View Full Version : An Odd Gathering (weird 3.5/PF game)

2015-11-29, 11:16 PM
One of the people you are looking for is a woman named Adina Masyan. She is supposed to be somewhere in town. You are supposed to tell her "a debt is owed".

One part of the spell to restore your family to you is the web of a phase spider. You have heard reports of them being in the deep woods.

Time: High noon

Chance, duty, wanderlust, or a search for answers has led you to the small town of Oakhollow. It is a small, close-knit farming community at the edge of an ancient forest. You have come here in mid-autumn, with the harvest in full swing. It is Market Day, meaning the town square is crowded with merchant stalls and people looking to buy and sell goods. The scents of fresh-baked bread, apples, and roasting meats waft through the air.

some things of note:

-at the very edge of the trees there appears to be some kind of shrine. You can see two animal statues, and baskets of offerings.

-Along the road at the entrance of town there is another shrine. The statue is of a coiled snake. Coins, bracelets, pretty stones, and small wrapped bundles have been placed in a large wooden bowl. Every so often, a traveler throws one of those objects into the bowl.

Sometime during the night, the bowl was emptied.

-There is only one temple in the town, which has altars to most of the Norse Pantheon.

You can't help but notice some parallels between the depiction of Thor and classic depictions of Heronieus, or Sif and Yondalla.

-a series of brightly colored and decorated wagons camped in a circle just outside town. You can hear music and laughing if you approach. At the opening to the circle is a gentleman sitting in a chair.

-the Town Hall, which also serves as the Court. Currently a young lad stands upon a wooden crate and tries to shout over the general noise. You can make out the words "search", "Fair Maiden" and "reward".

-a Tavern called the Tipsy Toad has its doors thrown wide open and two barmaids offering drinks from a tapped keg. Above the door is a painted carving of a toad in a waistcoat with a flagon in its hand. You can hear raucous laughter from within.

-two young girls, neither more than age ten, are walking purposefully towards the edge of town. One is carrying a basket, the other is carrying a bucket. They appear to be heading towards the forest.

-There's a goblin hawking "Black Thunder": it's a blackish grey powder. Nobody is buying. Some people are actively avoiding the stall.

-A caravan is pulling into town with a large group of armed guards. They all have a crest or something embroidered on their tabards. It looks like a laurel of maple leaves.

Town Hall, serves as the courthouse and jail.
The Tipsy Toad
The Brownie's Barrel
The Kicking Cow
Ingrid's Enchantments
Wychwood wares, seems to be an exotic goods store.
Market Square, where many smaller merchants can be found.
Saverin's General Goods
Temple Rotunda
Mayor's House
Hammer and Anvil Smithy
Aelfric's Carpentry
Lumber Mill
Catalina's Textiles
Office of Tax and Trade
Swiftwind Travel and Deliveries, a coach and mail service

You can also find many other smaller services (Such as hunters, wilderness guides, herbalists, etc.) Many operate out of their homes rather than owning a shop or office.

What do you do from here, adventurers?

(( OOC Thread in case you can't find the link: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?466381-An-Odd-Gathering-OOC ))

2015-12-03, 01:15 PM
an obese man, tall as a goliath walks by the street, making holes on the dirt by virtue of his "weight"; while holding in his shoulder questionable meat and other wares.

a loud *gasp* echoes from the "man" as he looks at the huge town. He walks to the townhall to ask the young man a question, with a really weird accennt he states "excusee me lad, what do you say about a rewarrdd?"

2015-12-03, 01:17 PM
Scarlet, hearing some words about a missing maiden, heads to the town hall. Excuse me, she says. Is there anything I can do to help?

2015-12-04, 03:00 PM
You are more than welcome to simply state you overhear this particular conversation.

The boy stops and looks at both of you, nervously. It's clear he doesn't know what to make of you. Then he clears his throat. "The Duke's three daughters have been kidnapped! They are being held by a man who calls himself the Black Hand of Winter. He's holding them for ransom. The duke is willing to offer gold, title, or land to any hero strong enough to free his daughters, and a bounty of five thousand gold coins for the head of the villain."

Knowledge (History, Knowledge (Nobility), Spot, Listen, Perception

2015-12-04, 06:42 PM
[roll0] Knowledge History-I can do these untrained thanks to an invocation.

Do you have any more details? Such as where they're being held, or where he went, or anything? Scarlet asks.

Bad Wolf
2015-12-05, 01:23 AM
Willow turns itself invisible, and then follows the two girls, intending to scare them half to death. This could be fun, it thinks.

2015-12-05, 06:41 AM
Kitty, having set out with her sister in search of Adina, finds herself briefly distracted by the smell of fresh fish wafting from a barrel. It calls to her, like a sweet symphony.. a delicious, delicious symphony.. Oh well you know, people have hidden in worse places, she really much check every noon and cranny.. Kitty begins purring and rubbing against the barrel while sending Mr. Nibs to inquire of the fish barrel's owner regarding Adina's whereabouts. To her sister, she says "mew meow mew," which she will know to mean that she desires the milk which she has stowed in her haversack. She further gives an adorable pleading look which she will know to simply mean 'pleeeeeeeassseeee.'

Mr. Nibs flies to the window with a slight ruffling of feathers. "Excuse me" he says in surprisingly fluent common. "I am sorry to interrupt, I am a witch's familiar. My name is Mr. Nibs.. Yes, please could you tell me if you know about an Adina Masyan? My mistress would quite like to find her. Oh.. and how much do the fish cost?"

Kitty was rather fond of her pets. Mr. Nibs was particularly delightful- he didn't make too much of a fuss when Kitty gently nibbled his feathers.

2015-12-05, 06:53 AM
Foya glanced over at her sister. Some would think it was odd that a catgirl would be convinced a cat was her sister, but Foya ignored all the doubters. "Milk already? Well I suppose so. Give me a moment." She reached over to the haversack to retrieve it while Mr. Nibs did his thing. Despite being in what might be seen as a vulnerable position, Foya was ready to defend at a moment's notice. "Here you go, sister. Enjoy your milk."

2015-12-05, 11:39 AM
Kitty nodded with dignified appreciation and began lapping at the milk whilst purring contentedly.

2015-12-14, 10:35 AM
You can't think of anything specific about this name, but it sounds similar to you.
"After taking them, he rode off to the east. He demanded the ransom be sent to the old watchtower, there." He points off in the distance. If you squint, you can make out a reddish-brown shape and a halo of fog against the trees. "Be careful though. When he came through he was riding a big wolf covered in thorns, and had a guy with iron shoes and a red hat following him around."

Kitty and Foya:
The fishmonger looks a bit surprised to have a bird talking to her. "The fish are 5 copper a pound fresh, or 1 silver a pound for the smoked." She gives you a moment to decide on a purchase while she thinks about your other question. "Adina? The only Adina I know about round here is the fortune-teller from the carnival. She puts on quite a show. I went in to watch my cousin get her future told." The woman seems to have mistaken Foya for the master of Mr. Nibs.

The Girls don't notice you, but as you sneak up on them you can hear them talking. The younger one says "You think the faeries will come?"
The older one replies. "Of course they will! And if we catch one, we can make it give us a wish!"
"Will we get one wish each, or one wish for both of us?"
"Well if we only get one wish, then we'll have to catch another fairy!"

Bad Wolf
2015-12-20, 07:48 PM
"Faeries? Now this could be interesting... Flying up to get a bird's-eye view of the forest, Willow noted the path that the girls were going, finding a clearing that was most likely in their way. It flew down to the middle of the clearing, stopping at five feet above the ground. It turned itself visible and then waited for the two girls.

2015-12-20, 09:36 PM

When you get a bird's eye view of the forest, you notice the girls are going to a clearing near the edge. You see a very overgrown path leading northeast-ish. The girls start setting up in a spot where there looks to be some kind of bare patch.
make me a perception check really quick.

The girls continue bantering about what their wish should be as they get their "fairy trap" together. They pull a bowl and small pot of honey. The older one pours the milk and honey into the bowl. Then the little one mixes it up. Then they go try to hide behind a few bushes nearby.

The first few ideas are exactly what a pair of impulsive pre-pubescent girls would be wishing for. A house made of cake, a magic pony, a prince to take them and their Nanna away...

((They haven't the slightest clue you're there, and entirely absorbed in what they are doing. If you're going to scare them, this would be your chance. Otherwise, you can continue watching them.))

2015-12-20, 10:18 PM
The man makes a slight grin and talks to the boy, moving his foots from time to time as to not leave them in the same place for too long. "alrightyy mister-r, me and my pal over-r here will try and handle the issue, donīt yooouuu worry." he said giving a little slap in the back to scarlet as he walked off towards the tipsy toad while talking to her "come with mee... my nameīs Ichabood"

2015-12-20, 10:29 PM
Scarlet backs away a little at the slap, but nods. Yes. We'll... I'll handle it.