moment to ponder whether that is necessarily a bad thing, considering them evil, but quickly shake it off as it is but a part of a larger problem.

2015-12-11, 07:15 AM
After some last minute investigating and research, you discover that the drow presence is relatively new. They had lived apart from the surface world, all but unnoticed. Some of the halflings have reported increased dragon sightings in the region, which seem to correlate with the appearance of the drow.

You infer the following: the drow are a subterranean race. Displaced from their home, they did what they had to in order to survive. The desolation of the surrounding natural areas may be a direct cause of their impact on the ecosystem. Plants have withered and died and many game animals are now few and fare between. Indeed, aside from the sun, the region has turned to a bleak shadow of its former self. You are quite sure that the drow are not happy with their arrangement. They have taken halfling slaves to better farm and hunt for them, especially during the day. Their lack of a food source, through the halfling slaves (you rescued about over 50 so far) may have serious implications in regards to their viability as a culture. You take a moment to ponder whether that is necessarily a bad thing, considering them evil, but quickly shake it off as it is but a part of a larger problem.

I reckon Nimm share his chain of thought with us - Im actually certain he wouldn't be able to shut up.

But this interesting piece of information, reminds Arcivus of Chromaticus, could he be involved in this. Arcivus ask nimm and Xaviers opinion.

2015-12-11, 11:14 PM
Yes, I repeat that information to the allies.

Dm: anything in particular w the.chieftain?

I follow up on my asessment by adding that whatever displaced them from their home is likely a greater threat. The drow themselves are likely a distraction, relative to our plans. Whatever may have displaced them may have to be dealt with.

Do any dragon species live below ground? I know some live in caves but I've never heard of one taking up shop in the under dark. Wonder what it could be...

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-12, 11:03 AM
Yes, I repeat that information to the allies.

Dm: anything in particular w the.chieftain?

I follow up on my asessment by adding that whatever displaced them from their home is likely a greater threat. The drow themselves are likely a distraction, relative to our plans. Whatever may have displaced them may have to be dealt with.

Do any dragon species live below ground? I know some live in caves but I've never heard of one taking up shop in the under dark. Wonder what it could be...

"I will attempt to charm the next Drow we come across. Then, we may get some answers."

2015-12-13, 04:47 PM
"I will attempt to charm the next Drow we come across. Then, we may get some answers."

"That is a good idea!"'

Arcivus is getting impatient his sword is born for greater things than lowly drow... its born for dragons, and as a possible last hurrah! it would be good to bathe it in the glory of evil dragon gore!

"But for now my fellow woman and men! Lets get going! Xavier you can still remember the location as shown on the map Im sure! Could you teleport us?"

2015-12-14, 04:52 PM
Yes, I repeat that information to the allies.

Dm: anything in particular w the.chieftain?

I follow up on my asessment by adding that whatever displaced them from their home is likely a greater threat. The drow themselves are likely a distraction, relative to our plans. Whatever may have displaced them may have to be dealt with.

Do any dragon species live below ground? I know some live in caves but I've never heard of one taking up shop in the under dark. Wonder what it could be...

Yes, the chieftain was part of your source of information. He too suspects that the drow are struggling with survival, which these halflings have seemed to have mastered.

As far as underground dragons? Well, no known dragons live in the Underdark per se, but it would not be a stretch for them to take up an underground dwelling. Even reds, who typically like to have a peak upon which to perch and survey their domain may actually sleep deep underground where it is much warmer, for example.

So where are you all heading? Back to the drow camp or the caves?

2015-12-14, 05:45 PM
Yes, the chieftain was part of your source of information. He too suspects that the drow are struggling with survival, which these halflings have seemed to have mastered.

As far as underground dragons? Well, no known dragons live in the Underdark per se, but it would not be a stretch for them to take up an underground dwelling. Even reds, who typically like to have a peak upon which to perch and survey their domain may actually sleep deep underground where it is much warmer, for example.

So where are you all heading? Back to the drow camp or the caves?

We are all at an agreement to go to the Dragons, or the last spot we havnt visited, and check for dragons. We just need to know if we teleport or walk. As with the other locations, I reckon that Xavier can get pretty decent accuracy on his teleport.

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-14, 06:35 PM
When everyone is ready, I will Teleport us.

2015-12-15, 03:48 PM
Im ready, go go

2015-12-15, 10:53 PM
Leena and the elder are able to reliably describe the locale of the caves enough that Xavier teleports without coming too off mark.

You all arrive and see the mid-sized hilly area off into the distance. You all head off.

This area is quite different than the rest of the land, however. It is almost supernaturally creepy. You all feel like you are being watched as small game scatter around you, but not so much in a frightened sense. The land continues to be void of vegetation, but a light mist picks up as you approach within a mile or so distance. With that, the dry, rotted vines that do remain become quite the obstacle as you manage your way through, almost losing sight of where you are going. Luckily, many of you can simply fly overhead without expending any resources to more safely guide your walk.

The day is also especially gloomy. Come to think of it, the last few days (dating even back to when you were at Teleroth's) have been gloomy. Maybe you have all just gotten used to it.

As you are nearing the base of the hills, you notice that this area is not nearly as high as you might have accepted. Dr. Nimm informs everyone of what he likely suspects:

This sort of rules out red dragons as a possible enemy, as they tend to favor high peaks. It is much too warm for a white as well. Blacks prefer marshes, yet this area is quite dry. Nimm narrows the possibility down to either a blue or green, but it is difficult to be sure because the terrain has been warped in such a way that either is likely to prefer such a lair.

As he is going on about how much he knows about dragons and terrain (which is a lot), you all finally exit the spiny, thorn labyrinth. You find yourself at the base of a large, almost mountainous hill, with a number of entrances spanning high and wide.

This is not what catches your attention though. As you clear the shrubbery, you can see a number of severed, rotted limbs hanging on the outskirts of this vegetation pats. It is hard to tell, but they look elvish, likely of the drow. These limbs are hanging, almost in ornamental fashion, like wind chimes. Xavier sees an arm and leg hanging and then his eyes focus on to something grotesque just beyond them.

No less than 20 feet away, and hideously camouflaged, you see a large deformed humanoid. It would stand nearly 20 feet tall if not for its terrible hunch and has one of its orange eyes on the side of its head as well as a drooping, misaligned and oversized nose worn diagonally across its face. Its upper body is massive, in part because of layers and layers of cancerous flesh and muscle layered upon itself. It is all but nude, wearing but a simply rag slung across its body, but its entire body is covered in dry patches, warts, and other retch-worthy blemishes.

Not sure if you've faced one of these before, but it is called a fomorian (giant) and is quite the spectacle. Only Xavier notices it, so everyone else is surprised. He definitely sees you.


Let's do it.


Leena (22): surprised
Formian (15)
Xavier (14)
Nimm (14): surprised
Arcivus (11): surprised

The creature does not hesitate as it charges fearlessly, letting out a low grunt. It brings up its massive club and wails on Xavier. One of the two swings would have hit, but Xavier instinctively puts up his Shield power (deduct the points for it), the club slamming against a wall of rigid nothingness instead.

The creature groans in anger and then growls loudly, its long tongue now slopping down from his slack-jaw. Xavier, you go!

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-16, 11:42 AM
Leena and the elder are able to reliably describe the locale of the caves enough that Xavier teleports without coming too off mark.

You all arrive and see the mid-sized hilly area off into the distance. You all head off.

This area is quite different than the rest of the land, however. It is almost supernaturally creepy. You all feel like you are being watched as small game scatter around you, but not so much in a frightened sense. The land continues to be void of vegetation, but a light mist picks up as you approach within a mile or so distance. With that, the dry, rotted vines that do remain become quite the obstacle as you manage your way through, almost losing sight of where you are going. Luckily, many of you can simply fly overhead without expending any resources to more safely guide your walk.

The day is also especially gloomy. Come to think of it, the last few days (dating even back to when you were at Teleroth's) have been gloomy. Maybe you have all just gotten used to it.

As you are nearing the base of the hills, you notice that this area is not nearly as high as you might have accepted. Dr. Nimm informs everyone of what he likely suspects:

This sort of rules out red dragons as a possible enemy, as they tend to favor high peaks. It is much too warm for a white as well. Blacks prefer marshes, yet this area is quite dry. Nimm narrows the possibility down to either a blue or green, but it is difficult to be sure because the terrain has been warped in such a way that either is likely to prefer such a lair.

As he is going on about how much he knows about dragons and terrain (which is a lot), you all finally exit the spiny, thorn labyrinth. You find yourself at the base of a large, almost mountainous hill, with a number of entrances spanning high and wide.

This is not what catches your attention though. As you clear the shrubbery, you can see a number of severed, rotted limbs hanging on the outskirts of this vegetation pats. It is hard to tell, but they look elvish, likely of the drow. These limbs are hanging, almost in ornamental fashion, like wind chimes. Xavier sees an arm and leg hanging and then his eyes focus on to something grotesque just beyond them.

No less than 20 feet away, and hideously camouflaged, you see a large deformed humanoid. It would stand nearly 20 feet tall if not for its terrible hunch and has one of its orange eyes on the side of its head as well as a drooping, misaligned and oversized nose worn diagonally across its face. Its upper body is massive, in part because of layers and layers of cancerous flesh and muscle layered upon itself. It is all but nude, wearing but a simply rag slung across its body, but its entire body is covered in dry patches, warts, and other retch-worthy blemishes.

Not sure if you've faced one of these before, but it is called a fomorian (giant) and is quite the spectacle. Only Xavier notices it, so everyone else is surprised. He definitely sees you.


Let's do it.


Leena (22): surprised
Formian (15)
Xavier (14)
Nimm (14): surprised
Arcivus (11): surprised

The creature does not hesitate as it charges fearlessly, letting out a low grunt. It brings up its massive club and wails on Xavier. One of the two swings would have hit, but Xavier instinctively puts up his Shield power (deduct the points for it), the club slamming against a wall of rigid nothingness instead.

The creature groans in anger and then growls loudly, its long tongue now slopping down from his slack-jaw. Xavier, you go!

First, I will activate Psionic Flight.

If I can do so without provoking an attack of opportunity, I will move as far away from the formian as I can.

Then, I manifest Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust.

Attack roll: 8+12 = 20

Damage roll: 25+6 = 31

2015-12-16, 09:35 PM
First, I will activate Psionic Flight.

If I can do so without provoking an attack of opportunity, I will move as far away from the formian as I can.

Then, I manifest Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust.

Attack roll: 8+12 = 20

Damage roll: 25+6 = 31

That will provoke an Opportunity Attack. Any other bright ideas? I will assume you stay put unless you edit.

The creature rears slightly and snarls at you, holding his head in pain as you stare intently at it.

Leena is next. She hustles from within the bushes and takes aim at the creature with a pair of giant slaying arrows.

Leena: A waste of time!

She whispers in Elvish on her bow, activating its power!

Oathbow: 20/6+10=30, a crit! for 2d8+6d6+12d10 (save for half)+22=114 damage
Oathbow: 3/15+10=25, a hit! for 1d8+3d6+6d10+18=57 damage

The first shot catches it in the throat. It staggers slightly until the second one strikes it dead in the chest, killing it.

The combat sequence ends, quite abruptly I might add.

Arcivus' hand was just reaching for his blade just as the second arrow dropped the creature. Maybe next time he thinks to himself.

Leena: A waste of time, indeed... These giants are not native to the surface. They too live in the Underdark. Something is not right here...

Dr. Nimm, for the first time... or at least one of the few times, Leena is right. Fomorian do not dwell above ground. This one made camp out here, but is clearly out of place.

You can see 5 distinct passages. All are sizeable. A creature about 20 feet or so could fit in each. 3 are relatively close to the ground while 2 more are a bit higher up, possibly requiring a climb for everyone.

2015-12-16, 09:44 PM
That will provoke an Opportunity Attack. Any other bright ideas? I will assume you stay put unless you edit.

The creature rears slightly and snarls at you, holding his head in pain as you stare intently at it.

Leena is next. She hustles from within the bushes and takes aim at the creature with a pair of giant slaying arrows.

Leena: A waste of time!

She whispers in Elvish on her bow, activating its power!

Oathbow: 20/6+10=30, a crit! for 2d8+6d6+12d10 (save for half)+22=114 damage
Oathbow: 3/15+10=25, a hit! for 1d8+3d6+6d10+18=57 damage

The first shot catches it in the throat. It staggers slightly until the second one strikes it dead in the chest, killing it.

The combat sequence ends, quite abruptly I might add.

Arcivus' hand was just reaching for his blade just as the second arrow dropped the creature. Maybe next time he thinks to himself.

Leena: A waste of time, indeed... These giants are not native to the surface. They too live in the Underdark. Something is not right here...

Dr. Nimm, for the first time... or at least one of the few times, Leena is right. Fomorian do not dwell above ground. This one made camp out here, but is clearly out of place.

You can see 5 distinct passages. All are sizeable. A creature about 20 feet or so could fit in each. 3 are relatively close to the ground while 2 more are a bit higher up, possibly requiring a climb for everyone.

Yet another subterranean creature forced to live topside. That fomorian was probably more frightened of us than we were of him. I almost pity it, if it weren't for his grisly wind chimes.

I inspect the exterior of the caves, looking for anything that may differentiate them or offer a clue as to which one to take

Investigation 37 (19+13+5[feat])

2015-12-17, 03:01 AM
Yet another subterranean creature forced to live topside. That fomorian was probably more frightened of us than we were of him. I almost pity it, if it weren't for his grisly wind chimes.

I inspect the exterior of the caves, looking for anything that may differentiate them or offer a clue as to which one to take

Investigation 37 (19+13+5[feat])

Having never seen a Fomorian before Arcivus studies the body a body soo grotesque cannot be natural?
History: 13 + 6= 19
Religion: 5+ 6= 11

2015-12-22, 11:50 AM
The fomorian is indeed rare, but not n unknown creature. Again, the issue at hand is it living outside of its natural environment. It is a natural creature, however. It has the size and muscle mass that would align it to some of its giant kin, but has other, strange features, some that are almost troll-like, but the disfigurement is particular to the fomorian, and it is likely that each one is very unique.

Dr. Nimm does some investigating and sees that one of the lower level entrances, off to the right has been most recently utilized. Leena confirms this with her tracking ability, as she kneels down, investigating the terrain:

Leena: It looks like the drow frequent this area... in small groups, at a time... I do not detect the presence of a dragon entering or exiting here... but they are elusive, especially in their lairs.

Leena meditates for a second as she concentrates on the terrain, using her Primeval Awareness ability! She attunes herself wither surrounding in order to sense the presence of her enemies.

Leena: (smiling) Not elusive enough. There is a dragon very close by... Within a few miles at least. Be ready for anything.

Dr. Nimm, you can also make sense of the traffic that Leena has claimed to be drow tracks. It looks like there may have been a struggle with the drow bringing a a small group or band of prisoners this way, based on how the tracks are distributed. They quickly fade out of visibility as you enter the more rocky mountain terrain.


You all advance down the large opening, which slopes slightly downward as you continue on. Leena is at the front with Arcivus and Reli. Mr. Benson covers the rear, keeping Xavier and Dr. Nimm in between the group.

The cave is quite sizeable and very quite. You do hear the flapping of small wings every once in a while echoing into the darkness. These are likely fruit bats and are of no concern to anyone. You notice how high the ceiling rises-- so far that it is out of visual range, as you continue down and into the cave. For all of its unworked structure, with stalagmites and stalactites barring of some areas, there is somewhat of a path.

You eventually hit a fork that splits 5 ways. From left to right, the first 2 seem to continue on the same slightly descending path, the middle seems to climb steadily, the 4th path seems to descend sharply and the last seems to level out somewhat.

Leena: There are no new tracks up to here... so it seems to be a gamble. Depending on the type of dragon, it may favor to be closer to the surface, or farther from it, but we are not sure what we are up against just yet. Any ideas?

2015-12-22, 12:17 PM
The fomorian is indeed rare, but not n unknown creature. Again, the issue at hand is it living outside of its natural environment. It is a natural creature, however. It has the size and muscle mass that would align it to some of its giant kin, but has other, strange features, some that are almost troll-like, but the disfigurement is particular to the fomorian, and it is likely that each one is very unique.

Dr. Nimm does some investigating and sees that one of the lower level entrances, off to the right has been most recently utilized. Leena confirms this with her tracking ability, as she kneels down, investigating the terrain:

Leena: It looks like the drow frequent this area... in small groups, at a time... I do not detect the presence of a dragon entering or exiting here... but they are elusive, especially in their lairs.

Leena meditates for a second as she concentrates on the terrain, using her Primeval Awareness ability! She attunes herself wither surrounding in order to sense the presence of her enemies.

Leena: (smiling) Not elusive enough. There is a dragon very close by... Within a few miles at least. Be ready for anything.

Dr. Nimm, you can also make sense of the traffic that Leena has claimed to be drow tracks. It looks like there may have been a struggle with the drow bringing a a small group or band of prisoners this way, based on how the tracks are distributed. They quickly fade out of visibility as you enter the more rocky mountain terrain.


You all advance down the large opening, which slopes slightly downward as you continue on. Leena is at the front with Arcivus and Reli. Mr. Benson covers the rear, keeping Xavier and Dr. Nimm in between the group.

The cave is quite sizeable and very quite. You do hear the flapping of small wings every once in a while echoing into the darkness. These are likely fruit bats and are of no concern to anyone. You notice how high the ceiling rises-- so far that it is out of visual range, as you continue down and into the cave. For all of its unworked structure, with stalagmites and stalactites barring of some areas, there is somewhat of a path.

You eventually hit a fork that splits 5 ways. From left to right, the first 2 seem to continue on the same slightly descending path, the middle seems to climb steadily, the 4th path seems to descend sharply and the last seems to level out somewhat.

Leena: There are no new tracks up to here... so it seems to be a gamble. Depending on the type of dragon, it may favor to be closer to the surface, or farther from it, but we are not sure what we are up against just yet. Any ideas?

I cast deathward on myself, and freedom of movement.

"What would a green dragon do and what would a blue, Leena?"

And an idea comes to Arcivus.

"And doesn't blue dragons prefer warm deserts?"

2015-12-22, 05:53 PM
I cast deathward on myself, and freedom of movement.

"What would a green dragon do and what would a blue, Leena?"

And an idea comes to Arcivus.

"And doesn't blue dragons prefer warm deserts?"

Leena: Hard to say. Depends on the dragon, though blues typically prefer to be underground. A green may like more height. They are arrogant. As far as the terrain, it seems to have once been lush, but has been reduced to an almost desert-like wasteland. That may have attracted a blue.

The temperature is moderate, like a tropical to subtropical island in the spring. Quite a welcome considering the blistering cold you all endured not too long ago.

2015-12-23, 04:54 PM
Ill start looking for marks or clues or anything that will make the decision easier.
insight: 13+7=20
Investigation: 15+0=15

2015-12-23, 07:04 PM
Lol. Investigation roll 1. Wop wop.

"Clearly, the trail leads... Back outside! There's nothing of interest to be found here!"

2015-12-24, 01:43 AM
Lol. Investigation roll 1. Wop wop.

"Clearly, the trail leads... Back outside! There's nothing of interest to be found here!"

You cant autofail skill checks on a mat 1... I'm sure with your modifiers you will have a better check than me...

2015-12-24, 02:08 AM
You cant autofail skill checks on a mat 1... I'm sure with your modifiers you will have a better check than me...

But this way is funnier!

And yeah, I.just realized its still.higher than yours lmao

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-24, 12:28 PM
I will activate Psionic Flight as a precaution. However, I will remain at ground level for now.

2015-12-24, 12:37 PM
"There's nothing in these caves at all! Whose idea was it to go this way? LEENA. With your...feral sense, or whatever that fake ability was. Total waste of time!"

2015-12-25, 02:55 PM
"There's nothing in these caves at all! Whose idea was it to go this way? LEENA. With your...feral sense, or whatever that fake ability was. Total waste of time!"

"Nevermind Nimm he clearly lost his mind again, keep looking for clues."

2015-12-25, 03:06 PM
"Nevermind Nimm he clearly lost his mind again, keep looking for clues."

"Preposterous! Why, I feel smarter than ever! Rupert! Search for clues! Use your sharp fox senses! You shall see that Rupert will surely confirm my analysis!"

Rupert perception roll 8 (I don't know his bonuses).

2015-12-26, 06:05 PM
"Preposterous! Why, I feel smarter than ever! Rupert! Search for clues! Use your sharp fox senses! You shall see that Rupert will surely confirm my analysis!"

Rupert perception roll 8 (I don't know his bonuses).

"yea sharper than ever... wheres that spell that saves you when you get hit hard? or the one that saves you from being grabbed and chewed up by a dragon!"

"Look for clues everyone, otherwise its everyones guess where to go!"

2015-12-26, 09:28 PM
"yea sharper than ever... wheres that spell that saves you when you get hit hard? or the one that saves you from being grabbed and chewed up by a dragon!"

"Look for clues everyone, otherwise its everyones guess where to go!"

"I'm afraid I don't care for your tone, sir! But you can be forgiven for being envious at my superiority! Hmph..." (Mumble mumble)

2015-12-30, 01:18 PM
"I'm afraid I don't care for your tone, sir! But you can be forgiven for being envious at my superiority! Hmph..." (Mumble mumble)

Arcivus lights up in a big smile
"HA! You clearly haven't lost your temper"

2015-12-30, 11:28 PM
Arcivus lights up in a big smile
"HA! You clearly haven't lost your temper"

"Your condescending sarcasm is duly noted! I shall make a note of this for future analysis!" (Glares at Arcivus forebodingly) "Rupert! Note. To. Self... Archie doubts my expertise and mocks me! He shall regret such a transgression! Oh yes..."

Xavier Alexis
2015-12-31, 04:06 PM
Xavier, with his psionically developed intellect, knows better than to question Dr. Nimm's intelligence. Therefore, he only silently observes.

2016-01-04, 04:25 PM
Leena stands in silence for a few moments as you all bicker. She looks up at one of the entrances and quickly draws her bow.

Leena: We've seem to have gotten someone's attention!

Looking up from your bickering, a small group of small reptilian humanoids has snuck up from the far right path (the one that remains level). All are surprised except Leena and Xavier. They are primitive looking and have simple, tribal weapons and armor.



Leena (28)
Xavier (20)
Dr. Nimm (20): surprised
Kobolds (19)
Arcivus (17): surprised

There are about a dozen of them, but Leena reduces that total with a pair of arrows, instantly slaying two of them. Reli stands at the defensive and snarls at the creatures. Xavier goes next.

Xavier Alexis
2016-01-05, 10:31 AM
I manifest Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust.

Attack roll: 1+12 = 13

Damage roll: 19+6 = 27

2016-01-05, 09:17 PM
A 1 is a miss. Make sure you are rolling 1d20 and not 1d1.

Since everyone else is surprised, the kobolds go.

You can all count 9 of them remaining as they pan out all around you and start jabbing at you all with their bone and stone-carved daggers. One reveals itself to be a mystic or adept of sorts and stays behind, casting a spell!

Pack Tactics! They are granted advantage on attack rolls when an ally is within 5 feet. As Leena, Arcivus, and Reli were at the front, they get the majority of attacks. 3 each on Leena and Arcivus and 2 on Reli. Leena is struck twice for 9 damage and Arcivus once for 4 damage. Reli took the Dodge action and offset the advantage and evaded the kobolds swings.

The caster chants cryptic words and points at Leena. Xavier and Dr. Nimm recognize this as a Hold Person spell. It seems that taking down 2 warriors at once was more than alarming for the creature. Luckily, Leena is able to shake off the effects as she staggers a bit in resistance.

Leena pulls up her bow and fires at the shaman twice in anger, taking disadvantage om the attacks for being within melee. Only a single arrow lands for 12 damage, injuring the creature, but leaving it alive.

On to Xavier and Nimm. You are both right behind the fray with Mr. Benson right behind you. Leena is to the left with Reli to her right and Arcivus to his right. 8 kobolds are within melee range of the first rank (about 10-15 feet away from you) while the shaman is a good 30 feet away, but has cover in the cave in regard to range attacks (disadvantage).



Leena (28)
Xavier (20)
Dr. Nimm (20)
Kobolds (19)
Arcivus (17)

Xavier Alexis
2016-01-05, 11:33 PM
"Enough of this! Surrender or prepare to be annhilated."

If the kobolds refuse to surrender, I manifest Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust, Twinned, and target two of the nearest kobolds.

Attack rolls: 4+12 = 16 and 8+12 = 20

Damage rolls: 29+6 = 35 and 24+6 = 30

If an enemy casts a spell, I will manifest Counterspell at 5th level to disrupt it.

2016-01-06, 02:14 PM
"Your condescending sarcasm is duly noted! I shall make a note of this for future analysis!" (Glares at Arcivus forebodingly) "Rupert! Note. To. Self... Archie doubts my expertise and mocks me! He shall regret such a transgression! Oh yes..."

a slight hint of fear enters Arcivus otherwise fear immune mind. Even though he knows Nimm is just messing with his mind, one can never be sure!
And as he approach Nimm in an apologetic manner... he is interrupted and completely surprised by a band of Kobolds.

2016-01-07, 10:58 PM
"What is the meaning of this intrusion? There was no evidence of any creatures to be found here! They must have been transported by maleficent unseen forces to humiliate me! Must be Poindexter. He was always envious of my success and took any chance to undermine my credibility!"

2016-01-09, 04:26 PM
"What is the meaning of this intrusion? There was no evidence of any creatures to be found here! They must have been transported by maleficent unseen forces to humiliate me! Must be Poindexter. He was always envious of my success and took any chance to undermine my credibility!"

Arcivus steps infront of Xavier (or inbetween X) and the kobolds, sword ready. Waiting for their reaction to Xaviers order.

2016-01-10, 10:59 AM
"Enough of this! Surrender or prepare to be annhilated."

If the kobolds refuse to surrender, I manifest Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust, Twinned, and target two of the nearest kobolds.

Attack rolls: 4+12 = 16 and 8+12 = 20

Damage rolls: 29+6 = 35 and 24+6 = 30

If an enemy casts a spell, I will manifest Counterspell at 5th level to disrupt it.

I assume you spoke in Draconic. Please specify next time. Luckily, the creatures understand you and the shaman speaks out in a hissing response.

Surrender? It is you who will die! Our lord has shown us his power! He will not fail us!

They have no reservations about dying for this master. Something tells you this is a bit more religious in nature than the relationship you last encountered with the demon lord.

Xavier's attacks take down 2 more kobolds. Waiting on Dr. Nimm before we move forward.

2016-01-10, 12:22 PM
Relax, Mr. Benson, Ill take.care of this.

I toss two fire bombs (action+ bonus).

29 and 25

4d4 to 2 targets per bomb, spread over 4 different targets:

23 to 2 targets bom. 1
26 to each for.bomb 2

If.I'm.attacked In use.my reaction to toss a flash pellet at a ho

2016-01-10, 03:41 PM
Relax, Mr. Benson, Ill take.care of this.

I toss two fire bombs (action+ bonus).

29 and 25

4d4 to 2 targets per bomb, spread over 4 different targets:

23 to 2 targets bom. 1
26 to each for.bomb 2

okey since the previous post wasnt Nimms actual turn, i reckon i havn't used mine?

if thats the case, Ill move to Leena and the Shaman and hit him with Oathbringer! (if the shaman is killed by Nimm, ill target whatever is alive, if possible positioning myself in range of two or more)

You should have surrendered! Now surrender to my sword!

1: 8+15-5 = 18; (2d6)7 +19 +(1d8)5 = 31
2: 8+15-5 = 18; (2d6)8 +19 +(1d8)3 = 30

Cleave/OA: Roll 1! sigh!

2016-01-13, 06:40 PM
okey since the previous post wasnt Nimms actual turn, i reckon i havn't used mine?

if thats the case, Ill move to Leena and the Shaman and hit him with Oathbringer! (if the shaman is killed by Nimm, ill target whatever is alive, if possible positioning myself in range of two or more)

You should have surrendered! Now surrender to my sword!

1: 8+15-5 = 18; (2d6)7 +19 +(1d8)5 = 31
2: 8+15-5 = 18; (2d6)8 +19 +(1d8)3 = 30

Cleave/OA: Roll 1! sigh!

4 more go down in blasts of fire. The shaman seems to look worried. The first round was a surprise round, which is why some of you were skipped. The kobolds go next, then Arcivus.



Leena (28)
Xavier (20)
Dr. Nimm (20)
Kobolds (19)
Arcivus (17)


With 4 warriors and the shaman left, they do not relent, ganging up 2 by 2 on Leena and Arcivus. The shaman, whose spell failed last time around, goes for another.

Arcivus is struck once (critical) for 7 damage, while Leena dodges and parries the attacks on her. The shaman then follows with Sacred Flame toward Arcivus, but Arcivus aptly shifts and the wisp of unholy fire dissipates with no negative effect. Seeing his attack do nothing again, the shaman starts to flee back down the cave tunnel.

Arcivus easily cleaves through the 2 kobolds harassing him and gives a wicked stare to the 2 remaining, which just noticed their leader fleeing. At that, Leena follows, holding her bow at point blank range at one of them.

Leena: (in Draconic) Care to re-think your surrender?

The kobolds drop their weapons and look at one another, cursing you in Draconic.

What do our lives mean to you? What do you want with us?!

Leena: They're all yours, Xavier. Go ahead and do your... magic-thing...

Combat ends. Note any damage taken.

Leena: It is typical that they would worship a dragon. Maybe they can let us know where it dwells...

Next moves?

2016-01-13, 10:12 PM
"Well... I, for one, am quite fatigued at another hostage situation. Seems like a lot of effort for little return... We will question them, they will resist, I will offer to torture them, you all will protest... Yadda yadda.

Kill them or let them go. I care not."

Xavier Alexis
2016-01-14, 11:21 AM
The kobolds drop their weapons and look at one another, cursing you in Draconic.

What do our lives mean to you? What do you want with us?!

First, I address the kobolds in draconic.

"This may feel strange. However, do not resist me and you have my word your lives will be spared."

Next, I address Arcivus, Leena and Dr. Nimm.

"Go ahead and ask them questions. I will assist you using my telepathic abilities."

Last, I manifest Detect Thoughts to probe the minds of the kobolds for as much useful information as I can during the interrogation.

2016-01-14, 11:31 AM
First, I address the kobolds in draconic.

"This may feel strange. However, do not resist me and you have my word your lives will be spared."

Next, I address Arcivus, Leena and Dr. Nimm.

"Go ahead and ask them questions. I will assist you using my telepathic abilities."

Last, I manifest Detect Thoughts to probe the minds of the kobolds for as much useful information as I can during the interrogation.

"Tell me how many dragons is in this Cave, and what Master you serve"

And after that

"Where can we find your master and where is your masters horde"

2016-01-14, 11:53 AM
Dr. Nimm slouches on Mr. Bensons shoulder, resting his chin on his arm, which is on Mr. Benson's head. With a supremely bored expression he looks on, smoking.

Xavier Alexis
2016-01-14, 12:39 PM
Dr. Nimm slouches on Mr. Bensons shoulder, resting his chin on his arm, which is on Mr. Benson's head. With a supremely bored expression he looks on, smoking.

"Surely, a gnome possessing your exceptional intelligence has some questions for these kobolds."

2016-01-14, 12:41 PM
"Surely, a gnome possessing your exceptional intelligence has some questions for these kobolds."


I may as well question a shih-tzu. Kobolds don't possess the intellect necessary to be useful. Waste of time!

2016-01-15, 01:42 PM

I may as well question a shih-tzu. Kobolds don't possess the intellect necessary to be useful. Waste of time!

What Colour are the kobolds? Is that an indication of their masters colour?

2016-01-18, 12:16 PM
The kobolds are surprisingly helpful. Aside from a few curses and spits here and there, they seem to cooperate a bit more than the drow. They do seem a bit smug in their position, despite being captives.

There are many dragonsss that live here, bu we ssserve a great master, who in turn ssserves another. We dare not speak their namesss, but they give us great power and authority.

Yesss. Even the drow have been exiled....

And the surface elvess all but eliminated (laughs)!

Leena backhands this one as he chuckles about. He falls over, almost limp and then gets up a few seconds later and continues to giggle to himself as he wipes the blood from his mouth.

Xavier can sense the name's they are holding back. Their immediate master is known as Arnesvedonia, and you can sense that this is a great and powerful green dragon. Not another one of these, Xavier thinks to himself. Although it does explain the thinning and ultimately the extinction of the surface elves, as green's do favor elvish sacrifice. She adorns herself with many a massive jewel, and even has them embedded in her grand crest, as if wearing a makeshift crown.

They have not seen in person her master, but the name Chromaticus does float in these creatures head. Even the thought of the name is hesitant. The image held is that of a massive wyrm, of indistinguishable or mutable color, though the image you are getting is likely a fabricated assumption of what the creature might look like rather than a first person testimony.

The kobolds themselves do not vary in color based on the dragon they serve, unless that dragon has spread his or her seed among the population. You do not see anything lie that among these two, as they are the typical reddish-brown color that you may have encountered in the past.

After sharing this information, the events on the island have become a bit more clear. Apparently the physical presence of Chromaticus may have drawn some of his dragon followers here. This has severely affected the local ecology, as the drow and other denizensof the underdark have been displaced and the presence of the green dragon has also threatened the lives of the surface elves. Further, the land has gone through some harsh transformations due to the surplus of nearby dragons. All manner of game are few and far between, and even the vegetation has all but died out, leaving more of a wasteland than a wilderness in its wake.

Beyond the kobold lair is where the green dragon may be found. The kobolds do not know what, if anything lies beyond this lair. There are a number of other paths that can be explored here or you can pursue the kobolds. What do you all do?

2016-01-25, 01:42 PM
The kobolds are surprisingly helpful. Aside from a few curses and spits here and there, they seem to cooperate a bit more than the drow. They do seem a bit smug in their position, despite being captives.

There are many dragonsss that live here, bu we ssserve a great master, who in turn ssserves another. We dare not speak their namesss, but they give us great power and authority.

Yesss. Even the drow have been exiled....

And the surface elvess all but eliminated (laughs)!

Leena backhands this one as he chuckles about. He falls over, almost limp and then gets up a few seconds later and continues to giggle to himself as he wipes the blood from his mouth.

Xavier can sense the name's they are holding back. Their immediate master is known as Arnesvedonia, and you can sense that this is a great and powerful green dragon. Not another one of these, Xavier thinks to himself. Although it does explain the thinning and ultimately the extinction of the surface elves, as green's do favor elvish sacrifice. She adorns herself with many a massive jewel, and even has them embedded in her grand crest, as if wearing a makeshift crown.

They have not seen in person her master, but the name Chromaticus does float in these creatures head. Even the thought of the name is hesitant. The image held is that of a massive wyrm, of indistinguishable or mutable color, though the image you are getting is likely a fabricated assumption of what the creature might look like rather than a first person testimony.

The kobolds themselves do not vary in color based on the dragon they serve, unless that dragon has spread his or her seed among the population. You do not see anything lie that among these two, as they are the typical reddish-brown color that you may have encountered in the past.

After sharing this information, the events on the island have become a bit more clear. Apparently the physical presence of Chromaticus may have drawn some of his dragon followers here. This has severely affected the local ecology, as the drow and other denizensof the underdark have been displaced and the presence of the green dragon has also threatened the lives of the surface elves. Further, the land has gone through some harsh transformations due to the surplus of nearby dragons. All manner of game are few and far between, and even the vegetation has all but died out, leaving more of a wasteland than a wilderness in its wake.

Beyond the kobold lair is where the green dragon may be found. The kobolds do not know what, if anything lies beyond this lair. There are a number of other paths that can be explored here or you can pursue the kobolds. What do you all do?

I reckon Xavier shares this information. I of course ask if theres any pitfalls or traps magic or non magic to watch out for through the safest road to Arnesvedonia. (I also ask for the way to the great green dragon).

When we are done with the Kobolds, and Xavier has done with them as he intended.
Heironeous hand clearly guides us still! To finally have a clue as to the whereabouts of this fabled Chromaticus is indeed a step in the right direction! It seems a divine hand has guided us this entire time!

2016-01-25, 11:03 PM
I reckon Xavier shares this information. I of course ask if theres any pitfalls or traps magic or non magic to watch out for through the safest road to Arnesvedonia. (I also ask for the way to the great green dragon).

When we are done with the Kobolds, and Xavier has done with them as he intended.
Heironeous hand clearly guides us still! To finally have a clue as to the whereabouts of this fabled Chromaticus is indeed a step in the right direction! It seems a divine hand has guided us this entire time!

Leena: A divine hand? Perhaps. We can just as easily follow the trail of bodies in the destructive wake of this creature... I hate dragons, especially green ones.

2016-01-25, 11:11 PM
You all continue down the massive cavern. It is easy to follow the path of the fleeing kobold, though he is far ahead due to you all questioning the remaining survivors.

Speaking of, do you kill them, set them free, knock them out? Let me know.

Eventually the tunnel opens into a massive space. A series of small caves exist within, likely homes to the creatures that now dwell here. The space looks relatively newly built, as you can see various areas littered with primitive tools, beams, and the like. You all stop short as this area is also crawling with kobolds. There seems to be an entire colony here and look to be on high alert as their attention is in your direction.

None see you yet, but they seem to be preparing and fortifying for your arrival. Aside from the kobolds, a number of raptors can be found here as well. Similar to the halflings, they seem to serve as mounts. Smaller ones act as pets and guards as well. It is dark, so it is not possible to see beyond the immediate area, toward where the dragon might dwell, but you assume there is a continued passage.

What do you all do?

2016-01-25, 11:18 PM
They speak draconic right?

2016-01-27, 09:49 AM
They speak draconic right?

Yes that's the language they've been speaking so far. Some even understood common. Might hint at the fact that they also speak common, but we don't know.

2016-01-28, 08:14 PM
"I say we take them with us. Waste of resources to kill them."

I walk up to the gate/border of the settlement in a non threatening way. As a 3 foot tall senior citizen, it goes without saying that I'm non threatening. I speak in Draconic:

"Greetings, kobolds! I have here some of your kinsmen, who attacked us without announcing their grievances. In our gracious magnaniminity, we have spared them, for we have no grievances with your people. We only seek the uh... (I turn to Arcivus). Sword. Or the dragon, who has the sword, or knows where it is, or.... Whatever. But basically it has nothing to do with you.

So just point us in the right direction and we will be on our way! We would hate to have to come to blows! For you are dealing with none other than Dr. Phineas P. Nimm, Arcivus the grandmaster Paladin of Heironeous, legendary sorceror turned psychic Xavier Alexis, and the fearsome Leena of the wilds, who at this moment is quivering in anticipation at peppering you all with arrows. I can barely control her. Any one of us alone can decimate your population, let alone together. Fortunately, we are nice people. Mostly.

Clearly, war would be an impractical choice. We desire to cooperate. Oh and don't molest the halflings who live on the surface. Live and let live, etc. I caution you against deception, for the reasons previously outlined to you."

2016-01-29, 01:35 AM
"I say we take them with us. Waste of resources to kill them."

I walk up to the gate/border of the settlement in a non threatening way. As a 3 foot tall senior citizen, it goes without saying that I'm non threatening. I speak in Draconic:

"Greetings, kobolds! I have here some of your kinsmen, who attacked us without announcing their grievances. In our gracious magnaniminity, we have spared them, for we have no grievances with your people. We only seek the uh... (I turn to Arcivus). Sword. Or the dragon, who has the sword, or knows where it is, or.... Whatever. But basically it has nothing to do with you.

So just point us in the right direction and we will be on our way! We would hate to have to come to blows! For you are dealing with none other than Dr. Phineas P. Nimm, Arcivus the grandmaster Paladin of Heironeous, legendary sorceror turned psychic Xavier Alexis, and the fearsome Leena of the wilds, who at this moment is quivering in anticipation at peppering you all with arrows. I can barely control her. Any one of us alone can decimate your population, let alone together. Fortunately, we are nice people. Mostly.

Clearly, war would be an impractical choice. We desire to cooperate. Oh and don't molest the halflings who live on the surface. Live and let live, etc. I caution you against deception, for the reasons previously outlined to you."

*Whispers* "holy avenger"

2016-02-08, 08:32 PM
"I say we take them with us. Waste of resources to kill them."

I walk up to the gate/border of the settlement in a non threatening way. As a 3 foot tall senior citizen, it goes without saying that I'm non threatening. I speak in Draconic:

"Greetings, kobolds! I have here some of your kinsmen, who attacked us without announcing their grievances. In our gracious magnaniminity, we have spared them, for we have no grievances with your people. We only seek the uh... (I turn to Arcivus). Sword. Or the dragon, who has the sword, or knows where it is, or.... Whatever. But basically it has nothing to do with you.

So just point us in the right direction and we will be on our way! We would hate to have to come to blows! For you are dealing with none other than Dr. Phineas P. Nimm, Arcivus the grandmaster Paladin of Heironeous, legendary sorceror turned psychic Xavier Alexis, and the fearsome Leena of the wilds, who at this moment is quivering in anticipation at peppering you all with arrows. I can barely control her. Any one of us alone can decimate your population, let alone together. Fortunately, we are nice people. Mostly.

Clearly, war would be an impractical choice. We desire to cooperate. Oh and don't molest the halflings who live on the surface. Live and let live, etc. I caution you against deception, for the reasons previously outlined to you."

Kobolds hate... no, kobolds despise gnomes. They are natural enemies. Dr. Nimm surely knows this, yet walks forth anyway with the gall of a dozen hill giants. They suspect him either incredibly brave or dumb. After he speaks, they lean toward the former.

At first, looking ready to draw blood, Dr. Nimm's words confuse the masses. There are a lot of them, something Leena is not very fond of...

Leena: What are you doing... want to get us all killed!

But the kobolds do not strike. A slight hesitation is sensed followed by murmuring amongst the crowds. Suddenly, a large (just shy of 4 feet) kobold steps forward out from the distance. He is large in girth too, but powerfully built, wearing much heavier leathers, possibly even the scattered scales of a dragon, though it is hard to tell. He is escorted by a troupe of 8 raptor-riding warriors.

The cavern opens up broadly, too far to see in the distance, except for the torches and glimmer of light that somehow has penetrated the mountainside in certain areas. The lair is a large opening with what looks like a traffic-filled trading center, with more permanent stores along with housing embedded into small caves, across multiple levels, surrounding as far as can be seen in the low light conditions.

It takes a while for him to reach the center of the opening, as he comes from the far end. He greets Dr. Nimm in common and is quite fluent.

Kobold King: Impressive words, gnome. But why have you come to our lands. Why should I not have my men kill you know and sacrifice your bodies to the great dragon? Do you really think us weak!?

Leena seems antsy, while Reli lowly snarls.

2016-02-08, 10:43 PM
"Hello sir! I'm Dr. Nimm. Perhaps you've heard of me. I hold 968 patents, many of which are household items, perhaps to be found in your wonderful uh, market, uh, swap shop, there. What is your name, formidable warrior?"

If applicable, Ill continue like this: "I'm intrigued to meet a kobold of your distinction. Your garb belies your skill and high station.

In truth, we are only here to find a sword suitable enough to be nestled in the mighty, saintly grip of our paladin. Only one such sword exists. We had no idea you lived here, so technically we didnt plan to attack you. Your scouts attacked us first. In our grace, we spared them, which goes to.show that we really mean.no.harm.

Just.point us in the direction of the sword, and we will be on our way. We intend to bargain or purchase it from.its owner. In no way do we seek to take it by force, right everyone? (Help me out here guys)."

2016-02-09, 09:22 AM
"Hello sir! I'm Dr. Nimm. Perhaps you've heard of me. I hold 968 patents, many of which are household items, perhaps to be found in your wonderful uh, market, uh, swap shop, there. What is your name, formidable warrior?"

If applicable, Ill continue like this: "I'm intrigued to meet a kobold of your distinction. Your garb belies your skill and high station.

In truth, we are only here to find a sword suitable enough to be nestled in the mighty, saintly grip of our paladin. Only one such sword exists. We had no idea you lived here, so technically we didnt plan to attack you. Your scouts attacked us first. In our grace, we spared them, which goes to.show that we really mean.no.harm.

Just.point us in the direction of the sword, and we will be on our way. We intend to bargain or purchase it from.its owner. In no way do we seek to take it by force, right everyone? (Help me out here guys)."

Arcivus, having vowed not to lie, gestures "my hands are tied" mostly to Nimm, hoping by some miracle the kobold King interpret it as "I won't hurt anyone"

2016-02-09, 01:32 PM
Arcivus, having vowed not to lie, gestures "my hands are tied" mostly to Nimm, hoping by some miracle the kobold King interpret it as "I won't hurt anyone"

Technically you're not lying, we do intend to reason with the current owner of the sword... We would only defend ourselves.if attacked :)

2016-02-10, 05:41 PM
Technically you're not lying, we do intend to reason with the current owner of the sword... We would only defend ourselves.if attacked :)

Arcivus has no plan of letting this enslaving murdering drake live... At first I would have bargained for the sword, but now seeing the effect on the halflings, someone needs to pay... And I can't lie about that

2016-02-11, 04:14 PM
You all slowly realize the sheer number of kobolds in this underground lair. Those who do not have darkvision can still see because there are some light sources peering in from the outside, but as this discussion continues on, the kobolds seem to slowly approach, arms drawn.

King: (scoffing) Any weapon of that value would have been given as tribute! We will allow you passsage to the sssacred lair of our mistress, Arnesssvedonia... Perhapsss sshe hass thisss weapon you sso ssseeek!

He whispers lowly into one of the dragon-riding kobold's ear, who then snaps his fingers and rides of with a small entourage. As they ride, they split the crowd of warriors who have gathered nearby. The king then stands aside.

King: If you would...

The seem to have allowed you passage without issue. They do seem to be rushing, as the squad sped off. Do you hustle after?

Leena: (in Elvish) I don't trust them...

2016-02-12, 04:26 AM
You all slowly realize the sheer number of kobolds in this underground lair. Those who do not have darkvision can still see because there are some light sources peering in from the outside, but as this discussion continues on, the kobolds seem to slowly approach, arms drawn.

King: (scoffing) Any weapon of that value would have been given as tribute! We will allow you passsage to the sssacred lair of our mistress, Arnesssvedonia... Perhapsss sshe hass thisss weapon you sso ssseeek!

He whispers lowly into one of the dragon-riding kobold's ear, who then snaps his fingers and rides of with a small entourage. As they ride, they split the crowd of warriors who have gathered nearby. The king then stands aside.

King: If you would...

The seem to have allowed you passage without issue. They do seem to be rushing, as the squad sped off. Do you hustle after?

Leena: (in Elvish) I don't trust them...

Arcivus doesn't understand Elvish but doesn't trust them either, but his sword stay sheathed. He look to Xavier and Nimm for what to do.

Arcivus speak quietly in Celestial

Could we cut them off from the dragon or will we have to fight an entire community and a (meta: bigass) dragon?

2016-02-12, 07:02 PM
I say in both Elven amd Celestial "Neither do I."

I adress the Kobolds while backing up towards the entrance:

"Your hospitality and cooperation is greatly appreciated... Really. But I just remembered I had an important appointment! Truly sorry. Good day!"

Everyone calmly walk away in a non threatening manner, eyes all around (ppl in front look forward ppl in rear look rearward).

2016-02-15, 08:36 PM
I say in both Elven amd Celestial "Neither do I."

I adress the Kobolds while backing up towards the entrance:

"Your hospitality and cooperation is greatly appreciated... Really. But I just remembered I had an important appointment! Truly sorry. Good day!"

Everyone calmly walk away in a non threatening manner, eyes all around (ppl in front look forward ppl in rear look rearward).

I'm confused. Toward the entrance of where they are leading you, or back to the outside entrance where you all came from?

2016-02-15, 08:40 PM
I'm confused. Toward the entrance of where they are leading you, or back to the outside entrance where you all came from?

Where we came from. At least if they come at us, it will be in a tunnel.

Also... Post up fewwwwl!

2016-02-17, 09:40 PM
You start backing away... Leena seems confused.

Leena: (whispering) I thought we came here for the sword... Why are we leaving? I'm not scared of a dragon!

She follows your lead, nonetheless.

Xavier, say something, will you.

2016-02-17, 09:48 PM
(Privately) "We can always return or find an alternate route. This may not be the most feasible choice at the moment. The sword will be of no use if we're Kobold Kebabs!

Now that I know where this location is, I can use my powers of recall to triangulate the location from the surface. We can find or make our own route, on our terms!"

I'm hoping my perfect recall feature from Keen Mind will assist here. Additionally, I pay close attention to the route, distance, and elevations as we traverse.

Yes Xavier goooo.

Xavier Alexis
2016-02-18, 11:22 AM
"I agree with Arcivus and Dr. Nimm. Also remember I can teleport us in or out as needed."

2016-02-19, 05:31 AM
(Privately) "We can always return or find an alternate route. This may not be the most feasible choice at the moment. The sword will be of no use if we're Kobold Kebabs!

Now that I know where this location is, I can use my powers of recall to triangulate the location from the surface. We can find or make our own route, on our terms!"

I'm hoping my perfect recall feature from Keen Mind will assist here. Additionally, I pay close attention to the route, distance, and elevations as we traverse.

Yes Xavier goooo.

Arcivus followes feeling that fight another day may work best, but he has no idea how to get into the cave another way.

2016-02-19, 11:06 AM
Everyone starts backing away slowly, in non-aggressive fashion, when the leader speaks out:

Kobold King: Going ssso ssoon? No, you mussst ssstay a while longer...

As he says this, you all realize that the kobolds have all but surrounded you. You can make a dash for the cave exit, but many of them have scoured the inside walls above and around you and seem to have weapons drawn. Due to visual limitations, there are likely more kobolds with eyes on you than you on them.

You look into their eyes and can tell that they have little intent on letting you leave-- leave alive that is. Now, the path made ahead to the dragon's den is still open, so it seems that they yet may let you pass amongst them without a fight.


2016-02-19, 11:12 AM
I grin widely. "Well! I suppose my appointment can wait. I wouldn't want to offend anyone!"

I give a look to Xavier. Trusting that he can bail us out if needed.

"Lets proceed to the lair shall we?"

Ooc (I have the teleport spell.but.I don't remember if.I have it prepared.)

2016-02-19, 02:19 PM
I grin widely. "Well! I suppose my appointment can wait. I wouldn't want to offend anyone!"

I give a look to Xavier. Trusting that he can bail us out if needed.

"Lets proceed to the lair shall we?"

Ooc (I have the teleport spell.but.I don't remember if.I have it prepared.)

I walk in the middle of Nimm and Xavier, If anything happens Im prepared to grab the two around the waste or the cuff of the neck and fly them upwards, not wasting their turns on fly spells or something like that.

Xavier Alexis
2016-02-19, 04:08 PM
"Stay close to me my friends. I will teleport us away if needed."

Attempting to gain any useful information, I manifest Detect Thoughts and read the thoughts of the Kobold King. I will probe his mind if I can.

2016-02-21, 01:41 PM
"Stay close to me my friends. I will teleport us away if needed."

Attempting to gain any useful information, I manifest Detect Thoughts and read the thoughts of the Kobold King. I will probe his mind if I can.

Nice move. You all walk reluctantly as the kobolds look onward, eager to see you go. It is quite a walk and you all marvel at the sheer size of the cave and the large number of kobolds here. Snarls and echoes of nonsensical speech can be heard echoing in the darkness.

Xavier hesitates momentarily (you cannot walk and manifest at the same time) and eyes the king intently.

An immediate surge of thoughts floods Xavier's mind. An image of the great dragon they serve can be seen. It is in fact green and is a female wyrm, large, powerful, and adorned with gems and jewelry. His immediate thought is that he is sending you all to your doom, as his scouts were sent ahead to notify the dragon of your arrival.

He looks at you quizzically, not aware of the probe, but then ushers you off. You are soon outside of the 30 foot range, so you can probe another creature or end the spell.

Xavier Alexis
2016-02-22, 09:48 PM
Naturally, I whisper the information I have learned to my allies.

2016-02-23, 09:54 AM
Naturally, I whisper the information I have learned to my allies.
" truely hope one of you can protect us against her poisonous breath"
I whisper

2016-02-23, 10:32 PM
You all pass through the pathway opened by the kobolds. Again, it is quite walk that leads to a large underground city. If not for many of the inhabitants at the ready, you suspect that they all would be going about daily happenings, as shops and merchants litter the open space. The pathway eventually tunnels into a large, deep opening, with regal living quarters nestled on top. This is likely were the kobold king as well as the otherwise privileged.

The tunnel is large enough to fit a number of giants and most definitely a large dragon. You bravely march on.

It is eerily silent. All you here is the drip of dew slightly echoing in the distance. The light that shone in from the outside has been all but cut off, further limiting your vision. You almost here a slight dragging-- something large-- but aren't too sure as it fades into the darkness. Slight squeaks of rodents can be heard... this becomes unsettling, as you catch at least one of them looking at you intently at one point. As you pass, the small rat continues to eye you, but does nothing more.

A light fog starts to settle in. Dr. Nimm notices that the air has become slightly acidic, as his nose twitches to the sensation. Even underground, a good amount of vegetation-- in the form of moss and fungi seem to grow. This is quite a difference from the barren surface you all have recently seen.

Soon the tunnel opens up to another enormous space, nearly as large as the kobold city. Vast amounts of vegetation grow here, but all exaggerated in size, as if prehistoric. You splash around in puddles of water and hear a light rustling, as if a stream or other source is nearby. The thick air is almost refreshing, if not for the acidic tone, though the fog persists. Vines and vegetative growths are present in abundance and a series of rays from the outside sun shine through holes higher than you can see.

Passing though the vegetation, you enter somewhat of a clearing and instinctively pause. Suddenly a loud, sinister voice booms out:

Xavier Alexis... I know your name. I know who you are. Leena, the dragon slayer? Ha! And who do you travel with? Who will I have the pleasure of devouring today?

You continue to hear the dragging of what sounds like a massive body and tail. It seems that the creature is somewhere within the thick vegetation and still out of sight, though easily moving about.

2016-02-23, 11:18 PM
You all pass through the pathway opened by the kobolds. Again, it is quite walk that leads to a large underground city. If not for many of the inhabitants at the ready, you suspect that they all would be going about daily happenings, as shops and merchants litter the open space. The pathway eventually tunnels into a large, deep opening, with regal living quarters nestled on top. This is likely were the kobold king as well as the otherwise privileged.

The tunnel is large enough to fit a number of giants and most definitely a large dragon. You bravely march on.

It is eerily silent. All you here is the drip of dew slightly echoing in the distance. The light that shone in from the outside has been all but cut off, further limiting your vision. You almost here a slight dragging-- something large-- but aren't too sure as it fades into the darkness. Slight squeaks of rodents can be heard... this becomes unsettling, as you catch at least one of them looking at you intently at one point. As you pass, the small rat continues to eye you, but does nothing more.

A light fog starts to settle in. Dr. Nimm notices that the air has become slightly acidic, as his nose twitches to the sensation. Even underground, a good amount of vegetation-- in the form of moss and fungi seem to grow. This is quite a difference from the barren surface you all have recently seen.

Soon the tunnel opens up to another enormous space, nearly as large as the kobold city. Vast amounts of vegetation grow here, but all exaggerated in size, as if prehistoric. You splash around in puddles of water and hear a light rustling, as if a stream or other source is nearby. The thick air is almost refreshing, if not for the acidic tone, though the fog persists. Vines and vegetative growths are present in abundance and a series of rays from the outside sun shine through holes higher than you can see.

Passing though the vegetation, you enter somewhat of a clearing and instinctively pause. Suddenly a loud, sinister voice booms out:

Xavier Alexis... I know your name. I know who you are. Leena, the dragon slayer? Ha! And who do you travel with? Who will I have the pleasure of devouring today?

You continue to hear the dragging of what sounds like a massive body and tail. It seems that the creature is somewhere within the thick vegetation and still out of sight, though easily moving about.

ooc: Dammit! This is too similar to something upcoming in Astonishing Tales.

Dr. Nimm steps forth, concerned at not having been recognized. In Common: "Well! Xavier and Leena travel with none other than Dr. Phineas Pompeius Nimm. Perhaps you've heard of me. Also in our company is the grandmaster paladin Arcivus Luscient, singular badass of the realm. First of all, what's with the rats? Most unsanitary and unbefitting of beings of your stature to have vermin in your vincinity. If it pleases you, my automated butler, Mr. Benson, can have this place spic and span in the drop of a dragonscale. I mean... a hat. That was not a Freudian slip by the way.

Where was I? (Rupert Nimm whispers in his ear) Ah yes. We want some sword you may own. As you can't wield swords, I should think it of no consequence if you gave it to us. After all, we have no quarrel with you. In fact, I've never figured out why treasure was so important to dragons. Why do dragons even hoard it? Do they ever shop? If so, what stores do dragons visit? I've never heard of a dragon going shopping. If you did, you would have certainly heard of me, as I've invented numerous household items, numbering close to 3, 000 patents, including the #RhinOven. An oven large enough to BAKE A WHOLE ****ING RHINOCEROS. Perfect for dragons!

So, do you barter gold amongst one another? What is it that you would buy? Perhaps virgins, or sheep? And for how much? Dragons never seem to have anything to show for their wealth. The point of currency is to buy things, yet you still live in unfurnished caves, always in single rooms, and naked but for your scales! I really would like to know. If you do not have a satisfactory answer, I see no reason for you not to hand over the sword, and maybe a little extra...

Perhaps we can trade it for a #Rhinoven.

Its not like you need the treasure. You don't even take care of the rat problem! Every one of you think you're so great and mighty, but I've never seen a dragon lair that even had a bathroom! For all your pretensions, your species keep very low living standards.

As far as devouring, you may try, but we're probably disgusting. I myself am so polluted that you would likely die. And as you said, we also have Leena 'the Dragonslayer.' If I were a dragon, I'd be somewhat nervous if someone called Dragonslayer showed up in my ONE ROOM STUDIO, so I don't see why you're chuckling. Just saying.

(I switch to Draconic): Assuming, of course, that you are one. Let's have a look!

I light a sunstone or torch and toss it at where I think it might be. Perception 28

Xavier Alexis
2016-02-24, 01:28 PM
"We are here because we plan on facing an evil so great that it will devour you as well as the entire world. Make no mistake, this evil does not share power. Now, we require a sword in your possession to fight against it. So, if you are going to attack, let us get this over with."

If allowed, I will ready an action.

Should my allies and I be assaulted with a breath weapon, I will manifest Wall of Force to block it.

2016-02-24, 05:10 PM
As Dr. Nimm speaks rapidly, spinning everyone else's head, you can all hear the dragon breathing heavily or grunting, as if sizing up what the little creature might taste like. In between pauses, as few as the come with Dr. Nimm, you can almost here the dragon whisper to herself intermittently:

Hmmm... I've not had gnome in quite sssome time...

Far more tough than halfling, yesss...

Not quite the texture of dwarf, hmmm.

You almost hear the sound of the creatures tongue lapping its lips in between phrases, letting Nimm finish his spiel before responding:

Me, nervous? Ha! You jest little one...

Just then the sunstone flashes brightly among the vegetation. It is hard to see, but the shadow of a very large creature can almost be made out amidst the obscuring plants and mist.

An evil so great you say? Doubtful. You have no idea the powers I serve. And, I will have my meal soon enough, so need to quicken your demise. I do have many blades in my collection. Of which do you speak? Tell, me though. Did you ever slay that scoundrel, Garyxkilla? What of your half-orc friend? And the other little one... yes, he was a halfling wasn't he? I have some of their possessions. Is that what you are here for?

2016-02-25, 07:33 AM
As Dr. Nimm speaks rapidly, spinning everyone else's head, you can all hear the dragon breathing heavily or grunting, as if sizing up what the little creature might taste like. In between pauses, as few as the come with Dr. Nimm, you can almost here the dragon whisper to herself intermittently:

Hmmm... I've not had gnome in quite sssome time...

Far more tough than halfling, yesss...

Not quite the texture of dwarf, hmmm.

You almost hear the sound of the creatures tongue lapping its lips in between phrases, letting Nimm finish his spiel before responding:

Me, nervous? Ha! You jest little one...

Just then the sunstone flashes brightly among the vegetation. It is hard to see, but the shadow of a very large creature can almost be made out amidst the obscuring plants and mist.

An evil so great you say? Doubtful. You have no idea the powers I serve. And, I will have my meal soon enough, so need to quicken your demise. I do have many blades in my collection. Of which do you speak? Tell, me though. Did you ever slay that scoundrel, Garyxkilla? What of your half-orc friend? And the other little one... yes, he was a halfling wasn't he? I have some of their possessions. Is that what you are here for?

Arcivus has no idea what the dragon is talking about. So decides to be quite.

For how long have we been in the cave? And how long since we met the patrol?

2016-02-26, 12:08 AM
"First, tell me your name, sir or madam, as its very uncouth to not introduce oneself."

I look around. "Did we kill GaryxKilla? I recall the name. I'm sorry, we've killed so many aspiring lords of evil I can hardly keep track. Xavier, do you recall?

Archie, why so quiet all of a sudden? We're here for you. Ahh... I think the sword is the one and only Holy Avenger. But since you mention it, what other swords do you have hmmm?

As far as texture, I should think Dwarves are much tougher, and halflings to be too gamey. (To myself: but what can I expect from this idiotic dinosaur?)

Also, how come you to have the posessions of the half orc and halfling? Perhaps dragons do barter after all! Fascinating! Please go on! And do be kind and permit me a bit of light, so I can properly adress whom I'm speaking to."

I toss another sunstone, trying to create a little radius.

2016-02-29, 02:00 PM
"First, tell me your name, sir or madam, as its very uncouth to not introduce oneself."

I look around. "Did we kill GaryxKilla? I recall the name. I'm sorry, we've killed so many aspiring lords of evil I can hardly keep track. Xavier, do you recall?

Archie, why so quiet all of a sudden? We're here for you. Ahh... I think the sword is the one and only Holy Avenger. But since you mention it, what other swords do you have hmmm?

As far as texture, I should think Dwarves are much tougher, and halflings to be too gamey. (To myself: but what can I expect from this idiotic dinosaur?)

Also, how come you to have the posessions of the half orc and halfling? Perhaps dragons do barter after all! Fascinating! Please go on! And do be kind and permit me a bit of light, so I can properly adress whom I'm speaking to."

I toss another sunstone, trying to create a little radius.

I reckon they speak common. Or someone translates.

Arcivus take Nimms lead and casually toss some sunstones from his own beltpouch. I reckon I can toss two, and hopefully longer than Nimm. Ill try and cover some of the blind spots. If I spot a shadow of a tail Ill try and predict where to toss the second stone.
Insight: 9+7=16
While he tosses
My dear dragon, if you would be so kind as to stand aside as we examine your horde for whatever treasure we could use for our further endeavor.

Xavier Alexis
2016-02-29, 04:55 PM
An evil so great you say? Doubtful. You have no idea the powers I serve. And, I will have my meal soon enough, so need to quicken your demise. I do have many blades in my collection. Of which do you speak? Tell, me though. Did you ever slay that scoundrel, Garyxkilla? What of your half-orc friend? And the other little one... yes, he was a halfling wasn't he? I have some of their possessions. Is that what you are here for?

"As far as I know, Garyxkilla lives and we are only here for a blade. Will you part with it?"

I will still keep Wall of Force readied if we are attacked with a breath weapon.

2016-03-01, 10:49 PM
Sunstones aplenty are flung, illuminating much of the enormous room. Still, the cover of the vegetation and light fog continue to obscure your vision.

The fool still lives. Very well. I thought he would have met his end. This little conversation has run its course and you now bore me. I will not part with any of my treasures fools, but rather, it will be me picking your treasures from your dead bodies! Behold, I am Arnesvedonia, queen of the dragon kingdom, kobolds, and this land, second to none other than the great Chromaticus himself, and the very last thing you will all see in this world!

Just then, the snapping and shuffling of vines can be heard as the vegetation itself seems to move as if alive. A large pathway is crafted before you and a large dragon steps forward, the numerous sunstones, shining upon it, with countless jewels and gems encrusted in its hide and wearing a very elaborate crown of gold, speckled with gems on its mighty and powerful crest. She is among the largest dragons you have ever encountered and by far the most decorated.

Garyxkilla should have destroyed you when he had the chance. No matter. You will be a tribute to the all-powerful Chromaticus instead of his pathetic Tiamat!

Dr. Nimm definitely should not have had a lapse of memory with such a high Int. Garyxkilla challenged Bear Ghost's tribes leadership and, last you all knew, won it. He meant to "spread the word," if you would, of Tiamat and amass followers. Last contact you had with Bear Ghost (which has been at least a few days or even weeks) was that he had planned to challenge the great dragon, in single combat for leadership of the tribe. He did ask for your support, but none of you decided to show...

At this point, I would call for initiative, but since I am here, I will roll it for you all (no cheating). Lucky on an 18...


Leena (29)
Dr. Nimm (21)
Xavier (21)
Arcivus (18)
Arnesvedonia (10)

You are all around 40 feet away from where she is. Arcivus and Leena are at the front along with Reli with Dr. Nimm, Xavier, and Mr. Benson at the second rank. The immediate area is clear, but any vegetation will be treated as rough terrain.

Leena is first!

Leena: Enough with the talk. Finally, I get to kill another dragon!

She activates her Oathbow and uses a Bonus Action to cast Hunter's Mark.

Leena: (in Elvish, to Reli) Stay by my side, and protect me!

She then unleashes a pair of arrows at the dragon.

Dragon Slaying Arrow: 10+15=25, a hit for 34
Dragon Slaying Arrow: 3+15+4 (Foe Slayer)=22, a hit for 36
(disadvantage from the fog cancelled by advantage granted by the Oathbow effect)

Two arrows fly toward the dragon. You almost see them pulse slightly with a dark energy as they strike. The dragon roars in pain, but then looks intently and furiously at you all-- these arrows are meant to kill dragons, but do not seem to faze the creature too much. Leena smirks at the reaction a stands low, awaiting a counter attack.

Keep in mind that due to the fog, you all have disadvantage on any ranged attacks. Dr. Nimm, Xavier, you tied for initiative so you both go!

2016-03-02, 03:28 PM
Knowledge 28 nature on green dragons (or whatever applies)

History 33 to recall specifics on Anesvedonia (special attacks, weaknesses, color preferences, dislikes, allergies etc).

"Bear Ghost? Who is he?" (Nimm seems to have suppressed something)

Action: "Activate... Aerosol aura of purity!"

Bonus action: "Mr. Benson! Assist me in defending my person!

"Rupert Pompeius! Uhh... Just hide."

2016-03-02, 10:03 PM
Knowledge 28 nature on green dragons (or whatever applies)

History 33 to recall specifics on Anesvedonia (special attacks, weaknesses, color preferences, dislikes, allergies etc).

"Bear Ghost? Who is he?" (Nimm seems to have suppressed something)

Action: "Activate... Aerosol aura of purity!"

Bonus action: "Mr. Benson! Assist me in defending my person!

"Rupert Pompeius! Uhh... Just hide."

Green dragons are covetous and deceitful, though they have an unusual honor about them, if ever given their word. They tend to favor dense forests, which this definitely is not-- at least not on the outside (the overconsumption by the predators due to the ecological imbalance shift, which drove the nearby elves to extinction, is clue to the land being worn and barren). Their breath weapons are cones of poisonous gas, and as you would suspect, they too are immune to poison and poisonous effects. This one in particular seems to have fallen into favor with Chromaticus.

You do not recall any history on this specific dragon, although her mention and discord for Garyxkilla definitely suggests some history, which might be worth investigating.

For Bear Ghost see page 1 NPCs. Leo was playing him and then dropped out. Angel was his original player, but left the game some time ago. Not Angel Lee.


Mr. Benson steps in front of Dr. Nimm slowly, then almost robotically puts up his fists like an early 1920s boxer. He then starts bouncing and weaving, very un-robotic-like, as if prepping for a melee assault.

Aerosol of Purity. Love it. Dr. Nimm pulls a string that cranks and whirls, drenching everyone with a (hopefully not toxic) cloud of mist. The visual effect subsides, but everyone feels strangely rejuvenated.

Xavier is holding his action to put up a Wall of Force in the event of a breath weapon. He concentrates on the effect, eyeing the dragon intently and holding the power's energy for just the right moment.

Just as Arcivus is about to react, you see the dragon chuckle lightly to herself. Her eyes roll back, as if concentrating momentarily on her surroundings. Suddenly, everyone feels the ground beneath them tremor slightly, followed by an explosion of dry, thorny vines from the ground. An immense wall is erected, separating the front and back ranks. In the front stand Mr. Benson, Arcivus, Leena, and Reli. Behind the wall stand Dr. Nimm and Xavier.

The wall is about 10 feet high and extremely dense. It covers a large space across and would take a round or 2 to go around on foot.

The thorn-wall limits line of sight, so Xavier, you cannot see the dragon and will have trouble letting off your power. Let me know if you still want to hold it or let it manifest now based on where you last saw everyone's position.

Not fazed by silly parlor tricks... Arcivus (insert action here, but wait for Xavier's Wall of Force decision).



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark, Aura of Purity
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, Readied action, behind thorn-wall
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity
Arnesvedonia (10)

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-02, 10:21 PM
I will go ahead and manifest Wall of Force to shield the front row from whatever trickery this dragon has planned.

2016-03-04, 01:52 AM
I will go ahead and manifest Wall of Force to shield the front row from whatever trickery this dragon has planned.

Arcivus slightly frustrated that a wall of impenetrable force is in his way, but in battle rage his mind is focused on swinging the sword not wisdom.

Arcivus activates his sacred weapon, and a bright light emits from his blade. (20ft bright light, 20ft dim)
Remember that I cast deathward and Freedom of movement at that crossway. (one is a 1hour buff one is an 8hour buff)

By this light I will slay you, you foul beast of poison and bile! Arcivus salutes, move a bit closer to the wall of force still within 30ft of the group. If possible ill move right next to the wall.

The perceptive will notice that Arcivus isnt touching the ground but hover a few inches above.

2016-03-04, 05:00 PM
Arcivus slightly frustrated that a wall of impenetrable force is in his way, but in battle rage his mind is focused on swinging the sword not wisdom.

Arcivus activates his sacred weapon, and a bright light emits from his blade. (20ft bright light, 20ft dim)
Remember that I cast deathward and Freedom of movement at that crossway. (one is a 1hour buff one is an 8hour buff)

By this light I will slay you, you foul beast of poison and bile! Arcivus salutes, move a bit closer to the wall of force still within 30ft of the group. If possible ill move right next to the wall.

The perceptive will notice that Arcivus isnt touching the ground but hover a few inches above.

Even the perceptive cannot see a Wall of Force. You had no idea Xavier was planning on manifesting it and would have no way of seeing it if he had. As far as you know, there is no wall between you. I'll get the details from Xavier in private as far as where he plans to put it.

2016-03-04, 05:04 PM
Even the perceptive cannot see a Wall of Force. You had no idea Xavier was planning on manifesting it and would have no way of seeing it if he had. As far as you know, there is no wall between you. I'll get the details from Xavier in private as far as where he plans to put it.

Okey in that case Ill activate my sacred weapon while im charging (flying) toward the dragon... FOR HEIRO...BOINK... I collide with the wall... I reckon ill have to make a dex to keep on my feet/hovering?

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-04, 07:01 PM
Certainly, with Xavier's psionically enhanced intellect there is a way to avoid any confusion. Xavier concludes a simple battle command will suffice.

"Hold your positions my friends."

2016-03-05, 12:17 PM
Arcivus slightly frustrated that a wall of impenetrable force is in his way, but in battle rage his mind is focused on swinging the sword not wisdom.

Arcivus activates his sacred weapon, and a bright light emits from his blade. (20ft bright light, 20ft dim)
Remember that I cast deathward and Freedom of movement at that crossway. (one is a 1hour buff one is an 8hour buff)

By this light I will slay you, you foul beast of poison and bile! Arcivus salutes, move a bit closer to the wall of force still within 30ft of the group. If possible ill move right next to the wall.

The perceptive will notice that Arcivus isnt touching the ground but hover a few inches above.

I'll say that you trust Xavier's words and follow through with your initial action, minus the move (he did say to stay put). Instead, you just reposition yourself at point, along with Reli and Mr. Benson, with Leena just behind.


Xavier takes his turn to fly above the wall of thorns and manifest his wall. The dragon look sat you all suspiciously, but comes forward in flight, colliding with the wall.

Ah! Cowards! You mean to delay your destruction?!

The Wall of Force is placed halfway between you all (20 feet or so), meaning that the dragon uses 20 feet of movement in coming into contact. The wall is placed in a square, 50x50 feet. Not knowing the dimensions, she snarls.

Trickery! No matter!

She then climbs 50 feet up (her fly speed is 80), feeling the invisible wall, until she is almost over it. She remains on the opposite side, hovering and using the wall as cover. At this point everyone can assume that there is an invisible wall there, and it looks to be about 50 feet high. You are not sure of its width.

This puts her a good 55 feet away, diagonally (20 feet back, 50 feet up) from Arcivus and the front row, about 60 away from Leena, and about 70 away from Dr. Nimm. Xavier took his action to fly up, so he is actually closer at around 40 feet away.

Yes (a^2)+(b^2)=c^2. I am solving for the hypotenuse in each case.

The dragon seems to be ready to defend herself midflight, at a moments notice (Dodge action).

This ends the first round. Everyone seems pumped and buffed up.


Round 2!

Leena, seeing that an arrow would be a waste of time, quickly repositions herself.

We should spread out now, to not get caught in a breath weapon! (In Elvish) Reli, with me!

She then proceeds around the right side of where the dragon is hovering, but doesn't seem to make it to where the wall might be. She and Reli then stand at the defensive.

She curses the dragon in draconic, in an attempt to goad the creature.




Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), behind thorn-wall
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall, flying, Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, flying
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

Xavier, Nimm, you go!

2016-03-05, 05:33 PM
I'll say that you trust Xavier's words and follow through with your initial action, minus the move (he did say to stay put). Instead, you just reposition yourself at point, along with Reli and Mr. Benson, with Leena just behind.


Xavier takes his turn to fly above the wall of thorns and manifest his wall. The dragon look sat you all suspiciously, but comes forward in flight, colliding with the wall.

Ah! Cowards! You mean to delay your destruction?!

The Wall of Force is placed halfway between you all (20 feet or so), meaning that the dragon uses 20 feet of movement in coming into contact. The wall is placed in a square, 50x50 feet. Not knowing the dimensions, she snarls.

Trickery! No matter!

She then climbs 50 feet up (her fly speed is 80), feeling the invisible wall, until she is almost over it. She remains on the opposite side, hovering and using the wall as cover. At this point everyone can assume that there is an invisible wall there, and it looks to be about 50 feet high. You are not sure of its width.

This puts her a good 55 feet away, diagonally (20 feet back, 50 feet up) from Arcivus and the front row, about 60 away from Leena, and about 70 away from Dr. Nimm. Xavier took his action to fly up, so he is actually closer at around 40 feet away.

Yes (a^2)+(b^2)=c^2. I am solving for the hypotenuse in each case.

The dragon seems to be ready to defend herself midflight, at a moments notice (Dodge action).

This ends the first round. Everyone seems pumped and buffed up.


Round 2!

Leena, seeing that an arrow would be a waste of time, quickly repositions herself.

We should spread out now, to not get caught in a breath weapon! (In Elvish) Reli, with me!

She then proceeds around the right side of where the dragon is hovering, but doesn't seem to make it to where the wall might be. She and Reli then stand at the defensive.

She curses the dragon in draconic, in an attempt to goad the creature.




Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), behind thorn-wall
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall, flying, Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, flying
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

Xavier, Nimm, you go!
SoH,CaH,ToA the rhyme that I use to remember my trig :D

I know my turn is over, but I try and communicate in celestrial to Xavier and the rest, that it would be a good idea to use those walls to box in the dragon with enough room for us, to move in and out but not it.

2016-03-05, 06:08 PM
SoH,CaH,ToA the rhyme that I use to remember my trig :D

I know my turn is over, but I try and communicate in celestrial to Xavier and the rest, that it would be a good idea to use those walls to box in the dragon with enough room for us, to move in and out but not it.

Yes... but each wall requires concentration. I don't think you have enough casters for that.

2016-03-05, 06:21 PM
Yes... but each wall requires concentration. I don't think you have enough casters for that.

Well Arcivus doesnt know that... having only recently experienced psionics... but 10 discs mesuring 10x10 should be enough to cage in a gargantuan dragon... "I would guess" :D

2016-03-05, 08:01 PM
I.misty step right on.top of that wall I'm at, then toss a bomb. 20 to hit 32 fire dmg.

2016-03-05, 10:55 PM
I.misty step right on.top of that wall I'm at, then toss a bomb. 20 to hit 32 fire dmg.

Dr. Nimm vanishes in a blink, right next to Xavier... just for a moment though. He seems to have miscalculated the integrity of the wall. His bomb goes off as a wild fling, exploding on the Wall of Force, with virtually no chance of even being able to hit the dragon.

Even more frustrating is that the wall is not solid, but rather a collection of spiked and twisted vines. As Dr. Nimm falls through, he is scraped up quite a bit, taking 15 points of damage. He takes no falling damage, however, but is back at ground level and can exit the bushes on his next turn. Seeing this, the dragon chuckles, her voice echoing in the vast cavern.

Foolish gnome! You talk too much, yet leap before you look!

Waiting on Xavier.

2016-03-06, 12:16 AM
Ow! Blasted vegetation! Whose idea was it to come here?!

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-06, 02:15 PM
SoH,CaH,ToA the rhyme that I use to remember my trig :D

I know my turn is over, but I try and communicate in celestrial to Xavier and the rest, that it would be a good idea to use those walls to box in the dragon with enough room for us, to move in and out but not it.

"I am afraid I am not quite that powerful my friend."

I will ready an action.

If the dragon attempts to use her breath weapon, I will manifest Wall of Force in front of her to block it from affecting my companions and I.

2016-03-06, 04:08 PM
Okay, then. Arcivus?

2016-03-06, 05:19 PM
Okay, then. Arcivus?

Arcivus cast protection from poison on himself and listen to Leenas warning. He fly toward the wall of force on the opposite side of Leena, 10ft in the air.

"It will be a pleasure ridding the world of your evil!"

Effects: sacred weapon
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 3
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

2016-03-07, 09:45 PM
Arcivus cast protection from poison on himself and listen to Leenas warning. He fly toward the wall of force on the opposite side of Leena, 10ft in the air.

"It will be a pleasure ridding the world of your evil!"

Effects: sacred weapon
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 3
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

The wicked dragon eyes her options and goes for the lone warrior, Arcivus!

She charges forward and flares her wings, radiating her presence! She snarls inwardly as if taking a breath and the lets out a tremendous bellow. Her roar echoes into the depth of the cavern, shaking the very walls around you!

Frightful Presence! A sense of fear tingles down everyone spine, if just momentarily.

Arcivus and Mr. Benson are immune, unfortunately nobody else is. Luckily, Dr. Nimm's Aura of Purity grants advantage to such an effect.

Dr. Nimm, Xavier both succumb to the terror of the dragon and are frightened! Leena and Reli made a few lucky saves.

Frightened: disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, cannot willingly move closer to source of fear.

As if that is not enough... she continues on with an attack on Arcivus, tearing into him with her claws and teeth! Arcivus takes a total of 53 29 damage. Some of it was the raw poison let out by the creatures essence, which was slightly reduced by Arcivus' spell.

Leena finally has an opening. She reluctantly sends Reli off to assist Arcivus.

Leena: Go! Help him!

Reli snarls and darts forward to engage. He does not attack, but curiously looks to be trying to distract the dragon. He succeeds (Help action). Arcivus gains advantage on his next attack roll against the dragon!

Leena follows with 2 more arrows, both dragon slaying. The first catches the creatures wing, but the second strikes deep in its torso. The creature lets out a massive below, as if in excruciating pain. The second arrow was a critical. Leena inflicts a total of 133 damage between both attacks!

Legendary Action!

The dragon, in frustration, lashes out at Arcivus with her tail! Arcivus takes an additional 18 9 damage from the blow (current HP: 166/204)

The dragon notices the ineffectiveness of her attacks and snarls in frustration.

This brings us to Dr. Nimm and Xavier. Remember that you are both frightened. Dr. Nimm! You are in the actual thorn wall. As you scrounge through (whether you move out or not), you take an additional 15 damage (current HP: 153/183). Go!



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), in thorn-wall, frightened
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall, flying, Wall of Force (c), frightened
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-08, 04:38 PM
"Finish off this dragon quickly my friends. I will shield us!"

As a bonus action, I manifest Mass Healing Word at 5th level, healing any ally within 60 feet of me 13 hit points.

Then, I ready another Wall of Force if the dragon either attacks or uses her breath weapon against us. The wall will be placed in a location and have a design which best blocks the dragon's offensive.

2016-03-08, 05:48 PM
The wicked dragon eyes her options and goes for the lone warrior, Arcivus!

Leena finally has an opening. She reluctantly sends Reli off to assist Arcivus.

Leena: Go! Help him!

Reli snarls and darts forward to engage. He does not attack, but curiously looks to be trying to distract the dragon. He succeeds (Help action). Arcivus gains advantage on his next attack roll against the dragon!

Leena follows with 2 more arrows, both dragon slaying. The first catches the creatures wing, but the second strikes deep in its torso. The creature lets out a massive below, as if in excruciating pain. The second arrow was a critical. Leena inflicts a total of 133 damage between both attacks!

The dragon notices the ineffectiveness of her attacks and snarls in frustration.

Arcivus smiles at the dragons frustration. And as I fly close to the dragon around it like a cat cuddling a leg to end up at a spot around the back of its neck.
Im not exactly sure where I am in space according to the dragon, so ill let you decide. But my goal is to move "behind" and above it, so im sorta above it around its neck. AND I want to be in a spot where I dont feel that the dragon can hit me with all its attacks. Id rather spend my action and move to get to this spot, rather than moving somewhere uncool and using my action.

Dragon! I know you are just a misguided soul! But your actions have consequences! Unless you desire grace, I will kill you for your sins!

If I have my action ill attack and ofcourse fuel my attacks with spells:
first with advantage:
17/17: +15-5=27 to hit; (2d6)9+19+5+(4d8)22+(1d8)7=62
12+15-5 = 22 to hit; (2d6)8+19+5+(4d8)21+(1d8)7=60 (if i hit)
OA: 20!; 15-5=30; (4d6)15+19+5+(12d8)64 +(2d8)8 = 111(If I get this OA ill ofcourse use a 5th lvl spell, allthough I can only fuel it with lvl 4 might), if the dragon stays put this math would be avoided :D

2016-03-08, 07:42 PM
"Egads! What a terrible foe! I dare not move away from this thicket."

I use a bonus action to toss a fire bomb at the thicket. I see what effect it has before using my action. Hit 15. Dmg 32

2016-03-08, 08:56 PM
Arcivus smiles at the dragons frustration. And as I fly close to the dragon around it like a cat cuddling a leg to end up at a spot around the back of its neck.
Im not exactly sure where I am in space according to the dragon, so ill let you decide. But my goal is to move "behind" and above it, so im sorta above it around its neck. AND I want to be in a spot where I dont feel that the dragon can hit me with all its attacks. Id rather spend my action and move to get to this spot, rather than moving somewhere uncool and using my action.

Dragon! I know you are just a misguided soul! But your actions have consequences! Unless you desire grace, I will kill you for your sins!

If I have my action ill attack and ofcourse fuel my attacks with spells:
first with advantage:
17/17: +15-5=27 to hit; (2d6)9+19+5+(4d8)22+(1d8)7=62
12+15-5 = 22 to hit; (2d6)8+19+5+(4d8)21+(1d8)7=60 (if i hit)
OA: 20!; 15-5=30; (4d6)15+19+5+(12d8)64 +(2d8)8 = 111(If I get this OA ill ofcourse use a 5th lvl spell, allthough I can only fuel it with lvl 4 might), if the dragon stays put this math would be avoided :D

Hold your horses, kiddo. Nimm first and then we get to you.

Dr. Nimm tosses a bomb which almost instantly incinerates a large portion of the dry and brittle growth. This opens up a space roughly in the middle of the wall, about 10 feet wide. What you see before you is Leena to the far right, about 40 or so feet ahead of you, her bow drawn and eyes on the dragon, Mr. Benson standing at the ready not to far ahead of you, Xavier hovering overhead, and the massive wyrm flapping, suspended just off of the ground, with Reli and Arcivus flanking it, on the left, also about 40 feet away.

You have a clear visual of mostly everything. I will follow-up with a new map.

Care to finish off your action?

2016-03-08, 09:18 PM
Hands a-trembling, I steady my nerves enough to cast a bomb admixture with fireball at level 9 for 70 damage for the fireball, 25 for the bomb, total of 95 fire damage.

2016-03-08, 09:35 PM
Hands a-trembling, I steady my nerves enough to cast a bomb admixture with fireball at level 9 for 70 damage for the fireball, 25 for the bomb, total of 95 fire damage.

And your attack roll for the bomb? Remember that you are at advantage. Oh, and a Fireball has a blast radius of 20 feet, meaning that you are likely to catch Arcivus and Reli in it if you fling it mid-level. You can try to aim high, but you might miss with the bomb (it will explode regardless once it hits the Wall of Force.

If you are good with this, give me an attack roll at disadvantage for the bomb.

2016-03-08, 09:42 PM
And your attack roll for the bomb? Remember that you are at advantage. Oh, and a Fireball has a blast radius of 20 feet, meaning that you are likely to catch Arcivus and Reli in it if you fling it mid-level. You can try to aim high, but you might miss with the bomb (it will explode regardless once it hits the Wall of Force.

If you are good with this, give me an attack roll at disadvantage for the bomb.

Woops, didnt consider that. Ill just cast a fireball then. I only do 70 damage but I don't have all those complications and an attack roll. Ill aim it high.

2016-03-09, 07:44 AM
Woops, didnt consider that. Ill just cast a fireball then. I only do 70 damage but I don't have all those complications and an attack roll. Ill aim it high.

After having barely avoided a massive amount of damage from a wizard slinging the biggest fireball ever seen. Arcivus moves in to attack.

He moves above the dragon and slightly behind it. that way he can get a opportunity attack should the dragon move after Leena or some of the others.

and then he attacks.

Dragon! I know you are just a misguided soul! But your actions have consequences! Unless you desire grace, I will kill you for your sins!

first with advantage:
17/17: +15-5=27 to hit; (2d6)9+19+5+(4d8)22+(1d8)7=62
12+15-5 = 22 to hit; (2d6)8+19+5+(4d8)21+(1d8)7=60 (if i hit)
OA: 20!; 15-5=30; (4d6)15+19+5+(12d8)64 +(2d8)8 = 111(If I get this OA ill ofcourse use a 5th lvl spell, allthough I can only fuel it with lvl 4 might).

2016-03-09, 09:19 PM
After having barely avoided a massive amount of damage from a wizard slinging the biggest fireball ever seen. Arcivus moves in to attack.

He moves above the dragon and slightly behind it. that way he can get a opportunity attack should the dragon move after Leena or some of the others.

and then he attacks.

Dragon! I know you are just a misguided soul! But your actions have consequences! Unless you desire grace, I will kill you for your sins!

first with advantage:
17/17: +15-5=27 to hit; (2d6)9+19+5+(4d8)22+(1d8)7=62
12+15-5 = 22 to hit; (2d6)8+19+5+(4d8)21+(1d8)7=60 (if i hit)
OA: 20!; 15-5=30; (4d6)15+19+5+(12d8)64 +(2d8)8 = 111(If I get this OA ill ofcourse use a 5th lvl spell, allthough I can only fuel it with lvl 4 might).

Hold your horses there. The Fireball aims high, and the dragon ducks down to avert the majority of the blast. She is singed, however, and is looking seriously hurt at this point.

Legendary Action!

Not wanting to be scissored between the wolf and holy warrior, the massive dragon flails its wings and launches itself further up into the air. The wings swing wide and wildly, knocking down Mr. Benson (11 damage), Reli (12 damage), and Arcivus (7 damage). All are all prone, as the dragon climbs toward the ceiling, a good 40 feet away from you all.

The sunstones shine on the beast, the light glistening off the gems and jewels embedded in the hide. This helps illuminate the ceiling, which, although covered in vines, is nearly 100 feet high.

At this point, Arnesvedonia seems to concentrate on the innate powers of her lair. Nothig of note seems to happen, but Dr. Nimm does sense an oddity...

Despite the heavy fog that surrounds this vile place, an extra layer seems to surround Leena as the dragon focuses her power. Leena even seems slightly off, if just for a second and the dragon smile, if just slightly. You try to remember what this means, but in the instant that it is happening simply cannot remember what. Maybe the Tome of the Keeper might have some insight...

Arcivus... NOW you can go.

But, you are prone and the dragon is a good 40 feet away from you.

No new battle map, as the only changes that have taken pace are the prone characters mentioned and the dragon, which is now 40 feet up in the air instead of at ground level.



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, prone
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), in thorn-wall, frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity, prone
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall, flying, Wall of Force (c), frightened
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (prone)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

2016-03-10, 08:05 AM
Hold your horses there. The Fireball aims high, and the dragon ducks down to avert the majority of the blast. She is singed, however, and is looking seriously hurt at this point.

Legendary Action!

Not wanting to be scissored between the wolf and holy warrior, the massive dragon flails its wings and launches itself further up into the air. The wings swing wide and wildly, knocking down Mr. Benson (11 damage), Reli (12 damage), and Arcivus (7 damage). All are all prone, as the dragon climbs toward the ceiling, a good 40 feet away from you all.

The sunstones shine on the beast, the light glistening off the gems and jewels embedded in the hide. This helps illuminate the ceiling, which, although covered in vines, is nearly 100 feet high.

At this point, Arnesvedonia seems to concentrate on the innate powers of her lair. Nothig of note seems to happen, but Dr. Nimm does sense an oddity...

Despite the heavy fog that surrounds this vile place, an extra layer seems to surround Leena as the dragon focuses her power. Leena even seems slightly off, if just for a second and the dragon smile, if just slightly. You try to remember what this means, but in the instant that it is happening simply cannot remember what. Maybe the Tome of the Keeper might have some insight...

Arcivus... NOW you can go.

But, you are prone and the dragon is a good 40 feet away from you.

No new battle map, as the only changes that have taken pace are the prone characters mentioned and the dragon, which is now 40 feet up in the air instead of at ground level.



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, prone
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), in thorn-wall, frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity, prone
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, behind thorn-wall, flying, Wall of Force (c), frightened
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (prone)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

Arcivus flyes up behind the dragon. Uses a dash to get there. And as bonus action he cast shield of faith.

Also if I notice what's going on at Leena, I'd like to call out to her and ask her if she is alright

2016-03-10, 08:31 AM
"Hmmm.." I take cover behind the hedge and pull out the tome, try to quickly look up my suspicion.

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-10, 02:35 PM
"What trickery is this? Come down and die with honor you coward!"

2016-03-10, 10:23 PM
Arcivus continues to engage with the dragon, who seems more than willing to face off against the warrior.

Arnesvedonia: You continue to come at me, fool!

The dragon then speaks a series of arcane words and points at Arcivus, a green ray springing from her finger! Arcivus fails to dodge the ray (7+6=13) and takes 82 force damage.

Arnesvedonia: Ah, not resistant to magic so much, huh!

I forgot to roll for it, but Xavier shakes off the frightened condition, while Dr. Nimm not so much.

Arnesvedonia: (low, to Leena in Draconic) Friend! I am under assault. I require your assistance!

Everyone looks suddenly over to Leena, who sets her eyes on Arcivus. It is now apparent by everyone that some power has come over her.

She curses him in Elvish... and then follows up with 2 arrows!

20+17=37, a crit! for 35 damage!
14+17=31, a hit for 23 damage.

These are both magical attacks, so no resistance applies. Reli then gets up and moves away, toward Leena, snarling at you all, on the defensive.

Legendary Action!

After Leena, the dragon swings at Arcivus with her tail (5+15=20), but the swing is wild and deflected by the Shield of Faith. The dragon snarls in frustration.

Arcivus is severely weakened, but still up at 39/204 HP. No one else was injured.

This brings us to Nimm and Xavier. Go!



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity, Charmed
Reli: Aura of Purity
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity, prone
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, flying, Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying
Arnesvedonia (10): flying

2016-03-10, 10:34 PM
"Hmmm.." I take cover behind the hedge and pull out the tome, try to quickly look up my suspicion.

No need to take up your action. As Leena fires away, it is a giveaway. Powerful green dragons, in their lair, can charm opponents. Luckily, it is a momentary control and passes within seconds, so there is no need to dispel or otherwise intervene.

2016-03-11, 12:22 PM
Cast Heal on Archie at Max slot level. I think I only get 1 Lv 9 slot.right? So its 8. If not, ill.do at.9

"The dragon has charmed Leena, but it should only last a moment!"

2016-03-11, 05:14 PM
Cast Heal on Archie at Max slot level. I think I only get 1 Lv 9 slot.right? So its 8. If not, ill.do at.9

"The dragon has charmed Leena, but it should only last a moment!"

Arcivus is a good 65 feet away, as he is suspended 50 feet in the air, locked in a dog fight with the dragon. You take a step forward and fling a tiny needle at him that strikes at his exposed arm unerringly. A mysterious fluid is instantly injected into his body and a large portion of his wounds close. The needle also disintegrates in its usage.

The dragon seems visibly annoyed at this and scoffs, a huff of its poisonous breath landing heavily on Arcivus.

Arcivus HP: 129/204

Xavier! You come when you're not asked... and pay no heed when I call you!

2016-03-11, 05:24 PM
Cast Heal on Archie at Max slot level. I think I only get 1 Lv 9 slot.right? So its 8. If not, ill.do at.9

"The dragon has charmed Leena, but it should only last a moment!"

Leena: Me? Charmed? Are you out of your mind, Nimm? Why are you attacking him! He is my friend!

The bow is now on you for your remark. Leena didn't take too kindly to it.

Nonetheless, you are pretty sure the charm will wear off.

Quite sure.

Probably sure.

It is more than likely going to wear off.

Now you are getting nervous.

But, it should wear off...

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-11, 05:55 PM
As a bonus action and ensuring I move towards Arcivus so he is affected, I manifest Empowered Mass Healing Word at 5th level, restoring 14 hit points to every ally within 60 feet of me.

Again, I ready an action to manifest a Wall of Force to block any attack the dragon attempts.

2016-03-11, 07:06 PM
As a bonus action and ensuring I move towards Arcivus so he is affected, I manifest Empowered Mass Healing Word at 5th level, restoring 14 hit points to every ally within 60 feet of me.

Again, I ready an action to manifest a Wall of Force to block any attack the dragon attempts.

Arcivus is fairly frustrated with Xaviers use of the wall of force, Arcivus knowledge of the spell having seen it in use like 4 times already have ideas how to trap foes with it. Arcivus make a note to himself that if he survive, he will have a word or two with the psion.
Arcivus also check if Xavier has made a leap in his aging progress, anything that may explain the lack of world changing magic to an - as Arcivus see it - passiveness that will end in his demise.

Is it my turn now? and does the dragon use anything that take it out of my reach?

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-11, 08:56 PM
Arcivus continues to engage with the dragon, who seems more than willing to face off against the warrior.

Arnesvedonia: You continue to come at me, fool!

The dragon then speaks a series of arcane words and points at Arcivus, a green ray springing from her finger! Arcivus fails to dodge the ray (7+6=13) and takes 82 force damage.

Shouldn't my Wall of Force I readied protect Arcivus from the dragon's attack?

2016-03-11, 11:16 PM
Shouldn't my Wall of Force I readied protect Arcivus from the dragon's attack?

You specified an attack or breath weapon. This was a spell. Truthfully, a readied action is limited to a single condition, not multiple conditions, but I let it slide since the dragon hasn't used its breath yet. You could have used the wall to block the tail attack, but it missed anyway.

2016-03-12, 01:03 PM
The dragon sees that she is fighting what looks like a losing battle and seems to get desperate.

Legendary Action!

She flaps her wings, connecting with Arcivus for a measly 8 damage (143/203 HP after the Healing Word). She then climbs further up, about 40 feet, nearing the top of the room, toward where there looks to be an exit. Her movement provokes an Opportunity Attack, which Arcivus more than happily takes advantage of:

13+20=33, a hit for 20 damage

(Arcivus, feel free to add in smite damage if you want. Keep track of your slots!)

Lair Action!

The dragon approaches a moderate opening that seems to exit to the outside. She then looks back at Leena and concentrates on where she is standing.

Suddenly a mass of vines spring forth, as if animated, grabbing at Leena and Reli. Leena, struggles her way free, seemingly free from the dragon's mental control s well, but Reli yelps as he gets pulled down, restrained.

Leena: Hold tight, Reli. She is trying to escape! Don't let her!

Arcivus. NOW you go. Feel free to add any smite damage to your hit, but know that the dragon is again, a good 40 feet away from you.



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, restrained
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, flying (10 feet up), Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (50 feet up)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying (90 feet up)

2016-03-12, 05:29 PM
The dragon sees that she is fighting what looks like a losing battle and seems to get desperate.

Legendary Action!

She flaps her wings, connecting with Arcivus for a measly 8 damage (143/203 HP after the Healing Word). She then climbs further up, about 40 feet, nearing the top of the room, toward where there looks to be an exit. Her movement provokes an Opportunity Attack, which Arcivus more than happily takes advantage of:

13+20=33, a hit for 20 damage

(Arcivus, feel free to add in smite damage if you want. Keep track of your slots!)

Lair Action!

The dragon approaches a moderate opening that seems to exit to the outside. She then looks back at Leena and concentrates on where she is standing.

Suddenly a mass of vines spring forth, as if animated, grabbing at Leena and Reli. Leena, struggles her way free, seemingly free from the dragon's mental control s well, but Reli yelps as he gets pulled down, restrained.

Leena: Hold tight, Reli. She is trying to escape! Don't let her!

Arcivus. NOW you go. Feel free to add any smite damage to your hit, but know that the dragon is again, a good 40 feet away from you.



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, restrained
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, flying (10 feet up), Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (50 feet up)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying (90 feet up)

Arcivus cant do just 20 damage! im gonna break it down. first of all, Arcivus will use his power attack, so if he misses thats an entirely diffrent question. he roll a 13, subtract 5 and add 10 damage... he has now a glowing sword that add another +5 damage(sacred weapon) +5 to hit.
so my math: 15-5+13+5 = 23 28hit! ; (2d6)7 + 19+5+(1d8)5 = 3631 dam!
Ups I forgot to add the 3rd lvl spell damage to the OA: 31 dam from spell fuel!
Arcivus is channeling the frustration of his God. He had a chance to strike a deep blow to Chromaticus by destroying Arnevendosia and her destruction of the earth! Arcivus cast move as close to the dragon as possible (30 ft) and use his bonus action charge his sword he then use an action to cast Destructive wave. Save DC CON DC 19 save for half. (26dam + 25 =51 dam, and prone)
Arcivus move toward the dragon and dash past it and try and put himself between the dragon and its escape route. Then Arcivus cast shield of faith as a bonus action.

You stay here and fight you overgrown Lizard!

Ill do as you describe in next post.

Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 6
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (2/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

2016-03-12, 08:22 PM
Arcivus cant do just 20 damage! im gonna break it down. first of all, Arcivus will use his power attack, so if he misses thats an entirely diffrent question. he roll a 13, subtract 5 and add 10 damage... he has now a glowing sword that add another +5 damage(sacred weapon)
so my math: 15-5+13 = 23 hit! ; (2d6)7 + 19+5+(1d8)5 = 36 dam!
Ups I forgot to add the 3rd lvl spell damage to the OA: 31 dam from spell fuel!
Arcivus is channeling the frustration of his God. He had a chance to strike a deep blow to Chromaticus by destroying Arnevendosia and her destruction of the earth! Arcivus cast move as close to the dragon as possible (30 ft) and use his bonus action charge his sword he then use an action to cast Destructive wave. Save DC CON DC 19 save for half. (26dam + 25 =51 dam, and prone)


Arcivus make the earth rumble with his faith and commitment!

His sword shines brighter than normal and he now awaits the response to his challange.

Okay, I redid some math, 28 to hit (Sacred Weapon gives you +5 to hit, not damage). That hits. You cannot reroll the base damage (20), but I will add in the Great Weapon Fighting (+10) as well as the smite (31) for a total of 61 damage. Dammmmn... age.

You hustle, up goading the dragon and whisper a word of power, letting out a ripple of divine energy.

The description says you strike the ground, but it only has a verbal component, so I am going with the rule versus the flavor.

The dragon seems to maintain its composure, but nonetheless looks very weak.

Leena takes the opportunity to fire off 2 arrows:

2+15+20 (Peerless Aim)=37, a hit for 35 damage
5+15=20, a miss!

(crappy rolls for her)

The dragon staggers in flight, weakened.

Dr. Nimm, you go!



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, restrained
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, flying (10 feet up), Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (50 feet up)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying (90 feet up)

2016-03-12, 09:52 PM
Christopher, you last left feeling uncertain about the cosmos, your faith, and ultimately, the fate of the realm. You have felt weakness coming from the Shining One and despite prayer and meditation, felt detached. You needed to seek answers.

You left Teleroth's keep to put your hands to work: Pelor's work. You knew that King Crassus, one of your oldest and most dear friends had begun a war against the undead. You felt that maybe better direction would be given to you if you followed this path, in helping cleanse the land. So you left.

Heading north, you made your way to Bear Ghost's tribe to rest. Bear Ghost had been awaiting Xavier and the others for their support to finally challenge the evil troll chieftain Numvulk, who had taken over the tribe and started to worship a dark sinister dragon god, Chromaticus. The green wyrm Garyxkilla had ventured with the part here in order to "assist" in the conversion, as the rise of Chromaticus threatened the balance between both Bahamut and Tiamat, so an unlikely, begrudging alliance was formed.

Something made you want to stay a bit longer. Days passed. Bear Ghost waited and waited for the others to arrive, but no one came. You spoke with Bear Ghost of all things and, although you never knew him too well, started to form a friendship. He even discussed with you visions that he has had, inspired by the gods, of him reclaiming his glory. After many of these talks, you got the feeling that there was more to these visions than what he was letting on.

One day, Bear Ghost woke you early.

Bear Ghost: It is time. Today I reclaim the glory of my tribe. I am sure the others have reason to not be here, but I can wait on them no longer.

You were more than willing to support Bear Ghost, yet you feared for his life. Numvulk was a powerful troll and an even more seasoned combatant. You have heard stories of Bear Ghost's strength, however, and even witnessed feats on your own, but in a duel to the death, this seemed much more daunting an endeavor.

As you enter the combat grounds, which are a sacred place lined with stones, bones, and other tribal paraphernalia, void of magic, you notice a large group had already gathered. While Bear Ghost had been back, you did not think he had spoken to too many others of challenging the chieftain once again. There is a disturbing display of Titania, fallen barbarian-princess of a former allied tribe with her lion, Leandro, bound in display. Bear Ghost has spoken fondly of her and her of him when you had the chance to engage. She has been left alive as a reminder of the ridicule that one would endure from having been a surviving member of a now extinct people who once stood against the rise of Numvulk. She is worn, beaten, and starving and has been this way for days.

You approach the grounds with Bear Ghost, who calls to the head witchdoctor and lead advisor to the chieftain, an Oni (Ogre Mage) called Thazgat.

Bear Ghost: Hear me, Thazgat! I stand to reclaim the honor of my people. I once again challenge the chieftain for rule of the tribe!

The blue skinned ogre smiles and scoffs.

Thazgat: You again, pup! Have you no honor? Last duel ended in your pathetic friends coming to your rescue... Besides, it is too late. We gather here because another has challenged the chieftain!

Shocked, you both look at one another, as murmuring fills the tribe and a path opens. A quaint elf approaches, wearing nothing more than simple clothes. No weapons or armor. He has medium length brown hair, likely green eyes. Not very distinguished, even as elves go.

Elf: I have come to claim the tribe. I have come to challenge the chieftain!

The crowd erupts in laughter. Thazgat raises his hand, silencing the crowd.

Thazgat: Come forward then, warrior. Test your mettle!

Large steps are then heard. An entourage of giants, ogres, and trolls approach, parting the gathering of the rest of the tribe (composed mostly of humans, orcs, and half-orcs).

Chieftain Numvulk steps forward, with a large axe, and tribal garb. He wears the necklace last held by Bear Ghost's father, which signifies leadership of the tribe. He says not a word, but steps into the large combat circle, draws his blade, and then lets out a mighty and glorious roar, again inciting the crowd.

The quaint elf slowly steps forward but is caught off guard once again by Thazgat.

Thazgat: There is no help or magic allowed in this combat, elf. You understand this?

At this point, the elf, head down, has all but entered the circle. You can barely make out what looks like a smirk as he raises his head and steps in.

As the first leg enters the circle, it is almost instantly transformed into that of a large, reptilian appendage. As the elf steps fully into the anti-magic ring, its true form is revealed-- that of the green dragon, Garyxkilla! The massive creature barely fits in the fighting arena and is among the largest dragons you have ever seen.


A large gasp is heard by all as the tribe prepares to take down the beast.

Garyxkilla: Is it against the rules for a dragon to challenge the chieftain? What say you, Numvulk!?

The commotion ends and silence ensues. The chief, not panicked like the rest, raises his sword.

Numvulk: Numvulk fears nothing. To the death!

He then charges the dragon, to the cheers of his people.

The dragon is unfazed. Not impressed with the troll, Garyxkilla snatches at him, gripping him tightly.

Garyxkilla: Without your magic and charms, you are weak!

He slams him down. All can hear the crunching and breaking of bone. The chief has been overpowered. The dragon, having quite easily pinned the dragon, leans over close to his face, in a domineering position.

Garyxkilla: Yield.

Numvulk: (gasping for air) Ne--ver

Crunch! The dragon presses further.

Garyxkilla: I will spare your life. You will have honor as greatest warrior of MY tribe. Now YIELD!

The crowd has gone silent as moments pass, the dragon locked in a staredown with the defeated troll. Eventually, Numvulk speaks...

Numvulk: I... yield.

The tribe is utterly shocked by the turn of events. You see Bear Ghost, wondering of his expression. He is fuming. Not only did he lose out the chance to challenge for the tribe, but it was just taken by his arch nemesis, Garyxkilla, a dragon who has harassed him for years.

Garyxkilla also seems to know exactly where Bear Ghost is. The dragon snatches the tribal necklace from around Numvulk's neck and clenches it, locking eyes with Bear Ghost, in much a condescending manner.

Victory is called and Garyxkilla immediately calls out to the tribe a number of changes to be taken immediately.

Garyxkilla: As you chieftain, I command you... All worship of the false god Chromaticus is to cease, with Tiamat taking his place. Any transgression will be dealt with, punished by death. My accomodations must be appropriate you are to start building...

He goes on and on as the awestruck crowd listens on. He seems to lock eyes with Bear Ghost now and again, as if knowing how much he is getting under his skin.

Infuriated, Bear Ghost calls out.

Bear Ghost: Garyxkilla! I challenge you!

As if fighting the troll one on one was bad, you this is even worse. You try to hold him back, but he shrugs you off.

Thazgat: Ha! The Chieftain cannot be challenged for yet another moon! You have lost again, pup! Away with you!

Thazgat seems to not care who is chief, so long as he can serve. He approaches the dragon, as to escort him to temporary quarters. Garyxkilla, however, has other ideas...

Garyxkilla: I accept! Now, before your people, I will humiliate you. And then take this one (looking over at Titania) as my first sacrifice. She is a virgin, isn't she?

The temperature suddenly drops as the clouds start to shift. A low rumble is heard in the distance. You can almost hear Bear Ghost call out to Kord for strength.

He nears the arena, as does Garyxkilla. The dragon enters first, confident, and powerful. They have faced off before and Bear Ghost has never bested him, but rather has been left alive humiliated. You now hope for a different outcome.

Bear Ghost draws his weapon, which is a massive greataxe. It shines slightly, revealing its enchantment. The dragon knows very well that without the aid of magic, he definitely has the upper hand. Bear Ghost steps in. The weapon dims, as if mundane. All look to Thazgat except the 2 combatants. There is a slight sense of patience as the size each other up.

Thazgat: Begin!

Thunder claps and the winds pick up. Lightning can be seen streaking in the sky, though not touching down. It is strange that there is no rain, however...

The dragon lunges first, tearing into Bear Ghost. A few swings are returned, but the seem to do very little to the massive wyrm. It seems that the dragon wishes not to toy with his prey this time, but to make it bleed. The dragon exhales its poisonous breath, prompting a large portion of spectators to flee the nearby area. Many do not make it out of the way, and lie lifeless. Bear Ghost weathers the breath and lunges forward, in a fury.

You have seen Bear Ghost at his worst. This isn't it. He is holding back. You do not know why, but at this point, the bloodrage should have taken over. A few ore blows are landed on both sides, with Bear Ghost visibly injured moments in. The dragon seems to be getting bored with combat and snatches at Bear Ghost, restraining him as he did Numvlk.

Bear Ghost is unable to resist, and has his arms pinned. You almost look away, as this looks to be the finishing blow.

Garyxkilla: You are weak. You have always been weak. And know that you will always be weaker than me!

Crunching can be heard as pressure is frced down. The weather picks up further. Bear Ghost's eyes go bloodshot. Why did he wait so long you think to yourself?

Bear Ghost: RRAWWW!

Rage. Frenzy. All of his strength. Bear Ghost unleashes his fury. He is still pinned, however, proving to be just a slight nuisance to the much larger dragon. The dragon continues to smile at Bear Ghost as he struggles, when a very loud clap of thunder is heard in your immediate vicinity.

Bear Ghost: KORD!

Suddenly, Bear Ghost breaks the grip of the dragon, the entirety of the wyrm, pushed off, almost landing the wyrm on its back. Bear Ghost gathers to his feet and raises his axe, still raging. The loud clap of thunder is then followed by a bolt of lightning, that strikes Bear Ghost's very axe!


Rejuvenated, Bear Ghost charges the green dragon, the axe, crackling with energy, and lands a fatal blow, instantly decapitating the creature.

Bear Ghost lifts his axe and cheers, the crowd with him. You cannot believe your eyes. You have seen miracles. You have performed what many would call miracles. But nothing like this. Nothing at all like this.


The weather settles and the tribe gather its bearings. Things normalize. To an extent, anyway. Bear Ghost gains leadership of the tribe and frees Titania. The giants of the tribe march off later in the day after Numvulk, now humiliated and unwilling to suffer yet another defeat, leads them away.

Kord is reinstated as their patron. You discuss with Bear Ghost plans for the future, including the arrival of Crassus to wage war against the undead. He seems indifferent and wishes to focus on his tribe.

A few more days pass, more peacefully this time. You are planning to head out the following day and have a dark vision of a massive, multicolored dragon. The name Chromaticus is engrained in your mind. You see an island and a lair and you see Xavier, Nimm, Arcivus, and even Leena in trouble. Grave danger. You know where they are. It will take a few days to get there by flight, but if there is anything you have had lately, it has been time.

The undead will have to wait. Your friends are in need of you. You head off.

The fabled Dragon Isles reside in the far west. Once a paradise for all dragon kind, it was said to have been overrun by the followers of Chromoaticus in recent years. Many of the good dragons of the region have fled or been annihilated. The people of the land, while somewhat primitive, have suffered too due to the ecological shift.

You approach an enourmous mountain, guided only be instinct, you see a number of cave-like entrances. You gravitate toward one in particular and fly in, only to see yet another green dragon, this one decorated heavily in gems, embedded in her hide, wearing a crown that has too been embedded in the very crest that are worn proudly by all green dragons.

You hear commotion and have a sense that your friends are near...

So we continue...



Leena (29): Hunter's Mark (c), Aura of Purity
Reli: Aura of Purity, restrained
Dr. Nimm (21): Aura of Purity (c), frightened
Mr. Benson: Aura of Purity
Xavier (21): Aura of Purity, flying (10 feet up), Wall of Force (c)
Arcivus (18): Aura of Purity, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Poison, flying (50 feet up)
Christopher (11): flying (120 feet up)
Arnesvedonia (10): flying (90 feet up)

Still waiting on Nimm, then Xavier.

2016-03-13, 01:33 AM
How far is the dragon from me in total? I know shes 90 feet up.

Also am.I.still frightened?

2016-03-13, 10:09 AM
How far is the dragon from me in total? I know shes 90 feet up.

Also am.I.still frightened?

Still frightened, yes. I am calculating 95 feet or so away.

2016-03-13, 08:59 PM
Wall of stone on the opening. Doubling up layers if I can.

If not, fireball for 48.

In any case, I follow up w a prone bomb 16 to hit w disadvantage 21 dmg

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-14, 10:48 AM
Xavier decides the time to go on the offensive has now arrived.

"The time has come to finish this my friends!"

If needed, I move within range of the dragon.

As my bonus action, I activate Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust, Quickened and Empowered.

Attack roll: 16+12 = 28

Damage roll: 27+6 = 33

As my standard action, I activate Psionic Attack Mode: Mind Thrust, Empowered.

Attack roll: 12+12 = 24

Damage roll: 25+6 = 31

2016-03-14, 04:46 PM
Wall of stone on the opening. Doubling up layers if I can.

If not, fireball for 48.

In any case, I follow up w a prone bomb 16 to hit w disadvantage 21 dmg

at the moment you move within 30ft of me you will be cleared of your fear. (Consider me your beacon of light) But I believe you have to be somewhere underneath me as I think im 20-30 ish feet in the air.

2016-03-15, 04:20 PM
Dr. Nimm does a quick calculation and realizes that the opening is too far away to create and anything suspended in the air might crumble and collapse.

A simultaneous blast of psychic and fire damage reign from Dr. Nimm and Xavier. The dragon wails as it is caught in the explosion, and her body comes crashing down.

Christopher, you saw fear in this dragon's eyes as it was heading your way. You are not sure if it was it seeing you or the far of its life.

The dragon, barely able to move, tries to speak:

Arnesvedonia: ...Mer...cy...

Leena is quick to interject.

Leena: Mercy? No! Kill this vile creature. If someone doesn't do it, I will!

The combat sequence ends. You can all act or speak freely. Christopher, feel free to make an entrance at any time.

2016-03-15, 09:36 PM
"Hold, Leena. Tell us what you know, creature. Where is the Holy Avenger? Whom do you serve? What are their plans? And I still have yet to discover why dragons hoard wealth yet do not spend it on anything interesting. How many verb tenses are in the green draconic dialect?! Do not withhold this information! Have any alchemy formulas or spell books here? Or even history and cookbooks. I just like to learn.

Money! Give up all your money! We will actually spend it on useful things rather than sit on it, like you. I know you have additional money hidden somewhere. No one is that stupid to have all the wealth just sitting here. Perhaps even offshore accounts! Give it up, reptile! If you cooperate not only will we consider sparing you, I might even throw in a #rhinoven."

2016-03-16, 01:32 AM
Dr. Nimm does a quick calculation and realizes that the opening is too far away to create and anything suspended in the air might crumble and collapse.

A simultaneous blast of psychic and fire damage reign from Dr. Nimm and Xavier. The dragon wails as it is caught in the explosion, and her body comes crashing down.

Christopher, you saw fear in this dragon's eyes as it was heading your way. You are not sure if it was it seeing you or the far of its life.

The dragon, barely able to move, tries to speak:

Arnesvedonia: ...Mer...cy...

Leena is quick to interject.

Leena: Mercy? No! Kill this vile creature. If someone doesn't do it, I will!

The combat sequence ends. You can all act or speak freely. Christopher, feel free to make an entrance at any time.

Dr. Nimm does a quick calculation and realizes that the opening is too far away to create and anything suspended in the air might crumble and collapse.

A simultaneous blast of psychic and fire damage reign from Dr. Nimm and Xavier. The dragon wails as it is caught in the explosion, and her body comes crashing down.

Christopher, you saw fear in this dragon's eyes as it was heading your way. You are not sure if it was it seeing you or the far of its life.

The dragon, barely able to move, tries to speak:

Arnesvedonia: ...Mer...cy...

Leena is quick to interject.

Leena: Mercy? No! Kill this vile creature. If someone doesn't do it, I will!

The combat sequence ends. You can all act or speak freely. Christopher, feel free to make an entrance at any time.

"Arnesvedonia you have been a worthy foe! But mercy was offered and not accepted! Now you lay begging for your life but all I hear is deceit and lies in your voice."

"Now your fate will be decided soon it all depends on these things. First let us interrogate you while you let yourself be effected by my zone of truth spell and answer all our questions truthfully"

Arcivus cast the spell on the dragon. Awaiting its answer.

2016-03-16, 01:35 PM
The dragon seems not to resist the effects of the Zone of Truth spell.

Arnesvedonia: I will speak (cough) in earnest, fools! Spare my life and I will (cough) reveal all...

The dragon is prone, and barely able to move. She gags and coughs up every now and then. Blood is everywhere and her skin is badly torched from all the Fireballs she took.

Leena: You gotta be kidding me...

If there is no Christopher, it is as if he were never there (I'll have to retcon the story). Chime in!

2016-03-16, 01:58 PM
The dragon seems not to resist the effects of the Zone of Truth spell.

Arnesvedonia: I will speak (cough) in earnest, fools! Spare my life and I will (cough) reveal all...

The dragon is prone, and barely able to move. She gags and coughs up every now and then. Blood is everywhere and her skin is badly torched from all the Fireballs she took.

Leena: You gotta be kidding me...

If there is no Christopher, it is as if he were never there (I'll have to retcon the story). Chime in!

Arcivus is absolutely sure he know if the dragon have made the save or not continues.

First of all, where are your hordes, all of them, and how do we get to them, are there any traps, doors or harmful things we need to watch out for getting to them?

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-16, 04:21 PM
"I will support the decision of Arcivus regarding whether to spare this creature's life or not. I believe his code of honor will not lead us astray."

2016-03-18, 05:34 PM

I land behind the party, flaring my wings (do I even have wings anymore?) to soften my landing. The dragon threat seems neutralized, so I'll keep half my attention on the entrance to the cave.

"Hello, friends. I bring news from our friend Bear Ghost. We can speak more on him later. Tell me about this dragon that begs for his life. Surely you do not mean to end its life in cold blood. Can we bind it through its word to never act against us or ours?" (Are green dragons known to be particularly honorable? Can't find my 5e character sheet. Rolled a 12 towards that knowledge check)


You do have your wings. They were retained as a Blessing (DMG 227-228) in the form of angelic wings and presence. As far as dragons go, despite being evil, greens are noteworthy in their honor. They typically do make deals, so long as they gain some benefit, and are loathe to break their word. It seems that Garyxkilla was notorious for this throughout his life of hen you knew of him, as he would constantly put himself in positions of negotiation and power over the party (particularly Bear Ghost).

The dragon responds to the assault of questions.

Arnesvedonia: First... (cough) your word. Am I to be spared?

An intense feeling of remorse sweeps over you at you see this dragon, pleading for its life, with the others standing over it. Leena wants nothing more than to slay it. Arcivus, while a paladin, has not yet offered the creature the safety of its life but instead is berating it over her treasures. Xavier seems to cast off any sympathy he may have in his heart (if any) and allows the burden to be placed on others. Dr. Nimm simply seems apathetic and uninterested in the creatures fate. You are almost nauseated by what you are witnessing.

2016-03-18, 05:44 PM
"Ah. Sir Michael. I didn't realize you were gone. You didnt miss much. I'm raising money for a project. Which is why I'm here. And a sword for the paladin, that we may more expediently divest wealthy evildoers of their assets."

2016-03-19, 11:24 AM

I land behind the party, flaring my wings (do I even have wings anymore?) to soften my landing. The dragon threat seems neutralized, so I'll keep half my attention on the entrance to the cave.

"Hello, friends. I bring news from our friend Bear Ghost. We can speak more on him later. Tell me about this dragon that begs for his life. Surely you do not mean to end its life in cold blood. Can we bind it through its word to never act against us or ours?" (Are green dragons known to be particularly honorable? Can't find my 5e character sheet. Rolled a 12 towards that knowledge check)


You do have your wings. They were retained as a Blessing (DMG 227-228) in the form of angelic wings and presence. As far as dragons go, despite being evil, greens are noteworthy in their honor. They typically do make deals, so long as they gain some benefit, and are loathe to break their word. It seems that Garyxkilla was notorious for this throughout his life of hen you knew of him, as he would constantly put himself in positions of negotiation and power over the party (particularly Bear Ghost).

The dragon responds to the assault of questions.

Arnesvedonia: First... (cough) your word. Am I to be spared?

An intense feeling of remorse sweeps over you at you see this dragon, pleading for its life, with the others standing over it. Leena wants nothing more than to slay it. Arcivus, while a paladin, has not yet offered the creature the safety of its life but instead is berating it over her treasures. Xavier seems to cast off any sympathy he may have in his heart (if any) and allows the burden to be placed on others. Dr. Nimm simply seems apathetic and uninterested in the creatures fate. You are almost nauseated by what you are witnessing.

Do not try to bargain with me! As I said mercy will be granted if you do as I say, you have so far, and you still live. Now answer!
Christopher know Arcivus well enough to know there's more than meets the eye.

Arcivus goals other than the blessed sword is to find funds for the airship and help Rurik and King Krassus war against the undead.
If she agree
You will tell us all you know of Chromaticus and if I let you live, you have to excile yourself and fly to a place outside chromaticus influence, will you do that?

If she agree
you will never influence humanoid life ever again in any way good or bad, will you agree

If the dragon agree on every term, Arcivus will Grant him mercy

2016-03-19, 06:27 PM
Do not try to bargain with me! As I said mercy will be granted if you do as I say, you have so far, and you still live. Now answer!
Christopher know Arcivus well enough to know there's more than meets the eye.

Arcivus goals other than the blessed sword is to find funds for the airship and help Rurik and King Krassus war against the undead.
If she agree
You will tell us all you know of Chromaticus and if I let you live, you have to excile yourself and fly to a place outside chromaticus influence, will you do that?

If she agree
you will never influence humanoid life ever again in any way good or bad, will you agree

If the dragon agree on every term, Arcivus will Grant him mercy

"Well said. Negotiations are not my strong suit. Xavier, review the terms set forth by Archie, if you please. If you two are in accord, I have no issue letting her live. We beat her once, we can do it again, ey Annie?" I poke Anesvedonia with my pipe. "Aww. There, there. Don't worry, I won't tell your followers." I wink.

2016-03-20, 02:41 PM
Do not try to bargain with me! As I said mercy will be granted if you do as I say, you have so far, and you still live. Now answer!
Christopher know Arcivus well enough to know there's more than meets the eye.

Arcivus goals other than the blessed sword is to find funds for the airship and help Rurik and King Krassus war against the undead.
If she agree
You will tell us all you know of Chromaticus and if I let you live, you have to excile yourself and fly to a place outside chromaticus influence, will you do that?

If she agree
you will never influence humanoid life ever again in any way good or bad, will you agree

If the dragon agree on every term, Arcivus will Grant him mercy

The dragon snarls in discontent at your words.

Arnesvedonia: Ha! I agree. Humanoid life is doomed! Exile, I will seek, yet when Chromaticus' influence reaches me, there will be little I can do to once again embrace it.

She starts getting up to retreat, very slowly, staggered. Leena pulls her bow on her.

Leena: I don't trust her!

Reli snarls.

Arnesvedonia: Enchanted blade, you say? Well all of my treasures have been handed as tribute to Chromaticus himself! I do recall a formidable weapon among them... suitable for a warrior such as yourself.

She gestures beyond the thicket of vines that she first used to conceal her position, which opens up at her whim before you. A large pathway is laid out, leading into darkness.

Arnesvedonia: Seek your treasures there, heroes (condescendingly), if not your death...

She means to take flight and leave. She is terribly weakened. She backs away, wings flaring and starting to flap. Does anyone have any parting words?

2016-03-20, 03:54 PM
The dragon snarls in discontent at your words.

Arnesvedonia: Ha! I agree. Humanoid life is doomed! Exile, I will seek, yet when Chromaticus' influence reaches me, there will be little I can do to once again embrace it.

She starts getting up to retreat, very slowly, staggered. Leena pulls her bow on her.

Leena: I don't trust her!

Reli snarls.

Arnesvedonia: Enchanted blade, you say? Well all of my treasures have been handed as tribute to Chromaticus himself! I do recall a formidable weapon among them... suitable for a warrior such as yourself.

She gestures beyond the thicket of vines that she first used to conceal her position, which opens up at her whim before you. A large pathway is laid out, leading into darkness.

Arnesvedonia: Seek your treasures there, heroes (condescendingly), if not your death...

She means to take flight and leave. She is terribly weakened. She backs away, wings flaring and starting to flap. Does anyone have any parting words?

As she leave, I cast bless on her as a token of agreement.

You have my mercy and blessing! Now leave and never come back! Fury is a word of comfort compared to what you will face if I see you again in league with Chromaticus or if I hear of you meddling with humanoid relations!

And if Leena raises her bow, I either motion her to lower her bow, but if that doesnt work, ill move infront of Leena to grant the dragon full cover.

2016-03-20, 11:01 PM
As she leave, I cast bless on her as a token of agreement.

You have my mercy and blessing! Now leave and never come back! Fury is a word of comfort compared to what you will face if I see you again in league with Chromaticus or if I hear of you meddling with humanoid relations!

And if Leena raises her bow, I either motion her to lower her bow, but if that doesnt work, ill move infront of Leena to grant the dragon full cover.

"Hold! Only fools and paladins over value the word of an enemy.

Anesvedonia, I request that you remain as a gesture of good faith, until we know there is no subterfuge or mischief within that tunnel.

Our agreement includes access to you hoard. I will not accept you departing before the transaction takes place and will be more than happy to assist Leena in ensuring that. Though I confess I am frightened of you, my fear has not overcome my wits!

Leena, aim for the heart. If this worthy individual attempts to depart prematurely, let fly.

Archie, we came here for your sword and have gone through a great deal of trouble. Yet here you are playing bodyguard to our enemy. Go fetch your damned weapon and stop being a righteous fool. I will not harm Anesvedonia unless she attempts some wickedness."

I ready an action to cast fireball if Anesvedonia tries to leave.

2016-03-21, 03:48 PM
"Hold! Only fools and paladins over value the word of an enemy.

Anesvedonia, I request that you remain as a gesture of good faith, until we know there is no subterfuge or mischief within that tunnel.

Our agreement includes access to you hoard. I will not accept you departing before the transaction takes place and will be more than happy to assist Leena in ensuring that. Though I confess I am frightened of you, my fear has not overcome my wits!

Leena, aim for the heart. If this worthy individual attempts to depart prematurely, let fly.

Archie, we came here for your sword and have gone through a great deal of trouble. Yet here you are playing bodyguard to our enemy. Go fetch your damned weapon and stop being a righteous fool. I will not harm Anesvedonia unless she attempts some wickedness."

I ready an action to cast fireball if Anesvedonia tries to leave.

Arcivus wake up as if in a daze.

Dragon! you never answered me about the traps OR harmful things protecting your hordes!

2016-03-21, 04:41 PM
Arcivus wake up as if in a daze.

Dragon! you never answered me about the traps OR harmful things protecting your hordes!

"Heh. You were probably exposed to too much of my second hand smoke. This isn't tobacco you know." I wink at Haern Archie (oops lol) and blow a smoke ring.

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-22, 06:14 PM
"It is great to have you back with us Christopher. As far as sparing this dragon, I trust your judgment."

2016-03-22, 06:16 PM
The dragon flares her wings, but does not take flight.

Arnesvedonia: I will remain if that be your wish, but know that Chromaticus' lair lies further down the cavern...

I do not have any traps in my lair! I am master to all manner of creature and plant that dwell here...

You all do notice that the vines and vegetation do shift accordingly as she speaks, though none erupt or reach out to you in any aggressive fashion.

Arnesvedonia: And regarding my horde, behold! I have adorned all that I have! All other treasures have been demand-- offered as tribute to my powerful master.

She then opens her body, wings spread, revealing all manner of coins, gems, and jewel imbedded in her hide. Indeed enough to be worthy to be called a hoard, but not of a dragon of this size. She is clearly below her level of wealth.

Do you all proceed ownward? She has opened a path leading to what looks like a sleeping area that continues further downward into the darkness of the mountain.

2016-03-23, 04:11 AM
The dragon flares her wings, but does not take flight.

Arnesvedonia: I will remain if that be your wish, but know that Chromaticus' lair lies further down the cavern...

I do not have any traps in my lair! I am master to all manner of creature and plant that dwell here...

You all do notice that the vines and vegetation do shift accordingly as she speaks, though none erupt or reach out to you in any aggressive fashion.

Arnesvedonia: And regarding my horde, behold! I have adorned all that I have! All other treasures have been demand-- offered as tribute to my powerful master.

She then opens her body, wings spread, revealing all manner of coins, gems, and jewel imbedded in her hide. Indeed enough to be worthy to be called a hoard, but not of a dragon of this size. She is clearly below her level of wealth.

Do you all proceed ownward? She has opened a path leading to what looks like a sleeping area that continues further downward into the darkness of the mountain.

"I dont care where it is on your body. That treasure is ours by right of conquest. Start shaking, honey! Don't make me get up in there with a crowbar." #datass

2016-03-23, 04:49 PM
The dragon flares her wings, but does not take flight.

Arnesvedonia: I will remain if that be your wish, but know that Chromaticus' lair lies further down the cavern...

I do not have any traps in my lair! I am master to all manner of creature and plant that dwell here...

You all do notice that the vines and vegetation do shift accordingly as she speaks, though none erupt or reach out to you in any aggressive fashion.

Arnesvedonia: And regarding my horde, behold! I have adorned all that I have! All other treasures have been demand-- offered as tribute to my powerful master.

She then opens her body, wings spread, revealing all manner of coins, gems, and jewel imbedded in her hide. Indeed enough to be worthy to be called a hoard, but not of a dragon of this size. She is clearly below her level of wealth.

Do you all proceed ownward? She has opened a path leading to what looks like a sleeping area that continues further downward into the darkness of the mountain.

And while you are here, tell us everything about chromaticus, size, can he manipulate arcana, what kind of breath does he have?

2016-03-24, 09:03 PM
The dragon sneers, as if annoyed...

Arnesvedonia: I make a pact and still you pester me! I am not beholden to reveal anymore. Know this and leave me to live out the rest of the miserable existence I have agreed to: Chromaticus is a power you should fear! I know not what form his breath takes nor of his size. It is said that only a select few are granted access to him directly. Seek your treasure adventurers... and your demise!

The dragon chuckles lightly as she finishes, when suddenly Leena perks up.

Leena: Hmm? Did anyone hear that? I heard something...

No one, not even Reli, seems to have noticed anything unusual.

Arnesvedonia: Bah! The kobolds know better than to come here when they are not summoned and my pets are the only other creatures stirring about.

Leena looks around, squinting her eyes.

Leena: Keep your eyes... and ears open.

Feel free to respond in dialogue. Any idea of where you all want to head next?

2016-03-25, 06:32 AM
The dragon sneers, as if annoyed...

Arnesvedonia: I make a pact and still you pester me! I am not beholden to reveal anymore. Know this and leave me to live out the rest of the miserable existence I have agreed to: Chromaticus is a power you should fear! I know not what form his breath takes nor of his size. It is said that only a select few are granted access to him directly. Seek your treasure adventurers... and your demise!

The dragon chuckles lightly as she finishes, when suddenly Leena perks up.

Leena: Hmm? Did anyone hear that? I heard something...

No one, not even Reli, seems to have noticed anything unusual.

Arnesvedonia: Bah! The kobolds know better than to come here when they are not summoned and my pets are the only other creatures stirring about.

Leena looks around, squinting her eyes.

Leena: Keep your eyes... and ears open.

Feel free to respond in dialogue. Any idea of where you all want to head next?

Yeah I know exactly where I want to head next. Bitch better have my money.

"Give up the goods, Annie, we don't have all day."

Ooc: still unclear. I understand there's no treasure down that hallway, its all on her body right? If that's the case she needs to give it up. I got airships to build.

2016-03-25, 11:32 AM
Yeah I know exactly where I want to head next. Bitch better have my money.

"Give up the goods, Annie, we don't have all day."

Ooc: still unclear. I understand there's no treasure down that hallway, its all on her body right? If that's the case she needs to give it up. I got airships to build.

Ooc: there's treasure down there... But chromaticus is guarding it. Or that's how I understand it.

Persuade: 11+17= 28

"You better leave some of your "coat" behind unless you want my dear gnome, who by the way is the only one keeping the elf from drilling you full of holes"
"It's for your own good"

2016-03-25, 03:42 PM
Re: Arcivus.

Christopher looks visibly uncomfortable at the indignity of the situation.

"Comrades, the dragons has already sworn to keep its promise. Are we not better than pickpockets to pluck gold and diamonds from the beast's belly? Arcivus, the dragon has agreed to your every demand. This is most unbecoming of a paladin."

I eye Dr. Nimm suspiciously. Subconsciously, I flap my wings to repel the unseen and negative influence emanating from his person..

Change: " This type of coercion of an enemy after they've been defeated and yielded is most unbecoming of a paladin."


Dr. Nimm: "Were broke. We need money to fight evil. End of story."

Mutter to self: "And we were having so much fun before -he- showed up."


Nimm, you can type here. I did it because it was convenient, but try not to make it a habit, lest the green dragon decides to eat you.

2016-03-25, 03:47 PM
Alright so what happens

2016-03-25, 03:55 PM
The dragon, despite the dissension among you all, sneers a bit at Arcivus' words...

Arnesvedonia: Very well... you wish to rob me of the little I have left... take it. Take it all!

She then gestures to a section of the lair. The masses of vines spread at her whim, revealing a sizeable chamber, off to the left of where the passage continues downward, with all manner of coin and trinket. Still not the horde one would expect of a dragon this size, but better than nothing, nonetheless.

Leena does not hesitate to help herself and is the first one in the room. She gives Christopher a quick look, but then quickly diverts her eyes and says something in Elvish under her breath as if shaking off a passing thought or annoyance, almost displaying a sense of shame. Maybe she does have a sense of remorse about her. Maybe.

2016-03-25, 03:57 PM
Yeah I know exactly where I want to head next. Bitch better have my money.

"Give up the goods, Annie, we don't have all day."

Ooc: still unclear. I understand there's no treasure down that hallway, its all on her body right? If that's the case she needs to give it up. I got airships to build.

She claimed to have nothing but what had been embedded in her hide. You can cut the coins out, if she let you... but that is asking for a lot. It would be quite demeaning, even for a dragon begging for its life.

2016-03-25, 06:50 PM
"See, Sir Michael? Your unreasonably stringent morals make you naive. There may not be a need for money in heaven, or whatever awfully boring realm you come from, but down here, this is how I fund research and inventions, which I use for good. We are the poorest heroes in all history. Now help me fill my money bags! You to, Mr. Benson! Pip pip!"

Nimm saunters into the treasure room and starts helping himself.

2016-03-26, 06:43 AM
Change: " This type of coercion of an enemy after they've been defeated and yielded is most unbecoming of a paladin.

Arcivus is always humbled in the presence of this celestial being! And thus chooses his words carefully

"Forgive me Sir, In matters of faith I would never question you, but this is matter of war, and that is my domain. We need these funds brought back into the world to pay for the cost of war and freedom"

"And furthermore I'm actually saddened that this supposed honourable creature didn't give up this instantly as a token of defeat. But if it's this dragon wish to belittle its defeat and make us force the treasure out of it, then let it! I don't know what satisfaction it get out of it, but as long as it keeps its word about the exile I can take a little humiliation".

Arcivus ask Nimm to save him a diamond or two worth more than 500gp as for the rest of the monetary treasure arcivus don't want any. I'll help carry it though if needed. (But I reckon you have some magical place to hide this stuff)

Ooc: now we have two paths, right? One to the little horde and one supposedly to chromaticus and the sword?

2016-03-26, 03:40 PM
Arcivus is always humbled in the presence of this celestial being! And thus chooses his words carefully

"Forgive me Sir, In matters of faith I would never question you, but this is matter of war, and that is my domain. We need these funds brought back into the world to pay for the cost of war and freedom"

"And furthermore I'm actually saddened that this supposed honourable creature didn't give up this instantly as a token of defeat. But if it's this dragon wish to belittle its defeat and make us force the treasure out of it, then let it! I don't know what satisfaction it get out of it, but as long as it keeps its word about the exile I can take a little humiliation".

Arcivus ask Nimm to save him a diamond or two worth more than 500gp as for the rest of the monetary treasure arcivus don't want any. I'll help carry it though if needed. (But I reckon you have some magical place to hide this stuff)

Ooc: now we have two paths, right? One to the little horde and one supposedly to chromaticus and the sword?

Technically, yes, though the treasure room is less of a path and more of just an adjoined room, albeit hidden by masses of vegetation. Speaking of...

Treasure Time!

Among the coins and trinkets, you all are quite disappointed. Even the dragon looks on as you peruse its hoard.

Arnesvedonia: What form of trickery is this?! (she eyes all of you, particularly Xavier, who has shown a strong degree of magical aptitude). There was much more than this!

Despite her hoard being ransacked, she seems to imply that at least a few items have gone missing. This does make you all raise an eyebrow. You are not sure if she is being sincere or is putting you on. You are still able to scavenge plenty, however:

GP: 12,751
PP: 154
Gems: 8 of various value (1 50 GP, 3 100 GP, 2 500 GP, 2 1,000 GP)
Potion: Invulnerability
Scroll: Passwall


I will assume that Christopher sits idly while everyone helps themselves. You did not take part in the combat anyhow. Xavier is still beholden to Poverty, so he can designate his share (the airship?) to go to a worthy cause. Arcivus takes 2 500 GP gems. Leena just asks for the remaining gems and the potion. I think that means that Nimm gets the bulk of it? Let me know how you want to divvy it up.

There is a noticeable lack of magic items. You are not sure if they have been offered as tribute to Chromaticus or if they have gone "missing" as the dragon seems to imply.

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-26, 04:32 PM
Regarding the moral treatment of the dragon:

"After giving it some more thought, I have something to add. Since I am no expert on divine knowledge, I will offer a perspective based purely on my reasoning. Wouldn't the greater good be served by dispatching this dragon? Think of all the lives which will probably end by allowing her to continue her evil existence. Of course, imprisonment or forced servitude to us may also be logical options."

Regarding the treasure:

"I care not for wealth and trinkets. Please use whatever was to be my share towards the completion of the airship."

2016-03-26, 06:15 PM
Regarding Arcivus: . "Forgive me Sir, In matters of faith I would never question you, but this is matter of war, and that is my domain. We need these funds brought back into the world to pay for the cost of war and freedom"

Dr. Nimm is dumbstruck at Archies sensible and eloquent words and claps loudly. "Bravo, sir! Well said!"

"Mr. Benson! Rupert Pompeius! Kindly gather the nomismatic cornucopia and other treasures herein!" I continue to hold my ready action to blast her if she flees.

"Xavier, that is a good point. Let us hold that thought for the time being, however."

"Anesvedonia! Stay a while, dear. Seems like you have a rat in your nest. Who may have taken your treasure? I mean...other than us. Heh heh."

2016-03-27, 07:40 PM
Arnesvedonia: So I plead for my life and agree to live a meaningless existence and then you propose a different fate? Have you no honor (sneers)?


It would be inconceivable to suggest that a creature has entered here unnoticed. Aside from the kobolds who guard this cavern, I have many... pets. Eyes and ears everywhere. Your senses fool you, elf.

The dragon seems almost insulted that you would even suggest that someone or something made its way in here. With your questionable honor, she now even further suspects that one or more of you have snatched some of her horde while she was not looking. Possibly behind each others backs to boot.

Leena: (as everyone looks at each other) It wasn't me! I did not take anything!

She was the first one in, but claims to not have snatched up any treasures.

2016-03-28, 12:10 PM
Arnesvedonia: So I plead for my life and agree to live a meaningless existence and then you propose a different fate? Have you no honor (sneers)?


It would be inconceivable to suggest that a creature has entered here unnoticed. Aside from the kobolds who guard this cavern, I have many... pets. Eyes and ears everywhere. Your senses fool you, elf.

The dragon seems almost insulted that you would even suggest that someone or something made its way in here. With your questionable honor, she now even further suspects that one or more of you have snatched some of her horde while she was not looking. Possibly behind each others backs to boot.

Leena: (as everyone looks at each other) It wasn't me! I did not take anything!

She was the first one in, but claims to not have snatched up any treasures.

"You have nothing to fear from us, unless we ever see you again or hear of your involvement with humanoids of any kind."

"I believe Leena hasn't taken anything! You must have "rats" in your lair you didn't know about"

Looking at the dragon
"How is that possible?"

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-28, 12:25 PM
"You have nothing to fear from us, unless we ever see you again or hear of your involvement with humanoids of any kind."

"I believe Leena hasn't taken anything! You must have "rats" in your lair you didn't know about"

Looking at the dragon
"How is that possible?"

"I agree with Arcivus. As long as you perpetuate no more evil, I am happy to leave you in peace dragon. Do we have your word, then?"

2016-03-28, 04:22 PM
The dragon has grown bored with your exchange.

Arnesvedonia: A rat indeed... it matters not, as my treasure is now lost. Enjoy the rest of your trek. Perhaps our paths will cross another day.

She then takes flight and leaves. A sweeping sense can be felt as the once radiant vines and shrubbery seem to whither somewhat, as the dragon has relinquished her control of her lair. The place continues to be bleak and gloomy. The path created before you remains open and a swirling sound of air, as if a light vortex, can be heard echoing down into the darkness.

How are you dividing up the loot? Next actions?

2016-03-28, 04:29 PM
We divvy up the loot as we said. Leena already grabbed her stuff Archie got the 2 gems the rest goes to airship.fund and.party expenses.

Im.ready to proceed

2016-03-28, 04:55 PM
The dragon has grown bored with your exchange.

Arnesvedonia: A rat indeed... it matters not, as my treasure is now lost. Enjoy the rest of your trek. Perhaps our paths will cross another day.

She then takes flight and leaves. A sweeping sense can be felt as the once radiant vines and shrubbery seem to whither somewhat, as the dragon has relinquished her control of her lair. The place continues to be bleak and gloomy. The path created before you remains open and a swirling sound of air, as if a light vortex, can be heard echoing down into the darkness.

How are you dividing up the loot? Next actions?

I let Arnesvedonia fly, and I give strict looks to Leena and even nimm if needs be... (dont make me a lier!)

"okey guys I have a strange feeling that this was only the warmup! Leena I have a feeling youve been holding back! now its time to pull on all your nature strings and all its divine powers! Nimm if we meat the pretend god, we have to strike hard and fast! And I have a feeling he can shrug off magic!

Xavier, I am at awe that your understanding of this battle led you to the conclusion that this was only the beginning, and thus held back saving your strength for the final battle! Now! finish collecting the treasure! and lets get moving while we may still have an advantage!

And can someone give me some medical attention!

(how long do I have my deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison

HP: 129/294
Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit (run out)
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 6
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (2/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

2016-03-28, 05:41 PM
I let Arnesvedonia fly, and I give strict looks to Leena and even nimm if needs be... (dont make me a lier!)

"okey guys I have a strange feeling that this was only the warmup! Leena I have a feeling youve been holding back! now its time to pull on all your nature strings and all its divine powers! Nimm if we meat the pretend god, we have to strike hard and fast! And I have a feeling he can shrug off magic!

Xavier, I am at awe that your understanding of this battle led you to the conclusion that this was only the beginning, and thus held back saving your strength for the final battle! Now! finish collecting the treasure! and lets get moving while we may still have an advantage!

And can someone give me some medical attention!

(how long do I have my deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison

Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 6
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (2/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

Yeah apparently my readied action was negated.

I attend to Archie; medicine 22.

Dm: I can swap spells on short rest or only long?

2016-03-28, 07:51 PM
The dragon exits without issue. Leena does give Arcivus quite the stare.

Leena: That was a mistake... You'll see.

Readied action? Did I miss something?

Okay, so loot is divvied up. Take note of your wealth (or lack thereof, Xavier).

To swap spells, it is a long rest. Arcivus' spells are up for the duration. I will say that your little chat ran around 20 minutes or so. Death Ward is good for a whopping 8 hours. I will let you know when the other 2 expire.

Medicine 22 would restore him if he were at 0 HP. Your expert opinion? He needs rest, magical healing, or both.

You can all take a short rest here or continue on. What'll it be? Remember that Christopher is with you and he is a healing machine.

2016-03-28, 07:55 PM
"Archie, you need rest, magical.healing, or both. Both of which you can do yourself, so don't pester me unless its a real problem! Mr. Benson, make ready to depart! Rupert, inventory our monetary gains!"

Xavier Alexis
2016-03-28, 09:50 PM
"Xavier, I am at awe that your understanding of this battle led you to the conclusion that this was only the beginning, and thus held back saving your strength for the final battle!"

"I do not deserve so much credit Arcivus. I was merely implementing a defensive strategy. Having faced many dragons in the past, I have learned surviving or neutralizing their breath weapon was always an important factor in achieving victory. Therefore, I concluded going on the offensive was not the most logical option for me to execute."

2016-03-29, 02:34 AM
"I do not deserve so much credit Arcivus. I was merely implementing a defensive strategy. Having faced many dragons in the past, I have learned surviving or neutralizing their breath weapon was always an important factor in achieving victory. Therefore, I concluded going on the offensive was not the most logical option for me to execute."

"Either way. It worked out perfectly!

I give you way too little credit when it comes to battle strategy, Heironeous be praised, every day with you guys is a day I'm reminded how much I have yet to learn"

2016-03-29, 07:51 AM
Good ****....

2016-03-30, 03:53 AM
"Archie, you need rest, magical.healing, or both. Both of which you can do yourself, so don't pester me unless its a real problem! Mr. Benson, make ready to depart! Rupert, inventory our monetary gains!"

Arcivus uses his lay on hands to bring his hp from 129 to 204 = 75 hp out of 100.

Alright, Im all up now, lets get going!

HP: 204/204
LoH: 25/100
Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit (run out)
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement, protection from poison Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit. Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 6
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (2/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

2016-03-30, 08:13 PM
Light roleplaying, huh... so we move on. I will assume the following marching order:

Arcivus, Christopher
Leena, Reli
Xavier, Dr. Nimm, Mr. Benson

The path before you is a bit hard to navigate at first with the layers of vine, moss, plant, and other vegetation. Leena seems to walk through it fine, though Xavier and Christopher simply glide over the mess. Not wanting to utilize any expendable resources, Nimm climbs atop Mr. Benson as he steps over the terrain. The vegetation is short lived, though.

The cavern eventually darkens (light source or Darkvision, anyone?), and little by little, what was present in vegetation eventually disappears as you go on. It is a winding tunnel, though very large, and the temperature is variable.

It is not uncommon for a sense of warmth and humidity be followed by a cool chill. Even the cavern rocks themselves vary in temperature, from room temperature, to frosting cold and even scalding hot. Wild streams can be seen cutting all over the place as well, creating small, pleasant, areas of misty springs but also more harsh warm mists. Sometimes, a heavy fog seems to be set-- but only long enough for a powerful gust of wind to disperse it.

Dr. Nimm's keen intellect tells him that this place seems to be a source of elemental power. All core elements, in the basic form, seem to be quite potent here. About an hour in (there goes those spells, Arcivus), you come a cross a large stream, with a stone bridge allowing passage. The stream itself seems to be quite viscous. Upon closer examination, it is revealed to contain the properties of all of the elements. Dr. Nimm concludes that the four elemental planes might be "bleeding" into this area. You take a sample of the swirling, colorful substance and call it elemental chaos. Maybe it will become useful in some of your experiments...

The large passage then opens up into a much larger room, rivaling that of the green dragon's lair. About 5 sizeable openings can be seen all around the room as you enter. The passage way does continue on, but as you all enter the center of the room, you here a stirring, followed by voices, hissing into the darkness...



No, not here... Do they wish to die?

Just then, out of each of the 5 caves, emerge 1 of each chromatic dragon! White, Black, Green, Blue, and Red. Their eyes can be seen as darts in the darkness. They are slightly smaller than the wyrm you faced, but there is strength in numbers. They seem a little different from other dragons you have faced. It is quite rare that you would see dragons of this size together, yet here they stand.

White: Ah! Dinner has arrived!

Blue: Indeed... (licking his chops)

Black: The winged one is mine... (snarling, as it lowers its head)

Green: I haven't had elf in ages! (raising its head high and proud)

Red: ...

You are all in a large, roughly circular room, about 200 feet in diameter. The passage onward lies just ahead, but you are dead center in this room. For purposes of the map I will post, you are heading left to right (west to east). All dragons are at the foot of their cave opening. The white is the lowest (50 feet up), behind you to the left. The black is next, a little higher up (60 feet or so), ahead of you to the right. The Green is higher still (about 75-80 feet), ahead of you on the left and the, Blue, further up still (nearly 100 feet), behind you on the right. The red, which has been silent is directly above the passage you are headed, but is by far higher than even the blue (almost 150 feet up).


Open dialogue for now...

2016-03-31, 07:13 PM
I climb down from Mr Benson. "Good morrow, Gentlewyrms! I like what you've done with the place. Sadly we are not for consumption, especially not me. I'm probably quite toxic, even for yourselves. What brings you here? Tell me of yourselves, and your history. Such a fascinating array of dragon species! Most unusual! But I'm a bit thirsty, permit me a swig..."

I swig an ether to regain spell slots. The minimum one needed.

I observe: which is the smallest one?

I think: which species tends to be the physically weakest?

2016-04-01, 01:31 PM
I climb down from Mr Benson. "Good morrow, Gentlewyrms! I like what you've done with the place. Sadly we are not for consumption, especially not me. I'm probably quite toxic, even for yourselves. What brings you here? Tell me of yourselves, and your history. Such a fascinating array of dragon species! Most unusual! But I'm a bit thirsty, permit me a swig..."

I swig an ether to regain spell slots. The minimum one needed.

I observe: which is the smallest one?

I think: which species tends to be the physically weakest?

First of all, I would think Arcivus would recast freedom of movement when Nimm start talking about the elemental planes bleed into our plane. I also ask Nimm to cast light on my gauntlets (I have no special visions) otherwise I light a torch. (my sword is on my back)

I make a peaceful gesture showing the palms of my hands, and move up to Nimm although slightly behind him and to his right. Arcivus is convinsed that this is some kind of Avatar or representation of Chromaticus, and not some halfway obstacle. He is sure his interrogation of Arnevendosia would have let him know this.

I purposely move the interrogation part along rather fast, not dragging it out for actual weeks ;D but please let me know if Ive been duped during the interrogation of the dragon and we are deep in a trap

I await and trust Nimms plan of stalling. And perhaps distract making it possible for our other casters to work out something praying to Heironeus that Xaviers strange magic is unknown and undetected by the dragons. If we are attacked I ready my Holy Nimbus ability... Arcivus is hoping that it will distract the dragons or atleast taunt them (by invoking a great power of Heironeus in the lair of Chromaticus)

2016-04-01, 05:44 PM
I'll allow for Arcivus to recast his spells after they expire, but take note of your slots. You may not want to start casting just yet, because the dragons may not know what to think of it, especially considering that they are yet to attack.

Speaking of the dragons, visibility is limited for all, so as far as these dragons, they seem real enough and not figments, but it is ultimately hard to tell.


Nimm, you know basically everything about dragons. Their individual lairs seem to be stacked in their pecking order: white (cold), black (acid), green (poison), blue (lightning), red (fire). They are all roughly the same size category, but the white is noticeably smaller than the black, and the black smaller than the green, and so on. The red is definitely the largest and most menacing.

You also suspect that Leena has a strong hatred for green dragons more than others based on the stories that she has told. The fact that green dragons were responsible for the destruction of her people lends an additional clue. She is also staring at the green, sizing it up.

2016-04-01, 05:49 PM
Also, this was my latest mana potion break down:

Mana Potions:
-Elixir (uncommon): 1 slot, 1st level (2 Power Points)
-Greater Elixir (rare): 2 slots, up to 3rd level (7 Power Points)
-Ether (very rare): 3 slots, up to 5th level (15 Power Points)

Which one do you drink? Please mark what you have and what you've used.

Edit: added in Power Points to mana potions.

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-04, 02:26 PM
"What is the meaning of this? Why are you dragons living together?"

2016-04-05, 07:15 PM
"What is the meaning of this? Why are you dragons living together?"

How does he always manage to say with one word what it takes me ten?

2016-04-06, 01:13 PM
The dragons start to slowly scale down the walls. All but the red, that is.

Black: The meaning of us here? Should we amuse them?

White: Yes, let's!

Blue: We 5 have been hand chosen by the great Chromaticus himself. None pass here without going through us first.

Green: We represent the pinnacle of dragonkind before him!

Black: And only dragons...

White: Only true dragons.

Green: Only true dragons have ever laid eyes upon him. Yet before us you stand.

Blue: So tell us, why are YOU here? Truly you did not slay the great Arnesvedonia?

Black: Perhaps they did...

White: Perhaps...

Green: Even if, they surely do not seek an audience with Chromaticus. He will surely devour them!

At this point, they have slowly scaled down the walls, eyeing you all ravenously. They only moved about 20 or so feet, as they tend to take their time both speaking and moving, as if delaying your demise. Dragons have been known to toy with their prey.

2016-04-07, 06:16 PM
The dragons start to slowly scale down the walls. All but the red, that is.

Black: The meaning of us here? Should we amuse them?

White: Yes, let's!

Blue: We 5 have been hand chosen by the great Chromaticus himself. None pass here without going through us first.

Green: We represent the pinnacle of dragonkind before him!

Black: And only dragons...

White: Only true dragons.

Green: Only true dragons have ever laid eyes upon him. Yet before us you stand.

Blue: So tell us, why are YOU here? Truly you did not slay the great Arnesvedonia?

Black: Perhaps they did...

White: Perhaps...

Green: Even if, they surely do not seek an audience with Chromaticus. He will surely devour them!

At this point, they have slowly scaled down the walls, eyeing you all ravenously. They only moved about 20 or so feet, as they tend to take their time both speaking and moving, as if delaying your demise. Dragons have been known to toy with their prey.
Arcivus was hoping that the others would be better at buying time, but as the dragons creep closer arcivus feel he has to act.
Arcivus move a bit to the left (with a quick move) hoping to have the repriles focus on him.

"Arnesvedonia was truly a great dragon, she still is! She saw reason and is still alive because of that. Because of us!"
"Arnesvendonia was indeed a more majestic dragon than all of you, how come she isn't part of your guard or whatever you call yourself to chromaticus?"
"Now scram you all puny dragons, let's speak with your leader."
I point at the red.

2016-04-07, 08:08 PM
Once Arcivus addresses the red, the room goes silent. The typically snarling dragons all freeze and then turn their heads slowly, upward toward the red dragon. He has not yet said a word but looks down at you all. He sneers, and breathes out a bit of flame under his breath as he speaks.

Red: Enough talk. Destroy them! That one [Arcivus] is mine!

You had to go on and insult a red dragon, didn't you? That calls for initiative. Let's make this encounter interesting. I am rolling everyone individually!



Leena (22)
Arcivus (18)
Xavier (17)
Black (10)
Dr. Nimm (9)
Red (8)
Green (6)
Christopher (5)
White (3)
Blue (2)


You guys got very lucky on the rolls here. Leena goes first.

Leena: The green one is mine! (in Elvish) Reli, protect me!

As a Bonus Action, she casts Hunter's Mark and then targets the green dragon with a pair or arrows!

15+13=28, a hit for 29 damage
4+13+4 (Foe Slayer)= 21, a hit for 30 damage

The two arrows fly high and true striking the dragon. It snarls in pain and eyes her fiercely.

She and Reli then take a move behind and away from you all, to disperse the party a bit.

Arcivus, you go. Not last for once. Map coming up on messenger.

2016-04-08, 03:37 PM
Once Arcivus addresses the red, the room goes silent. The typically snarling dragons all freeze and then turn their heads slowly, upward toward the red dragon. He has not yet said a word but looks down at you all. He sneers, and breathes out a bit of flame under his breath as he speaks.

Red: Enough talk. Destroy them! That one [Arcivus] is mine!

You had to go on and insult a red dragon, didn't you? That calls for initiative. Let's make this encounter interesting. I am rolling everyone individually!



Leena (22)
Arcivus (18)
Xavier (17)
Black (10)
Dr. Nimm (9)
Red (8)
Green (6)
Christopher (5)
White (3)
Blue (2)


You guys got very lucky on the rolls here. Leena goes first.

Leena: The green one is mine! (in Elvish) Reli, protect me!

As a Bonus Action, she casts Hunter's Mark and then targets the green dragon with a pair or arrows!

15+13=28, a hit for 29 damage
4+13+4 (Foe Slayer)= 21, a hit for 30 damage

The two arrows fly high and true striking the dragon. It snarls in pain and eyes her fiercely.

She and Reli then take a move behind and away from you all, to disperse the party a bit.

Arcivus, you go. Not last for once. Map coming up on messenger.

First of all, do I spot a place to fight that isnt in a huge cave perfectly suited for a dragon, let alone 5? There must be a way out other than the one we came from.

2016-04-08, 03:55 PM
First of all, do I spot a place to fight that isnt in a huge cave perfectly suited for a dragon, let alone 5? There must be a way out other than the one we came from.

This is a tall space, easily 2 or 3 times the height that it is open around. It is likely that there are entry ways, but in the distance and darkness, you cannot see any. If there are in fact any exits aside from where you came and where you are going, they are most probably hundreds of feet up.

2016-04-09, 07:45 AM
This is a tall space, easily 2 or 3 times the height that it is open around. It is likely that there are entry ways, but in the distance and darkness, you cannot see any. If there are in fact any exits aside from where you came and where you are going, they are most probably hundreds of feet up.

As a response to the Red dragon: "Come get me! I would love me some red meat!"

"Okey men, I think we may have to get to the entrance to fight them"

Looking around.

"I would hate for them all to get at us, and aside for whatever breath they have, we may actually avoid fighting all at once."

I move a bit "south" in a straight line, 5ft further down than X, but one square closer to him. That way I should be within 30 ft of everyone.

Arcivus then cast Bless as a 3rd lvl spell, getting everyone susceptible to it. (+1d4 on saves and attack rolls)

2016-04-09, 03:06 PM
Simple enough. Xavier, on you!

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-10, 03:54 PM
"Stay close to me my friends! Arcivus, Christopher, Dr. Nimm now is the time to enhance us with your skills and powers."

I will move as close to Leena as possible since she asked for protection.

Next, I will ready an action. Whenever the red dragon attacks, I will manifest Wall of Force centered 5-feet above my head. I will create a horizontal wall large enough to block any breath weapons or other incoming attacks directed towards my allies and I.

If allowed, I will dismiss the Wall of Force when it is Leena's turn again so she can attack.

2016-04-11, 09:46 PM
The black dragon snarls and darts off of its perch, gliding downward. He lands a good 50 feet away from Arcivus and lets out a huge stream of acid! Xavier, your action is readied, but putting up the wall would be vertical and not horizontal if you want to block the breath weapon. Do you let it hit or hold steady? The stream looks like it would catch Arcivus and Xavier. Depending on the strength of the stream it may very well catch Mr. Benson and even Dr. Nimm (it is coming at a diagonal).

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-12, 10:38 AM
I will wait to block the red dragon.

2016-04-12, 02:46 PM
Xavier hesitates, but decides to hold on to his Wall of Force for the greater threat. The acid stream spews across a good 60 feet, catching Arcivus, Xavier, and Mr. Benson. Dr. Nimm was luckily just out of reach.

All caught in the stream, even Mr. Benson, duck down and avoid the bulk of it. You all take 31 acid damage (half of 63).

This brings us to the good doctor. Nimm!

2016-04-13, 01:55 PM
Yes! I forgot about this one. Arcivus has Bless and Xavier is holding on to his Wall of Force. The DC is half the damage dealt, DC 15.

Arcivus: 19+2+15= 36
Xavier: 13+9+5+4=31

No sweat! No spells are lost and you both maintain focus. Too easy.

2016-04-13, 08:32 PM
"aerosol of purityyyyy!"

2016-04-13, 09:01 PM
Dr. Nimm stands unfazed and unleashes his signature aerosol.

As anticipated, the red swoops in, seeing an opportunity. He hovers overhead and unleashes a devastating breath weapon, only for Xavier's well placed wall to block the entirety of it. The dragon remains aloft around 40 or so feet away and bellows in anger to the ineffectiveness of its attack.

The green snarls at the smug Nimm, who also happens to be closest to him. He swoops down and closes on Dr. Nimm, barely fitting under the wall of force. It lets out a great snarl, in an attempt to demoralize its prey!

Frightful Presence!

At advantage due to Nimm's aerosol, bolstered further by Arcivus' aura, no one is fazed and Dr. Nimm stands smug as ever. But then the dragon follows with an attack!

Snapping and clawing, the dragon inflicts 42 damage.

Luckily, he maintains his concentration on his Aerosol of Purity.

This brings us to Christopher. Go!

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-14, 08:22 PM
"Let me know if you all want me to drop my wall of force! If we focus our firepower on the red dragon and defeat it, I believe these other dragons may lose heart!"

2016-04-15, 05:27 PM
"Let me know if you all want me to drop my wall of force! If we focus our firepower on the red dragon and defeat it, I believe these other dragons may lose heart!"

" A sound plan, sir! Mr. Benson! Ward my person from physical assailment!" (Guard) <---- sry, forgot to use my bonus action)

If I'm attacked by melee, I toss a flash pellet for disadvantage

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-15, 06:18 PM
I stop concentrating on my wall of force.

Pointing at the red dragon, I give the obvious command.


2016-04-15, 11:42 PM
First, I'll take a partial move so that I'm in between Mr. Benson and Xavier. While there, I'll cast Beacon of Hope (http://www.5esrd.com/spellcasting/all-spells/b/beacon-of-hope). Then I'll take the rest of my move so that I'm on Leena's other side, closer to the entrance.

2016-04-16, 12:36 AM
The green dragon can feel that the wall has vanished since he was crutch int under it.

Green: The wall has been lifted!

Red: Fools! You release your only defense?!

Legendary Action!

Not finished with Dr. Nimm, the green lashes at him with its tail. Dr. Nimm aftly drops a smoke bomb to deter the attack, the tail swipe doing nothing more than dispersing the momentary dust cloud.

The white and then blue dragons then close in and each unleash their own breath weapons! The white's cone is large enough to catch everyone. Luckily, the blue breathes a line of lightning, so it is only able to catch Reli, Christopher, Mr. Benson, and Dr. Nimm.

The frosty blast covers the entire area. As you all struggle with the frigid cold, a crackling blast of electricity can be felt, the smell of ozone potent, as the hairs on your arms rise due to the static!

The white inflicts 67 cold damage. Everyone succeeds in their save (33 damage) except Dr. Nimm!

The blue inflicts 64 lightning damage. Christopher fails his save while Reli, Leena, Dr. Nimm, and even Mr. Benson succeed (32 damage)! But... That is it for Mr. Benson. He kneels down as a good amount of steam exits his crevices. He will need to be repaired!

Legendary Action!

That green is not done with Dr. Nimm and swats at him again with his tail. This one lands for 10 damage.

Round 2!

Leena: We need some healing! Someone? Anyone? Reli! The white one!

Leena looses an arrow and sics Reli on the nearby white dragon.

20+13+3=36, a crit! for 36 damage.

10+11=21, a hit for 18 damage.
14+11=25, a hit for 18 damage.

On the second bite, Reli nearly pulls the dragon down to the ground, but it keeps itself steady.

Everyone is relatively injured. Some more than others. We got Arcivus then Xavier. Go!

Legendary Action!

The white flaps its wings to take to the air and get out of Reli's reach. Reli is not knocked back nor does he take damage, but the dragon moves 40 feet out of reach as a part of the maneuver.

The green swats at Dr. Nimm again, but this time misses!

These dragons are all very quick and very ferocious. Be careful!



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162
Black (10): uninjured
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): uninjured
Green (6): 59 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 72 damage
Blue (2): uninjured


Warning: You guys are weak and only Leena has taken offensive actions. You can't win by bolstering your defenses all day...

2016-04-16, 12:37 AM
First, I'll take a partial move so that I'm in between Mr. Benson and Xavier. While there, I'll cast Beacon of Hope (http://www.5esrd.com/spellcasting/all-spells/b/beacon-of-hope). Then I'll take the rest of my move so that I'm on Leena's other side, closer to the entrance.

Christopher, at 30 move, you can move as far as Leena's right, not left. Diagonals count 1.5 squares.

2016-04-16, 01:24 AM
The green dragon can feel that the wall has vanished since he was crutch int under it.

Green: The wall has been lifted!

Red: Fools! You release your only defense?!

Legendary Action!

Not finished with Dr. Nimm, the green lashes at him with its tail. Dr. Nimm aftly drops a smoke bomb to deter the attack, the tail swipe doing nothing more than dispersing the momentary dust cloud.

The white and then blue dragons then close in and each unleash their own breath weapons! The white's cone is large enough to catch everyone. Luckily, the blue breathes a line of lightning, so it is only able to catch Reli, Christopher, Mr. Benson, and Dr. Nimm.

The frosty blast covers the entire area. As you all struggle with the frigid cold, a crackling blast of electricity can be felt, the smell of ozone potent, as the hairs on your arms rise due to the static!

The white inflicts 67 cold damage. Everyone succeeds in their save (33 damage) except Dr. Nimm!

The blue inflicts 64 lightning damage. Christopher fails his save while Reli, Leena, Dr. Nimm, and even Mr. Benson succeed (32 damage)! But... That is it for Mr. Benson. He kneels down as a good amount of steam exits his crevices. He will need to be repaired!

Legendary Action!

That green is not done with Dr. Nimm and swats at him again with his tail. This one lands for 10 damage.

Round 2!

Leena: We need some healing! Someone? Anyone? Reli! The white one!

Leena looses an arrow and sics Reli on the nearby white dragon.

20+13+3=36, a crit! for 36 damage.

10+11=21, a hit for 18 damage.
14+11=25, a hit for 18 damage.

On the second bite, Reli nearly pulls the dragon down to the ground, but it keeps itself steady.

Everyone is relatively injured. Some more than others. We got Arcivus then Xavier. Go!

Legendary Action!

The white flaps its wings to take to the air and get out of Reli's reach. Reli is not knocked back nor does he take damage, but the dragon moves 40 feet out of reach as a part of the maneuver.

The green swats at Dr. Nimm again, but this time misses!

These dragons are all very quick and very ferocious. Be careful!



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162
Black (10): uninjured
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): uninjured
Green (6): 59 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 72 damage
Blue (2): uninjured


Warning: You guys are weak and only Leena has taken offensive actions. You can't win by bolstering your defenses all day...

Arcivus read this situation as dire from the beginning and he didnt see the exit in the distance as he was too distracted by the fierce red dragon. But in the distance he spot a passage further to move them further! Could this be a way he could guide the group.
As I said before! If we fight them at their term we WILL loose! And quick! Now we move to the exit behind the red lizard, even if I have to carve a tunnel through it!
Now we move in either my or Nimms aura (30ft radius) But we cant afford to be too careful about it, so you may have to take a chance that your own faith will keep you from their frightful blast.

And with that Arcivus (say a silent prayer hoping his assessment is correct) move toward the red now, without a updated map I hoping for some DM goodwill to guide Arcivus and place him the most advantageous spot.
Arcivus aim is to move as far as possible (pref a dash) but still keeping the party within either Nimm or his own protective aura. If necessary ill grab someone and carry them with me.

2016-04-16, 06:40 AM
Concentration checks! Arcivus, Leena, Christopher, and Dr. Nimm all have active spells being concentrated on. After last rounds beating...

Arcivus maintains concentration. A very bad roll, but too many bonuses!

Christopher loses concentration, and his spell comes to an end. The blue dragon's lightning breast was too painful to overcome!

Dr. Nimm MAINTAINS concentration, despite a very tough save!

Leena loses concentration. The frigid blast from the white was too strong for her to shrug off.

2016-04-16, 07:02 AM
Arcivus read this situation as dire from the beginning and he didnt see the exit in the distance as he was too distracted by the fierce red dragon. But in the distance he spot a passage further to move them further! Could this be a way he could guide the group.
As I said before! If we fight them at their term we WILL loose! And quick! Now we move to the exit behind the red lizard, even if I have to carve a tunnel through it!
Now we move in either my or Nimms aura (30ft radius) But we cant afford to be too careful about it, so you may have to take a chance that your own faith will keep you from their frightful blast.

And with that Arcivus (say a silent prayer hoping his assessment is correct) move toward the red now, without a updated map I hoping for some DM goodwill to guide Arcivus and place him the most advantageous spot.
Arcivus aim is to move as far as possible (pref a dash) but still keeping the party within either Nimm or his own protective aura. If necessary ill grab someone and carry them with me.

Arcivus seems poised to make a break for it. Just as he is about to go...

Suddenly the black dragon wails in pain! A mysterious, shadowy figure can be seen to its right.

An old friend once told me the best defense is a good offense! Take that you overgrown lizard!

It then moves out of sight into the shadows, distracting the black momentarily.

Opportunity Attack! The dragon snaps into the darkness, but to no avail as the figure evades the blow.

Legendary Action!

Black: Deceiver! Where are you?

The dragon can be seen looking vigorously for the small creature, but to no avail! (Perception check)

Apparently you have an ally here. Let me know if that changes your action or you still make a break for it!



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Mysterious Figure (19)
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162
Black (10): 46 damage
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): uninjured
Green (6): 59 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured

2016-04-16, 07:06 AM
The green dragon can feel that the wall has vanished since he was crutch int under it.

Green: The wall has been lifted!

Red: Fools! You release your only defense?!

Legendary Action!

Not finished with Dr. Nimm, the green lashes at him with its tail. Dr. Nimm aftly drops a smoke bomb to deter the attack, the tail swipe doing nothing more than dispersing the momentary dust cloud.

The white and then blue dragons then close in and each unleash their own breath weapons! The white's cone is large enough to catch everyone. Luckily, the blue breathes a line of lightning, so it is only able to catch Reli, Christopher, Mr. Benson, and Dr. Nimm.

The frosty blast covers the entire area. As you all struggle with the frigid cold, a crackling blast of electricity can be felt, the smell of ozone potent, as the hairs on your arms rise due to the static!

The white inflicts 67 cold damage. Everyone succeeds in their save (33 damage) except Dr. Nimm!

The blue inflicts 64 lightning damage. Christopher fails his save while Reli, Leena, Dr. Nimm, and even Mr. Benson succeed (32 damage)! But... That is it for Mr. Benson. He kneels down as a good amount of steam exits his crevices. He will need to be repaired!

Legendary Action!

That green is not done with Dr. Nimm and swats at him again with his tail. This one lands for 10 damage.

Round 2!

Leena: We need some healing! Someone? Anyone? Reli! The white one!

Leena looses an arrow and sics Reli on the nearby white dragon.

20+13+3=36, a crit! for 36 damage.

10+11=21, a hit for 18 damage.
14+11=25, a hit for 18 damage.

On the second bite, Reli nearly pulls the dragon down to the ground, but it keeps itself steady.

Everyone is relatively injured. Some more than others. We got Arcivus then Xavier. Go!

Legendary Action!

The white flaps its wings to take to the air and get out of Reli's reach. Reli is not knocked back nor does he take damage, but the dragon moves 40 feet out of reach as a part of the maneuver.

The green swats at Dr. Nimm again, but this time misses!

These dragons are all very quick and very ferocious. Be careful!



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162
Black (10): uninjured
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): uninjured
Green (6): 59 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured


Warning: You guys are weak and only Leena has taken offensive actions. You can't win by bolstering your defenses all day...

Reli should have been able to snap the the white as it fled out of its threatened range! It's tough keeping up, sorry!

15+11=26, a hit for 15 damage!

Hunter's Mark is no longer active, so he loses a bit of bite. Moving on!

2016-04-16, 07:09 AM
Red: There is another within their ranks! Crafty but foolish! More for us to eat! Find it!

2016-04-16, 09:13 AM
Arcivus seems poised to make a break for it. Just as he is about to go...

Suddenly the black dragon wails in pain! A mysterious, shadowy figure can be seen to its right.

An old friend once told me the best defense is a good offense! Take that you overgrown lizard!

It then moves out of sight into the shadows, distracting the black momentarily.

Opportunity Attack! The dragon snaps into the darkness, but to no avail as the figure evades the blow.

Legendary Action!

Black: Deceiver! Where are you?

The dragon can be seen looking vigorously for the small creature, but to no avail! (Perception check)

Apparently you have an ally here. Let me know if that changes your action or you still make a break for it!



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Mysterious Figure (19)
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162
Black (10): 46 damage
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): uninjured
Green (6): 59 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured

Arcivus is just about to carry out his command as voice in the shadows is heard.
Thinking "Heironeous advice is delivered in mysterious ways!"

And with that he move to the green in a way that the red dragon has to move quite a bit to get to him. (See messenger)

Strong in his faith Arcivus lets out a warcry and attack with all his power.
1: 11+15-5= 21; (2d6)9+19+(1d8)5= 33dam
2: 20! (Lvl5spell) (4d6)16 +19+(2d8)8 + (10d8)55 = 98 dam

For good measure I'll try an insight check or intelligence check to see if I know or remember the ally, I'm looking for attitude, the phrasing of words, the stealthy attack, sound of voice.
Roll 18
Insight +7
Intelligence +0

LoH: 25/100
Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit (run out)
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement
Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit.
Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 7
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (1/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

2016-04-16, 01:27 PM
Arcivus cleaves deeply into the dragon, whose bellows of pain shake the very foundation of the cavern as they echo into the darkness.

Severely weakened, the dragon still stands, however, and sets its eyes upon the 2 before it, Nimm and Arcivus, sizing them up.

Xavier, let's go!

2016-04-16, 01:30 PM
Arcivus is just about to carry out his command as voice in the shadows is heard.
Thinking "Heironeous advice is delivered in mysterious ways!"

And with that he move to the green in a way that the red dragon has to move quite a bit to get to him. (See messenger)

Strong in his faith Arcivus lets out a warcry and attack with all his power.
1: 11+15-5= 21; (2d6)9+19+(1d8)5= 33dam
2: 20! (Lvl5spell) (4d6)16 +19+(2d8)8 + (10d8)55 = 98 dam

For good measure I'll try an insight check or intelligence check to see if I know or remember the ally, I'm looking for attitude, the phrasing of words, the stealthy attack, sound of voice.
Roll 18
Insight +7
Intelligence +0

LoH: 25/100
Effects: sacred weapon +5 to hit (run out)
Spell: deathward, freedom of movement
Aura: Courage, Protection. Personal: Purity of Spirit.
Epic: Boon of Resilience
Spells prepared (25), Spellslots: 16 Spells used: 7
((D) = Devotion spells)
1 (3/4): Protection from Evil and Good (D), Sanctuary (D), Bless, Heroism, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite
2 (2/3): Lesser Restoration (D), Zone of Truth (D), Protection from poison, Protection from poison, Locate Object
3 (2/3): Beacon of Hope (D), Dispel Magic (D), Blinding Smite, Aura of Vitality, Crusaders Mantle
4 (1/3): Freedom of Movement (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Death Ward, Staggering Smite, Locate Creature
5 (1/3): Commune (D), Flame Strike (D), Banishing smite, Destruction Wave, Circle of Power

You put 2 and 2 together and suspect that this individual may be the one sneaking and snatching treasures, especially just recently, over back at Arnesvedonia's lair. The voice or semblance do not ring a bell, however.

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-17, 06:48 PM
"Enough of this you pathetic pawns! Now, witness true power!"

I manifest Shapechange Quickened and transform into a Pit Fiend.

I then perform a full attack on the red dragon.

Rob, please roll for me since I cannot at the moment.

2016-04-18, 03:51 PM
[QUOTE=Xavier Alexis;20677280]"Enough of this you pathetic pawns! Now, witness true power!"

Arcivus is very confused by the change of a somewhat older than normal Xavier into a Devil! And not just some devil, but THE most dangerous devil he has ever faced!

Im not sure how to react to this...

2016-04-18, 10:00 PM
Arcivus and Christopher both feel uneasy at the form Xavier has taken, but it is simply a means to an end. The devil has resistances and powers far beyond many other mortal creatures.

Xavier, in devil form, flails with a barrage of attacks, biting, clawing, swiping with his tail and clubbing with his mace. He inflicts a total of 62 damage to the red dragon. The poisonous bite of the pit fiend form does not seem to penetrate the red dragon, though he does look mildly injured.

The black dragon remains preoccupied with the mysterious assailant and swings wildly trying to connect.

Frightful Presence!

Dr. Nimm needs to work on his Wisdom saves. He is frightened! Arcivus' Aura of Courage protects the weaker willed party members. No one is frightened! The dragon then wails into the darkness. It seems to snap at the small figure with his bite, getting lucky as it seems in his wild swings.

Dr. Nimm is next. GO!

Keep in mind the Frightened Condition:
-disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls
-cannot willingly move closer (south) to source of fear (black dragon)



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Mysterious Figure (19): 10 damage
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162 (300/300)
Black (10): 46 damage
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): 62 damage
Green (6): 190 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured

2016-04-18, 10:19 PM
The black dragon, frustrated with the hidden attacker, flaps its wings and takes flight! This does not knock the attacker back and it takes a swipe at the black dragon as it exits his reach, but misses.

You do see a small figure, likely a tall gnome or halfling. Maybe a slim dwarf. Hard to say.

The red dragon, midflight, strikes at Xavier with its tail! He is struck for a measly 7 damage due to Xavier's resistance.

The blue dragon also takes flight and rises to 40 feet aloft. The black and blue dragon seem to have their eyes set on the larger threat in Xavier.



Leena (22)-HP: 79/144; Reli: 15/80
Mysterious Figure (19): 10 damage
Arcivus (18)-HP: 140/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162 (293/300)
Black (10): 46 damage
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 28/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): 62 damage
Green (6): 190 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 46/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured

Xavier Alexis
2016-04-19, 10:12 AM
"Focus your attacks on the more powerful red dragon!"

2016-04-21, 04:22 PM
"Mr Benson! Are you injured, sir? Its only a scratch! I will attend to you momentarily.

Behold, the power of alchemy!"

Drinks a potion: beams extend from hands entwining party members in mass cure for 34 hp to everyone.

Bonus action: toss a smoke bomb right where I'm standing to conceal myself.

If I'm hit w melee, I toss a flash pellet as reaction.

2016-04-21, 06:21 PM
"Mr Benson! Are you injured, sir? Its only a scratch! I will attend to you momentarily.

Behold, the power of alchemy!"

Drinks a potion: beams extend from hands entwining party members in mass cure for 34 hp to everyone.

Bonus action: toss a smoke bomb right where I'm standing to conceal myself.

If I'm hit w melee, I toss a flash pellet as reaction.

I'm not too familiar with the smoke bomb (as a bonus action, no less), but the flash pellet already gives disadvantage on attacks, so they wouldn't stack. You can throw a bomb for damage if you want instead, but it will be at disadvantage since you are in melee with the green dragon.

2016-04-21, 07:52 PM

I toss a cold bomb for 16 to hit at the red dragon

30 cold dmg

2016-04-21, 10:02 PM
Nimm lets out a refreshing heal across the still up allies. His bomb, however, just misses left as he tries to navigate around the fiendish Xavier.

Legendary Actions!

The red dragon flails at Xavier with its tail! Xavier is smacked hard (20) for a solid 11 damage.

The dragons each take their actions.

Red: Fools! Now you suffer MY wrath!

The red inhales sharply and lets out a searing blast of heat. It is angled downward, but catches the entire party! No one fails their save, but still take 37 fire damage! Xavier is immune to the fire damage, however.

The green follows suit and breaths a noxious cone of poisonous gas, catching everyone but Xavier! Saves are good again and with Aura of Purity up, everyone takes only 14 damage. Dr. Nimm is unaffected by the poison.

Reli goes down after the poisonous breath...

Leena: Reli! Nooo!

Leena then eyes the green dragon intensely.

Legendary Action!

The red seems to continue to try to wear down Xavier! He swings with yet another tail swipe! Clubbed again, Xavier takes another 9 damage.

You all are getting worn down. You better think of something and quick! Christopher, you go!



Leena (22)-HP: 62/144; Reli: 0/80
Mysterious Figure (19): 10 damage
Arcivus (18)-HP: 123/204
Xavier (17)-HP: 98/162 (280/300)
Black (10): 46 damage
Dr. Nimm (9)-HP: 25/183; Mr. Benson 0/80
Red (8): 62 damage
Green (6): 190 damage
Christopher (5)-HP: 29/143
White (3): 87 damage
Blue (2): uninjured

2016-04-22, 11:24 AM
"Stand strong, friends! Even though you may not all believe in him, Pelor believes in you and shines his blessings upon us all."

I'll cast Mass Cure Wounds at 8th level. 3d8 + 3d8 + + modifier (6 [proficiency] + WIS modifier) + 2+8 (Disciple Of Life). Total: 64 + my WIS modifier for myself and 54 + WIS modifier for others.

Edit: Changed error in modifiers. One meta question: if I spend my heal to bring Xavier's total up, will it spill over into his regular health pool? I plan on moving to include Reli in the healing, but I'll keep that in mind for next round.

2016-04-22, 12:01 PM
"Stand strong, friends! Even though you may not all believe in him, Pelor believes in you and shines his blessings upon us all."

I'll cast Mass Cure Wounds at 8th level. 3d8 + 3d8 + modifier (6 [proficiency] + WIS modifier) + 2+8 (Disciple Of Life). Total: 64 + my WIS modifier.

Mass Cure Wounds is 3d8+Wis modifier. At 8th level it adds 3d8. Blessed Healer does not apply, because I assume you are also healing yourself. Also, you do not add in the Proficiency Bonus. Disciple of Life and Supreme Healing work, however.

You can have up to 6 targets within range. You can include Arcivus, yourself, Nimm, Leena, and either Reli or Xavier, but not both. I did some 3-D math and they are about 70 feet away from one another and the spell only covers a 60 diameter max. Even if the point of origin is in an ideal place, you'll miss one of them.

You heal yourself 54 HP.

Everyone else gets healed 64 HP.

Let me know if this sounds about right and if you want to heal Xavier or Reli.