View Full Version : OotA NPC Help

2015-12-01, 12:01 AM
Hello! I'm trying to gather all the information on the NPCs that travel with the party throughout the first half of the book. I've gathered some information so far, some from a document linked to these forums already and some from my own research.

What I'd like is the page that any of the following characters are mentioned:

Buppido, Sarith Kzekarit, Jimjar, Shuushar the Awakened, Ront, Eldeth Feldrun, Prince Derendil, Stool, Topsy & Turvy, Hemeth, Glabbagool, and Rumpadump. Plus any others that I may have missed.

Here's what I have so far:

Male derro
Languages: Undercommon
Equip: Studded Leather, dagger
Guide: to Gracklstugh via southern route or Darklake
Suggest: Gracklstugh to acquire better equipment
• Wants to rejoin his people in Gracklstugh (pg 6, 51)
• Believes he is the living incarnation of the derro god Diinkarazan (p 6)
• Believes he is immortal (p 6)
• Plans to murder the party one-by-one as divine offerings (p 6, 17)
• Gracklstugh: If arriving by Darklake, Buppido can guide the party safely to a quiet dock (pg 51)
• Can tell players that Gorglak is corrupt (p 58)
• Abandons the party once they reach Gracklstugh, at first opportunity (pg 71)
• Escape Underdark: If still with the party when they escape the underdark, he may go mad and attack the party outright (p 117)

Sarith Kzekarit
Male drow
Languages: Undercommon, Elvish
Equip: chain shirt, short sword, hand crossbow
Guide: can navigate all of Underdark but not necessarily willing (may be deceptive)
Suggest: Neverlight Grove to accept Stool’s offer of sanctuary
• tainted with spores from myconids corrupted by Zugtmoy, the Demo Queen of Fungi (p 7)
• desire to visit Neverlight Grove due to spore taint (p 18)
• did murder a drow warrior, in a fit of madness but doesn’t remember (p 7)
• Gracklstugh: Resists going at first, but spores cause him to change his mind (p 51)
• During the Parade of Fools, Sarith acts erratically, both trying to get away (and warn the PCs away) while also being driven forward by the spores (p 72)
• At the end of Parade of Fools, Sarith joins the parade (with a look of terror on his face) (p 72)
• Neverlight Grove: Sarith encourages PCs to parley with the sovereign (p 88)
• He becomes a drow spore servant in battle with Yestabrod (p 91)
• Escape Underdark: Sarith may go mad and attack the party when they leave the Underdark (p 117)

Male svirfneblin spy
Languages: Common, Undercommon
Equip: studded leather, dagger, short sword, hand crossbow
Guide: to Blingdenstone via north route
Suggest: Blingdenstone can provide access to surface
• Is fine with visiting other interesting places, including returning Stool to Neverlight Grove (p 18)
• Feels something is odd about Topsy & Turvy but does not say so unless asked (p 7)
• Gracklstugh: Can tell players that Gorglak is corrupt (p 58)
• Can tell players about Kazook Pickshine, the gnome alchemist (p 63)
• Blingdenstone: Can guide the PCs to the Whiteshell Mine (p 100)
• Escape Underdark: No mention of what happens to Jimjar, he probably stays behind.

Shuushar the Awakened
Male kuo-toa
Languages: Undercommon
Equip: shield
Guide: Darklake
Suggest: west passage toward Sloobludop to acquire boats for Darklake, possible trading opportunities; Says drow are reluctant to provoke the kuo-toa needlessly
• wants to go to Sluoobludop to spread his enlightenment to his people (p 18)
• Sloobludop: May be considered a heritic or a holy man depending on the individual (p 44)
• He does not recognize his fellow Kuo-Toa’s religious obsessions, calling them “dangerous illusions.” (p 44-45)
• Escape Underdark: He wishes to remain in the Underdark, will leave the party (p 117)
• Back to the Underdark: if Shuushar survived the first half of the book, he’ll be found in ruined Sloobludop as a mediator. (p 147)

Male orc (Iceshield tribe)
Languages: Orc, some Common
Equip: studded leather, shield, short sword (would prefer hide armor, great axe, javelin)
Guide: none
Suggest: wants to return to the surface world
• threatens and bullies unless stood up to (p 7)
• Knuckles under to authority and threats (p 7)
• Hates Eldeth (p 7)
• Escape Underdark: Leaves the party once they’re on the surface (p 117)

Eldeth Feldrun
Female shield dwarf scout
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Equip: studded leather, short sword, hand crossbow (or her Warhammer and shield?)
Guide: none
Suggest: wants to get home to Gauntlgrym
• She will ask a trusted party member to carry word of her fate (and Warhammer and shield, if recovered) back to Gauntlgrym in case of her death (p 6)
• Establishes a connection to Gauntlgrym; if PCs bring either her or her Warhammer & shield back to the city, their reputation is enhanced. (p 121)

Prince Derendil
Male quaggoth
Languages: Undercommon, Elvish
Equip: none
Guide: none
Suggest: Wants to go to the surface world to return to Nelrindenvane
• Not really a prince, just mad due to the demon lord Fraz-Urb’luu (p 6)
• Nelrindenvane doesn’t exist (p 6)
• If proof of his madness is shown, he goes into a murderous rage (p 6)
• Silken Path: Derendil can make a DC 15 Cha check to turn quogoth slaves against their drow masters. (p 32)
• Escape Underdark: Derendil prefers to go to the surface, where he increasingly goes mad, sees enemies and plots everywhere, and eventually turns on the PCs. (p 117).

Myconid Sprout
Languages: telepathy only
Equip: none
Guide: none
Suggest: wants to return home to Neverlight Grove; claims its people will be grateful and offer shelter and aid; describes its sovereign as wise in the hidden ways of the Underdark (p 18)
• Captured by Sarith Kzekarit (p 7)
• Lonely and Afraid (p 7)
• Gracklstugh – Parade of Fools: Stool will point out that myconids do not dance (p 72)
• Stool can introduce Rumpadump (p 72)
• Stool does not know about “The Lady” (aka Zuggtmoy) and will say as much (p 72)
• Neverlight Grove: Greatly disturbed by the changes in Neverlight Grove (p 84)
• Drawn toward Basidia (p 84)
• PCs gain better trust with Sovereign Phylo is Stool is with the party. (p 88)
• Stool can tell that Basidia and Phylo are at odds (p 88)
• Stool will say the population increase is unusual (p 90)
• If PCs never learn of Zuggtmoy, Stool can provide info (p 94)
• Escape Underdark: Stool stays behind (p 117)
• Fetid Wedding: Stool offers support and asks PCs to intervene. (p 209)

Topsy & Turvy
Female & Male svirf. wererats
Languages: Gnomish, Undercommon
Equip: chainshirt, hand crossbow
Guide: Blingdenstone (reluctantly)
Suggest: anywhere else (P 18)
• They are wererats, have not embraced it, and fear what allies might do if they realize (p 8)
• When they feel safe, they will strike out on their own (p 18)
• They find Jimjar annoying (p 6)
• Gracklstugh: They can tell the PCs that Gorglak is corrupt (p 58)
• They can provide basic info on Kazook Pickshine the alchemist (p 63)
• Blingdenstone: They do their best to conceal their lycanthropy if it is not already known(p 97)
• If decision is made to go to Blingdenstone, they may come clean or leave the party. (p 97)
• They can be a guide to Whiteshell Mine (p 100)
• Can smooth entrance into Blingdenstone (p 101)
• When they learn about the wererat community, they want to learn more (p 106)
• If either is with the PC, Chipgrin welcomes the PCs to the Goldwhisker clan (p 111)
• Escape Underdark: the twins stay (p 117)

Male duergar
Languages: Undercommon
Equip: None
Guide: Darklake, Gracklstugh
Joins Party: Darklake Offering (p 48)

Awakened Gelatinous Cube
Languages: Telepathy
Equip: None
Guide: None
Joins Party: Oozing Temple (p 35)
• Genuinely curious about the world (p 35)
• Other oozes won’t attack it (p 35)
• Can easily escape Oozing Temple (p 37)
• Blingdenstone: the Svirfbeblin do not want it in their city (p 100)
• It will protect the PCs from other cubes (p 103)
• It may leave the party to join other oozes (p 112)
• If it joined the party, then it serves as an ally for the PCs in the battle for Blingdenstone, whether or not it is with the party during the battle (p 114)
• Escape Underdark: It prefers to stay in the Underdark (p 117)

Myconid Sprout
Languages: Telepathy
Equip: ???
Guide: Neverlight Grove
Joins Party: Gracklstugh Parade of Fools (p 72)
• Gracklstugh: More likely to help PCs if Stool is present (p 72)
• Neverlight Grove: Sovereign Phylo is more likely to help PCs if he is with the party
• Expresses concern over corrupted spores (p 84)
• He can tell that the harmony is off between Basidia and Phylo (p 88)
• If PCs learn nothing of Zuggtmoy, Rumpadump can inform them (p 88)
• Can inform PCs that myconids population growth is unusual (p 90)
• Escape Underdark: Rumpadump prefers to stay (p 117)
• Fetid Wedding: Rumpadump supports the PCs and asks them to fix the demon problem (p 209)

Again, I'm looking for any page that these NPCs are mentioned in the book (plus any other NPCs that join the party before they leave the Underdark for the first time).


2015-12-01, 09:04 AM
I should add that I'm particularly interested in mentions of the last three: Hemeth, Glabbagool, and Rumpadump.

2015-12-01, 04:59 PM
Ront also respects the PC's if they show themselves to be strong. And may stay with them even on the surface if he respects them enough.

2015-12-01, 06:04 PM
I should add that I'm particularly interested in mentions of the last three: Hemeth, Glabbagool, and Rumpadump.

Hemeth is only mentioned a few times. The initial encounter with him and then twice in the Gracklestugh entry where it says only that Hemeth knows certain things about the city and passes that information along, like that the guards are acting strangely. That's pretty much it. He's very much a throwaway NPC and I think he was only included in order to get the PC's from Sloobludop to Gracklestugh.

2015-12-01, 06:07 PM
Thanks! Any chance you have page numbers for those? Otherwise I'll try to find them.

2015-12-01, 06:56 PM
I'm away from the book at the moment, but I believe one of the random encounters for traveling in the Underdark is more escaped slaves. These get to be your typical random assortment that you can do whatever with, but it may also mean that you'll be adding them to the party. My advice would be to just pre-generate some random names and minor personality traits for about 6 of them and give them a place to part ways. Perhaps they'll perish in Sloobludoop or be captured in Gracklstugh? Or maybe they have friends or family nearby and all they need is some guidance to the nearest settlement? It's really up to you.

2015-12-01, 08:07 PM
Random things you didn't mention:

Has a lair in Gracklestugh and is a mini-boss battle once the party comes across it. Opens the quest to find the the ring finger of Pelek, which is found in the tunnels of Grackle and ends in Blingdenstone.

Acts as a quest hook for the second half of the campaign, if one doesn't already exist.

actually some sort of god/demi god that gives a rally speech and some help right before a climactic battle in chapter 15. Will come back to life if he "died" to do so.

Stool's personality, once he trusts the party, is that of an enthusiastic and curious child. He's talkative and wants to know about everything. Rumpadump is a little more reserved and less trusting.

Most NPCs, if they survived the first half, are still alive in their civilization in the second half, influencing them as you see fit.

2015-12-01, 08:49 PM
Thanks! Any chance you have page numbers for those? Otherwise I'll try to find them.

Not really worth mentioning but 48 & 50. That's all I can find. Even then, still not worth adding in.

As for Jimjar, that thing about him coming back is only if you like dues ex machina. Otherwise it's not meant to be part of the story.

2015-12-01, 08:54 PM
I'm away from the book at the moment, but I believe one of the random encounters for traveling in the Underdark is more escaped slaves. These get to be your typical random assortment that you can do whatever with, but it may also mean that you'll be adding them to the party. My advice would be to just pre-generate some random names and minor personality traits for about 6 of them and give them a place to part ways. Perhaps they'll perish in Sloobludoop or be captured in Gracklstugh? Or maybe they have friends or family nearby and all they need is some guidance to the nearest settlement? It's really up to you.

That's also a good source of victims for Buppido.

2015-12-01, 10:51 PM
There are a few more possible companions as well:

Yuk Yuk and Spiderbait, the Webwalkers are encountered in the Silken Path. Besides being guides for the Silken Path, there isn't much info on them.

Fargas Rumblefoot might be found poisoned and cocooned in the Silken Path. He was looking for the Lost Tomb of Khaem, and offers to lead the party there.

The sword Dawnbrigner is intelligent and might count as an NPC.

Sladis Vadir, Rystia Zav, Zilchyn “Zilch” Q’Leptin, and Peebles can all be found in Mantol-Derith (chapter 9).

Amarith Coppervein is a friend of Sladis that will join the party.

Ougalop is a kua'toa that the book says has no itnerest in joining the party, but he seems fun so I might change that myself.

Khalessa Draga will join the group after warning them not to go to Menzobarenzan in chapter 10. If they go ahead anyways, they might be able to save Aljanor Keenblade, who will at least join their expedition, if not the party.

The party may also end up with hook horror eggs, basilisk eggs, and/or a red dragon egg.

I've created cards for each, as part of a campanion system I built, here (I'll be adding a few more in a bit): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?459858-NPC-Companion-System-Idea